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2014-01-10 15:05:54 +01:00
// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
#![crate_name = "rustdoc"]
#![desc = "rustdoc, the Rust documentation extractor"]
#![license = "MIT/ASL2"]
#![crate_type = "dylib"]
#![crate_type = "rlib"]
#![feature(globs, struct_variant, managed_boxes, macro_rules, phase)]
extern crate debug;
extern crate getopts;
extern crate libc;
extern crate rustc;
extern crate serialize;
extern crate syntax;
2014-02-14 02:49:11 +01:00
extern crate testing = "test";
2014-02-20 04:08:12 +01:00
extern crate time;
2014-06-12 03:47:09 +02:00
#[phase(plugin, link)] extern crate log;
2013-11-11 07:46:32 +01:00
use std::io;
use std::io::{File, MemWriter};
2014-05-16 19:15:33 +02:00
use std::gc::Gc;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use serialize::{json, Decodable, Encodable};
use externalfiles::ExternalHtml;
// reexported from `clean` so it can be easily updated with the mod itself
pub use clean::SCHEMA_VERSION;
pub mod clean;
pub mod core;
pub mod doctree;
pub mod externalfiles;
pub mod fold;
pub mod html {
pub mod highlight;
pub mod escape;
pub mod item_type;
pub mod format;
pub mod layout;
pub mod markdown;
pub mod render;
pub mod toc;
pub mod markdown;
pub mod passes;
pub mod plugins;
pub mod stability_summary;
pub mod visit_ast;
pub mod test;
mod flock;
type Pass = (&'static str, // name
fn(clean::Crate) -> plugins::PluginResult, // fn
&'static str); // description
static PASSES: &'static [Pass] = &[
("strip-hidden", passes::strip_hidden,
"strips all doc(hidden) items from the output"),
("unindent-comments", passes::unindent_comments,
"removes excess indentation on comments in order for markdown to like it"),
("collapse-docs", passes::collapse_docs,
"concatenates all document attributes into one document attribute"),
("strip-private", passes::strip_private,
"strips all private items from a crate which cannot be seen externally"),
static DEFAULT_PASSES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
2013-09-24 23:09:11 +02:00
2014-05-16 19:15:33 +02:00
local_data_key!(pub ctxtkey: Gc<core::DocContext>)
local_data_key!(pub analysiskey: core::CrateAnalysis)
type Output = (clean::Crate, Vec<plugins::PluginJson> );
2012-11-19 02:56:50 +01:00
pub fn main() {
pub fn opts() -> Vec<getopts::OptGroup> {
use getopts::*;
optflag("h", "help", "show this help message"),
optflagopt("", "version", "print rustdoc's version", "verbose"),
optopt("r", "input-format", "the input type of the specified file",
optopt("w", "output-format", "the output type to write",
optopt("o", "output", "where to place the output", "PATH"),
optopt("", "crate-name", "specify the name of this crate", "NAME"),
optmulti("L", "library-path", "directory to add to crate search path",
optmulti("", "cfg", "pass a --cfg to rustc", ""),
optmulti("", "extern", "pass an --extern to rustc", "NAME=PATH"),
optmulti("", "plugin-path", "directory to load plugins from", "DIR"),
optmulti("", "passes", "space separated list of passes to also run, a \
value of `list` will print available passes",
optmulti("", "plugins", "space separated list of plugins to also load",
optflag("", "no-defaults", "don't run the default passes"),
optflag("", "test", "run code examples as tests"),
optmulti("", "test-args", "arguments to pass to the test runner",
optopt("", "target", "target triple to document", "TRIPLE"),
optmulti("", "markdown-css", "CSS files to include via <link> in a rendered Markdown file",
optmulti("", "html-in-header",
"files to include inline in the <head> section of a rendered Markdown file \
or generated documentation",
optmulti("", "html-before-content",
"files to include inline between <body> and the content of a rendered \
Markdown file or generated documentation",
optmulti("", "html-after-content",
"files to include inline between the content and </body> of a rendered \
Markdown file or generated documentation",
optopt("", "markdown-playground-url",
"URL to send code snippets to", "URL"),
optflag("", "markdown-no-toc", "don't include table of contents")
pub fn usage(argv0: &str) {
getopts::usage(format!("{} [options] <input>", argv0).as_slice(),
2012-11-19 02:56:50 +01:00
pub fn main_args(args: &[String]) -> int {
let matches = match getopts::getopts(args.tail(), opts().as_slice()) {
2014-01-10 15:05:54 +01:00
Ok(m) => m,
Err(err) => {
println!("{}", err);
2014-01-10 15:05:54 +01:00
return 1;
if matches.opt_present("h") || matches.opt_present("help") {
return 0;
} else if matches.opt_present("version") {
match rustc::driver::version("rustdoc", &matches) {
Some(err) => {
println!("{}", err);
return 1
None => return 0
2012-11-19 02:56:50 +01:00
if matches.opt_strs("passes").as_slice() == &["list".to_string()] {
println!("Available passes for running rustdoc:");
for &(name, _, description) in PASSES.iter() {
println!("{:>20s} - {}", name, description);
println!("{}", "\nDefault passes for rustdoc:"); // FIXME: #9970
for &name in DEFAULT_PASSES.iter() {
println!("{:>20s}", name);
return 0;
if == 0 {
println!("expected an input file to act on");
return 1;
} if > 1 {
println!("only one input file may be specified");
return 1;
2014-07-15 01:37:25 +02:00
let input =[0].as_slice();
let libs = matches.opt_strs("L").iter().map(|s| Path::new(s.as_slice())).collect();
let externs = match parse_externs(&matches) {
Ok(ex) => ex,
Err(err) => {
println!("{}", err);
return 1;
let test_args = matches.opt_strs("test-args");
let test_args: Vec<String> = test_args.iter()
.flat_map(|s| s.as_slice().words())
.map(|s| s.to_string())
let should_test = matches.opt_present("test");
let markdown_input = input.ends_with(".md") || input.ends_with(".markdown");
let output = matches.opt_str("o").map(|s| Path::new(s));
let cfgs = matches.opt_strs("cfg");
let external_html = match ExternalHtml::load(
matches.opt_strs("html-after-content").as_slice()) {
Some(eh) => eh,
None => return 3
let crate_name = matches.opt_str("crate-name");
match (should_test, markdown_input) {
(true, true) => {
return markdown::test(input, libs, externs, test_args)
(true, false) => {
return test::run(input, cfgs, libs, externs, test_args, crate_name)
(false, true) => return markdown::render(input, output.unwrap_or(Path::new("doc")),
&matches, &external_html,
(false, false) => {}
let (krate, res) = match acquire_input(input, externs, &matches) {
Ok(pair) => pair,
Err(s) => {
println!("input error: {}", s);
return 1;
info!("going to format");
let started = time::precise_time_ns();
match matches.opt_str("w").as_ref().map(|s| s.as_slice()) {
Some("html") | None => {
match html::render::run(krate, &external_html, output.unwrap_or(Path::new("doc"))) {
2014-01-30 20:30:21 +01:00
Ok(()) => {}
Err(e) => fail!("failed to generate documentation: {}", e),
Some("json") => {
match json_output(krate, res, output.unwrap_or(Path::new("doc.json"))) {
2014-01-30 20:30:21 +01:00
Ok(()) => {}
Err(e) => fail!("failed to write json: {}", e),
Some(s) => {
println!("unknown output format: {}", s);
return 1;
let ended = time::precise_time_ns();
info!("Took {:.03f}s", (ended as f64 - started as f64) / 1e9f64);
return 0;
/// Looks inside the command line arguments to extract the relevant input format
/// and files and then generates the necessary rustdoc output for formatting.
fn acquire_input(input: &str,
externs: core::Externs,
matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<Output, String> {
match matches.opt_str("r").as_ref().map(|s| s.as_slice()) {
Some("rust") => Ok(rust_input(input, externs, matches)),
Some("json") => json_input(input),
Some(s) => Err(format!("unknown input format: {}", s)),
None => {
if input.ends_with(".json") {
} else {
Ok(rust_input(input, externs, matches))
/// Extracts `--extern CRATE=PATH` arguments from `matches` and
/// returns a `HashMap` mapping crate names to their paths or else an
/// error message.
fn parse_externs(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<core::Externs, String> {
let mut externs = HashMap::new();
for arg in matches.opt_strs("extern").iter() {
let mut parts = arg.as_slice().splitn('=', 1);
let name = match {
Some(s) => s,
None => {
return Err("--extern value must not be empty".to_string());
let location = match {
Some(s) => s,
None => {
return Err("--extern value must be of the format `foo=bar`".to_string());
let locs = externs.find_or_insert(name.to_string(), Vec::new());
/// Interprets the input file as a rust source file, passing it through the
/// compiler all the way through the analysis passes. The rustdoc output is then
/// generated from the cleaned AST of the crate.
/// This form of input will run all of the plug/cleaning passes
fn rust_input(cratefile: &str, externs: core::Externs, matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Output {
let mut default_passes = !matches.opt_present("no-defaults");
let mut passes = matches.opt_strs("passes");
let mut plugins = matches.opt_strs("plugins");
2012-11-19 02:56:50 +01:00
// First, parse the crate and extract all relevant information.
let libs: Vec<Path> = matches.opt_strs("L")
.map(|s| Path::new(s.as_slice()))
let cfgs = matches.opt_strs("cfg");
let triple = matches.opt_str("target");
let cr = Path::new(cratefile);
info!("starting to run rustc");
let (mut krate, analysis) = std::task::try(proc() {
let cr = cr;
}).map_err(|boxed_any|format!("{:?}", boxed_any)).unwrap();
info!("finished with rustc");
match matches.opt_str("crate-name") {
Some(name) => = name,
None => {}
// Process all of the crate attributes, extracting plugin metadata along
// with the passes which we are supposed to run.
match krate.module.get_ref().doc_list() {
Some(nested) => {
for inner in nested.iter() {
match *inner {
clean::Word(ref x)
if "no_default_passes" == x.as_slice() => {
default_passes = false;
clean::NameValue(ref x, ref value)
if "passes" == x.as_slice() => {
for pass in value.as_slice().words() {
clean::NameValue(ref x, ref value)
if "plugins" == x.as_slice() => {
for p in value.as_slice().words() {
_ => {}
None => {}
if default_passes {
Deprecate the rev_iter pattern in all places where a DoubleEndedIterator is provided (everywhere but treemap) This commit deprecates rev_iter, mut_rev_iter, move_rev_iter everywhere (except treemap) and also deprecates related functions like rsplit, rev_components, and rev_str_components. In every case, these functions can be replaced with the non-reversed form followed by a call to .rev(). To make this more concrete, a translation table for all functional changes necessary follows: * container.rev_iter() -> container.iter().rev() * container.mut_rev_iter() -> container.mut_iter().rev() * container.move_rev_iter() -> container.move_iter().rev() * sliceorstr.rsplit(sep) -> sliceorstr.split(sep).rev() * path.rev_components() -> path.components().rev() * path.rev_str_components() -> path.str_components().rev() In terms of the type system, this change also deprecates any specialized reversed iterator types (except in treemap), opting instead to use Rev directly if any type annotations are needed. However, since methods directly returning reversed iterators are now discouraged, the need for such annotations should be small. However, in those cases, the general pattern for conversion is to take whatever follows Rev in the original reversed name and surround it with Rev<>: * RevComponents<'a> -> Rev<Components<'a>> * RevStrComponents<'a> -> Rev<StrComponents<'a>> * RevItems<'a, T> -> Rev<Items<'a, T>> * etc. The reasoning behind this change is that it makes the standard API much simpler without reducing readability, performance, or power. The presence of functions such as rev_iter adds more boilerplate code to libraries (all of which simply call .iter().rev()), clutters up the documentation, and only helps code by saving two characters. Additionally, the numerous type synonyms that were used to make the type signatures look nice like RevItems add even more boilerplate and clutter up the docs even more. With this change, all that cruft goes away. [breaking-change]
2014-04-21 06:59:12 +02:00
for name in DEFAULT_PASSES.iter().rev() {
passes.insert(0, name.to_string());
2012-11-19 02:56:50 +01:00
// Load all plugins/passes into a PluginManager
let path = matches.opt_str("plugin-path")
let mut pm = plugins::PluginManager::new(Path::new(path));
for pass in passes.iter() {
let plugin = match PASSES.iter()
.position(|&(p, _, _)| {
p == pass.as_slice()
}) {
Some(i) => PASSES[i].val1(),
None => {
error!("unknown pass {}, skipping", *pass);
info!("loading plugins...");
for pname in plugins.move_iter() {
2012-11-19 02:56:50 +01:00
// Run everything!
info!("Executing passes/plugins");
return pm.run_plugins(krate);
2012-11-19 02:56:50 +01:00
/// This input format purely deserializes the json output file. No passes are
/// run over the deserialized output.
fn json_input(input: &str) -> Result<Output, String> {
2013-12-31 02:17:45 +01:00
let mut input = match File::open(&Path::new(input)) {
2014-01-30 20:30:21 +01:00
Ok(f) => f,
Err(e) => {
return Err(format!("couldn't open {}: {}", input, e))
2013-12-31 02:17:45 +01:00
match json::from_reader(&mut input) {
Err(s) => Err(s.to_string()),
Ok(json::Object(obj)) => {
let mut obj = obj;
// Make sure the schema is what we expect
match obj.pop(&"schema".to_string()) {
Some(json::String(version)) => {
if version.as_slice() != SCHEMA_VERSION {
return Err(format!(
"sorry, but I only understand version {}",
Some(..) => return Err("malformed json".to_string()),
None => return Err("expected a schema version".to_string()),
let krate = match obj.pop(&"crate".to_string()) {
Some(json) => {
let mut d = json::Decoder::new(json);
2014-03-29 01:05:46 +01:00
Decodable::decode(&mut d).unwrap()
None => return Err("malformed json".to_string()),
// FIXME: this should read from the "plugins" field, but currently
// Json doesn't implement decodable...
let plugin_output = Vec::new();
Ok((krate, plugin_output))
Ok(..) => {
Err("malformed json input: expected an object at the \
2012-11-19 02:56:50 +01:00
/// Outputs the crate/plugin json as a giant json blob at the specified
/// destination.
fn json_output(krate: clean::Crate, res: Vec<plugins::PluginJson> ,
2014-01-30 20:30:21 +01:00
dst: Path) -> io::IoResult<()> {
// {
// "schema": version,
// "crate": { parsed crate ... },
// "plugins": { output of plugins ... }
// }
2014-06-28 19:28:29 +02:00
let mut json = std::collections::TreeMap::new();
json.insert("schema".to_string(), json::String(SCHEMA_VERSION.to_string()));
let plugins_json = res.move_iter()
.filter_map(|opt| {
match opt {
None => None,
Some((string, json)) => {
Some((string.to_string(), json))
2014-06-28 19:28:29 +02:00
// FIXME #8335: yuck, Rust -> str -> JSON round trip! No way to .encode
// straight to the Rust JSON representation.
let crate_json_str = {
2013-11-30 06:26:03 +01:00
let mut w = MemWriter::new();
let mut encoder = json::Encoder::new(&mut w as &mut io::Writer);
2014-03-29 01:05:46 +01:00
krate.encode(&mut encoder).unwrap();
2013-11-30 06:26:03 +01:00
let crate_json = match json::from_str(crate_json_str.as_slice()) {
Ok(j) => j,
Err(e) => fail!("Rust generated JSON is invalid: {:?}", e)
2012-11-19 02:56:50 +01:00
json.insert("crate".to_string(), crate_json);
json.insert("plugins".to_string(), json::Object(plugins_json));
let mut file = try!(File::create(&dst));
2014-06-28 19:28:29 +02:00
json::Object(json).to_writer(&mut file)
2012-11-19 02:56:50 +01:00