Make mutability no longer a type constructor
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ type effect =
type mutability =
| MUT_immutable
type name_base =
BASE_ident of ident
| BASE_temp of temp_id
@ -187,9 +192,9 @@ and ty_obj = (effect * ((ident,ty_fn) Hashtbl.t))
and check_calls = (lval * (atom array)) array
and rec_input = (ident * atom)
and rec_input = (ident * mutability * atom)
and tup_input = atom
and tup_input = (mutability * atom)
and stmt' =
@ -197,11 +202,11 @@ and stmt' =
STMT_spawn of (lval * domain * lval * (atom array))
| STMT_init_rec of (lval * (rec_input array) * lval option)
| STMT_init_tup of (lval * (tup_input array))
| STMT_init_vec of (lval * atom array)
| STMT_init_vec of (lval * mutability * atom array)
| STMT_init_str of (lval * string)
| STMT_init_port of lval
| STMT_init_chan of (lval * (lval option))
| STMT_init_box of (lval * atom)
| STMT_init_box of (lval * mutability * atom)
| STMT_copy of (lval * expr)
| STMT_copy_binop of (lval * binop * atom)
| STMT_call of (lval * lval * (atom array))
@ -1018,7 +1023,8 @@ and fmt_stmt_body (ff:Format.formatter) (s:stmt) : unit =
if i != 0
then fmt ff ", ";
let (ident, atom) = entries.(i) in
let (ident, mutability, atom) = entries.(i) in
if mutability = MUT_mutable then fmt ff "mutable ";
fmt_ident ff ident;
fmt ff " = ";
fmt_atom ff atom;
@ -1032,9 +1038,11 @@ and fmt_stmt_body (ff:Format.formatter) (s:stmt) : unit =
fmt ff ");"
| STMT_init_vec (dst, atoms) ->
| STMT_init_vec (dst, mutability, atoms) ->
fmt_lval ff dst;
fmt ff " = vec(";
fmt ff " = vec";
if mutability = MUT_mutable then fmt ff "[mutable]";
fmt ff "(";
for i = 0 to (Array.length atoms) - 1
if i != 0
@ -1050,7 +1058,9 @@ and fmt_stmt_body (ff:Format.formatter) (s:stmt) : unit =
if i != 0
then fmt ff ", ";
fmt_atom ff entries.(i);
let (mutability, atom) = entries.(i) in
if mutability = MUT_mutable then fmt ff "mutable ";
fmt_atom ff atom;
fmt ff ");";
@ -1166,9 +1176,10 @@ and fmt_stmt_body (ff:Format.formatter) (s:stmt) : unit =
fmt_lval ff t;
fmt ff ";"
| STMT_init_box (lv, at) ->
| STMT_init_box (lv, mutability, at) ->
fmt_lval ff lv;
fmt ff " = @@";
if mutability = MUT_mutable then fmt ff " mutable ";
fmt_atom ff at;
fmt ff ";"
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ type pexp' =
PEXP_call of (pexp * pexp array)
| PEXP_spawn of (Ast.domain * pexp)
| PEXP_bind of (pexp * pexp option array)
| PEXP_rec of ((Ast.ident * pexp) array * pexp option)
| PEXP_tup of (pexp array)
| PEXP_vec of (pexp array)
| PEXP_rec of ((Ast.ident * Ast.mutability * pexp) array * pexp option)
| PEXP_tup of ((Ast.mutability * pexp) array)
| PEXP_vec of Ast.mutability * (pexp array)
| PEXP_port
| PEXP_chan of (pexp option)
| PEXP_binop of (Ast.binop * pexp * pexp)
@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ type pexp' =
| PEXP_lval of plval
| PEXP_lit of Ast.lit
| PEXP_str of string
| PEXP_mutable of pexp
| PEXP_box of pexp
| PEXP_box of Ast.mutability * pexp
| PEXP_custom of * (pexp array) * (string option)
and plval =
@ -177,6 +176,11 @@ and parse_effect (ps:pstate) : Ast.effect =
| UNSAFE -> bump ps; Ast.UNSAFE
| _ -> Ast.PURE
and parse_mutability (ps:pstate) : Ast.mutability =
match peek ps with
MUTABLE -> bump ps; Ast.MUT_mutable
| _ -> Ast.MUT_immutable
and parse_ty_fn
@ -421,13 +425,14 @@ and parse_ty (ps:pstate) : Ast.ty =
parse_constrained_ty ps
and parse_rec_input (ps:pstate) : (Ast.ident * pexp) =
and parse_rec_input (ps:pstate) : (Ast.ident * Ast.mutability * pexp) =
let mutability = parse_mutability ps in
let lab = (ctxt "rec input: label" parse_ident ps) in
match peek ps with
EQ ->
bump ps;
let pexp = ctxt "rec input: expr" parse_pexp ps in
(lab, pexp)
(lab, mutability, pexp)
| _ -> raise (unexpected ps)
@ -439,7 +444,7 @@ and parse_rec_body (ps:pstate) : pexp' = (*((Ast.ident * pexp) array) =*)
| WITH -> raise (err "empty record extension" ps)
| _ ->
let inputs = one_or_more COMMA parse_rec_input ps in
let labels = (fun (l, _) -> l) inputs in
let labels = (fun (l, _, _) -> l) inputs in
check_dup_rec_labels ps labels;
match peek ps with
@ -472,21 +477,18 @@ and parse_bottom_pexp (ps:pstate) : pexp =
let apos = lexpos ps in
match peek ps with
AT ->
bump ps;
let mutability = parse_mutability ps in
let inner = parse_pexp ps in
let bpos = lexpos ps in
span ps apos bpos (PEXP_mutable inner)
| AT ->
bump ps;
let inner = parse_pexp ps in
let bpos = lexpos ps in
span ps apos bpos (PEXP_box inner)
span ps apos bpos (PEXP_box (mutability, inner))
| TUP ->
bump ps;
let pexps = ctxt "paren pexps(s)" (rstr false parse_pexp_list) ps in
let pexps =
ctxt "paren pexps(s)" (rstr false parse_mutable_and_pexp_list) ps
let bpos = lexpos ps in
span ps apos bpos (PEXP_tup pexps)
@ -498,11 +500,18 @@ and parse_bottom_pexp (ps:pstate) : pexp =
| VEC ->
bump ps;
let pexps = ctxt "vec pexp: exprs" parse_pexp_list ps in
let bpos = lexpos ps in
span ps apos bpos (PEXP_vec pexps)
let mutability =
match peek ps with
bump ps;
expect ps MUTABLE;
expect ps RBRACKET;
| _ -> Ast.MUT_immutable
let pexps = ctxt "vec pexp: exprs" parse_pexp_list ps in
let bpos = lexpos ps in
span ps apos bpos (PEXP_vec (mutability, pexps))
| LIT_STR s ->
@ -947,6 +956,9 @@ and parse_as_pexp (ps:pstate) : pexp =
and parse_pexp (ps:pstate) : pexp =
parse_as_pexp ps
and parse_mutable_and_pexp (ps:pstate) : (Ast.mutability * pexp) =
let mutability = parse_mutability ps in
(mutability, parse_as_pexp ps)
and parse_pexp_list (ps:pstate) : pexp array =
match peek ps with
@ -955,6 +967,13 @@ and parse_pexp_list (ps:pstate) : pexp array =
(ctxt "pexp list" parse_pexp) ps
| _ -> raise (unexpected ps)
and parse_mutable_and_pexp_list (ps:pstate) : (Ast.mutability * pexp) array =
match peek ps with
bracketed_zero_or_more LPAREN RPAREN (Some COMMA)
(ctxt "mutable-and-pexp list" parse_mutable_and_pexp) ps
| _ -> raise (unexpected ps)
@ -1099,8 +1118,7 @@ and desugar_expr_atom
| PEXP_bind _
| PEXP_spawn _
| PEXP_custom _
| PEXP_box _
| PEXP_mutable _ ->
| PEXP_box _ ->
let (_, tmp, decl_stmt) = build_tmp ps slot_auto apos bpos in
let stmts = desugar_expr_init ps tmp pexp in
(Array.append [| decl_stmt |] stmts,
@ -1233,11 +1251,11 @@ and desugar_expr_init
fun (ident, pexp) ->
fun (ident, mutability, pexp) ->
let (stmts, atom) =
desugar_expr_atom ps pexp
(stmts, (ident, atom))
(stmts, (ident, mutability, atom))
@ -1259,19 +1277,24 @@ and desugar_expr_init
| PEXP_tup args ->
let muts = Array.to_list ( fst args) in
let (arg_stmts, arg_atoms) =
desugar_expr_atoms ps args
desugar_expr_atoms ps ( snd args)
let stmt = ss (Ast.STMT_init_tup (dst_lval, arg_atoms)) in
let arg_atoms = Array.to_list arg_atoms in
let tup_args = Array.of_list (List.combine muts arg_atoms) in
let stmt = ss (Ast.STMT_init_tup (dst_lval, tup_args)) in
aa arg_stmts [| stmt |]
| PEXP_str s ->
let stmt = ss (Ast.STMT_init_str (dst_lval, s)) in
[| stmt |]
| PEXP_vec args ->
| PEXP_vec (mutability, args) ->
let (arg_stmts, arg_atoms) = desugar_expr_atoms ps args in
let stmt = ss (Ast.STMT_init_vec (dst_lval, arg_atoms)) in
let stmt =
ss (Ast.STMT_init_vec (dst_lval, mutability, arg_atoms))
aa arg_stmts [| stmt |]
| PEXP_port ->
@ -1296,20 +1319,15 @@ and desugar_expr_init
aa port_stmts [| chan_stmt |]
| PEXP_box arg ->
| PEXP_box (mutability, arg) ->
let (arg_stmts, arg_mode_atom) =
desugar_expr_atom ps arg
let stmt = ss (Ast.STMT_init_box (dst_lval, arg_mode_atom)) in
let stmt =
ss (Ast.STMT_init_box (dst_lval, mutability, arg_mode_atom))
aa arg_stmts [| stmt |]
| PEXP_mutable arg ->
(* Initializing a local from a "mutable" atom is the same as
* initializing it from an immutable one; all locals are mutable
* anyways. So this is just a fall-through.
desugar_expr_init ps dst_lval arg
| PEXP_custom (n, a, b) ->
let (arg_stmts, args) = desugar_expr_atoms ps a in
let stmts =
@ -761,10 +761,10 @@ let trans_crate
let trans_tail () = trans_tail_with_builder llbuilder in
match head.node with
Ast.STMT_init_tup (dest, atoms) ->
Ast.STMT_init_tup (dest, elems) ->
let zero = const_i32 0 in
let lldest = trans_lval dest in
let trans_tup_atom idx atom =
let trans_tup_elem idx (_, atom) =
let indices = [| zero; const_i32 idx |] in
let gep_id = anon_llid "init_tup_gep" in
let ptr =
@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ let trans_crate
ignore (Llvm.build_store (trans_atom atom) ptr llbuilder)
Array.iteri trans_tup_atom atoms;
Array.iteri trans_tup_elem elems;
trans_tail ()
| Ast.STMT_copy (dest, src) ->
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ let alias_analysis_visitor
| Ast.STMT_recv (dst, _) -> alias dst
| Ast.STMT_init_port (dst) -> alias dst
| Ast.STMT_init_chan (dst, _) -> alias dst
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (dst, _) -> alias dst
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (dst, _, _) -> alias dst
| Ast.STMT_init_str (dst, _) -> alias dst
| Ast.STMT_for_each sfe ->
let (slot, _) = sfe.Ast.for_each_slot in
@ -583,13 +583,13 @@ let atoms_slots (cx:ctxt) (az:Ast.atom array) : node_id array =
let tup_inputs_slots (cx:ctxt) (az:Ast.tup_input array) : node_id array =
Array.concat ( (atom_slots cx) (Array.to_list az))
Array.concat ( (atom_slots cx) (Array.to_list ( snd az)))
let rec_inputs_slots (cx:ctxt)
(inputs:Ast.rec_input array) : node_id array =
Array.concat (
(fun (_, atom) -> atom_slots cx atom)
(fun (_, _, atom) -> atom_slots cx atom)
(Array.to_list inputs))
@ -3244,13 +3244,13 @@ let trans_visitor
(dst_tys:Ast.ty array)
(atab:(Ast.ident * Ast.atom) array)
(atab:(Ast.ident * Ast.mutability * Ast.atom) array)
: unit =
fun i (fml_ident, _) ->
let fml_entry _ (act_ident, atom) =
let fml_entry _ (act_ident, _, atom) =
if act_ident = fml_ident then Some atom else None
let dst_ty = dst_tys.(i) in
@ -4315,7 +4315,7 @@ let trans_visitor
match base with
None ->
let atoms = snd atab in
let atoms = (fun (_, _, atom) -> atom) atab in
dst_cell dst_tys atoms
| Some base_lval ->
@ -4323,7 +4323,7 @@ let trans_visitor
dst_cell dst_tys trec atab base_lval
| Ast.STMT_init_tup (dst, atoms) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_tup (dst, elems) ->
let (slot_cell, ty) = trans_lval_init dst in
let dst_tys =
match ty with
@ -4332,6 +4332,7 @@ let trans_visitor
bugi cx
"non-tup destination type in stmt_init_tup"
let atoms = snd elems in
let (dst_cell, _) = deref_ty DEREF_none true slot_cell ty in
trans_init_structural_from_atoms dst_cell dst_tys atoms
@ -4339,7 +4340,7 @@ let trans_visitor
| Ast.STMT_init_str (dst, s) ->
trans_init_str dst s
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (dst, atoms) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (dst, _, atoms) ->
trans_init_vec dst atoms
| Ast.STMT_init_port dst ->
@ -4357,7 +4358,7 @@ let trans_visitor
trans_init_chan dst p
| Ast.STMT_init_box (dst, src) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_box (dst, _, src) ->
trans_init_box dst src
| Ast.STMT_block block ->
@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| Ast.STMT_init_rec (dst, fields, Some base) ->
let dct = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let tvrec = ref (TYSPEC_record dct) in
let add_field (ident, atom) =
let add_field (ident, _, atom) =
let tv = any() in
unify_atom arg_pass_ctx atom tv;
Hashtbl.add dct ident tv
@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| Ast.STMT_init_rec (dst, fields, None) ->
let dct = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let add_field (ident, atom) =
let add_field (ident, _, atom) =
let tv = any() in
unify_atom arg_pass_ctx atom tv;
Hashtbl.add dct ident tv
@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
unify_lval init_ctx dst (ref (TYSPEC_record dct))
| Ast.STMT_init_tup (dst, members) ->
let member_to_tv atom =
let member_to_tv (_, atom) =
let tv = any() in
unify_atom arg_pass_ctx atom tv;
@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let member_tvs = member_to_tv members in
unify_lval init_ctx dst (ref (TYSPEC_tuple member_tvs))
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (dst, atoms) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (dst, _, atoms) ->
let tv = any() in
let unify_with_tv atom = unify_atom arg_pass_ctx atom tv in
Array.iter unify_with_tv atoms;
@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| Ast.STMT_join lval ->
unify_lval rval_ctx lval (ty Ast.TY_task);
| Ast.STMT_init_box (dst, v) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_box (dst, _, v) ->
let in_tv = any() in
let tv = ref (TYSPEC_mutable (ref (TYSPEC_box in_tv))) in
unify_lval strict_ctx dst tv;
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ let condition_assigning_visitor
raise_pre_post_cond precond;
raise_postcondition postcond
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (dst, atoms) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (dst, _, atoms) ->
let precond = slot_inits (atoms_slots cx atoms) in
let postcond = slot_inits (lval_slots cx dst) in
raise_pre_post_cond precond;
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ let condition_assigning_visitor
raise_pre_post_cond precond;
raise_postcondition postcond
| Ast.STMT_init_box (dst, src) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_box (dst, _, src) ->
let precond = slot_inits (atom_slots cx src) in
let postcond = slot_inits (lval_slots cx dst) in
raise_pre_post_cond precond;
@ -1106,11 +1106,11 @@ let lifecycle_visitor
| Ast.STMT_init_rec (lv_dst, _, _)
| Ast.STMT_init_tup (lv_dst, _)
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (lv_dst, _)
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (lv_dst, _, _)
| Ast.STMT_init_str (lv_dst, _)
| Ast.STMT_init_port lv_dst
| Ast.STMT_init_chan (lv_dst, _)
| Ast.STMT_init_box (lv_dst, _) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_box (lv_dst, _, _) ->
init_lval lv_dst
| Ast.STMT_for f ->
@ -386,16 +386,16 @@ and walk_stmt
| Ast.STMT_init_rec (lv, atab, base) ->
walk_lval v lv;
Array.iter (fun (_, a) -> walk_atom v a) atab;
Array.iter (fun (_, _, a) -> walk_atom v a) atab;
walk_option (walk_lval v) base;
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (lv, atoms) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (lv, _, atoms) ->
walk_lval v lv;
Array.iter (walk_atom v) atoms
| Ast.STMT_init_tup (lv, mut_atoms) ->
walk_lval v lv;
Array.iter (walk_atom v) mut_atoms
Array.iter (fun (_, atom) -> walk_atom v atom) mut_atoms
| Ast.STMT_init_str (lv, _) ->
walk_lval v lv
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ and walk_stmt
walk_option (walk_lval v) port;
walk_lval v chan;
| Ast.STMT_init_box (dst, src) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_box (dst, _, src) ->
walk_lval v dst;
walk_atom v src
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ fn f(@point p) {
fn main() {
let point a = rec(x=10, y=11, z=mutable 12);
let point a = rec(x=10, y=11, mutable z=12);
let @point b = @a;
check (b.z == 12);
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ fn f(& mutable point p) {
fn main() {
let point x = rec(x=10, y=11, z=mutable 12);
let point x = rec(x=10, y=11, mutable z=12);
check (x.z == 13);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user