@ -91,11 +91,10 @@ This EBNF dialect should hopefully be familiar to many readers.
## Unicode productions
A small number of productions in Rust's grammar permit Unicode codepoints
outside the ASCII range; these productions are defined in terms of character
properties given by the Unicode standard, rather than ASCII-range
codepoints. These are given in the section [Special Unicode
A few productions in Rust's grammar permit Unicode codepoints outside the ASCII range.
We define these productions in terms of character properties specified in the Unicode standard,
rather than in terms of ASCII-range codepoints.
The section [Special Unicode Productions](#special-unicode-productions) lists these productions.
## String table productions
@ -222,8 +221,8 @@ unsafe use
Any of these have special meaning in their respective grammars, and are
excluded from the `ident` rule.
Each of these keywords has special meaning in its grammar,
and all of them are excluded from the `ident` rule.
### Literals
@ -486,16 +485,18 @@ transcriber : '(' transcriber * ')' | '[' transcriber * ']'
User-defined syntax extensions are called "macros", and they can be defined
with the `macro_rules!` syntax extension. User-defined macros can currently
be invoked as expressions, statements, or items.
User-defined syntax extensions are called "macros",
and the `macro_rules` syntax extension defines them.
Currently, user-defined macros can expand to expressions, statements, or items.
(A `sep_token` is any token other than `*` and `+`. A `non_special_token` is
any token other than a delimiter or `$`.)
(A `sep_token` is any token other than `*` and `+`.
A `non_special_token` is any token other than a delimiter or `$`.)
Macro invocations are looked up by name, and each macro rule is tried in turn;
the first successful match is transcribed. The matching and transcription
processes are closely related, and will be described together:
The macro expander looks up macro invocations by name,
and tries each macro rule in turn.
It transcribes the first successful match.
Matching and transcription are closely related to each other,
and we will describe them together.
### Macro By Example
@ -548,12 +549,10 @@ This requirement most often affects name-designator pairs when they occur at the
## Syntax extensions useful for the macro author
* `log_syntax!` : print out the arguments at compile time
* `trace_macros!` : supply `true` or `false` to enable or disable printing of the macro expansion process.
* `trace_macros!` : supply `true` or `false` to enable or disable macro expansion logging
* `stringify!` : turn the identifier argument into a string literal
* `concat_idents!` : create a new identifier by concatenating the arguments
# Crates and source files
Rust is a *compiled* language.
@ -785,22 +784,19 @@ path_glob : ident [ "::" path_glob ] ?
A _use declaration_ creates one or more local name bindings synonymous
with some other [path](#paths). Usually a `use` declaration is used to
shorten the path required to refer to a module item.
with some other [path](#paths).
Usually a `use` declaration is used to shorten the path required to refer to a module item.
*Note*: unlike many languages, Rust's `use` declarations do *not* declare
linkage-dependency with external crates. Linkage dependencies are
independently declared with
[`extern mod` declarations](#extern-mod-declarations).
*Note*: Unlike in many languages,
`use` declarations in Rust do *not* declare linkage dependency with external crates.
Rather, [`extern mod` declarations](#extern-mod-declarations) declare linkage dependencies.
Use declarations support a number of "convenience" notations:
Use declarations support a number of convenient shortcuts:
* Rebinding the target name as a new local name, using the
syntax `use x = p::q::r;`.
* Simultaneously binding a list of paths differing only in final element,
* Rebinding the target name as a new local name, using the syntax `use x = p::q::r;`.
* Simultaneously binding a list of paths differing only in their final element,
using the glob-like brace syntax `use a::b::{c,d,e,f};`
* Binding all paths matching a given prefix,
using the glob-like asterisk syntax `use a::b::*;`
* Binding all paths matching a given prefix, using the asterisk wildcard syntax `use a::b::*;`
An example of `use` declarations:
@ -825,9 +821,10 @@ fn main() {
Like items, `use` declarations are private to the containing module, by default.
Also like items, a `use` declaration can be public, if qualified by the `pub` keyword.
Such a `use` declaration serves to _re-export_ a name.
A public `use` declaration can therefore be used to _redirect_ some public name to a different target definition,
A public `use` declaration can therefore _redirect_ some public name to a different target definition:
even a definition with a private canonical path, inside a different module.
If a sequence of such redirections form a cycle or cannot be unambiguously resolved, they represent a compile-time error.
If a sequence of such redirections form a cycle or cannot be resolved unambiguously,
they represent a compile-time error.
An example of re-exporting:
@ -844,8 +841,8 @@ mod quux {
In this example, the module `quux` re-exports all of the public names defined in `foo`.
Also note that the paths contained in `use` items are relative to the crate root; so, in the previous
example, the use refers to `quux::foo::*`, and not simply to `foo::*`.
Also note that the paths contained in `use` items are relative to the crate root.
So, in the previous example, the `use` refers to `quux::foo::*`, and not simply to `foo::*`.
### Functions
@ -994,27 +991,27 @@ Thus the return type on `f` only needs to reflect the `if` branch of the conditi
#### Extern functions
Extern functions are part of Rust's foreign function interface, providing
the opposite functionality to [foreign modules](#foreign-modules). Whereas
foreign modules allow Rust code to call foreign code, extern functions with
bodies defined in Rust code _can be called by foreign code_. They are defined the
same as any other Rust function, except that they are prepended with the
`extern` keyword.
Extern functions are part of Rust's foreign function interface,
providing the opposite functionality to [foreign modules](#foreign-modules).
Whereas foreign modules allow Rust code to call foreign code,
extern functions with bodies defined in Rust code _can be called by foreign code_.
They are defined in the same way as any other Rust function,
except that they have the `extern` modifier.
extern fn new_vec() -> ~[int] { ~[] }
Extern functions may not be called from Rust code, but their value
may be taken as a raw `u8` pointer.
Extern functions may not be called from Rust code,
but Rust code may take their value as a raw `u8` pointer.
# extern fn new_vec() -> ~[int] { ~[] }
let fptr: *u8 = new_vec;
The primary motivation of extern functions is to create callbacks
for foreign functions that expect to receive function pointers.
The primary motivation for extern functions is
to create callbacks for foreign functions that expect to receive function pointers.
### Type definitions
@ -1052,7 +1049,7 @@ let p = Point(10, 11);
let px: int = match p { Point(x, _) => x };
A _unit-like struct_ is a structure without any fields, defined by leaving off the fields list entirely.
A _unit-like struct_ is a structure without any fields, defined by leaving off the list of fields entirely.
Such types will have a single value, just like the [unit value `()`](#unit-and-boolean-literals) of the unit type.
For example:
@ -1484,23 +1481,25 @@ Any slots introduced by a slot declaration are visible from the point of declara
### Expression statements
An _expression statement_ is one that evaluates an [expression](#expressions)
and drops its result. The purpose of an expression statement is often to cause
the side effects of the expression's evaluation.
and ignores its result.
The type of an expression statement `e;` is always `()`, regardless of the type of `e`.
As a rule, an expression statement's purpose is to trigger the effects of evaluating its expression.
## Expressions
An expression plays the dual roles of causing side effects and producing a
*value*. Expressions are said to *evaluate to* a value, and the side effects
are caused during *evaluation*. Many expressions contain sub-expressions as
operands; the definition of each kind of expression dictates whether or not,
and in which order, it will evaluate its sub-expressions, and how the
expression's value derives from the value of its sub-expressions.
An expression may have two roles: it always produces a *value*, and it may have *effects*
(otherwise known as "side effects").
An expression *evaluates to* a value, and has effects during *evaluation*.
Many expressions contain sub-expressions (operands).
The meaning of each kind of expression dictates several things:
* Whether or not to evaluate the sub-expressions when evaluating the expression
* The order in which to evaluate the sub-expressions
* How to combine the sub-expressions' values to obtain the value of the expression.
In this way, the structure of execution -- both the overall sequence of
observable side effects and the final produced value -- is dictated by the
structure of expressions. Blocks themselves are expressions, so the nesting
sequence of block, statement, expression, and block can repeatedly nest to an
arbitrary depth.
In this way, the structure of expressions dictates the structure of execution.
Blocks are just another kind of expression,
so blocks, statements, expressions, and blocks again can recursively nest inside each other
to an arbitrary depth.
#### Lvalues, rvalues and temporaries
@ -1579,11 +1578,11 @@ A _structure expression_ consists of the [path](#paths) of a [structure item](#s
followed by a brace-enclosed list of one or more comma-separated name-value pairs,
providing the field values of a new instance of the structure.
A field name can be any identifier, and is separated from its value expression by a colon.
To indicate that a field is mutable, the `mut` keyword is written before its name.
The location denoted by a structure field is mutable if and only if the enclosing structure is mutable.
A _tuple structure expression_ consists of the [path](#paths) of a [structure item](#structures),
followed by a parenthesized list of one or more comma-separated expressions
(in other words, the path of a structured item followed by a tuple expression).
(in other words, the path of a structure item followed by a tuple expression).
The structure item must be a tuple structure item.
A _unit-like structure expression_ consists only of the [path](#paths) of a [structure item](#structures).
@ -1597,7 +1596,7 @@ The following are examples of structure expressions:
# struct Cookie; fn some_fn<T>(t: T) {}
Point {x: 10f, y: 20f};
TuplePoint(10f, 20f);
let u = game::User {name: "Joe", age: 35u, score: 100_000};
let u = game::User {name: "Joe", age: 35, score: 100_000};
@ -1605,8 +1604,10 @@ A structure expression forms a new value of the named structure type.
Note that for a given *unit-like* structure type, this will always be the same value.
A structure expression can terminate with the syntax `..` followed by an expression to denote a functional update.
The expression following `..` (the base) must be of the same structure type as the new structure type being formed.
A new structure will be created, of the same type as the base expression, with the given values for the fields that were explicitly specified,
The expression following `..` (the base) must have the same structure type as the new structure type being formed.
The entire expression denotes the result of allocating a new structure
(with the same type as the base expression)
with the given values for the fields that were explicitly specified
and the values in the base record for all other fields.
@ -1758,36 +1759,35 @@ The default meaning of the operators on standard types is given here.
#### Bitwise operators
Bitwise operators are, like the [arithmetic operators](#arithmetic-operators),
syntactic sugar for calls to built-in traits.
Like the [arithmetic operators](#arithmetic-operators), bitwise operators
are syntactic sugar for calls to methods of built-in traits.
This means that bitwise operators can be overridden for user-defined types.
The default meaning of the operators on standard types is given here.
: And.
Calls the `bitand` method on the `core::ops::BitAnd` trait.
Calls the `bitand` method of the `core::ops::BitAnd` trait.
: Inclusive or.
Calls the `bitor` method on the `core::ops::BitOr` trait.
Calls the `bitor` method of the `core::ops::BitOr` trait.
: Exclusive or.
Calls the `bitxor` method on the `core::ops::BitXor` trait.
Calls the `bitxor` method of the `core::ops::BitXor` trait.
: Logical left shift.
Calls the `shl` method on the `core::ops::Shl` trait.
Calls the `shl` method of the `core::ops::Shl` trait.
: Logical right shift.
Calls the `shr` method on the `core::ops::Shr` trait.
Calls the `shr` method of the `core::ops::Shr` trait.
#### Lazy boolean operators
The operators `||` and `&&` may be applied to operands of boolean
type. The first performs the 'or' operation, and the second the 'and'
operation. They differ from `|` and `&` in that the right-hand operand
is only evaluated when the left-hand operand does not already
determine the outcome of the expression. That is, `||` only evaluates
its right-hand operand when the left-hand operand evaluates to `false`,
and `&&` only when it evaluates to `true`.
The operators `||` and `&&` may be applied to operands of boolean type.
The `||` operator denotes logical 'or', and the `&&` operator denotes logical 'and'.
They differ from `|` and `&` in that the right-hand operand is only evaluated
when the left-hand operand does not already determine the result of the expression.
That is, `||` only evaluates its right-hand operand
when the left-hand operand evaluates to `false`, and `&&` only when it evaluates to `true`.
#### Comparison operators
@ -1937,6 +1937,9 @@ let x = (2 + 3) * 4;
copy_expr : "copy" expr ;
> **Note:** `copy` expressions are deprecated. It's preferable to use
> the `Clone` trait and `clone()` method.
A _unary copy expression_ consists of the unary `copy` operator applied to
some argument expression.
@ -2013,27 +2016,29 @@ ident_list : [ ident [ ',' ident ]* ] ? ;
lambda_expr : '|' ident_list '|' expr ;
A _lambda expression_ (a.k.a. "anonymous function expression") defines a function and denotes it as a value,
A _lambda expression_ (sometimes called an "anonymous function expression") defines a function and denotes it as a value,
in a single expression.
Lambda expressions are written by prepending a list of identifiers, surrounded by pipe symbols (`|`),
to an expression.
A lambda expression is a pipe-symbol-delimited (`|`) list of identifiers followed by an expression.
A lambda expression denotes a function mapping parameters to the expression to the right of the `ident_list`.
The identifiers in the `ident_list` are the parameters to the function, with types inferred from context.
A lambda expression denotes a function that maps a list of parameters (`ident_list`)
onto the expression that follows the `ident_list`.
The identifiers in the `ident_list` are the parameters to the function.
These parameters' types need not be specified, as the compiler infers them from context.
Lambda expressions are most useful when passing functions as arguments to other functions,
as an abbreviation for defining and capturing a separate fucntion.
as an abbreviation for defining and capturing a separate function.
Significantly, lambda expressions _capture their environment_,
which regular [function definitions](#functions) do not.
The exact type of capture depends on the [function type](#function-types) inferred for the lambda expression.
In the simplest and least-expensive form (analogous to a ```&fn() { }``` expression),
the lambda expression captures its environment by reference,
effectively borrowing pointers to all outer variables mentioned inside the function.
Alternately, the compiler may infer that a lambda expression should copy or move values (depending on their type.)
from the environment into the lambda expression's captured environment.
The exact type of capture depends on the [function type](#function-types) inferred for the lambda expression;
in the simplest and least-expensive form, the environment is captured by reference,
effectively borrowing pointers to all outer variables referenced inside the function.
Other forms of capture include making copies of captured variables,
and moving values from the environment into the lambda expression's captured environment.
An example of a lambda expression:
In this example, we define a function `ten_times` that takes a higher-order function argument,
and call it with a lambda expression as an argument.
fn ten_times(f: &fn(int)) {
@ -2428,12 +2433,12 @@ type `float` may not be equal to the largest *supported* floating-point type.
The types `char` and `str` hold textual data.
A value of type `char` is a Unicode character, represented as a 32-bit
unsigned word holding a UCS-4 codepoint.
A value of type `char` is a Unicode character,
represented as a 32-bit unsigned word holding a UCS-4 codepoint.
A value of type `str` is a Unicode string, represented as a vector of 8-bit
unsigned bytes holding a sequence of UTF-8 codepoints.
Since `str` is of indefinite size, it is not a _first class_ type,
A value of type `str` is a Unicode string,
represented as a vector of 8-bit unsigned bytes holding a sequence of UTF-8 codepoints.
Since `str` is of unknown size, it is not a _first class_ type,
but can only be instantiated through a pointer type,
such as `&str`, `@str` or `~str`.
@ -2465,15 +2470,17 @@ fail_unless!(b != "world");
### Vector types
The vector type-constructor represents a homogeneous array of values of a given type.
The vector type constructor represents a homogeneous array of values of a given type.
A vector has a fixed size.
A vector type can be accompanied by _definite_ size, written with a trailing asterisk and integer literal, such as `[int * 10]`.
Such a definite-sized vector can be treated as a first class type since its size is known statically.
A vector type can be annotated with a _definite_ size,
written with a trailing asterisk and integer literal, such as `[int * 10]`.
Such a definite-sized vector type is a first-class type, since its size is known statically.
A vector without such a size is said to be of _indefinite_ size,
and is therefore not a _first class_ type,
can only be instantiated through a pointer type,
and is therefore not a _first-class_ type.
An indefinite-size vector can only be instantiated through a pointer type,
such as `&[T]`, `@[T]` or `~[T]`.
The kind of a vector type depends on the kind of its member type, as with other simple structural types.
The kind of a vector type depends on the kind of its element type,
as with other simple structural types.
An example of a vector type and its use:
@ -2483,7 +2490,8 @@ let i: int = v[2];
fail_unless!(i == 3);
All accessible elements of a vector are always initialized, and access to a vector is always bounds-checked.
All in-bounds elements of a vector are always initialized,
and access to a vector is always bounds-checked.
### Structure types
@ -2605,9 +2613,9 @@ Raw pointers (`*`)
### Function types
The function type-constructor `fn` forms new function types. A function type
consists of a set of function-type modifiers (`unsafe`, `extern`, etc.),
a sequence of input slots and an output slot.
The function type constructor `fn` forms new function types.
A function type consists of a possibly-empty set of function-type modifiers
(such as `unsafe` or `extern`), a sequence of input types and an output type.
An example of a `fn` type:
@ -2916,24 +2924,28 @@ fn main() {
## Tasks
An executing Rust program consists of a tree of tasks. A Rust _task_
consists of an entry function, a stack, a set of outgoing communication
channels and incoming communication ports, and ownership of some portion of
the heap of a single operating-system process.
An executing Rust program consists of a tree of tasks.
A Rust _task_ consists of an entry function, a stack,
a set of outgoing communication channels and incoming communication ports,
and ownership of some portion of the heap of a single operating-system process.
(We expect that many programs will not use channels and ports directly,
but will instead use higher-level abstractions provided in standard libraries,
such as pipes.)
Multiple Rust tasks may coexist in a single operating-system process. The
runtime scheduler maps tasks to a certain number of operating-system threads;
by default a number of threads is used based on the number of concurrent
physical CPUs detected at startup, but this can be changed dynamically at
runtime. When the number of tasks exceeds the number of threads -- which is
quite possible -- the tasks are multiplexed onto the threads ^[This is an M:N
scheduler, which is known to give suboptimal results for CPU-bound concurrency
problems. In such cases, running with the same number of threads as tasks can
give better results. The M:N scheduling in Rust exists to support very large
numbers of tasks in contexts where threads are too resource-intensive to use
in a similar volume. The cost of threads varies substantially per operating
system, and is sometimes quite low, so this flexibility is not always worth
Multiple Rust tasks may coexist in a single operating-system process.
The runtime scheduler maps tasks to a certain number of operating-system threads.
By default, the scheduler chooses the number of threads based on
the number of concurrent physical CPUs detected at startup.
It's also possible to override this choice at runtime.
When the number of tasks exceeds the number of threads -- which is likely --
the scheduler multiplexes the tasks onto threads.^[
This is an M:N scheduler,
which is known to give suboptimal results for CPU-bound concurrency problems.
In such cases, running with the same number of threads and tasks can yield better results.
Rust has M:N scheduling in order to support very large numbers of tasks
in contexts where threads are too resource-intensive to use in large number.
The cost of threads varies substantially per operating system, and is sometimes quite low,
so this flexibility is not always worth exploiting.]
### Communication between tasks
@ -3024,16 +3036,15 @@ communication and logging.
### Memory allocation
The runtime memory-management system is based on a _service-provider
interface_, through which the runtime requests blocks of memory from its
environment and releases them back to its environment when they are no longer
in use. The default implementation of the service-provider interface consists
of the C runtime functions `malloc` and `free`.
The runtime memory-management system in turn supplies Rust tasks with
facilities for allocating, extending and releasing stacks, as well as
allocating and freeing boxed values.
The runtime memory-management system is based on a _service-provider interface_,
through which the runtime requests blocks of memory from its environment
and releases them back to its environment when they are no longer needed.
The default implementation of the service-provider interface
consists of the C runtime functions `malloc` and `free`.
The runtime memory-management system, in turn, supplies Rust tasks
with facilities for allocating, extending and releasing stacks,
as well as allocating and freeing heap data.
### Built in types
Reference in New Issue
Block a user