Renamed variables
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@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
//! A standard, garbage-collected linked list.
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
pub enum List<T> {
@ -33,30 +31,30 @@ pub fn from_vec<T:Clone + 'static>(v: &[T]) -> @List<T> {
* # Arguments
* * ls - The list to fold
* * list - The list to fold
* * z - The initial value
* * f - The function to apply
pub fn foldl<T:Clone,U>(z: T, ls: @List<U>, f: |&T, &U| -> T) -> T {
pub fn foldl<T:Clone,U>(z: T, list: @List<U>, f: |&T, &U| -> T) -> T {
let mut accum: T = z;
iter(ls, |elt| accum = f(&accum, elt));
iter(list, |element| accum = f(&accum, element));
* Search for an element that matches a given predicate
* Apply function `f` to each element of `ls`, starting from the first.
* Apply function `f` to each element of `list`, starting from the first.
* When function `f` returns true then an option containing the element
* is returned. If `f` matches no elements then none is returned.
pub fn find<T:Clone>(ls: @List<T>, f: |&T| -> bool) -> Option<T> {
let mut ls = ls;
pub fn find<T:Clone>(list: @List<T>, f: |&T| -> bool) -> Option<T> {
let mut list = list;
loop {
ls = match *ls {
Cons(ref hd, tl) => {
if f(hd) { return Some((*hd).clone()); }
list = match *list {
Cons(ref head, tail) => {
if f(head) { return Some((*head).clone()); }
Nil => return None
@ -66,17 +64,17 @@ pub fn find<T:Clone>(ls: @List<T>, f: |&T| -> bool) -> Option<T> {
* Returns true if a list contains an element that matches a given predicate
* Apply function `f` to each element of `ls`, starting from the first.
* Apply function `f` to each element of `list`, starting from the first.
* When function `f` returns true then it also returns true. If `f` matches no
* elements then false is returned.
pub fn any<T>(ls: @List<T>, f: |&T| -> bool) -> bool {
let mut ls = ls;
pub fn any<T>(list: @List<T>, f: |&T| -> bool) -> bool {
let mut list = list;
loop {
ls = match *ls {
Cons(ref hd, tl) => {
if f(hd) { return true; }
list = match *list {
Cons(ref head, tail) => {
if f(head) { return true; }
Nil => return false
@ -84,53 +82,53 @@ pub fn any<T>(ls: @List<T>, f: |&T| -> bool) -> bool {
/// Returns true if a list contains an element with the given value
pub fn has<T:Eq>(ls: @List<T>, elt: T) -> bool {
pub fn has<T:Eq>(list: @List<T>, element: T) -> bool {
let mut found = false;
each(ls, |e| {
if *e == elt { found = true; false } else { true }
each(list, |e| {
if *e == element { found = true; false } else { true }
return found;
/// Returns true if the list is empty
pub fn is_empty<T>(ls: @List<T>) -> bool {
match *ls {
pub fn is_empty<T>(list: @List<T>) -> bool {
match *list {
Nil => true,
_ => false
/// Returns the length of a list
pub fn len<T>(ls: @List<T>) -> uint {
pub fn len<T>(list: @List<T>) -> uint {
let mut count = 0u;
iter(ls, |_e| count += 1u);
iter(list, |_e| count += 1u);
/// Returns all but the first element of a list
pub fn tail<T>(ls: @List<T>) -> @List<T> {
match *ls {
Cons(_, tl) => return tl,
pub fn tail<T>(list: @List<T>) -> @List<T> {
match *list {
Cons(_, tail) => return tail,
Nil => fail!("list empty")
/// Returns the first element of a list
pub fn head<T:Clone>(ls: @List<T>) -> T {
match *ls {
Cons(ref hd, _) => (*hd).clone(),
pub fn head<T:Clone>(list: @List<T>) -> T {
match *list {
Cons(ref head, _) => (*head).clone(),
// makes me sad
_ => fail!("head invoked on empty list")
/// Appends one list to another
pub fn append<T:Clone + 'static>(l: @List<T>, m: @List<T>) -> @List<T> {
match *l {
Nil => return m,
Cons(ref x, xs) => {
let rest = append(xs, m);
return @Cons((*x).clone(), rest);
pub fn append<T:Clone + 'static>(list: @List<T>, other: @List<T>) -> @List<T> {
match *list {
Nil => return other,
Cons(ref head, tail) => {
let rest = append(tail, other);
return @Cons((*head).clone(), rest);
@ -144,13 +142,13 @@ fn push<T:Clone>(ll: &mut @list<T>, vv: T) {
/// Iterate over a list
pub fn iter<T>(l: @List<T>, f: |&T|) {
let mut cur = l;
pub fn iter<T>(list: @List<T>, f: |&T|) {
let mut cur = list;
loop {
cur = match *cur {
Cons(ref hd, tl) => {
Cons(ref head, tail) => {
Nil => break
@ -158,13 +156,13 @@ pub fn iter<T>(l: @List<T>, f: |&T|) {
/// Iterate over a list
pub fn each<T>(l: @List<T>, f: |&T| -> bool) -> bool {
let mut cur = l;
pub fn each<T>(list: @List<T>, f: |&T| -> bool) -> bool {
let mut cur = list;
loop {
cur = match *cur {
Cons(ref hd, tl) => {
if !f(hd) { return false; }
Cons(ref head, tail) => {
if !f(head) { return false; }
Nil => { return true; }
@ -191,11 +189,11 @@ mod tests {
fn test_from_vec() {
let l = from_vec([0, 1, 2]);
let list = from_vec([0, 1, 2]);
assert_eq!(head(l), 0);
assert_eq!(head(list), 0);
let tail_l = tail(l);
let tail_l = tail(list);
assert_eq!(head(tail_l), 1);
let tail_tail_l = tail(tail_l);
@ -211,9 +209,9 @@ mod tests {
fn test_foldl() {
fn add(a: &uint, b: &int) -> uint { return *a + (*b as uint); }
let l = from_vec([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
let list = from_vec([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
let empty = @list::Nil::<int>;
assert_eq!(list::foldl(0u, l, add), 10u);
assert_eq!(list::foldl(0u, list, add), 10u);
assert_eq!(list::foldl(0u, empty, add), 0u);
@ -222,50 +220,50 @@ mod tests {
fn sub(a: &int, b: &int) -> int {
*a - *b
let l = from_vec([1, 2, 3, 4]);
assert_eq!(list::foldl(0, l, sub), -10);
let list = from_vec([1, 2, 3, 4]);
assert_eq!(list::foldl(0, list, sub), -10);
fn test_find_success() {
fn match_(i: &int) -> bool { return *i == 2; }
let l = from_vec([0, 1, 2]);
assert_eq!(list::find(l, match_), option::Some(2));
let list = from_vec([0, 1, 2]);
assert_eq!(list::find(list, match_), option::Some(2));
fn test_find_fail() {
fn match_(_i: &int) -> bool { return false; }
let l = from_vec([0, 1, 2]);
let list = from_vec([0, 1, 2]);
let empty = @list::Nil::<int>;
assert_eq!(list::find(l, match_), option::None::<int>);
assert_eq!(list::find(list, match_), option::None::<int>);
assert_eq!(list::find(empty, match_), option::None::<int>);
fn test_any() {
fn match_(i: &int) -> bool { return *i == 2; }
let l = from_vec([0, 1, 2]);
let list = from_vec([0, 1, 2]);
let empty = @list::Nil::<int>;
assert_eq!(list::any(l, match_), true);
assert_eq!(list::any(list, match_), true);
assert_eq!(list::any(empty, match_), false);
fn test_has() {
let l = from_vec([5, 8, 6]);
let list = from_vec([5, 8, 6]);
let empty = @list::Nil::<int>;
assert!((list::has(l, 5)));
assert!((!list::has(l, 7)));
assert!((list::has(l, 8)));
assert!((list::has(list, 5)));
assert!((!list::has(list, 7)));
assert!((list::has(list, 8)));
assert!((!list::has(empty, 5)));
fn test_len() {
let l = from_vec([0, 1, 2]);
let list = from_vec([0, 1, 2]);
let empty = @list::Nil::<int>;
assert_eq!(list::len(l), 3u);
assert_eq!(list::len(list), 3u);
assert_eq!(list::len(empty), 0u);
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