Add task-local storage in libcore.
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ spawn {||
import result::result;
import dvec::extensions;
export task;
export task_result;
@ -53,6 +54,12 @@ export failing;
export get_task;
export unkillable;
export local_data_key;
export local_data_pop;
export local_data_get;
export local_data_set;
export local_data_modify;
/* Data types */
#[doc = "A handle to a task"]
@ -573,6 +580,187 @@ fn spawn_raw(opts: task_opts, +f: fn~()) {
* Task local data management
* Allows storing boxes with arbitrary types inside, to be accessed anywhere
* within a task, keyed by a pointer to a global finaliser function. Useful
* for task-spawning metadata (tracking linked failure state), dynamic
* variables, and interfacing with foreign code with bad callback interfaces.
* To use, declare a monomorphic global function at the type to store, and use
* it as the 'key' when accessing. See the 'tls' tests below for examples.
* Casting 'Arcane Sight' reveals an overwhelming aura of Transmutation magic.
#[doc = "Indexes a task-local data slot. The function itself is used to
automatically finalise stored values; also, its code pointer is used for
comparison. Recommended use is to write an empty function for each desired
task-local data slot (and use class destructors, instead of code inside the
finaliser, if specific teardown is needed). DO NOT use multiple instantiations
of a single polymorphic function to index data of different types; arbitrary
type coercion is possible this way. The interface is safe as long as all key
functions are monomorphic."]
type local_data_key<T> = fn@(+@T);
// We use dvec because it's the best data structure in core. If TLS is used
// heavily in future, this could be made more efficient with a proper map.
type task_local_element = (*libc::c_void, *libc::c_void, fn@(+*libc::c_void));
// Has to be a pointer at the outermost layer; the native call returns void *.
type task_local_map = @dvec::dvec<option<task_local_element>>;
crust fn cleanup_task_local_map(map_ptr: *libc::c_void) unsafe {
assert !map_ptr.is_null();
// Get and keep the single reference that was created at the beginning.
let map: task_local_map = unsafe::reinterpret_cast(map_ptr);
for (*map).each {|entry|
alt entry {
// Finaliser drops data. We drop the finaliser implicitly here.
some((_key, data, finalise_fn)) { finalise_fn(data); }
none { }
// Gets the map from the runtime. Lazily initialises if not done so already.
unsafe fn get_task_local_map(task: *rust_task) -> task_local_map {
// Relies on the runtime initialising the pointer to null.
// NOTE: The map's box lives in TLS invisibly referenced once. Each time
// we retrieve it for get/set, we make another reference, which get/set
// drop when they finish. No "re-storing after modifying" is needed.
let map_ptr = rustrt::rust_get_task_local_data(task);
if map_ptr.is_null() {
let map: task_local_map = @dvec::dvec();
// Use reinterpret_cast -- transmute would take map away from us also.
rustrt::rust_set_task_local_data(task, unsafe::reinterpret_cast(map));
rustrt::rust_task_local_data_atexit(task, cleanup_task_local_map);
// Also need to reference it an extra time to keep it for now.
} else {
let map = unsafe::transmute(map_ptr);
unsafe fn key_to_key_value<T>(key: local_data_key<T>) -> *libc::c_void {
// Keys are closures, which are (fnptr,envptr) pairs. Use fnptr.
// Use reintepret_cast -- transmute would leak (forget) the closure.
let pair: (*libc::c_void, *libc::c_void) = unsafe::reinterpret_cast(key);
// If returning some(..), returns with @T with the map's reference. Careful!
unsafe fn local_data_lookup<T>(map: task_local_map, key: local_data_key<T>)
-> option<(uint, *libc::c_void, fn@(+*libc::c_void))> {
let key_value = key_to_key_value(key);
let map_pos = (*map).position {|entry|
alt entry { some((k,_,_)) { k == key_value } none { false } }
|||| {|index|
// .get() is guaranteed because of "none { false }" above.
let (_, data_ptr, finaliser) = (*map)[index].get();
(index, data_ptr, finaliser)
unsafe fn local_get_helper<T>(task: *rust_task, key: local_data_key<T>,
do_pop: bool) -> option<@T> {
let map = get_task_local_map(task);
// Interpret our findings from the map
local_data_lookup(map, key).map {|result|
// A reference count magically appears on 'data' out of thin air.
// 'data' has the reference we originally stored it with. We either
// need to erase it from the map or artificially bump the count.
let (index, data_ptr, _) = result;
let data: @T = unsafe::transmute(data_ptr);
if do_pop {
(*map).set_elt(index, none);
} else {
unsafe fn local_pop<T>(task: *rust_task,
key: local_data_key<T>) -> option<@T> {
local_get_helper(task, key, true)
unsafe fn local_get<T>(task: *rust_task,
key: local_data_key<T>) -> option<@T> {
local_get_helper(task, key, false)
unsafe fn local_set<T>(task: *rust_task, key: local_data_key<T>, -data: @T) {
let map = get_task_local_map(task);
// Store key+data as *voids. Data is invisibly referenced once; key isn't.
let keyval = key_to_key_value(key);
let data_ptr = unsafe::transmute(data);
// Finaliser is called at task exit to de-reference up remaining entries.
let finaliser: fn@(+*libc::c_void) = unsafe::reinterpret_cast(key);
// Construct new entry to store in the map.
let new_entry = some((keyval, data_ptr, finaliser));
// Find a place to put it.
alt local_data_lookup(map, key) {
some((index, old_data_ptr, old_finaliser)) {
// Key already had a value set, old_data_ptr, whose reference we
// need to drop. After that, overwriting its slot will be safe.
// (The heap-allocated finaliser will be freed in the overwrite.)
// FIXME(2734): just transmuting old_data_ptr to @T doesn't work,
// similarly to the sample there (but more our/unsafety's fault?).
(*map).set_elt(index, new_entry);
none {
// Find an empty slot. If not, grow the vector.
alt (*map).position({|x| x == none}) {
some(empty_index) {
(*map).set_elt(empty_index, new_entry);
none {
unsafe fn local_modify<T>(task: *rust_task, key: local_data_key<T>,
modify_fn: fn(option<@T>) -> option<@T>) {
// Could be more efficient by doing the lookup work, but this is easy.
let newdata = modify_fn(local_pop(task, key));
if newdata.is_some() {
local_set(task, key, option::unwrap(newdata));
/* Exported interface for task-local data (plus local_data_key above). */
#[doc = "Remove a task-local data value from the table, returning the
reference that was originally created to insert it."]
unsafe fn local_data_pop<T>(key: local_data_key<T>) -> option<@T> {
local_pop(rustrt::rust_get_task(), key)
#[doc = "Retrieve a task-local data value. It will also be kept alive in the
table until explicitly removed."]
unsafe fn local_data_get<T>(key: local_data_key<T>) -> option<@T> {
local_get(rustrt::rust_get_task(), key)
#[doc = "Store a value in task-local data. If this key already has a value,
that value is overwritten (and its destructor is run)."]
unsafe fn local_data_set<T>(key: local_data_key<T>, -data: @T) {
local_set(rustrt::rust_get_task(), key, data)
#[doc = "Modify a task-local data value. If the function returns 'none', the
data is removed (and its reference dropped)."]
unsafe fn local_data_modify<T>(key: local_data_key<T>,
modify_fn: fn(option<@T>) -> option<@T>) {
local_modify(rustrt::rust_get_task(), key, modify_fn)
native mod rustrt {
fn rust_task_yield(task: *rust_task, &killed: bool);
@ -596,6 +784,13 @@ native mod rustrt {
fn rust_osmain_sched_id() -> sched_id;
fn rust_task_inhibit_kill();
fn rust_task_allow_kill();
fn rust_get_task_local_data(task: *rust_task) -> *libc::c_void;
fn rust_set_task_local_data(task: *rust_task, map: *libc::c_void);
fn rust_task_local_data_atexit(task: *rust_task, cleanup_fn: *u8);
@ -997,3 +1192,94 @@ fn test_unkillable() {
// Now we can be killed
fn test_tls_multitask() unsafe {
fn my_key(+_x: @str) { }
local_data_set(my_key, @"parent data");
task::spawn {||
assert local_data_get(my_key) == none; // TLS shouldn't carry over.
local_data_set(my_key, @"child data");
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == "child data";
// should be cleaned up for us
// Must work multiple times
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == "parent data";
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == "parent data";
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == "parent data";
fn test_tls_overwrite() unsafe {
fn my_key(+_x: @str) { }
local_data_set(my_key, @"first data");
local_data_set(my_key, @"next data"); // Shouldn't leak.
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == "next data";
fn test_tls_pop() unsafe {
fn my_key(+_x: @str) { }
local_data_set(my_key, @"weasel");
assert *(local_data_pop(my_key).get()) == "weasel";
// Pop must remove the data from the map.
assert local_data_pop(my_key) == none;
fn test_tls_modify() unsafe {
fn my_key(+_x: @str) { }
local_data_modify(my_key) {|data|
alt data {
some(@val) { fail "unwelcome value: " + val }
none { some(@"first data") }
local_data_modify(my_key) {|data|
alt data {
some(@"first data") { some(@"next data") }
some(@val) { fail "wrong value: " + val }
none { fail "missing value" }
assert *(local_data_pop(my_key).get()) == "next data";
fn test_tls_crust_automorestack_memorial_bug() unsafe {
// This might result in a stack-canary clobber if the runtime fails to set
// sp_limit to 0 when calling the cleanup crust - it might automatically
// jump over to the rust stack, which causes next_c_sp to get recorded as
// something within a rust stack segment. Then a subsequent upcall (esp.
// for logging, think vsnprintf) would run on a stack smaller than 1 MB.
fn my_key(+_x: @str) { }
task::spawn {||
unsafe { local_data_set(my_key, @"hax"); }
fn test_tls_multiple_types() unsafe {
fn str_key(+_x: @str) { }
fn box_key(+_x: @@()) { }
fn int_key(+_x: @int) { }
local_data_set(str_key, @"string data");
local_data_set(box_key, @@());
local_data_set(int_key, @42);
fn test_tls_overwrite_multiple_types() unsafe {
fn str_key(+_x: @str) { }
fn box_key(+_x: @@()) { }
fn int_key(+_x: @int) { }
local_data_set(str_key, @"string data");
local_data_set(int_key, @42);
// This could cause a segfault if overwriting-destruction is done with
// the crazy polymorphic transmute rather than the provided finaliser.
local_data_set(int_key, @31337);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#[doc = "Unsafe operations"];
export reinterpret_cast, forget, transmute;
export reinterpret_cast, forget, bump_box_refcount, transmute;
#[abi = "rust-intrinsic"]
native mod rusti {
@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ reinterpret_cast on managed pointer types.
unsafe fn forget<T>(-thing: T) { rusti::forget(thing); }
#[doc = "Force-increment the reference count on a shared box. If used
uncarefully, this can leak the box. Use this in conjunction with transmute
and/or reinterpret_cast when such calls would otherwise scramble a box's
reference count"]
unsafe fn bump_box_refcount<T>(+t: @T) { forget(t); }
#[doc = "
Transform a value of one type into a value of another type.
Both types must have the same size and alignment.
@ -49,6 +55,21 @@ mod tests {
assert unsafe { reinterpret_cast(1) } == 1u;
fn test_bump_box_refcount() {
unsafe {
let box = @"box box box"; // refcount 1
bump_box_refcount(box); // refcount 2
let ptr: *int = transmute(box); // refcount 2
let _box1: @str = reinterpret_cast(ptr);
let _box2: @str = reinterpret_cast(ptr);
assert *_box1 == "box box box";
assert *_box2 == "box box box";
// Will destroy _box1 and _box2. Without the bump, this would
// use-after-free. With too many bumps, it would leak.
fn test_transmute() {
unsafe {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user