Port Nomicon to mdbook

1. move everything under a src directory
2. add README.md to the SUMMARY.md
This commit is contained in:
Steve Klabnik 2017-02-07 19:08:12 -05:00
parent e943e68a47
commit 22d4adf14a
54 changed files with 105 additions and 106 deletions

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# Summary
* [Meet Safe and Unsafe](meet-safe-and-unsafe.md)
* [How Safe and Unsafe Interact](safe-unsafe-meaning.md)
* [Working with Unsafe](working-with-unsafe.md)
* [Data Layout](data.md)
* [repr(Rust)](repr-rust.md)
* [Exotically Sized Types](exotic-sizes.md)
* [Other reprs](other-reprs.md)
* [Ownership](ownership.md)
* [References](references.md)
* [Lifetimes](lifetimes.md)
* [Limits of Lifetimes](lifetime-mismatch.md)
* [Lifetime Elision](lifetime-elision.md)
* [Unbounded Lifetimes](unbounded-lifetimes.md)
* [Higher-Rank Trait Bounds](hrtb.md)
* [Subtyping and Variance](subtyping.md)
* [Drop Check](dropck.md)
* [PhantomData](phantom-data.md)
* [Splitting Borrows](borrow-splitting.md)
* [Type Conversions](conversions.md)
* [Coercions](coercions.md)
* [The Dot Operator](dot-operator.md)
* [Casts](casts.md)
* [Transmutes](transmutes.md)
* [Uninitialized Memory](uninitialized.md)
* [Checked](checked-uninit.md)
* [Drop Flags](drop-flags.md)
* [Unchecked](unchecked-uninit.md)
* [Ownership Based Resource Management](obrm.md)
* [Constructors](constructors.md)
* [Destructors](destructors.md)
* [Leaking](leaking.md)
* [Unwinding](unwinding.md)
* [Exception Safety](exception-safety.md)
* [Poisoning](poisoning.md)
* [Concurrency](concurrency.md)
* [Races](races.md)
* [Send and Sync](send-and-sync.md)
* [Atomics](atomics.md)
* [Implementing Vec](vec.md)
* [Layout](vec-layout.md)
* [Allocating](vec-alloc.md)
* [Push and Pop](vec-push-pop.md)
* [Deallocating](vec-dealloc.md)
* [Deref](vec-deref.md)
* [Insert and Remove](vec-insert-remove.md)
* [IntoIter](vec-into-iter.md)
* [RawVec](vec-raw.md)
* [Drain](vec-drain.md)
* [Handling Zero-Sized Types](vec-zsts.md)
* [Final Code](vec-final.md)
* [Implementing Arc and Mutex](arc-and-mutex.md)

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% The Rustonomicon
# The Rustonomicon
#### The Dark Arts of Advanced and Unsafe Rust Programming

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# Summary
- [Chapter 1](./chapter_1.md)
* [Meet Safe and Unsafe](meet-safe-and-unsafe.md)
* [How Safe and Unsafe Interact](safe-unsafe-meaning.md)
* [Working with Unsafe](working-with-unsafe.md)
* [Data Layout](data.md)
* [repr(Rust)](repr-rust.md)
* [Exotically Sized Types](exotic-sizes.md)
* [Other reprs](other-reprs.md)
* [Ownership](ownership.md)
* [References](references.md)
* [Lifetimes](lifetimes.md)
* [Limits of Lifetimes](lifetime-mismatch.md)
* [Lifetime Elision](lifetime-elision.md)
* [Unbounded Lifetimes](unbounded-lifetimes.md)
* [Higher-Rank Trait Bounds](hrtb.md)
* [Subtyping and Variance](subtyping.md)
* [Drop Check](dropck.md)
* [PhantomData](phantom-data.md)
* [Splitting Borrows](borrow-splitting.md)
* [Type Conversions](conversions.md)
* [Coercions](coercions.md)
* [The Dot Operator](dot-operator.md)
* [Casts](casts.md)
* [Transmutes](transmutes.md)
* [Uninitialized Memory](uninitialized.md)
* [Checked](checked-uninit.md)
* [Drop Flags](drop-flags.md)
* [Unchecked](unchecked-uninit.md)
* [Ownership Based Resource Management](obrm.md)
* [Constructors](constructors.md)
* [Destructors](destructors.md)
* [Leaking](leaking.md)
* [Unwinding](unwinding.md)
* [Exception Safety](exception-safety.md)
* [Poisoning](poisoning.md)
* [Concurrency](concurrency.md)
* [Races](races.md)
* [Send and Sync](send-and-sync.md)
* [Atomics](atomics.md)
* [Implementing Vec](vec.md)
* [Layout](vec-layout.md)
* [Allocating](vec-alloc.md)
* [Push and Pop](vec-push-pop.md)
* [Deallocating](vec-dealloc.md)
* [Deref](vec-deref.md)
* [Insert and Remove](vec-insert-remove.md)
* [IntoIter](vec-into-iter.md)
* [RawVec](vec-raw.md)
* [Drain](vec-drain.md)
* [Handling Zero-Sized Types](vec-zsts.md)
* [Final Code](vec-final.md)
* [Implementing Arc and Mutex](arc-and-mutex.md)

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% Implementing Arc and Mutex
# Implementing Arc and Mutex
Knowing the theory is all fine and good, but the *best* way to understand
something is to use it. To better understand atomics and interior mutability,

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% Atomics
# Atomics
Rust pretty blatantly just inherits C11's memory model for atomics. This is not
due to this model being particularly excellent or easy to understand. Indeed,

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% Splitting Borrows
# Splitting Borrows
The mutual exclusion property of mutable references can be very limiting when
working with a composite structure. The borrow checker understands some basic

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% Casts
# Casts
Casts are a superset of coercions: every coercion can be explicitly
invoked via a cast. However some conversions require a cast.

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% Checked Uninitialized Memory
# Checked Uninitialized Memory
Like C, all stack variables in Rust are uninitialized until a value is
explicitly assigned to them. Unlike C, Rust statically prevents you from ever

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% Coercions
# Coercions
Types can implicitly be coerced to change in certain contexts. These changes are
generally just *weakening* of types, largely focused around pointers and

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% Concurrency and Parallelism
# Concurrency and Parallelism
Rust as a language doesn't *really* have an opinion on how to do concurrency or
parallelism. The standard library exposes OS threads and blocking sys-calls

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% Constructors
# Constructors
There is exactly one way to create an instance of a user-defined type: name it,
and initialize all its fields at once:

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% Type Conversions
# Type Conversions
At the end of the day, everything is just a pile of bits somewhere, and type
systems are just there to help us use those bits right. There are two common

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% Data Representation in Rust
# Data Representation in Rust
Low-level programming cares a lot about data layout. It's a big deal. It also
pervasively influences the rest of the language, so we're going to start by

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% Destructors
# Destructors
What the language *does* provide is full-blown automatic destructors through the
`Drop` trait, which provides the following method:

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% The Dot Operator
# The Dot Operator
The dot operator will perform a lot of magic to convert types. It will perform
auto-referencing, auto-dereferencing, and coercion until types match.

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% Drop Flags
# Drop Flags
The examples in the previous section introduce an interesting problem for Rust.
We have seen that it's possible to conditionally initialize, deinitialize, and

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% Drop Check
# Drop Check
We have seen how lifetimes provide us some fairly simple rules for ensuring
that we never read dangling references. However up to this point we have only ever

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% Exception Safety
# Exception Safety
Although programs should use unwinding sparingly, there's a lot of code that
*can* panic. If you unwrap a None, index out of bounds, or divide by 0, your

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% Exotically Sized Types
# Exotically Sized Types
Most of the time, we think in terms of types with a fixed, positive size. This
is not always the case, however.

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% Higher-Rank Trait Bounds (HRTBs)
# Higher-Rank Trait Bounds (HRTBs)
Rust's `Fn` traits are a little bit magic. For instance, we can write the
following code:

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% Leaking
# Leaking
Ownership-based resource management is intended to simplify composition. You
acquire resources when you create the object, and you release the resources when

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% Lifetime Elision
# Lifetime Elision
In order to make common patterns more ergonomic, Rust allows lifetimes to be
*elided* in function signatures.

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% Limits of Lifetimes
# Limits of Lifetimes
Given the following code:

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% Lifetimes
# Lifetimes
Rust enforces these rules through *lifetimes*. Lifetimes are effectively
just names for scopes somewhere in the program. Each reference,

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% Meet Safe and Unsafe
# Meet Safe and Unsafe
Programmers in safe "high-level" languages face a fundamental dilemma. On one
hand, it would be *really* great to just say what you want and not worry about

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% The Perils Of Ownership Based Resource Management (OBRM)
# The Perils Of Ownership Based Resource Management (OBRM)
OBRM (AKA RAII: Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) is something you'll
interact with a lot in Rust. Especially if you use the standard library.

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% Alternative representations
# Alternative representations
Rust allows you to specify alternative data layout strategies from the default.

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% Ownership and Lifetimes
# Ownership and Lifetimes
Ownership is the breakout feature of Rust. It allows Rust to be completely
memory-safe and efficient, while avoiding garbage collection. Before getting

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% PhantomData
# PhantomData
When working with unsafe code, we can often end up in a situation where
types or lifetimes are logically associated with a struct, but not actually

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% Poisoning
# Poisoning
Although all unsafe code *must* ensure it has minimal exception safety, not all
types ensure *maximal* exception safety. Even if the type does, your code may

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% Data Races and Race Conditions
# Data Races and Race Conditions
Safe Rust guarantees an absence of data races, which are defined as:

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% References
# References
This section gives a high-level view of the memory model that *all* Rust
programs must satisfy to be correct. Safe code is statically verified

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% repr(Rust)
# repr(Rust)
First and foremost, all types have an alignment specified in bytes. The
alignment of a type specifies what addresses are valid to store the value at. A

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% How Safe and Unsafe Interact
# How Safe and Unsafe Interact
What's the relationship between Safe Rust and Unsafe Rust? How do they

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% Send and Sync
# Send and Sync
Not everything obeys inherited mutability, though. Some types allow you to
multiply alias a location in memory while mutating it. Unless these types use

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% Subtyping and Variance
# Subtyping and Variance
Although Rust doesn't have any notion of structural inheritance, it *does*
include subtyping. In Rust, subtyping derives entirely from lifetimes. Since

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% Transmutes
# Transmutes
Get out of our way type system! We're going to reinterpret these bits or die
trying! Even though this book is all about doing things that are unsafe, I

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% Unbounded Lifetimes
# Unbounded Lifetimes
Unsafe code can often end up producing references or lifetimes out of thin air.
Such lifetimes come into the world as *unbounded*. The most common source of this

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% Unchecked Uninitialized Memory
# Unchecked Uninitialized Memory
One interesting exception to this rule is working with arrays. Safe Rust doesn't
permit you to partially initialize an array. When you initialize an array, you

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% Working With Uninitialized Memory
# Working With Uninitialized Memory
All runtime-allocated memory in a Rust program begins its life as
*uninitialized*. In this state the value of the memory is an indeterminate pile

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% Unwinding
# Unwinding
Rust has a *tiered* error-handling scheme:

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% Allocating Memory
# Allocating Memory
Using Unique throws a wrench in an important feature of Vec (and indeed all of
the std collections): an empty Vec doesn't actually allocate at all. So if we

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% Deallocating
# Deallocating
Next we should implement Drop so that we don't massively leak tons of resources.
The easiest way is to just call `pop` until it yields None, and then deallocate

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% Deref
# Deref
Alright! We've got a decent minimal stack implemented. We can push, we can
pop, and we can clean up after ourselves. However there's a whole mess of

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% Drain
# Drain
Let's move on to Drain. Drain is largely the same as IntoIter, except that
instead of consuming the Vec, it borrows the Vec and leaves its allocation

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% The Final Code
# The Final Code

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% Insert and Remove
# Insert and Remove
Something *not* provided by slice is `insert` and `remove`, so let's do those

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% IntoIter
# IntoIter
Let's move on to writing iterators. `iter` and `iter_mut` have already been
written for us thanks to The Magic of Deref. However there's two interesting

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% Layout
# Layout
First off, we need to come up with the struct layout. A Vec has three parts:
a pointer to the allocation, the size of the allocation, and the number of

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% Push and Pop
# Push and Pop
Alright. We can initialize. We can allocate. Let's actually implement some
functionality! Let's start with `push`. All it needs to do is check if we're

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% RawVec
# RawVec
We've actually reached an interesting situation here: we've duplicated the logic
for specifying a buffer and freeing its memory in Vec and IntoIter. Now that

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% Handling Zero-Sized Types
# Handling Zero-Sized Types
It's time. We're going to fight the specter that is zero-sized types. Safe Rust
*never* needs to care about this, but Vec is very intensive on raw pointers and

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% Example: Implementing Vec
# Example: Implementing Vec
To bring everything together, we're going to write `std::Vec` from scratch.
Because all the best tools for writing unsafe code are unstable, this

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% Working with Unsafe
# Working with Unsafe
Rust generally only gives us the tools to talk about Unsafe Rust in a scoped and
binary manner. Unfortunately, reality is significantly more complicated than