Rollup merge of #29538 - steveklabnik:ch1_edits, r=brson

I did some preliminary editing work with No Starch on the first chapter of the book, and here's some of the results. We're going to want to return to this later when @brson etc's new rustup work is done, so this is mostly just a first pass.

But, we agreed that having separate chapters for each of this bit of intro is a bit excessive. So let's move all of this intro stuff into one chapter.

I'd appreciate a careful review of this, as there was also some confusion about some things, which resulted in me taking one huge markdown file apart and splitting it back up, as well as some editor issues, so I _think_ this looks good, but double checking things matters!

/cc @aturon
This commit is contained in:
Steve Klabnik 2015-11-05 12:43:02 +01:00
commit 268e360f39
5 changed files with 605 additions and 568 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
# Summary
* [Getting Started](
* [Installing Rust](
* [Hello, world!](
* [Hello, Cargo!](
* [Learn Rust](
* [Guessing Game](
* [Dining Philosophers](

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@ -3,3 +3,608 @@
This first section of the book will get us going with Rust and its tooling.
First, well install Rust. Then, the classic Hello World program. Finally,
well talk about Cargo, Rusts build system and package manager.
# Installing Rust
The first step to using Rust is to install it. Generally speaking, youll need
an Internet connection to run the commands in this chapter, as well be
downloading Rust from the internet.
Well be showing off a number of commands using a terminal, and those lines all
start with `$`. We don't need to type in the `$`s, they are there to indicate
the start of each command. Well see many tutorials and examples around the web
that follow this convention: `$` for commands run as our regular user, and `#`
for commands we should be running as an administrator.
## Platform support
The Rust compiler runs on, and compiles to, a great number of platforms, though
not all platforms are equally supported. Rust's support levels are organized
into three tiers, each with a different set of guarantees.
Platforms are identified by their "target triple" which is the string to inform
the compiler what kind of output should be produced. The columns below indicate
whether the corresponding component works on the specified platform.
### Tier 1
Tier 1 platforms can be thought of as "guaranteed to build and work".
Specifically they will each satisfy the following requirements:
* Automated testing is set up to run tests for the platform.
* Landing changes to the `rust-lang/rust` repository's master branch is gated on
tests passing.
* Official release artifacts are provided for the platform.
* Documentation for how to use and how to build the platform is available.
| Target | std |rustc|cargo| notes |
| `x86_64-pc-windows-msvc` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 64-bit MSVC (Windows 7+) |
| `i686-pc-windows-gnu` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 32-bit MinGW (Windows 7+) |
| `x86_64-pc-windows-gnu` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 64-bit MinGW (Windows 7+) |
| `i686-apple-darwin` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 32-bit OSX (10.7+, Lion+) |
| `x86_64-apple-darwin` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 64-bit OSX (10.7+, Lion+) |
| `i686-unknown-linux-gnu` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 32-bit Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 64-bit Linux (2.6.18+) |
### Tier 2
Tier 2 platforms can be thought of as "guaranteed to build". Automated tests
are not run so it's not guaranteed to produce a working build, but platforms
often work to quite a good degree and patches are always welcome! Specifically,
these platforms are required to have each of the following:
* Automated building is set up, but may not be running tests.
* Landing changes to the `rust-lang/rust` repository's master branch is gated on
platforms **building**. Note that this means for some platforms only the
standard library is compiled, but for others the full bootstrap is run.
* Official release artifacts are provided for the platform.
| Target | std |rustc|cargo| notes |
| `i686-pc-windows-msvc` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 32-bit MSVC (Windows 7+) |
### Tier 3
Tier 3 platforms are those which Rust has support for, but landing changes is
not gated on the platform either building or passing tests. Working builds for
these platforms may be spotty as their reliability is often defined in terms of
community contributions. Additionally, release artifacts and installers are not
provided, but there may be community infrastructure producing these in
unofficial locations.
| Target | std |rustc|cargo| notes |
| `x86_64-unknown-linux-musl` | ✓ | | | 64-bit Linux with MUSL |
| `arm-linux-androideabi` | ✓ | | | ARM Android |
| `i686-linux-android` | ✓ | | | 32-bit x86 Android |
| `aarch64-linux-android` | ✓ | | | ARM64 Android |
| `arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi` | ✓ | ✓ | | ARM Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf` | ✓ | ✓ | | ARM Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu` | ✓ | | | ARM64 Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `mips-unknown-linux-gnu` | ✓ | | | MIPS Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu` | ✓ | | | MIPS (LE) Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu` | ✓ | | | PowerPC Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `i386-apple-ios` | ✓ | | | 32-bit x86 iOS |
| `x86_64-apple-ios` | ✓ | | | 64-bit x86 iOS |
| `armv7-apple-ios` | ✓ | | | ARM iOS |
| `armv7s-apple-ios` | ✓ | | | ARM iOS |
| `aarch64-apple-ios` | ✓ | | | ARM64 iOS |
| `i686-unknown-freebsd` | ✓ | ✓ | | 32-bit FreeBSD |
| `x86_64-unknown-freebsd` | ✓ | ✓ | | 64-bit FreeBSD |
| `x86_64-unknown-openbsd` | ✓ | ✓ | | 64-bit OpenBSD |
| `x86_64-unknown-netbsd` | ✓ | ✓ | | 64-bit NetBSD |
| `x86_64-unknown-bitrig` | ✓ | ✓ | | 64-bit Bitrig |
| `x86_64-unknown-dragonfly` | ✓ | ✓ | | 64-bit DragonFlyBSD |
| `x86_64-rumprun-netbsd` | ✓ | | | 64-bit NetBSD Rump Kernel |
| `i686-pc-windows-msvc` (XP) | ✓ | | | Windows XP support |
| `x86_64-pc-windows-msvc` (XP) | ✓ | | | Windows XP support |
Note that this table can be expanded over time, this isn't the exhaustive set of
tier 3 platforms that will ever be!
## Installing on Linux or Mac
If we're on Linux or a Mac, all we need to do is open a terminal and type this:
$ curl -sSf | sh
This will download a script, and stat the installation. If it all goes well,
youll see this appear:
Welcome to Rust.
This script will download the Rust compiler and its package manager, Cargo, and
install them to /usr/local. You may install elsewhere by running this script
with the --prefix=<path> option.
The installer will run under sudo and may ask you for your password. If you do
not want the script to run sudo then pass it the --disable-sudo flag.
You may uninstall later by running /usr/local/lib/rustlib/,
or by running this script again with the --uninstall flag.
Continue? (y/N)
From here, press `y` for yes, and then follow the rest of the prompts.
## Installing on Windows
If you're on Windows, please download the appropriate [installer][install-page].
## Uninstalling
Uninstalling Rust is as easy as installing it. On Linux or Mac, just run
the uninstall script:
$ sudo /usr/local/lib/rustlib/
If we used the Windows installer, we can re-run the `.msi` and it will give us
an uninstall option.
## Troubleshooting
If we've got Rust installed, we can open up a shell, and type this:
$ rustc --version
You should see the version number, commit hash, and commit date.
If you do, Rust has been installed successfully! Congrats!
If you don't and you're on Windows, check that Rust is in your %PATH% system
variable. If it isn't, run the installer again, select "Change" on the "Change,
repair, or remove installation" page and ensure "Add to PATH" is installed on
the local hard drive.
If not, there are a number of places where we can get help. The easiest is
[the #rust IRC channel on][irc], which we can access through
[Mibbit][mibbit]. Click that link, and we'll be chatting with other Rustaceans
(a silly nickname we call ourselves) who can help us out. Other great resources
include [the users forum][users], and [Stack Overflow][stackoverflow].
[irc]: irc://
This installer also installs a copy of the documentation locally, so we can
read it offline. On UNIX systems, `/usr/local/share/doc/rust` is the location.
On Windows, it's in a `share/doc` directory, inside the directory to which Rust
was installed.
# Hello, world!
Now that you have Rust installed, we'll help you write your first Rust program.
It's traditional when learning a new language to write a little program to
print the text “Hello, world!” to the screen, and in this section, we'll follow
that tradition.
The nice thing about starting with such a simple program is that you can
quickly verify that your compiler is installed, and that it's working properly.
Printing information to the screen is also just a pretty common thing to do, so
practicing it early on is good.
> Note: This book assumes basic familiarity with the command line. Rust itself
> makes no specific demands about your editing, tooling, or where your code
> lives, so if you prefer an IDE to the command line, that's an option. You may
> want to check out [SolidOak], which was built specifically with Rust in mind.
> There are a number of extensions in development by the community, and the
> Rust team ships plugins for [various editors]. Configuring your editor or
> IDE is out of the scope of this tutorial, so check the documentation for your
> specific setup.
[various editors]:
## Creating a Project File
First, make a file to put your Rust code in. Rust doesn't care where your code
lives, but for this book, I suggest making a *projects* directory in your home
directory, and keeping all your projects there. Open a terminal and enter the
following commands to make a directory for this particular project:
$ mkdir ~/projects
$ cd ~/projects
$ mkdir hello_world
$ cd hello_world
> Note: If youre on Windows and not using PowerShell, the `~` may not work.
> Consult the documentation for your shell for more details.
## Writing and Running a Rust Program
Next, make a new source file and call it **. Rust files always end
in a *.rs* extension. If youre using more than one word in your filename, use
an underscore to separate them; for example, you'd use ** rather
than **.
Now open the ** file you just created, and type the following code:
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
Save the file, and go back to your terminal window. On Linux or OSX, enter the
following commands:
$ rustc
$ ./main
Hello, world!
In Windows, just replace `main` with `main.exe`. Regardless of your operating
system, you should see the string `Hello, world!` print to the terminal. If you
did, then congratulations! You've officially written a Rust program. That makes
you a Rust programmer! Welcome.
## Anatomy of a Rust Program
Now, lets go over what just happened in your "Hello, world!" program in
detail. Here's the first piece of the puzzle:
fn main() {
These lines define a *function* in Rust. The `main` function is special: it's
the beginning of every Rust program. The first line says, “Im declaring a
function named `main` that takes no arguments and returns nothing.” If there
were arguments, they would go inside the parentheses (`(` and `)`), and because
we arent returning anything from this function, we can omit the return type
Also note that the function body is wrapped in curly braces (`{` and `}`). Rust
requires these around all function bodies. It's considered good style to put
the opening curly brace on the same line as the function declaration, with one
space in between.
Inside the `main()` function:
println!("Hello, world!");
This line does all of the work in this little program: it prints text to the
screen. There are a number of details that are important here. The first is
that its indented with four spaces, not tabs.
The second important part is the `println!()` line. This is calling a Rust
*[macro]*, which is how metaprogramming is done in Rust. If it were calling a
function instead, it would look like this: `println()` (without the !). We'll
discuss Rust macros in more detail later, but for now you just need to
know that when you see a `!` that means that youre calling a macro instead of
a normal function.
[macro]: macros.html
Next is `"Hello, world!"` which is a *string*. Strings are a surprisingly
complicated topic in a systems programming language, and this is a *[statically
allocated]* string. We pass this string as an argument to `println!`, which
prints the string to the screen. Easy enough!
[statically allocated]: the-stack-and-the-heap.html
The line ends with a semicolon (`;`). Rust is an *[expression oriented]*
language, which means that most things are expressions, rather than statements.
The `;` indicates that this expression is over, and the next one is ready to
begin. Most lines of Rust code end with a `;`.
[expression-oriented language]: glossary.html#expression-oriented-language
## Compiling and Running Are Separate Steps
In "Writing and Running a Rust Program", we showed you how to run a newly
created program. We'll break that process down and examine each step now.
Before running a Rust program, you have to compile it. You can use the Rust
compiler by entering the `rustc` command and passing it the name of your source
file, like this:
$ rustc
If you come from a C or C++ background, you'll notice that this is similar to
`gcc` or `clang`. After compiling successfully, Rust should output a binary
executable, which you can see on Linux or OSX by entering the `ls` command in
your shell as follows:
$ ls
On Windows, you'd enter:
$ dir
This shows we have two files: the source code, with an `.rs` extension, and the
executable (`main.exe` on Windows, `main` everywhere else). All that's left to
do from here is run the `main` or `main.exe` file, like this:
$ ./main # or main.exe on Windows
If ** were your "Hello, world!" program, this would print `Hello,
world!` to your terminal.
If you come from a dynamic language like Ruby, Python, or JavaScript, you may
not be used to compiling and running a program being separate steps. Rust is an
*ahead-of-time compiled* language, which means that you can compile a program,
give it to someone else, and they can run it even without Rust installed. If
you give someone a `.rb` or `.py` or `.js` file, on the other hand, they need
to have a Ruby, Python, or JavaScript implementation installed (respectively),
but you only need one command to both compile and run your program. Everything
is a tradeoff in language design.
Just compiling with `rustc` is fine for simple programs, but as your project
grows, you'll want to be able to manage all of the options your project has,
and make it easy to share your code with other people and projects. Next, I'll
introduce you to a tool called Cargo, which will help you write real-world Rust
# Hello, Cargo!
Cargo is Rusts build system and package manager, and Rustaceans use Cargo to
manage their Rust projects. Cargo manages three things: building your code,
downloading the libraries your code depends on, and building those libraries.
We call libraries your code needs dependencies since your code depends on
The simplest Rust programs dont have any dependencies, so right now, you'd
only use the first part of its functionality. As you write more complex Rust
programs, youll want to add dependencies, and if you start off using Cargo,
that will be a lot easier to do.
As the vast, vast majority of Rust projects use Cargo, we will assume that
youre using it for the rest of the book. Cargo comes installed with Rust
itself, if you used the official installers. If you installed Rust through some
other means, you can check if you have Cargo installed by typing:
$ cargo --version
Into a terminal. If you see a version number, great! If you see an error like
`command not found`, then you should look at the documentation for the system
in which you installed Rust, to determine if Cargo is separate.
## Converting to Cargo
Lets convert the Hello World program to Cargo. To Cargo-fy a project, you need
to do three things:
1. Put your source file in the right directory.
2. Get rid of the old executable (`main.exe` on Windows, `main` everywhere else)
and make a new one.
3. Make a Cargo configuration file.
Let's get started!
### Creating a new Executable and Source Directory
First, go back to your terminal, move to your *hello_world* directory, and
enter the following commands:
$ mkdir src
$ mv src/
$ rm main # or 'del main.exe' on Windows
Cargo expects your source files to live inside a *src* directory, so do that
first. This leaves the top-level project directory (in this case,
*hello_world*) for READMEs, license information, and anything else not related
to your code. In this way, using Cargo helps you keep your projects nice and
tidy. There's a place for everything, and everything is in its place.
Now, copy ** to the *src* directory, and delete the compiled file you
created with `rustc`. As usual, replace `main` with `main.exe` if you're on
This example retains `` as the source filename because it's creating an
executable. If you wanted to make a library instead, you'd name the file
``. This convention is used by Cargo to successfully compile your
projects, but it can be overridden if you wish.
### Creating a Configuration File
Next, create a new file inside your *hello_world* directory, and call it
Make sure to capitalize the `C` in `Cargo.toml`, or Cargo won't know what to do
with the configuration file.
This file is in the *[TOML]* (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) format. TOML is
similar to INI, but has some extra goodies, and is used as Cargos
configuration format.
Inside this file, type the following information:
name = "hello_world"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = [ "Your name <>" ]
The first line, `[package]`, indicates that the following statements are
configuring a package. As we add more information to this file, well add other
sections, but for now, we just have the package configuration.
The other three lines set the three bits of configuration that Cargo needs to
know to compile your program: its name, what version it is, and who wrote it.
Once you've added this information to the *Cargo.toml* file, save it to finish
creating the configuration file.
## Building and Running a Cargo Project
With your *Cargo.toml* file in place in your project's root directory, you
should be ready to build and run your Hello World program! To do so, enter the
following commands:
$ cargo build
Compiling hello_world v0.0.1 (file:///home/yourname/projects/hello_world)
$ ./target/debug/hello_world
Hello, world!
Bam! If all goes well, `Hello, world!` should print to the terminal once more.
You just built a project with `cargo build` and ran it with
`./target/debug/hello_world`, but you can actually do both in one step with
`cargo run` as follows:
$ cargo run
Running `target/debug/hello_world`
Hello, world!
Notice that this example didnt re-build the project. Cargo figured out that
the file hasnt changed, and so it just ran the binary. If you'd modified your
source code, Cargo would have rebuilt the project before running it, and you
would have seen something like this:
$ cargo run
Compiling hello_world v0.0.1 (file:///home/yourname/projects/hello_world)
Running `target/debug/hello_world`
Hello, world!
Cargo checks to see if any of your projects files have been modified, and only
rebuilds your project if theyve changed since the last time you built it.
With simple projects, Cargo doesn't bring a whole lot over just using `rustc`,
but it will become useful in future. With complex projects composed of multiple
crates, its much easier to let Cargo coordinate the build. With Cargo, you can
just run `cargo build`, and it should work the right way.
## Building for Release
When your project is finally ready for release, you can use `cargo build
--release` to compile your project with optimizations. These optimizations make
your Rust code run faster, but turning them on makes your program take longer
to compile. This is why there are two different profiles, one for development,
and one for building the final program youll give to a user.
Running this command also causes Cargo to create a new file called
*Cargo.lock*, which looks like this:
name = "hello_world"
version = "0.0.1"
Cargo uses the *Cargo.lock* file to keep track of dependencies in your
application. This is the Hello World project's *Cargo.lock* file. This project
doesn't have dependencies, so the file is a bit sparse. Realistically, you
won't ever need to touch this file yourself; just let Cargo handle it.
Thats it! If you've been following along, you should have successfully built
`hello_world` with Cargo.
Even though the project is simple, it now uses much of the real tooling youll
use for the rest of your Rust career. In fact, you can expect to start
virtually all Rust projects with some variation on the following commands:
$ git clone
$ cd foo
$ cargo build
## Making A New Cargo Project the Easy Way
You dont have to go through that previous process every time you want to start
a new project! Cargo can quickly make a bare-bones project directory that you
can start developing in right away.
To start a new project with Cargo, enter `cargo new` at the command line:
$ cargo new hello_world --bin
This command passes `--bin` because the goal is to get straight to making an
executable application, as opposed to a library. Executables are often called
*binaries* (as in `/usr/bin`, if youre on a Unix system).
Cargo has generated two files and one directory for us: a `Cargo.toml` and a
*src* directory with a ** file inside. These should look familliar,
theyre exactly what we created by hand, above.
This output is all you need to get started. First, open `Cargo.toml`. It should
look something like this:
name = "hello_world"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Your Name <>"]
Cargo has populated *Cargo.toml* with reasonable defaults based on the arguments
you gave it and your `git` global configuration. You may notice that Cargo has
also initialized the `hello_world` directory as a `git` repository.
Heres what should be in `src/`:
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
Cargo has generated a "Hello World!" for you, and youre ready to start coding!
> Note: If you want to look at Cargo in more detail, check out the official [Cargo
guide], which covers all of its features.
[Cargo guide]:
# Closing Thoughts
This chapter covered the basics that will serve you well through the rest of
this book, and the rest of your time with Rust. Now that youve got the tools
down, we'll cover more about the Rust language itself.
You have two options: Dive into a project with [Learn Rust][learnrust], or
start from the bottom and work your way up with [Syntax and
Semantics][syntax]. More experienced systems programmers will probably prefer
Learn Rust, while those from dynamic backgrounds may enjoy either. Different
people learn differently! Choose whatevers right for you.
[learnrust]: learn-rust.html
[syntax]: syntax-and-semantics.html

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@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
% Hello, Cargo!
[Cargo][cratesio] is a tool that Rustaceans use to help manage their Rust
projects. Cargo is currently in a pre-1.0 state, and so it is still a work in
progress. However, it is already good enough to use for many Rust projects, and
so it is assumed that Rust projects will use Cargo from the beginning.
Cargo manages three things: building our code, downloading the dependencies our
code needs, and building those dependencies. At first, our program doesnt have
any dependencies, so well only be using the first part of its functionality.
Eventually, well add more. Since we started off by using Cargo, it'll be easy
to add later.
If you installed Rust via the official installers you will also have Cargo. If
you installed Rust some other way, you may want to
[check the Cargo README][cargoreadme] for specific instructions about installing
## Converting to Cargo
Lets convert Hello World to Cargo.
To Cargo-ify our project, we need to do three things: Make a `Cargo.toml`
configuration file, put our source file in the right place, and get rid of the
old executable (`main.exe` on Windows, `main` everywhere else). Let's do that part first:
$ mkdir src
$ mv src/
$ rm main # or 'del main.exe' on Windows
> Note: since we're creating an executable, we retain `` as the source
> filename. If we want to make a library instead, we should use ``. This
> convention is used by Cargo to successfully compile our projects, but it can
> be overridden if we wish. Custom file locations for the entry point can be
> specified with a [`[lib]` or `[[bin]]`][crates-custom] key in the TOML file.
Cargo expects our source files to live inside a `src` directory. That leaves the
top level for other things, like READMEs, license information, and anything not
related to our code. Cargo helps us keep our projects nice and tidy. A place for
everything, and everything in its place.
Next, our configuration file:
$ editor Cargo.toml # or 'notepad Cargo.toml' on Windows
Make sure to get this name right: we need the capital `C`!
Put this inside:
name = "hello_world"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = [ "Your name <>" ]
This file is in the [TOML][toml] format. TOML is similar to INI, but has some
extra goodies. According to the TOML docs,
> TOML aims to be a minimal configuration file format that's easy to read due
> to obvious semantics. TOML is designed to map unambiguously to a hash table.
> TOML should be easy to parse into data structures in a wide variety of
> languages.
Once we have this file in place in our project's root directory, we should be
ready to build! To do so, run:
$ cargo build
Compiling hello_world v0.0.1 (file:///home/yourname/projects/hello_world)
$ ./target/debug/hello_world
Hello, world!
Bam! We built our project with `cargo build`, and ran it with
`./target/debug/hello_world`. We can do both in one step with `cargo run`:
$ cargo run
Running `target/debug/hello_world`
Hello, world!
Notice that we didnt re-build the project this time. Cargo figured out that
we hadnt changed the source file, and so it just ran the binary. If we had
made a modification, we would have seen it do both:
$ cargo run
Compiling hello_world v0.0.1 (file:///home/yourname/projects/hello_world)
Running `target/debug/hello_world`
Hello, world!
This hasnt bought us a whole lot over our simple use of `rustc`, but think
about the future: when our project gets more complex, we need to do more
things to get all of the parts to properly compile. With Cargo, as our project
grows, we can just run `cargo build`, and itll work the right way.
When our project is finally ready for release, we can use `cargo build
--release` to compile our project with optimizations.
You'll also notice that Cargo has created a new file: `Cargo.lock`.
name = "hello_world"
version = "0.0.1"
The `Cargo.lock` file is used by Cargo to keep track of dependencies in our
application. Right now, we dont have any, so its a bit sparse. We won't ever
need to touch this file ourselves, just let Cargo handle it.
Thats it! Weve successfully built `hello_world` with Cargo. Even though our
program is simple, its using much of the real tooling that well use for the
rest of our Rust career. We can expect to do this to get started with virtually
all Rust projects:
$ git clone
$ cd foo
$ cargo build
## A New Project
We dont have to go through this whole process every time we want to start a new
project! Cargo has the ability to make a bare-bones project directory in which
we can start developing right away.
To start a new project with Cargo, we use `cargo new`:
$ cargo new hello_world --bin
Were passing `--bin` because our goal is to get straight to making an
executable application, as opposed to a library. Executables are often called
binaries. (as in `/usr/bin`, if were on a Unix system)
Let's check out what Cargo has generated for us:
$ cd hello_world
$ tree .
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
1 directory, 2 files
If we don't have the `tree` command, we can probably get it from our
distributions package manager. Its not necessary, but its certainly useful.
This is all we need to get started. First, lets check out `Cargo.toml`:
name = "hello_world"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Your Name <>"]
Cargo has populated this file with reasonable defaults based off the arguments
we gave it and our `git` global configuration. You may notice that Cargo has
also initialized the `hello_world` directory as a `git` repository.
Heres whats in `src/`:
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
Cargo has generated a "Hello World!" for us, and were ready to start coding!
Cargo has its own [guide][guide] which covers Cargos features in much more
Now that weve got the tools down, lets actually learn more about the Rust
language itself. These are the basics that will serve us well through the rest
of our time with Rust.
You have two options: Dive into a project with [Learn Rust][learnrust], or
start from the bottom and work your way up with
[Syntax and Semantics][syntax]. More experienced systems programmers will
probably prefer Learn Rust, while those from dynamic backgrounds may enjoy
either. Different people learn differently! Choose whatevers right for you.
[learnrust]: learn-rust.html
[syntax]: syntax-and-semantics.html

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@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
% Hello, world!
Now that we have Rust installed, lets write our first Rust program. Its
traditional to make our first program in any new language one that prints the
text “Hello, world!” to the screen. The nice thing about starting with such a
simple program is that we can verify that our compiler isnt just installed, but
also working properly. And printing information to the screen is a pretty common
thing to do.
The first thing that we need to do is make a file to put our code in. I like to
make a `projects` directory in my home directory, and keep all my projects
there. Rust doesn't care where our code lives.
This actually leads to one other concern we should address: this guide will
assume that we have basic familiarity with the command line. Rust itself makes
no specific demands on our editing tooling, or where our code lives. If we
prefer an IDE to the command line, we may want to check out
[SolidOak][solidoak], or wherever plugins are for our favorite IDE. There are a
number of extensions of varying quality in development by the community. The
Rust team also ships [plugins for various editors][plugins]. Configuring our
editor or IDE is out of the scope of this tutorial, so check the documentation
for our setup, specifically.
With that said, lets make a directory in our projects directory.
$ mkdir ~/projects
$ cd ~/projects
$ mkdir hello_world
$ cd hello_world
If were on Windows and not using PowerShell, the `~` may not work. Consult the
documentation for our shell for more details.
Lets make a new source file next. Well call our file ``. Rust files
always end in a `.rs` extension, and if were using more than one word in a
Rust filename, we use an underscore: for example, ``, not
`` or ``.
Now that weve got our file open, type this in:
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
Save the file, and then type this into our terminal window:
$ rustc
$ ./main # or main.exe on Windows
Hello, world!
Success! Lets go over what just happened in detail.
fn main() {
These lines define a *function* in Rust. The `main` function is special:
it's the beginning of every Rust program. The first line says "Im declaring a
function named `main` which takes no arguments and returns nothing." If there
were arguments, they would go inside the parentheses (`(` and `)`), and because
we arent returning anything from this function, we can omit the return type
entirely. Well get to it later.
Youll also note that the function is wrapped in curly braces (`{` and `}`).
Rust requires these around all function bodies. It is also considered good style
to put the opening curly brace on the same line as the function declaration,
with one space in between.
Next up is this line:
println!("Hello, world!");
This line does all of the work in our little program. There are a number of
details that are important here. The first is that its indented with four
spaces, not tabs. Please configure your editor of choice to insert four spaces
with the tab key. We provide some
[sample configurations for various editors][configs].
The second point is the `println!()` part. This is calling a Rust
[macro][macro], which is how metaprogramming is done in Rust. If it were a
function instead, it would look like this: `println()`. For our purposes, we
dont need to worry about this difference. Just know that sometimes, well see a
`!`, and that means that were calling a macro instead of a normal function.
Rust implements `println!` as a macro rather than a function for good reasons,
but that's an advanced topic. One last thing to mention: Rusts macros are
significantly different from C macros, if youve used those. Dont be scared of
using macros. Well get to the details eventually, youll just have to take it
on trust for now.
[macro]: macros.html
Next, `"Hello, world!"` is a string. Strings are a surprisingly complicated
topic in a systems programming language, and this is a statically allocated
string. If you want to read further about allocation, check out [the stack and
the heap][allocation], but you dont need to right now if you dont want to. We
pass this string as an argument to `println!`, which prints the string to the
screen. Easy enough!
[allocation]: the-stack-and-the-heap.html
Finally, the line ends with a semicolon (`;`). Rust is an [expression oriented
language][expression-oriented language], which means that most things are
expressions, rather than statements. The `;` is used to indicate that this
expression is over, and the next one is ready to begin. Most lines of Rust code
end with a `;`.
[expression-oriented language]: glossary.html#expression-oriented-language
Finally, actually compiling and running our program. We can compile with our
compiler, `rustc`, by passing it the name of our source file:
$ rustc
This is similar to `gcc` or `clang`, if you come from a C or C++ background.
Rust will output a binary executable. We can see it with `ls`:
$ ls
Or on Windows:
$ dir
There are now two files: our source code, with the `.rs` extension, and the
executable (`main.exe` on Windows, `main` everywhere else).
$ ./main # or main.exe on Windows
This prints out our `Hello, world!` text to our terminal.
If you come from a dynamic language like Ruby, Python, or JavaScript, you may
not be used to these two steps being separate. Rust is an ahead-of-time
compiled language, which means that we can compile a program, give it to
someone else, and they don't need to have Rust installed. If we give someone a
`.rb` or `.py` or `.js` file, they need to have a Ruby/Python/JavaScript
implementation installed, but we just need one command to both compile and run
our program. Everything is a tradeoff in language design, and Rust has made its
Congratulations! You have officially written a Rust program. That makes you a
Rust programmer! Welcome. 🎊🎉👍
Next, I'd like to introduce you to another tool, Cargo, which is used to write
real-world Rust programs. Just using `rustc` is nice for simple things, but as
our project grows, we'll want something to help us manage all of the options
that it has, and to make it easy to share our code with other people and

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@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
% Installing Rust
The first step to using Rust is to install it! There are a number of ways to
install Rust, but the easiest is to use the `rustup` script. If we're on Linux
or a Mac, all we need to do is this:
> Note: we don't need to type in the `$`s, they are there to indicate the start of
> each command. Well see many tutorials and examples around the web that
> follow this convention: `$` for commands run as our regular user, and `#` for
> commands we should be running as an administrator.
$ curl -sf -L | sh
If we're concerned about the [potential insecurity][insecurity] of using `curl |
sh`, please keep reading and see our disclaimer below. And feel free to use a
two-step version of the installation and examine our installation script:
$ curl -f -L -O
$ sh
If you're on Windows, please download the appropriate [installer][install-page].
> Note: By default, the Windows installer won't add Rust to the %PATH% system
> variable. If this is the only version of Rust we are installing and we want to
> be able to run it from the command line, click on "Advanced" on the install
> dialog and on the "Product Features" page ensure "Add to PATH" is installed on
> the local hard drive.
## Uninstalling
If you decide you don't want Rust anymore, we'll be a bit sad, but that's okay.
Not every programming language is great for everyone. We can run the
uninstall script:
$ sudo /usr/local/lib/rustlib/
If we used the Windows installer, we can re-run the `.msi` and it will give
us an uninstall option.
## That disclaimer we promised
Some people, and somewhat rightfully so, get very upset when we tell them to
`curl | sh`. Their concern is that `curl | sh` implicitly requires you to trust
that the good people who maintain Rust aren't going to hack your computer and
do bad things — and even having accepted that, there is still the possibility
that the Rust website has been hacked and the `rustup` script compromised.
Being wary of such possibilities is a good instinct! If you're uncomfortable
using `curl | sh` for reasons like these, please check out the documentation on
[building Rust from Source][from-source], or
[the official binary downloads][install-page].
## Platform support
The Rust compiler runs on, and compiles to, a great number of platforms, though
not all platforms are equally supported. Rust's support levels are organized
into three tiers, each with a different set of guarantees.
Platforms are identified by their "target triple" which is the string to inform
the compiler what kind of output should be produced. The columns below indicate
whether the corresponding component works on the specified platform.
### Tier 1
Tier 1 platforms can be thought of as "guaranteed to build and work".
Specifically they will each satisfy the following requirements:
* Automated testing is set up to run tests for the platform.
* Landing changes to the `rust-lang/rust` repository's master branch is gated on
tests passing.
* Official release artifacts are provided for the platform.
* Documentation for how to use and how to build the platform is available.
| Target | std |rustc|cargo| notes |
| `x86_64-pc-windows-msvc` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 64-bit MSVC (Windows 7+) |
| `i686-pc-windows-gnu` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 32-bit MinGW (Windows 7+) |
| `x86_64-pc-windows-gnu` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 64-bit MinGW (Windows 7+) |
| `i686-apple-darwin` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 32-bit OSX (10.7+, Lion+) |
| `x86_64-apple-darwin` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 64-bit OSX (10.7+, Lion+) |
| `i686-unknown-linux-gnu` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 32-bit Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 64-bit Linux (2.6.18+) |
### Tier 2
Tier 2 platforms can be thought of as "guaranteed to build". Automated tests are
not run so it's not guaranteed to produce a working build, but platforms often
work to quite a good degree and patches are always welcome! Specifically, these
platforms are required to have each of the following:
* Automated building is set up, but may not be running tests.
* Landing changes to the `rust-lang/rust` repository's master branch is gated on
platforms **building**. Note that this means for some platforms only the
standard library is compiled, but for others the full bootstrap is run.
* Official release artifacts are provided for the platform.
| Target | std |rustc|cargo| notes |
| `i686-pc-windows-msvc` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 32-bit MSVC (Windows 7+) |
### Tier 3
Tier 3 platforms are those which Rust has support for, but landing changes is
not gated on the platform either building or passing tests. Working builds for
these platforms may be spotty as their reliability is often defined in terms of
community contributions. Additionally, release artifacts and installers are not
provided, but there may be community infrastructure producing these in
unofficial locations.
| Target | std |rustc|cargo| notes |
| `x86_64-unknown-linux-musl` | ✓ | | | 64-bit Linux with MUSL |
| `arm-linux-androideabi` | ✓ | | | ARM Android |
| `i686-linux-android` | ✓ | | | 32-bit x86 Android |
| `aarch64-linux-android` | ✓ | | | ARM64 Android |
| `arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi` | ✓ | ✓ | | ARM Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf` | ✓ | ✓ | | ARM Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu` | ✓ | | | ARM64 Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `mips-unknown-linux-gnu` | ✓ | | | MIPS Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu` | ✓ | | | MIPS (LE) Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu` | ✓ | | | PowerPC Linux (2.6.18+) |
| `i386-apple-ios` | ✓ | | | 32-bit x86 iOS |
| `x86_64-apple-ios` | ✓ | | | 64-bit x86 iOS |
| `armv7-apple-ios` | ✓ | | | ARM iOS |
| `armv7s-apple-ios` | ✓ | | | ARM iOS |
| `aarch64-apple-ios` | ✓ | | | ARM64 iOS |
| `i686-unknown-freebsd` | ✓ | ✓ | | 32-bit FreeBSD |
| `x86_64-unknown-freebsd` | ✓ | ✓ | | 64-bit FreeBSD |
| `x86_64-unknown-openbsd` | ✓ | ✓ | | 64-bit OpenBSD |
| `x86_64-unknown-netbsd` | ✓ | ✓ | | 64-bit NetBSD |
| `x86_64-unknown-bitrig` | ✓ | ✓ | | 64-bit Bitrig |
| `x86_64-unknown-dragonfly` | ✓ | ✓ | | 64-bit DragonFlyBSD |
| `x86_64-rumprun-netbsd` | ✓ | | | 64-bit NetBSD Rump Kernel |
| `i686-pc-windows-msvc` (XP) | ✓ | | | Windows XP support |
| `x86_64-pc-windows-msvc` (XP) | ✓ | | | Windows XP support |
Note that this table can be expanded over time, this isn't the exhaustive set of
tier 3 platforms that will ever be!
## After installation
If we've got Rust installed, we can open up a shell, and type this:
$ rustc --version
You should see the version number, commit hash, and commit date.
If you do, Rust has been installed successfully! Congrats!
If you don't and you're on Windows, check that Rust is in your %PATH% system
variable. If it isn't, run the installer again, select "Change" on the "Change,
repair, or remove installation" page and ensure "Add to PATH" is installed on
the local hard drive.
This installer also installs a copy of the documentation locally, so we can read
it offline. On UNIX systems, `/usr/local/share/doc/rust` is the location. On
Windows, it's in a `share/doc` directory, inside the directory to which Rust was
If not, there are a number of places where we can get help. The easiest is
[the #rust IRC channel on][irc], which we can access through
[Mibbit][mibbit]. Click that link, and we'll be chatting with other Rustaceans
(a silly nickname we call ourselves) who can help us out. Other great resources
include [the users forum][users], and [Stack Overflow][stackoverflow].
[irc]: irc://