M-x indent-region on trans.rs.

This commit is contained in:
Graydon Hoare 2011-01-21 07:50:02 -08:00
parent 45fd05ac42
commit 2c27feb76a

View File

@ -482,8 +482,8 @@ fn sanitize(str s) -> str {
result += "_of_";
} else {
if (c != 10u8 && c != ('}' as u8) && c != (')' as u8) &&
c != (' ' as u8) && c != ('\t' as u8) &&
c != (';' as u8)) {
c != (' ' as u8) && c != ('\t' as u8) &&
c != (';' as u8)) {
auto v = vec(c);
result += _str.from_bytes(v);
@ -977,15 +977,17 @@ fn incr_refcnt_of_boxed(@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef box_ptr) -> result {
fn make_drop_glue(@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef v, @ty.t t) -> result {
alt (t.struct) {
case (ty.ty_str) {
ret decr_refcnt_and_if_zero(cx, v,
bind trans_non_gc_free(_, v),
"free string",
T_int(), C_int(0));
ret decr_refcnt_and_if_zero
(cx, v, bind trans_non_gc_free(_, v),
"free string",
T_int(), C_int(0));
case (ty.ty_vec(_)) {
fn hit_zero(@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef v, @ty.t t) -> result {
auto res = iter_sequence(cx, v, t, bind drop_ty(_,_,_));
fn hit_zero(@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef v,
@ty.t t) -> result {
auto res = iter_sequence(cx, v, t,
bind drop_ty(_,_,_));
// FIXME: switch gc/non-gc on layer of the type.
ret trans_non_gc_free(res.bcx, v);
@ -996,7 +998,8 @@ fn make_drop_glue(@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef v, @ty.t t) -> result {
case (ty.ty_box(?body_ty)) {
fn hit_zero(@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef v, @ty.t body_ty) -> result {
fn hit_zero(@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef v,
@ty.t body_ty) -> result {
auto body = cx.build.GEP(v,
@ -1274,11 +1277,14 @@ fn iter_structural_ty(@block_ctxt cx,
auto j = 0u;
for (ty.arg a in args) {
auto llfldp = variant_cx.build.GEP(llvarp,
vec(C_int(0), C_int(j as int)));
auto v = vec(C_int(0),
C_int(j as int));
auto llfldp =
variant_cx.build.GEP(llvarp, v);
auto llfld =
llfldp, a.ty);
llfldp, a.ty);
auto res = f(variant_cx, llfld, a.ty);
variant_cx = res.bcx;
@ -1830,7 +1836,7 @@ impure fn trans_do_while(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.block body,
// Returns a pointer to the union part of the LLVM representation of a tag
// type, cast to the appropriate type.
fn get_pat_union_ptr(@block_ctxt cx, vec[@ast.pat] subpats, ValueRef llval)
-> ValueRef {
-> ValueRef {
auto llblobptr = cx.build.GEP(llval, vec(C_int(0), C_int(1)));
// Generate the union type.
@ -1861,7 +1867,7 @@ impure fn trans_pat_match(@block_ctxt cx, @ast.pat pat, ValueRef llval,
for (tup(ast.def_id,arity) vinfo in tinfo.variants) {
auto this_variant_id = vinfo._0;
if (variant_id._0 == this_variant_id._0 &&
variant_id._1 == this_variant_id._1) {
variant_id._1 == this_variant_id._1) {
variant_tag = i;
i += 1;
@ -1882,8 +1888,8 @@ impure fn trans_pat_match(@block_ctxt cx, @ast.pat pat, ValueRef llval,
auto llsubval = load_scalar_or_boxed(matched_cx,
auto subpat_res = trans_pat_match(matched_cx, subpat,
llsubval, next_cx);
matched_cx = subpat_res.bcx;
@ -1923,7 +1929,7 @@ impure fn trans_pat_binding(@block_ctxt cx, @ast.pat pat, ValueRef llval)
auto llsubvalptr = this_cx.build.GEP(llunionptr,
vec(C_int(0), C_int(i)));
auto llsubval = load_scalar_or_boxed(this_cx, llsubvalptr,
auto subpat_res = trans_pat_binding(this_cx, subpat,
this_cx = subpat_res.bcx;
@ -1993,7 +1999,7 @@ fn lval_val(@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef val) -> lval_result {
fn trans_path(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.path p, &option.t[ast.def] dopt,
&ast.ann ann) -> lval_result {
&ast.ann ann) -> lval_result {
alt (dopt) {
case (some[ast.def](?def)) {
alt (def) {
@ -2493,11 +2499,11 @@ impure fn trans_call(@block_ctxt cx, @ast.expr f,
auto bcx = f_res.res.bcx;
auto pair = faddr;
faddr = bcx.build.GEP(pair, vec(C_int(0),
faddr = bcx.build.Load(faddr);
llclosure = bcx.build.GEP(pair, vec(C_int(0),
llclosure = bcx.build.Load(llclosure);
@ -2680,7 +2686,7 @@ impure fn trans_expr(@block_ctxt cx, @ast.expr e) -> result {
auto lhs_res = trans_lval(cx, dst);
check (lhs_res.is_mem);
auto lhs_val = load_scalar_or_boxed(lhs_res.res.bcx,
lhs_res.res.val, t);
lhs_res.res.val, t);
auto rhs_res = trans_expr(lhs_res.res.bcx, src);
auto v = trans_eager_binop(rhs_res.bcx, op, lhs_val, rhs_res.val);
// FIXME: calculate copy init-ness in typestate.
@ -3609,10 +3615,12 @@ fn resolve_tag_types_for_item(&@crate_ctxt cx, @ast.item i) -> @crate_ctxt {
auto arity_info;
if (_vec.len[ast.variant_arg](variant.args) > 0u) {
auto llvariantty = type_of_variant(cx, variant);
auto align = llvm.LLVMPreferredAlignmentOfType(cx.td.lltd,
auto size = llvm.LLVMStoreSizeOfType(cx.td.lltd,
llvariantty) as uint;
auto align =
auto size =
llvariantty) as uint;
if (max_align < align) { max_align = align; }
if (max_size < size) { max_size = size; }
@ -3957,8 +3965,8 @@ fn make_glues(ModuleRef llmod) -> @glue_fns {
T_fn(vec(T_taskptr()), T_void())),
upcall_glues =
_vec.init_fn[ValueRef](bind decl_upcall(llmod, _),
abi.n_upcall_glues as uint),
_vec.init_fn[ValueRef](bind decl_upcall(llmod, _),
abi.n_upcall_glues as uint),
no_op_type_glue = make_no_op_type_glue(llmod),
memcpy_glue = make_memcpy_glue(llmod),
bzero_glue = make_bzero_glue(llmod));