Add pretty-printing for pexps.

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Graydon Hoare 2010-09-15 14:36:40 -07:00
parent 77beffc889
commit 3350b17c60
1 changed files with 145 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -906,6 +906,151 @@ and fmt_expr (ff:Format.formatter) (e:expr) : unit =
| EXPR_atom a -> fmt_atom ff a
and fmt_mutability (ff:Format.formatter) (mut:mutability) : unit =
if mut = MUT_mutable then fmt ff "mutable "
and fmt_pexp (ff:Format.formatter) (pexp:pexp) : unit =
match pexp.node with
PEXP_call (fn, args) ->
fmt_pexp ff fn;
fmt_bracketed_arr_sep "(" ")" "," fmt_pexp ff args
| PEXP_spawn (dom, name, call) ->
fmt_domain ff dom;
fmt_str ff ("\"" ^ name ^ "\"");
fmt_pexp ff call
| PEXP_bind (fn, arg_opts) ->
fmt_pexp ff fn;
let fmt_opt ff opt =
match opt with
None -> fmt ff "_"
| Some p -> fmt_pexp ff p
fmt_bracketed_arr_sep "(" ")" "," fmt_opt ff arg_opts
| PEXP_rec (elts, base) ->
fmt ff "rec(";
let fmt_elt ff (ident, mut, pexp) =
fmt_mutability ff mut;
fmt_ident ff ident;
fmt ff " = ";
fmt_pexp ff pexp;
fmt_arr_sep "," fmt_elt ff elts;
match base with
None -> ()
| Some b ->
fmt ff " with ";
fmt_pexp ff b
fmt ff ")"
| PEXP_tup elts ->
fmt ff "tup";
let fmt_elt ff (mut, pexp) =
fmt_mutability ff mut;
fmt_pexp ff pexp
fmt_bracketed_arr_sep "(" ")" "," fmt_elt ff elts
| PEXP_vec (mut, elts) ->
fmt ff "vec";
if mut = MUT_mutable then fmt ff "[mutable]";
fmt_bracketed_arr_sep "(" ")" "," fmt_pexp ff elts
| PEXP_port ->
fmt ff "port()"
| PEXP_chan None ->
fmt ff "chan()"
| PEXP_chan (Some pexp) ->
fmt ff "chan";
fmt_bracketed "(" ")" fmt_pexp ff pexp
| PEXP_binop (binop, a, b) ->
fmt_pexp ff a;
fmt ff " ";
fmt_binop ff binop;
fmt ff " ";
fmt_pexp ff b;
| PEXP_lazy_and (a, b) ->
fmt_pexp ff a;
fmt ff " && ";
fmt_pexp ff b
| PEXP_lazy_or (a, b) ->
fmt_pexp ff a;
fmt ff " || ";
fmt_pexp ff b
| PEXP_unop (unop, pexp) ->
match unop with
UNOP_not ->
fmt ff "!";
fmt_pexp ff pexp
| UNOP_bitnot ->
fmt ff "~";
fmt_pexp ff pexp
| UNOP_neg ->
fmt ff "-";
fmt_pexp ff pexp
| UNOP_cast t ->
fmt_pexp ff pexp;
fmt ff " as ";
fmt_ty ff t.node
| PEXP_lval plval ->
fmt_plval ff plval
| PEXP_lit lit ->
fmt_lit ff lit
| PEXP_str str -> fmt_str ff str
| PEXP_box (mut, pexp) ->
fmt_mutability ff mut;
fmt ff "@";
fmt_pexp ff pexp
| PEXP_custom (name, args, txt) ->
fmt ff "#";
fmt_name ff name;
fmt_bracketed_arr_sep "(" ")" "," fmt_pexp ff args;
match txt with
None -> ()
| Some t -> fmt ff "{%s}" t
and fmt_plval (ff:Format.formatter) (plval:plval) : unit =
match plval with
PLVAL_ident id -> fmt_ident ff id
| PLVAL_app (id, tys) ->
fmt_ident ff id;
fmt_bracketed_arr_sep "[" "]" "," fmt_ty ff tys
| PLVAL_ext_name (pexp, nc) ->
fmt_pexp ff pexp;
fmt ff ".";
fmt_name_component ff nc
| PLVAL_ext_pexp (pexp, ext) ->
fmt_pexp ff pexp;
fmt_bracketed ".(" ")" fmt_pexp ff ext
| PLVAL_ext_deref pexp ->
fmt ff "*";
fmt_pexp ff pexp
and fmt_mach (ff:Format.formatter) (m:ty_mach) : unit =
match m with
TY_u8 -> fmt ff "u8"