From 360e65db7a75817b957e0b9d5f69e024fb5a78c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Taiki Endo <>
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2019 17:12:04 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Move some tests into the tests directory

This moves tests in and tests other than tests that require
private items in into tests/ and tests/
 src/libserialize/         | 1285 +-----------------------------
 src/libserialize/          |    4 -
 src/libserialize/       |  285 -------
 src/libserialize/tests/   | 1282 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/libserialize/tests/ |  282 +++++++
 5 files changed, 1568 insertions(+), 1570 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/libserialize/tests/
 create mode 100644 src/libserialize/tests/

diff --git a/src/libserialize/ b/src/libserialize/
index dc089218a9f..60b1d2e17f1 100644
--- a/src/libserialize/
+++ b/src/libserialize/
@@ -2584,1220 +2584,13 @@ impl FromStr for Json {
 mod tests {
+    // Benchmarks and tests that require private items
     extern crate test;
-    use self::Animal::*;
-    use self::test::Bencher;
-    use crate::{Encodable, Decodable};
-    use super::Json::*;
-    use super::ErrorCode::*;
-    use super::ParserError::*;
-    use super::DecoderError::*;
-    use super::JsonEvent::*;
-    use super::{Json, from_str, DecodeResult, DecoderError, JsonEvent, Parser,
-                StackElement, Stack, Decoder, Encoder, EncoderError};
-    use std::{i64, u64, f32, f64};
-    use std::io::prelude::*;
-    use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+    use test::Bencher;
+    use super::{from_str, Parser, StackElement, Stack};
     use std::string;
-    #[derive(RustcDecodable, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
-    struct OptionData {
-        opt: Option<usize>,
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_option_none() {
-        let s ="{}";
-        let obj: OptionData = super::decode(s).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(obj, OptionData { opt: None });
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_option_some() {
-        let s = "{ \"opt\": 10 }";
-        let obj: OptionData = super::decode(s).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(obj, OptionData { opt: Some(10) });
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_option_malformed() {
-        check_err::<OptionData>("{ \"opt\": [] }",
-                                ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), "[]".to_string()));
-        check_err::<OptionData>("{ \"opt\": false }",
-                                ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), "false".to_string()));
-    }
-    #[derive(PartialEq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
-    enum Animal {
-        Dog,
-        Frog(string::String, isize)
-    }
-    #[derive(PartialEq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
-    struct Inner {
-        a: (),
-        b: usize,
-        c: Vec<string::String>,
-    }
-    #[derive(PartialEq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
-    struct Outer {
-        inner: Vec<Inner>,
-    }
-    fn mk_object(items: &[(string::String, Json)]) -> Json {
-        let mut d = BTreeMap::new();
-        for item in items {
-            match *item {
-                (ref key, ref value) => { d.insert((*key).clone(), (*value).clone()); },
-            }
-        };
-        Object(d)
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_from_str_trait() {
-        let s = "null";
-        assert!(s.parse::<Json>().unwrap() == s.parse().unwrap());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_write_null() {
-        assert_eq!(Null.to_string(), "null");
-        assert_eq!(Null.pretty().to_string(), "null");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_write_i64() {
-        assert_eq!(U64(0).to_string(), "0");
-        assert_eq!(U64(0).pretty().to_string(), "0");
-        assert_eq!(U64(1234).to_string(), "1234");
-        assert_eq!(U64(1234).pretty().to_string(), "1234");
-        assert_eq!(I64(-5678).to_string(), "-5678");
-        assert_eq!(I64(-5678).pretty().to_string(), "-5678");
-        assert_eq!(U64(7650007200025252000).to_string(), "7650007200025252000");
-        assert_eq!(U64(7650007200025252000).pretty().to_string(), "7650007200025252000");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_write_f64() {
-        assert_eq!(F64(3.0).to_string(), "3.0");
-        assert_eq!(F64(3.0).pretty().to_string(), "3.0");
-        assert_eq!(F64(3.1).to_string(), "3.1");
-        assert_eq!(F64(3.1).pretty().to_string(), "3.1");
-        assert_eq!(F64(-1.5).to_string(), "-1.5");
-        assert_eq!(F64(-1.5).pretty().to_string(), "-1.5");
-        assert_eq!(F64(0.5).to_string(), "0.5");
-        assert_eq!(F64(0.5).pretty().to_string(), "0.5");
-        assert_eq!(F64(f64::NAN).to_string(), "null");
-        assert_eq!(F64(f64::NAN).pretty().to_string(), "null");
-        assert_eq!(F64(f64::INFINITY).to_string(), "null");
-        assert_eq!(F64(f64::INFINITY).pretty().to_string(), "null");
-        assert_eq!(F64(f64::NEG_INFINITY).to_string(), "null");
-        assert_eq!(F64(f64::NEG_INFINITY).pretty().to_string(), "null");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_write_str() {
-        assert_eq!(String("".to_string()).to_string(), "\"\"");
-        assert_eq!(String("".to_string()).pretty().to_string(), "\"\"");
-        assert_eq!(String("homura".to_string()).to_string(), "\"homura\"");
-        assert_eq!(String("madoka".to_string()).pretty().to_string(), "\"madoka\"");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_write_bool() {
-        assert_eq!(Boolean(true).to_string(), "true");
-        assert_eq!(Boolean(true).pretty().to_string(), "true");
-        assert_eq!(Boolean(false).to_string(), "false");
-        assert_eq!(Boolean(false).pretty().to_string(), "false");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_write_array() {
-        assert_eq!(Array(vec![]).to_string(), "[]");
-        assert_eq!(Array(vec![]).pretty().to_string(), "[]");
-        assert_eq!(Array(vec![Boolean(true)]).to_string(), "[true]");
-        assert_eq!(
-            Array(vec![Boolean(true)]).pretty().to_string(),
-            "\
-            [\n  \
-                true\n\
-            ]"
-        );
-        let long_test_array = Array(vec![
-            Boolean(false),
-            Null,
-            Array(vec![String("foo\nbar".to_string()), F64(3.5)])]);
-        assert_eq!(long_test_array.to_string(),
-            "[false,null,[\"foo\\nbar\",3.5]]");
-        assert_eq!(
-            long_test_array.pretty().to_string(),
-            "\
-            [\n  \
-                false,\n  \
-                null,\n  \
-                [\n    \
-                    \"foo\\nbar\",\n    \
-                    3.5\n  \
-                ]\n\
-            ]"
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_write_object() {
-        assert_eq!(mk_object(&[]).to_string(), "{}");
-        assert_eq!(mk_object(&[]).pretty().to_string(), "{}");
-        assert_eq!(
-            mk_object(&[
-                ("a".to_string(), Boolean(true))
-            ]).to_string(),
-            "{\"a\":true}"
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            mk_object(&[("a".to_string(), Boolean(true))]).pretty().to_string(),
-            "\
-            {\n  \
-                \"a\": true\n\
-            }"
-        );
-        let complex_obj = mk_object(&[
-                ("b".to_string(), Array(vec![
-                    mk_object(&[("c".to_string(), String("\x0c\r".to_string()))]),
-                    mk_object(&[("d".to_string(), String("".to_string()))])
-                ]))
-            ]);
-        assert_eq!(
-            complex_obj.to_string(),
-            "{\
-                \"b\":[\
-                    {\"c\":\"\\f\\r\"},\
-                    {\"d\":\"\"}\
-                ]\
-            }"
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            complex_obj.pretty().to_string(),
-            "\
-            {\n  \
-                \"b\": [\n    \
-                    {\n      \
-                        \"c\": \"\\f\\r\"\n    \
-                    },\n    \
-                    {\n      \
-                        \"d\": \"\"\n    \
-                    }\n  \
-                ]\n\
-            }"
-        );
-        let a = mk_object(&[
-            ("a".to_string(), Boolean(true)),
-            ("b".to_string(), Array(vec![
-                mk_object(&[("c".to_string(), String("\x0c\r".to_string()))]),
-                mk_object(&[("d".to_string(), String("".to_string()))])
-            ]))
-        ]);
-        // We can't compare the strings directly because the object fields be
-        // printed in a different order.
-        assert_eq!(a.clone(), a.to_string().parse().unwrap());
-        assert_eq!(a.clone(), a.pretty().to_string().parse().unwrap());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_write_enum() {
-        let animal = Dog;
-        assert_eq!(
-            super::as_json(&animal).to_string(),
-            "\"Dog\""
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            super::as_pretty_json(&animal).to_string(),
-            "\"Dog\""
-        );
-        let animal = Frog("Henry".to_string(), 349);
-        assert_eq!(
-            super::as_json(&animal).to_string(),
-            "{\"variant\":\"Frog\",\"fields\":[\"Henry\",349]}"
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            super::as_pretty_json(&animal).to_string(),
-            "{\n  \
-               \"variant\": \"Frog\",\n  \
-               \"fields\": [\n    \
-                 \"Henry\",\n    \
-                 349\n  \
-               ]\n\
-             }"
-        );
-    }
-    macro_rules! check_encoder_for_simple {
-        ($value:expr, $expected:expr) => ({
-            let s = super::as_json(&$value).to_string();
-            assert_eq!(s, $expected);
-            let s = super::as_pretty_json(&$value).to_string();
-            assert_eq!(s, $expected);
-        })
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_write_some() {
-        check_encoder_for_simple!(Some("jodhpurs".to_string()), "\"jodhpurs\"");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_write_none() {
-        check_encoder_for_simple!(None::<string::String>, "null");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_write_char() {
-        check_encoder_for_simple!('a', "\"a\"");
-        check_encoder_for_simple!('\t', "\"\\t\"");
-        check_encoder_for_simple!('\u{0000}', "\"\\u0000\"");
-        check_encoder_for_simple!('\u{001b}', "\"\\u001b\"");
-        check_encoder_for_simple!('\u{007f}', "\"\\u007f\"");
-        check_encoder_for_simple!('\u{00a0}', "\"\u{00a0}\"");
-        check_encoder_for_simple!('\u{abcd}', "\"\u{abcd}\"");
-        check_encoder_for_simple!('\u{10ffff}', "\"\u{10ffff}\"");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_trailing_characters() {
-        assert_eq!(from_str("nulla"),  Err(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 5)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("truea"),  Err(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 5)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("falsea"), Err(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 6)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("1a"),     Err(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[]a"),    Err(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 3)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{}a"),    Err(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 3)));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_read_identifiers() {
-        assert_eq!(from_str("n"),    Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("nul"),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 4)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("t"),    Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("truz"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 4)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("f"),    Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("faz"),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 3)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("null"), Ok(Null));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("true"), Ok(Boolean(true)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("false"), Ok(Boolean(false)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str(" null "), Ok(Null));
-        assert_eq!(from_str(" true "), Ok(Boolean(true)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str(" false "), Ok(Boolean(false)));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_identifiers() {
-        let v: () = super::decode("null").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, ());
-        let v: bool = super::decode("true").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, true);
-        let v: bool = super::decode("false").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, false);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_read_number() {
-        assert_eq!(from_str("+"),   Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 1)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("."),   Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 1)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("NaN"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 1)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("-"),   Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("00"),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("1."),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 3)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("1e"),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 3)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("1e+"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 4)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("18446744073709551616"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 20)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("-9223372036854775809"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 21)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("3"), Ok(U64(3)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("3.1"), Ok(F64(3.1)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("-1.2"), Ok(F64(-1.2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("0.4"), Ok(F64(0.4)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("0.4e5"), Ok(F64(0.4e5)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("0.4e+15"), Ok(F64(0.4e15)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("0.4e-01"), Ok(F64(0.4e-01)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str(" 3 "), Ok(U64(3)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("-9223372036854775808"), Ok(I64(i64::MIN)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("9223372036854775807"), Ok(U64(i64::MAX as u64)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("18446744073709551615"), Ok(U64(u64::MAX)));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_numbers() {
-        let v: f64 = super::decode("3").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, 3.0);
-        let v: f64 = super::decode("3.1").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, 3.1);
-        let v: f64 = super::decode("-1.2").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, -1.2);
-        let v: f64 = super::decode("0.4").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, 0.4);
-        let v: f64 = super::decode("0.4e5").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, 0.4e5);
-        let v: f64 = super::decode("0.4e15").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, 0.4e15);
-        let v: f64 = super::decode("0.4e-01").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, 0.4e-01);
-        let v: u64 = super::decode("0").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, 0);
-        let v: u64 = super::decode("18446744073709551615").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, u64::MAX);
-        let v: i64 = super::decode("-9223372036854775808").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, i64::MIN);
-        let v: i64 = super::decode("9223372036854775807").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, i64::MAX);
-        let res: DecodeResult<i64> = super::decode("765.25");
-        assert_eq!(res, Err(ExpectedError("Integer".to_string(),
-                                          "765.25".to_string())));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_read_str() {
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\""),    Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingString, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\"lol"), Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingString, 1, 5)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\"\""), Ok(String("".to_string())));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\"foo\""), Ok(String("foo".to_string())));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\\"\""), Ok(String("\"".to_string())));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\b\""), Ok(String("\x08".to_string())));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\n\""), Ok(String("\n".to_string())));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\r\""), Ok(String("\r".to_string())));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\t\""), Ok(String("\t".to_string())));
-        assert_eq!(from_str(" \"foo\" "), Ok(String("foo".to_string())));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\u12ab\""), Ok(String("\u{12ab}".to_string())));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\uAB12\""), Ok(String("\u{AB12}".to_string())));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_str() {
-        let s = [("\"\"", ""),
-                 ("\"foo\"", "foo"),
-                 ("\"\\\"\"", "\""),
-                 ("\"\\b\"", "\x08"),
-                 ("\"\\n\"", "\n"),
-                 ("\"\\r\"", "\r"),
-                 ("\"\\t\"", "\t"),
-                 ("\"\\u12ab\"", "\u{12ab}"),
-                 ("\"\\uAB12\"", "\u{AB12}")];
-        for &(i, o) in &s {
-            let v: string::String = super::decode(i).unwrap();
-            assert_eq!(v, o);
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_read_array() {
-        assert_eq!(from_str("["),     Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[1"),    Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingArray, 1, 3)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[1,"),   Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 4)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[1,]"),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax,        1, 4)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[6 7]"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax,        1, 4)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[]"), Ok(Array(vec![])));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[ ]"), Ok(Array(vec![])));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[true]"), Ok(Array(vec![Boolean(true)])));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[ false ]"), Ok(Array(vec![Boolean(false)])));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[null]"), Ok(Array(vec![Null])));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[3, 1]"),
-                     Ok(Array(vec![U64(3), U64(1)])));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\n[3, 2]\n"),
-                     Ok(Array(vec![U64(3), U64(2)])));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[2, [4, 1]]"),
-               Ok(Array(vec![U64(2), Array(vec![U64(4), U64(1)])])));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_array() {
-        let v: Vec<()> = super::decode("[]").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, []);
-        let v: Vec<()> = super::decode("[null]").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, [()]);
-        let v: Vec<bool> = super::decode("[true]").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, [true]);
-        let v: Vec<isize> = super::decode("[3, 1]").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, [3, 1]);
-        let v: Vec<Vec<usize>> = super::decode("[[3], [1, 2]]").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(v, [vec![3], vec![1, 2]]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_tuple() {
-        let t: (usize, usize, usize) = super::decode("[1, 2, 3]").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(t, (1, 2, 3));
-        let t: (usize, string::String) = super::decode("[1, \"two\"]").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(t, (1, "two".to_string()));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_tuple_malformed_types() {
-        assert!(super::decode::<(usize, string::String)>("[1, 2]").is_err());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_tuple_malformed_length() {
-        assert!(super::decode::<(usize, usize)>("[1, 2, 3]").is_err());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_read_object() {
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{"),       Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{ "),      Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 3)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{1"),      Err(SyntaxError(KeyMustBeAString,      1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{ \"a\""), Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 6)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\""),  Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 5)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\" "), Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 6)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\" 1"),   Err(SyntaxError(ExpectedColon,         1, 6)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\":"),    Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue,  1, 6)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\":1"),   Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 7)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\":1 1"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax,         1, 8)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\":1,"),  Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 8)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{}").unwrap(), mk_object(&[]));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\": 3}").unwrap(),
-                  mk_object(&[("a".to_string(), U64(3))]));
-        assert_eq!(from_str(
-                      "{ \"a\": null, \"b\" : true }").unwrap(),
-                  mk_object(&[
-                      ("a".to_string(), Null),
-                      ("b".to_string(), Boolean(true))]));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("\n{ \"a\": null, \"b\" : true }\n").unwrap(),
-                  mk_object(&[
-                      ("a".to_string(), Null),
-                      ("b".to_string(), Boolean(true))]));
-        assert_eq!(from_str(
-                      "{\"a\" : 1.0 ,\"b\": [ true ]}").unwrap(),
-                  mk_object(&[
-                      ("a".to_string(), F64(1.0)),
-                      ("b".to_string(), Array(vec![Boolean(true)]))
-                  ]));
-        assert_eq!(from_str(
-                      "{\
-                          \"a\": 1.0, \
-                          \"b\": [\
-                              true,\
-                              \"foo\\nbar\", \
-                              { \"c\": {\"d\": null} } \
-                          ]\
-                      }").unwrap(),
-                  mk_object(&[
-                      ("a".to_string(), F64(1.0)),
-                      ("b".to_string(), Array(vec![
-                          Boolean(true),
-                          String("foo\nbar".to_string()),
-                          mk_object(&[
-                              ("c".to_string(), mk_object(&[("d".to_string(), Null)]))
-                          ])
-                      ]))
-                  ]));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_struct() {
-        let s = "{
-            \"inner\": [
-                { \"a\": null, \"b\": 2, \"c\": [\"abc\", \"xyz\"] }
-            ]
-        }";
-        let v: Outer = super::decode(s).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(
-            v,
-            Outer {
-                inner: vec![
-                    Inner { a: (), b: 2, c: vec!["abc".to_string(), "xyz".to_string()] }
-                ]
-            }
-        );
-    }
-    #[derive(RustcDecodable)]
-    struct FloatStruct {
-        f: f64,
-        a: Vec<f64>
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_struct_with_nan() {
-        let s = "{\"f\":null,\"a\":[null,123]}";
-        let obj: FloatStruct = super::decode(s).unwrap();
-        assert!(obj.f.is_nan());
-        assert!(obj.a[0].is_nan());
-        assert_eq!(obj.a[1], 123f64);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_option() {
-        let value: Option<string::String> = super::decode("null").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(value, None);
-        let value: Option<string::String> = super::decode("\"jodhpurs\"").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(value, Some("jodhpurs".to_string()));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_enum() {
-        let value: Animal = super::decode("\"Dog\"").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(value, Dog);
-        let s = "{\"variant\":\"Frog\",\"fields\":[\"Henry\",349]}";
-        let value: Animal = super::decode(s).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(value, Frog("Henry".to_string(), 349));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_map() {
-        let s = "{\"a\": \"Dog\", \"b\": {\"variant\":\"Frog\",\
-                  \"fields\":[\"Henry\", 349]}}";
-        let mut map: BTreeMap<string::String, Animal> = super::decode(s).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(map.remove(&"a".to_string()), Some(Dog));
-        assert_eq!(map.remove(&"b".to_string()), Some(Frog("Henry".to_string(), 349)));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_multiline_errors() {
-        assert_eq!(from_str("{\n  \"foo\":\n \"bar\""),
-            Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 3, 8)));
-    }
-    #[derive(RustcDecodable)]
-    #[allow(dead_code)]
-    struct DecodeStruct {
-        x: f64,
-        y: bool,
-        z: string::String,
-        w: Vec<DecodeStruct>
-    }
-    #[derive(RustcDecodable)]
-    enum DecodeEnum {
-        A(f64),
-        B(string::String)
-    }
-    fn check_err<T: Decodable>(to_parse: &'static str, expected: DecoderError) {
-        let res: DecodeResult<T> = match from_str(to_parse) {
-            Err(e) => Err(ParseError(e)),
-            Ok(json) => Decodable::decode(&mut Decoder::new(json))
-        };
-        match res {
-            Ok(_) => panic!("`{:?}` parsed & decoded ok, expecting error `{:?}`",
-                              to_parse, expected),
-            Err(ParseError(e)) => panic!("`{:?}` is not valid json: {:?}",
-                                           to_parse, e),
-            Err(e) => {
-                assert_eq!(e, expected);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_errors_struct() {
-        check_err::<DecodeStruct>("[]", ExpectedError("Object".to_string(), "[]".to_string()));
-        check_err::<DecodeStruct>("{\"x\": true, \"y\": true, \"z\": \"\", \"w\": []}",
-                                  ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), "true".to_string()));
-        check_err::<DecodeStruct>("{\"x\": 1, \"y\": [], \"z\": \"\", \"w\": []}",
-                                  ExpectedError("Boolean".to_string(), "[]".to_string()));
-        check_err::<DecodeStruct>("{\"x\": 1, \"y\": true, \"z\": {}, \"w\": []}",
-                                  ExpectedError("String".to_string(), "{}".to_string()));
-        check_err::<DecodeStruct>("{\"x\": 1, \"y\": true, \"z\": \"\", \"w\": null}",
-                                  ExpectedError("Array".to_string(), "null".to_string()));
-        check_err::<DecodeStruct>("{\"x\": 1, \"y\": true, \"z\": \"\"}",
-                                  MissingFieldError("w".to_string()));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_decode_errors_enum() {
-        check_err::<DecodeEnum>("{}",
-                                MissingFieldError("variant".to_string()));
-        check_err::<DecodeEnum>("{\"variant\": 1}",
-                                ExpectedError("String".to_string(), "1".to_string()));
-        check_err::<DecodeEnum>("{\"variant\": \"A\"}",
-                                MissingFieldError("fields".to_string()));
-        check_err::<DecodeEnum>("{\"variant\": \"A\", \"fields\": null}",
-                                ExpectedError("Array".to_string(), "null".to_string()));
-        check_err::<DecodeEnum>("{\"variant\": \"C\", \"fields\": []}",
-                                UnknownVariantError("C".to_string()));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_find(){
-        let json_value = from_str("{\"dog\" : \"cat\"}").unwrap();
-        let found_str = json_value.find("dog");
-        assert!(found_str.unwrap().as_string().unwrap() == "cat");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_find_path(){
-        let json_value = from_str("{\"dog\":{\"cat\": {\"mouse\" : \"cheese\"}}}").unwrap();
-        let found_str = json_value.find_path(&["dog", "cat", "mouse"]);
-        assert!(found_str.unwrap().as_string().unwrap() == "cheese");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_search(){
-        let json_value = from_str("{\"dog\":{\"cat\": {\"mouse\" : \"cheese\"}}}").unwrap();
-        let found_str ="mouse").and_then(|j| j.as_string());
-        assert!(found_str.unwrap() == "cheese");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_index(){
-        let json_value = from_str("{\"animals\":[\"dog\",\"cat\",\"mouse\"]}").unwrap();
-        let ref array = json_value["animals"];
-        assert_eq!(array[0].as_string().unwrap(), "dog");
-        assert_eq!(array[1].as_string().unwrap(), "cat");
-        assert_eq!(array[2].as_string().unwrap(), "mouse");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_is_object(){
-        let json_value = from_str("{}").unwrap();
-        assert!(json_value.is_object());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_as_object(){
-        let json_value = from_str("{}").unwrap();
-        let json_object = json_value.as_object();
-        assert!(json_object.is_some());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_is_array(){
-        let json_value = from_str("[1, 2, 3]").unwrap();
-        assert!(json_value.is_array());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_as_array(){
-        let json_value = from_str("[1, 2, 3]").unwrap();
-        let json_array = json_value.as_array();
-        let expected_length = 3;
-        assert!(json_array.is_some() && json_array.unwrap().len() == expected_length);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_is_string(){
-        let json_value = from_str("\"dog\"").unwrap();
-        assert!(json_value.is_string());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_as_string(){
-        let json_value = from_str("\"dog\"").unwrap();
-        let json_str = json_value.as_string();
-        let expected_str = "dog";
-        assert_eq!(json_str, Some(expected_str));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_is_number(){
-        let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
-        assert!(json_value.is_number());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_is_i64(){
-        let json_value = from_str("-12").unwrap();
-        assert!(json_value.is_i64());
-        let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
-        assert!(!json_value.is_i64());
-        let json_value = from_str("12.0").unwrap();
-        assert!(!json_value.is_i64());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_is_u64(){
-        let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
-        assert!(json_value.is_u64());
-        let json_value = from_str("-12").unwrap();
-        assert!(!json_value.is_u64());
-        let json_value = from_str("12.0").unwrap();
-        assert!(!json_value.is_u64());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_is_f64(){
-        let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
-        assert!(!json_value.is_f64());
-        let json_value = from_str("-12").unwrap();
-        assert!(!json_value.is_f64());
-        let json_value = from_str("12.0").unwrap();
-        assert!(json_value.is_f64());
-        let json_value = from_str("-12.0").unwrap();
-        assert!(json_value.is_f64());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_as_i64(){
-        let json_value = from_str("-12").unwrap();
-        let json_num = json_value.as_i64();
-        assert_eq!(json_num, Some(-12));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_as_u64(){
-        let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
-        let json_num = json_value.as_u64();
-        assert_eq!(json_num, Some(12));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_as_f64(){
-        let json_value = from_str("12.0").unwrap();
-        let json_num = json_value.as_f64();
-        assert_eq!(json_num, Some(12f64));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_is_boolean(){
-        let json_value = from_str("false").unwrap();
-        assert!(json_value.is_boolean());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_as_boolean(){
-        let json_value = from_str("false").unwrap();
-        let json_bool = json_value.as_boolean();
-        let expected_bool = false;
-        assert!(json_bool.is_some() && json_bool.unwrap() == expected_bool);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_is_null(){
-        let json_value = from_str("null").unwrap();
-        assert!(json_value.is_null());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_as_null(){
-        let json_value = from_str("null").unwrap();
-        let json_null = json_value.as_null();
-        let expected_null = ();
-        assert!(json_null.is_some() && json_null.unwrap() == expected_null);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_encode_hashmap_with_numeric_key() {
-        use std::str::from_utf8;
-        use std::collections::HashMap;
-        let mut hm: HashMap<usize, bool> = HashMap::new();
-        hm.insert(1, true);
-        let mut mem_buf = Vec::new();
-        write!(&mut mem_buf, "{}", super::as_pretty_json(&hm)).unwrap();
-        let json_str = from_utf8(&mem_buf[..]).unwrap();
-        match from_str(json_str) {
-            Err(_) => panic!("Unable to parse json_str: {:?}", json_str),
-            _ => {} // it parsed and we are good to go
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_prettyencode_hashmap_with_numeric_key() {
-        use std::str::from_utf8;
-        use std::collections::HashMap;
-        let mut hm: HashMap<usize, bool> = HashMap::new();
-        hm.insert(1, true);
-        let mut mem_buf = Vec::new();
-        write!(&mut mem_buf, "{}", super::as_pretty_json(&hm)).unwrap();
-        let json_str = from_utf8(&mem_buf[..]).unwrap();
-        match from_str(json_str) {
-            Err(_) => panic!("Unable to parse json_str: {:?}", json_str),
-            _ => {} // it parsed and we are good to go
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_prettyencoder_indent_level_param() {
-        use std::str::from_utf8;
-        use std::collections::BTreeMap;
-        let mut tree = BTreeMap::new();
-        tree.insert("hello".to_string(), String("guten tag".to_string()));
-        tree.insert("goodbye".to_string(), String("sayonara".to_string()));
-        let json = Array(
-            // The following layout below should look a lot like
-            // the pretty-printed JSON (indent * x)
-            vec!
-            ( // 0x
-                String("greetings".to_string()), // 1x
-                Object(tree), // 1x + 2x + 2x + 1x
-            ) // 0x
-            // End JSON array (7 lines)
-        );
-        // Helper function for counting indents
-        fn indents(source: &str) -> usize {
-            let trimmed = source.trim_start_matches(' ');
-            source.len() - trimmed.len()
-        }
-        // Test up to 4 spaces of indents (more?)
-        for i in 0..4 {
-            let mut writer = Vec::new();
-            write!(&mut writer, "{}",
-                   super::as_pretty_json(&json).indent(i)).unwrap();
-            let printed = from_utf8(&writer[..]).unwrap();
-            // Check for indents at each line
-            let lines: Vec<&str> = printed.lines().collect();
-            assert_eq!(lines.len(), 7); // JSON should be 7 lines
-            assert_eq!(indents(lines[0]), 0 * i); // [
-            assert_eq!(indents(lines[1]), 1 * i); //   "greetings",
-            assert_eq!(indents(lines[2]), 1 * i); //   {
-            assert_eq!(indents(lines[3]), 2 * i); //     "hello": "guten tag",
-            assert_eq!(indents(lines[4]), 2 * i); //     "goodbye": "sayonara"
-            assert_eq!(indents(lines[5]), 1 * i); //   },
-            assert_eq!(indents(lines[6]), 0 * i); // ]
-            // Finally, test that the pretty-printed JSON is valid
-            from_str(printed).ok().expect("Pretty-printed JSON is invalid!");
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_hashmap_with_enum_key() {
-        use std::collections::HashMap;
-        use crate::json;
-        #[derive(RustcEncodable, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
-        enum Enum {
-            Foo,
-            #[allow(dead_code)]
-            Bar,
-        }
-        let mut map = HashMap::new();
-        map.insert(Enum::Foo, 0);
-        let result = json::encode(&map).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(&result[..], r#"{"Foo":0}"#);
-        let decoded: HashMap<Enum, _> = json::decode(&result).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(map, decoded);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_hashmap_with_numeric_key_can_handle_double_quote_delimited_key() {
-        use std::collections::HashMap;
-        use Decodable;
-        let json_str = "{\"1\":true}";
-        let json_obj = match from_str(json_str) {
-            Err(_) => panic!("Unable to parse json_str: {:?}", json_str),
-            Ok(o) => o
-        };
-        let mut decoder = Decoder::new(json_obj);
-        let _hm: HashMap<usize, bool> = Decodable::decode(&mut decoder).unwrap();
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_hashmap_with_numeric_key_will_error_with_string_keys() {
-        use std::collections::HashMap;
-        use Decodable;
-        let json_str = "{\"a\":true}";
-        let json_obj = match from_str(json_str) {
-            Err(_) => panic!("Unable to parse json_str: {:?}", json_str),
-            Ok(o) => o
-        };
-        let mut decoder = Decoder::new(json_obj);
-        let result: Result<HashMap<usize, bool>, DecoderError> = Decodable::decode(&mut decoder);
-        assert_eq!(result, Err(ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), "a".to_string())));
-    }
-    fn assert_stream_equal(src: &str,
-                           expected: Vec<(JsonEvent, Vec<StackElement>)>) {
-        let mut parser = Parser::new(src.chars());
-        let mut i = 0;
-        loop {
-            let evt = match {
-                Some(e) => e,
-                None => { break; }
-            };
-            let (ref expected_evt, ref expected_stack) = expected[i];
-            if !parser.stack().is_equal_to(expected_stack) {
-                panic!("Parser stack is not equal to {:?}", expected_stack);
-            }
-            assert_eq!(&evt, expected_evt);
-            i+=1;
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_streaming_parser() {
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            r#"{ "foo":"bar", "array" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "idents":[null,true,false]}"#,
-            vec![
-                (ObjectStart,             vec![]),
-                  (StringValue("bar".to_string()),   vec![StackElement::Key("foo")]),
-                  (ArrayStart,            vec![StackElement::Key("array")]),
-                    (U64Value(0),         vec![StackElement::Key("array"), StackElement::Index(0)]),
-                    (U64Value(1),         vec![StackElement::Key("array"), StackElement::Index(1)]),
-                    (U64Value(2),         vec![StackElement::Key("array"), StackElement::Index(2)]),
-                    (U64Value(3),         vec![StackElement::Key("array"), StackElement::Index(3)]),
-                    (U64Value(4),         vec![StackElement::Key("array"), StackElement::Index(4)]),
-                    (U64Value(5),         vec![StackElement::Key("array"), StackElement::Index(5)]),
-                  (ArrayEnd,              vec![StackElement::Key("array")]),
-                  (ArrayStart,            vec![StackElement::Key("idents")]),
-                    (NullValue,           vec![StackElement::Key("idents"),
-                                               StackElement::Index(0)]),
-                    (BooleanValue(true),  vec![StackElement::Key("idents"),
-                                               StackElement::Index(1)]),
-                    (BooleanValue(false), vec![StackElement::Key("idents"),
-                                               StackElement::Index(2)]),
-                  (ArrayEnd,              vec![StackElement::Key("idents")]),
-                (ObjectEnd,               vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-    }
-    fn last_event(src: &str) -> JsonEvent {
-        let mut parser = Parser::new(src.chars());
-        let mut evt = NullValue;
-        loop {
-            evt = match {
-                Some(e) => e,
-                None => return evt,
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_read_object_streaming() {
-        assert_eq!(last_event("{ "),      Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 3)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("{1"),      Error(SyntaxError(KeyMustBeAString,      1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("{ \"a\""), Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 6)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\""),  Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 5)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\" "), Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 6)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\" 1"),   Error(SyntaxError(ExpectedColon,         1, 6)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\":"),    Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue,  1, 6)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\":1"),   Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 7)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\":1 1"), Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax,         1, 8)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\":1,"),  Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 8)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\":1,}"), Error(SyntaxError(TrailingComma, 1, 8)));
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            "{}",
-            vec![(ObjectStart, vec![]), (ObjectEnd, vec![])]
-        );
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            "{\"a\": 3}",
-            vec![
-                (ObjectStart,        vec![]),
-                  (U64Value(3),      vec![StackElement::Key("a")]),
-                (ObjectEnd,          vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            "{ \"a\": null, \"b\" : true }",
-            vec![
-                (ObjectStart,           vec![]),
-                  (NullValue,           vec![StackElement::Key("a")]),
-                  (BooleanValue(true),  vec![StackElement::Key("b")]),
-                (ObjectEnd,             vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            "{\"a\" : 1.0 ,\"b\": [ true ]}",
-            vec![
-                (ObjectStart,           vec![]),
-                  (F64Value(1.0),       vec![StackElement::Key("a")]),
-                  (ArrayStart,          vec![StackElement::Key("b")]),
-                    (BooleanValue(true),vec![StackElement::Key("b"), StackElement::Index(0)]),
-                  (ArrayEnd,            vec![StackElement::Key("b")]),
-                (ObjectEnd,             vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            r#"{
-                "a": 1.0,
-                "b": [
-                    true,
-                    "foo\nbar",
-                    { "c": {"d": null} }
-                ]
-            }"#,
-            vec![
-                (ObjectStart,                   vec![]),
-                  (F64Value(1.0),               vec![StackElement::Key("a")]),
-                  (ArrayStart,                  vec![StackElement::Key("b")]),
-                    (BooleanValue(true),        vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
-                                                     StackElement::Index(0)]),
-                    (StringValue("foo\nbar".to_string()),  vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
-                                                                StackElement::Index(1)]),
-                    (ObjectStart,               vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
-                                                     StackElement::Index(2)]),
-                      (ObjectStart,             vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
-                                                     StackElement::Index(2),
-                                                     StackElement::Key("c")]),
-                        (NullValue,             vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
-                                                     StackElement::Index(2),
-                                                     StackElement::Key("c"),
-                                                     StackElement::Key("d")]),
-                      (ObjectEnd,               vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
-                                                     StackElement::Index(2),
-                                                     StackElement::Key("c")]),
-                    (ObjectEnd,                 vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
-                                                     StackElement::Index(2)]),
-                  (ArrayEnd,                    vec![StackElement::Key("b")]),
-                (ObjectEnd,                     vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_read_array_streaming() {
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            "[]",
-            vec![
-                (ArrayStart, vec![]),
-                (ArrayEnd,   vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            "[ ]",
-            vec![
-                (ArrayStart, vec![]),
-                (ArrayEnd,   vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            "[true]",
-            vec![
-                (ArrayStart,             vec![]),
-                    (BooleanValue(true), vec![StackElement::Index(0)]),
-                (ArrayEnd,               vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            "[ false ]",
-            vec![
-                (ArrayStart,              vec![]),
-                    (BooleanValue(false), vec![StackElement::Index(0)]),
-                (ArrayEnd,                vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            "[null]",
-            vec![
-                (ArrayStart,    vec![]),
-                    (NullValue, vec![StackElement::Index(0)]),
-                (ArrayEnd,      vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            "[3, 1]",
-            vec![
-                (ArrayStart,      vec![]),
-                    (U64Value(3), vec![StackElement::Index(0)]),
-                    (U64Value(1), vec![StackElement::Index(1)]),
-                (ArrayEnd,        vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            "\n[3, 2]\n",
-            vec![
-                (ArrayStart,      vec![]),
-                    (U64Value(3), vec![StackElement::Index(0)]),
-                    (U64Value(2), vec![StackElement::Index(1)]),
-                (ArrayEnd,        vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-        assert_stream_equal(
-            "[2, [4, 1]]",
-            vec![
-                (ArrayStart,           vec![]),
-                    (U64Value(2),      vec![StackElement::Index(0)]),
-                    (ArrayStart,       vec![StackElement::Index(1)]),
-                        (U64Value(4),  vec![StackElement::Index(1), StackElement::Index(0)]),
-                        (U64Value(1),  vec![StackElement::Index(1), StackElement::Index(1)]),
-                    (ArrayEnd,         vec![StackElement::Index(1)]),
-                (ArrayEnd,             vec![]),
-            ]
-        );
-        assert_eq!(last_event("["), Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue, 1,  2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("["),     Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[1"),    Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingArray, 1, 3)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[1,"),   Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 4)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[1,]"),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax,        1, 4)));
-        assert_eq!(from_str("[6 7]"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax,        1, 4)));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_trailing_characters_streaming() {
-        assert_eq!(last_event("nulla"),  Error(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 5)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("truea"),  Error(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 5)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("falsea"), Error(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 6)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("1a"),     Error(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("[]a"),    Error(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 3)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("{}a"),    Error(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 3)));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_read_identifiers_streaming() {
-        assert_eq!(Parser::new("null".chars()).next(), Some(NullValue));
-        assert_eq!(Parser::new("true".chars()).next(), Some(BooleanValue(true)));
-        assert_eq!(Parser::new("false".chars()).next(), Some(BooleanValue(false)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("n"),    Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("nul"),  Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 4)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("t"),    Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("truz"), Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 4)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("f"),    Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 2)));
-        assert_eq!(last_event("faz"),  Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 3)));
-    }
     fn test_stack() {
         let mut stack = Stack::new();
@@ -3862,76 +2655,6 @@ mod tests {
         assert!(stack.get(1) == StackElement::Key("foo"));
-    #[test]
-    fn test_to_json() {
-        use std::collections::{HashMap,BTreeMap};
-        use super::ToJson;
-        let array2 = Array(vec![U64(1), U64(2)]);
-        let array3 = Array(vec![U64(1), U64(2), U64(3)]);
-        let object = {
-            let mut tree_map = BTreeMap::new();
-            tree_map.insert("a".to_string(), U64(1));
-            tree_map.insert("b".to_string(), U64(2));
-            Object(tree_map)
-        };
-        assert_eq!(array2.to_json(), array2);
-        assert_eq!(object.to_json(), object);
-        assert_eq!(3_isize.to_json(), I64(3));
-        assert_eq!(4_i8.to_json(), I64(4));
-        assert_eq!(5_i16.to_json(), I64(5));
-        assert_eq!(6_i32.to_json(), I64(6));
-        assert_eq!(7_i64.to_json(), I64(7));
-        assert_eq!(8_usize.to_json(), U64(8));
-        assert_eq!(9_u8.to_json(), U64(9));
-        assert_eq!(10_u16.to_json(), U64(10));
-        assert_eq!(11_u32.to_json(), U64(11));
-        assert_eq!(12_u64.to_json(), U64(12));
-        assert_eq!(13.0_f32.to_json(), F64(13.0_f64));
-        assert_eq!(14.0_f64.to_json(), F64(14.0_f64));
-        assert_eq!(().to_json(), Null);
-        assert_eq!(f32::INFINITY.to_json(), Null);
-        assert_eq!(f64::NAN.to_json(), Null);
-        assert_eq!(true.to_json(), Boolean(true));
-        assert_eq!(false.to_json(), Boolean(false));
-        assert_eq!("abc".to_json(), String("abc".to_string()));
-        assert_eq!("abc".to_string().to_json(), String("abc".to_string()));
-        assert_eq!((1_usize, 2_usize).to_json(), array2);
-        assert_eq!((1_usize, 2_usize, 3_usize).to_json(), array3);
-        assert_eq!([1_usize, 2_usize].to_json(), array2);
-        assert_eq!((&[1_usize, 2_usize, 3_usize]).to_json(), array3);
-        assert_eq!((vec![1_usize, 2_usize]).to_json(), array2);
-        assert_eq!(vec![1_usize, 2_usize, 3_usize].to_json(), array3);
-        let mut tree_map = BTreeMap::new();
-        tree_map.insert("a".to_string(), 1 as usize);
-        tree_map.insert("b".to_string(), 2);
-        assert_eq!(tree_map.to_json(), object);
-        let mut hash_map = HashMap::new();
-        hash_map.insert("a".to_string(), 1 as usize);
-        hash_map.insert("b".to_string(), 2);
-        assert_eq!(hash_map.to_json(), object);
-        assert_eq!(Some(15).to_json(), I64(15));
-        assert_eq!(Some(15 as usize).to_json(), U64(15));
-        assert_eq!(None::<isize>.to_json(), Null);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_encode_hashmap_with_arbitrary_key() {
-        use std::collections::HashMap;
-        #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, RustcEncodable)]
-        struct ArbitraryType(usize);
-        let mut hm: HashMap<ArbitraryType, bool> = HashMap::new();
-        hm.insert(ArbitraryType(1), true);
-        let mut mem_buf = string::String::new();
-        let mut encoder = Encoder::new(&mut mem_buf);
-        let result = hm.encode(&mut encoder);
-        match result.unwrap_err() {
-            EncoderError::BadHashmapKey => (),
-            _ => panic!("expected bad hash map key")
-        }
-    }
     fn bench_streaming_small(b: &mut Bencher) {
         b.iter( || {
diff --git a/src/libserialize/ b/src/libserialize/
index 9b73a5e686e..1fb0d773d6a 100644
--- a/src/libserialize/
+++ b/src/libserialize/
@@ -32,7 +32,3 @@ pub mod json;
 pub mod opaque;
 pub mod leb128;
-mod rustc_serialize {
-    pub use crate::serialize::*;
diff --git a/src/libserialize/ b/src/libserialize/
index 8636c202d66..d6e8560195c 100644
--- a/src/libserialize/
+++ b/src/libserialize/
@@ -324,288 +324,3 @@ impl<'a> serialize::Decoder for Decoder<'a> {
-mod tests {
-    use crate::serialize::{Encodable, Decodable};
-    use std::fmt::Debug;
-    use super::{Encoder, Decoder};
-    #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
-    struct Struct {
-        a: (),
-        b: u8,
-        c: u16,
-        d: u32,
-        e: u64,
-        f: usize,
-        g: i8,
-        h: i16,
-        i: i32,
-        j: i64,
-        k: isize,
-        l: char,
-        m: String,
-        n: f32,
-        o: f64,
-        p: bool,
-        q: Option<u32>,
-    }
-    fn check_round_trip<T: Encodable + Decodable + PartialEq + Debug>(values: Vec<T>) {
-        let mut encoder = Encoder::new(Vec::new());
-        for value in &values {
-            Encodable::encode(&value, &mut encoder).unwrap();
-        }
-        let data = encoder.into_inner();
-        let mut decoder = Decoder::new(&data[..], 0);
-        for value in values {
-            let decoded = Decodable::decode(&mut decoder).unwrap();
-            assert_eq!(value, decoded);
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_unit() {
-        check_round_trip(vec![(), (), (), ()]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_u8() {
-        let mut vec = vec![];
-        for i in ::std::u8::MIN..::std::u8::MAX {
-            vec.push(i);
-        }
-        check_round_trip(vec);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_u16() {
-        for i in ::std::u16::MIN..::std::u16::MAX {
-            check_round_trip(vec![1, 2, 3, i, i, i]);
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_u32() {
-        check_round_trip(vec![1, 2, 3, ::std::u32::MIN, 0, 1, ::std::u32::MAX, 2, 1]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_u64() {
-        check_round_trip(vec![1, 2, 3, ::std::u64::MIN, 0, 1, ::std::u64::MAX, 2, 1]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_usize() {
-        check_round_trip(vec![1, 2, 3, ::std::usize::MIN, 0, 1, ::std::usize::MAX, 2, 1]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_i8() {
-        let mut vec = vec![];
-        for i in ::std::i8::MIN..::std::i8::MAX {
-            vec.push(i);
-        }
-        check_round_trip(vec);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_i16() {
-        for i in ::std::i16::MIN..::std::i16::MAX {
-            check_round_trip(vec![-1, 2, -3, i, i, i, 2]);
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_i32() {
-        check_round_trip(vec![-1, 2, -3, ::std::i32::MIN, 0, 1, ::std::i32::MAX, 2, 1]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_i64() {
-        check_round_trip(vec![-1, 2, -3, ::std::i64::MIN, 0, 1, ::std::i64::MAX, 2, 1]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_isize() {
-        check_round_trip(vec![-1, 2, -3, ::std::isize::MIN, 0, 1, ::std::isize::MAX, 2, 1]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_bool() {
-        check_round_trip(vec![false, true, true, false, false]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_f32() {
-        let mut vec = vec![];
-        for i in -100..100 {
-            vec.push((i as f32) / 3.0);
-        }
-        check_round_trip(vec);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_f64() {
-        let mut vec = vec![];
-        for i in -100..100 {
-            vec.push((i as f64) / 3.0);
-        }
-        check_round_trip(vec);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_char() {
-        let vec = vec!['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'A', 'X', ' ', '#', 'Ö', 'Ä', 'µ', '€'];
-        check_round_trip(vec);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_string() {
-        let vec = vec!["abcbuÖeiovÄnameÜavmpßvmea€µsbpnvapeapmaebn".to_string(),
-                       "abcbuÖganeiovÄnameÜavmpßvmea€µsbpnvapeapmaebn".to_string(),
-                       "abcbuÖganeiovÄnameÜavmpßvmea€µsbpapmaebn".to_string(),
-                       "abcbuÖganeiovÄnameÜavmpßvmeabpnvapeapmaebn".to_string(),
-                       "abcbuÖganeiÄnameÜavmpßvmea€µsbpnvapeapmaebn".to_string(),
-                       "abcbuÖganeiovÄnameÜavmpßvmea€µsbpmaebn".to_string(),
-                       "abcbuÖganeiovÄnameÜavmpßvmea€µnvapeapmaebn".to_string()];
-        check_round_trip(vec);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_option() {
-        check_round_trip(vec![Some(-1i8)]);
-        check_round_trip(vec![Some(-2i16)]);
-        check_round_trip(vec![Some(-3i32)]);
-        check_round_trip(vec![Some(-4i64)]);
-        check_round_trip(vec![Some(-5isize)]);
-        let none_i8: Option<i8> = None;
-        check_round_trip(vec![none_i8]);
-        let none_i16: Option<i16> = None;
-        check_round_trip(vec![none_i16]);
-        let none_i32: Option<i32> = None;
-        check_round_trip(vec![none_i32]);
-        let none_i64: Option<i64> = None;
-        check_round_trip(vec![none_i64]);
-        let none_isize: Option<isize> = None;
-        check_round_trip(vec![none_isize]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_struct() {
-        check_round_trip(vec![Struct {
-                                  a: (),
-                                  b: 10,
-                                  c: 11,
-                                  d: 12,
-                                  e: 13,
-                                  f: 14,
-                                  g: 15,
-                                  h: 16,
-                                  i: 17,
-                                  j: 18,
-                                  k: 19,
-                                  l: 'x',
-                                  m: "abc".to_string(),
-                                  n: 20.5,
-                                  o: 21.5,
-                                  p: false,
-                                  q: None,
-                              }]);
-        check_round_trip(vec![Struct {
-                                  a: (),
-                                  b: 101,
-                                  c: 111,
-                                  d: 121,
-                                  e: 131,
-                                  f: 141,
-                                  g: -15,
-                                  h: -16,
-                                  i: -17,
-                                  j: -18,
-                                  k: -19,
-                                  l: 'y',
-                                  m: "def".to_string(),
-                                  n: -20.5,
-                                  o: -21.5,
-                                  p: true,
-                                  q: Some(1234567),
-                              }]);
-    }
-    #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
-    enum Enum {
-        Variant1,
-        Variant2(usize, f32),
-        Variant3 {
-            a: i32,
-            b: char,
-            c: bool,
-        },
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_enum() {
-        check_round_trip(vec![Enum::Variant1,
-                              Enum::Variant2(1, 2.5),
-                              Enum::Variant3 {
-                                  a: 3,
-                                  b: 'b',
-                                  c: false,
-                              },
-                              Enum::Variant3 {
-                                  a: -4,
-                                  b: 'f',
-                                  c: true,
-                              }]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_sequence() {
-        let mut vec = vec![];
-        for i in -100i64..100i64 {
-            vec.push(i * 100000);
-        }
-        check_round_trip(vec![vec]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_hash_map() {
-        use std::collections::HashMap;
-        let mut map = HashMap::new();
-        for i in -100i64..100i64 {
-            map.insert(i * 100000, i * 10000);
-        }
-        check_round_trip(vec![map]);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_tuples() {
-        check_round_trip(vec![('x', (), false, 0.5f32)]);
-        check_round_trip(vec![(9i8, 10u16, 1.5f64)]);
-        check_round_trip(vec![(-12i16, 11u8, 12usize)]);
-        check_round_trip(vec![(1234567isize, 100000000000000u64, 99999999999999i64)]);
-        check_round_trip(vec![(String::new(), "some string".to_string())]);
-    }
diff --git a/src/libserialize/tests/ b/src/libserialize/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3fb6bda679b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libserialize/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1282 @@
+extern crate serialize as rustc_serialize;
+use rustc_serialize::{Encodable, Decodable};
+use rustc_serialize::json;
+use json::Json::*;
+use json::ErrorCode::*;
+use json::ParserError::*;
+use json::DecoderError::*;
+use json::JsonEvent::*;
+use json::{Json, from_str, DecodeResult, DecoderError, JsonEvent, Parser, StackElement,
+           Decoder, Encoder, EncoderError};
+use Animal::*;
+use std::{i64, u64, f32, f64};
+use std::io::prelude::*;
+use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+use std::string;
+#[derive(RustcDecodable, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
+struct OptionData {
+    opt: Option<usize>,
+fn test_decode_option_none() {
+    let s ="{}";
+    let obj: OptionData = json::decode(s).unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(obj, OptionData { opt: None });
+fn test_decode_option_some() {
+    let s = "{ \"opt\": 10 }";
+    let obj: OptionData = json::decode(s).unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(obj, OptionData { opt: Some(10) });
+fn test_decode_option_malformed() {
+    check_err::<OptionData>("{ \"opt\": [] }",
+                            ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), "[]".to_string()));
+    check_err::<OptionData>("{ \"opt\": false }",
+                            ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), "false".to_string()));
+#[derive(PartialEq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
+enum Animal {
+    Dog,
+    Frog(string::String, isize)
+#[derive(PartialEq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
+struct Inner {
+    a: (),
+    b: usize,
+    c: Vec<string::String>,
+#[derive(PartialEq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
+struct Outer {
+    inner: Vec<Inner>,
+fn mk_object(items: &[(string::String, Json)]) -> Json {
+    let mut d = BTreeMap::new();
+    for item in items {
+        match *item {
+            (ref key, ref value) => { d.insert((*key).clone(), (*value).clone()); },
+        }
+    };
+    Object(d)
+fn test_from_str_trait() {
+    let s = "null";
+    assert!(s.parse::<Json>().unwrap() == s.parse().unwrap());
+fn test_write_null() {
+    assert_eq!(Null.to_string(), "null");
+    assert_eq!(Null.pretty().to_string(), "null");
+fn test_write_i64() {
+    assert_eq!(U64(0).to_string(), "0");
+    assert_eq!(U64(0).pretty().to_string(), "0");
+    assert_eq!(U64(1234).to_string(), "1234");
+    assert_eq!(U64(1234).pretty().to_string(), "1234");
+    assert_eq!(I64(-5678).to_string(), "-5678");
+    assert_eq!(I64(-5678).pretty().to_string(), "-5678");
+    assert_eq!(U64(7650007200025252000).to_string(), "7650007200025252000");
+    assert_eq!(U64(7650007200025252000).pretty().to_string(), "7650007200025252000");
+fn test_write_f64() {
+    assert_eq!(F64(3.0).to_string(), "3.0");
+    assert_eq!(F64(3.0).pretty().to_string(), "3.0");
+    assert_eq!(F64(3.1).to_string(), "3.1");
+    assert_eq!(F64(3.1).pretty().to_string(), "3.1");
+    assert_eq!(F64(-1.5).to_string(), "-1.5");
+    assert_eq!(F64(-1.5).pretty().to_string(), "-1.5");
+    assert_eq!(F64(0.5).to_string(), "0.5");
+    assert_eq!(F64(0.5).pretty().to_string(), "0.5");
+    assert_eq!(F64(f64::NAN).to_string(), "null");
+    assert_eq!(F64(f64::NAN).pretty().to_string(), "null");
+    assert_eq!(F64(f64::INFINITY).to_string(), "null");
+    assert_eq!(F64(f64::INFINITY).pretty().to_string(), "null");
+    assert_eq!(F64(f64::NEG_INFINITY).to_string(), "null");
+    assert_eq!(F64(f64::NEG_INFINITY).pretty().to_string(), "null");
+fn test_write_str() {
+    assert_eq!(String("".to_string()).to_string(), "\"\"");
+    assert_eq!(String("".to_string()).pretty().to_string(), "\"\"");
+    assert_eq!(String("homura".to_string()).to_string(), "\"homura\"");
+    assert_eq!(String("madoka".to_string()).pretty().to_string(), "\"madoka\"");
+fn test_write_bool() {
+    assert_eq!(Boolean(true).to_string(), "true");
+    assert_eq!(Boolean(true).pretty().to_string(), "true");
+    assert_eq!(Boolean(false).to_string(), "false");
+    assert_eq!(Boolean(false).pretty().to_string(), "false");
+fn test_write_array() {
+    assert_eq!(Array(vec![]).to_string(), "[]");
+    assert_eq!(Array(vec![]).pretty().to_string(), "[]");
+    assert_eq!(Array(vec![Boolean(true)]).to_string(), "[true]");
+    assert_eq!(
+        Array(vec![Boolean(true)]).pretty().to_string(),
+        "\
+        [\n  \
+            true\n\
+        ]"
+    );
+    let long_test_array = Array(vec![
+        Boolean(false),
+        Null,
+        Array(vec![String("foo\nbar".to_string()), F64(3.5)])]);
+    assert_eq!(long_test_array.to_string(),
+        "[false,null,[\"foo\\nbar\",3.5]]");
+    assert_eq!(
+        long_test_array.pretty().to_string(),
+        "\
+        [\n  \
+            false,\n  \
+            null,\n  \
+            [\n    \
+                \"foo\\nbar\",\n    \
+                3.5\n  \
+            ]\n\
+        ]"
+    );
+fn test_write_object() {
+    assert_eq!(mk_object(&[]).to_string(), "{}");
+    assert_eq!(mk_object(&[]).pretty().to_string(), "{}");
+    assert_eq!(
+        mk_object(&[
+            ("a".to_string(), Boolean(true))
+        ]).to_string(),
+        "{\"a\":true}"
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        mk_object(&[("a".to_string(), Boolean(true))]).pretty().to_string(),
+        "\
+        {\n  \
+            \"a\": true\n\
+        }"
+    );
+    let complex_obj = mk_object(&[
+            ("b".to_string(), Array(vec![
+                mk_object(&[("c".to_string(), String("\x0c\r".to_string()))]),
+                mk_object(&[("d".to_string(), String("".to_string()))])
+            ]))
+        ]);
+    assert_eq!(
+        complex_obj.to_string(),
+        "{\
+            \"b\":[\
+                {\"c\":\"\\f\\r\"},\
+                {\"d\":\"\"}\
+            ]\
+        }"
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        complex_obj.pretty().to_string(),
+        "\
+        {\n  \
+            \"b\": [\n    \
+                {\n      \
+                    \"c\": \"\\f\\r\"\n    \
+                },\n    \
+                {\n      \
+                    \"d\": \"\"\n    \
+                }\n  \
+            ]\n\
+        }"
+    );
+    let a = mk_object(&[
+        ("a".to_string(), Boolean(true)),
+        ("b".to_string(), Array(vec![
+            mk_object(&[("c".to_string(), String("\x0c\r".to_string()))]),
+            mk_object(&[("d".to_string(), String("".to_string()))])
+        ]))
+    ]);
+    // We can't compare the strings directly because the object fields be
+    // printed in a different order.
+    assert_eq!(a.clone(), a.to_string().parse().unwrap());
+    assert_eq!(a.clone(), a.pretty().to_string().parse().unwrap());
+fn test_write_enum() {
+    let animal = Dog;
+    assert_eq!(
+        json::as_json(&animal).to_string(),
+        "\"Dog\""
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        json::as_pretty_json(&animal).to_string(),
+        "\"Dog\""
+    );
+    let animal = Frog("Henry".to_string(), 349);
+    assert_eq!(
+        json::as_json(&animal).to_string(),
+        "{\"variant\":\"Frog\",\"fields\":[\"Henry\",349]}"
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        json::as_pretty_json(&animal).to_string(),
+        "{\n  \
+           \"variant\": \"Frog\",\n  \
+           \"fields\": [\n    \
+             \"Henry\",\n    \
+             349\n  \
+           ]\n\
+         }"
+    );
+macro_rules! check_encoder_for_simple {
+    ($value:expr, $expected:expr) => ({
+        let s = json::as_json(&$value).to_string();
+        assert_eq!(s, $expected);
+        let s = json::as_pretty_json(&$value).to_string();
+        assert_eq!(s, $expected);
+    })
+fn test_write_some() {
+    check_encoder_for_simple!(Some("jodhpurs".to_string()), "\"jodhpurs\"");
+fn test_write_none() {
+    check_encoder_for_simple!(None::<string::String>, "null");
+fn test_write_char() {
+    check_encoder_for_simple!('a', "\"a\"");
+    check_encoder_for_simple!('\t', "\"\\t\"");
+    check_encoder_for_simple!('\u{0000}', "\"\\u0000\"");
+    check_encoder_for_simple!('\u{001b}', "\"\\u001b\"");
+    check_encoder_for_simple!('\u{007f}', "\"\\u007f\"");
+    check_encoder_for_simple!('\u{00a0}', "\"\u{00a0}\"");
+    check_encoder_for_simple!('\u{abcd}', "\"\u{abcd}\"");
+    check_encoder_for_simple!('\u{10ffff}', "\"\u{10ffff}\"");
+fn test_trailing_characters() {
+    assert_eq!(from_str("nulla"),  Err(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 5)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("truea"),  Err(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 5)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("falsea"), Err(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 6)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("1a"),     Err(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[]a"),    Err(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 3)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{}a"),    Err(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 3)));
+fn test_read_identifiers() {
+    assert_eq!(from_str("n"),    Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("nul"),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 4)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("t"),    Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("truz"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 4)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("f"),    Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("faz"),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 3)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("null"), Ok(Null));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("true"), Ok(Boolean(true)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("false"), Ok(Boolean(false)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str(" null "), Ok(Null));
+    assert_eq!(from_str(" true "), Ok(Boolean(true)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str(" false "), Ok(Boolean(false)));
+fn test_decode_identifiers() {
+    let v: () = json::decode("null").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, ());
+    let v: bool = json::decode("true").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, true);
+    let v: bool = json::decode("false").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, false);
+fn test_read_number() {
+    assert_eq!(from_str("+"),   Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 1)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("."),   Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 1)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("NaN"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 1)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("-"),   Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("00"),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("1."),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 3)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("1e"),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 3)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("1e+"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 4)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("18446744073709551616"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 20)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("-9223372036854775809"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 21)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("3"), Ok(U64(3)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("3.1"), Ok(F64(3.1)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("-1.2"), Ok(F64(-1.2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("0.4"), Ok(F64(0.4)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("0.4e5"), Ok(F64(0.4e5)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("0.4e+15"), Ok(F64(0.4e15)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("0.4e-01"), Ok(F64(0.4e-01)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str(" 3 "), Ok(U64(3)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("-9223372036854775808"), Ok(I64(i64::MIN)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("9223372036854775807"), Ok(U64(i64::MAX as u64)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("18446744073709551615"), Ok(U64(u64::MAX)));
+fn test_decode_numbers() {
+    let v: f64 = json::decode("3").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, 3.0);
+    let v: f64 = json::decode("3.1").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, 3.1);
+    let v: f64 = json::decode("-1.2").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, -1.2);
+    let v: f64 = json::decode("0.4").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, 0.4);
+    let v: f64 = json::decode("0.4e5").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, 0.4e5);
+    let v: f64 = json::decode("0.4e15").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, 0.4e15);
+    let v: f64 = json::decode("0.4e-01").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, 0.4e-01);
+    let v: u64 = json::decode("0").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, 0);
+    let v: u64 = json::decode("18446744073709551615").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, u64::MAX);
+    let v: i64 = json::decode("-9223372036854775808").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, i64::MIN);
+    let v: i64 = json::decode("9223372036854775807").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, i64::MAX);
+    let res: DecodeResult<i64> = json::decode("765.25");
+    assert_eq!(res, Err(ExpectedError("Integer".to_string(),
+                                      "765.25".to_string())));
+fn test_read_str() {
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\""),    Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingString, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\"lol"), Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingString, 1, 5)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\"\""), Ok(String("".to_string())));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\"foo\""), Ok(String("foo".to_string())));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\\"\""), Ok(String("\"".to_string())));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\b\""), Ok(String("\x08".to_string())));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\n\""), Ok(String("\n".to_string())));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\r\""), Ok(String("\r".to_string())));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\t\""), Ok(String("\t".to_string())));
+    assert_eq!(from_str(" \"foo\" "), Ok(String("foo".to_string())));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\u12ab\""), Ok(String("\u{12ab}".to_string())));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\"\\uAB12\""), Ok(String("\u{AB12}".to_string())));
+fn test_decode_str() {
+    let s = [("\"\"", ""),
+             ("\"foo\"", "foo"),
+             ("\"\\\"\"", "\""),
+             ("\"\\b\"", "\x08"),
+             ("\"\\n\"", "\n"),
+             ("\"\\r\"", "\r"),
+             ("\"\\t\"", "\t"),
+             ("\"\\u12ab\"", "\u{12ab}"),
+             ("\"\\uAB12\"", "\u{AB12}")];
+    for &(i, o) in &s {
+        let v: string::String = json::decode(i).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(v, o);
+    }
+fn test_read_array() {
+    assert_eq!(from_str("["),     Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[1"),    Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingArray, 1, 3)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[1,"),   Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 4)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[1,]"),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax,        1, 4)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[6 7]"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax,        1, 4)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[]"), Ok(Array(vec![])));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[ ]"), Ok(Array(vec![])));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[true]"), Ok(Array(vec![Boolean(true)])));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[ false ]"), Ok(Array(vec![Boolean(false)])));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[null]"), Ok(Array(vec![Null])));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[3, 1]"),
+                 Ok(Array(vec![U64(3), U64(1)])));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\n[3, 2]\n"),
+                 Ok(Array(vec![U64(3), U64(2)])));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[2, [4, 1]]"),
+           Ok(Array(vec![U64(2), Array(vec![U64(4), U64(1)])])));
+fn test_decode_array() {
+    let v: Vec<()> = json::decode("[]").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, []);
+    let v: Vec<()> = json::decode("[null]").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, [()]);
+    let v: Vec<bool> = json::decode("[true]").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, [true]);
+    let v: Vec<isize> = json::decode("[3, 1]").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, [3, 1]);
+    let v: Vec<Vec<usize>> = json::decode("[[3], [1, 2]]").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(v, [vec![3], vec![1, 2]]);
+fn test_decode_tuple() {
+    let t: (usize, usize, usize) = json::decode("[1, 2, 3]").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(t, (1, 2, 3));
+    let t: (usize, string::String) = json::decode("[1, \"two\"]").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(t, (1, "two".to_string()));
+fn test_decode_tuple_malformed_types() {
+    assert!(json::decode::<(usize, string::String)>("[1, 2]").is_err());
+fn test_decode_tuple_malformed_length() {
+    assert!(json::decode::<(usize, usize)>("[1, 2, 3]").is_err());
+fn test_read_object() {
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{"),       Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{ "),      Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 3)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{1"),      Err(SyntaxError(KeyMustBeAString,      1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{ \"a\""), Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 6)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\""),  Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 5)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\" "), Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 6)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\" 1"),   Err(SyntaxError(ExpectedColon,         1, 6)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\":"),    Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue,  1, 6)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\":1"),   Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 7)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\":1 1"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax,         1, 8)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\":1,"),  Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 8)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{}").unwrap(), mk_object(&[]));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\": 3}").unwrap(),
+                mk_object(&[("a".to_string(), U64(3))]));
+    assert_eq!(from_str(
+                    "{ \"a\": null, \"b\" : true }").unwrap(),
+                mk_object(&[
+                    ("a".to_string(), Null),
+                    ("b".to_string(), Boolean(true))]));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("\n{ \"a\": null, \"b\" : true }\n").unwrap(),
+                mk_object(&[
+                    ("a".to_string(), Null),
+                    ("b".to_string(), Boolean(true))]));
+    assert_eq!(from_str(
+                    "{\"a\" : 1.0 ,\"b\": [ true ]}").unwrap(),
+                mk_object(&[
+                    ("a".to_string(), F64(1.0)),
+                    ("b".to_string(), Array(vec![Boolean(true)]))
+                ]));
+    assert_eq!(from_str(
+                    "{\
+                        \"a\": 1.0, \
+                        \"b\": [\
+                            true,\
+                            \"foo\\nbar\", \
+                            { \"c\": {\"d\": null} } \
+                        ]\
+                    }").unwrap(),
+                mk_object(&[
+                    ("a".to_string(), F64(1.0)),
+                    ("b".to_string(), Array(vec![
+                        Boolean(true),
+                        String("foo\nbar".to_string()),
+                        mk_object(&[
+                            ("c".to_string(), mk_object(&[("d".to_string(), Null)]))
+                        ])
+                    ]))
+                ]));
+fn test_decode_struct() {
+    let s = "{
+        \"inner\": [
+            { \"a\": null, \"b\": 2, \"c\": [\"abc\", \"xyz\"] }
+        ]
+    }";
+    let v: Outer = json::decode(s).unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(
+        v,
+        Outer {
+            inner: vec![
+                Inner { a: (), b: 2, c: vec!["abc".to_string(), "xyz".to_string()] }
+            ]
+        }
+    );
+struct FloatStruct {
+    f: f64,
+    a: Vec<f64>
+fn test_decode_struct_with_nan() {
+    let s = "{\"f\":null,\"a\":[null,123]}";
+    let obj: FloatStruct = json::decode(s).unwrap();
+    assert!(obj.f.is_nan());
+    assert!(obj.a[0].is_nan());
+    assert_eq!(obj.a[1], 123f64);
+fn test_decode_option() {
+    let value: Option<string::String> = json::decode("null").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(value, None);
+    let value: Option<string::String> = json::decode("\"jodhpurs\"").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(value, Some("jodhpurs".to_string()));
+fn test_decode_enum() {
+    let value: Animal = json::decode("\"Dog\"").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(value, Dog);
+    let s = "{\"variant\":\"Frog\",\"fields\":[\"Henry\",349]}";
+    let value: Animal = json::decode(s).unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(value, Frog("Henry".to_string(), 349));
+fn test_decode_map() {
+    let s = "{\"a\": \"Dog\", \"b\": {\"variant\":\"Frog\",\
+              \"fields\":[\"Henry\", 349]}}";
+    let mut map: BTreeMap<string::String, Animal> = json::decode(s).unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(map.remove(&"a".to_string()), Some(Dog));
+    assert_eq!(map.remove(&"b".to_string()), Some(Frog("Henry".to_string(), 349)));
+fn test_multiline_errors() {
+    assert_eq!(from_str("{\n  \"foo\":\n \"bar\""),
+        Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 3, 8)));
+struct DecodeStruct {
+    x: f64,
+    y: bool,
+    z: string::String,
+    w: Vec<DecodeStruct>
+enum DecodeEnum {
+    A(f64),
+    B(string::String)
+fn check_err<T: Decodable>(to_parse: &'static str, expected: DecoderError) {
+    let res: DecodeResult<T> = match from_str(to_parse) {
+        Err(e) => Err(ParseError(e)),
+        Ok(json) => Decodable::decode(&mut Decoder::new(json))
+    };
+    match res {
+        Ok(_) => panic!("`{:?}` parsed & decoded ok, expecting error `{:?}`",
+                           to_parse, expected),
+        Err(ParseError(e)) => panic!("`{:?}` is not valid json: {:?}",
+                                        to_parse, e),
+        Err(e) => {
+            assert_eq!(e, expected);
+        }
+    }
+fn test_decode_errors_struct() {
+    check_err::<DecodeStruct>("[]", ExpectedError("Object".to_string(), "[]".to_string()));
+    check_err::<DecodeStruct>("{\"x\": true, \"y\": true, \"z\": \"\", \"w\": []}",
+                              ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), "true".to_string()));
+    check_err::<DecodeStruct>("{\"x\": 1, \"y\": [], \"z\": \"\", \"w\": []}",
+                              ExpectedError("Boolean".to_string(), "[]".to_string()));
+    check_err::<DecodeStruct>("{\"x\": 1, \"y\": true, \"z\": {}, \"w\": []}",
+                              ExpectedError("String".to_string(), "{}".to_string()));
+    check_err::<DecodeStruct>("{\"x\": 1, \"y\": true, \"z\": \"\", \"w\": null}",
+                              ExpectedError("Array".to_string(), "null".to_string()));
+    check_err::<DecodeStruct>("{\"x\": 1, \"y\": true, \"z\": \"\"}",
+                              MissingFieldError("w".to_string()));
+fn test_decode_errors_enum() {
+    check_err::<DecodeEnum>("{}",
+                            MissingFieldError("variant".to_string()));
+    check_err::<DecodeEnum>("{\"variant\": 1}",
+                            ExpectedError("String".to_string(), "1".to_string()));
+    check_err::<DecodeEnum>("{\"variant\": \"A\"}",
+                            MissingFieldError("fields".to_string()));
+    check_err::<DecodeEnum>("{\"variant\": \"A\", \"fields\": null}",
+                            ExpectedError("Array".to_string(), "null".to_string()));
+    check_err::<DecodeEnum>("{\"variant\": \"C\", \"fields\": []}",
+                            UnknownVariantError("C".to_string()));
+fn test_find(){
+    let json_value = from_str("{\"dog\" : \"cat\"}").unwrap();
+    let found_str = json_value.find("dog");
+    assert!(found_str.unwrap().as_string().unwrap() == "cat");
+fn test_find_path(){
+    let json_value = from_str("{\"dog\":{\"cat\": {\"mouse\" : \"cheese\"}}}").unwrap();
+    let found_str = json_value.find_path(&["dog", "cat", "mouse"]);
+    assert!(found_str.unwrap().as_string().unwrap() == "cheese");
+fn test_search(){
+    let json_value = from_str("{\"dog\":{\"cat\": {\"mouse\" : \"cheese\"}}}").unwrap();
+    let found_str ="mouse").and_then(|j| j.as_string());
+    assert!(found_str.unwrap() == "cheese");
+fn test_index(){
+    let json_value = from_str("{\"animals\":[\"dog\",\"cat\",\"mouse\"]}").unwrap();
+    let ref array = json_value["animals"];
+    assert_eq!(array[0].as_string().unwrap(), "dog");
+    assert_eq!(array[1].as_string().unwrap(), "cat");
+    assert_eq!(array[2].as_string().unwrap(), "mouse");
+fn test_is_object(){
+    let json_value = from_str("{}").unwrap();
+    assert!(json_value.is_object());
+fn test_as_object(){
+    let json_value = from_str("{}").unwrap();
+    let json_object = json_value.as_object();
+    assert!(json_object.is_some());
+fn test_is_array(){
+    let json_value = from_str("[1, 2, 3]").unwrap();
+    assert!(json_value.is_array());
+fn test_as_array(){
+    let json_value = from_str("[1, 2, 3]").unwrap();
+    let json_array = json_value.as_array();
+    let expected_length = 3;
+    assert!(json_array.is_some() && json_array.unwrap().len() == expected_length);
+fn test_is_string(){
+    let json_value = from_str("\"dog\"").unwrap();
+    assert!(json_value.is_string());
+fn test_as_string(){
+    let json_value = from_str("\"dog\"").unwrap();
+    let json_str = json_value.as_string();
+    let expected_str = "dog";
+    assert_eq!(json_str, Some(expected_str));
+fn test_is_number(){
+    let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
+    assert!(json_value.is_number());
+fn test_is_i64(){
+    let json_value = from_str("-12").unwrap();
+    assert!(json_value.is_i64());
+    let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
+    assert!(!json_value.is_i64());
+    let json_value = from_str("12.0").unwrap();
+    assert!(!json_value.is_i64());
+fn test_is_u64(){
+    let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
+    assert!(json_value.is_u64());
+    let json_value = from_str("-12").unwrap();
+    assert!(!json_value.is_u64());
+    let json_value = from_str("12.0").unwrap();
+    assert!(!json_value.is_u64());
+fn test_is_f64(){
+    let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
+    assert!(!json_value.is_f64());
+    let json_value = from_str("-12").unwrap();
+    assert!(!json_value.is_f64());
+    let json_value = from_str("12.0").unwrap();
+    assert!(json_value.is_f64());
+    let json_value = from_str("-12.0").unwrap();
+    assert!(json_value.is_f64());
+fn test_as_i64(){
+    let json_value = from_str("-12").unwrap();
+    let json_num = json_value.as_i64();
+    assert_eq!(json_num, Some(-12));
+fn test_as_u64(){
+    let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
+    let json_num = json_value.as_u64();
+    assert_eq!(json_num, Some(12));
+fn test_as_f64(){
+    let json_value = from_str("12.0").unwrap();
+    let json_num = json_value.as_f64();
+    assert_eq!(json_num, Some(12f64));
+fn test_is_boolean(){
+    let json_value = from_str("false").unwrap();
+    assert!(json_value.is_boolean());
+fn test_as_boolean(){
+    let json_value = from_str("false").unwrap();
+    let json_bool = json_value.as_boolean();
+    let expected_bool = false;
+    assert!(json_bool.is_some() && json_bool.unwrap() == expected_bool);
+fn test_is_null(){
+    let json_value = from_str("null").unwrap();
+    assert!(json_value.is_null());
+fn test_as_null(){
+    let json_value = from_str("null").unwrap();
+    let json_null = json_value.as_null();
+    let expected_null = ();
+    assert!(json_null.is_some() && json_null.unwrap() == expected_null);
+fn test_encode_hashmap_with_numeric_key() {
+    use std::str::from_utf8;
+    use std::collections::HashMap;
+    let mut hm: HashMap<usize, bool> = HashMap::new();
+    hm.insert(1, true);
+    let mut mem_buf = Vec::new();
+    write!(&mut mem_buf, "{}", json::as_pretty_json(&hm)).unwrap();
+    let json_str = from_utf8(&mem_buf[..]).unwrap();
+    match from_str(json_str) {
+        Err(_) => panic!("Unable to parse json_str: {:?}", json_str),
+        _ => {} // it parsed and we are good to go
+    }
+fn test_prettyencode_hashmap_with_numeric_key() {
+    use std::str::from_utf8;
+    use std::collections::HashMap;
+    let mut hm: HashMap<usize, bool> = HashMap::new();
+    hm.insert(1, true);
+    let mut mem_buf = Vec::new();
+    write!(&mut mem_buf, "{}", json::as_pretty_json(&hm)).unwrap();
+    let json_str = from_utf8(&mem_buf[..]).unwrap();
+    match from_str(json_str) {
+        Err(_) => panic!("Unable to parse json_str: {:?}", json_str),
+        _ => {} // it parsed and we are good to go
+    }
+fn test_prettyencoder_indent_level_param() {
+    use std::str::from_utf8;
+    use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+    let mut tree = BTreeMap::new();
+    tree.insert("hello".to_string(), String("guten tag".to_string()));
+    tree.insert("goodbye".to_string(), String("sayonara".to_string()));
+    let json = Array(
+        // The following layout below should look a lot like
+        // the pretty-printed JSON (indent * x)
+        vec!
+        ( // 0x
+            String("greetings".to_string()), // 1x
+            Object(tree), // 1x + 2x + 2x + 1x
+        ) // 0x
+        // End JSON array (7 lines)
+    );
+    // Helper function for counting indents
+    fn indents(source: &str) -> usize {
+        let trimmed = source.trim_start_matches(' ');
+        source.len() - trimmed.len()
+    }
+    // Test up to 4 spaces of indents (more?)
+    for i in 0..4 {
+        let mut writer = Vec::new();
+        write!(&mut writer, "{}",
+                json::as_pretty_json(&json).indent(i)).unwrap();
+        let printed = from_utf8(&writer[..]).unwrap();
+        // Check for indents at each line
+        let lines: Vec<&str> = printed.lines().collect();
+        assert_eq!(lines.len(), 7); // JSON should be 7 lines
+        assert_eq!(indents(lines[0]), 0 * i); // [
+        assert_eq!(indents(lines[1]), 1 * i); //   "greetings",
+        assert_eq!(indents(lines[2]), 1 * i); //   {
+        assert_eq!(indents(lines[3]), 2 * i); //     "hello": "guten tag",
+        assert_eq!(indents(lines[4]), 2 * i); //     "goodbye": "sayonara"
+        assert_eq!(indents(lines[5]), 1 * i); //   },
+        assert_eq!(indents(lines[6]), 0 * i); // ]
+        // Finally, test that the pretty-printed JSON is valid
+        from_str(printed).ok().expect("Pretty-printed JSON is invalid!");
+    }
+fn test_hashmap_with_enum_key() {
+    use std::collections::HashMap;
+    #[derive(RustcEncodable, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
+    enum Enum {
+        Foo,
+        #[allow(dead_code)]
+        Bar,
+    }
+    let mut map = HashMap::new();
+    map.insert(Enum::Foo, 0);
+    let result = json::encode(&map).unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(&result[..], r#"{"Foo":0}"#);
+    let decoded: HashMap<Enum, _> = json::decode(&result).unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(map, decoded);
+fn test_hashmap_with_numeric_key_can_handle_double_quote_delimited_key() {
+    use std::collections::HashMap;
+    let json_str = "{\"1\":true}";
+    let json_obj = match from_str(json_str) {
+        Err(_) => panic!("Unable to parse json_str: {:?}", json_str),
+        Ok(o) => o
+    };
+    let mut decoder = Decoder::new(json_obj);
+    let _hm: HashMap<usize, bool> = Decodable::decode(&mut decoder).unwrap();
+fn test_hashmap_with_numeric_key_will_error_with_string_keys() {
+    use std::collections::HashMap;
+    let json_str = "{\"a\":true}";
+    let json_obj = match from_str(json_str) {
+        Err(_) => panic!("Unable to parse json_str: {:?}", json_str),
+        Ok(o) => o
+    };
+    let mut decoder = Decoder::new(json_obj);
+    let result: Result<HashMap<usize, bool>, DecoderError> = Decodable::decode(&mut decoder);
+    assert_eq!(result, Err(ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), "a".to_string())));
+fn assert_stream_equal(src: &str,
+                        expected: Vec<(JsonEvent, Vec<StackElement<'_>>)>) {
+    let mut parser = Parser::new(src.chars());
+    let mut i = 0;
+    loop {
+        let evt = match {
+            Some(e) => e,
+            None => { break; }
+        };
+        let (ref expected_evt, ref expected_stack) = expected[i];
+        if !parser.stack().is_equal_to(expected_stack) {
+            panic!("Parser stack is not equal to {:?}", expected_stack);
+        }
+        assert_eq!(&evt, expected_evt);
+        i+=1;
+    }
+fn test_streaming_parser() {
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        r#"{ "foo":"bar", "array" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "idents":[null,true,false]}"#,
+        vec![
+            (ObjectStart,             vec![]),
+              (StringValue("bar".to_string()),   vec![StackElement::Key("foo")]),
+              (ArrayStart,            vec![StackElement::Key("array")]),
+                (U64Value(0),         vec![StackElement::Key("array"), StackElement::Index(0)]),
+                (U64Value(1),         vec![StackElement::Key("array"), StackElement::Index(1)]),
+                (U64Value(2),         vec![StackElement::Key("array"), StackElement::Index(2)]),
+                (U64Value(3),         vec![StackElement::Key("array"), StackElement::Index(3)]),
+                (U64Value(4),         vec![StackElement::Key("array"), StackElement::Index(4)]),
+                (U64Value(5),         vec![StackElement::Key("array"), StackElement::Index(5)]),
+              (ArrayEnd,              vec![StackElement::Key("array")]),
+              (ArrayStart,            vec![StackElement::Key("idents")]),
+                (NullValue,           vec![StackElement::Key("idents"),
+                                           StackElement::Index(0)]),
+                (BooleanValue(true),  vec![StackElement::Key("idents"),
+                                           StackElement::Index(1)]),
+                (BooleanValue(false), vec![StackElement::Key("idents"),
+                                           StackElement::Index(2)]),
+              (ArrayEnd,              vec![StackElement::Key("idents")]),
+            (ObjectEnd,               vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+fn last_event(src: &str) -> JsonEvent {
+    let mut parser = Parser::new(src.chars());
+    let mut evt = NullValue;
+    loop {
+        evt = match {
+            Some(e) => e,
+            None => return evt,
+        }
+    }
+fn test_read_object_streaming() {
+    assert_eq!(last_event("{ "),      Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 3)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("{1"),      Error(SyntaxError(KeyMustBeAString,      1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("{ \"a\""), Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 6)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\""),  Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 5)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\" "), Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 6)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\" 1"),   Error(SyntaxError(ExpectedColon,         1, 6)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\":"),    Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue,  1, 6)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\":1"),   Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 7)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\":1 1"), Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax,         1, 8)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\":1,"),  Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 8)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("{\"a\":1,}"), Error(SyntaxError(TrailingComma, 1, 8)));
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        "{}",
+        vec![(ObjectStart, vec![]), (ObjectEnd, vec![])]
+    );
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        "{\"a\": 3}",
+        vec![
+            (ObjectStart,        vec![]),
+              (U64Value(3),      vec![StackElement::Key("a")]),
+            (ObjectEnd,          vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        "{ \"a\": null, \"b\" : true }",
+        vec![
+            (ObjectStart,           vec![]),
+              (NullValue,           vec![StackElement::Key("a")]),
+              (BooleanValue(true),  vec![StackElement::Key("b")]),
+            (ObjectEnd,             vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        "{\"a\" : 1.0 ,\"b\": [ true ]}",
+        vec![
+            (ObjectStart,           vec![]),
+              (F64Value(1.0),       vec![StackElement::Key("a")]),
+              (ArrayStart,          vec![StackElement::Key("b")]),
+                (BooleanValue(true),vec![StackElement::Key("b"), StackElement::Index(0)]),
+              (ArrayEnd,            vec![StackElement::Key("b")]),
+            (ObjectEnd,             vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        r#"{
+            "a": 1.0,
+            "b": [
+                true,
+                "foo\nbar",
+                { "c": {"d": null} }
+            ]
+        }"#,
+        vec![
+            (ObjectStart,                   vec![]),
+              (F64Value(1.0),               vec![StackElement::Key("a")]),
+              (ArrayStart,                  vec![StackElement::Key("b")]),
+                (BooleanValue(true),        vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
+                                                StackElement::Index(0)]),
+                (StringValue("foo\nbar".to_string()),  vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
+                                                            StackElement::Index(1)]),
+                (ObjectStart,               vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
+                                                 StackElement::Index(2)]),
+                  (ObjectStart,             vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
+                                                 StackElement::Index(2),
+                                                 StackElement::Key("c")]),
+                    (NullValue,             vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
+                                                 StackElement::Index(2),
+                                                 StackElement::Key("c"),
+                                                 StackElement::Key("d")]),
+                  (ObjectEnd,               vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
+                                                 StackElement::Index(2),
+                                                 StackElement::Key("c")]),
+                (ObjectEnd,                 vec![StackElement::Key("b"),
+                                                 StackElement::Index(2)]),
+              (ArrayEnd,                    vec![StackElement::Key("b")]),
+            (ObjectEnd,                     vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+fn test_read_array_streaming() {
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        "[]",
+        vec![
+            (ArrayStart, vec![]),
+            (ArrayEnd,   vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        "[ ]",
+        vec![
+            (ArrayStart, vec![]),
+            (ArrayEnd,   vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        "[true]",
+        vec![
+            (ArrayStart,             vec![]),
+                (BooleanValue(true), vec![StackElement::Index(0)]),
+            (ArrayEnd,               vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        "[ false ]",
+        vec![
+            (ArrayStart,              vec![]),
+                (BooleanValue(false), vec![StackElement::Index(0)]),
+            (ArrayEnd,                vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        "[null]",
+        vec![
+            (ArrayStart,    vec![]),
+                (NullValue, vec![StackElement::Index(0)]),
+            (ArrayEnd,      vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        "[3, 1]",
+        vec![
+            (ArrayStart,      vec![]),
+                (U64Value(3), vec![StackElement::Index(0)]),
+                (U64Value(1), vec![StackElement::Index(1)]),
+            (ArrayEnd,        vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        "\n[3, 2]\n",
+        vec![
+            (ArrayStart,      vec![]),
+                (U64Value(3), vec![StackElement::Index(0)]),
+                (U64Value(2), vec![StackElement::Index(1)]),
+            (ArrayEnd,        vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+    assert_stream_equal(
+        "[2, [4, 1]]",
+        vec![
+            (ArrayStart,           vec![]),
+                (U64Value(2),      vec![StackElement::Index(0)]),
+                (ArrayStart,       vec![StackElement::Index(1)]),
+                    (U64Value(4),  vec![StackElement::Index(1), StackElement::Index(0)]),
+                    (U64Value(1),  vec![StackElement::Index(1), StackElement::Index(1)]),
+                (ArrayEnd,         vec![StackElement::Index(1)]),
+            (ArrayEnd,             vec![]),
+        ]
+    );
+    assert_eq!(last_event("["), Error(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue, 1,  2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("["),     Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[1"),    Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingArray, 1, 3)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[1,"),   Err(SyntaxError(EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 4)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[1,]"),  Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax,        1, 4)));
+    assert_eq!(from_str("[6 7]"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax,        1, 4)));
+fn test_trailing_characters_streaming() {
+    assert_eq!(last_event("nulla"),  Error(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 5)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("truea"),  Error(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 5)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("falsea"), Error(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 6)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("1a"),     Error(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("[]a"),    Error(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 3)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("{}a"),    Error(SyntaxError(TrailingCharacters, 1, 3)));
+fn test_read_identifiers_streaming() {
+    assert_eq!(Parser::new("null".chars()).next(), Some(NullValue));
+    assert_eq!(Parser::new("true".chars()).next(), Some(BooleanValue(true)));
+    assert_eq!(Parser::new("false".chars()).next(), Some(BooleanValue(false)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("n"),    Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("nul"),  Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 4)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("t"),    Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("truz"), Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 4)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("f"),    Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 2)));
+    assert_eq!(last_event("faz"),  Error(SyntaxError(InvalidSyntax, 1, 3)));
+fn test_to_json() {
+    use std::collections::{HashMap,BTreeMap};
+    use json::ToJson;
+    let array2 = Array(vec![U64(1), U64(2)]);
+    let array3 = Array(vec![U64(1), U64(2), U64(3)]);
+    let object = {
+        let mut tree_map = BTreeMap::new();
+        tree_map.insert("a".to_string(), U64(1));
+        tree_map.insert("b".to_string(), U64(2));
+        Object(tree_map)
+    };
+    assert_eq!(array2.to_json(), array2);
+    assert_eq!(object.to_json(), object);
+    assert_eq!(3_isize.to_json(), I64(3));
+    assert_eq!(4_i8.to_json(), I64(4));
+    assert_eq!(5_i16.to_json(), I64(5));
+    assert_eq!(6_i32.to_json(), I64(6));
+    assert_eq!(7_i64.to_json(), I64(7));
+    assert_eq!(8_usize.to_json(), U64(8));
+    assert_eq!(9_u8.to_json(), U64(9));
+    assert_eq!(10_u16.to_json(), U64(10));
+    assert_eq!(11_u32.to_json(), U64(11));
+    assert_eq!(12_u64.to_json(), U64(12));
+    assert_eq!(13.0_f32.to_json(), F64(13.0_f64));
+    assert_eq!(14.0_f64.to_json(), F64(14.0_f64));
+    assert_eq!(().to_json(), Null);
+    assert_eq!(f32::INFINITY.to_json(), Null);
+    assert_eq!(f64::NAN.to_json(), Null);
+    assert_eq!(true.to_json(), Boolean(true));
+    assert_eq!(false.to_json(), Boolean(false));
+    assert_eq!("abc".to_json(), String("abc".to_string()));
+    assert_eq!("abc".to_string().to_json(), String("abc".to_string()));
+    assert_eq!((1_usize, 2_usize).to_json(), array2);
+    assert_eq!((1_usize, 2_usize, 3_usize).to_json(), array3);
+    assert_eq!([1_usize, 2_usize].to_json(), array2);
+    assert_eq!((&[1_usize, 2_usize, 3_usize]).to_json(), array3);
+    assert_eq!((vec![1_usize, 2_usize]).to_json(), array2);
+    assert_eq!(vec![1_usize, 2_usize, 3_usize].to_json(), array3);
+    let mut tree_map = BTreeMap::new();
+    tree_map.insert("a".to_string(), 1 as usize);
+    tree_map.insert("b".to_string(), 2);
+    assert_eq!(tree_map.to_json(), object);
+    let mut hash_map = HashMap::new();
+    hash_map.insert("a".to_string(), 1 as usize);
+    hash_map.insert("b".to_string(), 2);
+    assert_eq!(hash_map.to_json(), object);
+    assert_eq!(Some(15).to_json(), I64(15));
+    assert_eq!(Some(15 as usize).to_json(), U64(15));
+    assert_eq!(None::<isize>.to_json(), Null);
+fn test_encode_hashmap_with_arbitrary_key() {
+    use std::collections::HashMap;
+    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, RustcEncodable)]
+    struct ArbitraryType(usize);
+    let mut hm: HashMap<ArbitraryType, bool> = HashMap::new();
+    hm.insert(ArbitraryType(1), true);
+    let mut mem_buf = string::String::new();
+    let mut encoder = Encoder::new(&mut mem_buf);
+    let result = hm.encode(&mut encoder);
+    match result.unwrap_err() {
+        EncoderError::BadHashmapKey => (),
+        _ => panic!("expected bad hash map key")
+    }
diff --git a/src/libserialize/tests/ b/src/libserialize/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fff6fc69e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libserialize/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+extern crate serialize as rustc_serialize;
+use rustc_serialize::{Encodable, Decodable};
+use rustc_serialize::opaque::{Encoder, Decoder};
+use std::fmt::Debug;
+#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
+struct Struct {
+    a: (),
+    b: u8,
+    c: u16,
+    d: u32,
+    e: u64,
+    f: usize,
+    g: i8,
+    h: i16,
+    i: i32,
+    j: i64,
+    k: isize,
+    l: char,
+    m: String,
+    n: f32,
+    o: f64,
+    p: bool,
+    q: Option<u32>,
+fn check_round_trip<T: Encodable + Decodable + PartialEq + Debug>(values: Vec<T>) {
+    let mut encoder = Encoder::new(Vec::new());
+    for value in &values {
+        Encodable::encode(&value, &mut encoder).unwrap();
+    }
+    let data = encoder.into_inner();
+    let mut decoder = Decoder::new(&data[..], 0);
+    for value in values {
+        let decoded = Decodable::decode(&mut decoder).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(value, decoded);
+    }
+fn test_unit() {
+    check_round_trip(vec![(), (), (), ()]);
+fn test_u8() {
+    let mut vec = vec![];
+    for i in ::std::u8::MIN..::std::u8::MAX {
+        vec.push(i);
+    }
+    check_round_trip(vec);
+fn test_u16() {
+    for i in ::std::u16::MIN..::std::u16::MAX {
+        check_round_trip(vec![1, 2, 3, i, i, i]);
+    }
+fn test_u32() {
+    check_round_trip(vec![1, 2, 3, ::std::u32::MIN, 0, 1, ::std::u32::MAX, 2, 1]);
+fn test_u64() {
+    check_round_trip(vec![1, 2, 3, ::std::u64::MIN, 0, 1, ::std::u64::MAX, 2, 1]);
+fn test_usize() {
+    check_round_trip(vec![1, 2, 3, ::std::usize::MIN, 0, 1, ::std::usize::MAX, 2, 1]);
+fn test_i8() {
+    let mut vec = vec![];
+    for i in ::std::i8::MIN..::std::i8::MAX {
+        vec.push(i);
+    }
+    check_round_trip(vec);
+fn test_i16() {
+    for i in ::std::i16::MIN..::std::i16::MAX {
+        check_round_trip(vec![-1, 2, -3, i, i, i, 2]);
+    }
+fn test_i32() {
+    check_round_trip(vec![-1, 2, -3, ::std::i32::MIN, 0, 1, ::std::i32::MAX, 2, 1]);
+fn test_i64() {
+    check_round_trip(vec![-1, 2, -3, ::std::i64::MIN, 0, 1, ::std::i64::MAX, 2, 1]);
+fn test_isize() {
+    check_round_trip(vec![-1, 2, -3, ::std::isize::MIN, 0, 1, ::std::isize::MAX, 2, 1]);
+fn test_bool() {
+    check_round_trip(vec![false, true, true, false, false]);
+fn test_f32() {
+    let mut vec = vec![];
+    for i in -100..100 {
+        vec.push((i as f32) / 3.0);
+    }
+    check_round_trip(vec);
+fn test_f64() {
+    let mut vec = vec![];
+    for i in -100..100 {
+        vec.push((i as f64) / 3.0);
+    }
+    check_round_trip(vec);
+fn test_char() {
+    let vec = vec!['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'A', 'X', ' ', '#', 'Ö', 'Ä', 'µ', '€'];
+    check_round_trip(vec);
+fn test_string() {
+    let vec = vec!["abcbuÖeiovÄnameÜavmpßvmea€µsbpnvapeapmaebn".to_string(),
+                   "abcbuÖganeiovÄnameÜavmpßvmea€µsbpnvapeapmaebn".to_string(),
+                   "abcbuÖganeiovÄnameÜavmpßvmea€µsbpapmaebn".to_string(),
+                   "abcbuÖganeiovÄnameÜavmpßvmeabpnvapeapmaebn".to_string(),
+                   "abcbuÖganeiÄnameÜavmpßvmea€µsbpnvapeapmaebn".to_string(),
+                   "abcbuÖganeiovÄnameÜavmpßvmea€µsbpmaebn".to_string(),
+                   "abcbuÖganeiovÄnameÜavmpßvmea€µnvapeapmaebn".to_string()];
+    check_round_trip(vec);
+fn test_option() {
+    check_round_trip(vec![Some(-1i8)]);
+    check_round_trip(vec![Some(-2i16)]);
+    check_round_trip(vec![Some(-3i32)]);
+    check_round_trip(vec![Some(-4i64)]);
+    check_round_trip(vec![Some(-5isize)]);
+    let none_i8: Option<i8> = None;
+    check_round_trip(vec![none_i8]);
+    let none_i16: Option<i16> = None;
+    check_round_trip(vec![none_i16]);
+    let none_i32: Option<i32> = None;
+    check_round_trip(vec![none_i32]);
+    let none_i64: Option<i64> = None;
+    check_round_trip(vec![none_i64]);
+    let none_isize: Option<isize> = None;
+    check_round_trip(vec![none_isize]);
+fn test_struct() {
+    check_round_trip(vec![Struct {
+                              a: (),
+                              b: 10,
+                              c: 11,
+                              d: 12,
+                              e: 13,
+                              f: 14,
+                              g: 15,
+                              h: 16,
+                              i: 17,
+                              j: 18,
+                              k: 19,
+                              l: 'x',
+                              m: "abc".to_string(),
+                              n: 20.5,
+                              o: 21.5,
+                              p: false,
+                              q: None,
+                          }]);
+    check_round_trip(vec![Struct {
+                              a: (),
+                              b: 101,
+                              c: 111,
+                              d: 121,
+                              e: 131,
+                              f: 141,
+                              g: -15,
+                              h: -16,
+                              i: -17,
+                              j: -18,
+                              k: -19,
+                              l: 'y',
+                              m: "def".to_string(),
+                              n: -20.5,
+                              o: -21.5,
+                              p: true,
+                              q: Some(1234567),
+                          }]);
+#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
+enum Enum {
+    Variant1,
+    Variant2(usize, f32),
+    Variant3 {
+        a: i32,
+        b: char,
+        c: bool,
+    },
+fn test_enum() {
+    check_round_trip(vec![Enum::Variant1,
+                          Enum::Variant2(1, 2.5),
+                          Enum::Variant3 {
+                              a: 3,
+                              b: 'b',
+                              c: false,
+                          },
+                          Enum::Variant3 {
+                              a: -4,
+                              b: 'f',
+                              c: true,
+                          }]);
+fn test_sequence() {
+    let mut vec = vec![];
+    for i in -100i64..100i64 {
+        vec.push(i * 100000);
+    }
+    check_round_trip(vec![vec]);
+fn test_hash_map() {
+    use std::collections::HashMap;
+    let mut map = HashMap::new();
+    for i in -100i64..100i64 {
+        map.insert(i * 100000, i * 10000);
+    }
+    check_round_trip(vec![map]);
+fn test_tuples() {
+    check_round_trip(vec![('x', (), false, 0.5f32)]);
+    check_round_trip(vec![(9i8, 10u16, 1.5f64)]);
+    check_round_trip(vec![(-12i16, 11u8, 12usize)]);
+    check_round_trip(vec![(1234567isize, 100000000000000u64, 99999999999999i64)]);
+    check_round_trip(vec![(String::new(), "some string".to_string())]);