Test x86 and arm outputs

This commit is contained in:
asquared31415 2021-03-08 23:48:08 -05:00
parent 05ae66607f
commit 4b13b8120e
3 changed files with 42 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
error: att syntax is the default syntax on this target, and trying to use this directive may cause issues
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:22:15
LL | asm!(".att_syntax noprefix", "nop");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove this assembler directive
error: att syntax is the default syntax on this target, and trying to use this directive may cause issues
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:25:15
LL | asm!(".att_syntax bbb noprefix", "nop");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove this assembler directive
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

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@ -1,23 +1,38 @@
#![feature(asm, llvm_asm)]
// revisions: x86_64 arm
//[x86_64] compile-flags: --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
//[arm] compile-flags: --target armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
#![feature(no_core, lang_items, rustc_attrs)]
macro_rules! asm {
() => {};
#[lang = "sized"]
trait Sized {}
fn main() {
unsafe {
asm!(".intel_syntax noprefix", "nop");
//~^ ERROR intel syntax is the default syntax on this target
//[x86_64]~^ ERROR intel syntax is the default syntax on this target
asm!(".intel_syntax aaa noprefix", "nop");
//~^ ERROR intel syntax is the default syntax on this target
//[x86_64]~^ ERROR intel syntax is the default syntax on this target
asm!(".att_syntax noprefix", "nop");
//~^ ERROR using the .att_syntax directive may cause issues
//[x86_64]~^ ERROR using the .att_syntax directive may cause issues
//[arm]~^^ att syntax is the default syntax on this target
asm!(".att_syntax bbb noprefix", "nop");
//~^ ERROR using the .att_syntax directive may cause issues
//[x86_64]~^ ERROR using the .att_syntax directive may cause issues
//[arm]~^^ att syntax is the default syntax on this target
asm!(".intel_syntax noprefix; nop");
//~^ ERROR intel syntax is the default syntax on this target
//[x86_64]~^ ERROR intel syntax is the default syntax on this target
.intel_syntax noprefix
//~^^^ ERROR intel syntax is the default syntax on this target
//[x86_64]~^^^ ERROR intel syntax is the default syntax on this target

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@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
error: intel syntax is the default syntax on this target, and trying to use this directive may cause issues
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:5:15
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:18:15
LL | asm!(".intel_syntax noprefix", "nop");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove this assembler directive
error: intel syntax is the default syntax on this target, and trying to use this directive may cause issues
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:7:15
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:20:15
LL | asm!(".intel_syntax aaa noprefix", "nop");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove this assembler directive
error: using the .att_syntax directive may cause issues, use the att_syntax option instead
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:9:15
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:22:15
LL | asm!(".att_syntax noprefix", "nop");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ LL | asm!("", "nop", options(att_syntax));
| -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: using the .att_syntax directive may cause issues, use the att_syntax option instead
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:11:15
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:25:15
LL | asm!(".att_syntax bbb noprefix", "nop");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ LL | asm!("", "nop", options(att_syntax));
| -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: intel syntax is the default syntax on this target, and trying to use this directive may cause issues
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:13:15
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:28:15
LL | asm!(".intel_syntax noprefix; nop");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove this assembler directive
error: intel syntax is the default syntax on this target, and trying to use this directive may cause issues
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:18:14
--> $DIR/inline-syntax.rs:33:14
LL | .intel_syntax noprefix
| ______________^