add node_ids to blocks
This commit is contained in:
@ -370,8 +370,10 @@ fn compile_submatch(bcx: block, m: match, vals: [ValueRef],
let loc = local_mem(option::get(assoc(key, m[0].bound)));
bcx.fcx.lllocals.insert(val, loc);
let {bcx: guard_cx, val} = with_scope_result(bcx, "guard") {|bcx|
let {bcx: guard_cx, val} = {
with_scope_result(bcx,, "guard") {|bcx|
trans_temp_expr(bcx, e)
bcx = with_cond(guard_cx, Not(guard_cx, val)) {|bcx|
compile_submatch(bcx, vec::tail(m), vals, chk, exits);
@ -517,8 +519,8 @@ fn compile_submatch(bcx: block, m: match, vals: [ValueRef],
compare {
let t = node_id_type(bcx, pat_id);
let {bcx: after_cx, val: matches} =
with_scope_result(bcx, "compare_scope") {|bcx|
let {bcx: after_cx, val: matches} = {
with_scope_result(bcx, none, "compare_scope") {|bcx|
alt trans_opt(bcx, opt) {
single_result({bcx, val}) {
trans_compare(bcx, ast::eq, test_val, t, val, t)
@ -531,6 +533,7 @@ fn compile_submatch(bcx: block, m: match, vals: [ValueRef],
{bcx: bcx, val: And(bcx, ge, le)}
bcx = sub_block(after_cx, "compare_next");
CondBr(after_cx, matches, opt_cx.llbb, bcx.llbb);
@ -608,10 +611,14 @@ fn make_phi_bindings(bcx: block, map: [exit_node],
ret success;
fn trans_alt(bcx: block, expr: @ast::expr, arms: [ast::arm],
mode: ast::alt_mode, dest: dest) -> block {
fn trans_alt(bcx: block,
alt_expr: @ast::expr,
expr: @ast::expr,
arms: [ast::arm],
mode: ast::alt_mode,
dest: dest) -> block {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("alt::trans_alt");
with_scope(bcx, "alt") {|bcx|
with_scope(bcx,, "alt") {|bcx|
trans_alt_inner(bcx, expr, arms, mode, dest)
@ -626,8 +633,7 @@ fn trans_alt_inner(scope_cx: block, expr: @ast::expr, arms: [ast::arm],
if bcx.unreachable { ret bcx; }
for vec::each(arms) {|a|
let body = scope_block(bcx, "case_body");
body.block_span = some(a.body.span);
let body = scope_block(bcx,, "case_body");
let id_map = pat_util::pat_id_map(tcx.def_map, a.pats[0]);
bodies += [body];
for vec::each(a.pats) {|p|
@ -1408,9 +1408,11 @@ fn trans_unary(bcx: block, op: ast::unop, e: @ast::expr,
some(origin) {
let callee_id = ast_util::op_expr_callee_id(un_expr);
let fty = node_id_type(bcx, callee_id);
ret trans_call_inner(bcx, fty, expr_ty(bcx, un_expr), {|bcx|
impl::trans_method_callee(bcx, callee_id, e, origin)
}, arg_exprs([]), dest);
ret trans_call_inner(
bcx,, fty,
expr_ty(bcx, un_expr),
{|bcx| impl::trans_method_callee(bcx, callee_id, e, origin) },
arg_exprs([]), dest);
_ {}
@ -1601,10 +1603,14 @@ fn trans_assign_op(bcx: block, ex: @ast::expr, op: ast::binop,
some(origin) {
let callee_id = ast_util::op_expr_callee_id(ex);
let fty = node_id_type(bcx, callee_id);
ret trans_call_inner(bcx, fty, expr_ty(bcx, ex), {|bcx|
ret trans_call_inner(
bcx,, fty,
expr_ty(bcx, ex),
// FIXME provide the already-computed address, not the expr
impl::trans_method_callee(bcx, callee_id, dst, origin)
}, arg_exprs([src]), save_in(lhs_res.val));
arg_exprs([src]), save_in(lhs_res.val));
_ {}
@ -1688,8 +1694,11 @@ enum lazy_binop_ty { lazy_and, lazy_or }
fn trans_lazy_binop(bcx: block, op: lazy_binop_ty, a: @ast::expr,
b: @ast::expr, dest: dest) -> block {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("trans_lazy_binop");
let {bcx: past_lhs, val: lhs} = with_scope_result(bcx, "lhs")
{|bcx| trans_temp_expr(bcx, a)};
let {bcx: past_lhs, val: lhs} = {
with_scope_result(bcx,, "lhs") { |bcx|
trans_temp_expr(bcx, a)
if past_lhs.unreachable { ret past_lhs; }
let join = sub_block(bcx, "join"), before_rhs = sub_block(bcx, "rhs");
@ -1697,8 +1706,11 @@ fn trans_lazy_binop(bcx: block, op: lazy_binop_ty, a: @ast::expr,
lazy_and { CondBr(past_lhs, lhs, before_rhs.llbb, join.llbb); }
lazy_or { CondBr(past_lhs, lhs, join.llbb, before_rhs.llbb); }
let {bcx: past_rhs, val: rhs} = with_scope_result(before_rhs, "rhs")
{|bcx| trans_temp_expr(bcx, b)};
let {bcx: past_rhs, val: rhs} = {
with_scope_result(before_rhs,, "rhs") { |bcx|
trans_temp_expr(bcx, b)
if past_rhs.unreachable { ret store_in_dest(join, lhs, dest); }
Br(past_rhs, join.llbb);
@ -1714,9 +1726,13 @@ fn trans_binary(bcx: block, op: ast::binop, lhs: @ast::expr,
some(origin) {
let callee_id = ast_util::op_expr_callee_id(ex);
let fty = node_id_type(bcx, callee_id);
ret trans_call_inner(bcx, fty, expr_ty(bcx, ex), {|bcx|
ret trans_call_inner(
bcx,, fty,
expr_ty(bcx, ex),
impl::trans_method_callee(bcx, callee_id, lhs, origin)
}, arg_exprs([rhs]), dest);
arg_exprs([rhs]), dest);
_ {}
@ -1748,10 +1764,8 @@ fn trans_if(cx: block, cond: @ast::expr, thn: ast::blk,
let then_dest = dup_for_join(dest);
let else_dest = dup_for_join(dest);
let then_cx = scope_block(bcx, "then");
then_cx.block_span = some(thn.span);
let else_cx = scope_block(bcx, "else");
option::iter(els) {|e| else_cx.block_span = some(e.span); }
let then_cx = scope_block(bcx,, "then");
let else_cx = scope_block(bcx,, "else");
CondBr(bcx, cond_val, then_cx.llbb, else_cx.llbb);
let then_bcx = trans_block(then_cx, thn, then_dest);
let then_bcx = trans_block_cleanups(then_bcx, then_cx);
@ -1783,9 +1797,9 @@ fn trans_while(cx: block, cond: @ast::expr, body: ast::blk)
-> block {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("trans_while");
let next_cx = sub_block(cx, "while next");
let loop_cx = loop_scope_block(cx, next_cx, "`while`", body.span);
let cond_cx = scope_block(loop_cx, "while loop cond");
let body_cx = scope_block(loop_cx, "while loop body");
let loop_cx = loop_scope_block(cx, next_cx, "`while`",;
let cond_cx = scope_block(loop_cx,, "while loop cond");
let body_cx = scope_block(loop_cx,, "while loop body");
Br(cx, loop_cx.llbb);
Br(loop_cx, cond_cx.llbb);
let cond_res = trans_temp_expr(cond_cx, cond);
@ -1799,7 +1813,7 @@ fn trans_while(cx: block, cond: @ast::expr, body: ast::blk)
fn trans_loop(cx:block, body: ast::blk) -> block {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("trans_loop");
let next_cx = sub_block(cx, "next");
let body_cx = loop_scope_block(cx, next_cx, "`loop`", body.span);
let body_cx = loop_scope_block(cx, next_cx, "`loop`",;
let body_end = trans_block(body_cx, body, ignore);
cleanup_and_Br(body_end, body_cx, body_cx.llbb);
Br(cx, body_cx.llbb);
@ -2808,11 +2822,12 @@ fn trans_args(cx: block, llenv: ValueRef, args: call_args, fn_ty: ty::t,
retslot: llretslot};
fn trans_call(in_cx: block, f: @ast::expr,
fn trans_call(in_cx: block, call_ex: @ast::expr, f: @ast::expr,
args: call_args, id: ast::node_id, dest: dest)
-> block {
let _icx = in_cx.insn_ctxt("trans_call");
trans_call_inner(in_cx, expr_ty(in_cx, f), node_id_type(in_cx, id),
in_cx,, expr_ty(in_cx, f), node_id_type(in_cx, id),
{|cx| trans_callee(cx, f)}, args, dest)
@ -2832,10 +2847,16 @@ fn body_contains_ret(body: ast::blk) -> bool {
fn trans_call_inner(in_cx: block, fn_expr_ty: ty::t, ret_ty: ty::t,
fn trans_call_inner(
in_cx: block,
call_info: option<node_info>,
fn_expr_ty: ty::t,
ret_ty: ty::t,
get_callee: fn(block) -> lval_maybe_callee,
args: call_args, dest: dest)
-> block {
args: call_args,
dest: dest) -> block {
with_scope(in_cx, call_info, "call") {|cx|
let ret_in_loop = alt args {
arg_exprs(args) { args.len() > 0u && alt vec::last(args).node {
ast::expr_loop_body(@{node: ast::expr_fn_block(_, body, _), _}) {
@ -2845,7 +2866,7 @@ fn trans_call_inner(in_cx: block, fn_expr_ty: ty::t, ret_ty: ty::t,
} }
_ { false }
with_scope(in_cx, "call") {|cx|
let f_res = get_callee(cx);
let mut bcx = f_res.bcx;
let ccx = cx.ccx();
@ -3177,11 +3198,10 @@ fn trans_expr(bcx: block, e: @ast::expr, dest: dest) -> block {
ret trans_if(bcx, cond, thn, els, dest);
ast::expr_alt(expr, arms, mode) {
ret alt::trans_alt(bcx, expr, arms, mode, dest);
ret alt::trans_alt(bcx, e, expr, arms, mode, dest);
ast::expr_block(blk) {
ret with_scope(bcx, "block-expr body") {|bcx|
bcx.block_span = some(blk.span);
ret with_scope(bcx,, "block-expr body") {|bcx|
trans_block(bcx, blk, dest)
@ -3231,7 +3251,7 @@ fn trans_expr(bcx: block, e: @ast::expr, dest: dest) -> block {
ast::expr_cast(val, _) { ret trans_cast(bcx, val,, dest); }
ast::expr_call(f, args, _) {
ret trans_call(bcx, f, arg_exprs(args),, dest);
ret trans_call(bcx, e, f, arg_exprs(args),, dest);
ast::expr_field(base, _, _) {
if dest == ignore { ret trans_expr(bcx, base, ignore); }
@ -3246,9 +3266,13 @@ fn trans_expr(bcx: block, e: @ast::expr, dest: dest) -> block {
let origin = bcx.ccx().maps.method_map.get(;
let callee_id = ast_util::op_expr_callee_id(e);
let fty = node_id_type(bcx, callee_id);
ret trans_call_inner(bcx, fty, expr_ty(bcx, e), {|bcx|
ret trans_call_inner(
bcx,, fty,
expr_ty(bcx, e),
{ |bcx|
impl::trans_method_callee(bcx, callee_id, base, origin)
}, arg_exprs([idx]), dest);
arg_exprs([idx]), dest);
// These return nothing
@ -3270,15 +3294,15 @@ fn trans_expr(bcx: block, e: @ast::expr, dest: dest) -> block {
ast::expr_log(_, lvl, a) {
assert dest == ignore;
ret trans_log(lvl, bcx, a);
ret trans_log(e, lvl, bcx, a);
ast::expr_assert(a) {
assert dest == ignore;
ret trans_check_expr(bcx, a, "Assertion");
ret trans_check_expr(bcx, e, a, "Assertion");
ast::expr_check(ast::checked_expr, a) {
assert dest == ignore;
ret trans_check_expr(bcx, a, "Predicate");
ret trans_check_expr(bcx, e, a, "Predicate");
ast::expr_check(ast::claimed_expr, a) {
assert dest == ignore;
@ -3290,7 +3314,7 @@ fn trans_expr(bcx: block, e: @ast::expr, dest: dest) -> block {
let c = get_extern_const(bcx.ccx().externs, bcx.ccx().llmod,
"check_claims", T_bool());
ret with_cond(bcx, Load(bcx, c)) {|bcx|
trans_check_expr(bcx, a, "Claim")
trans_check_expr(bcx, e, a, "Claim")
ast::expr_while(cond, body) {
@ -3361,9 +3385,7 @@ fn trans_expr(bcx: block, e: @ast::expr, dest: dest) -> block {
let args = [llsize_of(ccx, llval_ty), llalign_of(ccx, llval_ty)];
let origin = bcx.ccx().maps.method_map.get(alloc_id);
let bcx = trans_call_inner(
node_id_type(bcx, alloc_id),
bcx,, node_id_type(bcx, alloc_id), void_ty,
{|bcx| impl::trans_method_callee(bcx, alloc_id, pool, origin) },
@ -3440,7 +3462,8 @@ fn load_if_immediate(cx: block, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t) -> ValueRef {
ret v;
fn trans_log(lvl: @ast::expr, bcx: block, e: @ast::expr) -> block {
fn trans_log(log_ex: @ast::expr, lvl: @ast::expr,
bcx: block, e: @ast::expr) -> block {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("trans_log");
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
if ty::type_is_bot(expr_ty(bcx, lvl)) {
@ -3468,12 +3491,14 @@ fn trans_log(lvl: @ast::expr, bcx: block, e: @ast::expr) -> block {
let current_level = Load(bcx, global);
let {bcx, val: level} = with_scope_result(bcx, "level") {|bcx|
let {bcx, val: level} = {
with_scope_result(bcx,, "level") {|bcx|
trans_temp_expr(bcx, lvl)
with_cond(bcx, ICmp(bcx, lib::llvm::IntUGE, current_level, level)) {|bcx|
with_scope(bcx, "log") {|bcx|
with_scope(bcx,, "log") {|bcx|
let {bcx, val, _} = trans_temp_expr(bcx, e);
let e_ty = expr_ty(bcx, e);
let tydesc = get_tydesc_simple(ccx, e_ty);
@ -3486,14 +3511,17 @@ fn trans_log(lvl: @ast::expr, bcx: block, e: @ast::expr) -> block {
fn trans_check_expr(bcx: block, e: @ast::expr, s: str) -> block {
fn trans_check_expr(bcx: block, chk_expr: @ast::expr,
pred_expr: @ast::expr, s: str) -> block {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("trans_check_expr");
let expr_str = s + " " + expr_to_str(e) + " failed";
let {bcx, val} = with_scope_result(bcx, "check") {|bcx|
trans_temp_expr(bcx, e)
let expr_str = s + " " + expr_to_str(pred_expr) + " failed";
let {bcx, val} = {
with_scope_result(bcx,, "check") {|bcx|
trans_temp_expr(bcx, pred_expr)
with_cond(bcx, Not(bcx, val)) {|bcx|
trans_fail(bcx, some(e.span), expr_str)
trans_fail(bcx, some(pred_expr.span), expr_str)
@ -3725,7 +3753,8 @@ fn trans_stmt(cx: block, s: ast::stmt) -> block {
// You probably don't want to use this one. See the
// next three functions instead.
fn new_block(cx: fn_ctxt, parent: block_parent, kind: block_kind,
name: str, block_span: option<span>) -> block {
name: str, opt_node_info: option<node_info>) -> block {
let s = if cx.ccx.sess.opts.save_temps || cx.ccx.sess.opts.debuginfo {
} else { "" };
@ -3737,7 +3766,7 @@ fn new_block(cx: fn_ctxt, parent: block_parent, kind: block_kind,
mut unreachable: false,
parent: parent,
kind: kind,
mut block_span: block_span,
node_info: opt_node_info,
fcx: cx};
alt parent {
parent_some(cx) {
@ -3754,24 +3783,26 @@ fn simple_block_scope() -> block_kind {
// Use this when you're at the top block of a function or the like.
fn top_scope_block(fcx: fn_ctxt, sp: option<span>) -> block {
fn top_scope_block(fcx: fn_ctxt, opt_node_info: option<node_info>) -> block {
ret new_block(fcx, parent_none, simple_block_scope(),
"function top level", sp);
"function top level", opt_node_info);
fn scope_block(bcx: block, n: str) -> block {
fn scope_block(bcx: block,
opt_node_info: option<node_info>,
n: str) -> block {
ret new_block(bcx.fcx, parent_some(bcx), simple_block_scope(),
n, none);
n, opt_node_info);
fn loop_scope_block(bcx: block, loop_break: block, n: str, sp: span)
-> block {
fn loop_scope_block(bcx: block, loop_break: block, n: str,
opt_node_info: option<node_info>) -> block {
ret new_block(bcx.fcx, parent_some(bcx), block_scope({
loop_break: some(loop_break),
mut cleanups: [],
mut cleanup_paths: [],
mut landing_pad: none
}), n, some(sp));
}), n, opt_node_info);
@ -3786,7 +3817,7 @@ fn raw_block(fcx: fn_ctxt, llbb: BasicBlockRef) -> block {
mut unreachable: false,
parent: parent_none,
kind: block_non_scope,
mut block_span: none,
node_info: none,
fcx: fcx};
@ -3879,17 +3910,19 @@ fn leave_block(bcx: block, out_of: block) -> block {
fn with_scope(bcx: block, name: str, f: fn(block) -> block) -> block {
fn with_scope(bcx: block, opt_node_info: option<node_info>,
name: str, f: fn(block) -> block) -> block {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("with_scope");
let scope_cx = scope_block(bcx, name);
let scope_cx = scope_block(bcx, opt_node_info, name);
Br(bcx, scope_cx.llbb);
leave_block(f(scope_cx), scope_cx)
fn with_scope_result(bcx: block, name: str, f: fn(block) -> result)
fn with_scope_result(bcx: block, opt_node_info: option<node_info>,
name: str, f: fn(block) -> result)
-> result {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("with_scope_result");
let scope_cx = scope_block(bcx, name);
let scope_cx = scope_block(bcx, opt_node_info, name);
Br(bcx, scope_cx.llbb);
let {bcx, val} = f(scope_cx);
{bcx: leave_block(bcx, scope_cx), val: val}
@ -4138,7 +4171,7 @@ fn trans_closure(ccx: @crate_ctxt, path: path, decl: ast::fn_decl,
// Create the first basic block in the function and keep a handle on it to
// pass to finish_fn later.
let bcx_top = top_scope_block(fcx, some(body.span));
let bcx_top = top_scope_block(fcx,;
let mut bcx = bcx_top;
let lltop = bcx.llbb;
let block_ty = node_id_type(bcx,;
@ -4429,7 +4462,7 @@ fn trans_class_ctor(ccx: @crate_ctxt, path: path, decl: ast::fn_decl,
some(psubsts), some(sp));
// FIXME: need to substitute into the fn arg types too?
create_llargs_for_fn_args(fcx, no_self, decl.inputs);
let mut bcx_top = top_scope_block(fcx, some(sp));
let mut bcx_top = top_scope_block(fcx,;
let lltop = bcx_top.llbb;
bcx_top = copy_args_to_allocas(fcx, bcx_top, decl.inputs,
ty::ty_fn_args(node_id_type(bcx_top, ctor_id)));
@ -313,6 +313,29 @@ type scope_info = {
mut landing_pad: option<BasicBlockRef>,
impl node_info for @ast::expr {
fn info() -> option<node_info> {
some({id:, span: self.span})
impl node_info for ast::blk {
fn info() -> option<node_info> {
some({id:, span: self.span})
impl node_info for option<@ast::expr> {
fn info() -> option<node_info> {
self.chain { |s| }
type node_info = {
id: ast::node_id,
span: span
// Basic block context. We create a block context for each basic block
// (single-entry, single-exit sequence of instructions) we generate from Rust
// code. Each basic block we generate is attached to a function, typically
@ -330,9 +353,8 @@ type block = @{
parent: block_parent,
// The 'kind' of basic block this is.
kind: block_kind,
// The source span where the block came from, if it is a block that
// actually appears in the source code.
mut block_span: option<span>,
// info about the AST node this block originated from, if any
node_info: option<node_info>,
// The function context for the function to which this block is
// attached.
fcx: fn_ctxt
@ -236,19 +236,17 @@ fn line_from_span(cm: codemap::codemap, sp: span) -> uint {
fn create_block(cx: block) -> @metadata<block_md> {
let cache = get_cache(cx.ccx());
let mut cx = cx;
while option::is_none(cx.block_span) {
while option::is_none(cx.node_info) {
alt cx.parent {
parent_some(b) { cx = b; }
parent_none { fail; }
let sp = option::get(cx.block_span);
let sp = option::get(cx.node_info).span;
let start = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess().codemap,
let start = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess().codemap, sp.lo);
let fname =;
let end = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess().codemap,
let end = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess().codemap, sp.hi);
let tg = LexicalBlockTag;
/*alt cached_metadata::<@metadata<block_md>>(
cache, tg,
@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ fn trans_intrinsic(ccx: @crate_ctxt, decl: ValueRef, item: @ast::native_item,
{env: self_env(visitor, vp_ty, none) with lval}
bcx = trans_call_inner(bcx, mth_ty, ty::mk_bool(ccx.tcx),
bcx = trans_call_inner(bcx, none, mth_ty, ty::mk_bool(ccx.tcx),
get_lval, arg_vals(args), ignore);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user