rustc: reduce ppaux's public footprint to 5 functions.
This commit is contained in:
@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ use syntax::codemap;
use syntax::parse::token;
use syntax::print::pprust;
use syntax::ptr::P;
use util::ppaux::bound_region_to_string;
use util::ppaux::note_and_explain_region;
// Note: only import UserString, not Repr, since user-facing error
@ -1441,6 +1440,13 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> ErrorReportingHelpers<'tcx> for InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
fn report_inference_failure(&self,
var_origin: RegionVariableOrigin) {
let br_string = |br: ty::BoundRegion| {
let mut s = br.user_string(self.tcx);
if !s.is_empty() {
s.push_str(" ");
let var_description = match var_origin {
infer::MiscVariable(_) => "".to_string(),
infer::PatternRegion(_) => " for pattern".to_string(),
@ -1448,17 +1454,15 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> ErrorReportingHelpers<'tcx> for InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
infer::Autoref(_) => " for autoref".to_string(),
infer::Coercion(_) => " for automatic coercion".to_string(),
infer::LateBoundRegion(_, br, infer::FnCall) => {
format!(" for {}in function call",
bound_region_to_string(self.tcx, "lifetime parameter ", true, br))
format!(" for lifetime parameter {}in function call",
infer::LateBoundRegion(_, br, infer::HigherRankedType) => {
format!(" for {}in generic type",
bound_region_to_string(self.tcx, "lifetime parameter ", true, br))
format!(" for lifetime parameter {}in generic type", br_string(br))
infer::LateBoundRegion(_, br, infer::AssocTypeProjection(type_name)) => {
format!(" for {}in trait containing associated type `{}`",
bound_region_to_string(self.tcx, "lifetime parameter ", true, br),
format!(" for lifetime parameter {}in trait containing associated type `{}`",
br_string(br), token::get_name(type_name))
infer::EarlyBoundRegion(_, name) => {
format!(" for lifetime parameter `{}`",
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ use middle::traits;
use middle::ty;
use middle::ty_fold::{self, TypeFoldable, TypeFolder};
use middle::ty_walk::{self, TypeWalker};
use util::ppaux::{note_and_explain_region, bound_region_ptr_to_string};
use util::ppaux::note_and_explain_region;
use util::ppaux::ty_to_string;
use util::ppaux::{Repr, UserString};
use util::common::{memoized, ErrorReported};
@ -5205,12 +5205,12 @@ pub fn type_err_to_str<'tcx>(cx: &ctxt<'tcx>, err: &type_err<'tcx>) -> String {
terr_regions_insufficiently_polymorphic(br, _) => {
format!("expected bound lifetime parameter {}, \
found concrete lifetime",
bound_region_ptr_to_string(cx, br))
terr_regions_overly_polymorphic(br, _) => {
format!("expected concrete lifetime, \
found bound lifetime parameter {}",
bound_region_ptr_to_string(cx, br))
terr_sorts(values) => {
// A naive approach to making sure that we're not reporting silly errors such as:
@ -52,19 +52,13 @@ pub trait UserString<'tcx> : Repr<'tcx> {
pub fn note_and_explain_region(cx: &ctxt,
prefix: &str,
region: ty::Region,
suffix: &str) -> Option<Span> {
match explain_region_and_span(cx, region) {
(ref str, Some(span)) => {
&format!("{}{}{}", prefix, *str, suffix));
(ref str, None) => {
&format!("{}{}{}", prefix, *str, suffix));
suffix: &str) {
let (description, span) = explain_region_and_span(cx, region);
let message = format!("{}{}{}", prefix, description, suffix);
if let Some(span) = span {
cx.sess.span_note(span, &message);
} else {
@ -81,8 +75,8 @@ fn item_scope_tag(item: &ast::Item) -> &'static str {
pub fn explain_region_and_span(cx: &ctxt, region: ty::Region)
-> (String, Option<Span>) {
fn explain_region_and_span(cx: &ctxt, region: ty::Region)
-> (String, Option<Span>) {
return match region {
ReScope(scope) => {
let new_string;
@ -138,7 +132,7 @@ pub fn explain_region_and_span(cx: &ctxt, region: ty::Region)
BrFresh(_) => "an anonymous lifetime defined on".to_string(),
_ => {
format!("the lifetime {} as defined on",
bound_region_ptr_to_string(cx, fr.bound_region))
@ -182,61 +176,6 @@ pub fn explain_region_and_span(cx: &ctxt, region: ty::Region)
pub fn bound_region_ptr_to_string(cx: &ctxt, br: BoundRegion) -> String {
bound_region_to_string(cx, "", false, br)
pub fn bound_region_to_string(cx: &ctxt,
prefix: &str, space: bool,
br: BoundRegion) -> String {
let space_str = if space { " " } else { "" };
if cx.sess.verbose() {
return format!("{}{}{}", prefix, br.repr(cx), space_str)
match br {
BrNamed(_, name) => {
format!("{}{}{}", prefix, token::get_name(name), space_str)
BrAnon(_) | BrFresh(_) | BrEnv => prefix.to_string()
// In general, if you are giving a region error message,
// you should use `explain_region()` or, better yet,
// `note_and_explain_region()`
pub fn region_ptr_to_string(cx: &ctxt, region: Region) -> String {
region_to_string(cx, "&", true, region)
pub fn region_to_string(cx: &ctxt, prefix: &str, space: bool, region: Region) -> String {
let space_str = if space { " " } else { "" };
if cx.sess.verbose() {
return format!("{}{}{}", prefix, region.repr(cx), space_str)
// These printouts are concise. They do not contain all the information
// the user might want to diagnose an error, but there is basically no way
// to fit that into a short string. Hence the recommendation to use
// `explain_region()` or `note_and_explain_region()`.
match region {
ty::ReScope(_) => prefix.to_string(),
ty::ReEarlyBound(ref data) => {
ty::ReLateBound(_, br) => bound_region_to_string(cx, prefix, space, br),
ty::ReFree(ref fr) => bound_region_to_string(cx, prefix, space, fr.bound_region),
ty::ReInfer(ReSkolemized(_, br)) => {
bound_region_to_string(cx, prefix, space, br)
ty::ReInfer(ReVar(_)) => prefix.to_string(),
ty::ReStatic => format!("{}'static{}", prefix, space_str),
ty::ReEmpty => format!("{}'<empty>{}", prefix, space_str),
pub fn mutability_to_string(m: ast::Mutability) -> String {
match m {
ast::MutMutable => "mut ".to_string(),
@ -376,7 +315,11 @@ pub fn ty_to_string<'tcx>(cx: &ctxt<'tcx>, typ: &ty::TyS<'tcx>) -> String {
}, ty_to_string(cx, tm.ty))
TyRef(r, ref tm) => {
let mut buf = region_ptr_to_string(cx, *r);
let mut buf = "&".to_owned();
if !buf.is_empty() {
buf.push_str(" ");
buf.push_str(&mt_to_string(cx, tm));
@ -440,26 +383,13 @@ pub fn ty_to_string<'tcx>(cx: &ctxt<'tcx>, typ: &ty::TyS<'tcx>) -> String {
pub fn explicit_self_category_to_str(category: &ty::ExplicitSelfCategory)
-> &'static str {
match *category {
ty::StaticExplicitSelfCategory => "static",
ty::ByValueExplicitSelfCategory => "self",
ty::ByReferenceExplicitSelfCategory(_, ast::MutMutable) => {
"&mut self"
ty::ByReferenceExplicitSelfCategory(_, ast::MutImmutable) => "&self",
ty::ByBoxExplicitSelfCategory => "Box<self>",
pub fn parameterized<'tcx,GG>(cx: &ctxt<'tcx>,
base: &str,
substs: &subst::Substs<'tcx>,
did: ast::DefId,
projections: &[ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>],
get_generics: GG)
-> String
fn parameterized<'tcx, GG>(cx: &ctxt<'tcx>,
base: &str,
substs: &subst::Substs<'tcx>,
did: ast::DefId,
projections: &[ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>],
get_generics: GG)
-> String
where GG : FnOnce() -> ty::Generics<'tcx>
if cx.sess.verbose() {
@ -495,7 +425,7 @@ pub fn parameterized<'tcx,GG>(cx: &ctxt<'tcx>,
subst::ErasedRegions => { }
subst::NonerasedRegions(ref regions) => {
for &r in regions {
let s = region_to_string(cx, "", false, r);
let s = r.user_string(cx);
if s.is_empty() {
// This happens when the value of the region
// parameter is not easily serialized. This may be
@ -579,14 +509,6 @@ pub fn parameterized<'tcx,GG>(cx: &ctxt<'tcx>,
pub fn ty_to_short_str<'tcx>(cx: &ctxt<'tcx>, typ: Ty<'tcx>) -> String {
let mut s = typ.repr(cx).to_string();
if s.len() >= 32 {
s = (&s[0..32]).to_string();
return s;
impl<'tcx, T:Repr<'tcx>> Repr<'tcx> for Option<T> {
fn repr(&self, tcx: &ctxt<'tcx>) -> String {
match self {
@ -915,6 +837,19 @@ impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for ty::BoundRegion {
impl<'tcx> UserString<'tcx> for ty::BoundRegion {
fn user_string(&self, tcx: &ctxt) -> String {
if tcx.sess.verbose() {
return self.repr(tcx);
match *self {
BrNamed(_, name) => token::get_name(name).to_string(),
BrAnon(_) | BrFresh(_) | BrEnv => String::new()
impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for ty::Region {
fn repr(&self, tcx: &ctxt) -> String {
match *self {
@ -959,7 +894,28 @@ impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for ty::Region {
impl<'tcx> UserString<'tcx> for ty::Region {
fn user_string(&self, tcx: &ctxt) -> String {
region_to_string(tcx, "", false, *self)
if tcx.sess.verbose() {
return self.repr(tcx);
// These printouts are concise. They do not contain all the information
// the user might want to diagnose an error, but there is basically no way
// to fit that into a short string. Hence the recommendation to use
// `explain_region()` or `note_and_explain_region()`.
match *self {
ty::ReEarlyBound(ref data) => {
ty::ReLateBound(_, br) |
ty::ReFree(ty::FreeRegion { bound_region: br, .. }) |
ty::ReInfer(ReSkolemized(_, br)) => {
ty::ReScope(_) |
ty::ReInfer(ReVar(_)) => String::new(),
ty::ReStatic => "'static".to_owned(),
ty::ReEmpty => "'<empty>".to_owned(),
@ -1446,7 +1402,15 @@ impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for ast::FloatTy {
impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for ty::ExplicitSelfCategory {
fn repr(&self, _: &ctxt) -> String {
match *self {
ty::StaticExplicitSelfCategory => "static",
ty::ByValueExplicitSelfCategory => "self",
ty::ByReferenceExplicitSelfCategory(_, ast::MutMutable) => {
"&mut self"
ty::ByReferenceExplicitSelfCategory(_, ast::MutImmutable) => "&self",
ty::ByBoxExplicitSelfCategory => "Box<self>",
@ -1001,20 +1001,14 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> BorrowckCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
"reference must be valid for ",
let suggestion = if is_statement_scope(self.tcx, super_scope) {
Some("consider using a `let` binding to increase its lifetime")
} else {
let span = note_and_explain_region(
"...but borrowed value is only valid for ",
match (span, suggestion) {
(_, None) => {},
(Some(span), Some(msg)) => self.tcx.sess.span_help(span, msg),
(None, Some(msg)) =>,
if let Some(span) = statement_scope_span(self.tcx, super_scope) {
"consider using a `let` binding to increase its lifetime");
@ -1127,16 +1121,16 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> BorrowckCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
fn is_statement_scope(tcx: &ty::ctxt, region: ty::Region) -> bool {
match region {
ty::ReScope(scope) => {
match {
Some(ast_map::NodeStmt(_)) => true,
_ => false
_ => false
fn statement_scope_span(tcx: &ty::ctxt, region: ty::Region) -> Option<Span> {
match region {
ty::ReScope(scope) => {
match {
Some(ast_map::NodeStmt(stmt)) => Some(stmt.span),
_ => None
_ => None
impl BitwiseOperator for LoanDataFlowOperator {
@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ use trans::machine::*;
use trans::monomorphize;
use trans::type_of::{type_of, type_of_dtor, sizing_type_of, align_of};
use trans::type_::Type;
use util::ppaux;
use util::ppaux::{ty_to_short_str, Repr};
use util::ppaux::{self, Repr};
use arena::TypedArena;
use libc::c_uint;
@ -247,7 +246,7 @@ fn get_drop_glue_core<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
ccx.available_drop_glues().borrow_mut().insert(g, fn_nm);
let _s = StatRecorder::new(ccx, format!("drop {}", ty_to_short_str(ccx.tcx(), t)));
let _s = StatRecorder::new(ccx, format!("drop {}", t.repr(ccx.tcx())));
let empty_substs = ccx.tcx().mk_substs(Substs::trans_empty());
let (arena, fcx): (TypedArena<_>, FunctionContext);
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use middle::infer;
use middle::traits;
use middle::ty::{self};
use middle::subst::{self, Subst, Substs, VecPerParamSpace};
use util::ppaux::{self, Repr};
use util::ppaux::Repr;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ pub fn compare_impl_method<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
"method `{}` has a `{}` declaration in the impl, \
but not in the trait",
(_, &ty::StaticExplicitSelfCategory) => {
@ -73,8 +72,7 @@ pub fn compare_impl_method<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
"method `{}` has a `{}` declaration in the trait, \
but not in the impl",
_ => {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user