Auto merge of #75157 - rodrimati1992:patch-1, r=oli-obk

Constified str::from_utf8_unchecked

This would be useful for const code to use an array to construct a string using guaranteed utf8 inputs, and then create a `&str` from it.
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bors 2020-08-14 14:08:05 +00:00
commit 55b9adfafa
1 changed files with 9 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -414,12 +414,13 @@ pub fn from_utf8_mut(v: &mut [u8]) -> Result<&mut str, Utf8Error> {
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub unsafe fn from_utf8_unchecked(v: &[u8]) -> &str {
// SAFETY: the caller must guarantee that the bytes `v`
// are valid UTF-8, thus the cast to `*const str` is safe.
// Also, the pointer dereference is safe because that pointer
// comes from a reference which is guaranteed to be valid for reads.
unsafe { &*(v as *const [u8] as *const str) }
#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_str_from_utf8_unchecked", issue = "75196")]
pub const unsafe fn from_utf8_unchecked(v: &[u8]) -> &str {
// SAFETY: the caller must guarantee that the bytes `v` are valid UTF-8.
// Also relies on `&str` and `&[u8]` having the same layout.
unsafe { mem::transmute(v) }
/// Converts a slice of bytes to a string slice without checking
@ -2357,15 +2358,10 @@ impl str {
#[rustc_const_stable(feature = "str_as_bytes", since = "1.32.0")]
pub const fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
union Slices<'a> {
str: &'a str,
slice: &'a [u8],
// SAFETY: const sound because we transmute two types with the same layout
unsafe { Slices { str: self }.slice }
unsafe { mem::transmute(self) }
/// Converts a mutable string slice to a mutable byte slice.