Auto merge of #45791 - eddyb:quote-unquote, r=jseyfried

Prefer libproc_macro APIs to libsyntax ones in the quasi-quoter.

The shift to using `proc_macro`'s own APIs in `proc_macro::quote`, both in the implementation of the quasi-quoter and the Rust code it generates to build `TokenStream`s at runtime, greatly reduces the dependency on `libsyntax`, with the generated runtime code being completely free of it.

This is a prerequirement for introducing more abstraction/indirection between `proc_macro` and compiler implementation details (mainly those from `libsyntax`), which I want to attempt.

cc @alexcrichton @jseyfried @nrc
This commit is contained in:
bors 2017-11-10 14:10:07 +00:00
commit 563dc5171f
2 changed files with 174 additions and 172 deletions

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@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ impl Default for Span {
/// This is needed to implement a custom quoter.
#[unstable(feature = "proc_macro", issue = "38356")]
pub fn quote_span(span: Span) -> TokenStream {
macro_rules! diagnostic_method {
@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ impl TokenTree {
#[unstable(feature = "proc_macro_internals", issue = "27812")]
pub mod __internal {
pub use quote::{Quoter, __rt};
pub use quote::{LiteralKind, Quoter, unquote};
use std::cell::Cell;

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@ -11,253 +11,255 @@
//! # Quasiquoter
//! This file contains the implementation internals of the quasiquoter provided by `quote!`.
//! This quasiquoter uses macros 2.0 hygiene to reliably use items from `__rt`,
//! including re-exported API `libsyntax`, to build a `syntax::tokenstream::TokenStream`
//! and wrap it into a `proc_macro::TokenStream`.
//! This quasiquoter uses macros 2.0 hygiene to reliably access
//! items from `proc_macro`, to build a `proc_macro::TokenStream`.
use {Delimiter, Literal, Spacing, Span, Term, TokenNode, TokenStream, TokenTree};
use syntax::ast::Ident;
use syntax::ext::base::{ExtCtxt, ProcMacro};
use syntax::parse::token::{self, Token, Lit};
use syntax::symbol::Symbol;
use syntax::tokenstream::{Delimited, TokenTree, TokenStream, TokenStreamBuilder};
use syntax_pos::{DUMMY_SP, Span};
use syntax_pos::hygiene::SyntaxContext;
use syntax::parse::token;
use syntax::tokenstream;
pub struct Quoter;
pub mod __rt {
pub use syntax::ast::Ident;
pub use syntax::parse::token;
pub use syntax::symbol::Symbol;
pub use syntax::tokenstream::{TokenStream, TokenStreamBuilder, TokenTree, Delimited};
pub use super::{ctxt, span};
pub fn unquote<T: Into<::TokenStream> + Clone>(tokens: &T) -> TokenStream {
pub fn ctxt() -> SyntaxContext {
::__internal::with_sess(|(_, mark)| SyntaxContext::empty().apply_mark(mark))
pub fn span() -> Span {
pub fn unquote<T: Into<TokenStream> + Clone>(tokens: &T) -> TokenStream {
pub trait Quote {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream;
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream;
macro_rules! quote_tok {
(,) => { Token::Comma };
(.) => { Token::Dot };
(:) => { Token::Colon };
(::) => { Token::ModSep };
(!) => { Token::Not };
(<) => { Token::Lt };
(>) => { Token::Gt };
(_) => { Token::Underscore };
(0) => { Token::Literal(token::Lit::Integer(Symbol::intern("0")), None) };
(&) => { Token::BinOp(token::And) };
($i:ident) => { Token::Ident(Ident { name: Symbol::intern(stringify!($i)), ctxt: ctxt() }) };
(,) => { TokenNode::Op(',', Spacing::Alone) };
(.) => { TokenNode::Op('.', Spacing::Alone) };
(:) => { TokenNode::Op(':', Spacing::Alone) };
(::) => {
TokenNode::Op(':', Spacing::Joint),
TokenNode::Op(':', Spacing::Alone)
(!) => { TokenNode::Op('!', Spacing::Alone) };
(<) => { TokenNode::Op('<', Spacing::Alone) };
(>) => { TokenNode::Op('>', Spacing::Alone) };
(_) => { TokenNode::Op('_', Spacing::Alone) };
(0) => { TokenNode::Literal(::Literal::integer(0)) };
(&) => { TokenNode::Op('&', Spacing::Alone) };
($i:ident) => { TokenNode::Term(Term::intern(stringify!($i))) };
macro_rules! quote_tree {
((unquote $($t:tt)*)) => { TokenStream::from($($t)*) };
((unquote $($t:tt)*)) => { $($t)* };
((quote $($t:tt)*)) => { ($($t)*).quote() };
(($($t:tt)*)) => { delimit(token::Paren, quote!($($t)*)) };
([$($t:tt)*]) => { delimit(token::Bracket, quote!($($t)*)) };
({$($t:tt)*}) => { delimit(token::Brace, quote!($($t)*)) };
(rt) => { quote!(::__internal::__rt) };
($t:tt) => { TokenStream::from(TokenTree::Token(span(), quote_tok!($t))) };
fn delimit(delim: token::DelimToken, stream: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
TokenTree::Delimited(span(), Delimited { delim: delim, tts: stream.into() }).into()
(($($t:tt)*)) => { TokenNode::Group(Delimiter::Parenthesis, quote!($($t)*)) };
([$($t:tt)*]) => { TokenNode::Group(Delimiter::Bracket, quote!($($t)*)) };
({$($t:tt)*}) => { TokenNode::Group(Delimiter::Brace, quote!($($t)*)) };
($t:tt) => { quote_tok!($t) };
macro_rules! quote {
() => { TokenStream::empty() };
($($t:tt)*) => { [ $( quote_tree!($t), )* ].iter().cloned().collect::<TokenStream>() };
($($t:tt)*) => {
impl ProcMacro for Quoter {
fn expand<'cx>(&self, cx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt, _: Span, stream: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
fn expand<'cx>(&self, cx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt,
_: ::syntax_pos::Span,
stream: tokenstream::TokenStream)
-> tokenstream::TokenStream {
let mut info = cx.current_expansion.mark.expn_info().unwrap();
info.callee.allow_internal_unstable = true;
::__internal::set_sess(cx, || quote!(::TokenStream { 0: (quote stream) }))
::__internal::set_sess(cx, || TokenStream(stream).quote().0)
impl<T: Quote> Quote for Option<T> {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
match *self {
Some(ref t) => quote!(Some((quote t))),
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
match self {
Some(t) => quote!(Some((quote t))),
None => quote!(None),
impl Quote for TokenStream {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
let mut builder = TokenStreamBuilder::new();
let mut trees = self.trees();
loop {
let (mut tree, mut is_joint) = match trees.next_as_stream() {
Some(next) => next.as_tree(),
None => return builder.add(quote!(.build())).build(),
if let TokenTree::Token(_, Token::Dollar) = tree {
let (next_tree, next_is_joint) = match trees.next_as_stream() {
Some(next) => next.as_tree(),
None => panic!("unexpected trailing `$` in `quote!`"),
match next_tree {
TokenTree::Token(_, Token::Ident(..)) => {
builder.push(quote!(.add(rt::unquote(&(unquote next_tree)))));
TokenTree::Token(_, Token::Dollar) => {
tree = next_tree;
is_joint = next_is_joint;
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
if self.is_empty() {
return quote!(::TokenStream::empty());
let mut after_dollar = false;
let tokens = self.into_iter().filter_map(|tree| {
if after_dollar {
after_dollar = false;
match tree.kind {
TokenNode::Term(_) => {
return Some(quote!(::__internal::unquote(&(unquote tree)),));
TokenNode::Op('$', _) => {}
_ => panic!("`$` must be followed by an ident or `$` in `quote!`"),
} else if let TokenNode::Op('$', _) = tree.kind {
after_dollar = true;
return None;
builder.push(match is_joint {
true => quote!(.add((quote tree).joint())),
false => quote!(.add(rt::TokenStream::from((quote tree)))),
Some(quote!(::TokenStream::from((quote tree)),))
if after_dollar {
panic!("unexpected trailing `$` in `quote!`");
quote!([(unquote tokens)].iter().cloned().collect::<::TokenStream>())
impl Quote for TokenTree {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
match *self {
TokenTree::Token(span, ref token) => quote! {
rt::TokenTree::Token((quote span), (quote token))
TokenTree::Delimited(span, ref delimited) => quote! {
rt::TokenTree::Delimited((quote span), (quote delimited))
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
quote!(::TokenTree { span: (quote self.span), kind: (quote self.kind) })
impl Quote for Delimited {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
quote!(rt::Delimited { delim: (quote self.delim), tts: (quote })
impl Quote for TokenNode {
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
macro_rules! gen_match {
($($i:ident($($arg:ident),+)),*) => {
match self {
$(TokenNode::$i($($arg),+) => quote! {
::TokenNode::$i($((quote $arg)),+)
gen_match! { Op(op, kind), Group(delim, tokens), Term(term), Literal(lit) }
impl Quote for char {
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
impl<'a> Quote for &'a str {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
TokenTree::Token(span(), Token::Literal(token::Lit::Str_(Symbol::intern(self)), None))
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
impl Quote for usize {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
let integer_symbol = Symbol::intern(&self.to_string());
TokenTree::Token(DUMMY_SP, Token::Literal(token::Lit::Integer(integer_symbol), None))
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
TokenNode::Literal(Literal::integer(self as i128)).into()
impl Quote for Ident {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
quote!(rt::Ident { name: (quote, ctxt: rt::ctxt() })
impl Quote for Symbol {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
quote!(rt::Symbol::intern((quote &*self.as_str())))
impl Quote for Term {
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
quote!(::Term::intern((quote self.as_str())))
impl Quote for Span {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
impl Quote for Token {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
macro_rules! gen_match {
($($i:ident),*; $($t:tt)*) => {
match *self {
$( Token::$i => quote!(rt::token::$i), )*
$( $t )*
macro_rules! literals {
($($i:ident),*; $($raw:ident),*) => {
pub enum LiteralKind {
gen_match! {
Eq, Lt, Le, EqEq, Ne, Ge, Gt, AndAnd, OrOr, Not, Tilde, At, Dot, DotDot, DotDotDot,
DotDotEq, Comma, Semi, Colon, ModSep, RArrow, LArrow, FatArrow, Pound, Dollar,
Question, Underscore;
Token::OpenDelim(delim) => quote!(rt::token::OpenDelim((quote delim))),
Token::CloseDelim(delim) => quote!(rt::token::CloseDelim((quote delim))),
Token::BinOp(tok) => quote!(rt::token::BinOp((quote tok))),
Token::BinOpEq(tok) => quote!(rt::token::BinOpEq((quote tok))),
Token::Ident(ident) => quote!(rt::token::Ident((quote ident))),
Token::Lifetime(ident) => quote!(rt::token::Lifetime((quote ident))),
Token::Literal(lit, sfx) => quote!(rt::token::Literal((quote lit), (quote sfx))),
_ => panic!("Unhandled case!"),
impl Quote for token::BinOpToken {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
macro_rules! gen_match {
($($i:ident),*) => {
match *self {
$( token::BinOpToken::$i => quote!(rt::token::BinOpToken::$i), )*
gen_match!(Plus, Minus, Star, Slash, Percent, Caret, And, Or, Shl, Shr)
impl Quote for Lit {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
macro_rules! gen_match {
($($i:ident),*; $($raw:ident),*) => {
match *self {
$( Lit::$i(lit) => quote!(rt::token::Lit::$i((quote lit))), )*
$( Lit::$raw(lit, n) => {
quote!(::syntax::parse::token::Lit::$raw((quote lit), (quote n)))
impl LiteralKind {
pub fn with_contents_and_suffix(self, contents: Term, suffix: Option<Term>)
-> Literal {
let contents = contents.0;
let suffix =|t| t.0);
match self {
$(LiteralKind::$i => {
Literal(token::Literal(token::Lit::$i(contents), suffix))
$(LiteralKind::$raw(n) => {
Literal(token::Literal(token::Lit::$raw(contents, n), suffix))
gen_match!(Byte, Char, Float, Str_, Integer, ByteStr; StrRaw, ByteStrRaw)
impl Literal {
fn kind_contents_and_suffix(self) -> (LiteralKind, Term, Option<Term>) {
let (lit, suffix) = match self.0 {
token::Literal(lit, suffix) => (lit, suffix),
_ => panic!("unsupported literal {:?}", self.0),
impl Quote for token::DelimToken {
fn quote(&self) -> TokenStream {
macro_rules! gen_match {
($($i:ident),*) => {
match *self {
$(token::DelimToken::$i => { quote!(rt::token::DelimToken::$i) })*
let (kind, contents) = match lit {
$(token::Lit::$i(contents) => (LiteralKind::$i, contents),)*
$(token::Lit::$raw(contents, n) => (LiteralKind::$raw(n), contents),)*
(kind, Term(contents),
impl Quote for LiteralKind {
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
match self {
$(LiteralKind::$i => quote! {
$(LiteralKind::$raw(n) => quote! {
::__internal::LiteralKind::$raw((quote n))
gen_match!(Paren, Bracket, Brace, NoDelim)
impl Quote for Literal {
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
let (kind, contents, suffix) = self.kind_contents_and_suffix();
quote! {
(quote kind).with_contents_and_suffix((quote contents), (quote suffix))
literals!(Byte, Char, Float, Str_, Integer, ByteStr; StrRaw, ByteStrRaw);
impl Quote for Delimiter {
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
macro_rules! gen_match {
($($i:ident),*) => {
match self {
$(Delimiter::$i => { quote!(::Delimiter::$i) })*
gen_match!(Parenthesis, Brace, Bracket, None)
impl Quote for Spacing {
fn quote(self) -> TokenStream {
macro_rules! gen_match {
($($i:ident),*) => {
match self {
$(Spacing::$i => { quote!(::Spacing::$i) })*
gen_match!(Alone, Joint)