Move more of the GC logic into the runtime.

This commit is contained in:
Graydon Hoare 2010-06-28 18:53:16 -07:00
parent a27cbd4ee8
commit 5abc483d9a
7 changed files with 213 additions and 195 deletions

View File

@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ let trans_crate
: unit =
upcall llbuilder lltask "upcall_free" None [| src |]
upcall llbuilder lltask "upcall_free" None [| src; const_i32 0 |]

View File

@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ let trans_visitor
get_copy_glue t None;
get_drop_glue t None;
get_free_glue t (slot_mem_ctrl (interior_slot t)) None;
get_free_glue t (type_has_state t) None;
get_sever_glue t None;
get_mark_glue t None;
@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ let trans_visitor
and get_free_glue
(curr_iso:Ast.ty_iso option)
: fixup =
let g = GLUE_free ty in
@ -1604,49 +1604,7 @@ let trans_visitor
(get_drop_glue ty curr_iso) ty_params vr;
note_drop_step ty "back in free-glue, calling free";
if type_has_state ty
note_drop_step ty "type has state"
note_drop_step ty "type has no state";
if mctrl = MEM_gc
note_drop_step ty "MEM_gc, unlinking from GC chain";
let pcast c =
rty_ptr_at (fst (need_mem_cell c)) (Il.ScalarTy wordptr_ty)
let next = pcast (exterior_gc_next_cell cell) in
let prev = pcast (exterior_gc_prev_cell cell) in
note_drop_step ty "MEM_gc, next->prev = prev";
let skip_null_next_jmp = null_check next in
mov (exterior_gc_prev_cell next) (Il.Cell prev);
patch skip_null_next_jmp;
let skip_null_prev_jmp = null_check prev in
note_drop_step ty "MEM_gc, prev->next = next";
mov (exterior_gc_next_cell prev) (Il.Cell next);
let skip_set_task_chain_jmp = mark () in
emit ( Il.JMP Il.CodeNone);
patch skip_null_prev_jmp;
note_drop_step ty "MEM_gc, task->chain = next";
let chain =
tp_imm (word_n Abi.task_field_gc_alloc_chain)
mov chain (Il.Cell next);
patch skip_set_task_chain_jmp;
note_drop_step ty "MEM_gc, freeing";
lea vr (fst (need_mem_cell
(exterior_gc_alloc_base cell)));
trans_free vr;
note_drop_step ty "not MEM_gc";
trans_free cell;
trans_free cell is_gc;
trace_str cx.ctxt_sess.Session.sess_trace_drop
"free-glue complete";
@ -2091,11 +2049,16 @@ let trans_visitor
trans_cond_fail (Fmt.fmt_to_str Ast.fmt_expr e) fwd_jmps
| _ -> bugi cx id "check expr on non-bool"
and trans_malloc (dst:Il.cell) (nbytes:Il.operand) : unit =
trans_upcall "upcall_malloc" dst [| nbytes |]
and trans_malloc
: unit =
trans_upcall "upcall_malloc" dst [| nbytes; gc_ctrl_word |]
and trans_free (src:Il.cell) : unit =
trans_void_upcall "upcall_free" [| Il.Cell src |]
and trans_free (src:Il.cell) (is_gc:bool) : unit =
let is_gc = if is_gc then 1L else 0L in
trans_void_upcall "upcall_free" [| Il.Cell src; imm is_gc |]
and trans_yield () : unit =
trans_void_upcall "upcall_yield" [| |];
@ -2172,14 +2135,20 @@ let trans_visitor
and trans_init_vec (dst:Ast.lval) (atoms:Ast.atom array) : unit =
let (dst_cell, dst_slot) = trans_lval_init dst in
let unit_slot = match slot_ty dst_slot with
let dst_ty = slot_ty dst_slot in
let gc_ctrl =
if (slot_mem_ctrl dst_slot) = MEM_gc
then Il.Cell (get_tydesc None (slot_ty dst_slot))
else zero
let unit_slot = match dst_ty with
Ast.TY_vec s -> s
| _ -> bug () "init dst of vec-init has non-vec type"
let fill = next_vreg_cell word_ty in
let unit_sz = slot_sz_in_current_frame unit_slot in
umul fill unit_sz (imm (Int64.of_int (Array.length atoms)));
trans_upcall "upcall_new_vec" dst_cell [| Il.Cell fill |];
trans_upcall "upcall_new_vec" dst_cell [| Il.Cell fill; gc_ctrl |];
let vec = deref dst_cell in
let body_mem =
fst (need_mem_cell
@ -2251,24 +2220,12 @@ let trans_visitor
and exterior_rc_cell (cell:Il.cell) : Il.cell =
exterior_ctrl_cell cell Abi.exterior_rc_slot_field_refcnt
and exterior_gc_ctrl_cell (cell:Il.cell) : Il.cell =
exterior_ctrl_cell cell Abi.exterior_gc_slot_field_ctrl
and exterior_gc_next_cell (cell:Il.cell) : Il.cell =
exterior_ctrl_cell cell Abi.exterior_gc_slot_field_next
and exterior_gc_prev_cell (cell:Il.cell) : Il.cell =
exterior_ctrl_cell cell Abi.exterior_gc_slot_field_prev
and exterior_gc_alloc_base (cell:Il.cell) : Il.cell =
exterior_ctrl_cell cell Abi.exterior_gc_slot_alloc_base
and exterior_allocation_size
: Il.operand =
let header_sz =
match slot_mem_ctrl slot with
MEM_gc -> word_n Abi.exterior_gc_header_size
| MEM_rc_opaque
| MEM_rc_struct -> word_n Abi.exterior_rc_header_size
| MEM_interior -> bug () "exterior_allocation_size of MEM_interior"
@ -2494,7 +2451,10 @@ let trans_visitor
(* Drop the body. *)
trans_call_dynamic_glue tydesc
Abi.tydesc_field_drop_glue None [| ty_params; alias body |];
trans_free binding;
(* FIXME: this will fail if the user has lied about the
* state-ness of their obj. We need to store state-ness in the
* captured tydesc, and use that. *)
trans_free binding (type_has_state ty);
mov binding zero;
patch rc_jmp;
patch null_jmp
@ -2620,6 +2580,7 @@ let trans_visitor
and free_ty
@ -2632,9 +2593,9 @@ let trans_visitor
| Ast.TY_vec s ->
iter_seq_slots ty_params cell cell s
(fun _ src slot iso -> drop_slot ty_params src slot iso) curr_iso;
trans_free cell
trans_free cell is_gc
| _ -> trans_free cell
| _ -> trans_free cell is_gc
and maybe_iso
(curr_iso:Ast.ty_iso option)
@ -2700,38 +2661,24 @@ let trans_visitor
let ty = slot_ty slot in
match slot_mem_ctrl slot with
MEM_gc ->
note_gc_step slot "mark GC slot: check for null:";
emit (Il.cmp (Il.Cell cell) zero);
let null_cell_jump = mark () in
emit ( Il.JE Il.CodeNone);
let gc_word = exterior_gc_ctrl_cell cell in
let tmp = next_vreg_cell Il.voidptr_t in
(* if this has been marked already, jump to exit.*)
note_gc_step slot "mark GC slot: check for mark:";
emit (Il.binary Il.AND tmp (Il.Cell gc_word) one);
trace_word cx.ctxt_sess.Session.sess_trace_gc tmp;
let already_marked_jump =
trans_compare Il.JNE (Il.Cell tmp) zero;
(* Set mark bit in allocation header. *)
emit (Il.binary Il.OR gc_word (Il.Cell gc_word) one);
note_gc_step slot "mark GC slot: set mark";
(* Iterate over exterior slots marking outgoing links. *)
let (body_mem, _) =
(get_element_ptr (deref cell)
let ty = maybe_iso curr_iso ty in
let curr_iso = maybe_enter_iso ty curr_iso in
lea tmp body_mem;
(get_mark_glue ty curr_iso)
ty_params tmp;
patch null_cell_jump;
List.iter patch already_marked_jump;
note_gc_step slot "mark GC slot: done marking:";
let tmp = next_vreg_cell Il.voidptr_t in
trans_upcall "upcall_mark" tmp [| Il.Cell cell |];
let marked_jump =
trans_compare Il.JE (Il.Cell tmp) zero;
(* Iterate over exterior slots marking outgoing links. *)
let (body_mem, _) =
(get_element_ptr (deref cell)
let ty = maybe_iso curr_iso ty in
let curr_iso = maybe_enter_iso ty curr_iso in
lea tmp body_mem;
(get_mark_glue ty curr_iso)
ty_params tmp;
List.iter patch marked_jump;
| MEM_interior when type_is_structured ty ->
(iflog (fun _ ->
@ -2814,42 +2761,26 @@ let trans_visitor
let slot = {slot with Ast.slot_ty = Some ty} in
let mctrl = slot_mem_ctrl slot in
match mctrl with
MEM_rc_opaque ->
(* Refcounted opaque objects we handle without glue functions. *)
let _ = check_exterior_rty cell in
let null_jmp = null_check cell in
let j = drop_refcount_and_cmp (exterior_rc_cell cell) in
free_ty ty_params ty cell curr_iso;
(* Null the slot out to prevent double-free if the frame
* unwinds.
mov cell zero;
patch j;
patch null_jmp
| MEM_gc
| MEM_rc_struct ->
(* Refcounted "structured exterior" objects we handle via
* glue functions.
* 'GC memory' is treated similarly, just happens to have
* an extra couple cells on the front.
(* FIXME (issue #25): check to see that the exterior has
* further exterior members; if it doesn't we can elide the
* call to the glue function. *)
let _ = check_exterior_rty cell in
let null_jmp = null_check cell in
let rc = exterior_rc_cell cell in
let _ = note_gc_step slot "dropping refcount on " in
let _ = trace_word cx.ctxt_sess.Session.sess_trace_gc rc in
let j = drop_refcount_and_cmp rc in
(get_free_glue ty mctrl curr_iso)
ty_params cell;
(* FIXME (issue #25): check to see that the exterior has
* further exterior members; if it doesn't we can elide the
* call to the glue function. *)
if mctrl = MEM_rc_opaque
free_ty false ty_params ty cell curr_iso
(get_free_glue ty (mctrl = MEM_gc) curr_iso)
ty_params cell;
(* Null the slot out to prevent double-free if the frame
* unwinds.
@ -2904,57 +2835,22 @@ let trans_visitor
(* Returns the offset of the slot-body in the initialized allocation. *)
and init_exterior_slot (cell:Il.cell) (slot:Ast.slot) : unit =
match slot_mem_ctrl slot with
MEM_gc ->
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "init GC exterior: malloc");
let sz = exterior_allocation_size slot in
* Malloc and then immediately shift down to point to
* the pseudo-rc cell.
note_gc_step slot "init GC exterior: malloc slot:";
trans_malloc cell sz;
add_to cell
(imm (word_n Abi.exterior_gc_malloc_return_adjustment));
note_gc_step slot "init GC exterior: load control word";
let ctrl = exterior_gc_ctrl_cell cell in
let tydesc = get_tydesc None (slot_ty slot) in
let rc = exterior_rc_cell cell in
note_gc_step slot "init GC exterior: set refcount";
mov rc one;
trace_word cx.ctxt_sess.Session.sess_trace_gc rc;
mov ctrl (Il.Cell tydesc);
note_gc_step slot "init GC exterior: load chain next-ptr";
let next = exterior_gc_next_cell cell in
let prev = exterior_gc_prev_cell cell in
let chain = tp_imm (word_n Abi.task_field_gc_alloc_chain) in
note_gc_step slot "init GC exterior: new->prev = 0";
mov prev zero;
note_gc_step slot "init GC exterior: new->next = curr";
mov next (Il.Cell chain);
let null_jmp = null_check chain in
let prev = rty_ptr_at (fst (need_mem_cell chain)) word_rty in
let chain_prev = exterior_gc_prev_cell prev in
note_gc_step slot "init GC exterior: curr->prev = new";
mov chain_prev (Il.Cell cell);
patch null_jmp;
note_gc_step slot "init GC exterior: chain = new";
mov chain (Il.Cell cell);
note_gc_step slot "init GC exterior: done initializing"
| MEM_rc_opaque
| MEM_rc_struct ->
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "init RC exterior: malloc");
let sz = exterior_allocation_size slot in
trans_malloc cell sz;
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "init RC exterior: load refcount");
let rc = exterior_rc_cell cell in
mov rc one
let mctrl = slot_mem_ctrl slot in
match mctrl with
| MEM_rc_opaque
| MEM_rc_struct ->
let ctrl =
if mctrl = MEM_gc
then Il.Cell (get_tydesc None (slot_ty slot))
else zero
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "init exterior: malloc");
let sz = exterior_allocation_size slot in
trans_malloc cell sz ctrl;
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "init exterior: load refcount");
let rc = exterior_rc_cell cell in
mov rc one
| MEM_interior -> bug () "init_exterior_slot of MEM_interior"
@ -3452,7 +3348,7 @@ let trans_visitor
mov fn_cell (crate_rel_imm glue_fixup);
iflog (fun _ ->
annotate "heap-allocate closure to binding slot of pair");
trans_malloc closure_cell (imm closure_sz);
trans_malloc closure_cell (imm closure_sz) zero;
(deref closure_cell)
target_fn_ptr target_binding_ptr
@ -4092,6 +3988,7 @@ let trans_visitor
match src_ty with
| Ast.TY_vec _ ->
let is_gc = if type_has_state src_ty then 1L else 0L in
let src_cell = need_cell src_oper in
let src_vec = deref src_cell in
let src_fill = get_element_ptr src_vec Abi.vec_elt_fill in
@ -4108,7 +4005,8 @@ let trans_visitor
trans_upcall "upcall_vec_grow"
[| Il.Cell dst_cell;
Il.Cell src_fill |];
Il.Cell src_fill;
imm is_gc |];
* By now, dst_cell points to a vec/str with room for us
@ -4583,7 +4481,7 @@ let trans_visitor
(* Load second cell of pair with pointer to fresh state tuple.*)
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "malloc state-tuple to obj.state cell");
trans_malloc dst_pair_state_cell state_malloc_sz;
trans_malloc dst_pair_state_cell state_malloc_sz zero;
(* Copy args into the state tuple. *)
let state_ptr = next_vreg_cell (need_scalar_ty state_ptr_rty) in

View File

@ -595,6 +595,19 @@ struct frame_glue_fns {
uintptr_t reloc_glue_off;
struct gc_alloc {
gc_alloc *prev;
gc_alloc *next;
uintptr_t ctrl_word;
uint8_t data[];
bool mark() {
if (ctrl_word & 1)
return false;
ctrl_word |= 1;
return true;
rust_task : public rc_base<rust_task>,
public dom_owned<rust_task>,
@ -604,7 +617,7 @@ rust_task : public rc_base<rust_task>,
stk_seg *stk;
uintptr_t runtime_sp; // Runtime sp while task running.
uintptr_t rust_sp; // Saved sp when not running.
uintptr_t gc_alloc_chain; // Linked list of GC allocations.
gc_alloc *gc_alloc_chain; // Linked list of GC allocations.
rust_dom *dom;
rust_crate_cache *cache;
@ -614,6 +627,8 @@ rust_task : public rc_base<rust_task>,
uintptr_t* dptr; // Rendezvous pointer for send/recv.
rust_task *spawner; // Parent-link.
size_t idx;
size_t gc_alloc_thresh;
size_t gc_alloc_accum;
// Wait queue for tasks waiting for this task.
rust_wait_queue waiting_tasks;
@ -633,6 +648,12 @@ rust_task : public rc_base<rust_task>,
bool blocked_on(rust_cond *cond);
bool dead();
void link_gc(gc_alloc *gcm);
void unlink_gc(gc_alloc *gcm);
void *malloc(size_t sz, type_desc *td=0);
void *realloc(void *data, size_t sz, bool gc_mem=false);
void free(void *p, bool gc_mem=false);
const char *state_str();
void transition(ptr_vec<rust_task> *svec, ptr_vec<rust_task> *dvec);

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ static uint32_t read_type_bit_mask() {
bits |= strstr(env_str, "dwarf") ? rust_log::DWARF : 0;
bits |= strstr(env_str, "cache") ? rust_log::CACHE : 0;
bits |= strstr(env_str, "timer") ? rust_log::TIMER : 0;
bits |= strstr(env_str, "gc") ? rust_log::GC : 0;
bits |= strstr(env_str, "all") ? rust_log::ALL : 0;
return bits;

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ public:
CACHE = 0x100,
UPCALL = 0x200,
TIMER = 0x400,
GC = 0x800,
ALL = 0xffffffff

View File

@ -407,6 +407,84 @@ rust_task::dead()
return state == &dom->dead_tasks;
rust_task::link_gc(gc_alloc *gcm) {
I(dom, gcm->prev == NULL);
I(dom, gcm->next == NULL);
gcm->prev = NULL;
gcm->next = gc_alloc_chain;
rust_task::unlink_gc(gc_alloc *gcm) {
if (gcm->prev)
gcm->prev->next = gcm->next;
if (gcm->next)
gcm->next->prev = gcm->prev;
gcm->prev = NULL;
gcm->next = NULL;
void *
rust_task::malloc(size_t sz, type_desc *td)
if (td) {
sz += sizeof(gc_alloc);
void *mem = dom->malloc(sz);
if (!mem)
return mem;
if (td) {
gc_alloc *gcm = (gc_alloc*) mem;
"task 0x%" PRIxPTR " allocated %d GC bytes = 0x%" PRIxPTR,
(uintptr_t)this, sz, gcm);
memset((void*) gcm, 0, sizeof(gc_alloc));
gcm->ctrl_word = (uintptr_t)td;
gc_alloc_accum += sz;
mem = (void*) &(gcm->data);
return mem;;
void *
rust_task::realloc(void *data, size_t sz, bool is_gc)
if (is_gc) {
gc_alloc *gcm = (gc_alloc*)(((char *)data) - sizeof(gc_alloc));
sz += sizeof(gc_alloc);
gcm = (gc_alloc*) dom->realloc((void*)gcm, sz);
"task 0x%" PRIxPTR " reallocated %d GC bytes = 0x%" PRIxPTR,
(uintptr_t)this, sz, gcm);
if (!gcm)
return gcm;
data = (void*) &(gcm->data);
} else {
data = dom->realloc(data, sz);
return data;
rust_task::free(void *p, bool is_gc)
if (is_gc) {
gc_alloc *gcm = (gc_alloc*)(((char *)p) - sizeof(gc_alloc));
"task 0x%" PRIxPTR " freeing GC memory = 0x%" PRIxPTR,
(uintptr_t)this, gcm);
} else {
rust_task::transition(ptr_vec<rust_task> *src, ptr_vec<rust_task> *dst)

View File

@ -324,19 +324,20 @@ upcall_exit(rust_task *task)
extern "C" CDECL uintptr_t
upcall_malloc(rust_task *task, size_t nbytes)
upcall_malloc(rust_task *task, size_t nbytes, type_desc *td)
void *p = task->dom->malloc(nbytes);
void *p = task->malloc(nbytes, td);
"upcall malloc(%u) = 0x%" PRIxPTR,
nbytes, (uintptr_t)p);
"upcall malloc(%u) = 0x%" PRIxPTR
" with gc-chain head = 0x%" PRIxPTR,
nbytes, (uintptr_t)p, task->gc_alloc_chain);
return (uintptr_t) p;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_free(rust_task *task, void* ptr)
upcall_free(rust_task *task, void* ptr, uintptr_t is_gc)
@ -344,7 +345,24 @@ upcall_free(rust_task *task, void* ptr)
"upcall free(0x%" PRIxPTR ")",
task->free(ptr, (bool) is_gc);
extern "C" CDECL uintptr_t
upcall_mark(rust_task *task, void* ptr)
rust_dom *dom = task->dom;
if (ptr) {
gc_alloc *gcm = (gc_alloc*) (((char*)ptr) - sizeof(gc_alloc));
uintptr_t marked = (uintptr_t) gcm->mark();
"upcall mark(0x%" PRIxPTR ") = %" PRIdPTR,
(uintptr_t)gcm, marked);
return marked;
return 0;
extern "C" CDECL rust_str *
@ -368,14 +386,15 @@ upcall_new_str(rust_task *task, char const *s, size_t fill)
extern "C" CDECL rust_vec *
upcall_new_vec(rust_task *task, size_t fill)
upcall_new_vec(rust_task *task, size_t fill, type_desc *td)
rust_dom *dom = task->dom;
"upcall new_vec(%" PRIdPTR ")", fill);
"upcall new_vec(%" PRIdPTR ")",
size_t alloc = next_power_of_two(sizeof(rust_vec) + fill);
void *mem = dom->malloc(alloc);
void *mem = task->malloc(alloc, td);
if (!mem) {
return NULL;
@ -389,7 +408,7 @@ upcall_new_vec(rust_task *task, size_t fill)
extern "C" CDECL rust_str *
upcall_vec_grow(rust_task *task, rust_vec *v, size_t n_bytes)
upcall_vec_grow(rust_task *task, rust_vec *v, size_t n_bytes, uintptr_t is_gc)
rust_dom *dom = task->dom;