Modify translation of obj methods to accept an initial recursive-self-typed (in the LLVM sense) obj argument.
This commit is contained in:
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ state type crate_ctxt = rec(session.session sess,
state type fn_ctxt = rec(ValueRef llfn,
ValueRef lltaskptr,
mutable option.t[ValueRef] llself,
hashmap[ast.def_id, ValueRef] llargs,
hashmap[ast.def_id, ValueRef] lllocals,
hashmap[ast.def_id, ValueRef] lltydescs,
@ -283,7 +284,10 @@ fn type_of(@crate_ctxt cx, @ty.t t) -> TypeRef {
ret llty;
fn type_of_fn(@crate_ctxt cx, vec[ty.arg] inputs, @ty.t output) -> TypeRef {
fn type_of_fn_full(@crate_ctxt cx,
option.t[TypeRef] obj_self,
vec[ty.arg] inputs,
@ty.t output) -> TypeRef {
let vec[TypeRef] atys = vec(T_taskptr());
auto fn_ty = ty.plain_ty(ty.ty_fn(inputs, output));
@ -294,6 +298,14 @@ fn type_of_fn(@crate_ctxt cx, vec[ty.arg] inputs, @ty.t output) -> TypeRef {
i += 1u;
alt (obj_self) {
case (some[TypeRef](?t)) {
check (t as int != 0);
atys += t;
case (_) { }
for (ty.arg arg in inputs) {
let TypeRef t = type_of(cx, arg.ty);
alt (arg.mode) {
@ -315,6 +327,10 @@ fn type_of_fn(@crate_ctxt cx, vec[ty.arg] inputs, @ty.t output) -> TypeRef {
ret T_fn(atys, ret_ty);
fn type_of_fn(@crate_ctxt cx, vec[ty.arg] inputs, @ty.t output) -> TypeRef {
ret type_of_fn_full(cx, none[TypeRef], inputs, output);
fn type_of_inner(@crate_ctxt cx, @ty.t t) -> TypeRef {
alt (t.struct) {
case (ty.ty_nil) { ret T_nil(); }
@ -364,16 +380,25 @@ fn type_of_inner(@crate_ctxt cx, @ty.t t) -> TypeRef {
ret type_of_fn(cx, args, out);
case (ty.ty_obj(?meths)) {
auto th = mk_type_handle();
auto self_ty = llvm.LLVMResolveTypeHandle(th.llth);
let vec[TypeRef] mtys = vec();
for (ty.method m in meths) {
let TypeRef mty = type_of_fn(cx, m.inputs, m.output);
let TypeRef mty =
m.inputs, m.output);
mtys += T_ptr(mty);
let TypeRef vtbl = T_struct(mtys);
let TypeRef pair =
ret pair;
auto abs_pair = llvm.LLVMResolveTypeHandle(th.llth);
llvm.LLVMRefineType(abs_pair, pair);
abs_pair = llvm.LLVMResolveTypeHandle(th.llth);
ret abs_pair;
case (ty.ty_var(_)) {
log "ty_var in trans.type_of";
@ -1092,7 +1117,6 @@ fn build_memcpy(@block_ctxt cx,
// lib.llvm.llvm.LLVMAlignOf(llty);
// but this makes it upset because it's not a constant.
log "building memcpy";
auto volatile = C_integral(0, T_i1());
ret res(cx,,
vec(dst_ptr, src_ptr,
@ -1605,44 +1629,51 @@ impure fn trans_alt(@block_ctxt cx, @ast.expr expr, vec[ast.arm] arms)
ret res(last_cx, C_nil());
// The additional bool returned indicates whether it's mem (that is
// represented as an alloca or heap, hence needs a 'load' to be used as an
// immediate).
type lval_result = rec(result res,
bool is_mem,
option.t[ValueRef] llobj);
fn lval_mem(@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef val) -> lval_result {
ret rec(res=res(cx, val),
fn lval_val(@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef val) -> lval_result {
ret rec(res=res(cx, val),
fn trans_name(@block_ctxt cx, & n, &option.t[ast.def] dopt)
-> tup(result, bool) {
-> lval_result {
alt (dopt) {
case (some[ast.def](?def)) {
alt (def) {
case (ast.def_arg(?did)) {
check (cx.fcx.llargs.contains_key(did));
ret tup(res(cx, cx.fcx.llargs.get(did)),
ret lval_mem(cx, cx.fcx.llargs.get(did));
case (ast.def_local(?did)) {
check (cx.fcx.lllocals.contains_key(did));
ret tup(res(cx, cx.fcx.lllocals.get(did)),
ret lval_mem(cx, cx.fcx.lllocals.get(did));
case (ast.def_binding(?did)) {
check (cx.fcx.lllocals.contains_key(did));
ret tup(res(cx, cx.fcx.lllocals.get(did)), true);
ret lval_mem(cx, cx.fcx.lllocals.get(did));
case (ast.def_fn(?did)) {
check (cx.fcx.ccx.item_ids.contains_key(did));
ret tup(res(cx, cx.fcx.ccx.item_ids.get(did)),
ret lval_val(cx, cx.fcx.ccx.item_ids.get(did));
case (ast.def_obj(?did)) {
check (cx.fcx.ccx.item_ids.contains_key(did));
ret tup(res(cx, cx.fcx.ccx.item_ids.get(did)),
ret lval_val(cx, cx.fcx.ccx.item_ids.get(did));
case (ast.def_variant(?tid, ?vid)) {
check (cx.fcx.ccx.tags.contains_key(tid));
check (cx.fcx.ccx.item_ids.contains_key(vid));
ret tup(res(cx, cx.fcx.ccx.item_ids.get(vid)),
ret lval_val(cx, cx.fcx.ccx.item_ids.get(vid));
case (_) {
cx.fcx.ccx.sess.unimpl("def variant in trans");
@ -1657,20 +1688,21 @@ fn trans_name(@block_ctxt cx, & n, &option.t[ast.def] dopt)
impure fn trans_field(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.span sp, @ast.expr base,
&ast.ident field, &ast.ann ann) -> tup(result, bool) {
&ast.ident field, &ast.ann ann) -> lval_result {
auto lv = trans_lval(cx, base);
auto r = lv._0;
auto r = lv.res;
check (lv.is_mem);
auto t = ty.expr_ty(base);
alt (t.struct) {
case (ty.ty_tup(?fields)) {
let uint ix = ty.field_num(cx.fcx.ccx.sess, sp, field);
auto v =, vec(C_int(0), C_int(ix as int)));
ret tup(res(r.bcx, v), true);
ret lval_mem(r.bcx, v);
case (ty.ty_rec(?fields)) {
let uint ix = ty.field_idx(cx.fcx.ccx.sess, sp, field, fields);
auto v =, vec(C_int(0), C_int(ix as int)));
ret tup(res(r.bcx, v), true);
ret lval_mem(r.bcx, v);
case (ty.ty_obj(?methods)) {
let uint ix = ty.method_idx(cx.fcx.ccx.sess, sp, field, methods);
@ -1680,7 +1712,9 @@ impure fn trans_field(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.span sp, @ast.expr base,
vtbl =;
auto v =, vec(C_int(0),
C_int(ix as int)));
ret tup(res(r.bcx, v), true);
auto lvo = lval_mem(r.bcx, v);
ret rec(llobj = some[ValueRef](r.val) with lvo);
case (_) { cx.fcx.ccx.sess.unimpl("field variant in trans_field"); }
@ -1688,7 +1722,7 @@ impure fn trans_field(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.span sp, @ast.expr base,
impure fn trans_index(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.span sp, @ast.expr base,
@ast.expr idx, &ast.ann ann) -> tup(result, bool) {
@ast.expr idx, &ast.ann ann) -> lval_result {
auto lv = trans_expr(cx, base);
auto ix = trans_expr(lv.bcx, idx);
@ -1718,14 +1752,14 @@ impure fn trans_index(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.span sp, @ast.expr base,
auto body =, vec(C_int(0), C_int(abi.vec_elt_data)));
auto elt =, vec(C_int(0), ix.val));
ret tup(res(next_cx, elt), true);
ret lval_mem(next_cx, elt);
// The additional bool returned indicates whether it's mem (that is
// represented as an alloca or heap, hence needs a 'load' to be used as an
// immediate).
impure fn trans_lval(@block_ctxt cx, @ast.expr e) -> tup(result, bool) {
impure fn trans_lval(@block_ctxt cx, @ast.expr e) -> lval_result {
alt (e.node) {
case (ast.expr_name(?n, ?dopt, _)) {
ret trans_name(cx, n, dopt);
@ -1773,7 +1807,8 @@ impure fn trans_cast(@block_ctxt cx, @ast.expr e, &ast.ann ann) -> result {
impure fn trans_args(@block_ctxt cx, &vec[@ast.expr] es, @ty.t fn_ty)
impure fn trans_args(@block_ctxt cx, option.t[ValueRef] llobj,
&vec[@ast.expr] es, @ty.t fn_ty)
-> tup(@block_ctxt, vec[ValueRef]) {
let vec[ValueRef] vs = vec(cx.fcx.lltaskptr);
let @block_ctxt bcx = cx;
@ -1784,6 +1819,16 @@ impure fn trans_args(@block_ctxt cx, &vec[@ast.expr] es, @ty.t fn_ty)
case (_) { fail; }
alt (llobj) {
case (some[ValueRef](?ob)) {
// Every object is always found in memory,
// and not-yet-loaded (as part of an lval x.y
// doted method-call).
vs +=;
case (_) { }
auto i = 0u;
for (@ast.expr e in es) {
auto mode = args.(i).mode;
@ -1798,21 +1843,23 @@ impure fn trans_args(@block_ctxt cx, &vec[@ast.expr] es, @ty.t fn_ty)
} else {
if (mode == ast.alias) {
let tup(result, bool /* is a pointer? */) pair;
let lval_result lv;
if (ty.is_lval(e)) {
pair = trans_lval(bcx, e);
lv = trans_lval(bcx, e);
} else {
pair = tup(trans_expr(bcx, e), false);
auto r = trans_expr(bcx, e);
lv = lval_val(r.bcx, r.val);
if (!pair._1) {
// Have to synthesize a pointer here...
auto llty = val_ty(pair._0.val);
auto llptr =;
||||, llptr);
re = res(pair._0.bcx, llptr);
if (!lv.is_mem) {
// Non-mem but we're trying to alias; synthesize an
// alloca, spill to it and pass its address.
auto llty = val_ty(lv.res.val);
auto llptr =;
||||, llptr);
re = res(lv.res.bcx, llptr);
} else {
re = pair._0;
re = lv.res;
} else {
re = trans_expr(bcx, e);
@ -1831,13 +1878,13 @@ impure fn trans_args(@block_ctxt cx, &vec[@ast.expr] es, @ty.t fn_ty)
impure fn trans_call(@block_ctxt cx, @ast.expr f,
vec[@ast.expr] args, &ast.ann ann) -> result {
auto f_res = trans_lval(cx, f);
auto faddr = f_res._0.val;
if (f_res._1) {
faddr =;
auto faddr = f_res.res.val;
if (f_res.is_mem) {
faddr =;
auto fn_ty = ty.expr_ty(f);
auto ret_ty = ty.ann_to_type(ann);
auto args_res = trans_args(f_res._0.bcx, args, fn_ty);
auto args_res = trans_args(f_res.res.bcx, f_res.llobj, args, fn_ty);
auto real_retval =, args_res._1);
auto retval;
@ -1987,23 +2034,23 @@ impure fn trans_expr(@block_ctxt cx, @ast.expr e) -> result {
case (ast.expr_assign(?dst, ?src, ?ann)) {
auto lhs_res = trans_lval(cx, dst);
check (lhs_res._1);
auto rhs_res = trans_expr(lhs_res._0.bcx, src);
check (lhs_res.is_mem);
auto rhs_res = trans_expr(lhs_res.res.bcx, src);
auto t = node_ann_type(cx.fcx.ccx, ann);
// FIXME: calculate copy init-ness in typestate.
ret copy_ty(rhs_res.bcx, false, lhs_res._0.val, rhs_res.val, t);
ret copy_ty(rhs_res.bcx, false, lhs_res.res.val, rhs_res.val, t);
case (ast.expr_assign_op(?op, ?dst, ?src, ?ann)) {
auto t = node_ann_type(cx.fcx.ccx, ann);
auto lhs_res = trans_lval(cx, dst);
check (lhs_res._1);
auto lhs_val = load_non_structural(lhs_res._0.bcx,
lhs_res._0.val, t);
auto rhs_res = trans_expr(lhs_res._0.bcx, src);
check (lhs_res.is_mem);
auto lhs_val = load_non_structural(lhs_res.res.bcx,
lhs_res.res.val, t);
auto rhs_res = trans_expr(lhs_res.res.bcx, src);
auto v = trans_eager_binop(rhs_res.bcx, op, lhs_val, rhs_res.val);
// FIXME: calculate copy init-ness in typestate.
ret copy_ty(rhs_res.bcx, false, lhs_res._0.val, v, t);
ret copy_ty(rhs_res.bcx, false, lhs_res.res.val, v, t);
case (ast.expr_call(?f, ?args, ?ann)) {
@ -2032,8 +2079,8 @@ impure fn trans_expr(@block_ctxt cx, @ast.expr e) -> result {
case (_) {
auto t = ty.expr_ty(e);
auto sub = trans_lval(cx, e);
ret res(sub._0.bcx,
load_non_structural(sub._0.bcx, sub._0.val, t));
ret res(sub.res.bcx,
load_non_structural(sub.res.bcx, sub.res.val, t));
cx.fcx.ccx.sess.unimpl("expr variant in trans_expr");
@ -2327,6 +2374,7 @@ fn new_fn_ctxt(@crate_ctxt cx,
ret @rec(llfn=llfndecl,
mutable llself=none[ValueRef],
@ -2334,9 +2382,12 @@ fn new_fn_ctxt(@crate_ctxt cx,
fn create_llargs_for_fn_args(&@fn_ctxt cx, &vec[ast.arg] args,
fn create_llargs_for_fn_args(&@fn_ctxt cx,
option.t[TypeRef] ty_self,
&vec[ast.arg] args,
&vec[ast.ty_param] ty_params) {
let uint arg_n = 1u;
for (ast.ty_param tp in ty_params) {
auto llarg = llvm.LLVMGetParam(cx.llfn, arg_n);
check (llarg as int != 0);
@ -2344,6 +2395,16 @@ fn create_llargs_for_fn_args(&@fn_ctxt cx, &vec[ast.arg] args,
arg_n += 1u;
alt (ty_self) {
case (some[TypeRef](_)) {
auto llself = llvm.LLVMGetParam(cx.llfn, arg_n);
check (llself as int != 0);
cx.llself = some[ValueRef](llself);
arg_n += 1u;
case (_) { }
for (ast.arg arg in args) {
auto llarg = llvm.LLVMGetParam(cx.llfn, arg_n);
check (llarg as int != 0);
@ -2406,7 +2467,7 @@ impure fn trans_fn(@crate_ctxt cx, &ast._fn f, ast.def_id fid,
cx.item_names.insert(cx.path, llfndecl);
auto fcx = new_fn_ctxt(cx, cx.path, llfndecl);
create_llargs_for_fn_args(fcx, f.inputs, ty_params);
create_llargs_for_fn_args(fcx, none[TypeRef], f.inputs, ty_params);
auto bcx = new_top_block_ctxt(fcx);
@ -2420,12 +2481,21 @@ impure fn trans_fn(@crate_ctxt cx, &ast._fn f, ast.def_id fid,
impure fn trans_vtbl(@crate_ctxt cx, &ast._obj ob,
impure fn trans_vtbl(@crate_ctxt cx, TypeRef self_ty,
&ast._obj ob,
&vec[ast.ty_param] ty_params) -> ValueRef {
let vec[ValueRef] methods = vec();
for (@ast.method m in ob.methods) {
auto llfnty = node_type(cx, m.node.ann);
auto llfnty = T_nil();
alt (node_ann_type(cx, m.node.ann).struct) {
case (ty.ty_fn(?inputs, ?output)) {
llfnty = type_of_fn_full(cx,
inputs, output);
let str s ="_rust_method") + "." + cx.path;
let ValueRef llfn = decl_fastcall_fn(cx.llmod, s, llfnty);
cx.item_ids.insert(, llfn);
@ -2458,15 +2528,17 @@ impure fn trans_obj(@crate_ctxt cx, &ast._obj ob, ast.def_id oid,
auto fcx = new_fn_ctxt(cx, cx.path, llctor_decl);
create_llargs_for_fn_args(fcx, fn_args, ty_params);
create_llargs_for_fn_args(fcx, none[TypeRef],
fn_args, ty_params);
auto bcx = new_top_block_ctxt(fcx);
let vec[ty.arg] arg_tys = arg_tys_of_fn(ann);
copy_args_to_allocas(bcx, fn_args, arg_tys);
auto pair =, ret_ty_of_fn(ann)));
auto vtbl = trans_vtbl(cx, ob, ty_params);
auto llself_ty = type_of(cx, ret_ty_of_fn(ann));
auto pair =;
auto vtbl = trans_vtbl(cx, llself_ty, ob, ty_params);
auto pair_vtbl =,
@ -2564,7 +2636,7 @@ fn trans_tag_variant(@crate_ctxt cx, ast.def_id tag_id,
cx.item_names.insert(cx.path, llfndecl);
auto fcx = new_fn_ctxt(cx, cx.path, llfndecl);
create_llargs_for_fn_args(fcx, fn_args, ty_params);
create_llargs_for_fn_args(fcx, none[TypeRef], fn_args, ty_params);
auto bcx = new_top_block_ctxt(fcx);
@ -2829,6 +2901,7 @@ fn trans_exit_task_glue(@crate_ctxt cx) {
let ValueRef lltaskptr = llvm.LLVMGetParam(llfn, 0u);
auto fcx = @rec(llfn=llfn,
mutable llself=none[ValueRef],
Reference in New Issue
Block a user