Rename HashMap.mangle to find_with_or_insert_with.

This also entails swapping the order of the find and insert callbacks so
that their order matches the order of the terms in the method name.
This commit is contained in:
Chris Morgan 2014-05-15 10:13:36 +10:00
parent acdce63852
commit 73dc1e016d

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@ -1239,14 +1239,14 @@ impl<K: TotalEq + Hash<S>, V, S, H: Hasher<S>> HashMap<K, V, H> {
/// Return the value corresponding to the key in the map, or insert
/// and return the value if it doesn't exist.
pub fn find_or_insert<'a>(&'a mut self, k: K, v: V) -> &'a mut V {
self.mangle(k, v, |_k, a| a, |_k, _v, _a| ())
self.find_with_or_insert_with(k, v, |_k, _v, _a| (), |_k, a| a)
/// Return the value corresponding to the key in the map, or create,
/// insert, and return a new value if it doesn't exist.
pub fn find_or_insert_with<'a>(&'a mut self, k: K, f: |&K| -> V)
-> &'a mut V {
self.mangle(k, (), |k, _a| f(k), |_k, _v, _a| ())
self.find_with_or_insert_with(k, (), |_k, _v, _a| (), |k, _a| f(k))
/// Insert a key-value pair into the map if the key is not already present.
@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ impl<K: TotalEq + Hash<S>, V, S, H: Hasher<S>> HashMap<K, V, H> {
v: V,
f: |&K, &mut V|)
-> &'a mut V {
self.mangle(k, v, |_k, a| a, |k, v, _a| f(k, v))
self.find_with_or_insert_with(k, v, |k, v, _a| f(k, v), |_k, a| a)
/// Modify and return the value corresponding to the key in the map, or
@ -1282,31 +1282,33 @@ impl<K: TotalEq + Hash<S>, V, S, H: Hasher<S>> HashMap<K, V, H> {
/// let new = vec!["a key", "b key", "z key"];
/// for k in new.move_iter() {
/// map.mangle(k, "new value",
/// // if the key doesn't exist in the map yet, add it in
/// // the obvious way.
/// |_k, v| vec![v],
/// // if the key does exist either prepend or append this
/// // new value based on the first letter of the key.
/// |key, already, new| {
/// if key.as_slice().starts_with("z") {
/// already.unshift(new);
/// } else {
/// already.push(new);
/// }
/// });
/// map.find_with_or_insert_with(
/// k, "new value",
/// // if the key does exist either prepend or append this
/// // new value based on the first letter of the key.
/// |key, already, new| {
/// if key.as_slice().starts_with("z") {
/// already.unshift(new);
/// } else {
/// already.push(new);
/// }
/// },
/// // if the key doesn't exist in the map yet, add it in
/// // the obvious way.
/// |_k, v| vec![v],
/// );
/// }
/// for (k, v) in map.iter() {
/// println!("{} -> {}", *k, *v);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn mangle<'a, A>(&'a mut self,
k: K,
a: A,
not_found: |&K, A| -> V,
found: |&K, &mut V, A|)
-> &'a mut V {
pub fn find_with_or_insert_with<'a, A>(&'a mut self,
k: K,
a: A,
found: |&K, &mut V, A|,
not_found: |&K, A| -> V)
-> &'a mut V {
let hash = self.make_hash(&k);
match self.search_hashed(&hash, &k) {
None => {