vtable.rs: adjust formatting, correct build error
This commit is contained in:
@ -91,249 +91,258 @@ fn lookup_vtable(fcx: @fn_ctxt,
let tcx = fcx.ccx.tcx;
let (trait_id, trait_substs) = match ty::get(trait_ty).struct {
ty::ty_trait(did, substs, _) => (did, substs),
_ => tcx.sess.impossible_case(expr.span, "lookup_vtable: \
don't know how to handle a non-trait ty")
ty::ty_trait(did, substs, _) => (did, substs),
_ => tcx.sess.impossible_case(expr.span,
"lookup_vtable: \
don't know how to handle a non-trait")
let ty = match fixup_ty(fcx, expr, ty, is_early) {
Some(ty) => ty,
None => {
// fixup_ty can only fail if this is early resolution
assert is_early;
// The type has unconstrained type variables in it, so we can't
// do early resolution on it. Return some completely bogus vtable
// information: we aren't storing it anyways.
return vtable_param(0, 0);
Some(ty) => ty,
None => {
// fixup_ty can only fail if this is early resolution
assert is_early;
// The type has unconstrained type variables in it, so we can't
// do early resolution on it. Return some completely bogus vtable
// information: we aren't storing it anyways.
return vtable_param(0, 0);
match ty::get(ty).struct {
ty::ty_param({idx: n, def_id: did}) => {
let mut n_bound = 0;
for vec::each(*tcx.ty_param_bounds.get(did.node)) |bound| {
match bound {
ty::bound_send | ty::bound_copy | ty::bound_const |
ty::bound_owned => {
/* ignore */
ty::bound_trait(ity) => {
match ty::get(ity).struct {
ty::ty_trait(idid, _, _) => {
if trait_id == idid {
debug!("(checking vtable) @0 relating ty to trait ty
with did %?", idid);
relate_trait_tys(fcx, expr, trait_ty, ity);
return vtable_param(n, n_bound);
ty::ty_param({idx: n, def_id: did}) => {
let mut n_bound = 0;
for vec::each(*tcx.ty_param_bounds.get(did.node)) |bound| {
match bound {
ty::bound_send | ty::bound_copy | ty::bound_const |
ty::bound_owned => {
/* ignore */
_ => tcx.sess.impossible_case(expr.span,
"lookup_vtable: in loop, \
don't know how to handle a non-trait ity")
n_bound += 1u;
ty::ty_trait(did, substs, _) if trait_id == did => {
debug!("(checking vtable) @1 relating ty to trait ty with did %?",
relate_trait_tys(fcx, expr, trait_ty, ty);
if !allow_unsafe && !is_early {
for vec::each(*ty::trait_methods(tcx, did)) |m| {
if ty::type_has_self(ty::mk_fn(tcx, m.fty)) {
~"a boxed trait with self types may not be \
passed as a bounded type");
} else if (*m.tps).len() > 0u {
~"a boxed trait with generic methods may not \
be passed as a bounded type");
return vtable_trait(did, substs.tps);
_ => {
let mut found = ~[];
let mut impls_seen = new_def_hash();
match fcx.ccx.coherence_info.extension_methods.find(trait_id) {
None => {
// Nothing found. Continue.
Some(implementations) => {
implementations is the list of all impls in scope for
trait_ty. (Usually, there's just one.)
for uint::range(0, implementations.len()) |i| {
let im = implementations[i];
// im is one specific impl of trait_ty.
// First, ensure that we haven't processed this impl yet.
if impls_seen.contains_key(im.did) {
impls_seen.insert(im.did, ());
ty::impl_traits gives us the list of all traits that im
implements. Again, usually there's just one.
For example, if im represented the struct in:
struct foo : baz<int>, bar, quux { ... }
then ty::impl_traits would return
~[baz<int>, bar, quux]
For each of the traits foo implements, if it's the
same trait as trait_ty, we need to unify it with
trait_ty in order to get all the ty vars sorted out.
for vec::each(ty::impl_traits(tcx, im.did)) |of_ty| {
match ty::get(of_ty).struct {
// This is a trait that is different from the one
// we're looking for, so we skip to the next one.
ty::ty_trait(id, _, _) if id != trait_id => again,
_ => { /* ok */ }
/* At this point, we know that of_ty is the same trait
as trait_ty, but possibly applied to different substs.
Next, we check whether the "for" ty in the impl is
compatible with the type that we're casting to a trait. That
is, if im is:
impl<T> self_ty<T>: some_trait<T> { ... }
we check whether self_ty<T> is the type of the thing that
we're trying to cast to some_trait.
let {substs: substs, ty: for_ty} =
impl_self_ty(fcx, expr, im.did, false);
let im_bs = ty::lookup_item_type(tcx, im.did).bounds;
match fcx.mk_subty(false, expr.span, ty, for_ty) {
// for_ty is not compatible with ty, so this impl is
// irrelevant and we skip to the next impl
result::Err(_) => again,
// The impl is an impl for ty of the desired trait.
result::Ok(()) => ()
Now, in the previous example, for_ty is bound to the
type self_ty, and substs is bound to [T].
debug!("The self ty is %s and its substs are %s",
tys_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, substs.tps));
Next, we unify trait_ty -- the type that we want to cast
to -- with of_ty -- the trait that im implements. At this
point, we require that they be unifiable with each other --
that's what relate_trait_tys does.
For example, in the above example, of_ty would be
some_trait<T>, so we would be unifying trait_ty<U> (for
some value of U) with some_trait<T>. This would fail if
T and U weren't compatible.
debug!("(checking vtable) @2 relating trait ty %s to \
of_ty %s",
let of_ty = ty::subst(tcx, &substs, of_ty);
relate_trait_tys(fcx, expr, trait_ty, of_ty);
Recall that trait_ty -- the trait type we're casting to --
is the trait with id trait_id applied to the substs
trait_substs. Now we extract out the types themselves
from trait_substs.
let trait_tps = trait_substs.tps;
debug!("Casting to a trait ty whose substs \
(trait_tps) are %s",
tys_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, trait_tps));
Recall that substs is the impl self type's list of
substitutions. That is, if this is an impl of some trait
for foo<T, U>, then substs is [T, U]. substs might contain
type variables, so we call fixup_substs to resolve them.
let substs_f = match fixup_substs(fcx, expr, trait_id,
substs, is_early) {
Some(substs) => substs,
None => {
assert is_early;
// Bail out with a bogus answer
return vtable_param(0, 0);
ty::bound_trait(ity) => {
match ty::get(ity).struct {
ty::ty_trait(idid, _, _) => {
if trait_id == idid {
debug!("(checking vtable) @0 relating \
ty to trait ty with did %?",
relate_trait_tys(fcx, expr,
trait_ty, ity);
return vtable_param(n, n_bound);
debug!("The fixed-up substs for the self ty are %s - \
they will be unified with the bounds for \
the target ty, %s",
tys_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, substs_f.tps),
tys_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, trait_tps));
Next, we unify the fixed-up substitutions for the impl self
ty with the substitutions from the trait type that we're
trying to cast to. connect_trait_tps requires these
lists of types to unify pairwise.
connect_trait_tps(fcx, expr, substs_f.tps,
trait_tps, im.did);
let subres = lookup_vtables(
fcx, expr, im_bs, &substs_f,
false, is_early);
Finally, we register that we found a matching impl,
and record the def ID of the impl as well as the resolved
list of type substitutions for the target trait.
vtable_static(im.did, substs_f.tps,
_ => tcx.sess.impossible_case(
"lookup_vtable: in loop, \
don't know how to handle a non-trait ity")
n_bound += 1u;
match found.len() {
0 => { /* fallthrough */ }
1 => { return found[0]; }
_ => {
if !is_early {
~"multiple applicable methods in scope");
ty::ty_trait(did, substs, _) if trait_id == did => {
debug!("(checking vtable) @1 relating ty to trait ty with did %?",
relate_trait_tys(fcx, expr, trait_ty, ty);
if !allow_unsafe && !is_early {
for vec::each(*ty::trait_methods(tcx, did)) |m| {
if ty::type_has_self(ty::mk_fn(tcx, m.fty)) {
~"a boxed trait with self types may not be \
passed as a bounded type");
} else if (*m.tps).len() > 0u {
~"a boxed trait with generic methods may not \
be passed as a bounded type");
return vtable_trait(did, substs.tps);
_ => {
let mut found = ~[];
let mut impls_seen = new_def_hash();
match fcx.ccx.coherence_info.extension_methods.find(trait_id) {
None => {
// Nothing found. Continue.
Some(implementations) => {
// implementations is the list of all impls in scope for
// trait_ty. (Usually, there's just one.)
for uint::range(0, implementations.len()) |i| {
let im = implementations[i];
// im is one specific impl of trait_ty.
// First, ensure we haven't processed this impl yet.
if impls_seen.contains_key(im.did) {
impls_seen.insert(im.did, ());
// ty::impl_traits gives us the list of all
// traits that im implements. Again, usually
// there's just one.
// For example, if im represented the struct
// in:
// struct foo : baz<int>, bar, quux { ... }
// then ty::impl_traits would return
// ~[baz<int>, bar, quux]
// For each of the traits foo implements, if
// it's the same trait as trait_ty, we need to
// unify it with trait_ty in order to get all
// the ty vars sorted out.
for vec::each(ty::impl_traits(tcx, im.did)) |of_ty| {
match ty::get(of_ty).struct {
ty::ty_trait(id, _, _) => {
// Not the trait we're looking for
if id != trait_id { again; }
_ => { /* ok */ }
// At this point, we know that of_ty is
// the same trait as trait_ty, but
// possibly applied to different substs.
// Next, we check whether the "for" ty in
// the impl is compatible with the type
// that we're casting to a trait. That is,
// if im is:
// impl<T> self_ty<T>: some_trait<T> { ... }
// we check whether self_ty<T> is the type
// of the thing that we're trying to cast
// to some_trait. If not, then we try the next
// impl.
let {substs: substs, ty: for_ty} =
impl_self_ty(fcx, expr, im.did, false);
let im_bs = ty::lookup_item_type(tcx,
match fcx.mk_subty(false, expr.span, ty, for_ty) {
result::Err(_) => again,
result::Ok(()) => ()
// Now, in the previous example, for_ty is
// bound to the type self_ty, and substs
// is bound to [T].
debug!("The self ty is %s and its substs are %s",
tys_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, substs.tps));
// Next, we unify trait_ty -- the type
// that we want to cast to -- with of_ty
// -- the trait that im implements. At
// this point, we require that they be
// unifiable with each other -- that's
// what relate_trait_tys does.
// For example, in the above example,
// of_ty would be some_trait<T>, so we
// would be unifying trait_ty<U> (for some
// value of U) with some_trait<T>. This
// would fail if T and U weren't
// compatible.
debug!("(checking vtable) @2 relating trait \
ty %s to of_ty %s",
let of_ty = ty::subst(tcx, &substs, of_ty);
relate_trait_tys(fcx, expr, trait_ty, of_ty);
// Recall that trait_ty -- the trait type
// we're casting to -- is the trait with
// id trait_id applied to the substs
// trait_substs. Now we extract out the
// types themselves from trait_substs.
let trait_tps = trait_substs.tps;
debug!("Casting to a trait ty whose substs \
(trait_tps) are %s",
tys_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, trait_tps));
// Recall that substs is the impl self
// type's list of substitutions. That is,
// if this is an impl of some trait for
// foo<T, U>, then substs is [T,
// U]. substs might contain type
// variables, so we call fixup_substs to
// resolve them.
let substs_f = match fixup_substs(fcx,
is_early) {
Some(substs) => substs,
None => {
assert is_early;
// Bail out with a bogus answer
return vtable_param(0, 0);
debug!("The fixed-up substs are %s - \
they will be unified with the bounds for \
the target ty, %s",
tys_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, substs_f.tps),
tys_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, trait_tps));
// Next, we unify the fixed-up
// substitutions for the impl self ty with
// the substitutions from the trait type
// that we're trying to cast
// to. connect_trait_tps requires these
// lists of types to unify pairwise.
connect_trait_tps(fcx, expr, substs_f.tps,
trait_tps, im.did);
let subres = lookup_vtables(
fcx, expr, im_bs, &substs_f,
false, is_early);
// Finally, we register that we found a
// matching impl, and record the def ID of
// the impl as well as the resolved list
// of type substitutions for the target
// trait.
vtable_static(im.did, substs_f.tps,
match found.len() {
0 => { /* fallthrough */ }
1 => { return found[0]; }
_ => {
if !is_early {
~"multiple applicable methods in scope");
return found[0];
return found[0];
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