std::uv : cleanup and an isolated test for hand-rolled high_level_loops

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Olson 2012-04-19 15:36:07 -07:00 committed by Brian Anderson
parent e02057c5a5
commit 791ea3466d
3 changed files with 204 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ native mod rustrt {
Race-free helper to get access to a global task where a libuv
loop is running.
Use `uv::hl::interact`, `uv::hl::ref_handle` and `uv::hl::unref_handle` to
do operations against the global loop that this function returns.
Use `uv::hl::interact`, `uv::hl::ref`, `uv::hl::unref` and
uv `uv::hl::unref_and_close` to do operations against the global
loop that this function returns.
# Return
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ fn get() -> hl::high_level_loop {
ret get_monitor_task_gl();
// WARNING: USE ONLY ONE get_*_task_gl fn in the scope of a process lifetime.
fn get_monitor_task_gl() -> hl::high_level_loop {
let monitor_loop_chan =
@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ fn get_monitor_task_gl() -> hl::high_level_loop {
// WARNING: USE ONLY ONE get_*_task_gl fn in the scope of a process lifetime.
fn get_single_task_gl() -> hl::high_level_loop {
let global_loop_chan_ptr = rustrt::rust_uv_get_kernel_global_chan_ptr();
@ -323,7 +326,7 @@ mod test {
hl::interact(hl_loop) {|loop_ptr|
log(debug, "closing timer");
//ll::close(timer_ptr as *libc::c_void, simple_timer_close_cb);
hl::unref_handle(hl_loop, timer_ptr, simple_timer_close_cb);
hl::unref_and_close(hl_loop, timer_ptr, simple_timer_close_cb);
log(debug, "about to deref exit_ch_ptr");
log(debug, "after msg sent on deref'd exit_ch");
@ -342,7 +345,7 @@ mod test {
log(debug, "user code inside interact loop!!!");
let init_status = ll::timer_init(loop_ptr, timer_ptr);
if(init_status == 0i32) {
hl::ref_handle(hl_loop, timer_ptr);
hl::ref(hl_loop, timer_ptr);
timer_ptr as *libc::c_void,
exit_ch_ptr as *libc::c_void);

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ libuv functionality.
export high_level_loop, hl_loop_ext, high_level_msg;
export run_high_level_loop, interact, ref_handle, unref_handle;
export run_high_level_loop, interact, ref, unref, unref_and_close;
import ll = uv_ll;
@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ the C uv loop to process any pending callbacks
by the C uv loop
enum high_level_loop {
async_handle: *ll::uv_async_t,
op_chan: comm::chan<high_level_msg>
async_handle: **ll::uv_async_t,
op_chan: comm::chan<high_level_msg>
@ -52,6 +56,9 @@ impl hl_loop_ext for high_level_loop {
monitor_task_loop({op_chan}) {
ret op_chan;
simple_task_loop({async_handle, op_chan}) {
ret op_chan;
@ -61,8 +68,8 @@ Represents the range of interactions with a `high_level_loop`
enum high_level_msg {
interaction (fn~(*libc::c_void)),
auto_ref_handle (*libc::c_void),
auto_unref_handle (*libc::c_void, *u8),
ref_handle (*libc::c_void),
manual_unref_handle (*libc::c_void, option<*u8>),
@ -96,7 +103,7 @@ unsafe fn run_high_level_loop(loop_ptr: *libc::c_void,
ll::async_init(loop_ptr, async_handle, high_level_wake_up_cb);
// initialize our loop data and store it in the loop
let data: global_loop_data = default_gl_data({
let data: hl_loop_data = default_gl_data({
async_handle: async_handle,
mut active: true,
before_msg_drain: before_msg_drain,
@ -159,22 +166,25 @@ resource safe_handle_container<T>(handle_fields: safe_handle_fields<T>) {
Needs to be encapsulated within `safe_handle`
fn ref_handle<T>(hl_loop: high_level_loop, handle: *T) unsafe {
send_high_level_msg(hl_loop, auto_ref_handle(handle as *libc::c_void));
fn ref<T>(hl_loop: high_level_loop, handle: *T) unsafe {
send_high_level_msg(hl_loop, ref_handle(handle as *libc::c_void));
Needs to be encapsulated within `safe_handle`
fn unref_handle<T>(hl_loop: high_level_loop, handle: *T,
user_close_cb: *u8) unsafe {
send_high_level_msg(hl_loop, auto_unref_handle(handle as *libc::c_void,
fn unref<T>(hl_loop: high_level_loop, handle: *T) unsafe {
send_high_level_msg(hl_loop, manual_unref_handle(handle as *libc::c_void,
fn unref_and_close<T>(hl_loop: high_level_loop, handle: *T, cb: *u8) unsafe {
send_high_level_msg(hl_loop, manual_unref_handle(handle as *libc::c_void,
// data that lives for the lifetime of the high-evel oo
enum global_loop_data {
enum hl_loop_data {
async_handle: *ll::uv_async_t,
mut active: bool,
@ -203,6 +213,10 @@ unsafe fn send_high_level_msg(hl_loop: high_level_loop,
log(debug,"GLOBAL ASYNC handle == 0");
simple_task_loop({async_handle, op_chan}) {
log(debug,"simple async handle != 0, waking up loop..");
_ {}
@ -218,7 +232,7 @@ crust fn high_level_wake_up_cb(async_handle: *ll::uv_async_t,
log(debug, #fmt("high_level_wake_up_cb crust.. handle: %? status: %?",
async_handle, status));
let loop_ptr = ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(async_handle);
let data = ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(async_handle) as *global_loop_data;
let data = ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(async_handle) as *hl_loop_data;
// we check to see if the loop is "active" (the loop is set to
// active = false the first time we realize we need to 'tear down',
// set subsequent calls to the global async handle may be triggered
@ -245,11 +259,11 @@ crust fn high_level_wake_up_cb(async_handle: *ll::uv_async_t,
log(debug,"after calling cb");
auto_ref_handle(handle) {
ref_handle(handle) {
high_level_ref(data, handle);
auto_unref_handle(handle, user_close_cb) {
high_level_unref(data, handle, false, user_close_cb);
manual_unref_handle(handle, user_close_cb) {
high_level_unref(data, handle, true, user_close_cb);
tear_down {
log(debug,"incoming hl_msg: got tear_down");
@ -258,6 +272,9 @@ crust fn high_level_wake_up_cb(async_handle: *ll::uv_async_t,
continue = comm::peek(msg_po);
else {
log(debug, "in hl wake_cb, no pending messages");
log(debug, #fmt("after on_wake, continue? %?", continue));
if !do_msg_drain {
@ -269,13 +286,13 @@ crust fn high_level_wake_up_cb(async_handle: *ll::uv_async_t,
crust fn tear_down_close_cb(handle: *ll::uv_async_t) unsafe {
log(debug, #fmt("tear_down_close_cb called, closing handle at %?",
let data = ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle) as *global_loop_data;
if vec::len((*data).refd_handles) > 0 {
let data = ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle) as *hl_loop_data;
if vec::len((*data).refd_handles) > 0u {
fail "Didn't unref all high-level handles";
fn high_level_tear_down(data: *global_loop_data) unsafe {
fn high_level_tear_down(data: *hl_loop_data) unsafe {
log(debug, "high_level_tear_down() called, close async_handle");
// call user-suppled before_tear_down cb
let async_handle = (*data).async_handle;
@ -283,36 +300,66 @@ fn high_level_tear_down(data: *global_loop_data) unsafe {
ll::close(async_handle as *libc::c_void, tear_down_close_cb);
unsafe fn high_level_ref(data: *global_loop_data, handle: *libc::c_void) {
log(debug,"incoming hl_msg: got auto_ref_handle");
unsafe fn high_level_ref(data: *hl_loop_data, handle: *libc::c_void) {
log(debug,"incoming hl_msg: got ..ref_handle");
let mut refd_handles = (*data).refd_handles;
let mut unrefd_handles = (*data).unrefd_handles;
let handle_already_refd = refd_handles.contains(handle);
if handle_already_refd {
fail "attempt to do a high-level ref an already ref'd handle";
let handle_already_unrefd = unrefd_handles.contains(handle);
// if we are ref'ing a handle (by ptr) that was already unref'd,
// probably
if handle_already_unrefd {
let last_idx = vec::len(unrefd_handles) - 1u;
let handle_idx = vec::position_elem(unrefd_handles, handle);
alt handle_idx {
none {
fail "trying to remove handle that isn't in unrefd_handles";
some(idx) {
unrefd_handles[idx] <-> unrefd_handles[last_idx];
(*data).unrefd_handles = unrefd_handles;
refd_handles += [handle];
(*data).refd_handles = refd_handles;
unsafe fn high_level_unref(data: *global_loop_data, handle: *libc::c_void,
manual_unref: bool, user_close_cb: *u8) {
unsafe fn high_level_unref(data: *hl_loop_data, handle: *libc::c_void,
manual_unref: bool, user_close_cb: option<*u8>) {
log(debug,"incoming hl_msg: got auto_unref_handle");
let mut refd_handles = (*data).refd_handles;
let mut unrefd_handles = (*data).unrefd_handles;
log(debug, #fmt("refs: %?, unrefs %? handle %?", vec::len(refd_handles),
vec::len(unrefd_handles), handle));
let handle_already_refd = refd_handles.contains(handle);
if !handle_already_refd {
fail "attempting to high-level unref an untracked handle";
let double_unref = unrefd_handles.contains(handle);
if double_unref {
log(debug, "double unref encountered");
if manual_unref {
// will allow a user to manual unref, but only signal
// a fail when a double-unref is caused by a user
fail "attempting to high-level unref an unrefd handle";
else {
log(debug, "not failing...");
else {
ll::close(handle, user_close_cb);
log(debug, "attempting to unref handle");
alt user_close_cb {
some(cb) {
ll::close(handle, cb);
none { }
let last_idx = vec::len(refd_handles) - 1u;
let handle_idx = vec::position_elem(refd_handles, handle);
alt handle_idx {
@ -337,3 +384,128 @@ unsafe fn high_level_unref(data: *global_loop_data, handle: *libc::c_void,
mod test {
crust fn async_close_cb(handle: *ll::uv_async_t) unsafe {
log(debug, #fmt("async_close_cb handle %?", handle));
let exit_ch = (*(ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle)
as *ah_data)).exit_ch;
comm::send(exit_ch, ());
crust fn async_handle_cb(handle: *ll::uv_async_t, status: libc::c_int)
unsafe {
log(debug, #fmt("async_handle_cb handle %? status %?",handle,status));
let hl_loop = (*(ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle)
as *ah_data)).hl_loop;
unref_and_close(hl_loop, handle, async_close_cb);
type ah_data = {
hl_loop: high_level_loop,
exit_ch: comm::chan<()>
fn impl_uv_hl_async(hl_loop: high_level_loop) unsafe {
let async_handle = ll::async_t();
let ah_ptr = ptr::addr_of(async_handle);
let exit_po = comm::port::<()>();
let exit_ch = comm::chan(exit_po);
let ah_data = {
hl_loop: hl_loop,
exit_ch: exit_ch
let ah_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(ah_data);
interact(hl_loop) {|loop_ptr|
ref(hl_loop, ah_ptr);
ll::async_init(loop_ptr, ah_ptr, async_handle_cb);
ll::set_data_for_uv_handle(ah_ptr, ah_data_ptr as *libc::c_void);
// this fn documents the bear minimum neccesary to roll your own
// high_level_loop
unsafe fn spawn_test_loop(exit_ch: comm::chan<()>) -> high_level_loop {
let hl_loop_port = comm::port::<high_level_loop>();
let hl_loop_ch = comm::chan(hl_loop_port);
task::spawn_sched(task::manual_threads(1u)) {||
let loop_ptr = ll::loop_new();
let msg_po = comm::port::<high_level_msg>();
let msg_ch = comm::chan(msg_po);
// before_run
log(debug,#fmt("hltest before_run: async_handle %?",
// do an async_send with it
comm::send(hl_loop_ch, simple_task_loop({
async_handle: async_handle,
op_chan: msg_ch
// before_msg_drain
log(debug,#fmt("hltest before_msg_drain: async_handle %?",
// before_tear_down
log(debug,#fmt("hl test_loop b4_tear_down: async %?",
comm::send(exit_ch, ());
ret comm::recv(hl_loop_port);
crust fn lifetime_handle_close(handle: *libc::c_void) unsafe {
log(debug, #fmt("lifetime_handle_close ptr %?", handle));
crust fn lifetime_async_callback(handle: *libc::c_void,
status: libc::c_int) {
log(debug, #fmt("lifetime_handle_close ptr %? status %?",
handle, status));
#[ignore(cfg(target_os = "freebsd"))]
fn test_uv_hl_async() unsafe {
let exit_po = comm::port::<()>();
let exit_ch = comm::chan(exit_po);
let hl_loop = spawn_test_loop(exit_ch);
// using this handle to manage the lifetime of the high_level_loop,
// as it will exit the first time one of the impl_uv_hl_async() is
// cleaned up with no one ref'd handles on the loop (Which can happen
// under race-condition type situations.. this ensures that the loop
// lives until, at least, all of the impl_uv_hl_async() runs have been
// called, at least.
let lifetime_handle = ll::async_t();
let lifetime_handle_ptr = ptr::addr_of(lifetime_handle);
interact(hl_loop) {|loop_ptr|
ref(hl_loop, lifetime_handle_ptr);
ll::async_init(loop_ptr, lifetime_handle_ptr,
iter::repeat(7u) {||
task::spawn_sched(task::manual_threads(1u), {||
interact(hl_loop) {|loop_ptr|
ll::close(lifetime_handle_ptr, lifetime_handle_close);
unref(hl_loop, lifetime_handle_ptr);
log(debug, "close and unref lifetime handle");

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@ -595,8 +595,8 @@ unsafe fn run(loop_handle: *libc::c_void) {
unsafe fn close(handle: *libc::c_void, cb: *u8) {
rustrt::rust_uv_close(handle, cb);
unsafe fn close<T>(handle: *T, cb: *u8) {
rustrt::rust_uv_close(handle as *libc::c_void, cb);
unsafe fn tcp_init(loop_handle: *libc::c_void, handle: *uv_tcp_t)