remove unneeded fn

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mark 2020-02-22 13:09:54 -06:00
parent 9207a13bfc
commit 7a6361f465
1 changed files with 0 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -254,41 +254,6 @@ pub enum TyKind<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> TyKind<'tcx> {
pub fn article_and_description(&self) -> (&'static str, &'static str) {
match *self {
Bool => ("a", "boolean value"),
Char => ("a", "character"),
Int(..) => ("a", "signed interger"),
Uint(..) => ("an", "unsigned integer"),
Float(..) => ("a", "floating point number"),
Adt(..) => ("an", "abstract data type"),
Foreign(..) => ("a", "foreign type"),
Str => ("a", "string slice"),
Array(..) => ("an", "array"),
Slice(..) => ("a", "slice"),
RawPtr(..) => ("a", "raw pointer"),
Ref(..) => ("a", "reference"),
FnDef(..) => ("a", "function"),
FnPtr(..) => ("a", "function pointer"),
Dynamic(..) => ("a", "trait object"),
Closure(..) => ("a", "closure"),
Generator(..) => ("a", "generator"),
GeneratorWitness(..) => ("a", "generator witness"),
Never => ("a", "never"),
Tuple(..) => ("a", "tuple"),
Projection(..) => ("a", "projection"),
UnnormalizedProjection(..) => ("an", "unnormalized projection"),
Opaque(..) => ("an", "opaque type"),
Param(..) => ("a", "type parameter"),
Bound(..) => ("a", "bound type variable"),
Placeholder(..) => ("a", "universally quantified higher-ranked type"),
Infer(..) => ("an", "inference variable"),
Error => ("a", "type error"),
// `TyKind` is used a lot. Make sure it doesn't unintentionally get bigger.
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
static_assert_size!(TyKind<'_>, 24);