docs: Begin integrating bblum's linked failure blog post

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Brian Anderson 2012-10-01 18:42:11 -07:00
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commit 7b7c2a49b9
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@ -295,6 +295,163 @@ let result = ports.foldl(0, |accum, port| *accum + port.recv() );
# fn some_expensive_computation(_i: uint) -> int { 42 }
# Handling task failure
Rust has a built-in mechanism for raising exceptions, written `fail`
(or `fail ~"reason"`, or sometimes `assert expr`), and it causes the
task to unwind its stack, running destructors and freeing memory along
the way, and then exit itself. Unlike C++, exceptions in Rust are
unrecoverable within a single task - once a task fails there is no way
to "catch" the exception.
All tasks are, by default, _linked_ to each other, meaning their fate
is interwined, and if one fails so do all of them.
# use task::spawn;
# fn do_some_work() { loop { task::yield() } }
# do task::try {
// Create a child task that fails
do spawn { fail }
// This will also fail because the task we spawned failed
# };
While it isn't possible for a task to recover from failure,
tasks may be notified when _other_ tasks fail. The simplest way
of handling task failure is with the `try` function, which is
similar to spawn, but immediately blocks waiting for the child
task to finish.
# fn some_condition() -> bool { false }
# fn calculate_result() -> int { 0 }
let result: Result<int, ()> = do task::try {
if some_condition() {
} else {
fail ~"oops!";
assert result.is_err();
Unlike `spawn`, the function spawned using `try` may return a value,
which `try` will dutifully propagate back to the caller in a [`Result`]
enum. If the child task terminates successfully, `try` will
return an `Ok` result; if the child task fails, `try` will return
an `Error` result.
[`Result`]: core/result.html
> ***Note:*** A failed task does not currently produce a useful error
> value (all error results from `try` are equal to `Err(())`). In the
> future it may be possible for tasks to intercept the value passed to
> `fail`.
TODO: Need discussion of `future_result` in order to make failure
modes useful.
But not all failure is created equal. In some cases you might need to
abort the entire program (perhaps you're writing an assert which, if
it trips, indicates an unrecoverable logic error); in other cases you
might want to contain the failure at a certain boundary (perhaps a
small piece of input from the outside world, which you happen to be
processing in parallel, is malformed and its processing task can't
proceed). Hence the need for different _linked failure modes_.
## Failure modes
By default, task failure is _bidirectionally linked_, which means if
either task dies, it kills the other one.
# fn sleep_forever() { loop { task::yield() } }
# do task::try {
do task::spawn {
do task::spawn {
fail; // All three tasks will die.
sleep_forever(); // Will get woken up by force, then fail
sleep_forever(); // Will get woken up by force, then fail
# };
If you want parent tasks to kill their children, but not for a child
task's failure to kill the parent, you can call
`task::spawn_supervised` for _unidirectionally linked_ failure. The
function `task::try`, which we saw previously, uses `spawn_supervised`
internally, with additional logic to wait for the child task to finish
before returning. Hence:
# use pipes::{stream, Chan, Port};
# use task::{spawn, try};
# fn sleep_forever() { loop { task::yield() } }
# do task::try {
let (sender, receiver): (Chan<int>, Port<int>) = stream();
do spawn { // Bidirectionally linked
// Wait for the supervised child task to exist.
let message = receiver.recv();
// Kill both it and the parent task.
assert message != 42;
do try { // Unidirectionally linked
sleep_forever(); // Will get woken up by force
// Flow never reaches here -- parent task was killed too.
# };
Supervised failure is useful in any situation where one task manages
multiple fallible child tasks, and the parent task can recover
if any child files. On the other hand, if the _parent_ (supervisor) fails
then there is nothing the children can do to recover, so they should
also fail.
Supervised task failure propagates across multiple generations even if
an intermediate generation has already exited:
# fn sleep_forever() { loop { task::yield() } }
# fn wait_for_a_while() { for 1000.times { task::yield() } }
# do task::try::<int> {
do task::spawn_supervised {
do task::spawn_supervised {
sleep_forever(); // Will get woken up by force, then fail
// Intermediate task immediately exits
fail; // Will kill grandchild even if child has already exited
# };
Finally, tasks can be configured to not propagate failure to each
other at all, using `task::spawn_unlinked` for _isolated failure_.
# fn random() -> int { 100 }
# fn sleep_for(i: int) { for i.times { task::yield() } }
# do task::try::<()> {
let (time1, time2) = (random(), random());
do task::spawn_unlinked {
sleep_for(time2); // Won't get forced awake
sleep_for(time1); // Won't get forced awake
// It will take MAX(time1,time2) for the program to finish.
# };
# Unfinished notes
## Actor patterns