make rustdocs more terse for where it is obvious to programmers as per feedback from graydon

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Roland Tanglao 2012-01-11 22:02:38 -08:00 committed by Brian Anderson
parent 350e87eaae
commit 81c3028699
1 changed files with 13 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -11,78 +11,52 @@ export from_str, to_str, all_values, to_bit;
type t = bool;
brief = "Negation/Inverse",
args(v = "Value to Negate/Invert"),
return = "Negated/Inverted Value"
brief = "Negation/Inverse"
pure fn not(v: t) -> t { !v }
brief = "Conjunction",
args(a = "value `a`",
b = "value `b`"),
return = "`a` AND `b`"
brief = "Conjunction"
pure fn and(a: t, b: t) -> t { a && b }
brief = "Disjunction",
args(a = "value `a`",
b = "value `b`"),
return = "`a` OR `b`"
brief = "Disjunction"
pure fn or(a: t, b: t) -> t { a || b }
brief = "Exclusive or, i.e. `or(and(a, not(b)), and(not(a), b))`",
args(a = "value `a`",
b = "value `b`"),
return = "`a` XOR `b`"
brief = "Exclusive or, i.e. `or(and(a, not(b)), and(not(a), b))`"
pure fn xor(a: t, b: t) -> t { (a && !b) || (!a && b) }
brief = "Implication in the logic, i.e. from `a` follows `b`",
args(a = "value `a`",
b = "value `b`"),
return = "`a` IMPLIES `b`"
brief = "Implication in the logic, i.e. from `a` follows `b`"
pure fn implies(a: t, b: t) -> t { !a || b }
brief = "true if truth values `a` and `b` are indistinguishable in the logic",
args(a = "value `a`",
b = "value `b`"),
return = "`a` == `b`"
brief = "true if truth values `a` and `b` are indistinguishable in the logic"
pure fn eq(a: t, b: t) -> bool { a == b }
brief = "true if truth values `a` and `b` are distinguishable in the logic",
args(a = "value `a`",
b = "value `b`"),
return = "`a` != `b`"
brief = "true if truth values `a` and `b` are distinguishable in the logic"
pure fn ne(a: t, b: t) -> bool { a != b }
brief = "true if `v` represents truth in the logic",
args(v = "value `v`"),
return = "bool(`v`)"
brief = "true if `v` represents truth in the logic"
pure fn is_true(v: t) -> bool { v }
brief = "true if `v` represents falsehood in the logic",
args(v = "value `v`"),
return = "bool(!`v`)"
brief = "true if `v` represents falsehood in the logic"
pure fn is_false(v: t) -> bool { !v }
brief = "Parse logic value from `s`",
args(v = "string value `s`"),
return = "true if `s` equals \"true\", else false"
brief = "Parse logic value from `s`"
pure fn from_str(s: str) -> t {
alt s {
@ -92,16 +66,12 @@ pure fn from_str(s: str) -> t {
brief = "Convert `v` into a string",
args(v = "truth value `v`"),
return = "\"true\" if value `v` is true, else \"false\""
brief = "Convert `v` into a string"
pure fn to_str(v: t) -> str { if v { "true" } else { "false" } }
brief = "Iterates over all truth values by passing them to `blk` in an unspecified order",
args(v = "block value `v`"),
return = "Undefined return value"
brief = "Iterates over all truth values by passing them to `blk` in an unspecified order"
fn all_values(blk: block(v: t)) {
@ -109,9 +79,7 @@ fn all_values(blk: block(v: t)) {
brief = "converts truth value to an 8 bit byte",
args(v = "value `v`"),
return = "returns byte with value 1 if `v` has truth value of true, else 0"
brief = "converts truth value to an 8 bit byte"
pure fn to_bit(v: t) -> u8 { if v { 1u8 } else { 0u8 } }