Merge remote-tracking branch 'erickt/master'

This commit is contained in:
Brian Anderson 2012-02-05 15:15:21 -08:00
commit 91b6dc5c8e
8 changed files with 458 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -922,8 +922,8 @@ for the parameter list, as in `{|| ...}`.
Partial application is done using the `bind` keyword in Rust.
let daynum = bind vec::position(_, ["mo", "tu", "we", "do",
"fr", "sa", "su"]);
let daynum = bind vec::position_elt(["mo", "tu", "we", "do",
"fr", "sa", "su"], _);
Binding a function produces a boxed closure (`fn@` type) in which some

View File

@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ fn filter_invalid(src: list<@invalid>, bs: [binding]) -> list<@invalid> {
while cur != list::nil {
alt cur {
list::cons(head, tail) {
let p = vec::position_pred(bs, {|b| b.node_id == head.node_id});
let p = vec::position(bs, {|b| b.node_id == head.node_id});
if !is_none(p) { out = list::cons(head, @out); }
cur = *tail;

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@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ fn shape_of(ccx: @crate_ctxt, t: ty::t, ty_param_map: [uint]) -> [u8] {
ty::ty_param(n, _) {
// Find the type parameter in the parameter list.
alt vec::position(n, ty_param_map) {
alt vec::position_elt(ty_param_map, n) {
some(i) { s += [shape_var, i as u8]; }
none { fail "ty param not found in ty_param_map"; }

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@ -3395,7 +3395,7 @@ fn trans_rec(bcx: @block_ctxt, fields: [ast::field],
have a record type") } };
let temp_cleanups = [];
for fld in fields {
let ix = option::get(vec::position_pred(ty_fields, {|ft|
let ix = option::get(vec::position(ty_fields, {|ft|
str::eq(fld.node.ident, ft.ident)
let dst = GEP_tup_like_1(bcx, t, addr, [0, ix as int]);

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@ -1480,7 +1480,7 @@ fn lookup_method(fcx: @fn_ctxt, isc: resolve::iscopes,
let ifce_methods = ty::iface_methods(tcx, iid);
alt vec::position_pred(*ifce_methods, {|m| m.ident == name}) {
alt vec::position(*ifce_methods, {|m| m.ident == name}) {
some(pos) {
let m = ifce_methods[pos];
ret some({method_ty: ty::mk_fn(tcx, m.fty),

View File

@ -278,6 +278,110 @@ fn slice_mut<T: copy>(v: [const T], start: uint, end: uint) -> [mutable T] {
ret result;
Function: split
Split the vector `v` by applying each element against the predicate `f`.
fn split<T: copy>(v: [T], f: fn(T) -> bool) -> [[T]] {
let ln = len(v);
if (ln == 0u) { ret [] }
let start = 0u;
let result = [];
while start < ln {
alt position_from(v, start, ln, f) {
none { break }
some(i) {
push(result, slice(v, start, i));
start = i + 1u;
push(result, slice(v, start, ln));
Function: splitn
Split the vector `v` by applying each element against the predicate `f` up
to `n` times.
fn splitn<T: copy>(v: [T], n: uint, f: fn(T) -> bool) -> [[T]] {
let ln = len(v);
if (ln == 0u) { ret [] }
let start = 0u;
let count = n;
let result = [];
while start < ln && count > 0u {
alt position_from(v, start, ln, f) {
none { break }
some(i) {
push(result, slice(v, start, i));
// Make sure to skip the separator.
start = i + 1u;
count -= 1u;
push(result, slice(v, start, ln));
Function: rsplit
Reverse split the vector `v` by applying each element against the predicate
fn rsplit<T: copy>(v: [T], f: fn(T) -> bool) -> [[T]] {
let ln = len(v);
if (ln == 0u) { ret [] }
let end = ln;
let result = [];
while end > 0u {
alt rposition_from(v, 0u, end, f) {
none { break }
some(i) {
push(result, slice(v, i + 1u, end));
end = i;
push(result, slice(v, 0u, end));
Function: rsplitn
Reverse split the vector `v` by applying each element against the predicate
`f` up to `n times.
fn rsplitn<T: copy>(v: [T], n: uint, f: fn(T) -> bool) -> [[T]] {
let ln = len(v);
if (ln == 0u) { ret [] }
let end = ln;
let count = n;
let result = [];
while end > 0u && count > 0u {
alt rposition_from(v, 0u, end, f) {
none { break }
some(i) {
push(result, slice(v, i + 1u, end));
// Make sure to skip the separator.
end = i;
count -= 1u;
push(result, slice(v, 0u, end));
// Mutators
@ -486,6 +590,21 @@ fn concat<T: copy>(v: [const [const T]]) -> [T] {
ret new;
Function: connect
Concatenate a vector of vectors, placing a given separator between each
fn connect<T: copy>(v: [const [const T]], sep: T) -> [T] {
let new: [T] = [];
let first = true;
for inner: [T] in v {
if first { first = false; } else { push(new, sep); }
new += inner;
ret new;
Function: foldl
@ -593,19 +712,59 @@ fn count<T>(x: T, v: [const T]) -> uint {
Function: find
Search for an element that matches a given predicate
Search for the first element that matches a given predicate
Apply function `f` to each element of `v`, starting from the first.
When function `f` returns true then an option containing the element
is returned. If `f` matches no elements then none is returned.
fn find<T: copy>(v: [T], f: fn(T) -> bool) -> option<T> {
for elt: T in v { if f(elt) { ret some(elt); } }
ret none;
find_from(v, 0u, len(v), f)
Function: position
Function: find_from
Search for the first element that matches a given predicate within a range
Apply function `f` to each element of `v` within the range [`start`, `end`).
When function `f` returns true then an option containing the element
is returned. If `f` matches no elements then none is returned.
fn find_from<T: copy>(v: [T], start: uint, end: uint, f: fn(T) -> bool) ->
option<T> {
option::map(position_from(v, start, end, f)) { |i| v[i] }
Function: rfind
Search for the last element that matches a given predicate
Apply function `f` to each element of `v` in reverse order. When function `f`
returns true then an option containing the element is returned. If `f`
matches no elements then none is returned.
fn rfind<T: copy>(v: [T], f: fn(T) -> bool) -> option<T> {
rfind_from(v, 0u, len(v), f)
Function: rfind_from
Search for the last element that matches a given predicate within a range
Apply function `f` to each element of `v` in reverse order within the range
[`start`, `end`). When function `f` returns true then an option containing
the element is returned. If `f` matches no elements then none is returned.
fn rfind_from<T: copy>(v: [T], start: uint, end: uint, f: fn(T) -> bool) ->
option<T> {
option::map(rposition_from(v, start, end, f)) { |i| v[i] }
Function: position_elt
Find the first index containing a matching value
@ -614,20 +773,86 @@ Returns:
option::some(uint) - The first index containing a matching value
option::none - No elements matched
fn position<T>(x: T, v: [T]) -> option<uint> {
let i: uint = 0u;
while i < len(v) { if x == v[i] { ret some::<uint>(i); } i += 1u; }
fn position_elt<T>(v: [T], x: T) -> option<uint> {
position(v) { |y| x == y }
Function: position
Find the first index matching some predicate
Apply function `f` to each element of `v`. When function `f` returns true
then an option containing the index is returned. If `f` matches no elements
then none is returned.
fn position<T>(v: [T], f: fn(T) -> bool) -> option<uint> {
position_from(v, 0u, len(v), f)
Function: position_from
Find the first index matching some predicate within a range
Apply function `f` to each element of `v` between the range [`start`, `end`).
When function `f` returns true then an option containing the index is
returned. If `f` matches no elements then none is returned.
fn position_from<T>(v: [T], start: uint, end: uint, f: fn(T) -> bool) ->
option<uint> {
assert start <= end;
assert end <= len(v);
let i = start;
while i < end { if f(v[i]) { ret some::<uint>(i); } i += 1u; }
ret none;
Function: position_pred
Function: rposition_elt
Find the first index for which the value matches some predicate
Find the last index containing a matching value
option::some(uint) - The last index containing a matching value
option::none - No elements matched
fn position_pred<T>(v: [T], f: fn(T) -> bool) -> option<uint> {
let i: uint = 0u;
while i < len(v) { if f(v[i]) { ret some::<uint>(i); } i += 1u; }
fn rposition_elt<T>(v: [T], x: T) -> option<uint> {
rposition(v) { |y| x == y }
Function: rposition
Find the last index matching some predicate
Apply function `f` to each element of `v` in reverse order. When function
`f` returns true then an option containing the index is returned. If `f`
matches no elements then none is returned.
fn rposition<T>(v: [T], f: fn(T) -> bool) -> option<uint> {
rposition_from(v, 0u, len(v), f)
Function: rposition_from
Find the last index matching some predicate within a range
Apply function `f` to each element of `v` in reverse order between the range
[`start`, `end`). When function `f` returns true then an option containing
the index is returned. If `f` matches no elements then none is returned.
fn rposition_from<T>(v: [T], start: uint, end: uint, f: fn(T) -> bool) ->
option<uint> {
assert start <= end;
assert end <= len(v);
let i = end;
while i > start {
if f(v[i - 1u]) { ret some::<uint>(i - 1u); }
i -= 1u;
ret none;
@ -1444,21 +1669,174 @@ mod tests {
fn test_position() {
let v1: [int] = [1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 5];
assert (position(1, v1) == option::some::<uint>(0u));
assert (position(2, v1) == option::some::<uint>(1u));
assert (position(5, v1) == option::some::<uint>(5u));
assert (position(4, v1) == option::none::<uint>);
fn test_position_elt() {
assert position_elt([], 1) == none;
let v1 = [1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 5];
assert position_elt(v1, 1) == some(0u);
assert position_elt(v1, 2) == some(1u);
assert position_elt(v1, 5) == some(5u);
assert position_elt(v1, 4) == none;
fn test_position_pred() {
fn test_position() {
fn less_than_three(&&i: int) -> bool { ret i < 3; }
fn is_eighteen(&&i: int) -> bool { ret i == 18; }
let v1: [int] = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1];
assert position_pred(v1, less_than_three) == option::some::<uint>(3u);
assert position_pred(v1, is_eighteen) == option::none::<uint>;
assert position([], less_than_three) == none;
let v1 = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1];
assert position(v1, less_than_three) == some(3u);
assert position(v1, is_eighteen) == none;
fn test_position_from() {
assert position_from([], 0u, 0u, f) == none;
fn f(xy: (int, char)) -> bool { let (_x, y) = xy; y == 'b' }
let v = [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'b')];
assert position_from(v, 0u, 0u, f) == none;
assert position_from(v, 0u, 1u, f) == none;
assert position_from(v, 0u, 2u, f) == some(1u);
assert position_from(v, 0u, 3u, f) == some(1u);
assert position_from(v, 0u, 4u, f) == some(1u);
assert position_from(v, 1u, 1u, f) == none;
assert position_from(v, 1u, 2u, f) == some(1u);
assert position_from(v, 1u, 3u, f) == some(1u);
assert position_from(v, 1u, 4u, f) == some(1u);
assert position_from(v, 2u, 2u, f) == none;
assert position_from(v, 2u, 3u, f) == none;
assert position_from(v, 2u, 4u, f) == some(3u);
assert position_from(v, 3u, 3u, f) == none;
assert position_from(v, 3u, 4u, f) == some(3u);
assert position_from(v, 4u, 4u, f) == none;
fn test_find() {
assert find([], f) == none;
fn f(xy: (int, char)) -> bool { let (_x, y) = xy; y == 'b' }
fn g(xy: (int, char)) -> bool { let (_x, y) = xy; y == 'd' }
let v = [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'b')];
assert find(v, f) == some((1, 'b'));
assert find(v, g) == none;
fn test_find_from() {
assert find_from([], 0u, 0u, f) == none;
fn f(xy: (int, char)) -> bool { let (_x, y) = xy; y == 'b' }
let v = [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'b')];
assert find_from(v, 0u, 0u, f) == none;
assert find_from(v, 0u, 1u, f) == none;
assert find_from(v, 0u, 2u, f) == some((1, 'b'));
assert find_from(v, 0u, 3u, f) == some((1, 'b'));
assert find_from(v, 0u, 4u, f) == some((1, 'b'));
assert find_from(v, 1u, 1u, f) == none;
assert find_from(v, 1u, 2u, f) == some((1, 'b'));
assert find_from(v, 1u, 3u, f) == some((1, 'b'));
assert find_from(v, 1u, 4u, f) == some((1, 'b'));
assert find_from(v, 2u, 2u, f) == none;
assert find_from(v, 2u, 3u, f) == none;
assert find_from(v, 2u, 4u, f) == some((3, 'b'));
assert find_from(v, 3u, 3u, f) == none;
assert find_from(v, 3u, 4u, f) == some((3, 'b'));
assert find_from(v, 4u, 4u, f) == none;
fn test_rposition() {
assert find([], f) == none;
fn f(xy: (int, char)) -> bool { let (_x, y) = xy; y == 'b' }
fn g(xy: (int, char)) -> bool { let (_x, y) = xy; y == 'd' }
let v = [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'b')];
assert position(v, f) == some(1u);
assert position(v, g) == none;
fn test_rposition_from() {
assert rposition_from([], 0u, 0u, f) == none;
fn f(xy: (int, char)) -> bool { let (_x, y) = xy; y == 'b' }
let v = [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'b')];
assert rposition_from(v, 0u, 0u, f) == none;
assert rposition_from(v, 0u, 1u, f) == none;
assert rposition_from(v, 0u, 2u, f) == some(1u);
assert rposition_from(v, 0u, 3u, f) == some(1u);
assert rposition_from(v, 0u, 4u, f) == some(3u);
assert rposition_from(v, 1u, 1u, f) == none;
assert rposition_from(v, 1u, 2u, f) == some(1u);
assert rposition_from(v, 1u, 3u, f) == some(1u);
assert rposition_from(v, 1u, 4u, f) == some(3u);
assert rposition_from(v, 2u, 2u, f) == none;
assert rposition_from(v, 2u, 3u, f) == none;
assert rposition_from(v, 2u, 4u, f) == some(3u);
assert rposition_from(v, 3u, 3u, f) == none;
assert rposition_from(v, 3u, 4u, f) == some(3u);
assert rposition_from(v, 4u, 4u, f) == none;
fn test_rfind() {
assert rfind([], f) == none;
fn f(xy: (int, char)) -> bool { let (_x, y) = xy; y == 'b' }
fn g(xy: (int, char)) -> bool { let (_x, y) = xy; y == 'd' }
let v = [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'b')];
assert rfind(v, f) == some((3, 'b'));
assert rfind(v, g) == none;
fn test_rfind_from() {
assert rfind_from([], 0u, 0u, f) == none;
fn f(xy: (int, char)) -> bool { let (_x, y) = xy; y == 'b' }
let v = [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'b')];
assert rfind_from(v, 0u, 0u, f) == none;
assert rfind_from(v, 0u, 1u, f) == none;
assert rfind_from(v, 0u, 2u, f) == some((1, 'b'));
assert rfind_from(v, 0u, 3u, f) == some((1, 'b'));
assert rfind_from(v, 0u, 4u, f) == some((3, 'b'));
assert rfind_from(v, 1u, 1u, f) == none;
assert rfind_from(v, 1u, 2u, f) == some((1, 'b'));
assert rfind_from(v, 1u, 3u, f) == some((1, 'b'));
assert rfind_from(v, 1u, 4u, f) == some((3, 'b'));
assert rfind_from(v, 2u, 2u, f) == none;
assert rfind_from(v, 2u, 3u, f) == none;
assert rfind_from(v, 2u, 4u, f) == some((3, 'b'));
assert rfind_from(v, 3u, 3u, f) == none;
assert rfind_from(v, 3u, 4u, f) == some((3, 'b'));
assert rfind_from(v, 4u, 4u, f) == none;
@ -1495,6 +1873,48 @@ mod tests {
assert v == [1, 2];
fn test_split() {
fn f(&&x: int) -> bool { x == 3 }
assert split([], f) == [];
assert split([1, 2], f) == [[1, 2]];
assert split([3, 1, 2], f) == [[], [1, 2]];
assert split([1, 2, 3], f) == [[1, 2], []];
assert split([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5], f) == [[1, 2], [4], [5]];
fn test_splitn() {
fn f(&&x: int) -> bool { x == 3 }
assert splitn([], 1u, f) == [];
assert splitn([1, 2], 1u, f) == [[1, 2]];
assert splitn([3, 1, 2], 1u, f) == [[], [1, 2]];
assert splitn([1, 2, 3], 1u, f) == [[1, 2], []];
assert splitn([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5], 1u, f) == [[1, 2], [4, 3, 5]];
fn test_rsplit() {
fn f(&&x: int) -> bool { x == 3 }
assert rsplit([], f) == [];
assert rsplit([1, 2], f) == [[1, 2]];
assert rsplit([1, 2, 3], f) == [[1, 2], []];
assert rsplit([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5], f) == [[1, 2], [4], [5]];
fn test_rsplitn() {
fn f(&&x: int) -> bool { x == 3 }
assert rsplitn([], 1u, f) == [];
assert rsplitn([1, 2], 1u, f) == [[1, 2]];
assert rsplitn([1, 2, 3], 1u, f) == [[1, 2], []];
assert rsplitn([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5], 1u, f) == [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5]];
// FIXME: Windows can't undwind
#[ignore(cfg(target_os = "win32"))]
@ -1513,6 +1933,13 @@ mod tests {
assert concat([[1], [2,3]]) == [1, 2, 3];
fn test_connect() {
assert connect([], 0) == [];
assert connect([[1], [2, 3]], 0) == [1, 0, 2, 3];
assert connect([[1], [2], [3]], 0) == [1, 0, 2, 0, 3];
fn test_windowed () {
assert [[1u,2u,3u],[2u,3u,4u],[3u,4u,5u],[4u,5u,6u]]

View File

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ fn name_str(nm: name) -> str {
fn find_opt(opts: [opt], nm: name) -> option<uint> {
vec::position_pred(opts, { |opt| == nm })
vec::position(opts, { |opt| == nm })

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@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ iface map<K: copy, V: copy> {
Iterate over all the keys in the map
fn keys(fn(K));
Iterate over all the values in the map
@ -631,4 +632,4 @@ mod tests {
map.insert(key, "val");
assert (option::get(map.find(key)) == "val");