Rename hir::Pat_ and its variants
This commit is contained in:
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ impl<'ast> Visitor<'ast> for NodeCollector<'ast> {
fn visit_pat(&mut self, pat: &'ast Pat) {
let maybe_binding = match pat.node {
PatIdent(_, id, _) => Some(id.node),
PatKind::Ident(_, id, _) => Some(id.node),
_ => None
@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ impl<'ast> Map<'ast> {
NodeVariant(v) => PathName(,
NodeLifetime(lt) => PathName(,
NodeTyParam(tp) => PathName(,
NodeLocal(&Pat { node: PatIdent(_,l,_), .. }) => {
NodeLocal(&Pat { node: PatKind::Ident(_,l,_), .. }) => {
_ => panic!("no path elem for {:?}", node)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use middle::ty;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ptr::P;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
struct CFGBuilder<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
tcx: &'a ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
@ -99,35 +99,35 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> CFGBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
fn pat(&mut self, pat: &hir::Pat, pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, _, None) |
hir::PatEnum(_, None) |
hir::PatQPath(..) |
hir::PatLit(..) |
hir::PatRange(..) |
hir::PatWild => {
PatKind::Ident(_, _, None) |
PatKind::Enum(_, None) |
PatKind::QPath(..) |
PatKind::Lit(..) |
PatKind::Range(..) |
PatKind::Wild => {
self.add_ast_node(, &[pred])
hir::PatBox(ref subpat) |
hir::PatRegion(ref subpat, _) |
hir::PatIdent(_, _, Some(ref subpat)) => {
PatKind::Box(ref subpat) |
PatKind::Ref(ref subpat, _) |
PatKind::Ident(_, _, Some(ref subpat)) => {
let subpat_exit = self.pat(&subpat, pred);
self.add_ast_node(, &[subpat_exit])
hir::PatEnum(_, Some(ref subpats)) |
hir::PatTup(ref subpats) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, Some(ref subpats)) |
PatKind::Tup(ref subpats) => {
let pats_exit = self.pats_all(subpats.iter(), pred);
self.add_ast_node(, &[pats_exit])
hir::PatStruct(_, ref subpats, _) => {
PatKind::Struct(_, ref subpats, _) => {
let pats_exit =
self.pats_all(subpats.iter().map(|f| &f.node.pat), pred);
self.add_ast_node(, &[pats_exit])
hir::PatVec(ref pre, ref vec, ref post) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref pre, ref vec, ref post) => {
let pre_exit = self.pats_all(pre.iter(), pred);
let vec_exit = self.pats_all(vec.iter(), pre_exit);
let post_exit = self.pats_all(post.iter(), vec_exit);
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ use std::fmt;
use std::iter::{FromIterator, IntoIterator, repeat};
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::Pat;
use rustc_front::hir::{Pat, PatKind};
use rustc_front::intravisit::{self, Visitor, FnKind};
use rustc_front::util as front_util;
use rustc_back::slice;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ use util::nodemap::FnvHashMap;
pub const DUMMY_WILD_PAT: &'static Pat = &Pat {
node: hir::PatWild,
node: PatKind::Wild,
span: DUMMY_SP
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ fn check_expr(cx: &mut MatchCheckCtxt, ex: &hir::Expr) {
fn check_for_bindings_named_the_same_as_variants(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, pat: &Pat) {
front_util::walk_pat(pat, |p| {
match p.node {
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByValue(hir::MutImmutable), ident, None) => {
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByValue(hir::MutImmutable), ident, None) => {
let pat_ty = cx.tcx.pat_ty(p);
if let ty::TyEnum(edef, _) = pat_ty.sty {
let def = cx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&|d| d.full_def());
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ fn check_for_bindings_named_the_same_as_variants(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, pat: &Pat)
// Check that we do not match against a static NaN (#6804)
fn check_for_static_nan(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, pat: &Pat) {
front_util::walk_pat(pat, |p| {
if let hir::PatLit(ref expr) = p.node {
if let PatKind::Lit(ref expr) = p.node {
match eval_const_expr_partial(cx.tcx, &expr, ExprTypeChecked, None) {
Ok(ConstVal::Float(f)) if f.is_nan() => {
span_warn!(cx.tcx.sess, p.span, E0003,
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ fn check_arms(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt,
fn raw_pat<'a>(p: &'a Pat) -> &'a Pat {
match p.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, _, Some(ref s)) => raw_pat(&s),
PatKind::Ident(_, _, Some(ref s)) => raw_pat(&s),
_ => p
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ fn check_exhaustive(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, sp: Span, matrix: &Matrix, source: hir:
hir::MatchSource::ForLoopDesugar => {
// `witnesses[0]` has the form `Some(<head>)`, peel off the `Some`
let witness = match witnesses[0].node {
hir::PatEnum(_, Some(ref pats)) => match &pats[..] {
PatKind::Enum(_, Some(ref pats)) => match &pats[..] {
[ref pat] => &**pat,
_ => unreachable!(),
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ impl<'map> ast_util::IdVisitingOperation for RenamingRecorder<'map> {
impl<'a, 'tcx> Folder for StaticInliner<'a, 'tcx> {
fn fold_pat(&mut self, pat: P<Pat>) -> P<Pat> {
return match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(..) | hir::PatEnum(..) | hir::PatQPath(..) => {
PatKind::Ident(..) | PatKind::Enum(..) | PatKind::QPath(..) => {
let def = self.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&|d| d.full_def());
match def {
Some(Def::AssociatedConst(did)) |
@ -530,14 +530,14 @@ fn construct_witness<'a,'tcx>(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt<'a,'tcx>, ctor: &Constructor,
let pats_len = pats.len();
let mut pats = pats.into_iter().map(|p| P((*p).clone()));
let pat = match left_ty.sty {
ty::TyTuple(_) => hir::PatTup(pats.collect()),
ty::TyTuple(_) => PatKind::Tup(pats.collect()),
ty::TyEnum(adt, _) | ty::TyStruct(adt, _) => {
let v = adt.variant_of_ctor(ctor);
if let VariantKind::Struct = v.kind() {
let field_pats: hir::HirVec<_> = v.fields.iter()
.filter(|&(_, ref pat)| pat.node != hir::PatWild)
.filter(|&(_, ref pat)| pat.node != PatKind::Wild)
.map(|(field, pat)| Spanned {
span: DUMMY_SP,
node: hir::FieldPat {
@ -547,9 +547,9 @@ fn construct_witness<'a,'tcx>(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt<'a,'tcx>, ctor: &Constructor,
let has_more_fields = field_pats.len() < pats_len;
hir::PatStruct(def_to_path(cx.tcx, v.did), field_pats, has_more_fields)
PatKind::Struct(def_to_path(cx.tcx, v.did), field_pats, has_more_fields)
} else {
hir::PatEnum(def_to_path(cx.tcx, v.did), Some(pats.collect()))
PatKind::Enum(def_to_path(cx.tcx, v.did), Some(pats.collect()))
@ -558,35 +558,35 @@ fn construct_witness<'a,'tcx>(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt<'a,'tcx>, ctor: &Constructor,
ty::TyArray(_, n) => match ctor {
&Single => {
assert_eq!(pats_len, n);
hir::PatVec(pats.collect(), None, hir::HirVec::new())
PatKind::Vec(pats.collect(), None, hir::HirVec::new())
_ => unreachable!()
ty::TySlice(_) => match ctor {
&Slice(n) => {
assert_eq!(pats_len, n);
hir::PatVec(pats.collect(), None, hir::HirVec::new())
PatKind::Vec(pats.collect(), None, hir::HirVec::new())
_ => unreachable!()
ty::TyStr => hir::PatWild,
ty::TyStr => PatKind::Wild,
_ => {
assert_eq!(pats_len, 1);
hir::PatRegion(pats.nth(0).unwrap(), mutbl)
PatKind::Ref(pats.nth(0).unwrap(), mutbl)
ty::TyArray(_, len) => {
assert_eq!(pats_len, len);
hir::PatVec(pats.collect(), None, hir::HirVec::new())
PatKind::Vec(pats.collect(), None, hir::HirVec::new())
_ => {
match *ctor {
ConstantValue(ref v) => hir::PatLit(const_val_to_expr(v)),
_ => hir::PatWild,
ConstantValue(ref v) => PatKind::Lit(const_val_to_expr(v)),
_ => PatKind::Wild,
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ fn is_useful(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt,
let left_ty = cx.tcx.pat_ty(&real_pat);
match real_pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByRef(..), _, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByRef(..), _, _) => {
left_ty.builtin_deref(false, NoPreference).unwrap().ty
_ => left_ty,
@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ fn is_useful(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt,
let max_slice_length = rows.iter().filter_map(|row| match row[0].node {
hir::PatVec(ref before, _, ref after) => Some(before.len() + after.len()),
PatKind::Vec(ref before, _, ref after) => Some(before.len() + after.len()),
_ => None
}).max().map_or(0, |v| v + 1);
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ fn pat_constructors(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, p: &Pat,
left_ty: Ty, max_slice_length: usize) -> Vec<Constructor> {
let pat = raw_pat(p);
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(..) =>
PatKind::Ident(..) =>
match cx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&|d| d.full_def()) {
Some(Def::Const(..)) | Some(Def::AssociatedConst(..)) =>
cx.tcx.sess.span_bug(pat.span, "const pattern should've \
@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ fn pat_constructors(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, p: &Pat,
Some(Def::Variant(_, id)) => vec!(Variant(id)),
_ => vec!()
hir::PatEnum(..) =>
PatKind::Enum(..) =>
match cx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&|d| d.full_def()) {
Some(Def::Const(..)) | Some(Def::AssociatedConst(..)) =>
cx.tcx.sess.span_bug(pat.span, "const pattern should've \
@ -786,10 +786,10 @@ fn pat_constructors(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, p: &Pat,
Some(Def::Variant(_, id)) => vec!(Variant(id)),
_ => vec!(Single)
hir::PatQPath(..) =>
PatKind::QPath(..) =>
cx.tcx.sess.span_bug(pat.span, "const pattern should've \
been rewritten"),
hir::PatStruct(..) =>
PatKind::Struct(..) =>
match cx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&|d| d.full_def()) {
Some(Def::Const(..)) | Some(Def::AssociatedConst(..)) =>
cx.tcx.sess.span_bug(pat.span, "const pattern should've \
@ -797,11 +797,11 @@ fn pat_constructors(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, p: &Pat,
Some(Def::Variant(_, id)) => vec!(Variant(id)),
_ => vec!(Single)
hir::PatLit(ref expr) =>
PatKind::Lit(ref expr) =>
vec!(ConstantValue(eval_const_expr(cx.tcx, &expr))),
hir::PatRange(ref lo, ref hi) =>
PatKind::Range(ref lo, ref hi) =>
vec!(ConstantRange(eval_const_expr(cx.tcx, &lo), eval_const_expr(cx.tcx, &hi))),
hir::PatVec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) =>
PatKind::Vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) =>
match left_ty.sty {
ty::TyArray(_, _) => vec!(Single),
_ => if slice.is_some() {
@ -812,9 +812,9 @@ fn pat_constructors(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, p: &Pat,
vec!(Slice(before.len() + after.len()))
hir::PatBox(_) | hir::PatTup(_) | hir::PatRegion(..) =>
PatKind::Box(_) | PatKind::Tup(_) | PatKind::Ref(..) =>
hir::PatWild =>
PatKind::Wild =>
@ -877,10 +877,10 @@ pub fn specialize<'a>(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, r: &[&'a Pat],
id: pat_id, ref node, span: pat_span
} = raw_pat(r[col]);
let head: Option<Vec<&Pat>> = match *node {
hir::PatWild =>
PatKind::Wild =>
Some(vec![DUMMY_WILD_PAT; arity]),
hir::PatIdent(_, _, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, _, _) => {
let opt_def = cx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&pat_id).map(|d| d.full_def());
match opt_def {
Some(Def::Const(..)) | Some(Def::AssociatedConst(..)) =>
@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ pub fn specialize<'a>(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, r: &[&'a Pat],
hir::PatEnum(_, ref args) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, ref args) => {
let def = cx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&pat_id).unwrap().full_def();
match def {
Def::Const(..) | Def::AssociatedConst(..) =>
@ -912,12 +912,12 @@ pub fn specialize<'a>(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, r: &[&'a Pat],
hir::PatQPath(_, _) => {
PatKind::QPath(_, _) => {
cx.tcx.sess.span_bug(pat_span, "const pattern should've \
been rewritten")
hir::PatStruct(_, ref pattern_fields, _) => {
PatKind::Struct(_, ref pattern_fields, _) => {
let def = cx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&pat_id).unwrap().full_def();
let adt = cx.tcx.node_id_to_type(pat_id).ty_adt_def().unwrap();
let variant = adt.variant_of_ctor(constructor);
@ -934,13 +934,13 @@ pub fn specialize<'a>(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, r: &[&'a Pat],
hir::PatTup(ref args) =>
PatKind::Tup(ref args) =>
Some(args.iter().map(|p| &**p).collect()),
hir::PatBox(ref inner) | hir::PatRegion(ref inner, _) =>
PatKind::Box(ref inner) | PatKind::Ref(ref inner, _) =>
hir::PatLit(ref expr) => {
PatKind::Lit(ref expr) => {
let expr_value = eval_const_expr(cx.tcx, &expr);
match range_covered_by_constructor(constructor, &expr_value, &expr_value) {
Some(true) => Some(vec![]),
@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ pub fn specialize<'a>(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, r: &[&'a Pat],
hir::PatRange(ref from, ref to) => {
PatKind::Range(ref from, ref to) => {
let from_value = eval_const_expr(cx.tcx, &from);
let to_value = eval_const_expr(cx.tcx, &to);
match range_covered_by_constructor(constructor, &from_value, &to_value) {
@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ pub fn specialize<'a>(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt, r: &[&'a Pat],
hir::PatVec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
match *constructor {
// Fixed-length vectors.
Single => {
@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ fn check_legality_of_move_bindings(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt,
front_util::walk_pat(&pat, |p| {
if pat_is_binding(&def_map.borrow(), &p) {
match p.node {
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByValue(_), _, ref sub) => {
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByValue(_), _, ref sub) => {
let pat_ty = tcx.node_id_to_type(;
//FIXME: (@jroesch) this code should be floated up as well
let infcx = infer::new_infer_ctxt(cx.tcx,
@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ fn check_legality_of_move_bindings(cx: &MatchCheckCtxt,
check_move(p, sub.as_ref().map(|p| &**p));
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByRef(_), _, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByRef(_), _, _) => {
_ => {
@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for AtBindingPatternVisitor<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, _, Some(_)) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, _, Some(_)) => {
let bindings_were_allowed = self.bindings_allowed;
self.bindings_allowed = false;
intravisit::walk_pat(self, pat);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ use session::Session;
use graphviz::IntoCow;
use syntax::ast;
use rustc_front::hir::Expr;
use rustc_front::hir::{Expr, PatKind};
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::intravisit::FnKind;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ impl ConstVal {
pub fn const_expr_to_pat(tcx: &ty::ctxt, expr: &Expr, span: Span) -> P<hir::Pat> {
let pat = match expr.node {
hir::ExprTup(ref exprs) =>
hir::PatTup(exprs.iter().map(|expr| const_expr_to_pat(tcx, &expr, span)).collect()),
PatKind::Tup(exprs.iter().map(|expr| const_expr_to_pat(tcx, &expr, span)).collect()),
hir::ExprCall(ref callee, ref args) => {
let def = *tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&;
@ -337,13 +337,13 @@ pub fn const_expr_to_pat(tcx: &ty::ctxt, expr: &Expr, span: Span) -> P<hir::Pat>
Def::Variant(_, variant_did) => def_to_path(tcx, variant_did),
Def::Fn(..) => return P(hir::Pat {
node: hir::PatLit(P(expr.clone())),
node: PatKind::Lit(P(expr.clone())),
span: span,
_ => unreachable!()
let pats = args.iter().map(|expr| const_expr_to_pat(tcx, &expr, span)).collect();
hir::PatEnum(path, Some(pats))
PatKind::Enum(path, Some(pats))
hir::ExprStruct(ref path, ref fields, None) => {
@ -355,21 +355,21 @@ pub fn const_expr_to_pat(tcx: &ty::ctxt, expr: &Expr, span: Span) -> P<hir::Pat>
is_shorthand: false,
hir::PatStruct(path.clone(), field_pats, false)
PatKind::Struct(path.clone(), field_pats, false)
hir::ExprVec(ref exprs) => {
let pats = exprs.iter().map(|expr| const_expr_to_pat(tcx, &expr, span)).collect();
hir::PatVec(pats, None, hir::HirVec::new())
PatKind::Vec(pats, None, hir::HirVec::new())
hir::ExprPath(_, ref path) => {
let opt_def = tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&|d| d.full_def());
match opt_def {
Some(Def::Struct(..)) =>
hir::PatStruct(path.clone(), hir::HirVec::new(), false),
PatKind::Struct(path.clone(), hir::HirVec::new(), false),
Some(Def::Variant(..)) =>
hir::PatEnum(path.clone(), None),
PatKind::Enum(path.clone(), None),
Some(Def::Const(def_id)) |
Some(Def::AssociatedConst(def_id)) => {
let expr = lookup_const_by_id(tcx, def_id, Some(, None).unwrap();
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ pub fn const_expr_to_pat(tcx: &ty::ctxt, expr: &Expr, span: Span) -> P<hir::Pat>
_ => hir::PatLit(P(expr.clone()))
_ => PatKind::Lit(P(expr.clone()))
P(hir::Pat { id:, node: pat, span: span })
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
use dep_graph::DepNode;
use front::map as ast_map;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use rustc_front::intravisit::{self, Visitor};
use middle::{pat_util, privacy, ty};
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> MarkSymbolVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
_ => self.tcx.sess.span_bug(lhs.span, "non-ADT in struct pattern")
for pat in pats {
if let hir::PatWild = pat.node.pat.node {
if let PatKind::Wild = pat.node.pat.node {
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for MarkSymbolVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
fn visit_pat(&mut self, pat: &hir::Pat) {
let def_map = &self.tcx.def_map;
match pat.node {
hir::PatStruct(_, ref fields, _) => {
PatKind::Struct(_, ref fields, _) => {
self.handle_field_pattern_match(pat, fields);
_ if pat_util::pat_is_const(&def_map.borrow(), pat) => {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ use middle::mem_categorization as mc;
use middle::ty;
use middle::ty::adjustment;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ptr::P;
@ -946,9 +946,9 @@ impl<'d,'t,'a,'tcx> ExprUseVisitor<'d,'t,'a,'tcx> {
let def_map = &self.tcx().def_map;
if pat_util::pat_is_binding(&def_map.borrow(), pat) {
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByRef(_), _, _) =>
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByRef(_), _, _) =>
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByValue(_), _, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByValue(_), _, _) => {
match copy_or_move(self.typer, &cmt_pat, PatBindingMove) {
Copy => mode.lub(CopyingMatch),
Move(_) => mode.lub(MovingMatch),
@ -1002,14 +1002,14 @@ impl<'d,'t,'a,'tcx> ExprUseVisitor<'d,'t,'a,'tcx> {
// It is also a borrow or copy/move of the value being matched.
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByRef(m), _, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByRef(m), _, _) => {
if let ty::TyRef(&r, _) = pat_ty.sty {
let bk = ty::BorrowKind::from_mutbl(m);
delegate.borrow(, pat.span, cmt_pat,
r, bk, RefBinding);
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByValue(_), _, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByValue(_), _, _) => {
let mode = copy_or_move(typer, &cmt_pat, PatBindingMove);
debug!("walk_pat binding consuming pat");
delegate.consume_pat(pat, cmt_pat, mode);
@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ impl<'d,'t,'a,'tcx> ExprUseVisitor<'d,'t,'a,'tcx> {
} else {
match pat.node {
hir::PatVec(_, Some(ref slice_pat), _) => {
PatKind::Vec(_, Some(ref slice_pat), _) => {
// The `slice_pat` here creates a slice into
// the original vector. This is effectively a
// borrow of the elements of the vector being
@ -1070,8 +1070,8 @@ impl<'d,'t,'a,'tcx> ExprUseVisitor<'d,'t,'a,'tcx> {
let tcx = typer.tcx;
match pat.node {
hir::PatEnum(_, _) | hir::PatQPath(..) |
hir::PatIdent(_, _, None) | hir::PatStruct(..) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, _) | PatKind::QPath(..) |
PatKind::Ident(_, _, None) | PatKind::Struct(..) => {
match def_map.get(&|d| d.full_def()) {
None => {
// no definition found: pat is not a
@ -1134,15 +1134,15 @@ impl<'d,'t,'a,'tcx> ExprUseVisitor<'d,'t,'a,'tcx> {
hir::PatIdent(_, _, Some(_)) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, _, Some(_)) => {
// Do nothing; this is a binding (not an enum
// variant or struct), and the cat_pattern call
// will visit the substructure recursively.
hir::PatWild | hir::PatTup(..) | hir::PatBox(..) |
hir::PatRegion(..) | hir::PatLit(..) | hir::PatRange(..) |
hir::PatVec(..) => {
PatKind::Wild | PatKind::Tup(..) | PatKind::Box(..) |
PatKind::Ref(..) | PatKind::Lit(..) | PatKind::Range(..) |
PatKind::Vec(..) => {
// Similarly, each of these cases does not
// correspond to an enum variant or struct, so we
// do not do any `matched_pat` calls for these
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ use middle::def::Def;
use middle::ty::adjustment;
use middle::ty::{self, Ty};
use rustc_front::hir::{MutImmutable, MutMutable};
use rustc_front::hir::{MutImmutable, MutMutable, PatKind};
use rustc_front::hir;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ impl MutabilityCategory {
fn from_local(tcx: &ty::ctxt, id: ast::NodeId) -> MutabilityCategory {
let ret = match {
ast_map::NodeLocal(p) => match p.node {
hir::PatIdent(bind_mode, _, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(bind_mode, _, _) => {
if bind_mode == hir::BindByValue(hir::MutMutable) {
} else {
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ impl<'t, 'a,'tcx> MemCategorizationContext<'t, 'a, 'tcx> {
// *being borrowed* is. But ideally we would put in a more
// fundamental fix to this conflated use of the node id.
let ret_ty = match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByRef(_), _, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByRef(_), _, _) => {
// a bind-by-ref means that the base_ty will be the type of the ident itself,
// but what we want here is the type of the underlying value being borrowed.
// So peel off one-level, turning the &T into T.
@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ impl<'t, 'a,'tcx> MemCategorizationContext<'t, 'a, 'tcx> {
// Note: This goes up here (rather than within the PatEnum arm
// Note: This goes up here (rather than within the PatKind::Enum arm
// alone) because struct patterns can refer to struct types or
// to struct variants within enums.
let cmt = match opt_def {
@ -1222,14 +1222,14 @@ impl<'t, 'a,'tcx> MemCategorizationContext<'t, 'a, 'tcx> {
match pat.node {
hir::PatWild => {
PatKind::Wild => {
// _
hir::PatEnum(_, None) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, None) => {
// variant(..)
hir::PatEnum(_, Some(ref subpats)) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, Some(ref subpats)) => {
match opt_def {
Some(Def::Variant(..)) => {
// variant(x, y, z)
@ -1267,19 +1267,19 @@ impl<'t, 'a,'tcx> MemCategorizationContext<'t, 'a, 'tcx> {
hir::PatQPath(..) => {
PatKind::QPath(..) => {
// Lone constant: ignore
hir::PatIdent(_, _, Some(ref subpat)) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, _, Some(ref subpat)) => {
try!(self.cat_pattern_(cmt, &subpat, op));
hir::PatIdent(_, _, None) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, _, None) => {
// nullary variant or identifier: ignore
hir::PatStruct(_, ref field_pats, _) => {
PatKind::Struct(_, ref field_pats, _) => {
// {f1: p1, ..., fN: pN}
for fp in field_pats {
let field_ty = try!(self.pat_ty(&fp.node.pat)); // see (*2)
@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ impl<'t, 'a,'tcx> MemCategorizationContext<'t, 'a, 'tcx> {
hir::PatTup(ref subpats) => {
PatKind::Tup(ref subpats) => {
// (p1, ..., pN)
for (i, subpat) in subpats.iter().enumerate() {
let subpat_ty = try!(self.pat_ty(&subpat)); // see (*2)
@ -1300,15 +1300,15 @@ impl<'t, 'a,'tcx> MemCategorizationContext<'t, 'a, 'tcx> {
hir::PatBox(ref subpat) | hir::PatRegion(ref subpat, _) => {
PatKind::Box(ref subpat) | PatKind::Ref(ref subpat, _) => {
// box p1, &p1, &mut p1. we can ignore the mutability of
// PatRegion since that information is already contained
// PatKind::Ref since that information is already contained
// in the type.
let subcmt = try!(self.cat_deref(pat, cmt, 0, None));
try!(self.cat_pattern_(subcmt, &subpat, op));
hir::PatVec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
let context = InteriorOffsetKind::Pattern;
let vec_cmt = try!(self.deref_vec(pat, cmt, context));
let elt_cmt = try!(self.cat_index(pat, vec_cmt, context));
@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ impl<'t, 'a,'tcx> MemCategorizationContext<'t, 'a, 'tcx> {
hir::PatLit(_) | hir::PatRange(_, _) => {
PatKind::Lit(_) | PatKind::Range(_, _) => {
/*always ok*/
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use middle::ty;
use util::nodemap::FnvHashMap;
use syntax::ast;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use rustc_front::util::walk_pat;
use syntax::codemap::{respan, Span, Spanned, DUMMY_SP};
@ -34,25 +34,25 @@ pub fn pat_id_map(dm: &RefCell<DefMap>, pat: &hir::Pat) -> PatIdMap {
pub fn pat_is_refutable(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
match pat.node {
hir::PatLit(_) | hir::PatRange(_, _) | hir::PatQPath(..) => true,
hir::PatEnum(_, _) |
hir::PatIdent(_, _, None) |
hir::PatStruct(..) => {
PatKind::Lit(_) | PatKind::Range(_, _) | PatKind::QPath(..) => true,
PatKind::Enum(_, _) |
PatKind::Ident(_, _, None) |
PatKind::Struct(..) => {
match dm.get(&|d| d.full_def()) {
Some(Def::Variant(..)) => true,
_ => false
hir::PatVec(_, _, _) => true,
PatKind::Vec(_, _, _) => true,
_ => false
pub fn pat_is_variant_or_struct(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
match pat.node {
hir::PatEnum(_, _) |
hir::PatIdent(_, _, None) |
hir::PatStruct(..) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, _) |
PatKind::Ident(_, _, None) |
PatKind::Struct(..) => {
match dm.get(&|d| d.full_def()) {
Some(Def::Variant(..)) | Some(Def::Struct(..)) => true,
_ => false
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ pub fn pat_is_variant_or_struct(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
pub fn pat_is_const(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, _, None) | hir::PatEnum(..) | hir::PatQPath(..) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, _, None) | PatKind::Enum(..) | PatKind::QPath(..) => {
match dm.get(&|d| d.full_def()) {
Some(Def::Const(..)) | Some(Def::AssociatedConst(..)) => true,
_ => false
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ pub fn pat_is_const(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
// returned instead of a panic.
pub fn pat_is_resolved_const(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, _, None) | hir::PatEnum(..) | hir::PatQPath(..) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, _, None) | PatKind::Enum(..) | PatKind::QPath(..) => {
match dm.get(&
.and_then(|d| if d.depth == 0 { Some(d.base_def) }
else { None } ) {
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ pub fn pat_is_resolved_const(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
pub fn pat_is_binding(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(..) => {
PatKind::Ident(..) => {
!pat_is_variant_or_struct(dm, pat) &&
!pat_is_const(dm, pat)
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ pub fn pat_is_binding(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
pub fn pat_is_binding_or_wild(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(..) => pat_is_binding(dm, pat),
hir::PatWild => true,
PatKind::Ident(..) => pat_is_binding(dm, pat),
PatKind::Wild => true,
_ => false
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ pub fn pat_bindings<I>(dm: &RefCell<DefMap>, pat: &hir::Pat, mut it: I) where
walk_pat(pat, |p| {
match p.node {
hir::PatIdent(binding_mode, ref pth, _) if pat_is_binding(&dm.borrow(), p) => {
PatKind::Ident(binding_mode, ref pth, _) if pat_is_binding(&dm.borrow(), p) => {
it(binding_mode,, p.span, &respan(pth.span,;
_ => {}
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ pub fn pat_bindings_ident<I>(dm: &RefCell<DefMap>, pat: &hir::Pat, mut it: I) wh
walk_pat(pat, |p| {
match p.node {
hir::PatIdent(binding_mode, ref pth, _) if pat_is_binding(&dm.borrow(), p) => {
PatKind::Ident(binding_mode, ref pth, _) if pat_is_binding(&dm.borrow(), p) => {
it(binding_mode,, p.span, &respan(pth.span, pth.node));
_ => {}
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ pub fn pat_contains_bindings_or_wild(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
pub fn simple_name<'a>(pat: &'a hir::Pat) -> Option<ast::Name> {
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByValue(_), ref path1, None) => {
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByValue(_), ref path1, None) => {
_ => {
@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ pub fn necessary_variants(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> Vec<DefId> {
let mut variants = vec![];
walk_pat(pat, |p| {
match p.node {
hir::PatEnum(_, _) |
hir::PatIdent(_, _, None) |
hir::PatStruct(..) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, _) |
PatKind::Ident(_, _, None) |
PatKind::Struct(..) => {
match dm.get(& {
Some(&PathResolution { base_def: Def::Variant(_, id), .. }) => {
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ use syntax::ast::{self, NodeId};
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::intravisit::{self, Visitor, FnKind};
use rustc_front::hir::{Block, Item, FnDecl, Arm, Pat, Stmt, Expr, Local};
use rustc_front::hir::{Block, Item, FnDecl, Arm, Pat, PatKind, Stmt, Expr, Local};
use rustc_front::util::stmt_id;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, RustcEncodable,
@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ fn resolve_pat(visitor: &mut RegionResolutionVisitor, pat: &hir::Pat) {
// If this is a binding (or maybe a binding, I'm too lazy to check
// the def map) then record the lifetime of that binding.
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(..) => {
PatKind::Ident(..) => {
record_var_lifetime(visitor,, pat.span);
_ => { }
@ -958,24 +958,24 @@ fn resolve_local(visitor: &mut RegionResolutionVisitor, local: &hir::Local) {
/// | box P&
fn is_binding_pat(pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByRef(_), _, _) => true,
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByRef(_), _, _) => true,
hir::PatStruct(_, ref field_pats, _) => {
PatKind::Struct(_, ref field_pats, _) => {
field_pats.iter().any(|fp| is_binding_pat(&fp.node.pat))
hir::PatVec(ref pats1, ref pats2, ref pats3) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref pats1, ref pats2, ref pats3) => {
pats1.iter().any(|p| is_binding_pat(&p)) ||
pats2.iter().any(|p| is_binding_pat(&p)) ||
pats3.iter().any(|p| is_binding_pat(&p))
hir::PatEnum(_, Some(ref subpats)) |
hir::PatTup(ref subpats) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, Some(ref subpats)) |
PatKind::Tup(ref subpats) => {
subpats.iter().any(|p| is_binding_pat(&p))
hir::PatBox(ref subpat) => {
PatKind::Box(ref subpat) => {
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ use syntax::attr::{self, Stability, Deprecation, AttrMetaMethods};
use util::nodemap::{DefIdMap, FnvHashSet, FnvHashMap};
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{Item, Generics, StructField, Variant};
use rustc_front::hir::{Item, Generics, StructField, Variant, PatKind};
use rustc_front::intravisit::{self, Visitor};
use std::mem::replace;
@ -598,14 +598,14 @@ pub fn check_pat(tcx: &ty::ctxt, pat: &hir::Pat,
match pat.node {
// Foo(a, b, c)
// A Variant(..) pattern `hir::PatEnum(_, None)` doesn't have to be recursed into.
hir::PatEnum(_, Some(ref pat_fields)) => {
// A Variant(..) pattern `PatKind::Enum(_, None)` doesn't have to be recursed into.
PatKind::Enum(_, Some(ref pat_fields)) => {
for (field, struct_field) in pat_fields.iter().zip(&v.fields) {
maybe_do_stability_check(tcx, struct_field.did, field.span, cb)
// Foo { a, b, c }
hir::PatStruct(_, ref pat_fields, _) => {
PatKind::Struct(_, ref pat_fields, _) => {
for field in pat_fields {
let did = v.field_named(;
maybe_do_stability_check(tcx, did, field.span, cb);
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ use syntax::codemap::{DUMMY_SP, Span};
use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{ItemImpl, ItemTrait};
use rustc_front::hir::{ItemImpl, ItemTrait, PatKind};
use rustc_front::intravisit::Visitor;
pub use self::sty::{Binder, DebruijnIndex};
@ -1945,7 +1945,7 @@ impl<'tcx> ctxt<'tcx> {
match {
Some(ast_map::NodeLocal(pat)) => {
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, ref path1, _) =>,
PatKind::Ident(_, ref path1, _) =>,
_ => {
self.sess.bug(&format!("Variable id {} maps to {:?}, not local", id, pat));
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ use rustc::middle::ty;
use std::rc::Rc;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
struct GatherMoveInfo<'tcx> {
id: ast::NodeId,
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ pub fn gather_move_from_pat<'a, 'tcx>(bccx: &BorrowckCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
move_pat: &hir::Pat,
cmt: mc::cmt<'tcx>) {
let pat_span_path_opt = match move_pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, ref path1, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, ref path1, _) => {
Some(MoveSpanAndPath{span: move_pat.span,
@ -962,25 +962,25 @@ pub fn noop_fold_pat<T: Folder>(p: P<Pat>, folder: &mut T) -> P<Pat> {
Pat {
id: folder.new_id(id),
node: match node {
PatWild => PatWild,
PatIdent(binding_mode, pth1, sub) => {
PatKind::Wild => PatKind::Wild,
PatKind::Ident(binding_mode, pth1, sub) => {
Spanned {
span: folder.new_span(pth1.span),
node: folder.fold_ident(pth1.node),
|||||x| folder.fold_pat(x)))
PatLit(e) => PatLit(folder.fold_expr(e)),
PatEnum(pth, pats) => {
PatKind::Lit(e) => PatKind::Lit(folder.fold_expr(e)),
PatKind::Enum(pth, pats) => {
|||||pats| pats.move_map(|x| folder.fold_pat(x))))
PatQPath(qself, pth) => {
PatKind::QPath(qself, pth) => {
let qself = QSelf { ty: folder.fold_ty(qself.ty), ..qself };
PatQPath(qself, folder.fold_path(pth))
PatKind::QPath(qself, folder.fold_path(pth))
PatStruct(pth, fields, etc) => {
PatKind::Struct(pth, fields, etc) => {
let pth = folder.fold_path(pth);
let fs = fields.move_map(|f| {
Spanned {
@ -992,16 +992,16 @@ pub fn noop_fold_pat<T: Folder>(p: P<Pat>, folder: &mut T) -> P<Pat> {
PatStruct(pth, fs, etc)
PatKind::Struct(pth, fs, etc)
PatTup(elts) => PatTup(elts.move_map(|x| folder.fold_pat(x))),
PatBox(inner) => PatBox(folder.fold_pat(inner)),
PatRegion(inner, mutbl) => PatRegion(folder.fold_pat(inner), mutbl),
PatRange(e1, e2) => {
PatRange(folder.fold_expr(e1), folder.fold_expr(e2))
PatKind::Tup(elts) => PatKind::Tup(elts.move_map(|x| folder.fold_pat(x))),
PatKind::Box(inner) => PatKind::Box(folder.fold_pat(inner)),
PatKind::Ref(inner, mutbl) => PatKind::Ref(folder.fold_pat(inner), mutbl),
PatKind::Range(e1, e2) => {
PatKind::Range(folder.fold_expr(e1), folder.fold_expr(e2))
PatVec(before, slice, after) => {
PatVec(before.move_map(|x| folder.fold_pat(x)),
PatKind::Vec(before, slice, after) => {
PatKind::Vec(before.move_map(|x| folder.fold_pat(x)),
|||||x| folder.fold_pat(x)),
after.move_map(|x| folder.fold_pat(x)))
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ pub use self::FunctionRetTy::*;
pub use self::ForeignItem_::*;
pub use self::Item_::*;
pub use self::Mutability::*;
pub use self::Pat_::*;
pub use self::PathListItem_::*;
pub use self::PrimTy::*;
pub use self::Stmt_::*;
@ -475,7 +474,7 @@ pub struct Block {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Hash)]
pub struct Pat {
pub id: NodeId,
pub node: Pat_,
pub node: PatKind,
pub span: Span,
@ -506,11 +505,11 @@ pub enum BindingMode {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum Pat_ {
pub enum PatKind {
/// Represents a wildcard pattern (`_`)
/// A PatIdent may either be a new bound variable,
/// A PatKind::Ident may either be a new bound variable,
/// or a nullary enum (in which case the third field
/// is None).
@ -518,33 +517,33 @@ pub enum Pat_ {
/// which it is. The resolver determines this, and
/// records this pattern's NodeId in an auxiliary
/// set (of "PatIdents that refer to nullary enums")
PatIdent(BindingMode, Spanned<Ident>, Option<P<Pat>>),
Ident(BindingMode, Spanned<Ident>, Option<P<Pat>>),
/// "None" means a `Variant(..)` pattern where we don't bind the fields to names.
PatEnum(Path, Option<HirVec<P<Pat>>>),
Enum(Path, Option<HirVec<P<Pat>>>),
/// An associated const named using the qualified path `<T>::CONST` or
/// `<T as Trait>::CONST`. Associated consts from inherent impls can be
/// referred to as simply `T::CONST`, in which case they will end up as
/// PatEnum, and the resolver will have to sort that out.
PatQPath(QSelf, Path),
/// PatKind::Enum, and the resolver will have to sort that out.
QPath(QSelf, Path),
/// Destructuring of a struct, e.g. `Foo {x, y, ..}`
/// The `bool` is `true` in the presence of a `..`
PatStruct(Path, HirVec<Spanned<FieldPat>>, bool),
Struct(Path, HirVec<Spanned<FieldPat>>, bool),
/// A tuple pattern `(a, b)`
/// A `box` pattern
/// A reference pattern, e.g. `&mut (a, b)`
PatRegion(P<Pat>, Mutability),
Ref(P<Pat>, Mutability),
/// A literal
/// A range pattern, e.g. `1...2`
PatRange(P<Expr>, P<Expr>),
Range(P<Expr>, P<Expr>),
/// `[a, b, ..i, y, z]` is represented as:
/// `PatVec(box [a, b], Some(i), box [y, z])`
PatVec(HirVec<P<Pat>>, Option<P<Pat>>, HirVec<P<Pat>>),
/// `PatKind::Vec(box [a, b], Some(i), box [y, z])`
Vec(HirVec<P<Pat>>, Option<P<Pat>>, HirVec<P<Pat>>),
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Hash, Debug, Copy)]
@ -1015,7 +1014,7 @@ impl Arg {
pat: P(Pat {
node: PatIdent(BindByValue(mutability), path, None),
node: PatKind::Ident(BindByValue(mutability), path, None),
span: span,
@ -468,41 +468,41 @@ pub fn walk_assoc_type_binding<'v, V: Visitor<'v>>(visitor: &mut V,
pub fn walk_pat<'v, V: Visitor<'v>>(visitor: &mut V, pattern: &'v Pat) {
match pattern.node {
PatEnum(ref path, ref opt_children) => {
PatKind::Enum(ref path, ref opt_children) => {
if let Some(ref children) = *opt_children {
walk_list!(visitor, visit_pat, children);
PatQPath(ref qself, ref path) => {
PatKind::QPath(ref qself, ref path) => {
PatStruct(ref path, ref fields, _) => {
PatKind::Struct(ref path, ref fields, _) => {
for field in fields {
PatTup(ref tuple_elements) => {
PatKind::Tup(ref tuple_elements) => {
walk_list!(visitor, visit_pat, tuple_elements);
PatBox(ref subpattern) |
PatRegion(ref subpattern, _) => {
PatKind::Box(ref subpattern) |
PatKind::Ref(ref subpattern, _) => {
PatIdent(_, ref pth1, ref optional_subpattern) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, ref pth1, ref optional_subpattern) => {
visitor.visit_ident(pth1.span, pth1.node);
walk_list!(visitor, visit_pat, optional_subpattern);
PatLit(ref expression) => visitor.visit_expr(expression),
PatRange(ref lower_bound, ref upper_bound) => {
PatKind::Lit(ref expression) => visitor.visit_expr(expression),
PatKind::Range(ref lower_bound, ref upper_bound) => {
PatWild => (),
PatVec(ref prepatterns, ref slice_pattern, ref postpatterns) => {
PatKind::Wild => (),
PatKind::Vec(ref prepatterns, ref slice_pattern, ref postpatterns) => {
walk_list!(visitor, visit_pat, prepatterns);
walk_list!(visitor, visit_pat, slice_pattern);
walk_list!(visitor, visit_pat, postpatterns);
@ -913,27 +913,27 @@ pub fn lower_pat(lctx: &LoweringContext, p: &Pat) -> P<hir::Pat> {
P(hir::Pat {
node: match p.node {
PatKind::Wild => hir::PatWild,
PatKind::Wild => hir::PatKind::Wild,
PatKind::Ident(ref binding_mode, pth1, ref sub) => {
hir::PatIdent(lower_binding_mode(lctx, binding_mode),
hir::PatKind::Ident(lower_binding_mode(lctx, binding_mode),
respan(pth1.span, lower_ident(lctx, pth1.node)),
sub.as_ref().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)))
PatKind::Lit(ref e) => hir::PatLit(lower_expr(lctx, e)),
PatKind::Lit(ref e) => hir::PatKind::Lit(lower_expr(lctx, e)),
PatKind::TupleStruct(ref pth, ref pats) => {
hir::PatEnum(lower_path(lctx, pth),
hir::PatKind::Enum(lower_path(lctx, pth),
.map(|pats| pats.iter().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)).collect()))
PatKind::Path(ref pth) => {
hir::PatEnum(lower_path(lctx, pth), Some(hir::HirVec::new()))
hir::PatKind::Enum(lower_path(lctx, pth), Some(hir::HirVec::new()))
PatKind::QPath(ref qself, ref pth) => {
let qself = hir::QSelf {
ty: lower_ty(lctx, &qself.ty),
position: qself.position,
hir::PatQPath(qself, lower_path(lctx, pth))
hir::PatKind::QPath(qself, lower_path(lctx, pth))
PatKind::Struct(ref pth, ref fields, etc) => {
let pth = lower_path(lctx, pth);
@ -949,20 +949,20 @@ pub fn lower_pat(lctx: &LoweringContext, p: &Pat) -> P<hir::Pat> {
hir::PatStruct(pth, fs, etc)
hir::PatKind::Struct(pth, fs, etc)
PatKind::Tup(ref elts) => {
hir::PatTup(elts.iter().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)).collect())
hir::PatKind::Tup(elts.iter().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)).collect())
PatKind::Box(ref inner) => hir::PatBox(lower_pat(lctx, inner)),
PatKind::Box(ref inner) => hir::PatKind::Box(lower_pat(lctx, inner)),
PatKind::Ref(ref inner, mutbl) => {
hir::PatRegion(lower_pat(lctx, inner), lower_mutability(lctx, mutbl))
hir::PatKind::Ref(lower_pat(lctx, inner), lower_mutability(lctx, mutbl))
PatKind::Range(ref e1, ref e2) => {
hir::PatRange(lower_expr(lctx, e1), lower_expr(lctx, e2))
hir::PatKind::Range(lower_expr(lctx, e1), lower_expr(lctx, e2))
PatKind::Vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
hir::PatVec(before.iter().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)).collect(),
hir::PatKind::Vec(before.iter().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)).collect(),
slice.as_ref().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)),
after.iter().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)).collect())
@ -1750,7 +1750,7 @@ fn pat_enum(lctx: &LoweringContext,
path: hir::Path,
subpats: hir::HirVec<P<hir::Pat>>)
-> P<hir::Pat> {
let pt = hir::PatEnum(path, Some(subpats));
let pt = hir::PatKind::Enum(path, Some(subpats));
pat(lctx, span, pt)
@ -1763,7 +1763,7 @@ fn pat_ident_binding_mode(lctx: &LoweringContext,
ident: hir::Ident,
bm: hir::BindingMode)
-> P<hir::Pat> {
let pat_ident = hir::PatIdent(bm,
let pat_ident = hir::PatKind::Ident(bm,
Spanned {
span: span,
node: ident,
@ -1773,10 +1773,10 @@ fn pat_ident_binding_mode(lctx: &LoweringContext,
fn pat_wild(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span) -> P<hir::Pat> {
pat(lctx, span, hir::PatWild)
pat(lctx, span, hir::PatKind::Wild)
fn pat(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span, pat: hir::Pat_) -> P<hir::Pat> {
fn pat(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span, pat: hir::PatKind) -> P<hir::Pat> {
P(hir::Pat {
id: lctx.next_id(),
node: pat,
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use syntax::print::pprust::{self as ast_pp, PrintState};
use syntax::ptr::P;
use hir;
use hir::{Crate, RegionTyParamBound, TraitTyParamBound, TraitBoundModifier};
use hir::{Crate, PatKind, RegionTyParamBound, TraitTyParamBound, TraitBoundModifier};
use std::io::{self, Write, Read};
@ -1727,8 +1727,8 @@ impl<'a> State<'a> {
// Pat isn't normalized, but the beauty of it
// is that it doesn't matter
match pat.node {
hir::PatWild => try!(word(&mut self.s, "_")),
hir::PatIdent(binding_mode, ref path1, ref sub) => {
PatKind::Wild => try!(word(&mut self.s, "_")),
PatKind::Ident(binding_mode, ref path1, ref sub) => {
match binding_mode {
hir::BindByRef(mutbl) => {
@ -1748,7 +1748,7 @@ impl<'a> State<'a> {
None => (),
hir::PatEnum(ref path, ref args_) => {
PatKind::Enum(ref path, ref args_) => {
try!(self.print_path(path, true, 0));
match *args_ {
None => try!(word(&mut self.s, "(..)")),
@ -1761,10 +1761,10 @@ impl<'a> State<'a> {
hir::PatQPath(ref qself, ref path) => {
PatKind::QPath(ref qself, ref path) => {
try!(self.print_qpath(path, qself, false));
hir::PatStruct(ref path, ref fields, etc) => {
PatKind::Struct(ref path, ref fields, etc) => {
try!(self.print_path(path, true, 0));
@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ impl<'a> State<'a> {
try!(space(&mut self.s));
try!(word(&mut self.s, "}"));
hir::PatTup(ref elts) => {
PatKind::Tup(ref elts) => {
try!(self.commasep(Inconsistent, &elts[..], |s, p| s.print_pat(&p)));
if elts.len() == 1 {
@ -1797,32 +1797,32 @@ impl<'a> State<'a> {
hir::PatBox(ref inner) => {
PatKind::Box(ref inner) => {
try!(word(&mut self.s, "box "));
hir::PatRegion(ref inner, mutbl) => {
PatKind::Ref(ref inner, mutbl) => {
try!(word(&mut self.s, "&"));
if mutbl == hir::MutMutable {
try!(word(&mut self.s, "mut "));
hir::PatLit(ref e) => try!(self.print_expr(&e)),
hir::PatRange(ref begin, ref end) => {
PatKind::Lit(ref e) => try!(self.print_expr(&e)),
PatKind::Range(ref begin, ref end) => {
try!(space(&mut self.s));
try!(word(&mut self.s, "..."));
hir::PatVec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
try!(word(&mut self.s, "["));
try!(self.commasep(Inconsistent, &before[..], |s, p| s.print_pat(&p)));
if let Some(ref p) = *slice {
if !before.is_empty() {
if p.node != hir::PatWild {
if p.node != PatKind::Wild {
try!(word(&mut self.s, ".."));
@ -1945,7 +1945,7 @@ impl<'a> State<'a> {
let m = match explicit_self {
&hir::SelfStatic => hir::MutImmutable,
_ => match decl.inputs[0].pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByValue(m), _, _) => m,
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByValue(m), _, _) => m,
_ => hir::MutImmutable,
@ -2210,7 +2210,7 @@ impl<'a> State<'a> {
hir::TyInfer if is_closure => try!(self.print_pat(&input.pat)),
_ => {
match input.pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, ref path1, _) if
PatKind::Ident(_, ref path1, _) if
|||| ==
|||| => {
// Do nothing.
@ -28,27 +28,27 @@ pub fn walk_pat<F>(pat: &Pat, mut it: F) -> bool
match pat.node {
PatIdent(_, _, Some(ref p)) => walk_pat_(&p, it),
PatStruct(_, ref fields, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, _, Some(ref p)) => walk_pat_(&p, it),
PatKind::Struct(_, ref fields, _) => {
fields.iter().all(|field| walk_pat_(&field.node.pat, it))
PatEnum(_, Some(ref s)) | PatTup(ref s) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, Some(ref s)) | PatKind::Tup(ref s) => {
s.iter().all(|p| walk_pat_(&p, it))
PatBox(ref s) | PatRegion(ref s, _) => {
PatKind::Box(ref s) | PatKind::Ref(ref s, _) => {
walk_pat_(&s, it)
PatVec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
before.iter().all(|p| walk_pat_(&p, it)) &&
slice.iter().all(|p| walk_pat_(&p, it)) &&
after.iter().all(|p| walk_pat_(&p, it))
PatWild |
PatLit(_) |
PatRange(_, _) |
PatIdent(_, _, _) |
PatEnum(_, _) |
PatQPath(_, _) => {
PatKind::Wild |
PatKind::Lit(_) |
PatKind::Range(_, _) |
PatKind::Ident(_, _, _) |
PatKind::Enum(_, _) |
PatKind::QPath(_, _) => {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ use syntax::ast;
use syntax::attr::{self, AttrMetaMethods};
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use rustc_front::intravisit::FnKind;
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ impl LateLintPass for NonSnakeCase {
fn check_pat(&mut self, cx: &LateContext, p: &hir::Pat) {
if let &hir::PatIdent(_, ref path1, _) = &p.node {
if let &PatKind::Ident(_, ref path1, _) = &p.node {
let def = cx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&|d| d.full_def());
if let Some(Def::Local(..)) = def {
self.check_snake_case(cx, "variable", &, Some(p.span));
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ impl LateLintPass for NonUpperCaseGlobals {
fn check_pat(&mut self, cx: &LateContext, p: &hir::Pat) {
// Lint for constants that look like binding identifiers (#7526)
match (&p.node, cx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&|d| d.full_def())) {
(&hir::PatIdent(_, ref path1, _), Some(Def::Const(..))) => {
(&PatKind::Ident(_, ref path1, _), Some(Def::Const(..))) => {
NonUpperCaseGlobals::check_upper_case(cx, "constant in pattern",
||||, p.span);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ use syntax::{ast};
use syntax::attr::{self, AttrMetaMethods};
use syntax::codemap::{self, Span};
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use rustc_front::intravisit::FnKind;
use bad_style::{MethodLateContext, method_context};
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ impl LintPass for NonShorthandFieldPatterns {
impl LateLintPass for NonShorthandFieldPatterns {
fn check_pat(&mut self, cx: &LateContext, pat: &hir::Pat) {
let def_map = cx.tcx.def_map.borrow();
if let hir::PatStruct(_, ref v, _) = pat.node {
if let PatKind::Struct(_, ref v, _) = pat.node {
let field_pats = v.iter().filter(|fieldpat| {
if fieldpat.node.is_shorthand {
return false;
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ impl LateLintPass for NonShorthandFieldPatterns {
for fieldpat in field_pats {
if let hir::PatIdent(_, ident, None) = fieldpat.node.pat.node {
if let PatKind::Ident(_, ident, None) = fieldpat.node.pat.node {
if ident.node.unhygienic_name == {
cx.span_lint(NON_SHORTHAND_FIELD_PATTERNS, fieldpat.span,
&format!("the `{}:` in this pattern is redundant and can \
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ use syntax::parse::token::special_idents;
use syntax;
use rbml::writer::Encoder;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use rustc_front::intravisit::Visitor;
use rustc_front::intravisit;
@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ fn encode_method_argument_names(rbml_w: &mut Encoder,
for arg in &decl.inputs {
let tag = tag_method_argument_name;
if let hir::PatIdent(_, ref path1, _) = arg.pat.node {
if let PatKind::Ident(_, ref path1, _) = arg.pat.node {
let name =;
rbml_w.wr_tagged_bytes(tag, name.as_bytes());
} else {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use rustc::middle::def::Def;
use rustc::middle::pat_util::{pat_is_resolved_const, pat_is_binding};
use rustc::middle::ty::{self, Ty};
use rustc::mir::repr::*;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::ptr::P;
@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ impl<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> PatCx<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> {
fn to_pattern(&mut self, pat: &hir::Pat) -> Pattern<'tcx> {
let kind = match pat.node {
hir::PatWild => PatternKind::Wild,
PatKind::Wild => PatternKind::Wild,
hir::PatLit(ref value) => {
PatKind::Lit(ref value) => {
let value = const_eval::eval_const_expr(, value);
PatternKind::Constant { value: value }
hir::PatRange(ref lo, ref hi) => {
PatKind::Range(ref lo, ref hi) => {
let lo = const_eval::eval_const_expr(, lo);
let lo = Literal::Value { value: lo };
let hi = const_eval::eval_const_expr(, hi);
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ impl<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> PatCx<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> {
PatternKind::Range { lo: lo, hi: hi }
hir::PatEnum(..) | hir::PatIdent(..) | hir::PatQPath(..)
PatKind::Enum(..) | PatKind::Ident(..) | PatKind::QPath(..)
if pat_is_resolved_const(&, pat) =>
let def =;
@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ impl<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> PatCx<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> {
hir::PatRegion(ref subpattern, _) |
hir::PatBox(ref subpattern) => {
PatKind::Ref(ref subpattern, _) |
PatKind::Box(ref subpattern) => {
PatternKind::Deref { subpattern: self.to_pattern(subpattern) }
hir::PatVec(ref prefix, ref slice, ref suffix) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref prefix, ref slice, ref suffix) => {
let ty =;
match ty.sty {
ty::TyRef(_, mt) =>
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ impl<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> PatCx<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> {
hir::PatTup(ref subpatterns) => {
PatKind::Tup(ref subpatterns) => {
let subpatterns =
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ impl<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> PatCx<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> {
PatternKind::Leaf { subpatterns: subpatterns }
hir::PatIdent(bm, ref ident, ref sub)
PatKind::Ident(bm, ref ident, ref sub)
if pat_is_binding(&, pat) =>
let id = match self.binding_map {
@ -179,11 +179,11 @@ impl<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> PatCx<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> {
hir::PatIdent(..) => {
PatKind::Ident(..) => {
self.variant_or_leaf(pat, vec![])
hir::PatEnum(_, ref opt_subpatterns) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, ref opt_subpatterns) => {
let subpatterns =
.flat_map(|v| v.iter())
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ impl<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> PatCx<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> {
self.variant_or_leaf(pat, subpatterns)
hir::PatStruct(_, ref fields, _) => {
PatKind::Struct(_, ref fields, _) => {
let pat_ty =;
let adt_def = match pat_ty.sty {
ty::TyStruct(adt_def, _) | ty::TyEnum(adt_def, _) => adt_def,
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ impl<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> PatCx<'patcx, 'cx, 'tcx> {
self.variant_or_leaf(pat, subpatterns)
hir::PatQPath(..) => {
PatKind::QPath(..) => {
||||, "unexpanded macro or bad constant etc");
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ use rustc::util::nodemap::NodeMap;
use rustc::middle::const_qualif::ConstQualif;
use rustc::lint::builtin::CONST_ERR;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::feature_gate::UnstableFeatures;
@ -322,10 +322,10 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for CheckCrateVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
fn visit_pat(&mut self, p: &hir::Pat) {
match p.node {
hir::PatLit(ref lit) => {
PatKind::Lit(ref lit) => {
self.global_expr(Mode::Const, &lit);
hir::PatRange(ref start, ref end) => {
PatKind::Range(ref start, ref end) => {
self.global_expr(Mode::Const, &start);
self.global_expr(Mode::Const, &end);
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ use self::FieldName::*;
use std::cmp;
use std::mem::replace;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use rustc_front::intravisit::{self, Visitor};
use rustc::dep_graph::DepNode;
@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for PrivacyVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
if self.in_foreign { return }
match pattern.node {
hir::PatStruct(_, ref fields, _) => {
PatKind::Struct(_, ref fields, _) => {
let adt = self.tcx.pat_ty(pattern).ty_adt_def().unwrap();
let def = self.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&;
let variant = adt.variant_of_def(def);
@ -932,11 +932,11 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for PrivacyVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
// Patterns which bind no fields are allowable (the path is check
// elsewhere).
hir::PatEnum(_, Some(ref fields)) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, Some(ref fields)) => {
match self.tcx.pat_ty(pattern).sty {
ty::TyStruct(def, _) => {
for (i, field) in fields.iter().enumerate() {
if let hir::PatWild = field.node {
if let PatKind::Wild = field.node {
@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ use rustc_front::hir::{ImplItem, Item, ItemConst, ItemEnum, ItemExternCrate};
use rustc_front::hir::{ItemFn, ItemForeignMod, ItemImpl, ItemMod, ItemStatic, ItemDefaultImpl};
use rustc_front::hir::{ItemStruct, ItemTrait, ItemTy, ItemUse};
use rustc_front::hir::Local;
use rustc_front::hir::{Pat, PatEnum, PatIdent, PatLit, PatQPath};
use rustc_front::hir::{PatRange, PatStruct, Path, PrimTy};
use rustc_front::hir::{Pat, PatKind, Path, PrimTy};
use rustc_front::hir::{TraitRef, Ty, TyBool, TyChar, TyFloat, TyInt};
use rustc_front::hir::{TyRptr, TyStr, TyUint, TyPath, TyPtr};
use rustc_front::util::walk_pat;
@ -2362,8 +2361,8 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Resolver<'a, 'tcx> {
let pat_id =;
walk_pat(pattern, |pattern| {
match pattern.node {
PatIdent(binding_mode, ref path1, ref at_rhs) => {
// The meaning of PatIdent with no type parameters
PatKind::Ident(binding_mode, ref path1, ref at_rhs) => {
// The meaning of PatKind::Ident with no type parameters
// depends on whether an enum variant or unit-like struct
// with that name is in scope. The probing lookup has to
// be careful not to emit spurious errors. Only matching
@ -2474,7 +2473,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Resolver<'a, 'tcx> {
PatEnum(ref path, _) => {
PatKind::Enum(ref path, _) => {
// This must be an enum variant, struct or const.
let resolution = match self.resolve_possibly_assoc_item(pat_id,
@ -2482,16 +2481,16 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Resolver<'a, 'tcx> {
false) {
// The below shouldn't happen because all
// qualified paths should be in PatQPath.
// qualified paths should be in PatKind::QPath.
TypecheckRequired =>
"resolve_possibly_assoc_item claimed
that a path in PatEnum requires typecheck
that a path in PatKind::Enum requires typecheck
to resolve, but qualified paths should be
ResolveAttempt(resolution) => resolution,
if let Some(path_res) = resolution {
@ -2550,7 +2549,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Resolver<'a, 'tcx> {
intravisit::walk_path(self, path);
PatQPath(ref qself, ref path) => {
PatKind::QPath(ref qself, ref path) => {
// Associated constants only.
let resolution = match self.resolve_possibly_assoc_item(pat_id,
@ -2605,7 +2604,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Resolver<'a, 'tcx> {
intravisit::walk_pat(self, pattern);
PatStruct(ref path, _, _) => {
PatKind::Struct(ref path, _, _) => {
match self.resolve_path(pat_id, path, 0, TypeNS, false) {
Some(definition) => {
self.record_def(, definition);
@ -2624,7 +2623,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Resolver<'a, 'tcx> {
intravisit::walk_path(self, path);
PatLit(_) | PatRange(..) => {
PatKind::Lit(_) | PatKind::Range(..) => {
intravisit::walk_pat(self, pattern);
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt;
use std::rc::Rc;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use syntax::ast::{self, DUMMY_NODE_ID, NodeId};
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use rustc_front::fold::Folder;
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ impl<'a, 'p, 'blk, 'tcx> fmt::Debug for Match<'a, 'p, 'blk, 'tcx> {
fn has_nested_bindings(m: &[Match], col: usize) -> bool {
for br in m {
match br.pats[col].node {
hir::PatIdent(_, _, Some(_)) => return true,
PatKind::Ident(_, _, Some(_)) => return true,
_ => ()
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ fn expand_nested_bindings<'a, 'p, 'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
let mut pat = br.pats[col];
loop {
pat = match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, ref path, Some(ref inner)) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, ref path, Some(ref inner)) => {
bound_ptrs.push((, val.val));
@ -517,13 +517,13 @@ fn enter_match<'a, 'b, 'p, 'blk, 'tcx, F>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
let this = br.pats[col];
let mut bound_ptrs = br.bound_ptrs.clone();
match this.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, ref path, None) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, ref path, None) => {
if pat_is_binding(&dm.borrow(), &this) {
bound_ptrs.push((, val.val));
hir::PatVec(ref before, Some(ref slice), ref after) => {
if let hir::PatIdent(_, ref path, None) = slice.node {
PatKind::Vec(ref before, Some(ref slice), ref after) => {
if let PatKind::Ident(_, ref path, None) = slice.node {
let subslice_val = bind_subslice_pat(
bcx,, val,
before.len(), after.len());
@ -662,10 +662,10 @@ fn get_branches<'a, 'p, 'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
let opt = match cur.node {
hir::PatLit(ref l) => {
PatKind::Lit(ref l) => {
ConstantValue(ConstantExpr(&l), debug_loc)
hir::PatIdent(..) | hir::PatEnum(..) | hir::PatStruct(..) => {
PatKind::Ident(..) | PatKind::Enum(..) | PatKind::Struct(..) => {
// This is either an enum variant or a variable binding.
let opt_def = tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&|d| d.full_def());
match opt_def {
@ -679,13 +679,13 @@ fn get_branches<'a, 'p, 'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
_ => continue
hir::PatRange(ref l1, ref l2) => {
PatKind::Range(ref l1, ref l2) => {
ConstantRange(ConstantExpr(&l1), ConstantExpr(&l2), debug_loc)
hir::PatVec(ref before, None, ref after) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref before, None, ref after) => {
SliceLengthEqual(before.len() + after.len(), debug_loc)
hir::PatVec(ref before, Some(_), ref after) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref before, Some(_), ref after) => {
SliceLengthGreaterOrEqual(before.len(), after.len(), debug_loc)
_ => continue
@ -786,25 +786,25 @@ macro_rules! any_pat {
fn any_uniq_pat(m: &[Match], col: usize) -> bool {
any_pat!(m, col, hir::PatBox(_))
any_pat!(m, col, PatKind::Box(_))
fn any_region_pat(m: &[Match], col: usize) -> bool {
any_pat!(m, col, hir::PatRegion(..))
any_pat!(m, col, PatKind::Ref(..))
fn any_irrefutable_adt_pat(tcx: &ty::ctxt, m: &[Match], col: usize) -> bool {
m.iter().any(|br| {
let pat = br.pats[col];
match pat.node {
hir::PatTup(_) => true,
hir::PatStruct(..) => {
PatKind::Tup(_) => true,
PatKind::Struct(..) => {
match tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&|d| d.full_def()) {
Some(Def::Variant(..)) => false,
_ => true,
hir::PatEnum(..) | hir::PatIdent(_, _, None) => {
PatKind::Enum(..) | PatKind::Ident(_, _, None) => {
match tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&|d| d.full_def()) {
Some(Def::Struct(..)) => true,
_ => false
@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ impl FailureHandler {
fn pick_column_to_specialize(def_map: &RefCell<DefMap>, m: &[Match]) -> Option<usize> {
fn pat_score(def_map: &RefCell<DefMap>, pat: &hir::Pat) -> usize {
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, _, Some(ref inner)) => pat_score(def_map, &inner),
PatKind::Ident(_, _, Some(ref inner)) => pat_score(def_map, &inner),
_ if pat_is_refutable(&def_map.borrow(), pat) => 1,
_ => 0
@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ fn pick_column_to_specialize(def_map: &RefCell<DefMap>, m: &[Match]) -> Option<u
let column_contains_any_nonwild_patterns = |&col: &usize| -> bool {
m.iter().any(|row| match row.pats[col].node {
hir::PatWild => false,
PatKind::Wild => false,
_ => true
@ -1639,7 +1639,7 @@ fn trans_match_inner<'blk, 'tcx>(scope_cx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
// to the default arm.
let has_default = arms.last().map_or(false, |arm| {
arm.pats.len() == 1
&& arm.pats.last().unwrap().node == hir::PatWild
&& arm.pats.last().unwrap().node == PatKind::Wild
compile_submatch(bcx, &matches[..], &[discr_datum.match_input()], &chk, has_default);
@ -1812,7 +1812,7 @@ pub fn bind_irrefutable_pat<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
let tcx = bcx.tcx();
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(pat_binding_mode, ref path1, ref inner) => {
PatKind::Ident(pat_binding_mode, ref path1, ref inner) => {
if pat_is_binding(&tcx.def_map.borrow(), &pat) {
// Allocate the stack slot where the value of this
// binding will live and place it into the appropriate
@ -1849,7 +1849,7 @@ pub fn bind_irrefutable_pat<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
bcx = bind_irrefutable_pat(bcx, &inner_pat, val, cleanup_scope);
hir::PatEnum(_, ref sub_pats) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, ref sub_pats) => {
let opt_def = bcx.tcx().def_map.borrow().get(&|d| d.full_def());
match opt_def {
Some(Def::Variant(enum_id, var_id)) => {
@ -1895,7 +1895,7 @@ pub fn bind_irrefutable_pat<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
hir::PatStruct(_, ref fields, _) => {
PatKind::Struct(_, ref fields, _) => {
let tcx = bcx.tcx();
let pat_ty = node_id_type(bcx,;
let pat_repr = adt::represent_type(bcx.ccx(), pat_ty);
@ -1935,7 +1935,7 @@ pub fn bind_irrefutable_pat<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
hir::PatTup(ref elems) => {
PatKind::Tup(ref elems) => {
let repr = adt::represent_node(bcx,;
let val = adt::MaybeSizedValue::sized(val.val);
for (i, elem) in elems.iter().enumerate() {
@ -1947,13 +1947,13 @@ pub fn bind_irrefutable_pat<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
hir::PatBox(ref inner) => {
PatKind::Box(ref inner) => {
let pat_ty = node_id_type(bcx,;
// Pass along DSTs as fat pointers.
let val = if type_is_fat_ptr(tcx, pat_ty) {
// We need to check for this, as the pattern could be binding
// a fat pointer by-value.
if let hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByRef(_),_,_) = inner.node {
if let PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByRef(_),_,_) = inner.node {
} else {
Load(bcx, val.val)
@ -1966,13 +1966,13 @@ pub fn bind_irrefutable_pat<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
bcx = bind_irrefutable_pat(
bcx, &inner, MatchInput::from_val(val), cleanup_scope);
hir::PatRegion(ref inner, _) => {
PatKind::Ref(ref inner, _) => {
let pat_ty = node_id_type(bcx,;
// Pass along DSTs as fat pointers.
let val = if type_is_fat_ptr(tcx, pat_ty) {
// We need to check for this, as the pattern could be binding
// a fat pointer by-value.
if let hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByRef(_),_,_) = inner.node {
if let PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByRef(_),_,_) = inner.node {
} else {
Load(bcx, val.val)
@ -1988,7 +1988,7 @@ pub fn bind_irrefutable_pat<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
hir::PatVec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
let pat_ty = node_id_type(bcx,;
let mut extracted = extract_vec_elems(bcx, pat_ty, before.len(), after.len(), val);
match slice {
@ -2013,8 +2013,8 @@ pub fn bind_irrefutable_pat<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
hir::PatQPath(..) | hir::PatWild | hir::PatLit(_) |
hir::PatRange(_, _) => ()
PatKind::QPath(..) | PatKind::Wild | PatKind::Lit(_) |
PatKind::Range(_, _) => ()
return bcx;
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ use syntax::codemap::{Span, Pos};
use syntax::{ast, codemap};
use rustc_front;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
// This procedure builds the *scope map* for a given function, which maps any
// given ast::NodeId in the function's AST to the correct DIScope metadata instance.
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ fn walk_pattern(cx: &CrateContext,
// ast_util::walk_pat() here because we have to visit *all* nodes in
// order to put them into the scope map. The above functions don't do that.
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, ref path1, ref sub_pat_opt) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, ref path1, ref sub_pat_opt) => {
// Check if this is a binding. If so we need to put it on the
// scope stack and maybe introduce an artificial scope
@ -235,11 +235,11 @@ fn walk_pattern(cx: &CrateContext,
hir::PatWild => {
PatKind::Wild => {
scope_map.insert(, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
hir::PatEnum(_, ref sub_pats_opt) => {
PatKind::Enum(_, ref sub_pats_opt) => {
scope_map.insert(, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
if let Some(ref sub_pats) = *sub_pats_opt {
@ -249,11 +249,11 @@ fn walk_pattern(cx: &CrateContext,
hir::PatQPath(..) => {
PatKind::QPath(..) => {
scope_map.insert(, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
hir::PatStruct(_, ref field_pats, _) => {
PatKind::Struct(_, ref field_pats, _) => {
scope_map.insert(, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
for &codemap::Spanned {
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ fn walk_pattern(cx: &CrateContext,
hir::PatTup(ref sub_pats) => {
PatKind::Tup(ref sub_pats) => {
scope_map.insert(, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
for sub_pat in sub_pats {
@ -272,23 +272,23 @@ fn walk_pattern(cx: &CrateContext,
hir::PatBox(ref sub_pat) | hir::PatRegion(ref sub_pat, _) => {
PatKind::Box(ref sub_pat) | PatKind::Ref(ref sub_pat, _) => {
scope_map.insert(, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
walk_pattern(cx, &sub_pat, scope_stack, scope_map);
hir::PatLit(ref exp) => {
PatKind::Lit(ref exp) => {
scope_map.insert(, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
walk_expr(cx, &exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
hir::PatRange(ref exp1, ref exp2) => {
PatKind::Range(ref exp1, ref exp2) => {
scope_map.insert(, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
walk_expr(cx, &exp1, scope_stack, scope_map);
walk_expr(cx, &exp2, scope_stack, scope_map);
hir::PatVec(ref front_sub_pats, ref middle_sub_pats, ref back_sub_pats) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref front_sub_pats, ref middle_sub_pats, ref back_sub_pats) => {
scope_map.insert(, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
for sub_pat in front_sub_pats {
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ use middle::infer;
use middle::pat_util;
use middle::subst;
use rustc::front::map as hir_map;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use trans::{type_of, adt, machine, monomorphize};
use trans::common::{self, CrateContext, FunctionContext, Block};
use trans::_match::{BindingInfo, TransBindingMode};
@ -1971,7 +1971,7 @@ pub fn create_captured_var_metadata<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
Some(hir_map::NodeLocal(pat)) => {
match pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, ref path1, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, ref path1, _) => {
_ => {
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::{Span, Spanned};
use syntax::ptr::P;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use rustc_front::print::pprust;
use rustc_front::util as hir_util;
@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ pub fn check_pat<'a, 'tcx>(pcx: &pat_ctxt<'a, 'tcx>,
match pat.node {
hir::PatWild => {
PatKind::Wild => {
fcx.write_ty(, expected);
hir::PatLit(ref lt) => {
PatKind::Lit(ref lt) => {
check_expr(fcx, <);
let expr_ty = fcx.expr_ty(<);
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ pub fn check_pat<'a, 'tcx>(pcx: &pat_ctxt<'a, 'tcx>,
// that's equivalent to there existing a LUB.
demand::suptype(fcx, pat.span, expected, pat_ty);
hir::PatRange(ref begin, ref end) => {
PatKind::Range(ref begin, ref end) => {
check_expr(fcx, begin);
check_expr(fcx, end);
@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ pub fn check_pat<'a, 'tcx>(pcx: &pat_ctxt<'a, 'tcx>,
// subtyping doesn't matter here, as the value is some kind of scalar
demand::eqtype(fcx, pat.span, expected, lhs_ty);
hir::PatEnum(..) | hir::PatIdent(..)
PatKind::Enum(..) | PatKind::Ident(..)
if pat_is_resolved_const(&tcx.def_map.borrow(), pat) => {
if let hir::PatEnum(ref path, ref subpats) = pat.node {
if let PatKind::Enum(ref path, ref subpats) = pat.node {
if !(subpats.is_some() && subpats.as_ref().unwrap().is_empty()) {
bad_struct_kind_err(tcx.sess, pat, path, false);
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ pub fn check_pat<'a, 'tcx>(pcx: &pat_ctxt<'a, 'tcx>,
// FIXME(#20489) -- we should limit the types here to scalars or something!
// As with PatLit, what we really want here is that there
// As with PatKind::Lit, what we really want here is that there
// exist a LUB, but for the cases that can occur, subtype
// is good enough.
demand::suptype(fcx, pat.span, expected, const_ty);
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ pub fn check_pat<'a, 'tcx>(pcx: &pat_ctxt<'a, 'tcx>,
hir::PatIdent(bm, ref path, ref sub) if pat_is_binding(&tcx.def_map.borrow(), pat) => {
PatKind::Ident(bm, ref path, ref sub) if pat_is_binding(&tcx.def_map.borrow(), pat) => {
let typ = fcx.local_ty(pat.span,;
match bm {
hir::BindByRef(mutbl) => {
@ -202,16 +202,16 @@ pub fn check_pat<'a, 'tcx>(pcx: &pat_ctxt<'a, 'tcx>,
hir::PatIdent(_, ref path, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(_, ref path, _) => {
let path = hir_util::ident_to_path(path.span, path.node);
check_pat_enum(pcx, pat, &path, Some(&[]), expected, false);
hir::PatEnum(ref path, ref subpats) => {
PatKind::Enum(ref path, ref subpats) => {
let subpats = subpats.as_ref().map(|v| &v[..]);
let is_tuple_struct_pat = !(subpats.is_some() && subpats.unwrap().is_empty());
check_pat_enum(pcx, pat, path, subpats, expected, is_tuple_struct_pat);
hir::PatQPath(ref qself, ref path) => {
PatKind::QPath(ref qself, ref path) => {
let self_ty = fcx.to_ty(&qself.ty);
let path_res = if let Some(&d) = tcx.def_map.borrow().get(& {
if d.base_def == Def::Err {
@ -248,10 +248,10 @@ pub fn check_pat<'a, 'tcx>(pcx: &pat_ctxt<'a, 'tcx>,
hir::PatStruct(ref path, ref fields, etc) => {
PatKind::Struct(ref path, ref fields, etc) => {
check_pat_struct(pcx, pat, path, fields, etc, expected);
hir::PatTup(ref elements) => {
PatKind::Tup(ref elements) => {
let element_tys: Vec<_> =
(0..elements.len()).map(|_| fcx.infcx().next_ty_var())
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ pub fn check_pat<'a, 'tcx>(pcx: &pat_ctxt<'a, 'tcx>,
check_pat(pcx, &element_pat, element_ty);
hir::PatBox(ref inner) => {
PatKind::Box(ref inner) => {
let inner_ty = fcx.infcx().next_ty_var();
let uniq_ty = tcx.mk_box(inner_ty);
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ pub fn check_pat<'a, 'tcx>(pcx: &pat_ctxt<'a, 'tcx>,
check_pat(pcx, &inner, tcx.types.err);
hir::PatRegion(ref inner, mutbl) => {
PatKind::Ref(ref inner, mutbl) => {
let expected = fcx.infcx().shallow_resolve(expected);
if check_dereferencable(pcx, pat.span, expected, &inner) {
// `demand::subtype` would be good enough, but using
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ pub fn check_pat<'a, 'tcx>(pcx: &pat_ctxt<'a, 'tcx>,
check_pat(pcx, &inner, tcx.types.err);
hir::PatVec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
let expected_ty = structurally_resolved_type(fcx, pat.span, expected);
let inner_ty = fcx.infcx().next_ty_var();
let pat_ty = match expected_ty.sty {
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ use syntax::util::lev_distance::find_best_match_for_name;
use rustc_front::intravisit::{self, Visitor};
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::Visibility;
use rustc_front::hir::{Visibility, PatKind};
use rustc_front::print::pprust;
use rustc_back::slice;
@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for GatherLocalsVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
// Add pattern bindings.
fn visit_pat(&mut self, p: &'tcx hir::Pat) {
if let hir::PatIdent(_, ref path1, _) = p.node {
if let PatKind::Ident(_, ref path1, _) = p.node {
if pat_util::pat_is_binding(&self.fcx.ccx.tcx.def_map.borrow(), p) {
let var_ty = self.assign(p.span,, None);
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ use std::mem;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use rustc_front::intravisit::{self, Visitor};
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use rustc_front::util as hir_util;
use self::SubjectNode::Subject;
@ -1190,14 +1190,14 @@ fn link_pattern<'t, 'a, 'tcx>(rcx: &Rcx<'a, 'tcx>,
let _ = mc.cat_pattern(discr_cmt, root_pat, |mc, sub_cmt, sub_pat| {
match sub_pat.node {
// `ref x` pattern
hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByRef(mutbl), _, _) => {
PatKind::Ident(hir::BindByRef(mutbl), _, _) => {
rcx, sub_pat.span,,
mutbl, sub_cmt);
// `[_, ..slice, _]` pattern
hir::PatVec(_, Some(ref slice_pat), _) => {
PatKind::Vec(_, Some(ref slice_pat), _) => {
match mc.cat_slice_pattern(sub_cmt, &slice_pat) {
Ok((slice_cmt, slice_mutbl, slice_r)) => {
link_region(rcx, sub_pat.span, &slice_r,
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ use syntax::attr;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::parse::token::special_idents;
use syntax::ptr::P;
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{self, PatKind};
use rustc_front::intravisit;
use rustc_front::print::pprust;
@ -2121,8 +2121,8 @@ fn compute_type_scheme_of_foreign_fn_decl<'a, 'tcx>(
for i in &decl.inputs {
match i.pat.node {
hir::PatIdent(_, _, _) => (),
hir::PatWild => (),
PatKind::Ident(_, _, _) => (),
PatKind::Wild => (),
_ => {
span_err!(ccx.tcx.sess, i.pat.span, E0130,
"patterns aren't allowed in foreign function declarations");
@ -2552,12 +2552,12 @@ fn name_from_pat(p: &hir::Pat) -> String {
debug!("Trying to get a name from pattern: {:?}", p);
match p.node {
PatWild => "_".to_string(),
PatIdent(_, ref p, _) => p.node.to_string(),
PatEnum(ref p, _) => path_to_string(p),
PatQPath(..) => panic!("tried to get argument name from PatQPath, \
PatKind::Wild => "_".to_string(),
PatKind::Ident(_, ref p, _) => p.node.to_string(),
PatKind::Enum(ref p, _) => path_to_string(p),
PatKind::QPath(..) => panic!("tried to get argument name from PatKind::QPath, \
which is not allowed in function arguments"),
PatStruct(ref name, ref fields, etc) => {
PatKind::Struct(ref name, ref fields, etc) => {
format!("{} {{ {}{} }}", path_to_string(name),
fields.iter().map(|&Spanned { node: ref fp, .. }|
format!("{}: {}",, name_from_pat(&*fp.pat)))
@ -2565,18 +2565,18 @@ fn name_from_pat(p: &hir::Pat) -> String {
if etc { ", ..." } else { "" }
PatTup(ref elts) => format!("({})", elts.iter().map(|p| name_from_pat(&**p))
PatKind::Tup(ref elts) => format!("({})", elts.iter().map(|p| name_from_pat(&**p))
.collect::<Vec<String>>().join(", ")),
PatBox(ref p) => name_from_pat(&**p),
PatRegion(ref p, _) => name_from_pat(&**p),
PatLit(..) => {
warn!("tried to get argument name from PatLit, \
PatKind::Box(ref p) => name_from_pat(&**p),
PatKind::Ref(ref p, _) => name_from_pat(&**p),
PatKind::Lit(..) => {
warn!("tried to get argument name from PatKind::Lit, \
which is silly in function arguments");
PatRange(..) => panic!("tried to get argument name from PatRange, \
PatKind::Range(..) => panic!("tried to get argument name from PatKind::Range, \
which is not allowed in function arguments"),
PatVec(ref begin, ref mid, ref end) => {
PatKind::Vec(ref begin, ref mid, ref end) => {
let begin = begin.iter().map(|p| name_from_pat(&**p));
let mid = mid.as_ref().map(|p| format!("..{}", name_from_pat(&**p))).into_iter();
let end = end.iter().map(|p| name_from_pat(&**p));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user