String split renaming:
* Renamed str::split -> str::split_byte * Renamed str::splitn -> str::splitn_byte * Renamed str::split_func -> str::split * Renamed str::split_char -> str::split_char * Renamed str::split_chars_iter -> str::split_char_iter * Added u8::is_ascii * Fixed the behavior of str::split_str, so that it matches split_chars and split (i.e. ["", "XXX", "YYY", ""] == split_str(".XXX.YYY.", ".")) * Fixed str::split_byte and str::splitn_byte so that they handle splitting UTF-8 strings on a given UTF-8/ASCII byte and also handle "" as the others do
This commit is contained in:
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ fn verify(root: str, data: str, sig: str, keyfp: str) -> bool {
let p = gpg(["--homedir", path, "--with-fingerprint", "--verify", sig,
let res = "Primary key fingerprint: " + keyfp;
for line in str::split(p.err, '\n' as u8) {
for line in str::split_byte(p.err, '\n' as u8) {
if line == res {
ret true;
@ -443,7 +443,8 @@ fn build_link_meta(sess: session, c: ast::crate, output: str,
none {
let name =
let os = str::split(fs::basename(output), '.' as u8);
let os = str::split_byte(
fs::basename(output), '.' as u8);
if (vec::len(os) < 2u) {
sess.fatal(#fmt("Output file name %s doesn't\
appear to have an extension", output));
@ -578,7 +579,7 @@ fn link_binary(sess: session,
} else { ret filename; }
fn rmext(filename: str) -> str {
let parts = str::split(filename, '.' as u8);
let parts = str::split_byte(filename, '.' as u8);
ret str::connect(parts, ".");
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ fn get_relative_to(abs1: fs::path, abs2: fs::path) -> fs::path {
abs1, abs2);
let normal1 = fs::normalize(abs1);
let normal2 = fs::normalize(abs2);
let split1 = str::split(normal1, os_fs::path_sep as u8);
let split2 = str::split(normal2, os_fs::path_sep as u8);
let split1 = str::split_byte(normal1, os_fs::path_sep as u8);
let split2 = str::split_byte(normal2, os_fs::path_sep as u8);
let len1 = vec::len(split1);
let len2 = vec::len(split2);
assert len1 > 0u;
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ fn get_used_libraries(cstore: cstore) -> [str] {
fn add_used_link_args(cstore: cstore, args: str) {
p(cstore).used_link_args += str::split(args, ' ' as u8);
p(cstore).used_link_args += str::split_byte(args, ' ' as u8);
fn get_used_link_args(cstore: cstore) -> [str] {
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ fn check_error_patterns(props: test_props,
let next_err_idx = 0u;
let next_err_pat = props.error_patterns[next_err_idx];
for line: str in str::split(procres.stdout, '\n' as u8) {
for line: str in str::split_byte(procres.stdout, '\n' as u8) {
if str::find(line, next_err_pat) > 0 {
#debug("found error pattern %s", next_err_pat);
next_err_idx += 1u;
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ fn check_expected_errors(expected_errors: [errors::expected_error],
// filename:line1:col1: line2:col2: *warning:* msg
// where line1:col1: is the starting point, line2:col2:
// is the ending point, and * represents ANSI color codes.
for line: str in str::split(procres.stdout, '\n' as u8) {
for line: str in str::split_byte(procres.stdout, '\n' as u8) {
let was_expected = false;
vec::iteri(expected_errors) {|i, ee|
if !found_flags[i] {
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ fn split_maybe_args(argstr: option<str>) -> [str] {
alt argstr {
option::some(s) { rm_whitespace(str::split(s, ' ' as u8)) }
option::some(s) { rm_whitespace(str::split_byte(s, ' ' as u8)) }
option::none { [] }
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ fn output_base_name(config: config, testfile: str) -> str {
let base = config.build_base;
let filename =
let parts = str::split(fs::basename(testfile), '.' as u8);
let parts = str::split_byte(fs::basename(testfile), '.' as u8);
parts = vec::slice(parts, 0u, vec::len(parts) - 1u);
str::connect(parts, ".")
@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ export
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ export
@ -397,8 +397,6 @@ fn bytes(s: str) -> [u8] unsafe {
Function: chars
Convert a string to a vector of characters
FIXME: rename to 'chars'
fn chars(s: str) -> [char] {
let buf: [char] = [];
@ -446,108 +444,109 @@ fn slice(s: str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> str {
from_chars(vec::slice(chars(s), begin, end))
Function: split
// Function: split_byte
// Splits a string into substrings at each occurrence of a given byte
// The byte must be a valid UTF-8/ASCII byte
fn split_byte(ss: str, sep: u8) -> [str] unsafe {
// still safe if we only split on an ASCII byte
assert u8::is_ascii(sep);
Split a string at each occurance of a given separator
let vv = [];
let start = 0u, current = 0u;
A vector containing all the strings between each occurance of the separator
FIXME: should be renamed to split_byte
fn split(s: str, sep: u8) -> [str] {
let v: [str] = [];
let accum: str = "";
let ends_with_sep: bool = false;
for c: u8 in s {
if c == sep {
v += [accum];
accum = "";
ends_with_sep = true;
} else { accum += from_byte(c); ends_with_sep = false; }
str::bytes_iter(ss) {|cc|
if sep == cc {
vec::push(vv, str::unsafe::slice_bytes(ss, start, current));
start = current + 1u;
current += 1u;
if byte_len(accum) != 0u || ends_with_sep { v += [accum]; }
ret v;
vec::push(vv, str::unsafe::slice_bytes(ss, start, current));
ret vv;
Function: splitn
// Function: splitn_byte
// Splits a string into substrings at each occurrence of a given byte
// up to 'count' times
// The byte must be a valid UTF-8/ASCII byte
fn splitn_byte(ss: str, sep: u8, count: uint) -> [str] unsafe {
// still safe if we only split on an ASCII byte
assert u8::is_ascii(sep);
Split a string at each occurance of a given separator up to count times.
let vv = [];
let start = 0u, current = 0u, len = byte_len(ss);
let splits_done = 0u;
A vector containing all the strings between each occurance of the separator
FIXME: rename to 'splitn_char'
fn splitn(s: str, sep: u8, count: uint) -> [str] {
let v = [];
let accum = "";
let n = count;
let ends_with_sep: bool = false;
for c in s {
if n > 0u && c == sep {
n -= 1u;
v += [accum];
accum = "";
ends_with_sep = true;
} else { accum += from_byte(c); ends_with_sep = false; }
while splits_done < count && current < len {
if sep == ss[current] {
vec::push(vv, str::unsafe::slice_bytes(ss, start, current));
start = current + 1u;
splits_done += 1u;
current += 1u;
if byte_len(accum) != 0u || ends_with_sep { v += [accum]; }
ret v;
vec::push(vv, str::unsafe::slice_bytes(ss, start, len));
ret vv;
Function: split_str
Splits a string at each occurrence of the given separator string. Empty
leading fields are suppressed, and empty trailing fields are preserved.
Splits a string into a vector of the substrings separated by a given string
Note that this has recently been changed. For example:
> assert ["", "XXX", "YYY", ""] == split_str(".XXX.YYY.", ".")
A vector containing all the strings between each occurrence of the separator.
FIXME: should behave like split and split_char:
assert ["", "XXX", "YYY", ""] == split_str(".XXX.YYY.", ".");
FIXME: Boyer-Moore variation
fn split_str(s: str, sep: str) -> [str] {
assert byte_len(sep) > 0u;
let v: [str] = [], accum = [], sep_match = 0u, leading = true;
for c: u8 in s {
// Did we match the entire separator?
if sep_match == byte_len(sep) {
if !leading { vec::push(v, from_bytes(accum)); }
accum = [];
sep_match = 0u;
fn split_str(ss: str, sep: str) -> [str] unsafe {
// unsafe is justified: we are splitting
// UTF-8 with UTF-8, so the results will be OK
let sep_len = str::byte_len(sep);
assert sep_len > 0u;
let vv = [];
let start = 0u, start_match = 0u, current = 0u, matching = 0u;
str::bytes_iter(ss) {|cc|
if sep[matching] == cc {
matching += 1u;
} else {
start_match += 1u;
if c == sep[sep_match] {
sep_match += 1u;
} else {
sep_match = 0u;
vec::push(accum, c);
leading = false;
if matching == sep_len {
// found a separator
// push whatever is before it, including ""
vec::push(vv, str::unsafe::slice_bytes(ss, start, start_match));
// reset cursors and counters
start = current + 1u;
start_match = current + 1u;
matching = 0u;
current += 1u;
if vec::len(accum) > 0u { vec::push(v, from_bytes(accum)); }
if sep_match == byte_len(sep) { vec::push(v, ""); }
ret v;
// whether we have a "", or something meaningful, push it
vec::push(vv, str::unsafe::slice_bytes(ss, start, current));
ret vv;
Function: split_func
Function: split
Splits a string into substrings using a function
Splits a string into substrings using a character function
(unicode safe)
FIXME: rename to 'split'
fn split_func(ss: str, sepfn: fn(cc: char)->bool) -> [str] {
fn split(ss: str, sepfn: fn(cc: char)->bool) -> [str] {
let vv: [str] = [];
let accum: str = "";
let ends_with_sep: bool = false;
@ -573,9 +572,11 @@ fn split_func(ss: str, sepfn: fn(cc: char)->bool) -> [str] {
Function: split_char
Splits a string into a vector of the substrings separated by a given character
FIXME: also add splitn_char
fn split_char(ss: str, cc: char) -> [str] {
split_func(ss, {|kk| kk == cc})
split(ss, {|kk| kk == cc})
@ -585,7 +586,7 @@ Splits a string into a vector of the substrings
separated by LF ('\n')
fn lines(ss: str) -> [str] {
split_func(ss, {|cc| cc == '\n'})
split(ss, {|cc| cc == '\n'})
@ -605,7 +606,7 @@ Splits a string into a vector of the substrings
separated by whitespace
fn words(ss: str) -> [str] {
ret vec::filter( split_func(ss, {|cc| char::is_whitespace(cc)}),
ret vec::filter( split(ss, {|cc| char::is_whitespace(cc)}),
{|w| 0u < str::char_len(w)});
@ -794,25 +795,25 @@ fn chars_iter(s: str, it: fn(char)) {
Function: split_chars_iter
Function: split_char_iter
Apply a function to each substring after splitting
by character
fn split_chars_iter(ss: str, cc: char, ff: fn(&&str)) {
fn split_char_iter(ss: str, cc: char, ff: fn(&&str)) {
vec::iter(split_char(ss, cc), ff)
Function: splitn_chars_iter
Function: splitn_char_iter
Apply a function to each substring after splitting
by character, up to nn times
FIXME: make this use chars when splitn/splitn_char is fixed
fn splitn_chars_iter(ss: str, sep: u8, count: uint, ff: fn(&&str)) {
vec::iter(splitn(ss, sep, count), ff)
fn splitn_char_iter(ss: str, sep: u8, count: uint, ff: fn(&&str)) unsafe {
vec::iter(splitn_byte(ss, sep, count), ff)
@ -880,7 +881,7 @@ Returns:
The index of the first occurance of `needle`, or -1 if not found.
fn find(haystack: str, needle: str) -> int {
let haystack_len: int = byte_len(haystack) as int;
@ -960,12 +961,10 @@ Section: String properties
Function: is_ascii
Determines if a string contains only ASCII characters
FIXME: possibly implement using char::is_ascii when it exists
fn is_ascii(s: str) -> bool {
let i: uint = byte_len(s);
while i > 0u { i -= 1u; if s[i] & 128u8 != 0u8 { ret false; } }
while i > 0u { i -= 1u; if !u8::is_ascii(s[i]) { ret false; } }
ret true;
@ -997,7 +996,7 @@ Function: byte_len
Returns the length in bytes of a string
FIXME: rename to 'len_bytes'?
FIXME: rename to 'len_bytes'
pure fn byte_len(s: str) -> uint unsafe {
let v: [u8] = ::unsafe::reinterpret_cast(s);
@ -1013,7 +1012,7 @@ Function: char_len
Count the number of unicode characters in a string
FIXME: rename to 'len_chars'?
FIXME: rename to 'len_chars'
fn char_len(s: str) -> uint {
ret char_len_range(s, 0u, byte_len(s));
@ -1315,7 +1314,6 @@ fn reserve(&ss: str, nn: uint) {
// These functions may create invalid UTF-8 strings and eat your baby.
mod unsafe {
@ -1339,7 +1337,7 @@ mod unsafe {
unsafe fn from_byte(u: u8) -> str { unsafe::from_bytes([u]) }
Function: slice
Function: slice_bytes
Takes a bytewise (not UTF-8) slice from a string.
Returns the substring from [`begin`..`end`).
@ -1374,7 +1372,6 @@ mod unsafe {
assert (end <= byte_len(s));
ret slice_bytes(s, begin, end);
@ -1418,25 +1415,39 @@ mod tests {
fn test_split() {
fn test_split_byte() {
fn t(s: str, c: char, u: [str]) {
log(debug, "split: " + s);
let v = split(s, c as u8);
#debug("split to: ");
log(debug, "split_byte: " + s);
let v = split_byte(s, c as u8);
#debug("split_byte to: ");
log(debug, v);
assert (vec::all2(v, u, { |a,b| a == b }));
t("abc.hello.there", '.', ["abc", "hello", "there"]);
t(".hello.there", '.', ["", "hello", "there"]);
t("...hello.there.", '.', ["", "", "", "hello", "there", ""]);
assert ["", "", "", "hello", "there", ""]
== split_byte("...hello.there.", '.' as u8);
assert [""] == split_byte("", 'z' as u8);
assert ["",""] == split_byte("z", 'z' as u8);
assert ["ok"] == split_byte("ok", 'z' as u8);
fn test_splitn() {
fn test_split_byte_2() {
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
assert ["ประเทศไทย中华", "iệt Nam"]
== split_byte(data, 'V' as u8);
fn test_splitn_byte() {
fn t(s: str, c: char, n: uint, u: [str]) {
log(debug, "splitn: " + s);
let v = splitn(s, c as u8, n);
#debug("split to: ");
log(debug, "splitn_byte: " + s);
let v = splitn_byte(s, c as u8, n);
#debug("split_byte to: ");
log(debug, v);
#debug("comparing vs. ");
log(debug, u);
@ -1450,6 +1461,20 @@ mod tests {
t(".hello.there", '.', 1u, ["", "hello.there"]);
t("...hello.there.", '.', 3u, ["", "", "", "hello.there."]);
t("...hello.there.", '.', 5u, ["", "", "", "hello", "there", ""]);
assert [""] == splitn_byte("", 'z' as u8, 5u);
assert ["",""] == splitn_byte("z", 'z' as u8, 5u);
assert ["ok"] == splitn_byte("ok", 'z' as u8, 5u);
assert ["z"] == splitn_byte("z", 'z' as u8, 0u);
assert ["w.x.y"] == splitn_byte("w.x.y", '.' as u8, 0u);
assert ["w","x.y"] == splitn_byte("w.x.y", '.' as u8, 1u);
fn test_splitn_byte_2() {
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
assert ["ประเทศไทย中华", "iệt Nam"]
== splitn_byte(data, 'V' as u8, 1u);
@ -1459,34 +1484,48 @@ mod tests {
assert eq(v[i], k);
//FIXME: should behave like split and split_char:
//assert ["", "XXX", "YYY", ""] == split_str(".XXX.YYY.", ".");
t("abc::hello::there", "::", 0, "abc");
t("abc::hello::there", "::", 1, "hello");
t("abc::hello::there", "::", 2, "there");
t("::hello::there", "::", 0, "hello");
t("::hello::there", "::", 0, "");
t("hello::there::", "::", 2, "");
t("::hello::there::", "::", 2, "");
t("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam", "中华", 0, "ประเทศไทย");
t("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam", "中华", 1, "Việt Nam");
t("::hello::there::", "::", 3, "");
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
assert ["ประเทศไทย", "Việt Nam"]
== split_str (data, "中华");
assert ["", "XXX", "YYY", ""]
== split_str("zzXXXzzYYYzz", "zz");
assert ["zz", "zYYYz"]
== split_str("zzXXXzYYYz", "XXX");
assert ["", "XXX", "YYY", ""] == split_str(".XXX.YYY.", ".");
assert [""] == split_str("", ".");
assert ["",""] == split_str("zz", "zz");
assert ["ok"] == split_str("ok", "z");
assert ["","z"] == split_str("zzz", "zz");
assert ["","","z"] == split_str("zzzzz", "zz");
fn test_split_func () {
fn test_split () {
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
assert ["ประเทศไทย中", "Việt Nam"]
== split_func (data, {|cc| cc == '华'});
== split (data, {|cc| cc == '华'});
assert ["", "", "XXX", "YYY", ""]
== split_func("zzXXXzYYYz", char::is_lowercase);
== split("zzXXXzYYYz", char::is_lowercase);
assert ["zz", "", "", "z", "", "", "z"]
== split_func("zzXXXzYYYz", char::is_uppercase);
== split("zzXXXzYYYz", char::is_uppercase);
assert ["",""] == split_func("z", {|cc| cc == 'z'});
assert [""] == split_func("", {|cc| cc == 'z'});
assert ["ok"] == split_func("ok", {|cc| cc == 'z'});
assert ["",""] == split("z", {|cc| cc == 'z'});
assert [""] == split("", {|cc| cc == 'z'});
assert ["ok"] == split("ok", {|cc| cc == 'z'});
@ -1891,12 +1930,12 @@ mod tests {
fn test_split_chars_iter() {
fn test_split_char_iter() {
let data = "\nMary had a little lamb\nLittle lamb\n";
let ii = 0;
split_chars_iter(data, ' ') {|xx|
split_char_iter(data, ' ') {|xx|
alt ii {
0 { assert "\nMary" == xx; }
1 { assert "had" == xx; }
@ -1909,12 +1948,12 @@ mod tests {
fn test_splitn_chars_iter() {
fn test_splitn_char_iter() {
let data = "\nMary had a little lamb\nLittle lamb\n";
let ii = 0;
splitn_chars_iter(data, ' ' as u8, 2u) {|xx|
splitn_char_iter(data, ' ' as u8, 2u) {|xx|
alt ii {
0 { assert "\nMary" == xx; }
1 { assert "had" == xx; }
@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ pure fn ge(x: u8, y: u8) -> bool { ret x >= y; }
/* Predicate: gt */
pure fn gt(x: u8, y: u8) -> bool { ret x > y; }
/* Predicate: is_ascii */
pure fn is_ascii(x: u8) -> bool { ret 0u8 == x & 128u8; }
Function: range
@ -252,12 +252,16 @@ the first element of the returned vector will be the drive letter
followed by a colon.
fn split(p: path) -> [path] {
let split1 = str::split(p, os_fs::path_sep as u8);
// FIXME: use UTF-8 safe str, and/or various other string formats
let split1 = str::split_byte(p, os_fs::path_sep as u8);
let split2 = [];
for s in split1 {
split2 += str::split(s, os_fs::alt_path_sep as u8);
split2 += str::split_byte(s, os_fs::alt_path_sep as u8);
ret split2;
// filter out ""
let split3 = vec::filter(split2, {|seg| "" != seg});
ret split3;
@ -270,9 +274,10 @@ path includes directory components then they are included in the filename part
of the result pair.
fn splitext(p: path) -> (str, str) {
// FIXME: use UTF-8 safe str, and/or various other string formats
if str::is_empty(p) { ("", "") }
else {
let parts = str::split(p, '.' as u8);
let parts = str::split_byte(p, '.' as u8);
if vec::len(parts) > 1u {
let base = str::connect(vec::init(parts), ".");
let ext = "." + option::get(vec::last(parts));
@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ Failure:
String must be a valid IPv4 address
fn parse_addr(ip: str) -> ip_addr {
let parts = vec::map(str::split(ip, "."[0]), {|s| uint::from_str(s) });
let parts = vec::map(str::split_byte(ip, "."[0]),
{|s| uint::from_str(s) });
if vec::len(parts) != 4u { fail "Too many dots in IP address"; }
for i in parts { if i > 255u { fail "Invalid IP Address part."; } }
ipv4(parts[0] as u8, parts[1] as u8, parts[2] as u8, parts[3] as u8)
@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ fn read_grid(f: io::reader) -> grid_t {
let g = vec::init_fn(10u, {|_i| vec::init_elt_mut(10u, 0 as u8) });
while !f.eof() {
// FIXME: replace with unicode compliant call
let comps = str::split(str::trim(f.read_line()), ',' as u8);
let comps = str::split_byte(str::trim(f.read_line()), ',' as u8);
if vec::len(comps) >= 3u {
let row = uint::from_str(comps[0]) as u8;
let col = uint::from_str(comps[1]) as u8;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user