add new read_chars method, fix bug in read_char

having a read_chars method is convenient and more efficient.

the old read_char method had a bug due to re-use of the 'w' width
variable as a loop counter and so was broken for wide characters,
this patch fixes that.
This commit is contained in:
Grahame Bowland 2012-01-09 00:37:03 +08:00
parent e3afc78fde
commit bcc25634e6
1 changed files with 60 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ type reader =
fn unread_byte(int);
fn read_bytes(uint) -> [u8];
fn read_char() -> char;
fn read_chars(uint) -> [char];
fn eof() -> bool;
fn read_line() -> str;
fn read_c_str() -> str;
@ -101,29 +102,68 @@ obj new_reader(rdr: buf_reader) {
fn read_byte() -> int { ret rdr.read_byte(); }
fn unread_byte(byte: int) { ret rdr.unread_byte(byte); }
fn read_bytes(len: uint) -> [u8] { ret; }
fn read_chars(n: uint) -> [char] {
// returns the (consumed offset, n_req), appends characters to &chars
fn chars_from_buf(buf: [u8], &chars: [char]) -> (uint, uint) {
let i = 0u;
while i < vec::len(buf) {
let b0 = buf[i];
let w = str::utf8_char_width(b0);
let end = i + w;
i += 1u;
assert (w > 0u);
if w == 1u {
chars += [ b0 as char ];
// can't satisfy this char with the existing data
if end > vec::len(buf) {
ret (i - 1u, end - vec::len(buf));
let val = 0u;
while i < end {
let next = buf[i] as int;
i += 1u;
assert (next > -1);
assert (next & 192 == 128);
val <<= 6u;
val += next & 63 as uint;
// See str::char_at
val += (b0 << (w + 1u as u8) as uint) << (w - 1u) * 6u - w - 1u;
chars += [ val as char ];
ret (i, 0u);
let buf: [u8] = [];
let chars: [char] = [];
let nbread = n; // might need more bytes, but reading n will never over-read
while nbread > 0u {
let data = self.read_bytes(nbread);
if vec::len(data) == 0u {
// eof - FIXME should we do something if we're split in a unicode char?
buf += data;
let (offset, nbreq) = chars_from_buf(buf, chars);
let ncreq = n - vec::len(chars);
// again we either know we need a certain number of bytes to complete a
// character, or we make sure we don't over-read by reading 1-byte per char
// needed
nbread = if ncreq > nbreq { ncreq } else { nbreq };
if nbread > 0u {
buf = vec::slice(buf, offset, vec::len(buf));
ret chars;
fn read_char() -> char {
let c0 = rdr.read_byte();
if c0 == -1 {
let c = self.read_chars(1u);
if vec::len(c) == 0u {
ret -1 as char; // FIXME will this stay valid?
let b0 = c0 as u8;
let w = str::utf8_char_width(b0);
assert (w > 0u);
if w == 1u { ret b0 as char; }
let val = 0u;
while w > 1u {
w -= 1u;
let next = rdr.read_byte();
assert (next > -1);
assert (next & 192 == 128);
val <<= 6u;
val += next & 63 as uint;
// See str::char_at
val += (b0 << (w + 1u as u8) as uint) << (w - 1u) * 6u - w - 1u;
ret val as char;
assert(vec::len(c) == 1u);
ret c[0];
fn eof() -> bool { ret rdr.eof(); }
fn read_line() -> str {