Represent "item families" in the decoder as an enum
This eliminates some match checks. Also get rid of other match checks in metadata code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -105,9 +105,56 @@ fn lookup_item(item_id: int, data: @~[u8]) -> ebml::doc {
fn item_family(item: ebml::doc) -> char {
enum Family {
Const, // c
Fn, // f
UnsafeFn, // u
PureFn, // p
StaticMethod, // F
UnsafeStaticMethod, // U
PureStaticMethod, // P
ForeignFn, // e
Type, // y
ForeignType, // T
Mod, // m
ForeignMod, // n
Enum, // t
Variant, // v
Impl, // i
Trait, // I
Class, // C
Struct, // S
PublicField, // g
PrivateField, // j
InheritedField // N
fn item_family(item: ebml::doc) -> Family {
let fam = ebml::get_doc(item, tag_items_data_item_family);
ebml::doc_as_u8(fam) as char
match ebml::doc_as_u8(fam) as char {
'c' => Const,
'f' => Fn,
'u' => UnsafeFn,
'p' => PureFn,
'F' => StaticMethod,
'U' => UnsafeStaticMethod,
'P' => PureStaticMethod,
'e' => ForeignFn,
'y' => Type,
'T' => ForeignType,
'm' => Mod,
'n' => ForeignMod,
't' => Enum,
'v' => Variant,
'i' => Impl,
'I' => Trait,
'C' => Class,
'S' => Struct,
'g' => PublicField,
'j' => PrivateField,
'N' => InheritedField,
c => fail (#fmt("unexpected family char: %c", c))
fn item_symbol(item: ebml::doc) -> ~str {
@ -245,31 +292,34 @@ fn item_name(intr: ident_interner, item: ebml::doc) -> ast::ident {
fn item_to_def_like(item: ebml::doc, did: ast::def_id, cnum: ast::crate_num)
-> def_like {
let fam_ch = item_family(item);
match fam_ch {
'c' => dl_def(ast::def_const(did)),
'C' => dl_def(ast::def_class(did, true)),
'S' => dl_def(ast::def_class(did, false)),
'u' => dl_def(ast::def_fn(did, ast::unsafe_fn)),
'f' => dl_def(ast::def_fn(did, ast::impure_fn)),
'p' => dl_def(ast::def_fn(did, ast::pure_fn)),
'e' => dl_def(ast::def_fn(did, ast::extern_fn)),
'U' => dl_def(ast::def_static_method(did, ast::unsafe_fn)),
'F' => dl_def(ast::def_static_method(did, ast::impure_fn)),
'P' => dl_def(ast::def_static_method(did, ast::pure_fn)),
'y' => dl_def(ast::def_ty(did)),
't' => dl_def(ast::def_ty(did)),
'm' => dl_def(ast::def_mod(did)),
'n' => dl_def(ast::def_foreign_mod(did)),
'v' => {
let mut tid = option::get(item_parent_item(item));
tid = {crate: cnum, node: tid.node};
dl_def(ast::def_variant(tid, did))
let fam = item_family(item);
match fam {
Const => dl_def(ast::def_const(did)),
Class => dl_def(ast::def_class(did, true)),
Struct => dl_def(ast::def_class(did, false)),
UnsafeFn => dl_def(ast::def_fn(did, ast::unsafe_fn)),
Fn => dl_def(ast::def_fn(did, ast::impure_fn)),
PureFn => dl_def(ast::def_fn(did, ast::pure_fn)),
ForeignFn => dl_def(ast::def_fn(did, ast::extern_fn)),
UnsafeStaticMethod => dl_def(ast::def_static_method(did,
StaticMethod => dl_def(ast::def_static_method(did, ast::impure_fn)),
PureStaticMethod => dl_def(ast::def_static_method(did, ast::pure_fn)),
Type | ForeignType => dl_def(ast::def_ty(did)),
Mod => dl_def(ast::def_mod(did)),
ForeignMod => dl_def(ast::def_foreign_mod(did)),
Variant => {
match item_parent_item(item) {
some(t) => {
let tid = {crate: cnum, node: t.node};
dl_def(ast::def_variant(tid, did))
none => fail ~"item_to_def_like: enum item has no parent"
'I' => dl_def(ast::def_ty(did)),
'i' => dl_impl(did),
'g' | 'j' | 'N' => dl_field,
ch => fail fmt!{"unexpected family code: '%c'", ch}
Trait | Enum => dl_def(ast::def_ty(did)),
Impl => dl_impl(did),
PublicField | PrivateField | InheritedField => dl_field,
@ -642,12 +692,14 @@ fn get_trait_methods(intr: ident_interner, cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id,
let self_ty = get_self_ty(mth);
vec::push(result, {ident: name, tps: bounds, fty: fty,
self_ty: self_ty,
purity: match check item_family(mth) {
'u' => ast::unsafe_fn,
'f' => ast::impure_fn,
'p' => ast::pure_fn
purity: match item_family(mth) {
UnsafeFn => ast::unsafe_fn,
Fn => ast::impure_fn,
PureFn => ast::pure_fn,
_ => fail ~"bad purity"
}, vis: ast::public});
#debug("get_trait_methods: }");
@ -659,7 +711,7 @@ fn get_method_names_if_trait(intr: ident_interner, cdata: cmd,
-> option<@DVec<(ast::ident, ast::self_ty_)>> {
let item = lookup_item(node_id,;
if item_family(item) != 'I' {
if item_family(item) != Trait {
return none;
@ -685,7 +737,7 @@ fn get_item_attrs(cdata: cmd,
// Helper function that gets either fields or methods
fn get_class_members(intr: ident_interner, cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id,
p: fn(char) -> bool) -> ~[ty::field_ty] {
p: fn(Family) -> bool) -> ~[ty::field_ty] {
let data =;
let item = lookup_item(id, data);
let mut result = ~[];
@ -702,33 +754,31 @@ fn get_class_members(intr: ident_interner, cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id,
pure fn family_to_visibility(family: char) -> ast::visibility {
pure fn family_to_visibility(family: Family) -> ast::visibility {
match family {
'g' => ast::public,
'j' => ast::private,
'N' => ast::inherited,
PublicField => ast::public,
PrivateField => ast::private,
InheritedField => ast::inherited,
_ => fail
/* 'g' for public field, 'j' for private field, 'N' for inherited field */
fn get_class_fields(intr: ident_interner, cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id)
-> ~[ty::field_ty] {
get_class_members(intr, cdata, id, |f| f == 'g' || f == 'j' || f == 'N')
get_class_members(intr, cdata, id, |f| f == PublicField
|| f == PrivateField || f == InheritedField)
fn family_has_type_params(fam_ch: char) -> bool {
match fam_ch {
'c' | 'T' | 'm' | 'n' | 'g' | 'h' | 'j' | 'e' | 'N' => false,
'f' | 'u' | 'p' | 'F' | 'U' | 'P' | 'y' | 't' | 'v' | 'i' | 'I' | 'C'
| 'a' | 'S'
=> true,
_ => fail fmt!("'%c' is not a family", fam_ch)
fn family_has_type_params(fam: Family) -> bool {
match fam {
Const | ForeignType | Mod | ForeignMod | PublicField | PrivateField
| ForeignFn => false,
_ => true
fn family_names_type(fam_ch: char) -> bool {
match fam_ch { 'y' | 't' | 'I' => true, _ => false }
fn family_names_type(fam: Family) -> bool {
match fam { Type | Mod | Trait => true, _ => false }
fn read_path(d: ebml::doc) -> {path: ~str, pos: uint} {
@ -748,29 +798,29 @@ fn describe_def(items: ebml::doc, id: ast::def_id) -> ~str {
return item_family_to_str(item_family(it));
fn item_family_to_str(fam: char) -> ~str {
match check fam {
'c' => return ~"const",
'f' => return ~"fn",
'u' => return ~"unsafe fn",
'p' => return ~"pure fn",
'F' => return ~"static method",
'U' => return ~"unsafe static method",
'P' => return ~"pure static method",
'e' => return ~"foreign fn",
'y' => return ~"type",
'T' => return ~"foreign type",
't' => return ~"type",
'm' => return ~"mod",
'n' => return ~"foreign mod",
'v' => return ~"enum",
'i' => return ~"impl",
'I' => return ~"trait",
'C' => return ~"class",
'S' => return ~"struct",
'g' => return ~"public field",
'j' => return ~"private field",
'N' => return ~"inherited field"
fn item_family_to_str(fam: Family) -> ~str {
match fam {
Const => ~"const",
Fn => ~"fn",
UnsafeFn => ~"unsafe fn",
PureFn => ~"pure fn",
StaticMethod => ~"static method",
UnsafeStaticMethod => ~"unsafe static method",
PureStaticMethod => ~"pure static method",
ForeignFn => ~"foreign fn",
Type => ~"type",
ForeignType => ~"foreign type",
Mod => ~"mod",
ForeignMod => ~"foreign mod",
Enum => ~"enum",
Variant => ~"variant",
Impl => ~"impl",
Trait => ~"trait",
Class => ~"class",
Struct => ~"struct",
PublicField => ~"public field",
PrivateField => ~"private field",
InheritedField => ~"inherited field",
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ fn encode_region_param(ecx: @encode_ctxt, ebml_w: ebml::writer,
fn encode_mutability(ebml_w: ebml::writer, mt: class_mutability) {
do ebml_w.wr_tag(tag_class_mut) {
let val = match mt {
class_immutable => 'i',
class_immutable => 'a',
class_mutable => 'm'
ebml_w.writer.write(&[val as u8]);
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ fn purity_static_method_family(p: purity) -> char {
unsafe_fn => 'U',
pure_fn => 'P',
impure_fn => 'F',
extern_fn => 'E'
_ => fail ~"extern fn can't be static"
@ -813,19 +813,22 @@ fn encode_info_for_items(ecx: @encode_ctxt, ebml_w: ebml::writer,
visit_expr: |_e, _cx, _v| { },
visit_item: |i, cx, v, copy ebml_w| {
visit::visit_item(i, cx, v);
match check ecx.tcx.items.get( {
match ecx.tcx.items.get( {
ast_map::node_item(_, pt) => {
encode_info_for_item(ecx, ebml_w, i, index, *pt);
_ => fail ~"bad item"
visit_foreign_item: |ni, cx, v, copy ebml_w| {
visit::visit_foreign_item(ni, cx, v);
match check ecx.tcx.items.get( {
match ecx.tcx.items.get( {
ast_map::node_foreign_item(_, abi, pt) => {
encode_info_for_foreign_item(ecx, ebml_w, ni,
index, *pt, abi);
// case for separate item and foreign-item tables
_ => fail ~"bad foreign item"
with *visit::default_visitor()
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
// Type decoding
// tjc note: Would be great to have a `match check` macro equivalent
// for some of these
import syntax::ast;
import syntax::ast::*;
import syntax::ast_util;
@ -103,10 +106,11 @@ fn parse_vstore(st: @pstate) -> ty::vstore {
return ty::vstore_fixed(n);
match check next(st) {
match next(st) {
'~' => ty::vstore_uniq,
'@' => ty::vstore_box,
'&' => ty::vstore_slice(parse_region(st))
'&' => ty::vstore_slice(parse_region(st)),
_ => fail ~"parse_vstore: bad input"
@ -126,7 +130,7 @@ fn parse_substs(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> ty::substs {
fn parse_bound_region(st: @pstate) -> ty::bound_region {
match check next(st) {
match next(st) {
's' => ty::br_self,
'a' => {
let id = parse_int(st) as uint;
@ -138,12 +142,13 @@ fn parse_bound_region(st: @pstate) -> ty::bound_region {
let id = parse_int(st);
assert next(st) == '|';
ty::br_cap_avoid(id, @parse_bound_region(st))
_ => fail ~"parse_bound_region: bad input"
fn parse_region(st: @pstate) -> ty::region {
match check next(st) {
match next(st) {
'b' => {
@ -163,13 +168,15 @@ fn parse_region(st: @pstate) -> ty::region {
't' => {
_ => fail ~"parse_region: bad input"
fn parse_opt<T>(st: @pstate, f: fn() -> T) -> option<T> {
match check next(st) {
match next(st) {
'n' => none,
's' => some(f())
's' => some(f()),
_ => fail ~"parse_opt: bad input"
@ -183,7 +190,7 @@ fn parse_str(st: @pstate, term: char) -> ~str {
fn parse_ty(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> ty::t {
match check next(st) {
match next(st) {
'n' => return ty::mk_nil(st.tcx),
'z' => return ty::mk_bot(st.tcx),
'b' => return ty::mk_bool(st.tcx),
@ -191,7 +198,7 @@ fn parse_ty(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> ty::t {
'u' => return ty::mk_uint(st.tcx),
'l' => return ty::mk_float(st.tcx),
'M' => {
match check next(st) {
match next(st) {
'b' => return ty::mk_mach_uint(st.tcx, ast::ty_u8),
'w' => return ty::mk_mach_uint(st.tcx, ast::ty_u16),
'l' => return ty::mk_mach_uint(st.tcx, ast::ty_u32),
@ -201,7 +208,8 @@ fn parse_ty(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> ty::t {
'L' => return ty::mk_mach_int(st.tcx, ast::ty_i32),
'D' => return ty::mk_mach_int(st.tcx, ast::ty_i64),
'f' => return ty::mk_mach_float(st.tcx, ast::ty_f32),
'F' => return ty::mk_mach_float(st.tcx, ast::ty_f64)
'F' => return ty::mk_mach_float(st.tcx, ast::ty_f64),
_ => fail ~"parse_ty: bad numeric type"
'c' => return ty::mk_char(st.tcx),
@ -270,10 +278,11 @@ fn parse_ty(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> ty::t {
'Y' => return ty::mk_type(st.tcx),
'C' => {
let ck = match check next(st) {
let ck = match next(st) {
'&' => ty::ck_block,
'@' => ty::ck_box,
'~' => ty::ck_uniq
'~' => ty::ck_uniq,
_ => fail ~"parse_ty: bad closure kind"
return ty::mk_opaque_closure_ptr(st.tcx, ck);
@ -354,11 +363,12 @@ fn parse_hex(st: @pstate) -> uint {
fn parse_purity(c: char) -> purity {
match check c {
match c {
'u' => unsafe_fn,
'p' => pure_fn,
'i' => impure_fn,
'c' => extern_fn
'c' => extern_fn,
_ => fail ~"parse_purity: bad purity"
@ -369,12 +379,13 @@ fn parse_ty_fn(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> ty::fn_ty {
assert (next(st) == '[');
let mut inputs: ~[ty::arg] = ~[];
while peek(st) != ']' {
let mode = match check peek(st) {
let mode = match peek(st) {
'&' => ast::by_mutbl_ref,
'-' => ast::by_move,
'+' => ast::by_copy,
'=' => ast::by_ref,
'#' => ast::by_val
'#' => ast::by_val,
_ => fail ~"bad mode"
st.pos += 1u;
vec::push(inputs, {mode: ast::expl(mode), ty: parse_ty(st, conv)});
@ -422,13 +433,14 @@ fn parse_bounds_data(data: @~[u8], start: uint,
fn parse_bounds(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> @~[ty::param_bound] {
let mut bounds = ~[];
loop {
vec::push(bounds, match check next(st) {
vec::push(bounds, match next(st) {
'S' => ty::bound_send,
'C' => ty::bound_copy,
'K' => ty::bound_const,
'O' => ty::bound_owned,
'I' => ty::bound_trait(parse_ty(st, conv)),
'.' => break
'.' => break,
_ => fail ~"parse_bounds: bad bounds"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user