rustdoc: Sort lines in search index and implementors js

This means the files are generated deterministically even with rustdoc
running in parallel.
This commit is contained in:
Oliver Middleton 2016-12-01 13:10:49 +00:00
parent 3abaf43f77
commit d6ec686d37

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::default::Default;
use std::error;
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter, Write as FmtWrite};
use std::fs::{self, File, OpenOptions};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::{self, BufWriter, BufReader};
@ -718,10 +718,13 @@ fn write_shared(cx: &Context,
// Update the search index
let dst = cx.dst.join("search-index.js");
let all_indexes = try_err!(collect(&dst, &, "searchIndex"), &dst);
let mut all_indexes = try_err!(collect(&dst, &, "searchIndex"), &dst);
// Sort the indexes by crate so the file will be generated identically even
// with rustdoc running in parallel.
let mut w = try_err!(File::create(&dst), &dst);
try_err!(writeln!(&mut w, "var searchIndex = {{}};"), &dst);
try_err!(writeln!(&mut w, "{}", search_index), &dst);
for index in &all_indexes {
try_err!(writeln!(&mut w, "{}", *index), &dst);
@ -729,7 +732,6 @@ fn write_shared(cx: &Context,
// Update the list of all implementors for traits
let dst = cx.dst.join("implementors");
try_err!(mkdir(&dst), &dst);
for (&did, imps) in &cache.implementors {
// Private modules can leak through to this phase of rustdoc, which
// could contain implementations for otherwise private types. In some
@ -746,37 +748,37 @@ fn write_shared(cx: &Context,
let mut mydst = dst.clone();
for part in &remote_path[..remote_path.len() - 1] {
try_err!(mkdir(&mydst), &mydst);
remote_path[remote_path.len() - 1]));
let all_implementors = try_err!(collect(&mydst, &,
let mut f = BufWriter::new(try_err!(File::create(&mydst), &mydst));
try_err!(writeln!(&mut f, "(function() {{var implementors = {{}};"), &mydst);
for implementor in &all_implementors {
try_err!(write!(&mut f, "{}", *implementor), &mydst);
try_err!(write!(&mut f, r#"implementors["{}"] = ["#,, &mydst);
let mut implementors = format!(r#"implementors["{}"] = ["#,;
for imp in imps {
// If the trait and implementation are in the same crate, then
// there's no need to emit information about it (there's inlining
// going on). If they're in different crates then the crate defining
// the trait will be interested in our implementation.
if imp.def_id.krate == did.krate { continue }
try_err!(write!(&mut f, r#""{}","#, imp.impl_), &mydst);
write!(implementors, r#""{}","#, imp.impl_).unwrap();
let mut mydst = dst.clone();
for part in &remote_path[..remote_path.len() - 1] {
try_err!(fs::create_dir_all(&mydst), &mydst);
remote_path[remote_path.len() - 1]));
let mut all_implementors = try_err!(collect(&mydst, &, "implementors"), &mydst);
// Sort the implementors by crate so the file will be generated
// identically even with rustdoc running in parallel.
let mut f = try_err!(File::create(&mydst), &mydst);
try_err!(writeln!(&mut f, "(function() {{var implementors = {{}};"), &mydst);
for implementor in &all_implementors {
try_err!(writeln!(&mut f, "{}", *implementor), &mydst);
try_err!(writeln!(&mut f, r"];"), &mydst);
try_err!(writeln!(&mut f, "{}", r"
if (window.register_implementors) {