Refactor the parser to consume token trees.
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ use lint;
use middle::cstore;
use syntax::ast::{self, IntTy, UintTy};
use syntax::parse::token;
use syntax::parse;
use syntax::symbol::Symbol;
use syntax::feature_gate::UnstableFeatures;
@ -1259,7 +1260,7 @@ pub fn parse_cfgspecs(cfgspecs: Vec<String> ) -> ast::CrateConfig {
let meta_item = panictry!(parser.parse_meta_item());
if !parser.reader.is_eof() {
if parser.token != token::Eof {
early_error(ErrorOutputType::default(), &format!("invalid --cfg argument: {}", s))
} else if meta_item.is_meta_item_list() {
let msg =
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ use rustc_back::PanicStrategy;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::attr;
use syntax::parse::new_parser_from_source_str;
use syntax::parse::filemap_to_tts;
use syntax::symbol::Symbol;
use syntax_pos::{mk_sp, Span};
use rustc::hir::svh::Svh;
@ -395,19 +395,9 @@ impl<'tcx> CrateStore<'tcx> for cstore::CStore {
let (name, def) = data.get_macro(id.index);
let source_name = format!("<{} macros>", name);
// NB: Don't use parse_tts_from_source_str because it parses with quote_depth > 0.
let mut parser = new_parser_from_source_str(&sess.parse_sess, source_name, def.body);
let lo = parser.span.lo;
let body = match parser.parse_all_token_trees() {
Ok(body) => body,
Err(mut err) => {
let local_span = mk_sp(lo, parser.prev_span.hi);
let filemap = sess.parse_sess.codemap().new_filemap(source_name, None, def.body);
let local_span = mk_sp(filemap.start_pos, filemap.end_pos);
let body = filemap_to_tts(&sess.parse_sess, filemap);
// Mark the attrs as used
let attrs = data.get_item_attrs(id.index);
@ -615,9 +615,7 @@ impl<'a> ExtCtxt<'a> {
pub fn new_parser_from_tts(&self, tts: &[tokenstream::TokenTree])
-> parser::Parser<'a> {
let mut parser = parse::tts_to_parser(self.parse_sess, tts.to_vec());
parser.allow_interpolated_tts = false; // FIXME(jseyfried) `quote!` can't handle these yet
parse::tts_to_parser(self.parse_sess, tts.to_vec())
pub fn codemap(&self) -> &'a CodeMap { self.parse_sess.codemap() }
pub fn parse_sess(&self) -> &'a parse::ParseSess { self.parse_sess }
@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ use ast::Ident;
use syntax_pos::{self, BytePos, mk_sp, Span};
use codemap::Spanned;
use errors::FatalError;
use parse::lexer::*; //resolve bug?
use parse::{Directory, ParseSess};
use parse::parser::{PathStyle, Parser};
use parse::token::{DocComment, MatchNt, SubstNt};
@ -407,9 +406,9 @@ fn inner_parse_loop(cur_eis: &mut SmallVector<Box<MatcherPos>>,
pub fn parse(sess: &ParseSess, rdr: TtReader, ms: &[TokenTree], directory: Option<Directory>)
pub fn parse(sess: &ParseSess, tts: Vec<TokenTree>, ms: &[TokenTree], directory: Option<Directory>)
-> NamedParseResult {
let mut parser = Parser::new(sess, Box::new(rdr), directory, true);
let mut parser = Parser::new(sess, tts, directory, true);
let mut cur_eis = SmallVector::one(initial_matcher_pos(ms.to_owned(), parser.span.lo));
let mut next_eis = Vec::new(); // or proceed normally
@ -527,7 +526,7 @@ fn parse_nt<'a>(p: &mut Parser<'a>, sp: Span, name: &str) -> Nonterminal {
"ident" => match p.token {
token::Ident(sn) => {
token::NtIdent(Spanned::<Ident>{node: sn, span: p.span})
token::NtIdent(Spanned::<Ident>{node: sn, span: p.prev_span})
_ => {
let token_str = pprust::token_to_string(&p.token);
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ use ext::expand::{Expansion, ExpansionKind};
use ext::tt::macro_parser::{Success, Error, Failure};
use ext::tt::macro_parser::{MatchedSeq, MatchedNonterminal};
use ext::tt::macro_parser::{parse, parse_failure_msg};
use ext::tt::transcribe::new_tt_reader;
use parse::{Directory, ParseSess};
use parse::lexer::new_tt_reader;
use parse::parser::Parser;
use parse::token::{self, NtTT, Token};
use parse::token::Token::*;
@ -113,13 +113,21 @@ fn generic_extension<'cx>(cx: &'cx ExtCtxt,
_ => cx.span_bug(sp, "malformed macro rhs"),
// rhs has holes ( `$id` and `$(...)` that need filled)
let trncbr =
let mut trncbr =
new_tt_reader(&cx.parse_sess.span_diagnostic, Some(named_matches), rhs);
let mut tts = Vec::new();
loop {
let tok = trncbr.real_token();
if tok.tok == token::Eof {
tts.push(TokenTree::Token(tok.sp, tok.tok));
let directory = Directory {
ownership: cx.current_expansion.directory_ownership,
let mut p = Parser::new(cx.parse_sess(), Box::new(trncbr), Some(directory), false);
let mut p = Parser::new(cx.parse_sess(), tts, Some(directory), false);
p.root_module_name = cx.current_expansion.module.mod_path.last()
.map(|id| (*;
@ -187,10 +195,8 @@ pub fn compile(sess: &ParseSess, def: &ast::MacroDef) -> SyntaxExtension {
// Parse the macro_rules! invocation (`none` is for no interpolations):
let arg_reader = new_tt_reader(&sess.span_diagnostic, None, def.body.clone());
let argument_map = match parse(sess, arg_reader, &argument_gram, None) {
// Parse the macro_rules! invocation
let argument_map = match parse(sess, def.body.clone(), &argument_gram, None) {
Success(m) => m,
Failure(sp, tok) => {
let s = parse_failure_msg(tok);
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use self::LockstepIterSize::*;
use ast::Ident;
use errors::{Handler, DiagnosticBuilder};
use errors::Handler;
use ext::tt::macro_parser::{NamedMatch, MatchedSeq, MatchedNonterminal};
use parse::token::{self, MatchNt, SubstNt, Token, NtIdent};
use parse::lexer::TokenAndSpan;
@ -44,8 +44,12 @@ pub struct TtReader<'a> {
/* cached: */
pub cur_tok: Token,
pub cur_span: Span,
/// Transform doc comments. Only useful in macro invocations
pub fatal_errs: Vec<DiagnosticBuilder<'a>>,
impl<'a> TtReader<'a> {
pub fn real_token(&mut self) -> TokenAndSpan {
/// This can do Macro-By-Example transcription. On the other hand, if
@ -76,7 +80,6 @@ pub fn new_tt_reader(sp_diag: &Handler,
/* dummy values, never read: */
cur_tok: token::Eof,
cur_span: DUMMY_SP,
fatal_errs: Vec::new(),
tt_next_token(&mut r); /* get cur_tok and cur_span set up */
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ use ast::{self, Ident};
use syntax_pos::{self, BytePos, CharPos, Pos, Span};
use codemap::CodeMap;
use errors::{FatalError, DiagnosticBuilder};
use ext::tt::transcribe::tt_next_token;
use parse::{token, ParseSess};
use str::char_at;
use symbol::{Symbol, keywords};
@ -23,53 +22,10 @@ use std::char;
use std::mem::replace;
use std::rc::Rc;
pub use ext::tt::transcribe::{TtReader, new_tt_reader};
pub mod comments;
mod tokentrees;
mod unicode_chars;
pub trait Reader {
fn is_eof(&self) -> bool;
fn try_next_token(&mut self) -> Result<TokenAndSpan, ()>;
fn next_token(&mut self) -> TokenAndSpan where Self: Sized {
let res = self.try_next_token();
/// Report a fatal error with the current span.
fn fatal(&self, &str) -> FatalError;
/// Report a non-fatal error with the current span.
fn err(&self, &str);
fn emit_fatal_errors(&mut self);
fn unwrap_or_abort(&mut self, res: Result<TokenAndSpan, ()>) -> TokenAndSpan {
match res {
Ok(tok) => tok,
Err(_) => {
fn peek(&self) -> TokenAndSpan;
/// Get a token the parser cares about.
fn try_real_token(&mut self) -> Result<TokenAndSpan, ()> {
let mut t = self.try_next_token()?;
loop {
match t.tok {
token::Whitespace | token::Comment | token::Shebang(_) => {
t = self.try_next_token()?;
_ => break,
fn real_token(&mut self) -> TokenAndSpan {
let res = self.try_real_token();
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct TokenAndSpan {
pub tok: token::Token,
@ -182,36 +138,6 @@ impl<'a> StringReader<'a> {
impl<'a> Reader for TtReader<'a> {
fn is_eof(&self) -> bool {
self.peek().tok == token::Eof
fn try_next_token(&mut self) -> Result<TokenAndSpan, ()> {
let r = tt_next_token(self);
debug!("TtReader: r={:?}", r);
fn fatal(&self, m: &str) -> FatalError {
self.sp_diag.span_fatal(self.cur_span, m)
fn err(&self, m: &str) {
self.sp_diag.span_err(self.cur_span, m);
fn emit_fatal_errors(&mut self) {
for err in &mut self.fatal_errs {
fn peek(&self) -> TokenAndSpan {
TokenAndSpan {
tok: self.cur_tok.clone(),
sp: self.cur_span,
impl<'a> StringReader<'a> {
/// For, which hackily pokes into next_pos and ch
pub fn new_raw<'b>(sess: &'a ParseSess, filemap: Rc<syntax_pos::FileMap>) -> Self {
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ pub mod obsolete;
/// Info about a parsing session.
pub struct ParseSess {
pub span_diagnostic: Handler, // better be the same as the one in the reader!
pub span_diagnostic: Handler,
pub unstable_features: UnstableFeatures,
pub config: CrateConfig,
/// Used to determine and report recursive mod inclusions
@ -227,8 +227,7 @@ pub fn filemap_to_tts(sess: &ParseSess, filemap: Rc<FileMap>) -> Vec<tokenstream
/// Given tts and the ParseSess, produce a parser
pub fn tts_to_parser<'a>(sess: &'a ParseSess, tts: Vec<tokenstream::TokenTree>) -> Parser<'a> {
let trdr = lexer::new_tt_reader(&sess.span_diagnostic, None, tts);
let mut p = Parser::new(sess, Box::new(trdr), None, false);
let mut p = Parser::new(sess, tts, None, false);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ use ext::tt::macro_parser;
use parse;
use parse::classify;
use parse::common::SeqSep;
use parse::lexer::{Reader, TokenAndSpan};
use parse::lexer::TokenAndSpan;
use parse::obsolete::ObsoleteSyntax;
use parse::token::{self, MatchNt, SubstNt};
use parse::{new_sub_parser_from_file, ParseSess, Directory, DirectoryOwnership};
@ -188,14 +188,11 @@ pub struct Parser<'a> {
pub restrictions: Restrictions,
pub quote_depth: usize, // not (yet) related to the quasiquoter
parsing_token_tree: bool,
pub reader: Box<Reader+'a>,
/// The set of seen errors about obsolete syntax. Used to suppress
/// extra detail when the same error is seen twice
pub obsolete_set: HashSet<ObsoleteSyntax>,
/// Used to determine the path to externally loaded source files
pub directory: Directory,
/// Stack of open delimiters and their spans. Used for error message.
pub open_braces: Vec<(token::DelimToken, Span)>,
/// Name of the root module this parser originated from. If `None`, then the
/// name is not known. This does not change while the parser is descending
/// into modules, and sub-parsers have new values for this name.
@ -203,7 +200,6 @@ pub struct Parser<'a> {
pub expected_tokens: Vec<TokenType>,
pub tts: Vec<(TokenTree, usize)>,
pub desugar_doc_comments: bool,
pub allow_interpolated_tts: bool,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
@ -269,12 +265,17 @@ impl From<P<Expr>> for LhsExpr {
impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
pub fn new(sess: &'a ParseSess,
rdr: Box<Reader+'a>,
tokens: Vec<TokenTree>,
directory: Option<Directory>,
desugar_doc_comments: bool)
-> Self {
let tt = TokenTree::Delimited(syntax_pos::DUMMY_SP, Rc::new(Delimited {
delim: token::NoDelim,
open_span: syntax_pos::DUMMY_SP,
tts: tokens,
close_span: syntax_pos::DUMMY_SP,
let mut parser = Parser {
reader: rdr,
sess: sess,
token: token::Underscore,
span: syntax_pos::DUMMY_SP,
@ -286,12 +287,10 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
parsing_token_tree: false,
obsolete_set: HashSet::new(),
directory: Directory { path: PathBuf::new(), ownership: DirectoryOwnership::Owned },
open_braces: Vec::new(),
root_module_name: None,
expected_tokens: Vec::new(),
tts: Vec::new(),
tts: if tt.len() > 0 { vec![(tt, 0)] } else { Vec::new() },
desugar_doc_comments: desugar_doc_comments,
allow_interpolated_tts: true,
let tok = parser.next_tok();
@ -320,7 +319,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
} else {
TokenAndSpan { tok: token::Eof, sp: self.span }
loop {
@ -2688,94 +2687,28 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
// whether something will be a nonterminal or a seq
// yet.
match self.token {
token::Eof => {
let mut err: DiagnosticBuilder<'a> =
"this file contains an un-closed delimiter");
for &(_, sp) in &self.open_braces {
err.span_help(sp, "did you mean to close this delimiter?");
token::OpenDelim(delim) => {
if self.tts.last().map(|&(_, i)| i == 1).unwrap_or(false) {
if self.quote_depth == 0 && self.tts.last().map(|&(_, i)| i == 1).unwrap_or(false) {
let tt = self.tts.pop().unwrap().0;
return Ok(if self.allow_interpolated_tts {
// avoid needlessly reparsing token trees in recursive macro expansions
TokenTree::Token(tt.span(), token::Interpolated(Rc::new(token::NtTT(tt))))
} else {
return Ok(tt);
let parsing_token_tree = ::std::mem::replace(&mut self.parsing_token_tree, true);
// The span for beginning of the delimited section
let pre_span = self.span;
// Parse the open delimiter.
self.open_braces.push((delim, self.span));
let open_span = self.span;
// Parse the token trees within the delimiters.
// We stop at any delimiter so we can try to recover if the user
// uses an incorrect delimiter.
let tts = self.parse_seq_to_before_tokens(&[&token::CloseDelim(token::Brace),
|p| p.parse_token_tree(),
|mut e| e.emit());
self.parsing_token_tree = parsing_token_tree;
let close_span = self.span;
// Expand to cover the entire delimited token tree
let span = Span { hi: close_span.hi, ..pre_span };
match self.token {
// Correct delimiter.
token::CloseDelim(d) if d == delim => {
// Parse the close delimiter.
// Incorrect delimiter.
token::CloseDelim(other) => {
let token_str = self.this_token_to_string();
let mut err = self.diagnostic().struct_span_err(self.span,
&format!("incorrect close delimiter: `{}`", token_str));
// This is a conservative error: only report the last unclosed delimiter.
// The previous unclosed delimiters could actually be closed! The parser
// just hasn't gotten to them yet.
if let Some(&(_, sp)) = self.open_braces.last() {
err.span_note(sp, "unclosed delimiter");
// If the incorrect delimiter matches an earlier opening
// delimiter, then don't consume it (it can be used to
// close the earlier one). Otherwise, consume it.
// E.g., we try to recover from:
// fn foo() {
// bar(baz(
// } // Incorrect delimiter but matches the earlier `{`
if !self.open_braces.iter().any(|&(b, _)| b == other) {
token::Eof => {
// Silently recover, the EOF token will be seen again
// and an error emitted then. Thus we don't pop from
// self.open_braces here.
_ => {}
self.parsing_token_tree = parsing_token_tree;
let span = Span { lo: open_span.lo, ..close_span };
Ok(TokenTree::Delimited(span, Rc::new(Delimited {
delim: delim,
open_span: open_span,
@ -2783,21 +2716,9 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
close_span: close_span,
token::CloseDelim(_) => {
// An unexpected closing delimiter (i.e., there is no
// matching opening delimiter).
let token_str = self.this_token_to_string();
let err = self.diagnostic().struct_span_err(self.span,
&format!("unexpected close delimiter: `{}`", token_str));
/* we ought to allow different depths of unquotation */
token::Dollar | token::SubstNt(..) if self.quote_depth > 0 => {
_ => {
Ok(TokenTree::Token(self.span, self.bump_and_get()))
token::CloseDelim(_) | token::Eof => unreachable!(),
token::Dollar | token::SubstNt(..) if self.quote_depth > 0 => self.parse_unquoted(),
_ => Ok(TokenTree::Token(self.span, self.bump_and_get())),
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ use codemap::{Spanned, combine_spans};
use ext::base;
use ext::tt::macro_parser;
use parse::lexer::comments::{doc_comment_style, strip_doc_comment_decoration};
use parse::lexer;
use parse::{self, Directory};
use parse::token::{self, Token, Lit, Nonterminal};
use print::pprust;
@ -139,7 +138,10 @@ impl TokenTree {
if let Nonterminal::NtTT(..) = **nt { 1 } else { 0 }
TokenTree::Token(_, token::MatchNt(..)) => 3,
TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref delimed) => delimed.tts.len() + 2,
TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref delimed) => match delimed.delim {
token::NoDelim => delimed.tts.len(),
_ => delimed.tts.len() + 2,
TokenTree::Sequence(_, ref seq) => seq.tts.len(),
TokenTree::Token(..) => 0,
@ -181,6 +183,9 @@ impl TokenTree {
close_span: sp,
(&TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref delimed), _) if delimed.delim == token::NoDelim => {
(&TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref delimed), _) => {
if index == 0 {
return delimed.open_tt();
@ -215,14 +220,12 @@ impl TokenTree {
mtch: &[TokenTree],
tts: &[TokenTree])
-> macro_parser::NamedParseResult {
let diag = &cx.parse_sess().span_diagnostic;
// `None` is because we're not interpolating
let arg_rdr = lexer::new_tt_reader(diag, None, tts.iter().cloned().collect());
let directory = Directory {
ownership: cx.current_expansion.directory_ownership,
macro_parser::parse(cx.parse_sess(), arg_rdr, mtch, Some(directory))
macro_parser::parse(cx.parse_sess(), tts.iter().cloned().collect(), mtch, Some(directory))
/// Check if this TokenTree is equal to the other, regardless of span information.
@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
macro_rules! foo {
{ $+ } => { //~ ERROR expected identifier, found `+`
$(x)(y) //~ ERROR expected `*` or `+`
//~^ ERROR no rules expected the token `y`
//~^ ERROR no rules expected the token `)`
Reference in New Issue
Block a user