kill the graphviz-flowgraph tests
They are so annoying to update, and haven't caught any bugs afaik.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-include ../
|||| \
|||| \
|||| \
# all: $(patsubst,$(TMPDIR)/,$(FILES)) $(patsubst,$(TMPDIR)/%.pp,$(FILES))
all: $(patsubst,$(TMPDIR)/%.check,$(FILES))
RUSTC_LIB=$(RUSTC) --crate-type=lib
LASTBLOCKNUM_$(1) := $(shell $(RUSTC_LIB) -Z unstable-options --pretty=expanded,identified $(1) \
| grep block
| tail -1
| sed -e 's@.*/\* block \([0-9]*\) \*/.*@\1@')
ifeq ($(findstring rustc,$(RUSTC)),)
$(error Must set RUSTC)
$(RUSTC_LIB) --pretty=expanded,identified $< -o $@
$(eval $(call FIND_LAST_BLOCK,$<))
$(RUSTC_LIB) -Z unstable-options --unpretty flowgraph,unlabelled=$(LASTBLOCKNUM_$<) $< -o $@.tmp
cat $@.tmp | sed -e 's@ (id=[0-9]*)@@g' \
-e 's@\[label=""\]@@' \
-e 's@digraph [a-zA-Z0-9_]* @digraph block @' \
> $@
$(TMPDIR)/%.check: $(TMPDIR)/
diff -u $(patsubst,$(TMPDIR)/,$<) $(patsubst,,$<)
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="block { }"];
N3[label="expr { }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N1;
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn empty_0() {
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 1"];
N3[label="stmt 1;"];
N4[label="block { 1; }"];
N5[label="expr { 1; }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N1;
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn lit_1() {
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="local _x"];
N3[label="stmt let _x: isize;"];
N4[label="block { let _x: isize; }"];
N5[label="expr { let _x: isize; }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N1;
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn decl_x_2() {
let _x : isize;
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 3"];
N3[label="expr 4"];
N4[label="expr 3 + 4"];
N5[label="stmt 3 + 4;"];
N6[label="block { 3 + 4; }"];
N7[label="expr { 3 + 4; }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N1;
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_add_3() {
3 + 4;
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 4"];
N3[label="local _x"];
N4[label="stmt let _x = 4;"];
N5[label="block { let _x = 4; }"];
N6[label="expr { let _x = 4; }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N1;
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn pat_id_4() {
let _x = 4;
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 5"];
N3[label="expr 55"];
N4[label="expr (5, 55)"];
N5[label="local _x"];
N6[label="local _y"];
N7[label="pat (_x, _y)"];
N8[label="stmt let (_x, _y) = (5, 55);"];
N9[label="block { let (_x, _y) = (5, 55); }"];
N10[label="expr { let (_x, _y) = (5, 55); }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N1;
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn pat_tup_5() {
let (_x, _y) = (5, 55);
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 6"];
N3[label="expr S6{val: 6,}"];
N4[label="local _x"];
N5[label="pat S6 { val: _x }"];
N6[label="stmt let S6 { val: _x } = S6{val: 6,};"];
N7[label="block { let S6 { val: _x } = S6{val: 6,}; }"];
N8[label="expr { let S6 { val: _x } = S6{val: 6,}; }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N1;
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
struct S6 { val: isize }
pub fn pat_struct_6() {
let S6 { val: _x } = S6{ val: 6 };
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 7"];
N3[label="expr 77"];
N4[label="expr 777"];
N5[label="expr 7777"];
N6[label="expr [7, 77, 777, 7777]"];
N7[label="expr match [7, 77, 777, 7777] { [x, y, ..] => x + y, }"];
N9[label="local x"];
N10[label="local y"];
N11[label="pat _"];
N12[label="pat [x, y, ..]"];
N13[label="expr x"];
N14[label="expr y"];
N15[label="expr x + y"];
N16[label="stmt match [7, 77, 777, 7777] { [x, y, ..] => x + y, };"];
N17[label="block { match [7, 77, 777, 7777] { [x, y, ..] => x + y, }; }"];
N18[label="expr { match [7, 77, 777, 7777] { [x, y, ..] => x + y, }; }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N9;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N12;
N12 -> N8;
N8 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N7;
N7 -> N16;
N16 -> N17;
N17 -> N18;
N18 -> N1;
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn pat_vec_7() {
match [7, 77, 777, 7777] {
[x, y, ..] => x + y
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 8"];
N3[label="local x"];
N4[label="stmt let x = 8;"];
N5[label="local _y"];
N6[label="stmt let _y;"];
N7[label="expr x"];
N8[label="expr 88"];
N9[label="expr x > 88"];
N10[label="expr 888"];
N11[label="expr _y"];
N12[label="expr _y = 888"];
N13[label="stmt _y = 888;"];
N14[label="block { _y = 888; }"];
N15[label="expr if x > 88 { _y = 888; }"];
N16[label="block { let x = 8; let _y; if x > 88 { _y = 888; } }"];
N17[label="expr { let x = 8; let _y; if x > 88 { _y = 888; } }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N9 -> N15;
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N16;
N16 -> N17;
N17 -> N1;
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_if_onearm_8() {
let x = 8; let _y;
if x > 88 {
_y = 888;
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 91"];
N3[label="local x"];
N4[label="stmt let x = 91;"];
N5[label="local _y"];
N6[label="stmt let _y;"];
N7[label="expr x"];
N8[label="expr 92"];
N9[label="expr x > 92"];
N10[label="expr 93"];
N11[label="expr _y"];
N12[label="expr _y = 93"];
N13[label="stmt _y = 93;"];
N14[label="block { _y = 93; }"];
N15[label="expr 94"];
N16[label="expr 95"];
N17[label="expr 94 + 95"];
N18[label="expr _y"];
N19[label="expr _y = 94 + 95"];
N20[label="stmt _y = 94 + 95;"];
N21[label="block { _y = 94 + 95; }"];
N22[label="expr { _y = 94 + 95; }"];
N23[label="expr if x > 92 { _y = 93; } else { _y = 94 + 95; }"];
N24[label="block { let x = 91; let _y; if x > 92 { _y = 93; } else { _y = 94 + 95; } }"];
N25[label="expr { let x = 91; let _y; if x > 92 { _y = 93; } else { _y = 94 + 95; } }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N9 -> N15;
N15 -> N16;
N16 -> N17;
N17 -> N18;
N18 -> N19;
N19 -> N20;
N20 -> N21;
N21 -> N22;
N14 -> N23;
N22 -> N23;
N23 -> N24;
N24 -> N25;
N25 -> N1;
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_if_twoarm_9() {
let x = 91; let _y;
if x > 92 {
_y = 93;
} else {
_y = 94+95;
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 10"];
N3[label="local mut x"];
N4[label="stmt let mut x = 10;"];
N6[label="expr while x > 0 { x -= 1; }"];
N7[label="expr x"];
N8[label="expr 0"];
N9[label="expr x > 0"];
N10[label="expr 1"];
N11[label="expr x"];
N12[label="expr x -= 1"];
N13[label="stmt x -= 1;"];
N14[label="block { x -= 1; }"];
N15[label="block { let mut x = 10; while x > 0 { x -= 1; } }"];
N16[label="expr { let mut x = 10; while x > 0 { x -= 1; } }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N6;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N5;
N6 -> N15;
N15 -> N16;
N16 -> N1;
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_while_10() {
let mut x = 10;
while x > 0 {
x -= 1;
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 11"];
N3[label="local mut _x"];
N4[label="stmt let mut _x = 11;"];
N6[label="expr loop { _x -= 1; }"];
N7[label="expr 1"];
N8[label="expr _x"];
N9[label="expr _x -= 1"];
N10[label="stmt _x -= 1;"];
N11[label="block { _x -= 1; }"];
N12[label="stmt loop { _x -= 1; }"];
N13[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N14[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N15[label="block { let mut _x = 11; loop { _x -= 1; } \"unreachable\"; }"];
N16[label="expr { let mut _x = 11; loop { _x -= 1; } \"unreachable\"; }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N5;
N6 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N16;
N16 -> N1;
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_loop_11() {
let mut _x = 11;
loop {
_x -= 1;
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 12"];
N3[label="local mut x"];
N4[label="stmt let mut x = 12;"];
N6[label="expr loop { x -= 1; if x == 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } }"];
N7[label="expr 1"];
N8[label="expr x"];
N9[label="expr x -= 1"];
N10[label="stmt x -= 1;"];
N11[label="expr x"];
N12[label="expr 2"];
N13[label="expr x == 2"];
N14[label="expr break"];
N16[label="stmt break ;"];
N17[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N18[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N19[label="block { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N20[label="expr if x == 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N21[label="block { x -= 1; if x == 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } }"];
N22[label="block { let mut x = 12; loop { x -= 1; if x == 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } } }"];
N23[label="expr { let mut x = 12; loop { x -= 1; if x == 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } } }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N6;
N15 -> N16;
N16 -> N17;
N17 -> N18;
N18 -> N19;
N13 -> N20;
N19 -> N20;
N20 -> N21;
N21 -> N5;
N6 -> N22;
N22 -> N23;
N23 -> N1;
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_loop_12() {
let mut x = 12;
loop {
x -= 1;
if x == 2 { break; "unreachable"; }
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr E13::E13b"];
N3[label="expr 13"];
N4[label="expr E13::E13b(13)"];
N5[label="local x"];
N6[label="stmt let x = E13::E13b(13);"];
N7[label="local _y"];
N8[label="stmt let _y;"];
N9[label="expr x"];
N10[label="expr match x { E13::E13a => _y = 1, E13::E13b(v) => _y = v + 1, }"];
N12[label="pat E13::E13a"];
N13[label="expr 1"];
N14[label="expr _y"];
N15[label="expr _y = 1"];
N17[label="local v"];
N18[label="pat E13::E13b(v)"];
N19[label="expr v"];
N20[label="expr 1"];
N21[label="expr v + 1"];
N22[label="expr _y"];
N23[label="expr _y = v + 1"];
N24[label="block {\l let x = E13::E13b(13);\l let _y;\l match x { E13::E13a => _y = 1, E13::E13b(v) => _y = v + 1, }\l}\l"];
N25[label="expr {\l let x = E13::E13b(13);\l let _y;\l match x { E13::E13a => _y = 1, E13::E13b(v) => _y = v + 1, }\l}\l"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N12;
N12 -> N11;
N11 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N10;
N9 -> N17;
N17 -> N18;
N18 -> N16;
N16 -> N19;
N19 -> N20;
N20 -> N21;
N21 -> N22;
N22 -> N23;
N23 -> N10;
N10 -> N24;
N24 -> N25;
N25 -> N1;
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
enum E13 { E13a, E13b(isize) }
pub fn expr_match_13() {
let x = E13::E13b(13); let _y;
match x {
E13::E13a => _y = 1,
E13::E13b(v) => _y = v + 1,
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 14"];
N3[label="local x"];
N4[label="stmt let x = 14;"];
N5[label="expr x"];
N6[label="expr 1"];
N7[label="expr x > 1"];
N8[label="expr return"];
N10[label="stmt return;"];
N11[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N12[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N13[label="block { return; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N14[label="expr if x > 1 { return; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N15[label="block { let x = 14; if x > 1 { return; \"unreachable\"; } }"];
N16[label="expr { let x = 14; if x > 1 { return; \"unreachable\"; } }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N1;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N7 -> N14;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N16;
N16 -> N1;
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_ret_14() {
let x = 14;
if x > 1 {
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 15"];
N3[label="local mut x"];
N4[label="stmt let mut x = 15;"];
N5[label="expr 151"];
N6[label="local mut y"];
N7[label="stmt let mut y = 151;"];
N9[label="expr \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l }\l y -= 4;\l x -= 5;\l }\l"];
N11[label="expr \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l }\l"];
N12[label="expr x"];
N13[label="expr 1"];
N14[label="expr x == 1"];
N15[label="expr break \'outer"];
N17[label="stmt break \'outer ;"];
N18[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N19[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N20[label="block { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N21[label="expr if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N22[label="stmt if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N23[label="expr y"];
N24[label="expr 2"];
N25[label="expr y >= 2"];
N26[label="expr break"];
N28[label="stmt break ;"];
N29[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N30[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N31[label="block { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N32[label="expr if y >= 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N33[label="stmt if y >= 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N34[label="expr 3"];
N35[label="expr y"];
N36[label="expr y -= 3"];
N37[label="stmt y -= 3;"];
N38[label="block {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l}\l"];
N39[label="stmt \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l }\l"];
N40[label="expr 4"];
N41[label="expr y"];
N42[label="expr y -= 4"];
N43[label="stmt y -= 4;"];
N44[label="expr 5"];
N45[label="expr x"];
N46[label="expr x -= 5"];
N47[label="stmt x -= 5;"];
N48[label="block {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l }\l y -= 4;\l x -= 5;\l}\l"];
N49[label="block {\l let mut x = 15;\l let mut y = 151;\l \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l }\l y -= 4;\l x -= 5;\l }\l}\l"];
N50[label="expr {\l let mut x = 15;\l let mut y = 151;\l \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l }\l y -= 4;\l x -= 5;\l }\l}\l"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N10;
N10 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N9;
N16 -> N17;
N17 -> N18;
N18 -> N19;
N19 -> N20;
N14 -> N21;
N20 -> N21;
N21 -> N22;
N22 -> N23;
N23 -> N24;
N24 -> N25;
N25 -> N26;
N26 -> N11;
N27 -> N28;
N28 -> N29;
N29 -> N30;
N30 -> N31;
N25 -> N32;
N31 -> N32;
N32 -> N33;
N33 -> N34;
N34 -> N35;
N35 -> N36;
N36 -> N37;
N37 -> N38;
N38 -> N10;
N11 -> N39;
N39 -> N40;
N40 -> N41;
N41 -> N42;
N42 -> N43;
N43 -> N44;
N44 -> N45;
N45 -> N46;
N46 -> N47;
N47 -> N48;
N48 -> N8;
N9 -> N49;
N49 -> N50;
N50 -> N1;
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_break_label_15() {
let mut x = 15;
let mut y = 151;
'outer: loop {
'inner: loop {
if x == 1 {
break 'outer;
if y >= 2 {
y -= 3;
y -= 4;
x -= 5;
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 16"];
N3[label="local mut x"];
N4[label="stmt let mut x = 16;"];
N5[label="expr 16"];
N6[label="local mut y"];
N7[label="stmt let mut y = 16;"];
N9[label="expr \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 1 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l }\l y -= 1;\l x -= 1;\l }\l"];
N11[label="expr \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 1 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l }\l"];
N12[label="expr x"];
N13[label="expr 1"];
N14[label="expr x == 1"];
N15[label="expr continue \'outer"];
N17[label="stmt continue \'outer ;"];
N18[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N19[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N20[label="block { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N21[label="expr if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N22[label="stmt if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N23[label="expr y"];
N24[label="expr 1"];
N25[label="expr y >= 1"];
N26[label="expr break"];
N28[label="stmt break ;"];
N29[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N30[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N31[label="block { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N32[label="expr if y >= 1 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N33[label="stmt if y >= 1 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N34[label="expr 1"];
N35[label="expr y"];
N36[label="expr y -= 1"];
N37[label="stmt y -= 1;"];
N38[label="block {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 1 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l}\l"];
N39[label="stmt \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 1 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l }\l"];
N40[label="expr 1"];
N41[label="expr y"];
N42[label="expr y -= 1"];
N43[label="stmt y -= 1;"];
N44[label="expr 1"];
N45[label="expr x"];
N46[label="expr x -= 1"];
N47[label="stmt x -= 1;"];
N48[label="block {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 1 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l }\l y -= 1;\l x -= 1;\l}\l"];
N49[label="stmt \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 1 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l }\l y -= 1;\l x -= 1;\l }\l"];
N50[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N51[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N52[label="block {\l let mut x = 16;\l let mut y = 16;\l \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 1 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l }\l y -= 1;\l x -= 1;\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l}\l"];
N53[label="expr {\l let mut x = 16;\l let mut y = 16;\l \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 1 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l }\l y -= 1;\l x -= 1;\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l}\l"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N10;
N10 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N8;
N16 -> N17;
N17 -> N18;
N18 -> N19;
N19 -> N20;
N14 -> N21;
N20 -> N21;
N21 -> N22;
N22 -> N23;
N23 -> N24;
N24 -> N25;
N25 -> N26;
N26 -> N11;
N27 -> N28;
N28 -> N29;
N29 -> N30;
N30 -> N31;
N25 -> N32;
N31 -> N32;
N32 -> N33;
N33 -> N34;
N34 -> N35;
N35 -> N36;
N36 -> N37;
N37 -> N38;
N38 -> N10;
N11 -> N39;
N39 -> N40;
N40 -> N41;
N41 -> N42;
N42 -> N43;
N43 -> N44;
N44 -> N45;
N45 -> N46;
N46 -> N47;
N47 -> N48;
N48 -> N8;
N9 -> N49;
N49 -> N50;
N50 -> N51;
N51 -> N52;
N52 -> N53;
N53 -> N1;
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_continue_label_16() {
let mut x = 16;
let mut y = 16;
'outer: loop {
'inner: loop {
if x == 1 {
continue 'outer;
if y >= 1 {
y -= 1;
y -= 1;
x -= 1;
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 1"];
N3[label="expr 7"];
N4[label="expr 17"];
N5[label="expr [1, 7, 17]"];
N6[label="local _v"];
N7[label="stmt let _v = [1, 7, 17];"];
N8[label="block { let _v = [1, 7, 17]; }"];
N9[label="expr { let _v = [1, 7, 17]; }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N1;
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_vec_17() {
let _v = [1, 7, 17];
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="stmt fn inner(x: isize) -> isize { x + x }"];
N3[label="expr inner"];
N4[label="expr inner"];
N5[label="expr 18"];
N6[label="expr inner(18)"];
N7[label="expr inner(inner(18))"];
N8[label="stmt inner(inner(18));"];
N9[label="block {\l fn inner(x: isize) -> isize { x + x }\l inner(inner(18));\l}\l"];
N10[label="expr {\l fn inner(x: isize) -> isize { x + x }\l inner(inner(18));\l}\l"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N1;
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_call_18() {
fn inner(x:isize) -> isize { x + x }
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="stmt struct S19 {\l x: isize,\l}\l"];
N3[label="stmt impl S19 {\l fn inner(self: Self) -> S19 { S19{x: self.x + self.x,} }\l}\l"];
N4[label="expr 19"];
N5[label="expr S19{x: 19,}"];
N6[label="local s"];
N7[label="stmt let s = S19{x: 19,};"];
N8[label="expr s"];
N9[label="expr s.inner()"];
N10[label="expr s.inner().inner()"];
N11[label="stmt s.inner().inner();"];
N12[label="block {\l struct S19 {\l x: isize,\l }\l impl S19 {\l fn inner(self: Self) -> S19 { S19{x: self.x + self.x,} }\l }\l let s = S19{x: 19,};\l s.inner().inner();\l}\l"];
N13[label="expr {\l struct S19 {\l x: isize,\l }\l impl S19 {\l fn inner(self: Self) -> S19 { S19{x: self.x + self.x,} }\l }\l let s = S19{x: 19,};\l s.inner().inner();\l}\l"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N13 -> N1;
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_method_call_19() {
struct S19 { x: isize }
impl S19 { fn inner(self) -> S19 { S19 { x: self.x + self.x } } }
let s = S19 { x: 19 };
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 2"];
N3[label="expr 0"];
N4[label="expr 20"];
N5[label="expr [2, 0, 20]"];
N6[label="local v"];
N7[label="stmt let v = [2, 0, 20];"];
N8[label="expr v"];
N9[label="expr 20"];
N10[label="expr v[20]"];
N11[label="stmt v[20];"];
N12[label="block { let v = [2, 0, 20]; v[20]; }"];
N13[label="expr { let v = [2, 0, 20]; v[20]; }"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N13 -> N1;
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_index_20() {
let v = [2, 0, 20];
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 15"];
N3[label="local mut x"];
N4[label="stmt let mut x = 15;"];
N5[label="expr 151"];
N6[label="local mut y"];
N7[label="stmt let mut y = 151;"];
N9[label="expr \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l x -= 5;\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l }\l"];
N11[label="expr \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l x -= 5;\l }\l"];
N12[label="expr x"];
N13[label="expr 1"];
N14[label="expr x == 1"];
N15[label="expr break \'outer"];
N17[label="stmt break \'outer ;"];
N18[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N19[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N20[label="block { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N21[label="expr if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N22[label="stmt if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N23[label="expr y"];
N24[label="expr 2"];
N25[label="expr y >= 2"];
N26[label="expr return"];
N28[label="stmt return;"];
N29[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N30[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N31[label="block { return; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N32[label="expr if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N33[label="stmt if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N34[label="expr 3"];
N35[label="expr y"];
N36[label="expr y -= 3"];
N37[label="stmt y -= 3;"];
N38[label="expr 5"];
N39[label="expr x"];
N40[label="expr x -= 5"];
N41[label="stmt x -= 5;"];
N42[label="block {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l x -= 5;\l}\l"];
N43[label="stmt \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l x -= 5;\l }\l"];
N44[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N45[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N46[label="block {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l x -= 5;\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l}\l"];
N47[label="block {\l let mut x = 15;\l let mut y = 151;\l \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l x -= 5;\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l }\l}\l"];
N48[label="expr {\l let mut x = 15;\l let mut y = 151;\l \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { break \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 3;\l x -= 5;\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l }\l}\l"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N10;
N10 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N9;
N16 -> N17;
N17 -> N18;
N18 -> N19;
N19 -> N20;
N14 -> N21;
N20 -> N21;
N21 -> N22;
N22 -> N23;
N23 -> N24;
N24 -> N25;
N25 -> N26;
N26 -> N1;
N27 -> N28;
N28 -> N29;
N29 -> N30;
N30 -> N31;
N25 -> N32;
N31 -> N32;
N32 -> N33;
N33 -> N34;
N34 -> N35;
N35 -> N36;
N36 -> N37;
N37 -> N38;
N38 -> N39;
N39 -> N40;
N40 -> N41;
N41 -> N42;
N42 -> N10;
N11 -> N43;
N43 -> N44;
N44 -> N45;
N45 -> N46;
N46 -> N8;
N9 -> N47;
N47 -> N48;
N48 -> N1;
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_break_label_21() {
let mut x = 15;
let mut y = 151;
'outer: loop {
'inner: loop {
if x == 1 {
break 'outer;
if y >= 2 {
y -= 3;
x -= 5;
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 15"];
N3[label="local mut x"];
N4[label="stmt let mut x = 15;"];
N5[label="expr 151"];
N6[label="local mut y"];
N7[label="stmt let mut y = 151;"];
N9[label="expr \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l y -= 3;\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l }\l"];
N11[label="expr \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l y -= 3;\l }\l"];
N12[label="expr x"];
N13[label="expr 1"];
N14[label="expr x == 1"];
N15[label="expr continue \'outer"];
N17[label="stmt continue \'outer ;"];
N18[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N19[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N20[label="block { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N21[label="expr if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N22[label="stmt if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N23[label="expr y"];
N24[label="expr 2"];
N25[label="expr y >= 2"];
N26[label="expr return"];
N28[label="stmt return;"];
N29[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N30[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N31[label="block { return; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N32[label="expr if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N33[label="stmt if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N34[label="expr 1"];
N35[label="expr x"];
N36[label="expr x -= 1"];
N37[label="stmt x -= 1;"];
N38[label="expr 3"];
N39[label="expr y"];
N40[label="expr y -= 3"];
N41[label="stmt y -= 3;"];
N42[label="block {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l y -= 3;\l}\l"];
N43[label="stmt \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l y -= 3;\l }\l"];
N44[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N45[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N46[label="block {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l y -= 3;\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l}\l"];
N47[label="stmt \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l y -= 3;\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l }\l"];
N48[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N49[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N50[label="block {\l let mut x = 15;\l let mut y = 151;\l \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l y -= 3;\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l}\l"];
N51[label="expr {\l let mut x = 15;\l let mut y = 151;\l \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1 { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\"; }\l if y >= 2 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l y -= 3;\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l}\l"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N10;
N10 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N8;
N16 -> N17;
N17 -> N18;
N18 -> N19;
N19 -> N20;
N14 -> N21;
N20 -> N21;
N21 -> N22;
N22 -> N23;
N23 -> N24;
N24 -> N25;
N25 -> N26;
N26 -> N1;
N27 -> N28;
N28 -> N29;
N29 -> N30;
N30 -> N31;
N25 -> N32;
N31 -> N32;
N32 -> N33;
N33 -> N34;
N34 -> N35;
N35 -> N36;
N36 -> N37;
N37 -> N38;
N38 -> N39;
N39 -> N40;
N40 -> N41;
N41 -> N42;
N42 -> N10;
N11 -> N43;
N43 -> N44;
N44 -> N45;
N45 -> N46;
N46 -> N8;
N9 -> N47;
N47 -> N48;
N48 -> N49;
N49 -> N50;
N50 -> N51;
N51 -> N1;
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_break_label_21() {
let mut x = 15;
let mut y = 151;
'outer: loop {
'inner: loop {
if x == 1 {
continue 'outer;
if y >= 2 {
x -= 1;
y -= 3;
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 23"];
N3[label="local mut x"];
N4[label="stmt let mut x = 23;"];
N5[label="expr 23"];
N6[label="local mut y"];
N7[label="stmt let mut y = 23;"];
N8[label="expr 23"];
N9[label="local mut z"];
N10[label="stmt let mut z = 23;"];
N12[label="expr while x > 0 {\l x -= 1;\l while y > 0 {\l y -= 1;\l while z > 0 { z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l}\l"];
N13[label="expr x"];
N14[label="expr 0"];
N15[label="expr x > 0"];
N16[label="expr 1"];
N17[label="expr x"];
N18[label="expr x -= 1"];
N19[label="stmt x -= 1;"];
N21[label="expr while y > 0 {\l y -= 1;\l while z > 0 { z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l}\l"];
N22[label="expr y"];
N23[label="expr 0"];
N24[label="expr y > 0"];
N25[label="expr 1"];
N26[label="expr y"];
N27[label="expr y -= 1"];
N28[label="stmt y -= 1;"];
N30[label="expr while z > 0 { z -= 1; }"];
N31[label="expr z"];
N32[label="expr 0"];
N33[label="expr z > 0"];
N34[label="expr 1"];
N35[label="expr z"];
N36[label="expr z -= 1"];
N37[label="stmt z -= 1;"];
N38[label="block { z -= 1; }"];
N39[label="stmt while z > 0 { z -= 1; }"];
N40[label="expr x"];
N41[label="expr 10"];
N42[label="expr x > 10"];
N43[label="expr return"];
N45[label="stmt return;"];
N46[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N47[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N48[label="block { return; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N49[label="expr if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N50[label="block { y -= 1; while z > 0 { z -= 1; } if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; } }"];
N51[label="block {\l x -= 1;\l while y > 0 {\l y -= 1;\l while z > 0 { z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l}\l"];
N52[label="block {\l let mut x = 23;\l let mut y = 23;\l let mut z = 23;\l while x > 0 {\l x -= 1;\l while y > 0 {\l y -= 1;\l while z > 0 { z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l }\l}\l"];
N53[label="expr {\l let mut x = 23;\l let mut y = 23;\l let mut z = 23;\l while x > 0 {\l x -= 1;\l while y > 0 {\l y -= 1;\l while z > 0 { z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l }\l}\l"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N12;
N15 -> N16;
N16 -> N17;
N17 -> N18;
N18 -> N19;
N19 -> N20;
N20 -> N22;
N22 -> N23;
N23 -> N24;
N24 -> N21;
N24 -> N25;
N25 -> N26;
N26 -> N27;
N27 -> N28;
N28 -> N29;
N29 -> N31;
N31 -> N32;
N32 -> N33;
N33 -> N30;
N33 -> N34;
N34 -> N35;
N35 -> N36;
N36 -> N37;
N37 -> N38;
N38 -> N29;
N30 -> N39;
N39 -> N40;
N40 -> N41;
N41 -> N42;
N42 -> N43;
N43 -> N1;
N44 -> N45;
N45 -> N46;
N46 -> N47;
N47 -> N48;
N42 -> N49;
N48 -> N49;
N49 -> N50;
N50 -> N20;
N21 -> N51;
N51 -> N11;
N12 -> N52;
N52 -> N53;
N53 -> N1;
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_while_23() {
let mut x = 23;
let mut y = 23;
let mut z = 23;
while x > 0 {
x -= 1;
while y > 0 {
y -= 1;
while z > 0 { z -= 1; }
if x > 10 {
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 24"];
N3[label="local mut x"];
N4[label="stmt let mut x = 24;"];
N5[label="expr 24"];
N6[label="local mut y"];
N7[label="stmt let mut y = 24;"];
N8[label="expr 24"];
N9[label="local mut z"];
N10[label="stmt let mut z = 24;"];
N12[label="expr loop {\l if x == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l loop {\l if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l}\l"];
N13[label="expr x"];
N14[label="expr 0"];
N15[label="expr x == 0"];
N16[label="expr break"];
N18[label="stmt break ;"];
N19[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N20[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N21[label="block { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N22[label="expr if x == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N23[label="stmt if x == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N24[label="expr 1"];
N25[label="expr x"];
N26[label="expr x -= 1"];
N27[label="stmt x -= 1;"];
N29[label="expr loop {\l if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l}\l"];
N30[label="expr y"];
N31[label="expr 0"];
N32[label="expr y == 0"];
N33[label="expr break"];
N35[label="stmt break ;"];
N36[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N37[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N38[label="block { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N39[label="expr if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N40[label="stmt if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N41[label="expr 1"];
N42[label="expr y"];
N43[label="expr y -= 1"];
N44[label="stmt y -= 1;"];
N46[label="expr loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }"];
N47[label="expr z"];
N48[label="expr 0"];
N49[label="expr z == 0"];
N50[label="expr break"];
N52[label="stmt break ;"];
N53[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N54[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N55[label="block { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N56[label="expr if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N57[label="stmt if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N58[label="expr 1"];
N59[label="expr z"];
N60[label="expr z -= 1"];
N61[label="stmt z -= 1;"];
N62[label="block { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }"];
N63[label="stmt loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }"];
N64[label="expr x"];
N65[label="expr 10"];
N66[label="expr x > 10"];
N67[label="expr return"];
N69[label="stmt return;"];
N70[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N71[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N72[label="block { return; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N73[label="expr if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N74[label="block {\l if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l}\l"];
N75[label="block {\l if x == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l loop {\l if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l}\l"];
N76[label="block {\l let mut x = 24;\l let mut y = 24;\l let mut z = 24;\l loop {\l if x == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l loop {\l if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l }\l}\l"];
N77[label="expr {\l let mut x = 24;\l let mut y = 24;\l let mut z = 24;\l loop {\l if x == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l loop {\l if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { return; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l }\l}\l"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N16;
N16 -> N12;
N17 -> N18;
N18 -> N19;
N19 -> N20;
N20 -> N21;
N15 -> N22;
N21 -> N22;
N22 -> N23;
N23 -> N24;
N24 -> N25;
N25 -> N26;
N26 -> N27;
N27 -> N28;
N28 -> N30;
N30 -> N31;
N31 -> N32;
N32 -> N33;
N33 -> N29;
N34 -> N35;
N35 -> N36;
N36 -> N37;
N37 -> N38;
N32 -> N39;
N38 -> N39;
N39 -> N40;
N40 -> N41;
N41 -> N42;
N42 -> N43;
N43 -> N44;
N44 -> N45;
N45 -> N47;
N47 -> N48;
N48 -> N49;
N49 -> N50;
N50 -> N46;
N51 -> N52;
N52 -> N53;
N53 -> N54;
N54 -> N55;
N49 -> N56;
N55 -> N56;
N56 -> N57;
N57 -> N58;
N58 -> N59;
N59 -> N60;
N60 -> N61;
N61 -> N62;
N62 -> N45;
N46 -> N63;
N63 -> N64;
N64 -> N65;
N65 -> N66;
N66 -> N67;
N67 -> N1;
N68 -> N69;
N69 -> N70;
N70 -> N71;
N71 -> N72;
N66 -> N73;
N72 -> N73;
N73 -> N74;
N74 -> N28;
N29 -> N75;
N75 -> N11;
N12 -> N76;
N76 -> N77;
N77 -> N1;
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_while_24() {
let mut x = 24;
let mut y = 24;
let mut z = 24;
loop {
if x == 0 { break; "unreachable"; }
x -= 1;
loop {
if y == 0 { break; "unreachable"; }
y -= 1;
loop {
if z == 0 { break; "unreachable"; }
z -= 1;
if x > 10 {
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
digraph block {
N2[label="expr 25"];
N3[label="local mut x"];
N4[label="stmt let mut x = 25;"];
N5[label="expr 25"];
N6[label="local mut y"];
N7[label="stmt let mut y = 25;"];
N8[label="expr 25"];
N9[label="local mut z"];
N10[label="stmt let mut z = 25;"];
N12[label="expr \'a:\l loop {\l if x == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l \'a:\l loop {\l if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l \'a: loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { continue \'a ; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l }\l"];
N13[label="expr x"];
N14[label="expr 0"];
N15[label="expr x == 0"];
N16[label="expr break"];
N18[label="stmt break ;"];
N19[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N20[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N21[label="block { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N22[label="expr if x == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N23[label="stmt if x == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N24[label="expr 1"];
N25[label="expr x"];
N26[label="expr x -= 1"];
N27[label="stmt x -= 1;"];
N29[label="expr \'a:\l loop {\l if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l \'a: loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { continue \'a ; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l"];
N30[label="expr y"];
N31[label="expr 0"];
N32[label="expr y == 0"];
N33[label="expr break"];
N35[label="stmt break ;"];
N36[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N37[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N38[label="block { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N39[label="expr if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N40[label="stmt if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N41[label="expr 1"];
N42[label="expr y"];
N43[label="expr y -= 1"];
N44[label="stmt y -= 1;"];
N46[label="expr \'a: loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }"];
N47[label="expr z"];
N48[label="expr 0"];
N49[label="expr z == 0"];
N50[label="expr break"];
N52[label="stmt break ;"];
N53[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N54[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N55[label="block { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N56[label="expr if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N57[label="stmt if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N58[label="expr 1"];
N59[label="expr z"];
N60[label="expr z -= 1"];
N61[label="stmt z -= 1;"];
N62[label="block { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }"];
N63[label="stmt \'a: loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }"];
N64[label="expr x"];
N65[label="expr 10"];
N66[label="expr x > 10"];
N67[label="expr continue \'a"];
N69[label="stmt continue \'a ;"];
N70[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N71[label="stmt \"unreachable\";"];
N72[label="block { continue \'a ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N73[label="expr if x > 10 { continue \'a ; \"unreachable\"; }"];
N74[label="block {\l if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l \'a: loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { continue \'a ; \"unreachable\"; }\l}\l"];
N75[label="block {\l if x == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l \'a:\l loop {\l if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l \'a: loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { continue \'a ; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l}\l"];
N76[label="block {\l let mut x = 25;\l let mut y = 25;\l let mut z = 25;\l \'a:\l loop {\l if x == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l \'a:\l loop {\l if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l \'a: loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { continue \'a ; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l }\l}\l"];
N77[label="expr {\l let mut x = 25;\l let mut y = 25;\l let mut z = 25;\l \'a:\l loop {\l if x == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l x -= 1;\l \'a:\l loop {\l if y == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; }\l y -= 1;\l \'a: loop { if z == 0 { break ; \"unreachable\"; } z -= 1; }\l if x > 10 { continue \'a ; \"unreachable\"; }\l }\l }\l}\l"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N7;
N7 -> N8;
N8 -> N9;
N9 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N13;
N13 -> N14;
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N16;
N16 -> N12;
N17 -> N18;
N18 -> N19;
N19 -> N20;
N20 -> N21;
N15 -> N22;
N21 -> N22;
N22 -> N23;
N23 -> N24;
N24 -> N25;
N25 -> N26;
N26 -> N27;
N27 -> N28;
N28 -> N30;
N30 -> N31;
N31 -> N32;
N32 -> N33;
N33 -> N29;
N34 -> N35;
N35 -> N36;
N36 -> N37;
N37 -> N38;
N32 -> N39;
N38 -> N39;
N39 -> N40;
N40 -> N41;
N41 -> N42;
N42 -> N43;
N43 -> N44;
N44 -> N45;
N45 -> N47;
N47 -> N48;
N48 -> N49;
N49 -> N50;
N50 -> N46;
N51 -> N52;
N52 -> N53;
N53 -> N54;
N54 -> N55;
N49 -> N56;
N55 -> N56;
N56 -> N57;
N57 -> N58;
N58 -> N59;
N59 -> N60;
N60 -> N61;
N61 -> N62;
N62 -> N45;
N46 -> N63;
N63 -> N64;
N64 -> N65;
N65 -> N66;
N66 -> N67;
N67 -> N28;
N68 -> N69;
N69 -> N70;
N70 -> N71;
N71 -> N72;
N66 -> N73;
N72 -> N73;
N73 -> N74;
N74 -> N28;
N29 -> N75;
N75 -> N11;
N12 -> N76;
N76 -> N77;
N77 -> N1;
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub fn expr_while_25() {
let mut x = 25;
let mut y = 25;
let mut z = 25;
'a: loop {
if x == 0 { break; "unreachable"; }
x -= 1;
'a: loop {
if y == 0 { break; "unreachable"; }
y -= 1;
'a: loop {
if z == 0 { break; "unreachable"; }
z -= 1;
if x > 10 {
continue 'a;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user