Remove recursion from sccc walking

This allows constructing the sccc for large that visit many nodes before
finding a single cycle of sccc, for example lists. When used to find
dependencies in borrow checking the list case is what occurs in very
long functions.
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Molzer 2020-10-30 23:12:24 +01:00
parent 355904dca0
commit eb597f5c4e
1 changed files with 179 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -231,20 +231,30 @@ where
let scc_indices = (0..num_nodes)
.map(|node| match this.walk_node(0, node) {
.map(|node| match this.start_walk_from(node) {
WalkReturn::Complete { scc_index } => scc_index,
WalkReturn::Cycle { min_depth } => {
panic!("`walk_node(0, {:?})` returned cycle with depth {:?}", node, min_depth)
WalkReturn::Cycle { min_depth } => panic!(
"`start_walk_node({:?})` returned cycle with depth {:?}",
node, min_depth
Sccs { scc_indices, scc_data: this.scc_data }
/// Visits a node during the DFS. We first examine its current
/// state -- if it is not yet visited (`NotVisited`), we can push
/// it onto the stack and start walking its successors.
fn start_walk_from(&mut self, node: G::Node) -> WalkReturn<S> {
if let Some(result) = self.inspect_node(node) {
} else {
/// Inspect a node during the DFS. We first examine its current
/// state -- if it is not yet visited (`NotVisited`), return `None` so
/// that the caller might push it onto the stack and start walking its
/// successors.
/// If it is already on the DFS stack it will be in the state
/// `BeingVisited`. In that case, we have found a cycle and we
@ -253,20 +263,19 @@ where
/// Otherwise, we are looking at a node that has already been
/// completely visited. We therefore return `WalkReturn::Complete`
/// with its associated SCC index.
fn walk_node(&mut self, depth: usize, node: G::Node) -> WalkReturn<S> {
debug!("walk_node(depth = {:?}, node = {:?})", depth, node);
match self.find_state(node) {
fn inspect_node(&mut self, node: G::Node) -> Option<WalkReturn<S>> {
Some(match self.find_state(node) {
NodeState::InCycle { scc_index } => WalkReturn::Complete { scc_index },
NodeState::BeingVisited { depth: min_depth } => WalkReturn::Cycle { min_depth },
NodeState::NotVisited => self.walk_unvisited_node(depth, node),
NodeState::NotVisited => return None,
NodeState::InCycleWith { parent } => panic!(
"`find_state` returned `InCycleWith({:?})`, which ought to be impossible",
/// Fetches the state of the node `r`. If `r` is recorded as being
@ -392,74 +401,174 @@ where
/// Walks a node that has never been visited before.
fn walk_unvisited_node(&mut self, depth: usize, node: G::Node) -> WalkReturn<S> {
debug!("walk_unvisited_node(depth = {:?}, node = {:?})", depth, node);
/// Call this method when `inspect_node` has returned `None`. Having the
/// caller decide avoids mutual recursion between the two methods and allows
/// us to maintain an allocated stack for nodes on the path between calls.
fn walk_unvisited_node(&mut self, initial: G::Node) -> WalkReturn<S> {
struct VisitingNodeFrame<G: DirectedGraph, Successors> {
node: G::Node,
iter: Option<Successors>,
depth: usize,
min_depth: usize,
successors_len: usize,
min_cycle_root: G::Node,
successor_node: G::Node,
debug_assert!(matches!(self.node_states[node], NodeState::NotVisited));
// Move the stack to a local variable. We want to utilize the existing allocation and
// mutably borrow it without borrowing self at the same time.
let mut successors_stack = core::mem::take(&mut self.successors_stack);
debug_assert_eq!(successors_stack.len(), 0);
// Push `node` onto the stack.
self.node_states[node] = NodeState::BeingVisited { depth };
let mut stack: Vec<VisitingNodeFrame<G, _>> = vec![VisitingNodeFrame {
node: initial,
depth: 0,
min_depth: 0,
iter: None,
successors_len: 0,
min_cycle_root: initial,
successor_node: initial,
// Walk each successor of the node, looking to see if any of
// them can reach a node that is presently on the stack. If
// so, that means they can also reach us.
let mut min_depth = depth;
let mut min_cycle_root = node;
let successors_len = self.successors_stack.len();
for successor_node in self.graph.successors(node) {
debug!("walk_unvisited_node: node = {:?} successor_ode = {:?}", node, successor_node);
match self.walk_node(depth + 1, successor_node) {
WalkReturn::Cycle { min_depth: successor_min_depth } => {
// Track the minimum depth we can reach.
assert!(successor_min_depth <= depth);
if successor_min_depth < min_depth {
let mut return_value = None;
'recurse: while let Some(frame) = stack.last_mut() {
let VisitingNodeFrame {
} = frame;
let node = *node;
let depth = *depth;
let successors = match iter {
Some(iter) => iter,
None => {
// This None marks that we still have the initialize this node's frame.
debug!("walk_unvisited_node(depth = {:?}, node = {:?})", depth, node);
debug_assert!(matches!(self.node_states[node], NodeState::NotVisited));
// Push `node` onto the stack.
self.node_states[node] = NodeState::BeingVisited { depth };
// Walk each successor of the node, looking to see if any of
// them can reach a node that is presently on the stack. If
// so, that means they can also reach us.
*successors_len = successors_stack.len();
// Set and return a reference, this is currently empty.
// Now that iter is initialized, this is a constant for this frame.
let successors_len = *successors_len;
// Construct iterators for the nodes and walk results. There are two cases:
// * The walk of a successor node returned.
// * The remaining successor nodes.
let returned_walk =
return_value.take().into_iter().map(|walk| (*successor_node, Some(walk)));
let successor_walk = successors.by_ref().map(|successor_node| {
"walk_unvisited_node: node = {:?} successor_ode = {:?}",
node, successor_node
(successor_node, self.inspect_node(successor_node))
for (successor_node, walk) in returned_walk.chain(successor_walk) {
match walk {
Some(WalkReturn::Cycle { min_depth: successor_min_depth }) => {
// Track the minimum depth we can reach.
assert!(successor_min_depth <= depth);
if successor_min_depth < *min_depth {
"walk_unvisited_node: node = {:?} successor_min_depth = {:?}",
node, successor_min_depth
*min_depth = successor_min_depth;
*min_cycle_root = successor_node;
Some(WalkReturn::Complete { scc_index: successor_scc_index }) => {
// Push the completed SCC indices onto
// the `successors_stack` for later.
"walk_unvisited_node: node = {:?} successor_min_depth = {:?}",
node, successor_min_depth
"walk_unvisited_node: node = {:?} successor_scc_index = {:?}",
node, successor_scc_index
min_depth = successor_min_depth;
min_cycle_root = successor_node;
None => {
let depth = depth + 1;
debug!("walk_node(depth = {:?}, node = {:?})", depth, successor_node);
// Remember which node the return value will come from.
frame.successor_node = successor_node;
// Start a new stack frame the step into it.
stack.push(VisitingNodeFrame {
node: successor_node,
iter: None,
successors_len: 0,
min_depth: depth,
min_cycle_root: successor_node,
successor_node: successor_node,
continue 'recurse;
WalkReturn::Complete { scc_index: successor_scc_index } => {
// Push the completed SCC indices onto
// the `successors_stack` for later.
"walk_unvisited_node: node = {:?} successor_scc_index = {:?}",
node, successor_scc_index
// Completed walk, remove `node` from the stack.
let r = self.node_stack.pop();
debug_assert_eq!(r, Some(node));
// Remove the frame, it's done.
let frame = stack.pop().unwrap();
// If `min_depth == depth`, then we are the root of the
// cycle: we can't reach anyone further down the stack.
// Pass the 'return value' down the stack.
// We return one frame at a time so there can't be another return value.
return_value = Some(if frame.min_depth == depth {
// Note that successor stack may have duplicates, so we
// want to remove those:
let deduplicated_successors = {
let duplicate_set = &mut self.duplicate_set;
.filter(move |&i| duplicate_set.insert(i))
let scc_index = self.scc_data.create_scc(deduplicated_successors);
self.node_states[node] = NodeState::InCycle { scc_index };
WalkReturn::Complete { scc_index }
} else {
// We are not the head of the cycle. Return back to our
// caller. They will take ownership of the
// `self.successors` data that we pushed.
self.node_states[node] = NodeState::InCycleWith { parent: frame.min_cycle_root };
WalkReturn::Cycle { min_depth: frame.min_depth }
// Completed walk, remove `node` from the stack.
let r = self.node_stack.pop();
debug_assert_eq!(r, Some(node));
// Keep the allocation we used for successors_stack.
self.successors_stack = successors_stack;
debug_assert_eq!(self.successors_stack.len(), 0);
// If `min_depth == depth`, then we are the root of the
// cycle: we can't reach anyone further down the stack.
if min_depth == depth {
// Note that successor stack may have duplicates, so we
// want to remove those:
let deduplicated_successors = {
let duplicate_set = &mut self.duplicate_set;
.filter(move |&i| duplicate_set.insert(i))
let scc_index = self.scc_data.create_scc(deduplicated_successors);
self.node_states[node] = NodeState::InCycle { scc_index };
WalkReturn::Complete { scc_index }
} else {
// We are not the head of the cycle. Return back to our
// caller. They will take ownership of the
// `self.successors` data that we pushed.
self.node_states[node] = NodeState::InCycleWith { parent: min_cycle_root };
WalkReturn::Cycle { min_depth }