Initial support for a global crate metadata cache

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Walton 2010-09-07 16:35:00 -07:00
parent ca1475382e
commit ffdb5fc858
6 changed files with 22 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ let get_sects
let get_meta
: Ast.meta option =
: Session.meta option =
htab_search_or_add meta_cache filename
fun _ ->
@ -190,6 +190,10 @@ let get_mod
match get_meta sess file with
None -> ()
| Some meta ->
if not (Hashtbl.mem
sess.Session.sess_crate_meta meta) then
Hashtbl.add sess.Session.sess_crate_meta
meta (Session.make_crate_id sess);
(fun (k,v) -> log sess "%s = %S" k v)

View File

@ -58,8 +58,10 @@ let (sess:Session.sess) =
Session.sess_report_timing = false;
Session.sess_report_gc = false;
Session.sess_report_deps = false;
Session.sess_next_crate_id = 0;
Session.sess_timings = Hashtbl.create 0;
Session.sess_lib_dirs = Queue.create ();
Session.sess_crate_meta = Hashtbl.create 0;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
open Common;;
type meta = (string * string) array;;
type sess =
mutable sess_in: filename option;
@ -41,9 +43,11 @@ type sess =
mutable sess_report_timing: bool;
mutable sess_report_gc: bool;
mutable sess_report_deps: bool;
mutable sess_next_crate_id: int;
sess_timings: (string, float) Hashtbl.t;
sess_spans: (node_id,span) Hashtbl.t;
sess_lib_dirs: filename Queue.t;
sess_crate_meta: (meta, crate_id) Hashtbl.t;
@ -115,6 +119,12 @@ let report_err sess ido str =
(string_of_span span) str
let make_crate_id (sess:sess) : crate_id =
let crate_id = Crate sess.sess_next_crate_id in
sess.sess_next_crate_id <- sess.sess_next_crate_id + 1;
* Local Variables:
* fill-column: 78;

View File

@ -452,14 +452,12 @@ and mod_view =
view_exports: (export, unit) Hashtbl.t;
and meta = (ident * string) array
and meta_pat = (ident * string option) array
and meta_pat = (string * string option) array
and crate' =
crate_items: (mod_view * mod_items);
crate_meta: meta;
crate_meta: Session.meta;
crate_auth: (name, effect) Hashtbl.t;
crate_required: (node_id, (required_lib * nabi_conv)) Hashtbl.t;
crate_required_syms: (node_id, string) Hashtbl.t;

View File

@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ and parse_meta_pat (ps:pstate) : Ast.meta_pat =
bracketed_zero_or_more LPAREN RPAREN
(Some COMMA) parse_meta_input ps
and parse_meta (ps:pstate) : Ast.meta =
and parse_meta (ps:pstate) : Session.meta =
fun (id,v) ->

View File

@ -13,11 +13,13 @@ type node_id = Node of int
type temp_id = Temp of int
type opaque_id = Opaque of int
type constr_id = Constr of int
type crate_id = Crate of int
let int_of_node (Node i) = i
let int_of_temp (Temp i) = i
let int_of_opaque (Opaque i) = i
let int_of_constr (Constr i) = i
let int_of_common (Crate i) = i
type 'a identified = { node: 'a; id: node_id }