use rustc_error_codes::*; use rustc_errors::{struct_span_err, Handler}; use rustc_feature::{AttributeGate, BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTE_MAP}; use rustc_feature::{Features, GateIssue, UnstableFeatures}; use rustc_span::source_map::Spanned; use rustc_span::symbol::sym; use rustc_span::Span; use syntax::ast::{self, AssocTyConstraint, AssocTyConstraintKind, NodeId}; use syntax::ast::{GenericParam, GenericParamKind, PatKind, RangeEnd, VariantData}; use syntax::attr; use syntax::sess::{feature_err, leveled_feature_err, GateStrength, ParseSess}; use syntax::visit::{self, FnKind, Visitor}; use log::debug; macro_rules! gate_feature_fn { ($cx: expr, $has_feature: expr, $span: expr, $name: expr, $explain: expr, $level: expr) => {{ let (cx, has_feature, span, name, explain, level) = (&*$cx, $has_feature, $span, $name, $explain, $level); let has_feature: bool = has_feature(&$cx.features); debug!("gate_feature(feature = {:?}, span = {:?}); has? {}", name, span, has_feature); if !has_feature && !span.allows_unstable($name) { leveled_feature_err(cx.parse_sess, name, span, GateIssue::Language, explain, level) .emit(); } }}; } macro_rules! gate_feature { ($cx: expr, $feature: ident, $span: expr, $explain: expr) => { gate_feature_fn!( $cx, |x: &Features| x.$feature, $span, sym::$feature, $explain, GateStrength::Hard ) }; ($cx: expr, $feature: ident, $span: expr, $explain: expr, $level: expr) => { gate_feature_fn!($cx, |x: &Features| x.$feature, $span, sym::$feature, $explain, $level) }; } pub fn check_attribute(attr: &ast::Attribute, parse_sess: &ParseSess, features: &Features) { PostExpansionVisitor { parse_sess, features }.visit_attribute(attr) } struct PostExpansionVisitor<'a> { parse_sess: &'a ParseSess, features: &'a Features, } macro_rules! gate_feature_post { ($cx: expr, $feature: ident, $span: expr, $explain: expr) => {{ let (cx, span) = ($cx, $span); if !span.allows_unstable(sym::$feature) { gate_feature!(cx, $feature, span, $explain) } }}; ($cx: expr, $feature: ident, $span: expr, $explain: expr, $level: expr) => {{ let (cx, span) = ($cx, $span); if !span.allows_unstable(sym::$feature) { gate_feature!(cx, $feature, span, $explain, $level) } }}; } impl<'a> PostExpansionVisitor<'a> { fn check_abi(&self, abi: ast::StrLit) { let ast::StrLit { symbol_unescaped, span, .. } = abi; match &*symbol_unescaped.as_str() { // Stable "Rust" | "C" | "cdecl" | "stdcall" | "fastcall" | "aapcs" | "win64" | "sysv64" | "system" => {} "rust-intrinsic" => { gate_feature_post!(&self, intrinsics, span, "intrinsics are subject to change"); } "platform-intrinsic" => { gate_feature_post!( &self, platform_intrinsics, span, "platform intrinsics are experimental and possibly buggy" ); } "vectorcall" => { gate_feature_post!( &self, abi_vectorcall, span, "vectorcall is experimental and subject to change" ); } "thiscall" => { gate_feature_post!( &self, abi_thiscall, span, "thiscall is experimental and subject to change" ); } "rust-call" => { gate_feature_post!( &self, unboxed_closures, span, "rust-call ABI is subject to change" ); } "ptx-kernel" => { gate_feature_post!( &self, abi_ptx, span, "PTX ABIs are experimental and subject to change" ); } "unadjusted" => { gate_feature_post!( &self, abi_unadjusted, span, "unadjusted ABI is an implementation detail and perma-unstable" ); } "msp430-interrupt" => { gate_feature_post!( &self, abi_msp430_interrupt, span, "msp430-interrupt ABI is experimental and subject to change" ); } "x86-interrupt" => { gate_feature_post!( &self, abi_x86_interrupt, span, "x86-interrupt ABI is experimental and subject to change" ); } "amdgpu-kernel" => { gate_feature_post!( &self, abi_amdgpu_kernel, span, "amdgpu-kernel ABI is experimental and subject to change" ); } "efiapi" => { gate_feature_post!( &self, abi_efiapi, span, "efiapi ABI is experimental and subject to change" ); } abi => self .parse_sess .span_diagnostic .delay_span_bug(span, &format!("unrecognized ABI not caught in lowering: {}", abi)), } } fn check_extern(&self, ext: ast::Extern) { if let ast::Extern::Explicit(abi) = ext { self.check_abi(abi); } } fn maybe_report_invalid_custom_discriminants(&self, variants: &[ast::Variant]) { let has_fields = variants.iter().any(|variant| match { VariantData::Tuple(..) | VariantData::Struct(..) => true, VariantData::Unit(..) => false, }); let discriminant_spans = variants .iter() .filter(|variant| match { VariantData::Tuple(..) | VariantData::Struct(..) => false, VariantData::Unit(..) => true, }) .filter_map(|variant| variant.disr_expr.as_ref().map(|c| c.value.span)) .collect::>(); if !discriminant_spans.is_empty() && has_fields { let mut err = feature_err( self.parse_sess, sym::arbitrary_enum_discriminant, discriminant_spans.clone(), "custom discriminant values are not allowed in enums with tuple or struct variants", ); for sp in discriminant_spans { err.span_label(sp, "disallowed custom discriminant"); } for variant in variants.iter() { match & { VariantData::Struct(..) => { err.span_label(variant.span, "struct variant defined here"); } VariantData::Tuple(..) => { err.span_label(variant.span, "tuple variant defined here"); } VariantData::Unit(..) => {} } } err.emit(); } } fn check_gat(&self, generics: &ast::Generics, span: Span) { if !generics.params.is_empty() { gate_feature_post!( &self, generic_associated_types, span, "generic associated types are unstable" ); } if !generics.where_clause.predicates.is_empty() { gate_feature_post!( &self, generic_associated_types, span, "where clauses on associated types are unstable" ); } } /// Feature gate `impl Trait` inside `type Alias = $type_expr;`. fn check_impl_trait(&self, ty: &ast::Ty) { struct ImplTraitVisitor<'a> { vis: &'a PostExpansionVisitor<'a>, } impl Visitor<'_> for ImplTraitVisitor<'_> { fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &ast::Ty) { if let ast::TyKind::ImplTrait(..) = ty.kind { gate_feature_post!( &self.vis, type_alias_impl_trait, ty.span, "`impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable" ); } visit::walk_ty(self, ty); } } ImplTraitVisitor { vis: self }.visit_ty(ty); } } impl<'a> Visitor<'a> for PostExpansionVisitor<'a> { fn visit_attribute(&mut self, attr: &ast::Attribute) { let attr_info = attr.ident().and_then(|ident| BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.get(&|a| **a); // Check feature gates for built-in attributes. if let Some((.., AttributeGate::Gated(_, name, descr, has_feature))) = attr_info { gate_feature_fn!(self, has_feature, attr.span, name, descr, GateStrength::Hard); } // Check unstable flavors of the `#[doc]` attribute. if attr.check_name(sym::doc) { for nested_meta in attr.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_default() { macro_rules! gate_doc { ($($name:ident => $feature:ident)*) => { $(if nested_meta.check_name(sym::$name) { let msg = concat!("`#[doc(", stringify!($name), ")]` is experimental"); gate_feature!(self, $feature, attr.span, msg); })* }} gate_doc!( include => external_doc cfg => doc_cfg masked => doc_masked spotlight => doc_spotlight alias => doc_alias keyword => doc_keyword ); } } } fn visit_name(&mut self, sp: Span, name: ast::Name) { if !name.as_str().is_ascii() { gate_feature_post!( &self, non_ascii_idents, self.parse_sess.source_map().def_span(sp), "non-ascii idents are not fully supported" ); } } fn visit_item(&mut self, i: &'a ast::Item) { match i.kind { ast::ItemKind::ForeignMod(ref foreign_module) => { if let Some(abi) = foreign_module.abi { self.check_abi(abi); } } ast::ItemKind::Fn(..) => { if attr::contains_name(&i.attrs[..], sym::plugin_registrar) { gate_feature_post!( &self, plugin_registrar, i.span, "compiler plugins are experimental and possibly buggy" ); } if attr::contains_name(&i.attrs[..], sym::start) { gate_feature_post!( &self, start, i.span, "`#[start]` functions are experimental \ and their signature may change \ over time" ); } if attr::contains_name(&i.attrs[..], sym::main) { gate_feature_post!( &self, main, i.span, "declaration of a non-standard `#[main]` \ function may change over time, for now \ a top-level `fn main()` is required" ); } } ast::ItemKind::Struct(..) => { for attr in attr::filter_by_name(&i.attrs[..], sym::repr) { for item in attr.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_else(Vec::new) { if item.check_name(sym::simd) { gate_feature_post!( &self, repr_simd, attr.span, "SIMD types are experimental and possibly buggy" ); } } } } ast::ItemKind::Enum(ast::EnumDef { ref variants, .. }, ..) => { for variant in variants { match (&, &variant.disr_expr) { (ast::VariantData::Unit(..), _) => {} (_, Some(disr_expr)) => gate_feature_post!( &self, arbitrary_enum_discriminant, disr_expr.value.span, "discriminants on non-unit variants are experimental" ), _ => {} } } let has_feature = self.features.arbitrary_enum_discriminant; if !has_feature && !i.span.allows_unstable(sym::arbitrary_enum_discriminant) { self.maybe_report_invalid_custom_discriminants(&variants); } } ast::ItemKind::Impl(_, polarity, defaultness, ..) => { if polarity == ast::ImplPolarity::Negative { gate_feature_post!( &self, optin_builtin_traits, i.span, "negative trait bounds are not yet fully implemented; \ use marker types for now" ); } if let ast::Defaultness::Default = defaultness { gate_feature_post!(&self, specialization, i.span, "specialization is unstable"); } } ast::ItemKind::Trait(ast::IsAuto::Yes, ..) => { gate_feature_post!( &self, optin_builtin_traits, i.span, "auto traits are experimental and possibly buggy" ); } ast::ItemKind::TraitAlias(..) => { gate_feature_post!(&self, trait_alias, i.span, "trait aliases are experimental"); } ast::ItemKind::MacroDef(ast::MacroDef { legacy: false, .. }) => { let msg = "`macro` is experimental"; gate_feature_post!(&self, decl_macro, i.span, msg); } ast::ItemKind::TyAlias(ref ty, ..) => self.check_impl_trait(&ty), _ => {} } visit::walk_item(self, i); } fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, i: &'a ast::ForeignItem) { match i.kind { ast::ForeignItemKind::Fn(..) | ast::ForeignItemKind::Static(..) => { let link_name = attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(&i.attrs, sym::link_name); let links_to_llvm = match link_name { Some(val) => val.as_str().starts_with("llvm."), _ => false, }; if links_to_llvm { gate_feature_post!( &self, link_llvm_intrinsics, i.span, "linking to LLVM intrinsics is experimental" ); } } ast::ForeignItemKind::Ty => { gate_feature_post!(&self, extern_types, i.span, "extern types are experimental"); } ast::ForeignItemKind::Macro(..) => {} } visit::walk_foreign_item(self, i) } fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &'a ast::Ty) { match ty.kind { ast::TyKind::BareFn(ref bare_fn_ty) => { self.check_extern(bare_fn_ty.ext); } ast::TyKind::Never => { gate_feature_post!(&self, never_type, ty.span, "The `!` type is experimental"); } _ => {} } visit::walk_ty(self, ty) } fn visit_fn_ret_ty(&mut self, ret_ty: &'a ast::FunctionRetTy) { if let ast::FunctionRetTy::Ty(ref output_ty) = *ret_ty { if let ast::TyKind::Never = output_ty.kind { // Do nothing. } else { self.visit_ty(output_ty) } } } fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &'a ast::Expr) { match e.kind { ast::ExprKind::Box(_) => { gate_feature_post!( &self, box_syntax, e.span, "box expression syntax is experimental; you can call `Box::new` instead" ); } ast::ExprKind::Type(..) => { // To avoid noise about type ascription in common syntax errors, only emit if it // is the *only* error. if self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.err_count() == 0 { gate_feature_post!( &self, type_ascription, e.span, "type ascription is experimental" ); } } ast::ExprKind::TryBlock(_) => { gate_feature_post!(&self, try_blocks, e.span, "`try` expression is experimental"); } ast::ExprKind::Block(_, opt_label) => { if let Some(label) = opt_label { gate_feature_post!( &self, label_break_value, label.ident.span, "labels on blocks are unstable" ); } } _ => {} } visit::walk_expr(self, e) } fn visit_arm(&mut self, arm: &'a ast::Arm) { visit::walk_arm(self, arm) } fn visit_pat(&mut self, pattern: &'a ast::Pat) { match &pattern.kind { PatKind::Slice(pats) => { for pat in &*pats { let span = pat.span; let inner_pat = match &pat.kind { PatKind::Ident(.., Some(pat)) => pat, _ => pat, }; if inner_pat.is_rest() { gate_feature_post!( &self, slice_patterns, span, "subslice patterns are unstable" ); } } } PatKind::Box(..) => { gate_feature_post!( &self, box_patterns, pattern.span, "box pattern syntax is experimental" ); } PatKind::Range(_, _, Spanned { node: RangeEnd::Excluded, .. }) => { gate_feature_post!( &self, exclusive_range_pattern, pattern.span, "exclusive range pattern syntax is experimental" ); } _ => {} } visit::walk_pat(self, pattern) } fn visit_fn( &mut self, fn_kind: FnKind<'a>, fn_decl: &'a ast::FnDecl, span: Span, _node_id: NodeId, ) { if let Some(header) = fn_kind.header() { // Stability of const fn methods are covered in // `visit_trait_item` and `visit_impl_item` below; this is // because default methods don't pass through this point. self.check_extern(header.ext); } if fn_decl.c_variadic() { gate_feature_post!(&self, c_variadic, span, "C-variadic functions are unstable"); } visit::walk_fn(self, fn_kind, fn_decl, span) } fn visit_generic_param(&mut self, param: &'a GenericParam) { match param.kind { GenericParamKind::Const { .. } => gate_feature_post!( &self, const_generics, param.ident.span, "const generics are unstable" ), _ => {} } visit::walk_generic_param(self, param) } fn visit_assoc_ty_constraint(&mut self, constraint: &'a AssocTyConstraint) { match constraint.kind { AssocTyConstraintKind::Bound { .. } => gate_feature_post!( &self, associated_type_bounds, constraint.span, "associated type bounds are unstable" ), _ => {} } visit::walk_assoc_ty_constraint(self, constraint) } fn visit_trait_item(&mut self, ti: &'a ast::AssocItem) { match ti.kind { ast::AssocItemKind::Fn(ref sig, ref block) => { if block.is_none() { self.check_extern(sig.header.ext); } if sig.header.constness.node == ast::Constness::Const { gate_feature_post!(&self, const_fn, ti.span, "const fn is unstable"); } } ast::AssocItemKind::TyAlias(_, ref default) => { if let Some(_) = default { gate_feature_post!( &self, associated_type_defaults, ti.span, "associated type defaults are unstable" ); } } _ => {} } visit::walk_trait_item(self, ti) } fn visit_assoc_item(&mut self, ii: &'a ast::AssocItem) { if ii.defaultness == ast::Defaultness::Default { gate_feature_post!(&self, specialization, ii.span, "specialization is unstable"); } match ii.kind { ast::AssocItemKind::Fn(ref sig, _) => { if sig.decl.c_variadic() { gate_feature_post!( &self, c_variadic, ii.span, "C-variadic functions are unstable" ); } } ast::AssocItemKind::TyAlias(_, ref ty) => { if let Some(ty) = ty { self.check_impl_trait(ty); } self.check_gat(&ii.generics, ii.span); } _ => {} } visit::walk_assoc_item(self, ii) } fn visit_vis(&mut self, vis: &'a ast::Visibility) { if let ast::VisibilityKind::Crate(ast::CrateSugar::JustCrate) = vis.node { gate_feature_post!( &self, crate_visibility_modifier, vis.span, "`crate` visibility modifier is experimental" ); } visit::walk_vis(self, vis) } } pub fn check_crate( krate: &ast::Crate, parse_sess: &ParseSess, features: &Features, unstable: UnstableFeatures, ) { maybe_stage_features(&parse_sess.span_diagnostic, krate, unstable); let mut visitor = PostExpansionVisitor { parse_sess, features }; let spans = parse_sess.gated_spans.spans.borrow(); macro_rules! gate_all { ($gate:ident, $msg:literal) => { for span in spans.get(&sym::$gate).unwrap_or(&vec![]) { gate_feature!(&visitor, $gate, *span, $msg); } }; } gate_all!(let_chains, "`let` expressions in this position are experimental"); gate_all!(async_closure, "async closures are unstable"); gate_all!(generators, "yield syntax is experimental"); gate_all!(or_patterns, "or-patterns syntax is experimental"); gate_all!(const_extern_fn, "`const extern fn` definitions are unstable"); gate_all!(raw_ref_op, "raw address of syntax is experimental"); gate_all!(const_trait_bound_opt_out, "`?const` on trait bounds is experimental"); gate_all!(const_trait_impl, "const trait impls are experimental"); gate_all!(half_open_range_patterns, "half-open range patterns are unstable"); // All uses of `gate_all!` below this point were added in #65742, // and subsequently disabled (with the non-early gating readded). macro_rules! gate_all { ($gate:ident, $msg:literal) => { // FIXME(eddyb) do something more useful than always // disabling these uses of early feature-gatings. if false { for span in spans.get(&sym::$gate).unwrap_or(&vec![]) { gate_feature!(&visitor, $gate, *span, $msg); } } }; } gate_all!(trait_alias, "trait aliases are experimental"); gate_all!(associated_type_bounds, "associated type bounds are unstable"); gate_all!(crate_visibility_modifier, "`crate` visibility modifier is experimental"); gate_all!(const_generics, "const generics are unstable"); gate_all!(decl_macro, "`macro` is experimental"); gate_all!(box_patterns, "box pattern syntax is experimental"); gate_all!(exclusive_range_pattern, "exclusive range pattern syntax is experimental"); gate_all!(try_blocks, "`try` blocks are unstable"); gate_all!(label_break_value, "labels on blocks are unstable"); gate_all!(box_syntax, "box expression syntax is experimental; you can call `Box::new` instead"); // To avoid noise about type ascription in common syntax errors, // only emit if it is the *only* error. (Also check it last.) if parse_sess.span_diagnostic.err_count() == 0 { gate_all!(type_ascription, "type ascription is experimental"); } visit::walk_crate(&mut visitor, krate); } fn maybe_stage_features(span_handler: &Handler, krate: &ast::Crate, unstable: UnstableFeatures) { if !unstable.is_nightly_build() { for attr in krate.attrs.iter().filter(|attr| attr.check_name(sym::feature)) { struct_span_err!( span_handler, attr.span, E0554, "`#![feature]` may not be used on the {} release channel", option_env!("CFG_RELEASE_CHANNEL").unwrap_or("(unknown)") ) .emit(); } } }