.TH RUST "1" "July 2013" "rust 0.7" "User Commands" .SH NAME rust \- a front-end to the Rust toolchain .SH SYNOPSIS .B rust [\fICOMMAND\fR] [\fIOPTIONS\fR] \fIINPUT\fR .SH DESCRIPTION This tool is a front-end for the Rust language, available at <\fBhttps://www.rust-lang.org\fR>. It provides commands to run, test and package Rust programs. .SH COMMANDS .TP \fBbuild\fR compile rust source files .TP \fBrun\fR build an executable, and run it .TP \fBtest\fR build a test executable, and run it .TP \fBdoc\fR generate documentation from doc comments .TP \fBpkg\fR download, build, install rust packages .TP \fBsketch\fR run a rust interpreter .TP \fBhelp\fR show detailed usage of a command The build, run and test commands take the same parameters as the rustc command. .SS "BUILD COMMAND" The \fBbuild\fR command is a shortcut for the \fBrustc\fR command line. All options will be passed to the compiler verbatim. For example, to build an optimised version: $ rust build -O .SS "RUN COMMAND" The \fBrun\fR command is a shortcut for the \fBrustc\fR command line. All options will be passed to the compiler verbatim, and if the compilation is successful, the resultant executable will be invoked. For example, to build and run an optimised version: $ rust run -O .SS "TEST COMMAND" The \fBtest\fR command is a shortcut for the command line: $ rustc --test -o test~ && ./test~ .SS "DOC COMMAND" The \fBdoc\fR command is an alias for the rustdoc program. It is equivalent to: $ rustdoc [options] .SS "PKG COMMAND" The \fBpkg\fR command is an alias for the rustpkg program. It is equivalent to: $ rustpkg [options] .SS "SKETCH COMMAND" The \fBsketch\fR command launches the \fBrusti\fR interactive shell. .SS "HELP COMMAND" The \fBhelp\fR command displays a summary of available commands (ie. this text). .SH "EXAMPLES" To build an executable (with a main function): $ rust build hello.rs To build a library from a source file: $ rust build --lib hello-lib.rs To build and run an executable: $ rust run hello.rs To build an executable with unit tests and execute the tests: $ rust test hello.rs To create a package .SH "SEE ALSO" rustc, rustdoc, rustpkg, rusti .SH "BUGS" See <\fBhttps://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues\fR> for issues. .SH "AUTHOR" See \fBAUTHORS.txt\fR in the rust source distribution. Graydon Hoare <\fIgraydon@mozilla.com\fR> is the project leader. .SH "COPYRIGHT" This work is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and MIT terms. See \fBCOPYRIGHT\fR file in the rust source distribution.