#![feature(plugin)] #![plugin(clippy)] #![deny(mixed_case_hex_literals)] #![deny(unseparated_literal_suffix)] #![deny(zero_prefixed_literal)] #![allow(dead_code)] fn main() { let ok1 = 0xABCD; let ok3 = 0xab_cd; let ok4 = 0xab_cd_i32; let ok5 = 0xAB_CD_u32; let ok5 = 0xAB_CD_isize; let fail1 = 0xabCD; //~ERROR inconsistent casing in hexadecimal literal let fail2 = 0xabCD_u32; //~ERROR inconsistent casing in hexadecimal literal let fail2 = 0xabCD_isize; //~ERROR inconsistent casing in hexadecimal literal let ok6 = 1234_i32; let ok7 = 1234_f32; let ok8 = 1234_isize; let fail3 = 1234i32; //~ERROR integer type suffix should be separated let fail4 = 1234u32; //~ERROR integer type suffix should be separated let fail5 = 1234isize; //~ERROR integer type suffix should be separated let fail6 = 1234usize; //~ERROR integer type suffix should be separated let fail7 = 1.5f32; //~ERROR float type suffix should be separated let ok9 = 0; let ok10 = 0_i64; let fail8 = 0123; //~^ERROR decimal constant //~|HELP remove the `0` //~|SUGGESTION = 123; //~|HELP use `0o` //~|SUGGESTION = 0o123; let ok11 = 0o123; let ok12 = 0b101010; }