// force-host // no-prefer-dynamic // compile-flags: --crate-type proc-macro --document-private-items #![crate_type="proc-macro"] #![crate_name="some_macros"] // @has some_macros/index.html // @has - '//a/[@href="attr.some_proc_attr.html"]' 'some_proc_attr' //! include a link to [some_proc_macro] to make sure it works. extern crate proc_macro; use proc_macro::TokenStream; // @has some_macros/index.html // @has - '//h2' 'Macros' // @has - '//h2' 'Attribute Macros' // @has - '//h2' 'Derive Macros' // @!has - '//h2' 'Functions' // @has some_macros/all.html // @has - '//a[@href="macro.some_proc_macro.html"]' 'some_proc_macro' // @has - '//a[@href="attr.some_proc_attr.html"]' 'some_proc_attr' // @has - '//a[@href="derive.SomeDerive.html"]' 'SomeDerive' // @!has - '//a/@href' 'fn.some_proc_macro.html' // @!has - '//a/@href' 'fn.some_proc_attr.html' // @!has - '//a/@href' 'fn.some_derive.html' // @has some_macros/index.html '//a/@href' 'macro.some_proc_macro.html' // @!has - '//a/@href' 'fn.some_proc_macro.html' // @has some_macros/macro.some_proc_macro.html // @!has some_macros/fn.some_proc_macro.html /// a proc-macro that swallows its input and does nothing. #[proc_macro] pub fn some_proc_macro(_input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { TokenStream::new() } // @has some_macros/index.html '//a/@href' 'attr.some_proc_attr.html' // @!has - '//a/@href' 'fn.some_proc_attr.html' // @has some_macros/attr.some_proc_attr.html // @!has some_macros/fn.some_proc_attr.html /// a proc-macro attribute that passes its item through verbatim. #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn some_proc_attr(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { item } // @has some_macros/index.html '//a/@href' 'derive.SomeDerive.html' // @!has - '//a/@href' 'fn.some_derive.html' // @has some_macros/derive.SomeDerive.html // @!has some_macros/fn.some_derive.html /// a derive attribute that adds nothing to its input. #[proc_macro_derive(SomeDerive)] pub fn some_derive(_item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { TokenStream::new() } // @has some_macros/foo/index.html mod foo { // @has - '//code' 'pub use some_proc_macro;' // @has - '//a/@href' '../../some_macros/macro.some_proc_macro.html' pub use some_proc_macro; // @has - '//code' 'pub use some_proc_attr;' // @has - '//a/@href' '../../some_macros/attr.some_proc_attr.html' pub use some_proc_attr; // @has - '//code' 'pub use some_derive;' // @has - '//a/@href' '../../some_macros/derive.SomeDerive.html' pub use some_derive; }