
68 lines
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//! Tidy checks source code in this repository.
//! This program runs all of the various tidy checks for style, cleanliness,
//! etc. This is run by default on `./ test` and as part of the auto
//! builders. The tidy checks can be executed with `./ test tidy`.
use tidy::*;
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process;
fn main() {
let root_path: PathBuf = env::args_os().nth(1).expect("need path to root of repo").into();
let cargo: PathBuf = env::args_os().nth(2).expect("need path to cargo").into();
let output_directory: PathBuf =
env::args_os().nth(3).expect("need path to output directory").into();
let src_path = root_path.join("src");
let library_path = root_path.join("library");
let compiler_path = root_path.join("compiler");
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().skip(1).collect();
let mut bad = false;
let verbose = args.iter().any(|s| *s == "--verbose");
// Checks over tests.
debug_artifacts::check(&src_path, &mut bad);
ui_tests::check(&src_path, &mut bad);
// Checks that only make sense for the compiler.
errors::check(&compiler_path, &mut bad);
error_codes_check::check(&src_path, &mut bad);
// Checks that only make sense for the std libs.
pal::check(&library_path, &mut bad);
// Checks that need to be done for both the compiler and std libraries.
unit_tests::check(&src_path, &mut bad);
unit_tests::check(&compiler_path, &mut bad);
unit_tests::check(&library_path, &mut bad);
bins::check(&src_path, &output_directory, &mut bad);
bins::check(&compiler_path, &output_directory, &mut bad);
bins::check(&library_path, &output_directory, &mut bad);
style::check(&src_path, &mut bad);
style::check(&compiler_path, &mut bad);
style::check(&library_path, &mut bad);
edition::check(&src_path, &mut bad);
edition::check(&compiler_path, &mut bad);
edition::check(&library_path, &mut bad);
let collected = features::check(&src_path, &compiler_path, &library_path, &mut bad, verbose);
unstable_book::check(&src_path, collected, &mut bad);
// Checks that are done on the cargo workspace.
deps::check(&root_path, &cargo, &mut bad);
extdeps::check(&root_path, &mut bad);
if bad {
eprintln!("some tidy checks failed");