
224 lines
6.5 KiB

use crate::dep_graph::DepNodeIndex;
use crate::query::plumbing::{QueryLookup, QueryState};
use crate::query::QueryContext;
use rustc_arena::TypedArena;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_data_structures::sharded::Sharded;
use rustc_data_structures::sync::WorkerLocal;
use std::default::Default;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub trait CacheSelector<K, V> {
type Cache;
pub trait QueryStorage: Default {
type Value;
type Stored: Clone;
/// Store a value without putting it in the cache.
/// This is meant to be used with cycle errors.
fn store_nocache(&self, value: Self::Value) -> Self::Stored;
pub trait QueryCache: QueryStorage {
type Key: Hash;
type Sharded: Default;
/// Checks if the query is already computed and in the cache.
/// It returns the shard index and a lock guard to the shard,
/// which will be used if the query is not in the cache and we need
/// to compute it.
fn lookup<CTX: QueryContext, R, OnHit, OnMiss>(
state: &QueryState<CTX, Self>,
key: Self::Key,
// `on_hit` can be called while holding a lock to the query state shard.
on_hit: OnHit,
on_miss: OnMiss,
) -> R
OnHit: FnOnce(&Self::Stored, DepNodeIndex) -> R,
OnMiss: FnOnce(Self::Key, QueryLookup<'_, CTX, Self::Key, Self::Sharded>) -> R;
fn complete<CTX: QueryContext>(
tcx: CTX,
lock_sharded_storage: &mut Self::Sharded,
key: Self::Key,
value: Self::Value,
index: DepNodeIndex,
) -> Self::Stored;
fn iter<R, L>(
shards: &Sharded<L>,
get_shard: impl Fn(&mut L) -> &mut Self::Sharded,
f: impl for<'a> FnOnce(
Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (&'a Self::Key, &'a Self::Value, DepNodeIndex)> + 'a>,
) -> R,
) -> R;
pub struct DefaultCacheSelector;
impl<K: Eq + Hash, V: Clone> CacheSelector<K, V> for DefaultCacheSelector {
type Cache = DefaultCache<K, V>;
pub struct DefaultCache<K, V>(PhantomData<(K, V)>);
impl<K, V> Default for DefaultCache<K, V> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<K: Eq + Hash, V: Clone> QueryStorage for DefaultCache<K, V> {
type Value = V;
type Stored = V;
fn store_nocache(&self, value: Self::Value) -> Self::Stored {
// We have no dedicated storage
impl<K: Eq + Hash, V: Clone> QueryCache for DefaultCache<K, V> {
type Key = K;
type Sharded = FxHashMap<K, (V, DepNodeIndex)>;
fn lookup<CTX: QueryContext, R, OnHit, OnMiss>(
state: &QueryState<CTX, Self>,
key: K,
on_hit: OnHit,
on_miss: OnMiss,
) -> R
OnHit: FnOnce(&V, DepNodeIndex) -> R,
OnMiss: FnOnce(K, QueryLookup<'_, CTX, K, Self::Sharded>) -> R,
let mut lookup = state.get_lookup(&key);
let lock = &mut *lookup.lock;
let result = lock.cache.raw_entry().from_key_hashed_nocheck(lookup.key_hash, &key);
if let Some((_, value)) = result { on_hit(&value.0, value.1) } else { on_miss(key, lookup) }
fn complete<CTX: QueryContext>(
_: CTX,
lock_sharded_storage: &mut Self::Sharded,
key: K,
value: V,
index: DepNodeIndex,
) -> Self::Stored {
lock_sharded_storage.insert(key, (value.clone(), index));
fn iter<R, L>(
shards: &Sharded<L>,
get_shard: impl Fn(&mut L) -> &mut Self::Sharded,
f: impl for<'a> FnOnce(Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (&'a K, &'a V, DepNodeIndex)> + 'a>) -> R,
) -> R {
let mut shards = shards.lock_shards();
let mut shards: Vec<_> = shards.iter_mut().map(|shard| get_shard(shard)).collect();
let results = shards.iter_mut().flat_map(|shard| shard.iter()).map(|(k, v)| (k, &v.0, v.1));
pub struct ArenaCacheSelector<'tcx>(PhantomData<&'tcx ()>);
impl<'tcx, K: Eq + Hash, V: 'tcx> CacheSelector<K, V> for ArenaCacheSelector<'tcx> {
type Cache = ArenaCache<'tcx, K, V>;
pub struct ArenaCache<'tcx, K, V> {
arena: WorkerLocal<TypedArena<(V, DepNodeIndex)>>,
phantom: PhantomData<(K, &'tcx V)>,
impl<'tcx, K, V> Default for ArenaCache<'tcx, K, V> {
fn default() -> Self {
ArenaCache { arena: WorkerLocal::new(|_| TypedArena::default()), phantom: PhantomData }
impl<'tcx, K: Eq + Hash, V: 'tcx> QueryStorage for ArenaCache<'tcx, K, V> {
type Value = V;
type Stored = &'tcx V;
fn store_nocache(&self, value: Self::Value) -> Self::Stored {
let value = self.arena.alloc((value, DepNodeIndex::INVALID));
let value = unsafe { &*(&value.0 as *const _) };
impl<'tcx, K: Eq + Hash, V: 'tcx> QueryCache for ArenaCache<'tcx, K, V> {
type Key = K;
type Sharded = FxHashMap<K, &'tcx (V, DepNodeIndex)>;
fn lookup<CTX: QueryContext, R, OnHit, OnMiss>(
state: &QueryState<CTX, Self>,
key: K,
on_hit: OnHit,
on_miss: OnMiss,
) -> R
OnHit: FnOnce(&&'tcx V, DepNodeIndex) -> R,
OnMiss: FnOnce(K, QueryLookup<'_, CTX, K, Self::Sharded>) -> R,
let mut lookup = state.get_lookup(&key);
let lock = &mut *lookup.lock;
let result = lock.cache.raw_entry().from_key_hashed_nocheck(lookup.key_hash, &key);
if let Some((_, value)) = result {
on_hit(&&value.0, value.1)
} else {
on_miss(key, lookup)
fn complete<CTX: QueryContext>(
_: CTX,
lock_sharded_storage: &mut Self::Sharded,
key: K,
value: V,
index: DepNodeIndex,
) -> Self::Stored {
let value = self.arena.alloc((value, index));
let value = unsafe { &*(value as *const _) };
lock_sharded_storage.insert(key, value);
fn iter<R, L>(
shards: &Sharded<L>,
get_shard: impl Fn(&mut L) -> &mut Self::Sharded,
f: impl for<'a> FnOnce(Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (&'a K, &'a V, DepNodeIndex)> + 'a>) -> R,
) -> R {
let mut shards = shards.lock_shards();
let mut shards: Vec<_> = shards.iter_mut().map(|shard| get_shard(shard)).collect();
let results = shards.iter_mut().flat_map(|shard| shard.iter()).map(|(k, v)| (k, &v.0, v.1));