
831 lines
25 KiB

Our assembler is an all-at-once, buffer-in-memory job, very simple
minded. I have 1gb of memory on my laptop: I don't expect to ever
emit a program that large with this code.
It is based on the 'frag' type, which has a variant for every major
type of machine-blob we know how to write (bytes, zstrings, BSS
blocks, words of various sorts).
A frag can contain symbolic references between the sub-parts of
it. These are accomplished through ref cells we call fixups, and a
2-pass (resolution and writing) process defined recursively over
the frag structure.
Fixups are defined by wrapping a frag in a DEF pseudo-frag with
a fixup attached. This will record information about the wrapped
frag -- positions and sizes -- in the fixup during resolution.
We say "positions" and "sizes" there, in plural, because both a
file number and a memory number is recorded for each concept.
File numbers refer to positions and sizes in the file we're
generating, and are based on the native int type for the host
platform -- usually 31 or 62 bits -- whereas the expressions that
*use* position fixups tend to promote them up to 32 or 64 bits
somehow. On a 32 bit platform, you can't generate output buffers
with 64-bit positions (ocaml limitation!)
Memory numbers are 64 bit, always, and refer to sizes and positions
of frags when they are loaded into memory in the target. When
you're generating code for a 32-bit target, or using a memory
number in a context that's less than 64 bits, the value is
range-checked and truncated. But in all other respects, we imagine
a 32-bit address space is just the prefix of the continuing 64-bit
address space. If you need to pin an object at a particular place
from the point 2^32-1, say, you will need to do arithmetic and use
the MEMPOS pseudo-frag, that sets the current memory position as
it's being processed.
Fixups can be *used* anywhere else in the frag tree, as many times
as you like. If you try to write an unresolved fixup, the emitter
faults. When you specify the use of a fixup, you need to specify
whether you want to use its file size, file position, memory size,
or memory position.
Positions, addresses, sizes and such, of course, are in bytes.
Expressions are evaluated to an int64 (signed), even if the
expression is an int32 or less. Depending on how you use the result
of the expression, a range check error may fire (for example, if
the expression evaluates to -2^24 and you're emitting a word16).
Word endianness is per-file. At the moment this seems acceptable.
Because we want to be *very specific* about the time and place
arithmetic promotions occur, we define two separate expression-tree
types (with the same polymorphic constructors) and two separate
evaluation functions, with an explicit operator for marking the
open Common;;
open Fmt;;
let log (sess:Session.sess) =
Session.log "asm"
let iflog (sess:Session.sess) (thunk:(unit -> unit)) : unit =
if sess.Session.sess_log_asm
then thunk ()
else ()
exception Bad_fit of string;;
exception Undef_sym of string;;
type ('a, 'b) expr =
IMM of 'a
| ADD of (('a, 'b) expr) * (('a, 'b) expr)
| SUB of (('a, 'b) expr) * (('a, 'b) expr)
| MUL of (('a, 'b) expr) * (('a, 'b) expr)
| DIV of (('a, 'b) expr) * (('a, 'b) expr)
| REM of (('a, 'b) expr) * (('a, 'b) expr)
| MAX of (('a, 'b) expr) * (('a, 'b) expr)
| ALIGN of (('a, 'b) expr) * (('a, 'b) expr)
| SLL of (('a, 'b) expr) * int
| SLR of (('a, 'b) expr) * int
| SAR of (('a, 'b) expr) * int
| AND of (('a, 'b) expr) * (('a, 'b) expr)
| XOR of (('a, 'b) expr) * (('a, 'b) expr)
| OR of (('a, 'b) expr) * (('a, 'b) expr)
| NOT of (('a, 'b) expr)
| NEG of (('a, 'b) expr)
| F_POS of fixup
| F_SZ of fixup
| M_POS of fixup
| M_SZ of fixup
| EXT of 'b
type expr32 = (int32, int) expr
type expr64 = (int64, expr32) expr
let rec eval32 (e:expr32)
: int32 =
let chop64 kind name v =
let x = Int64.to_int32 v in
if ( v (Int64.of_int32 x)) = 0 then
else raise (Bad_fit (kind
^ " fixup "
^ name
^ " overflowed 32 bits in eval32: "
^ Int64.to_string v))
let expandInt _ _ v = Int32.of_int v in
let checkdef kind name v inj =
match v with
None ->
raise (Undef_sym (kind ^ " fixup " ^ name
^ " undefined in eval32"))
| Some x -> inj kind name x
match e with
IMM i -> i
| ADD (a, b) -> Int32.add (eval32 a) (eval32 b)
| SUB (a, b) -> Int32.sub (eval32 a) (eval32 b)
| MUL (a, b) -> Int32.mul (eval32 a) (eval32 b)
| DIV (a, b) -> Int32.div (eval32 a) (eval32 b)
| REM (a, b) -> Int32.rem (eval32 a) (eval32 b)
| MAX (a, b) -> i32_max (eval32 a) (eval32 b)
| ALIGN (a, b) -> i32_align (eval32 a) (eval32 b)
| SLL (a, b) -> Int32.shift_left (eval32 a) b
| SLR (a, b) -> Int32.shift_right_logical (eval32 a) b
| SAR (a, b) -> Int32.shift_right (eval32 a) b
| AND (a, b) -> Int32.logand (eval32 a) (eval32 b)
| XOR (a, b) -> Int32.logxor (eval32 a) (eval32 b)
| OR (a, b) -> Int32.logor (eval32 a) (eval32 b)
| NOT a -> Int32.lognot (eval32 a)
| NEG a -> Int32.neg (eval32 a)
| F_POS f ->
checkdef "file position"
f.fixup_name f.fixup_file_pos expandInt
| F_SZ f ->
checkdef "file size"
f.fixup_name f.fixup_file_sz expandInt
| M_POS f ->
checkdef "mem position"
f.fixup_name f.fixup_mem_pos chop64
| M_SZ f ->
checkdef "mem size" f.fixup_name f.fixup_mem_sz chop64
| EXT i -> Int32.of_int i
let rec eval64 (e:expr64)
: int64 =
let checkdef kind name v inj =
match v with
None ->
raise (Undef_sym (kind ^ " fixup '"
^ name ^ "' undefined in eval64"))
| Some x -> inj x
match e with
IMM i -> i
| ADD (a, b) -> Int64.add (eval64 a) (eval64 b)
| SUB (a, b) -> Int64.sub (eval64 a) (eval64 b)
| MUL (a, b) -> Int64.mul (eval64 a) (eval64 b)
| DIV (a, b) -> Int64.div (eval64 a) (eval64 b)
| REM (a, b) -> Int64.rem (eval64 a) (eval64 b)
| MAX (a, b) -> i64_max (eval64 a) (eval64 b)
| ALIGN (a, b) -> i64_align (eval64 a) (eval64 b)
| SLL (a, b) -> Int64.shift_left (eval64 a) b
| SLR (a, b) -> Int64.shift_right_logical (eval64 a) b
| SAR (a, b) -> Int64.shift_right (eval64 a) b
| AND (a, b) -> Int64.logand (eval64 a) (eval64 b)
| XOR (a, b) -> Int64.logxor (eval64 a) (eval64 b)
| OR (a, b) -> Int64.logor (eval64 a) (eval64 b)
| NOT a -> Int64.lognot (eval64 a)
| NEG a -> Int64.neg (eval64 a)
| F_POS f ->
checkdef "file position"
f.fixup_name f.fixup_file_pos Int64.of_int
| F_SZ f ->
checkdef "file size"
f.fixup_name f.fixup_file_sz Int64.of_int
| M_POS f ->
checkdef "mem position"
f.fixup_name f.fixup_mem_pos (fun x -> x)
| M_SZ f ->
checkdef "mem size"
f.fixup_name f.fixup_mem_sz (fun x -> x)
| EXT e -> Int64.of_int32 (eval32 e)
let rec string_of_expr64 (e64:expr64) : string =
let bin op a b =
Printf.sprintf "(%s %s %s)" (string_of_expr64 a) op (string_of_expr64 b)
let bini op a b =
Printf.sprintf "(%s %s %d)" (string_of_expr64 a) op b
match e64 with
IMM i when (i64_lt i 0L) -> Printf.sprintf "-0x%Lx" (Int64.neg i)
| IMM i -> Printf.sprintf "0x%Lx" i
| ADD (a,b) -> bin "+" a b
| SUB (a,b) -> bin "-" a b
| MUL (a,b) -> bin "*" a b
| DIV (a,b) -> bin "/" a b
| REM (a,b) -> bin "%" a b
| MAX (a,b) ->
Printf.sprintf "(max %s %s)"
(string_of_expr64 a) (string_of_expr64 b)
| ALIGN (a,b) ->
Printf.sprintf "(align %s %s)"
(string_of_expr64 a) (string_of_expr64 b)
| SLL (a,b) -> bini "<<" a b
| SLR (a,b) -> bini ">>" a b
| SAR (a,b) -> bini ">>>" a b
| AND (a,b) -> bin "&" a b
| XOR (a,b) -> bin "xor" a b
| OR (a,b) -> bin "|" a b
| NOT a -> Printf.sprintf "(not %s)" (string_of_expr64 a)
| NEG a -> Printf.sprintf "-%s" (string_of_expr64 a)
| F_POS f -> Printf.sprintf "<%s>.fpos" f.fixup_name
| F_SZ f -> Printf.sprintf "<%s>.fsz" f.fixup_name
| M_POS f -> Printf.sprintf "<%s>.mpos" f.fixup_name
| M_SZ f -> Printf.sprintf "<%s>.msz" f.fixup_name
| EXT _ -> "??ext??"
type frag =
MARK (* MARK == 'PAD (IMM 0L)' *)
| SEQ of frag array
| PAD of int
| BSS of int64
| MEMPOS of int64
| BYTE of int
| BYTES of int array
| CHAR of char
| STRING of string
| ZSTRING of string
| ULEB128 of expr64
| SLEB128 of expr64
| WORD of (ty_mach * expr64)
| ALIGN_FILE of (int * frag)
| ALIGN_MEM of (int * frag)
| DEF of (fixup * frag)
| RELAX of relaxation
and relaxation =
{ relax_options: frag array;
relax_choice: int ref; }
let rec fmt_frag (ff:Format.formatter) (f:frag) : unit =
match f with
MARK -> fmt ff "MARK"
| SEQ fs -> fmt_bracketed_arr_sep "[" "]" ", " fmt_frag ff fs
| PAD i -> fmt ff "PAD(%d)" i
| BSS i -> fmt ff "BSZ(%Ld)" i
| MEMPOS i -> fmt ff "MEMPOS(%Ld)" i
| BYTE i -> fmt ff "0x%x" i
| BYTES iz ->
fmt ff "BYTES";
fmt_bracketed_arr_sep "(" ")" ", "
(fun ff i -> fmt ff "0x%x" i) ff iz
| CHAR c -> fmt ff "CHAR(%s)" (Char.escaped c)
| STRING s -> fmt ff "STRING(%s)" (String.escaped s)
| ZSTRING s -> fmt ff "ZSTRING(%s)" (String.escaped s)
| ULEB128 e -> fmt ff "ULEB128(%s)" (string_of_expr64 e)
| SLEB128 e -> fmt ff "SLEB128(%s)" (string_of_expr64 e)
| WORD (tm, e) ->
fmt ff "%s:%s"
(string_of_ty_mach tm) (string_of_expr64 e)
| ALIGN_FILE (i, f) ->
fmt ff "ALIGN_FILE(%d, " i;
fmt_frag ff f;
fmt ff ")"
| ALIGN_MEM (i, f) ->
fmt ff "ALIGN_MEM(%d, " i;
fmt_frag ff f;
fmt ff ")"
| DEF (fix, f) ->
fmt ff "DEF(%s, " fix.fixup_name;
fmt_frag ff f;
fmt ff ")"
| RELAX r ->
fmt ff "RELAX(";
fmt_arr_sep ", " fmt_frag ff r.relax_options
let sprintf_frag = Fmt.sprintf_fmt fmt_frag;;
exception Relax_more of relaxation;;
let new_relaxation (frags:frag array) =
RELAX { relax_options = frags;
relax_choice = ref ((Array.length frags) - 1); }
let rec write_frag
: unit =
let relax = Queue.create () in
let bump_relax r =
iflog sess (fun _ ->
log sess "bumping relaxation to position %d"
((!(r.relax_choice)) - 1));
r.relax_choice := (!(r.relax_choice)) - 1;
if !(r.relax_choice) < 0
then bug () "relaxation ran out of options"
let rec loop _ =
Queue.clear relax;
Buffer.clear buf;
resolve_frag_full relax frag;
lower_frag ~sess ~lsb0 ~buf ~relax ~frag;
if Queue.is_empty relax
then ()
iflog sess (fun _ -> log sess "relaxing");
Queue.iter bump_relax relax;
loop ()
loop ()
and resolve_frag_full (relax:relaxation Queue.t) (frag:frag)
: unit =
let file_pos = ref 0 in
let mem_pos = ref 0L in
let bump i =
mem_pos := Int64.add (!mem_pos) (Int64.of_int i);
file_pos := (!file_pos) + i
let uleb (e:expr64) : unit =
let rec loop value =
let value = Int64.shift_right_logical value 7 in
if value = 0L
then bump 1
bump 1;
loop value
loop (eval64 e)
let sleb (e:expr64) : unit =
let rec loop value =
let byte = Int64.logand value 0xf7L in
let value = Int64.shift_right value 7 in
let signbit = Int64.logand byte 0x40L in
if (((value = 0L) && (signbit = 0L)) ||
((value = -1L) && (signbit = 0x40L)))
then bump 1
bump 1;
loop value
loop (eval64 e)
let rec resolve_frag it =
match it with
| MARK -> ()
| SEQ frags -> Array.iter resolve_frag frags
| PAD i -> bump i
| BSS i -> mem_pos := Int64.add (!mem_pos) i
| MEMPOS i -> mem_pos := i
| BYTE _ -> bump 1
| BYTES ia -> bump (Array.length ia)
| CHAR _ -> bump 1
| STRING s -> bump (String.length s)
| ZSTRING s -> bump ((String.length s) + 1)
| ULEB128 e -> uleb e
| SLEB128 e -> sleb e
| WORD (mach,_) -> bump (bytes_of_ty_mach mach)
| ALIGN_FILE (n, frag) ->
let spill = (!file_pos) mod n in
let pad = (n - spill) mod n in
file_pos := (!file_pos) + pad;
* NB: aligning the file *causes* likewise alignment of
* memory, since we implement "file alignment" by
* padding!
mem_pos := Int64.add (!mem_pos) (Int64.of_int pad);
resolve_frag frag
| ALIGN_MEM (n, frag) ->
let n64 = Int64.of_int n in
let spill = Int64.rem (!mem_pos) n64 in
let pad = Int64.rem (Int64.sub n64 spill) n64 in
mem_pos := Int64.add (!mem_pos) pad;
resolve_frag frag
| DEF (f, i) ->
let fpos1 = !file_pos in
let mpos1 = !mem_pos in
resolve_frag i;
f.fixup_file_pos <- Some fpos1;
f.fixup_mem_pos <- Some mpos1;
f.fixup_file_sz <- Some ((!file_pos) - fpos1);
f.fixup_mem_sz <- Some (Int64.sub (!mem_pos) mpos1)
| RELAX rel ->
resolve_frag rel.relax_options.(!(rel.relax_choice))
Bad_fit _ -> Queue.add rel relax
resolve_frag frag
and lower_frag
~(relax:relaxation Queue.t)
: unit =
let byte (i:int) =
if i < 0
then raise (Bad_fit "byte underflow")
if i > 255
then raise (Bad_fit "byte overflow")
else Buffer.add_char buf (Char.chr i)
let uleb (e:expr64) : unit =
let emit1 k = Buffer.add_char buf (Char.chr (Int64.to_int k)) in
let rec loop value =
let byte = Int64.logand value 0x7fL in
let value = Int64.shift_right_logical value 7 in
if value = 0L
then emit1 byte
emit1 (Int64.logor byte 0x80L);
loop value
loop (eval64 e)
let sleb (e:expr64) : unit =
let emit1 k = Buffer.add_char buf (Char.chr (Int64.to_int k)) in
let rec loop value =
let byte = Int64.logand value 0x7fL in
let value = Int64.shift_right value 7 in
let signbit = Int64.logand byte 0x40L in
if (((value = 0L) && (signbit = 0L)) ||
((value = -1L) && (signbit = 0x40L)))
then emit1 byte
emit1 (Int64.logor byte 0x80L);
loop value
loop (eval64 e)
let word (nbytes:int) (signed:bool) (e:expr64) =
let i = eval64 e in
We should really base the entire assembler and memory-position
system on Big_int.big_int, but in ocaml the big_int type lacks,
oh, just about every useful function (no format string spec, no
bitwise ops, blah blah) so it's useless; we're stuck on int64
for bootstrapping.
For the time being we're just going to require you to represent
those few unsigned 64 bit terms you have in mind via their
signed bit pattern. Suboptimal but it's the best we can do.
let (top,bot) =
if nbytes >= 8
if signed
then (Int64.max_int,Int64.min_int)
else (Int64.max_int,0L)
if signed
let bound = (Int64.shift_left 1L ((8 * nbytes) - 1)) in
(Int64.sub bound 1L, Int64.neg bound)
let bound = (Int64.shift_left 1L (8 * nbytes)) in
(Int64.sub bound 1L, 0L)
let mask1 = Int64.logand 0xffL in
let shift = Int64.shift_right_logical in
let emit1 k = Buffer.add_char buf (Char.chr (Int64.to_int k)) in
if i bot = (-1)
then raise (Bad_fit ("word underflow: "
^ (Int64.to_string i)
^ " into "
^ (string_of_int nbytes)
^ (if signed then " signed" else " unsigned")
^ " bytes"))
if i top = 1
then raise (Bad_fit ("word overflow: "
^ (Int64.to_string i)
^ " into "
^ (string_of_int nbytes)
^ (if signed then " signed" else " unsigned")
^ " bytes"))
if lsb0
for n = 0 to (nbytes - 1) do
emit1 (mask1 (shift i (8*n)))
for n = (nbytes - 1) downto 0 do
emit1 (mask1 (shift i (8*n)))
match frag with
MARK -> ()
| SEQ frags ->
fun frag ->
lower_frag ~sess ~lsb0 ~buf ~relax ~frag
end frags
| PAD c ->
for i = 1 to c do
Buffer.add_char buf '\x00'
| BSS _ -> ()
| MEMPOS _ -> ()
| BYTE i -> byte i
| BYTES bs ->
iflog sess (fun _ -> log sess "lowering %d bytes"
(Array.length bs));
Array.iter byte bs
| CHAR c ->
iflog sess (fun _ -> log sess "lowering char: %c" c);
Buffer.add_char buf c
| STRING s ->
iflog sess (fun _ -> log sess "lowering string: %s" s);
Buffer.add_string buf s
| ZSTRING s ->
iflog sess (fun _ -> log sess "lowering zstring: %s" s);
Buffer.add_string buf s;
byte 0
| ULEB128 e -> uleb e
| SLEB128 e -> sleb e
| WORD (m,e) ->
iflog sess
(fun _ ->
log sess "lowering word %s"
(string_of_ty_mach m));
word (bytes_of_ty_mach m) (mach_is_signed m) e
| ALIGN_FILE (n, frag) ->
let spill = (Buffer.length buf) mod n in
let pad = (n - spill) mod n in
for i = 1 to pad do
Buffer.add_char buf '\x00'
lower_frag sess lsb0 buf relax frag
| ALIGN_MEM (_, i) -> lower_frag sess lsb0 buf relax i
| DEF (f, i) ->
iflog sess (fun _ -> log sess "lowering fixup: %s" f.fixup_name);
lower_frag sess lsb0 buf relax i;
| RELAX rel ->
lower_frag sess lsb0 buf relax
Bad_fit _ -> Queue.add rel relax
let fold_flags (f:'a -> int64) (flags:'a list) : int64 =
List.fold_left (Int64.logor) 0x0L ( f flags)
let write_out_frag sess lsb0 frag =
let buf = Buffer.create 0xffff in
let file = Session.filename_of sess.Session.sess_out in
let out = open_out_bin file in
write_frag ~sess ~lsb0 ~buf ~frag;
Buffer.output_buffer out buf;
flush out;
close_out out;
Unix.chmod file 0o755
(* Asm-reader stuff for loading info back from mapped files. *)
* Unfortunately the ocaml Bigarray interface takes 'int' indices, so
* f.e. can't do 64-bit offsets / files when running on a 32bit platform.
* Despite the fact that we can possibly produce them. Sigh. Yet another
* "bootstrap compiler limitation".
type asm_reader =
asm_seek: int -> unit;
asm_get_u32: unit -> int;
asm_get_u16: unit -> int;
asm_get_u8: unit -> int;
asm_get_uleb: unit -> int;
asm_get_zstr: unit -> string;
asm_get_zstr_padded: int -> string;
asm_get_off: unit -> int;
asm_adv: int -> unit;
asm_adv_u32: unit -> unit;
asm_adv_u16: unit -> unit;
asm_adv_u8: unit -> unit;
asm_adv_zstr: unit -> unit;
asm_close: unit -> unit;
type mmap_arr =
(int, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout)
let new_asm_reader (sess:Session.sess) (s:filename) : asm_reader =
iflog sess (fun _ -> log sess "opening file %s" s);
let fd = Unix.openfile s [ Unix.O_RDONLY ] 0 in
let arr = (Bigarray.Array1.map_file
fd ~pos:0L
false (-1))
let tmp = ref in
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
let off = ref 0 in
let is_open = ref true in
let get_word_as_int (nbytes:int) : int =
assert (!is_open);
let lsb0 = true in
tmp :=;
if lsb0
for j = nbytes-1 downto 0 do
tmp := Nativeint.shift_left (!tmp) 8;
tmp := Nativeint.logor (!tmp) (Nativeint.of_int arr.{(!off) + j})
for j = 0 to nbytes-1 do
tmp := Nativeint.shift_left (!tmp) 8;
tmp := Nativeint.logor (!tmp) (Nativeint.of_int arr.{(!off) + j})
off := (!off) + nbytes;
Nativeint.to_int (!tmp)
let get_zstr_padded pad_opt =
assert (!is_open);
let i = ref (!off) in
Buffer.clear buf;
let buflen_ok _ =
match pad_opt with
None -> true
| Some pad -> (Buffer.length buf) < pad
while arr.{!i} != 0 && (buflen_ok()) do
Buffer.add_char buf (Char.chr arr.{!i});
incr i
match pad_opt with
None -> off := (!off) + (Buffer.length buf) + 1
| Some pad ->
assert ((Buffer.length buf) <= pad);
off := (!off) + pad
Buffer.contents buf
let bump i =
assert (!is_open);
off := (!off) + i
asm_seek = (fun i -> off := i);
asm_get_u32 = (fun _ -> get_word_as_int 4);
asm_get_u16 = (fun _ -> get_word_as_int 2);
asm_get_u8 = (fun _ -> get_word_as_int 1);
asm_get_uleb =
fun _ ->
let rec loop result shift =
let byte = arr.{!off} in
incr off;
let result = result lor ((byte land 0x7f) lsl shift) in
if (byte land 0x80) = 0
then result
else loop result (shift+7)
loop 0 0
asm_get_zstr = (fun _ -> get_zstr_padded None);
asm_get_zstr_padded = (fun pad -> get_zstr_padded (Some pad));
asm_get_off = (fun _ -> !off);
asm_adv = bump;
asm_adv_u32 = (fun _ -> bump 4);
asm_adv_u16 = (fun _ -> bump 2);
asm_adv_u8 = (fun _ -> bump 1);
asm_adv_zstr = (fun _ -> while arr.{!off} != 0
do incr off done);
asm_close = (fun _ ->
assert (!is_open);
Unix.close fd;
is_open := false)
* Metadata note-section encoding / decoding.
* Since the only object format that defines a "note" section at all is
* ELF, we model the contents of the metadata section on ELF's
* notes. But the same blob of data is stuck into PE and Mach-O files
* too.
* The format is essentially just the ELF note format:
* <un-padded-size-of-name:u32>
* <size-of-desc:u32>
* <type-code=0:u32>
* <name="rust":zstr>
* <0-pad to 4-byte boundary>
* <n=meta-count:u32>
* <k1:zstr> <v1:zstr>
* ...
* <kn:zstr> <vn:zstr>
* <0-pad to 4-byte boundary>
let note_rust_frags (meta:(Ast.ident * string) array) : frag =
let desc_fixup = new_fixup ".rust.note metadata" in
let desc =
DEF (desc_fixup,
SEQ [|
WORD (TY_u32, IMM (Int64.of_int (Array.length meta)));
(fun (k,v) -> SEQ [| ZSTRING k; ZSTRING v; |])
let name = "rust" in
let ty = 0L in
let padded_name = SEQ [| ZSTRING name;
let name_sz = IMM (Int64.of_int ((String.length name) + 1)) in
SEQ [| WORD (TY_u32, name_sz);
WORD (TY_u32, F_SZ desc_fixup);
WORD (TY_u32, IMM ty);
let read_rust_note (ar:asm_reader) : (Ast.ident * string) array =
ar.asm_adv_u32 ();
ar.asm_adv_u32 ();
assert ((ar.asm_get_u32 ()) = 0);
let rust_name = ar.asm_get_zstr_padded 8 in
assert (rust_name = "rust");
let n = ar.asm_get_u32() in
let meta = Queue.create () in
for i = 1 to n
let k = ar.asm_get_zstr() in
let v = ar.asm_get_zstr() in
Queue.add (k,v) meta
queue_to_arr meta
* Local Variables:
* fill-column: 78;
* indent-tabs-mode: nil
* buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
* compile-command: "make -k -C ../.. 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
* End: