
80 lines
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// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use syntax::ast;
use llvm::LLVMRustHasFeature;
use rustc::session::Session;
use rustc_trans::back::write::create_target_machine;
use syntax::feature_gate::UnstableFeatures;
use syntax::symbol::Symbol;
use libc::c_char;
// WARNING: the features must be known to LLVM or the feature
// detection code will walk past the end of the feature array,
// leading to crashes.
const ARM_WHITELIST: &'static [&'static str] = &["neon\0", "vfp2\0", "vfp3\0", "vfp4\0"];
const X86_WHITELIST: &'static [&'static str] = &["avx\0", "avx2\0", "bmi\0", "bmi2\0", "sse\0",
"sse2\0", "sse3\0", "sse4.1\0", "sse4.2\0",
"ssse3\0", "tbm\0", "lzcnt\0", "popcnt\0",
"sse4a\0", "rdrnd\0", "rdseed\0", "fma\0"];
/// Add `target_feature = "..."` cfgs for a variety of platform
/// specific features (SSE, NEON etc.).
/// This is performed by checking whether a whitelisted set of
/// features is available on the target machine, by querying LLVM.
pub fn add_configuration(cfg: &mut ast::CrateConfig, sess: &Session) {
let target_machine = create_target_machine(sess);
let whitelist = match &* {
"x86" | "x86_64" => X86_WHITELIST,
_ => &[],
let tf = Symbol::intern("target_feature");
for feat in whitelist {
assert_eq!(feat.chars().last(), Some('\0'));
if unsafe { LLVMRustHasFeature(target_machine, feat.as_ptr() as *const c_char) } {
cfg.insert((tf, Some(Symbol::intern(&feat[..feat.len() - 1]))));
let requested_features =',');
let unstable_options = sess.opts.debugging_opts.unstable_options;
let is_nightly = UnstableFeatures::from_environment().is_nightly_build();
let found_negative = requested_features.clone().any(|r| r == "-crt-static");
let found_positive = requested_features.clone().any(|r| r == "+crt-static");
// If the target we're compiling for requests a static crt by default,
// then see if the `-crt-static` feature was passed to disable that.
// Otherwise if we don't have a static crt by default then see if the
// `+crt-static` feature was passed.
let crt_static = if {
} else {
// If we switched from the default then that's only allowed on nightly, so
// gate that here.
if (found_positive || found_negative) && (!is_nightly || !unstable_options) {
sess.fatal("specifying the `crt-static` target feature is only allowed \
on the nightly channel with `-Z unstable-options` passed \
as well");
if crt_static {
cfg.insert((tf, Some(Symbol::intern("crt-static"))));