
149 lines
4.4 KiB

// ignore-freebsd: gdb package too new
// only-cdb // "Temporarily" ignored on GDB/LLDB due to debuginfo tests being disabled, see PR 47155
// ignore-android: FIXME(#10381)
// compile-flags:-g
// min-gdb-version 7.7
// min-lldb-version: 310
// === GDB TESTS ===================================================================================
// gdb-command: run
// gdb-command: print slice
// gdb-check:$1 = &[i32](len: 4) = {0, 1, 2, 3}
// gdb-command: print vec
// gdb-check:$2 = Vec<u64>(len: 4, cap: [...]) = {4, 5, 6, 7}
// gdb-command: print str_slice
// gdb-check:$3 = "IAMA string slice!"
// gdb-command: print string
// gdb-check:$4 = "IAMA string!"
// gdb-command: print some
// gdb-check:$5 = Some = {8}
// gdb-command: print none
// gdbg-check:$6 = None
// gdbr-check:$6 = core::option::Option::None
// gdb-command: print os_string
// gdb-check:$7 = "IAMA OS string 😃"
// gdb-command: print some_string
// gdb-check:$8 = Some = {"IAMA optional string!"}
// gdb-command: set print length 5
// gdb-command: print some_string
// gdb-check:$8 = Some = {"IAMA "...}
// === LLDB TESTS ==================================================================================
// lldb-command: run
// lldb-command: print slice
// lldb-check:[...]$0 = &[0, 1, 2, 3]
// lldb-command: print vec
// lldb-check:[...]$1 = vec![4, 5, 6, 7]
// lldb-command: print str_slice
// lldb-check:[...]$2 = "IAMA string slice!"
// lldb-command: print string
// lldb-check:[...]$3 = "IAMA string!"
// lldb-command: print some
// lldb-check:[...]$4 = Some(8)
// lldb-command: print none
// lldb-check:[...]$5 = None
// lldb-command: print os_string
// lldb-check:[...]$6 = "IAMA OS string 😃"[...]
// === CDB TESTS ==================================================================================
// cdb-command: g
// cdb-command: dx slice,d
// cdb-check:slice,d [...]
// NOTE: While slices have a .natvis entry that works in VS & VS Code, it fails in CDB 10.0.18362.1
// cdb-command: dx vec,d
// cdb-check:vec,d [...] : { size=4 } [Type: [...]::Vec<u64>]
// cdb-check: [size] : 4 [Type: [...]]
// cdb-check: [capacity] : [...] [Type: [...]]
// cdb-check: [0] : 4 [Type: unsigned __int64]
// cdb-check: [1] : 5 [Type: unsigned __int64]
// cdb-check: [2] : 6 [Type: unsigned __int64]
// cdb-check: [3] : 7 [Type: unsigned __int64]
// cdb-command: dx str_slice
// cdb-check:str_slice [...]
// NOTE: While string slices have a .natvis entry that works in VS & VS Code, it fails in CDB
// cdb-command: dx string
// cdb-check:string : "IAMA string!" [Type: [...]::String]
// cdb-check: [<Raw View>] [Type: [...]::String]
// cdb-check: [size] : 0xc [Type: [...]]
// cdb-check: [capacity] : 0xc [Type: [...]]
// cdb-check: [0] : 73 'I' [Type: char]
// cdb-check: [1] : 65 'A' [Type: char]
// cdb-check: [2] : 77 'M' [Type: char]
// cdb-check: [3] : 65 'A' [Type: char]
// cdb-check: [4] : 32 ' ' [Type: char]
// cdb-check: [5] : 115 's' [Type: char]
// cdb-check: [6] : 116 't' [Type: char]
// cdb-check: [7] : 114 'r' [Type: char]
// cdb-check: [8] : 105 'i' [Type: char]
// cdb-check: [9] : 110 'n' [Type: char]
// cdb-check: [10] : 103 'g' [Type: char]
// cdb-check: [11] : 33 '!' [Type: char]
// cdb-command: dx os_string
// cdb-check:os_string [Type: [...]::OsString]
// NOTE: OsString doesn't have a .natvis entry yet.
// cdb-command: dx some
// cdb-check:some : { Some 8 } [Type: [...]::Option<i16>]
// cdb-command: dx none
// cdb-check:none : { None } [Type: [...]::Option<i64>]
// cdb-command: dx some_string
// cdb-check:some_string : { Some "IAMA optional string!" } [[...]::Option<[...]::String>]
use std::ffi::OsString;
fn main() {
// &[]
let slice: &[i32] = &[0, 1, 2, 3];
// Vec
let vec = vec![4u64, 5, 6, 7];
// &str
let str_slice = "IAMA string slice!";
// String
let string = "IAMA string!".to_string();
// OsString
let os_string = OsString::from("IAMA OS string \u{1F603}");
// Option
let some = Some(8i16);
let none: Option<i64> = None;
let some_string = Some("IAMA optional string!".to_owned());
zzz(); // #break
fn zzz() { () }