
1472 lines
58 KiB

use crate::check::FnCtxt;
use rustc::ty::subst::GenericArg;
use rustc::ty::{self, BindingMode, Ty, TypeFoldable};
use rustc_ast::ast;
use rustc_ast::util::lev_distance::find_best_match_for_name;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_errors::{pluralize, struct_span_err, Applicability, DiagnosticBuilder};
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::def::{CtorKind, DefKind, Res};
use rustc_hir::pat_util::EnumerateAndAdjustIterator;
use rustc_hir::{HirId, Pat, PatKind};
use rustc_infer::infer;
use rustc_infer::infer::type_variable::{TypeVariableOrigin, TypeVariableOriginKind};
use rustc_span::hygiene::DesugaringKind;
use rustc_span::source_map::{Span, Spanned};
use rustc_trait_selection::traits::{ObligationCause, Pattern};
use std::cmp;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry::{Occupied, Vacant};
use super::report_unexpected_variant_res;
This error indicates that a pointer to a trait type cannot be implicitly dereferenced by a \
pattern. Every trait defines a type, but because the size of trait implementors isn't fixed, \
this type has no compile-time size. Therefore, all accesses to trait types must be through \
pointers. If you encounter this error you should try to avoid dereferencing the pointer.
You can read more about trait objects in the Trait Objects section of the Reference: \";
/// Information about the expected type at the top level of type checking a pattern.
/// **NOTE:** This is only for use by diagnostics. Do NOT use for type checking logic!
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct TopInfo<'tcx> {
/// The `expected` type at the top level of type checking a pattern.
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
/// Was the origin of the `span` from a scrutinee expression?
/// Otherwise there is no scrutinee and it could be e.g. from the type of a formal parameter.
origin_expr: bool,
/// The span giving rise to the `expected` type, if one could be provided.
/// If `origin_expr` is `true`, then this is the span of the scrutinee as in:
/// - `match scrutinee { ... }`
/// - `let _ = scrutinee;`
/// This is used to point to add context in type errors.
/// In the following example, `span` corresponds to the `a + b` expression:
/// ```text
/// error[E0308]: mismatched types
/// --> src/
/// |
/// L | let temp: usize = match a + b {
/// | ----- this expression has type `usize`
/// L | Ok(num) => num,
/// | ^^^^^^^ expected `usize`, found enum `std::result::Result`
/// |
/// = note: expected type `usize`
/// found type `std::result::Result<_, _>`
/// ```
span: Option<Span>,
/// This refers to the parent pattern. Used to provide extra diagnostic information on errors.
/// ```text
/// error[E0308]: mismatched types
/// --> $DIR/
/// |
/// L | struct f;
/// | --------- unit struct defined here
/// ...
/// L | let Thing { f } = t;
/// | ^
/// | |
/// | expected struct `std::string::String`, found struct `f`
/// | `f` is interpreted as a unit struct, not a new binding
/// | help: bind the struct field to a different name instead: `f: other_f`
/// ```
parent_pat: Option<&'tcx Pat<'tcx>>,
impl<'tcx> FnCtxt<'_, 'tcx> {
fn pattern_cause(&self, ti: TopInfo<'tcx>, cause_span: Span) -> ObligationCause<'tcx> {
let code = Pattern { span: ti.span, root_ty: ti.expected, origin_expr: ti.origin_expr };
self.cause(cause_span, code)
fn demand_eqtype_pat_diag(
cause_span: Span,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
actual: Ty<'tcx>,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) -> Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx>> {
self.demand_eqtype_with_origin(&self.pattern_cause(ti, cause_span), expected, actual)
fn demand_eqtype_pat(
cause_span: Span,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
actual: Ty<'tcx>,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) {
self.demand_eqtype_pat_diag(cause_span, expected, actual, ti).map(|mut err| err.emit());
const INITIAL_BM: BindingMode = BindingMode::BindByValue(hir::Mutability::Not);
/// Mode for adjusting the expected type and binding mode.
enum AdjustMode {
/// Peel off all immediate reference types.
/// Reset binding mode to the initial mode.
/// Pass on the input binding mode and expected type.
impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
/// Type check the given top level pattern against the `expected` type.
/// If a `Some(span)` is provided and `origin_expr` holds,
/// then the `span` represents the scrutinee's span.
/// The scrutinee is found in e.g. `match scrutinee { ... }` and `let pat = scrutinee;`.
/// Otherwise, `Some(span)` represents the span of a type expression
/// which originated the `expected` type.
pub fn check_pat_top(
pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
span: Option<Span>,
origin_expr: bool,
) {
let info = TopInfo { expected, origin_expr, span, parent_pat: None };
self.check_pat(pat, expected, INITIAL_BM, info);
/// Type check the given `pat` against the `expected` type
/// with the provided `def_bm` (default binding mode).
/// Outside of this module, `check_pat_top` should always be used.
/// Conversely, inside this module, `check_pat_top` should never be used.
fn check_pat(
pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
def_bm: BindingMode,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) {
debug!("check_pat(pat={:?},expected={:?},def_bm={:?})", pat, expected, def_bm);
let path_res = match &pat.kind {
PatKind::Path(qpath) => Some(self.resolve_ty_and_res_ufcs(qpath, pat.hir_id, pat.span)),
_ => None,
let adjust_mode = self.calc_adjust_mode(pat,|(res, ..)| res));
let (expected, def_bm) = self.calc_default_binding_mode(pat, expected, def_bm, adjust_mode);
let ty = match pat.kind {
PatKind::Wild => expected,
PatKind::Lit(lt) => self.check_pat_lit(pat.span, lt, expected, ti),
PatKind::Range(lhs, rhs, _) => self.check_pat_range(pat.span, lhs, rhs, expected, ti),
PatKind::Binding(ba, var_id, _, sub) => {
self.check_pat_ident(pat, ba, var_id, sub, expected, def_bm, ti)
PatKind::TupleStruct(ref qpath, subpats, ddpos) => {
self.check_pat_tuple_struct(pat, qpath, subpats, ddpos, expected, def_bm, ti)
PatKind::Path(_) => self.check_pat_path(pat, path_res.unwrap(), expected, ti),
PatKind::Struct(ref qpath, fields, etc) => {
self.check_pat_struct(pat, qpath, fields, etc, expected, def_bm, ti)
PatKind::Or(pats) => {
let parent_pat = Some(pat);
for pat in pats {
self.check_pat(pat, expected, def_bm, TopInfo { parent_pat, ..ti });
PatKind::Tuple(elements, ddpos) => {
self.check_pat_tuple(pat.span, elements, ddpos, expected, def_bm, ti)
PatKind::Box(inner) => self.check_pat_box(pat.span, inner, expected, def_bm, ti),
PatKind::Ref(inner, mutbl) => {
self.check_pat_ref(pat, inner, mutbl, expected, def_bm, ti)
PatKind::Slice(before, slice, after) => {
self.check_pat_slice(pat.span, before, slice, after, expected, def_bm, ti)
self.write_ty(pat.hir_id, ty);
// (note_1): In most of the cases where (note_1) is referenced
// (literals and constants being the exception), we relate types
// using strict equality, even though subtyping would be sufficient.
// There are a few reasons for this, some of which are fairly subtle
// and which cost me (nmatsakis) an hour or two debugging to remember,
// so I thought I'd write them down this time.
// 1. There is no loss of expressiveness here, though it does
// cause some inconvenience. What we are saying is that the type
// of `x` becomes *exactly* what is expected. This can cause unnecessary
// errors in some cases, such as this one:
// ```
// fn foo<'x>(x: &'x int) {
// let a = 1;
// let mut z = x;
// z = &a;
// }
// ```
// The reason we might get an error is that `z` might be
// assigned a type like `&'x int`, and then we would have
// a problem when we try to assign `&a` to `z`, because
// the lifetime of `&a` (i.e., the enclosing block) is
// shorter than `'x`.
// HOWEVER, this code works fine. The reason is that the
// expected type here is whatever type the user wrote, not
// the initializer's type. In this case the user wrote
// nothing, so we are going to create a type variable `Z`.
// Then we will assign the type of the initializer (`&'x
// int`) as a subtype of `Z`: `&'x int <: Z`. And hence we
// will instantiate `Z` as a type `&'0 int` where `'0` is
// a fresh region variable, with the constraint that `'x :
// '0`. So basically we're all set.
// Note that there are two tests to check that this remains true
// (`regions-reassign-{match,let}`).
// 2. Things go horribly wrong if we use subtype. The reason for
// THIS is a fairly subtle case involving bound regions. See the
// `givens` field in `region_constraints`, as well as the test
// ``,
// for details. Short version is that we must sometimes detect
// relationships between specific region variables and regions
// bound in a closure signature, and that detection gets thrown
// off when we substitute fresh region variables here to enable
// subtyping.
/// Compute the new expected type and default binding mode from the old ones
/// as well as the pattern form we are currently checking.
fn calc_default_binding_mode(
pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
def_bm: BindingMode,
adjust_mode: AdjustMode,
) -> (Ty<'tcx>, BindingMode) {
match adjust_mode {
AdjustMode::Pass => (expected, def_bm),
AdjustMode::Reset => (expected, INITIAL_BM),
AdjustMode::Peel => self.peel_off_references(pat, expected, def_bm),
/// How should the binding mode and expected type be adjusted?
/// When the pattern is a path pattern, `opt_path_res` must be `Some(res)`.
fn calc_adjust_mode(&self, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, opt_path_res: Option<Res>) -> AdjustMode {
match &pat.kind {
// Type checking these product-like types successfully always require
// that the expected type be of those types and not reference types.
| PatKind::TupleStruct(..)
| PatKind::Tuple(..)
| PatKind::Box(_)
| PatKind::Range(..)
| PatKind::Slice(..) => AdjustMode::Peel,
// String and byte-string literals result in types `&str` and `&[u8]` respectively.
// All other literals result in non-reference types.
// As a result, we allow `if let 0 = &&0 {}` but not `if let "foo" = &&"foo {}`.
PatKind::Lit(lt) => match self.check_expr(lt).kind {
ty::Ref(..) => AdjustMode::Pass,
_ => AdjustMode::Peel,
PatKind::Path(_) => match opt_path_res.unwrap() {
// These constants can be of a reference type, e.g. `const X: &u8 = &0;`.
// Peeling the reference types too early will cause type checking failures.
// Although it would be possible to *also* peel the types of the constants too.
Res::Def(DefKind::Const, _) | Res::Def(DefKind::AssocConst, _) => AdjustMode::Pass,
// In the `ValueNS`, we have `SelfCtor(..) | Ctor(_, Const), _)` remaining which
// could successfully compile. The former being `Self` requires a unit struct.
// In either case, and unlike constants, the pattern itself cannot be
// a reference type wherefore peeling doesn't give up any expressivity.
_ => AdjustMode::Peel,
// When encountering a `& mut? pat` pattern, reset to "by value".
// This is so that `x` and `y` here are by value, as they appear to be:
// ```
// match &(&22, &44) {
// (&x, &y) => ...
// }
// ```
// See issue #46688.
PatKind::Ref(..) => AdjustMode::Reset,
// A `_` pattern works with any expected type, so there's no need to do anything.
// Bindings also work with whatever the expected type is,
// and moreover if we peel references off, that will give us the wrong binding type.
// Also, we can have a subpattern `binding @ pat`.
// Each side of the `@` should be treated independently (like with OR-patterns).
| PatKind::Binding(..)
// An OR-pattern just propagates to each individual alternative.
// This is maximally flexible, allowing e.g., `Some(mut x) | &Some(mut x)`.
// In that example, `Some(mut x)` results in `Peel` whereas `&Some(mut x)` in `Reset`.
| PatKind::Or(_) => AdjustMode::Pass,
/// Peel off as many immediately nested `& mut?` from the expected type as possible
/// and return the new expected type and binding default binding mode.
/// The adjustments vector, if non-empty is stored in a table.
fn peel_off_references(
pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
mut def_bm: BindingMode,
) -> (Ty<'tcx>, BindingMode) {
let mut expected = self.resolve_vars_with_obligations(&expected);
// Peel off as many `&` or `&mut` from the scrutinee type as possible. For example,
// for `match &&&mut Some(5)` the loop runs three times, aborting when it reaches
// the `Some(5)` which is not of type Ref.
// For each ampersand peeled off, update the binding mode and push the original
// type into the adjustments vector.
// See the examples in `ui/match-defbm*.rs`.
let mut pat_adjustments = vec![];
while let ty::Ref(_, inner_ty, inner_mutability) = expected.kind {
debug!("inspecting {:?}", expected);
debug!("current discriminant is Ref, inserting implicit deref");
// Preserve the reference type. We'll need it later during HAIR lowering.
expected = inner_ty;
def_bm = ty::BindByReference(match def_bm {
// If default binding mode is by value, make it `ref` or `ref mut`
// (depending on whether we observe `&` or `&mut`).
ty::BindByValue(_) |
// When `ref mut`, stay a `ref mut` (on `&mut`) or downgrade to `ref` (on `&`).
ty::BindByReference(hir::Mutability::Mut) => inner_mutability,
// Once a `ref`, always a `ref`.
// This is because a `& &mut` cannot mutate the underlying value.
ty::BindByReference(m @ hir::Mutability::Not) => m,
if !pat_adjustments.is_empty() {
debug!("default binding mode is now {:?}", def_bm);
self.inh.tables.borrow_mut().pat_adjustments_mut().insert(pat.hir_id, pat_adjustments);
(expected, def_bm)
fn check_pat_lit(
span: Span,
lt: &hir::Expr<'tcx>,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
// We've already computed the type above (when checking for a non-ref pat),
// so avoid computing it again.
let ty = self.node_ty(lt.hir_id);
// Byte string patterns behave the same way as array patterns
// They can denote both statically and dynamically-sized byte arrays.
let mut pat_ty = ty;
if let hir::ExprKind::Lit(Spanned { node: ast::LitKind::ByteStr(_), .. }) = lt.kind {
let expected = self.structurally_resolved_type(span, expected);
if let ty::Ref(_, ty::TyS { kind: ty::Slice(_), .. }, _) = expected.kind {
let tcx = self.tcx;
pat_ty = tcx.mk_imm_ref(tcx.lifetimes.re_static, tcx.mk_slice(tcx.types.u8));
// Somewhat surprising: in this case, the subtyping relation goes the
// opposite way as the other cases. Actually what we really want is not
// a subtyping relation at all but rather that there exists a LUB
// (so that they can be compared). However, in practice, constants are
// always scalars or strings. For scalars subtyping is irrelevant,
// and for strings `ty` is type is `&'static str`, so if we say that
// &'static str <: expected
// then that's equivalent to there existing a LUB.
let cause = self.pattern_cause(ti, span);
if let Some(mut err) = self.demand_suptype_with_origin(&cause, expected, pat_ty) {
.filter(|&s| {
// In the case of `if`- and `while`-expressions we've already checked
// that `scrutinee: bool`. We know that the pattern is `true`,
// so an error here would be a duplicate and from the wrong POV.
fn check_pat_range(
span: Span,
lhs: Option<&'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>>,
rhs: Option<&'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>>,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let calc_side = |opt_expr: Option<&'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>>| match opt_expr {
None => (None, None),
Some(expr) => {
let ty = self.check_expr(expr);
// Check that the end-point is of numeric or char type.
let fail = !(ty.is_numeric() || ty.is_char() || ty.references_error());
(Some(ty), Some((fail, ty, expr.span)))
let (lhs_ty, lhs) = calc_side(lhs);
let (rhs_ty, rhs) = calc_side(rhs);
if let (Some((true, ..)), _) | (_, Some((true, ..))) = (lhs, rhs) {
// There exists a side that didn't meet our criteria that the end-point
// be of a numeric or char type, as checked in `calc_side` above.
self.emit_err_pat_range(span, lhs, rhs);
return self.tcx.types.err;
// Now that we know the types can be unified we find the unified type
// and use it to type the entire expression.
let common_type = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(&lhs_ty.or(rhs_ty).unwrap_or(expected));
// Subtyping doesn't matter here, as the value is some kind of scalar.
let demand_eqtype = |x, y| {
if let Some((_, x_ty, x_span)) = x {
self.demand_eqtype_pat_diag(x_span, expected, x_ty, ti).map(|mut err| {
if let Some((_, y_ty, y_span)) = y {
self.endpoint_has_type(&mut err, y_span, y_ty);
demand_eqtype(lhs, rhs);
demand_eqtype(rhs, lhs);
fn endpoint_has_type(&self, err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'_>, span: Span, ty: Ty<'_>) {
if !ty.references_error() {
err.span_label(span, &format!("this is of type `{}`", ty));
fn emit_err_pat_range(
span: Span,
lhs: Option<(bool, Ty<'tcx>, Span)>,
rhs: Option<(bool, Ty<'tcx>, Span)>,
) {
let span = match (lhs, rhs) {
(Some((true, ..)), Some((true, ..))) => span,
(Some((true, _, sp)), _) => sp,
(_, Some((true, _, sp))) => sp,
_ => span_bug!(span, "emit_err_pat_range: no side failed or exists but still error?"),
let mut err = struct_span_err!(
"only char and numeric types are allowed in range patterns"
let msg = |ty| format!("this is of type `{}` but it should be `char` or numeric", ty);
let mut one_side_err = |first_span, first_ty, second: Option<(bool, Ty<'tcx>, Span)>| {
err.span_label(first_span, &msg(first_ty));
if let Some((_, ty, sp)) = second {
self.endpoint_has_type(&mut err, sp, ty);
match (lhs, rhs) {
(Some((true, lhs_ty, lhs_sp)), Some((true, rhs_ty, rhs_sp))) => {
err.span_label(lhs_sp, &msg(lhs_ty));
err.span_label(rhs_sp, &msg(rhs_ty));
(Some((true, lhs_ty, lhs_sp)), rhs) => one_side_err(lhs_sp, lhs_ty, rhs),
(lhs, Some((true, rhs_ty, rhs_sp))) => one_side_err(rhs_sp, rhs_ty, lhs),
_ => span_bug!(span, "Impossible, verified above."),
if self.tcx.sess.teach(&err.get_code().unwrap()) {
"In a match expression, only numbers and characters can be matched \
against a range. This is because the compiler checks that the range \
is non-empty at compile-time, and is unable to evaluate arbitrary \
comparison functions. If you want to capture values of an orderable \
type between two end-points, you can use a guard.",
fn check_pat_ident(
pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>,
ba: hir::BindingAnnotation,
var_id: HirId,
sub: Option<&'tcx Pat<'tcx>>,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
def_bm: BindingMode,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
// Determine the binding mode...
let bm = match ba {
hir::BindingAnnotation::Unannotated => def_bm,
_ => BindingMode::convert(ba),
// ...and store it in a side table:
self.inh.tables.borrow_mut().pat_binding_modes_mut().insert(pat.hir_id, bm);
debug!("check_pat_ident: pat.hir_id={:?} bm={:?}", pat.hir_id, bm);
let local_ty = self.local_ty(pat.span, pat.hir_id).decl_ty;
let eq_ty = match bm {
ty::BindByReference(mutbl) => {
// If the binding is like `ref x | ref mut x`,
// then `x` is assigned a value of type `&M T` where M is the
// mutability and T is the expected type.
// `x` is assigned a value of type `&M T`, hence `&M T <: typeof(x)`
// is required. However, we use equality, which is stronger.
// See (note_1) for an explanation.
self.new_ref_ty(pat.span, mutbl, expected)
// Otherwise, the type of x is the expected type `T`.
ty::BindByValue(_) => {
// As above, `T <: typeof(x)` is required, but we use equality, see (note_1).
self.demand_eqtype_pat(pat.span, eq_ty, local_ty, ti);
// If there are multiple arms, make sure they all agree on
// what the type of the binding `x` ought to be.
if var_id != pat.hir_id {
self.check_binding_alt_eq_ty(pat.span, var_id, local_ty, ti);
if let Some(p) = sub {
self.check_pat(&p, expected, def_bm, TopInfo { parent_pat: Some(&pat), ..ti });
fn check_binding_alt_eq_ty(&self, span: Span, var_id: HirId, ty: Ty<'tcx>, ti: TopInfo<'tcx>) {
let var_ty = self.local_ty(span, var_id).decl_ty;
if let Some(mut err) = self.demand_eqtype_pat_diag(span, var_ty, ty, ti) {
let hir = self.tcx.hir();
let var_ty = self.resolve_vars_with_obligations(var_ty);
let msg = format!("first introduced with type `{}` here", var_ty);
err.span_label(hir.span(var_id), msg);
let in_match = hir.parent_iter(var_id).any(|(_, n)| {
hir::Node::Expr(hir::Expr {
kind: hir::ExprKind::Match(.., hir::MatchSource::Normal),
let pre = if in_match { "in the same arm, " } else { "" };
err.note(&format!("{}a binding must have the same type in all alternatives", pre));
fn borrow_pat_suggestion(
err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'_>,
pat: &Pat<'_>,
inner: &Pat<'_>,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
) {
let tcx = self.tcx;
if let PatKind::Binding(..) = inner.kind {
let binding_parent_id = tcx.hir().get_parent_node(pat.hir_id);
let binding_parent = tcx.hir().get(binding_parent_id);
debug!("inner {:?} pat {:?} parent {:?}", inner, pat, binding_parent);
match binding_parent {
hir::Node::Param(hir::Param { span, .. }) => {
if let Ok(snippet) = tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(inner.span) {
&format!("did you mean `{}`", snippet),
format!(" &{}", expected),
hir::Node::Arm(_) | hir::Node::Pat(_) => {
// rely on match ergonomics or it might be nested `&&pat`
if let Ok(snippet) = tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(inner.span) {
"you can probably remove the explicit borrow",
_ => {} // don't provide suggestions in other cases #55175
pub fn check_dereferenceable(&self, span: Span, expected: Ty<'tcx>, inner: &Pat<'_>) -> bool {
if let PatKind::Binding(..) = inner.kind {
if let Some(mt) = self.shallow_resolve(expected).builtin_deref(true) {
if let ty::Dynamic(..) = mt.ty.kind {
// This is "x = SomeTrait" being reduced from
// "let &x = &SomeTrait" or "let box x = Box<SomeTrait>", an error.
let type_str = self.ty_to_string(expected);
let mut err = struct_span_err!(
"type `{}` cannot be dereferenced",
err.span_label(span, format!("type `{}` cannot be dereferenced", type_str));
if self.tcx.sess.teach(&err.get_code().unwrap()) {
return false;
fn check_pat_struct(
pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>,
qpath: &hir::QPath<'_>,
fields: &'tcx [hir::FieldPat<'tcx>],
etc: bool,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
def_bm: BindingMode,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
// Resolve the path and check the definition for errors.
let (variant, pat_ty) = if let Some(variant_ty) = self.check_struct_path(qpath, pat.hir_id)
} else {
for field in fields {
let ti = TopInfo { parent_pat: Some(&pat), ..ti };
self.check_pat(&field.pat, self.tcx.types.err, def_bm, ti);
return self.tcx.types.err;
// Type-check the path.
self.demand_eqtype_pat(pat.span, expected, pat_ty, ti);
// Type-check subpatterns.
if self.check_struct_pat_fields(pat_ty, &pat, variant, fields, etc, def_bm, ti) {
} else {
fn check_pat_path(
pat: &Pat<'_>,
path_resolution: (Res, Option<Ty<'tcx>>, &'b [hir::PathSegment<'b>]),
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let tcx = self.tcx;
// We have already resolved the path.
let (res, opt_ty, segments) = path_resolution;
match res {
Res::Err => {
return tcx.types.err;
Res::Def(DefKind::AssocFn | DefKind::Ctor(_, CtorKind::Fictive | CtorKind::Fn), _) => {
report_unexpected_variant_res(tcx, res, pat.span);
return tcx.types.err;
| Res::Def(
DefKind::Ctor(_, CtorKind::Const)
| DefKind::Const
| DefKind::AssocConst
| DefKind::ConstParam,
) => {} // OK
_ => bug!("unexpected pattern resolution: {:?}", res),
// Type-check the path.
let (pat_ty, pat_res) =
self.instantiate_value_path(segments, opt_ty, res, pat.span, pat.hir_id);
if let Some(err) =
self.demand_suptype_with_origin(&self.pattern_cause(ti, pat.span), expected, pat_ty)
self.emit_bad_pat_path(err, pat.span, res, pat_res, segments, ti.parent_pat);
fn emit_bad_pat_path(
mut e: DiagnosticBuilder<'_>,
pat_span: Span,
res: Res,
pat_res: Res,
segments: &'b [hir::PathSegment<'b>],
parent_pat: Option<&Pat<'_>>,
) {
if let Some(span) = self.tcx.hir().res_span(pat_res) {
e.span_label(span, &format!("{} defined here", res.descr()));
if let [hir::PathSegment { ident, .. }] = &*segments {
"`{}` is interpreted as {} {}, not a new binding",
match parent_pat {
Some(Pat { kind: hir::PatKind::Struct(..), .. }) => {
"bind the struct field to a different name instead",
format!(": other_{}", ident.as_str().to_lowercase()),
_ => {
let msg = "introduce a new binding instead";
let sugg = format!("other_{}", ident.as_str().to_lowercase());
e.span_suggestion(ident.span, msg, sugg, Applicability::HasPlaceholders);
fn check_pat_tuple_struct(
pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>,
qpath: &hir::QPath<'_>,
subpats: &'tcx [&'tcx Pat<'tcx>],
ddpos: Option<usize>,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
def_bm: BindingMode,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let tcx = self.tcx;
let on_error = || {
let parent_pat = Some(pat);
for pat in subpats {
self.check_pat(&pat, tcx.types.err, def_bm, TopInfo { parent_pat, ..ti });
let report_unexpected_res = |res: Res| {
let sm = tcx.sess.source_map();
let path_str = sm
.span_to_snippet(sm.span_until_char(pat.span, '('))
.map_or(String::new(), |s| format!(" `{}`", s.trim_end()));
let msg = format!(
"expected tuple struct or tuple variant, found {}{}",
let mut err = struct_span_err!(tcx.sess, pat.span, E0164, "{}", msg);
match res {
Res::Def(DefKind::Fn | DefKind::AssocFn, _) => {
err.span_label(pat.span, "`fn` calls are not allowed in patterns");
"for more information, visit \",
_ => {
err.span_label(pat.span, "not a tuple variant or struct");
// Resolve the path and check the definition for errors.
let (res, opt_ty, segments) = self.resolve_ty_and_res_ufcs(qpath, pat.hir_id, pat.span);
if res == Res::Err {
return self.tcx.types.err;
// Type-check the path.
let (pat_ty, res) =
self.instantiate_value_path(segments, opt_ty, res, pat.span, pat.hir_id);
if !pat_ty.is_fn() {
return tcx.types.err;
let variant = match res {
Res::Err => {
return tcx.types.err;
Res::Def(DefKind::AssocConst, _) | Res::Def(DefKind::AssocFn, _) => {
return tcx.types.err;
Res::Def(DefKind::Ctor(_, CtorKind::Fn), _) => tcx.expect_variant_res(res),
_ => bug!("unexpected pattern resolution: {:?}", res),
// Replace constructor type with constructed type for tuple struct patterns.
let pat_ty = pat_ty.fn_sig(tcx).output();
let pat_ty = pat_ty.no_bound_vars().expect("expected fn type");
// Type-check the tuple struct pattern against the expected type.
let diag = self.demand_eqtype_pat_diag(pat.span, expected, pat_ty, ti);
let had_err = diag.is_some();|mut err| err.emit());
// Type-check subpatterns.
if subpats.len() == variant.fields.len()
|| subpats.len() < variant.fields.len() && ddpos.is_some()
let substs = match pat_ty.kind {
ty::Adt(_, substs) => substs,
_ => bug!("unexpected pattern type {:?}", pat_ty),
for (i, subpat) in subpats.iter().enumerate_and_adjust(variant.fields.len(), ddpos) {
let field_ty = self.field_ty(subpat.span, &variant.fields[i], substs);
self.check_pat(&subpat, field_ty, def_bm, TopInfo { parent_pat: Some(&pat), ..ti });
self.tcx.check_stability(variant.fields[i].did, Some(pat.hir_id), subpat.span);
} else {
// Pattern has wrong number of fields.
self.e0023(pat.span, res, qpath, subpats, &variant.fields, expected, had_err);
return tcx.types.err;
fn e0023(
pat_span: Span,
res: Res,
qpath: &hir::QPath<'_>,
subpats: &'tcx [&'tcx Pat<'tcx>],
fields: &'tcx [ty::FieldDef],
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
had_err: bool,
) {
let subpats_ending = pluralize!(subpats.len());
let fields_ending = pluralize!(fields.len());
let res_span = self.tcx.def_span(res.def_id());
let mut err = struct_span_err!(
"this pattern has {} field{}, but the corresponding {} has {} field{}",
format!("expected {} field{}, found {}", fields.len(), fields_ending, subpats.len(),),
.span_label(res_span, format!("{} defined here", res.descr()));
// Identify the case `Some(x, y)` where the expected type is e.g. `Option<(T, U)>`.
// More generally, the expected type wants a tuple variant with one field of an
// N-arity-tuple, e.g., `V_i((p_0, .., p_N))`. Meanwhile, the user supplied a pattern
// with the subpatterns directly in the tuple variant pattern, e.g., `V_i(p_0, .., p_N)`.
let missing_parenthesis = match (&expected.kind, fields, had_err) {
// #67037: only do this if we could successfully type-check the expected type against
// the tuple struct pattern. Otherwise the substs could get out of range on e.g.,
// `let P() = U;` where `P != U` with `struct P<T>(T);`.
(ty::Adt(_, substs), [field], false) => {
let field_ty = self.field_ty(pat_span, field, substs);
match field_ty.kind {
ty::Tuple(_) => field_ty.tuple_fields().count() == subpats.len(),
_ => false,
_ => false,
if missing_parenthesis {
let (left, right) = match subpats {
// This is the zero case; we aim to get the "hi" part of the `QPath`'s
// span as the "lo" and then the "hi" part of the pattern's span as the "hi".
// This looks like:
// help: missing parenthesis
// |
// L | let A(()) = A(());
// | ^ ^
[] => {
let qpath_span = match qpath {
hir::QPath::Resolved(_, path) => path.span,
hir::QPath::TypeRelative(_, ps) => ps.ident.span,
(qpath_span.shrink_to_hi(), pat_span)
// Easy case. Just take the "lo" of the first sub-pattern and the "hi" of the
// last sub-pattern. In the case of `A(x)` the first and last may coincide.
// This looks like:
// help: missing parenthesis
// |
// L | let A((x, y)) = A((1, 2));
// | ^ ^
[first, ..] => (first.span.shrink_to_lo(), subpats.last().unwrap().span),
"missing parenthesis",
vec![(left, "(".to_string()), (right.shrink_to_hi(), ")".to_string())],
fn check_pat_tuple(
span: Span,
elements: &'tcx [&'tcx Pat<'tcx>],
ddpos: Option<usize>,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
def_bm: BindingMode,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let tcx = self.tcx;
let mut expected_len = elements.len();
if ddpos.is_some() {
// Require known type only when `..` is present.
if let ty::Tuple(ref tys) = self.structurally_resolved_type(span, expected).kind {
expected_len = tys.len();
let max_len = cmp::max(expected_len, elements.len());
let element_tys_iter = (0..max_len).map(|_| {
// FIXME: `MiscVariable` for now -- obtaining the span and name information
// from all tuple elements isn't trivial.
TypeVariableOrigin { kind: TypeVariableOriginKind::TypeInference, span },
let element_tys = tcx.mk_substs(element_tys_iter);
let pat_ty = tcx.mk_ty(ty::Tuple(element_tys));
if let Some(mut err) = self.demand_eqtype_pat_diag(span, expected, pat_ty, ti) {
// Walk subpatterns with an expected type of `err` in this case to silence
// further errors being emitted when using the bindings. #50333
let element_tys_iter = (0..max_len).map(|_| tcx.types.err);
for (_, elem) in elements.iter().enumerate_and_adjust(max_len, ddpos) {
self.check_pat(elem, &tcx.types.err, def_bm, ti);
} else {
for (i, elem) in elements.iter().enumerate_and_adjust(max_len, ddpos) {
self.check_pat(elem, &element_tys[i].expect_ty(), def_bm, ti);
fn check_struct_pat_fields(
adt_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>,
variant: &'tcx ty::VariantDef,
fields: &'tcx [hir::FieldPat<'tcx>],
etc: bool,
def_bm: BindingMode,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) -> bool {
let tcx = self.tcx;
let (substs, adt) = match adt_ty.kind {
ty::Adt(adt, substs) => (substs, adt),
_ => span_bug!(pat.span, "struct pattern is not an ADT"),
let kind_name = adt.variant_descr();
// Index the struct fields' types.
let field_map = variant
.map(|(i, field)| (field.ident.normalize_to_macros_2_0(), (i, field)))
.collect::<FxHashMap<_, _>>();
// Keep track of which fields have already appeared in the pattern.
let mut used_fields = FxHashMap::default();
let mut no_field_errors = true;
let mut inexistent_fields = vec![];
// Typecheck each field.
for field in fields {
let span = field.span;
let ident = tcx.adjust_ident(field.ident, variant.def_id);
let field_ty = match used_fields.entry(ident) {
Occupied(occupied) => {
self.error_field_already_bound(span, field.ident, *occupied.get());
no_field_errors = false;
Vacant(vacant) => {
.map(|(i, f)| {
self.write_field_index(field.hir_id, *i);
self.tcx.check_stability(f.did, Some(pat.hir_id), span);
self.field_ty(span, f, substs)
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
no_field_errors = false;
self.check_pat(&field.pat, field_ty, def_bm, TopInfo { parent_pat: Some(&pat), ..ti });
let mut unmentioned_fields = variant
.map(|field| field.ident.normalize_to_macros_2_0())
.filter(|ident| !used_fields.contains_key(&ident))
if !inexistent_fields.is_empty() && !variant.recovered {
&mut unmentioned_fields,
// Require `..` if struct has non_exhaustive attribute.
if variant.is_field_list_non_exhaustive() && !adt.did.is_local() && !etc {
"`..` required with {} marked as non-exhaustive",
// Report an error if incorrect number of the fields were specified.
if kind_name == "union" {
if fields.len() != 1 {
.struct_span_err(pat.span, "union patterns should have exactly one field")
if etc {
tcx.sess.struct_span_err(pat.span, "`..` cannot be used in union patterns").emit();
} else if !etc && !unmentioned_fields.is_empty() {
self.error_unmentioned_fields(pat.span, &unmentioned_fields, variant);
fn error_field_already_bound(&self, span: Span, ident: ast::Ident, other_field: Span) {
"field `{}` bound multiple times in the pattern",
.span_label(span, format!("multiple uses of `{}` in pattern", ident))
.span_label(other_field, format!("first use of `{}`", ident))
fn error_inexistent_fields(
kind_name: &str,
inexistent_fields: &[ast::Ident],
unmentioned_fields: &mut Vec<ast::Ident>,
variant: &ty::VariantDef,
) {
let tcx = self.tcx;
let (field_names, t, plural) = if inexistent_fields.len() == 1 {
(format!("a field named `{}`", inexistent_fields[0]), "this", "")
} else {
"fields named {}",
.map(|ident| format!("`{}`", ident))
.join(", ")
let spans = inexistent_fields.iter().map(|ident| ident.span).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut err = struct_span_err!(
"{} `{}` does not have {}",
if let Some(ident) = inexistent_fields.last() {
"{} `{}` does not have {} field{}",
if plural == "" {
let input = unmentioned_fields.iter().map(|field| &;
let suggested_name = find_best_match_for_name(input, &ident.as_str(), None);
if let Some(suggested_name) = suggested_name {
"a field with a similar name exists",
// we don't want to throw `E0027` in case we have thrown `E0026` for them
unmentioned_fields.retain(|&x| != suggested_name);
if tcx.sess.teach(&err.get_code().unwrap()) {
"This error indicates that a struct pattern attempted to \
extract a non-existent field from a struct. Struct fields \
are identified by the name used before the colon : so struct \
patterns should resemble the declaration of the struct type \
being matched.\n\n\
If you are using shorthand field patterns but want to refer \
to the struct field by a different name, you should rename \
it explicitly.",
fn error_unmentioned_fields(
span: Span,
unmentioned_fields: &[ast::Ident],
variant: &ty::VariantDef,
) {
let field_names = if unmentioned_fields.len() == 1 {
format!("field `{}`", unmentioned_fields[0])
} else {
let fields = unmentioned_fields
.map(|name| format!("`{}`", name))
.join(", ");
format!("fields {}", fields)
let mut diag = struct_span_err!(
"pattern does not mention {}",
diag.span_label(span, format!("missing {}", field_names));
if variant.ctor_kind == CtorKind::Fn {
diag.note("trying to match a tuple variant with a struct variant pattern");
if self.tcx.sess.teach(&diag.get_code().unwrap()) {
"This error indicates that a pattern for a struct fails to specify a \
sub-pattern for every one of the struct's fields. Ensure that each field \
from the struct's definition is mentioned in the pattern, or use `..` to \
ignore unwanted fields.",
fn check_pat_box(
span: Span,
inner: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
def_bm: BindingMode,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let tcx = self.tcx;
let (box_ty, inner_ty) = if self.check_dereferenceable(span, expected, &inner) {
// Here, `demand::subtype` is good enough, but I don't
// think any errors can be introduced by using `demand::eqtype`.
let inner_ty = self.next_ty_var(TypeVariableOrigin {
kind: TypeVariableOriginKind::TypeInference,
span: inner.span,
let box_ty = tcx.mk_box(inner_ty);
self.demand_eqtype_pat(span, expected, box_ty, ti);
(box_ty, inner_ty)
} else {
(tcx.types.err, tcx.types.err)
self.check_pat(&inner, inner_ty, def_bm, ti);
fn check_pat_ref(
pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>,
inner: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>,
mutbl: hir::Mutability,
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
def_bm: BindingMode,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let tcx = self.tcx;
let expected = self.shallow_resolve(expected);
let (rptr_ty, inner_ty) = if self.check_dereferenceable(pat.span, expected, &inner) {
// `demand::subtype` would be good enough, but using `eqtype` turns
// out to be equally general. See (note_1) for details.
// Take region, inner-type from expected type if we can,
// to avoid creating needless variables. This also helps with
// the bad interactions of the given hack detailed in (note_1).
debug!("check_pat_ref: expected={:?}", expected);
match expected.kind {
ty::Ref(_, r_ty, r_mutbl) if r_mutbl == mutbl => (expected, r_ty),
_ => {
let inner_ty = self.next_ty_var(TypeVariableOrigin {
kind: TypeVariableOriginKind::TypeInference,
span: inner.span,
let rptr_ty = self.new_ref_ty(pat.span, mutbl, inner_ty);
debug!("check_pat_ref: demanding {:?} = {:?}", expected, rptr_ty);
let err = self.demand_eqtype_pat_diag(pat.span, expected, rptr_ty, ti);
// Look for a case like `fn foo(&foo: u32)` and suggest
// `fn foo(foo: &u32)`
if let Some(mut err) = err {
self.borrow_pat_suggestion(&mut err, &pat, &inner, &expected);
(rptr_ty, inner_ty)
} else {
(tcx.types.err, tcx.types.err)
self.check_pat(&inner, inner_ty, def_bm, TopInfo { parent_pat: Some(&pat), ..ti });
/// Create a reference type with a fresh region variable.
fn new_ref_ty(&self, span: Span, mutbl: hir::Mutability, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let region = self.next_region_var(infer::PatternRegion(span));
let mt = ty::TypeAndMut { ty, mutbl };
self.tcx.mk_ref(region, mt)
/// Type check a slice pattern.
/// Syntactically, these look like `[pat_0, ..., pat_n]`.
/// Semantically, we are type checking a pattern with structure:
/// ```
/// [before_0, ..., before_n, (slice, after_0, ... after_n)?]
/// ```
/// The type of `slice`, if it is present, depends on the `expected` type.
/// If `slice` is missing, then so is `after_i`.
/// If `slice` is present, it can still represent 0 elements.
fn check_pat_slice(
span: Span,
before: &'tcx [&'tcx Pat<'tcx>],
slice: Option<&'tcx Pat<'tcx>>,
after: &'tcx [&'tcx Pat<'tcx>],
expected: Ty<'tcx>,
def_bm: BindingMode,
ti: TopInfo<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let err = self.tcx.types.err;
let expected = self.structurally_resolved_type(span, expected);
let (inner_ty, slice_ty, expected) = match expected.kind {
// An array, so we might have something like `let [a, b, c] = [0, 1, 2];`.
ty::Array(inner_ty, len) => {
let min = before.len() as u64 + after.len() as u64;
let slice_ty = self
.check_array_pat_len(span, slice, len, min)
.map_or(err, |len| self.tcx.mk_array(inner_ty, len));
(inner_ty, slice_ty, expected)
ty::Slice(inner_ty) => (inner_ty, expected, expected),
// The expected type must be an array or slice, but was neither, so error.
_ => {
if !expected.references_error() {
self.error_expected_array_or_slice(span, expected);
(err, err, err)
// Type check all the patterns before `slice`.
for elt in before {
self.check_pat(&elt, inner_ty, def_bm, ti);
// Type check the `slice`, if present, against its expected type.
if let Some(slice) = slice {
self.check_pat(&slice, slice_ty, def_bm, ti);
// Type check the elements after `slice`, if present.
for elt in after {
self.check_pat(&elt, inner_ty, def_bm, ti);
/// Type check the length of an array pattern.
/// Return the length of the variable length pattern,
/// if it exists and there are no errors.
fn check_array_pat_len(
span: Span,
slice: Option<&'tcx Pat<'tcx>>,
len: &ty::Const<'tcx>,
min_len: u64,
) -> Option<u64> {
if let Some(len) = len.try_eval_usize(self.tcx, self.param_env) {
// Now we know the length...
if slice.is_none() {
// ...and since there is no variable-length pattern,
// we require an exact match between the number of elements
// in the array pattern and as provided by the matched type.
if min_len != len {
self.error_scrutinee_inconsistent_length(span, min_len, len);
} else if let r @ Some(_) = len.checked_sub(min_len) {
// The variable-length pattern was there,
// so it has an array type with the remaining elements left as its size...
return r;
} else {
// ...however, in this case, there were no remaining elements.
// That is, the slice pattern requires more than the array type offers.
self.error_scrutinee_with_rest_inconsistent_length(span, min_len, len);
} else {
// No idea what the length is, which happens if we have e.g.,
// `let [a, b] = arr` where `arr: [T; N]` where `const N: usize`.
fn error_scrutinee_inconsistent_length(&self, span: Span, min_len: u64, size: u64) {
"pattern requires {} element{} but array has {}",
.span_label(span, format!("expected {} element{}", size, pluralize!(size)))
fn error_scrutinee_with_rest_inconsistent_length(&self, span: Span, min_len: u64, size: u64) {
"pattern requires at least {} element{} but array has {}",
format!("pattern cannot match array of {} element{}", size, pluralize!(size),),
fn error_scrutinee_unfixed_length(&self, span: Span) {
"cannot pattern-match on an array without a fixed length",
fn error_expected_array_or_slice(&self, span: Span, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx>) {
let mut err = struct_span_err!(
"expected an array or slice, found `{}`",
if let ty::Ref(_, ty, _) = expected_ty.kind {
if let ty::Array(..) | ty::Slice(..) = ty.kind {"the semantics of slice patterns changed recently; see issue #62254");
err.span_label(span, format!("pattern cannot match with input type `{}`", expected_ty));