
459 lines
15 KiB

//! Checks the licenses of third-party dependencies.
use cargo_metadata::{Metadata, Package, PackageId, Resolve};
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashSet};
use std::path::Path;
/// These are licenses that are allowed for all crates, including the runtime,
/// rustc, tools, etc.
const LICENSES: &[&str] = &[
"MIT / Apache-2.0",
"Apache-2.0 / MIT",
"MIT OR Apache-2.0",
"Apache-2.0 OR MIT",
"Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT", // wasi license
"Unlicense OR MIT",
/// These are exceptions to Rust's permissive licensing policy, and
/// should be considered bugs. Exceptions are only allowed in Rust
/// tooling. It is _crucial_ that no exception crates be dependencies
/// of the Rust runtime (std/test).
const EXCEPTIONS: &[(&str, &str)] = &[
("mdbook", "MPL-2.0"), // mdbook
("openssl", "Apache-2.0"), // cargo, mdbook
("toml-query", "MPL-2.0"), // mdbook
("toml-query_derive", "MPL-2.0"), // mdbook
("is-match", "MPL-2.0"), // mdbook
("rdrand", "ISC"), // mdbook, rustfmt
("fuchsia-cprng", "BSD-3-Clause"), // mdbook, rustfmt
("fuchsia-zircon-sys", "BSD-3-Clause"), // rustdoc, rustc, cargo
("fuchsia-zircon", "BSD-3-Clause"), // rustdoc, rustc, cargo (jobserver & tempdir)
("colored", "MPL-2.0"), // rustfmt
("ordslice", "Apache-2.0"), // rls
("cloudabi", "BSD-2-Clause"), // (rls -> crossbeam-channel 0.2 -> rand 0.5)
("ryu", "Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0"), // rls/cargo/... (because of serde)
("bytesize", "Apache-2.0"), // cargo
("im-rc", "MPL-2.0+"), // cargo
("adler32", "BSD-3-Clause AND Zlib"), // cargo dep that isn't used
("constant_time_eq", "CC0-1.0"), // rustfmt
("sized-chunks", "MPL-2.0+"), // cargo via im-rc
("bitmaps", "MPL-2.0+"), // cargo via im-rc
// FIXME: this dependency violates the documentation comment above:
("fortanix-sgx-abi", "MPL-2.0"), // libstd but only for `sgx` target
("dunce", "CC0-1.0"), // mdbook-linkcheck
("codespan-reporting", "Apache-2.0"), // mdbook-linkcheck
("codespan", "Apache-2.0"), // mdbook-linkcheck
("crossbeam-channel", "MIT/Apache-2.0 AND BSD-2-Clause"), // cargo
/// These are the root crates that are part of the runtime. The licenses for
/// these and all their dependencies *must not* be in the exception list.
const RUNTIME_CRATES: &[&str] = &["std", "core", "alloc", "test", "panic_abort", "panic_unwind"];
/// Which crates to check against the whitelist?
const WHITELIST_CRATES: &[&str] = &["rustc_middle", "rustc_codegen_llvm"];
/// Whitelist of crates rustc is allowed to depend on. Avoid adding to the list if possible.
/// This list is here to provide a speed-bump to adding a new dependency to
/// rustc. Please check with the compiler team before adding an entry.
const WHITELIST: &[&str] = &[
/// Dependency checks.
/// `path` is path to the `src` directory, `cargo` is path to the cargo executable.
pub fn check(path: &Path, cargo: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
let mut cmd = cargo_metadata::MetadataCommand::new();
let metadata = t!(cmd.exec());
check_exceptions(&metadata, bad);
check_whitelist(&metadata, bad);
check_crate_duplicate(&metadata, bad);
/// Check that all licenses are in the valid list in `LICENSES`.
/// Packages listed in `EXCEPTIONS` are allowed for tools.
fn check_exceptions(metadata: &Metadata, bad: &mut bool) {
// Validate the EXCEPTIONS list hasn't changed.
for (name, license) in EXCEPTIONS {
// Check that the package actually exists.
if !metadata.packages.iter().any(|p| == *name) {
"could not find exception package `{}`\n\
Remove from EXCEPTIONS list if it is no longer used.",
*bad = true;
// Check that the license hasn't changed.
for pkg in metadata.packages.iter().filter(|p| == *name) {
if == "fuchsia-cprng" {
// This package doesn't declare a license expression. Manual
// inspection of the license file is necessary, which appears
// to be BSD-3-Clause.
match &pkg.license {
None => {
"dependency exception `{}` does not declare a license expression",
*bad = true;
Some(pkg_license) => {
if pkg_license.as_str() != *license {
println!("dependency exception `{}` license has changed", name);
println!(" previously `{}` now `{}`", license, pkg_license);
println!(" update EXCEPTIONS for the new license");
*bad = true;
let exception_names: Vec<_> = EXCEPTIONS.iter().map(|(name, _license)| *name).collect();
let runtime_ids = compute_runtime_crates(metadata);
// Check if any package does not have a valid license.
for pkg in &metadata.packages {
if pkg.source.is_none() {
// No need to check local packages.
if !runtime_ids.contains(& && exception_names.contains(& {
let license = match &pkg.license {
Some(license) => license,
None => {
println!("dependency `{}` does not define a license expression",,);
*bad = true;
if !LICENSES.contains(&license.as_str()) {
if == "fortanix-sgx-abi" {
// This is a specific exception because SGX is considered
// "third party". See
// for more. In
// general, these should never be added.
println!("invalid license `{}` in `{}`", license,;
*bad = true;
/// Checks the dependency of `WHITELIST_CRATES` at the given path. Changes `bad` to `true` if a
/// check failed.
/// Specifically, this checks that the dependencies are on the `WHITELIST`.
fn check_whitelist(metadata: &Metadata, bad: &mut bool) {
// Check that the WHITELIST does not have unused entries.
for name in WHITELIST {
if !metadata.packages.iter().any(|p| == *name) {
"could not find whitelisted package `{}`\n\
Remove from WHITELIST list if it is no longer used.",
*bad = true;
// Get the whitelist in a convenient form.
let whitelist: HashSet<_> = WHITELIST.iter().cloned().collect();
// Check dependencies.
let mut visited = BTreeSet::new();
let mut unapproved = BTreeSet::new();
for &krate in WHITELIST_CRATES.iter() {
let pkg = pkg_from_name(metadata, krate);
let mut bad = check_crate_whitelist(&whitelist, metadata, &mut visited, pkg);
unapproved.append(&mut bad);
if !unapproved.is_empty() {
println!("Dependencies not on the whitelist:");
for dep in unapproved {
println!("* {}", dep);
*bad = true;
/// Checks the dependencies of the given crate from the given cargo metadata to see if they are on
/// the whitelist. Returns a list of illegal dependencies.
fn check_crate_whitelist<'a>(
whitelist: &'a HashSet<&'static str>,
metadata: &'a Metadata,
visited: &mut BTreeSet<&'a PackageId>,
krate: &'a Package,
) -> BTreeSet<&'a PackageId> {
// This will contain bad deps.
let mut unapproved = BTreeSet::new();
// Check if we have already visited this crate.
if visited.contains(& {
return unapproved;
// If this path is in-tree, we don't require it to be on the whitelist.
if krate.source.is_some() {
// If this dependency is not on `WHITELIST`, add to bad set.
if !whitelist.contains( {
// Do a DFS in the crate graph.
let to_check = deps_of(metadata, &;
for dep in to_check {
let mut bad = check_crate_whitelist(whitelist, metadata, visited, dep);
unapproved.append(&mut bad);
/// Prevents multiple versions of some expensive crates.
fn check_crate_duplicate(metadata: &Metadata, bad: &mut bool) {
// These two crates take quite a long time to build, so don't allow two versions of them
// to accidentally sneak into our dependency graph, in order to ensure we keep our CI times
// under control.
let matches: Vec<_> = metadata.packages.iter().filter(|pkg| == name).collect();
match matches.len() {
0 => {
"crate `{}` is missing, update `check_crate_duplicate` \
if it is no longer used",
*bad = true;
1 => {}
_ => {
"crate `{}` is duplicated in `Cargo.lock`, \
it is too expensive to build multiple times, \
so make sure only one version appears across all dependencies",
for pkg in matches {
println!(" * {}",;
*bad = true;
/// Returns a list of dependencies for the given package.
fn deps_of<'a>(metadata: &'a Metadata, pkg_id: &'a PackageId) -> Vec<&'a Package> {
let resolve = metadata.resolve.as_ref().unwrap();
let node = resolve
.find(|n| & == pkg_id)
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("could not find `{}` in resolve", pkg_id));
.map(|dep| {
metadata.packages.iter().find(|pkg| == dep.pkg).unwrap_or_else(|| {
panic!("could not find dep `{}` for pkg `{}` in resolve", dep.pkg, pkg_id)
/// Finds a package with the given name.
fn pkg_from_name<'a>(metadata: &'a Metadata, name: &'static str) -> &'a Package {
let mut i = metadata.packages.iter().filter(|p| == name);
let result =|| panic!("could not find package `{}` in package list", name));
assert!(, "more than one package found for `{}`", name);
/// Finds all the packages that are in the rust runtime.
fn compute_runtime_crates<'a>(metadata: &'a Metadata) -> HashSet<&'a PackageId> {
let resolve = metadata.resolve.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut result = HashSet::new();
for name in RUNTIME_CRATES {
let id = &pkg_from_name(metadata, name).id;
normal_deps_of_r(resolve, id, &mut result);
/// Recursively find all normal dependencies.
fn normal_deps_of_r<'a>(
resolve: &'a Resolve,
pkg_id: &'a PackageId,
result: &mut HashSet<&'a PackageId>,
) {
if !result.insert(pkg_id) {
let node = resolve
.find(|n| & == pkg_id)
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("could not find `{}` in resolve", pkg_id));
// Don't care about dev-dependencies.
// Build dependencies *shouldn't* matter unless they do some kind of
// codegen. For now we'll assume they don't.
let deps = node.deps.iter().filter(|node_dep| {
.any(|kind_info| kind_info.kind == cargo_metadata::DependencyKind::Normal)
for dep in deps {
normal_deps_of_r(resolve, &dep.pkg, result);