1136 lines
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1136 lines
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// Copyright 2014-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! The Rust compiler.
//! # Note
//! This API is completely unstable and subject to change.
#![crate_name = "rustc_driver"]
#![unstable(feature = "rustc_private", issue = "27812")]
#![crate_type = "dylib"]
#![crate_type = "rlib"]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://www.rust-lang.org/logos/rust-logo-128x128-blk-v2.png",
html_favicon_url = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/favicon.ico",
html_root_url = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/")]
extern crate arena;
extern crate getopts;
extern crate graphviz;
extern crate libc;
extern crate rustc;
extern crate rustc_back;
extern crate rustc_borrowck;
extern crate rustc_const_eval;
extern crate rustc_data_structures;
extern crate rustc_errors as errors;
extern crate rustc_passes;
extern crate rustc_lint;
extern crate rustc_plugin;
extern crate rustc_privacy;
extern crate rustc_incremental;
extern crate rustc_metadata;
extern crate rustc_mir;
extern crate rustc_resolve;
extern crate rustc_save_analysis;
extern crate rustc_trans;
extern crate rustc_typeck;
extern crate serialize;
extern crate rustc_llvm as llvm;
extern crate log;
extern crate syntax;
extern crate syntax_ext;
extern crate syntax_pos;
use driver::CompileController;
use pretty::{PpMode, UserIdentifiedItem};
use rustc_resolve as resolve;
use rustc_save_analysis as save;
use rustc_trans::back::link;
use rustc_trans::back::write::{create_target_machine, RELOC_MODEL_ARGS, CODE_GEN_MODEL_ARGS};
use rustc::dep_graph::DepGraph;
use rustc::session::{self, config, Session, build_session, CompileResult};
use rustc::session::config::{Input, PrintRequest, OutputType, ErrorOutputType};
use rustc::session::config::nightly_options;
use rustc::session::{early_error, early_warn};
use rustc::lint::Lint;
use rustc::lint;
use rustc_metadata::locator;
use rustc_metadata::cstore::CStore;
use rustc::util::common::time;
use serialize::json::ToJson;
use std::any::Any;
use std::cmp::max;
use std::cmp::Ordering::Equal;
use std::default::Default;
use std::env;
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::iter::repeat;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::str;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::{CodeMap, FileLoader, RealFileLoader};
use syntax::feature_gate::{GatedCfg, UnstableFeatures};
use syntax::parse::{self, PResult};
use syntax_pos::{DUMMY_SP, MultiSpan};
pub mod test;
pub mod driver;
pub mod pretty;
pub mod target_features;
mod derive_registrar;
const BUG_REPORT_URL: &'static str = "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.\
fn abort_msg(err_count: usize) -> String {
match err_count {
0 => "aborting with no errors (maybe a bug?)".to_owned(),
1 => "aborting due to previous error".to_owned(),
e => format!("aborting due to {} previous errors", e),
pub fn abort_on_err<T>(result: Result<T, usize>, sess: &Session) -> T {
match result {
Err(err_count) => {
Ok(x) => x,
pub fn run<F>(run_compiler: F) -> isize
where F: FnOnce() -> (CompileResult, Option<Session>) + Send + 'static
monitor(move || {
let (result, session) = run_compiler();
if let Err(err_count) = result {
if err_count > 0 {
match session {
Some(sess) => sess.fatal(&abort_msg(err_count)),
None => {
let emitter =
errors::emitter::EmitterWriter::stderr(errors::ColorConfig::Auto, None);
let handler = errors::Handler::with_emitter(true, false, Box::new(emitter));
// Parse args and run the compiler. This is the primary entry point for rustc.
// See comments on CompilerCalls below for details about the callbacks argument.
// The FileLoader provides a way to load files from sources other than the file system.
pub fn run_compiler<'a>(args: &[String],
callbacks: &mut CompilerCalls<'a>,
file_loader: Option<Box<FileLoader + 'static>>,
emitter_dest: Option<Box<Write + Send>>)
-> (CompileResult, Option<Session>)
macro_rules! do_or_return {($expr: expr, $sess: expr) => {
match $expr {
Compilation::Stop => return (Ok(()), $sess),
Compilation::Continue => {}
let matches = match handle_options(args) {
Some(matches) => matches,
None => return (Ok(()), None),
let (sopts, cfg) = config::build_session_options_and_crate_config(&matches);
if sopts.debugging_opts.debug_llvm {
unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustSetDebug(1); }
let descriptions = diagnostics_registry();
let (odir, ofile) = make_output(&matches);
let (input, input_file_path) = match make_input(&matches.free) {
Some((input, input_file_path)) => callbacks.some_input(input, input_file_path),
None => match callbacks.no_input(&matches, &sopts, &cfg, &odir, &ofile, &descriptions) {
Some((input, input_file_path)) => (input, input_file_path),
None => return (Ok(()), None),
let dep_graph = DepGraph::new(sopts.build_dep_graph());
let cstore = Rc::new(CStore::new(&dep_graph));
let loader = file_loader.unwrap_or(box RealFileLoader);
let codemap = Rc::new(CodeMap::with_file_loader(loader));
let mut sess = session::build_session_with_codemap(
sopts, &dep_graph, input_file_path, descriptions, cstore.clone(), codemap, emitter_dest,
rustc_lint::register_builtins(&mut sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(), Some(&sess));
let mut cfg = config::build_configuration(&sess, cfg);
target_features::add_configuration(&mut cfg, &sess);
sess.parse_sess.config = cfg;
do_or_return!(callbacks.late_callback(&matches, &sess, &input, &odir, &ofile), Some(sess));
let plugins = sess.opts.debugging_opts.extra_plugins.clone();
let control = callbacks.build_controller(&sess, &matches);
(driver::compile_input(&sess, &cstore, &input, &odir, &ofile, Some(plugins), &control),
// Extract output directory and file from matches.
fn make_output(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> (Option<PathBuf>, Option<PathBuf>) {
let odir = matches.opt_str("out-dir").map(|o| PathBuf::from(&o));
let ofile = matches.opt_str("o").map(|o| PathBuf::from(&o));
(odir, ofile)
// Extract input (string or file and optional path) from matches.
fn make_input(free_matches: &[String]) -> Option<(Input, Option<PathBuf>)> {
if free_matches.len() == 1 {
let ifile = &free_matches[0][..];
if ifile == "-" {
let mut src = String::new();
io::stdin().read_to_string(&mut src).unwrap();
Some((Input::Str { name: driver::anon_src(), input: src },
} else {
} else {
fn parse_pretty(sess: &Session,
matches: &getopts::Matches)
-> Option<(PpMode, Option<UserIdentifiedItem>)> {
let pretty = if sess.opts.debugging_opts.unstable_options {
matches.opt_default("pretty", "normal").map(|a| {
// stable pretty-print variants only
pretty::parse_pretty(sess, &a, false)
} else {
if pretty.is_none() && sess.unstable_options() {
matches.opt_str("unpretty").map(|a| {
// extended with unstable pretty-print variants
pretty::parse_pretty(sess, &a, true)
} else {
// Whether to stop or continue compilation.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Compilation {
impl Compilation {
pub fn and_then<F: FnOnce() -> Compilation>(self, next: F) -> Compilation {
match self {
Compilation::Stop => Compilation::Stop,
Compilation::Continue => next(),
// A trait for customising the compilation process. Offers a number of hooks for
// executing custom code or customising input.
pub trait CompilerCalls<'a> {
// Hook for a callback early in the process of handling arguments. This will
// be called straight after options have been parsed but before anything
// else (e.g., selecting input and output).
fn early_callback(&mut self,
_: &getopts::Matches,
_: &config::Options,
_: &ast::CrateConfig,
_: &errors::registry::Registry,
_: ErrorOutputType)
-> Compilation {
// Hook for a callback late in the process of handling arguments. This will
// be called just before actual compilation starts (and before build_controller
// is called), after all arguments etc. have been completely handled.
fn late_callback(&mut self,
_: &getopts::Matches,
_: &Session,
_: &Input,
_: &Option<PathBuf>,
_: &Option<PathBuf>)
-> Compilation {
// Called after we extract the input from the arguments. Gives the implementer
// an opportunity to change the inputs or to add some custom input handling.
// The default behaviour is to simply pass through the inputs.
fn some_input(&mut self,
input: Input,
input_path: Option<PathBuf>)
-> (Input, Option<PathBuf>) {
(input, input_path)
// Called after we extract the input from the arguments if there is no valid
// input. Gives the implementer an opportunity to supply alternate input (by
// returning a Some value) or to add custom behaviour for this error such as
// emitting error messages. Returning None will cause compilation to stop
// at this point.
fn no_input(&mut self,
_: &getopts::Matches,
_: &config::Options,
_: &ast::CrateConfig,
_: &Option<PathBuf>,
_: &Option<PathBuf>,
_: &errors::registry::Registry)
-> Option<(Input, Option<PathBuf>)> {
// Create a CompilController struct for controlling the behaviour of
// compilation.
fn build_controller(&mut self, &Session, &getopts::Matches) -> CompileController<'a>;
// CompilerCalls instance for a regular rustc build.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct RustcDefaultCalls;
fn handle_explain(code: &str,
descriptions: &errors::registry::Registry,
output: ErrorOutputType) {
let normalised = if code.starts_with("E") {
} else {
format!("E{0:0>4}", code)
match descriptions.find_description(&normalised) {
Some(ref description) => {
// Slice off the leading newline and print.
print!("{}", &(&description[1..]).split("\n").map(|x| {
format!("{}\n", if x.starts_with("```") {
} else {
None => {
early_error(output, &format!("no extended information for {}", code));
impl<'a> CompilerCalls<'a> for RustcDefaultCalls {
fn early_callback(&mut self,
matches: &getopts::Matches,
_: &config::Options,
_: &ast::CrateConfig,
descriptions: &errors::registry::Registry,
output: ErrorOutputType)
-> Compilation {
if let Some(ref code) = matches.opt_str("explain") {
handle_explain(code, descriptions, output);
return Compilation::Stop;
fn no_input(&mut self,
matches: &getopts::Matches,
sopts: &config::Options,
cfg: &ast::CrateConfig,
odir: &Option<PathBuf>,
ofile: &Option<PathBuf>,
descriptions: &errors::registry::Registry)
-> Option<(Input, Option<PathBuf>)> {
match matches.free.len() {
0 => {
if sopts.describe_lints {
let mut ls = lint::LintStore::new();
rustc_lint::register_builtins(&mut ls, None);
describe_lints(&ls, false);
return None;
let dep_graph = DepGraph::new(sopts.build_dep_graph());
let cstore = Rc::new(CStore::new(&dep_graph));
let mut sess = build_session(sopts.clone(),
rustc_lint::register_builtins(&mut sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(), Some(&sess));
let mut cfg = config::build_configuration(&sess, cfg.clone());
target_features::add_configuration(&mut cfg, &sess);
sess.parse_sess.config = cfg;
let should_stop =
RustcDefaultCalls::print_crate_info(&sess, None, odir, ofile);
if should_stop == Compilation::Stop {
return None;
early_error(sopts.error_format, "no input filename given");
1 => panic!("make_input should have provided valid inputs"),
_ => early_error(sopts.error_format, "multiple input filenames provided"),
fn late_callback(&mut self,
matches: &getopts::Matches,
sess: &Session,
input: &Input,
odir: &Option<PathBuf>,
ofile: &Option<PathBuf>)
-> Compilation {
RustcDefaultCalls::print_crate_info(sess, Some(input), odir, ofile)
.and_then(|| RustcDefaultCalls::list_metadata(sess, matches, input))
fn build_controller(&mut self,
sess: &Session,
matches: &getopts::Matches)
-> CompileController<'a> {
let mut control = CompileController::basic();
if let Some((ppm, opt_uii)) = parse_pretty(sess, matches) {
if ppm.needs_ast_map(&opt_uii) {
control.after_hir_lowering.stop = Compilation::Stop;
control.after_parse.callback = box move |state| {
state.krate = Some(pretty::fold_crate(state.krate.take().unwrap(), ppm));
control.after_hir_lowering.callback = box move |state| {
} else {
control.after_parse.stop = Compilation::Stop;
control.after_parse.callback = box move |state| {
let krate = pretty::fold_crate(state.krate.take().unwrap(), ppm);
return control;
if sess.opts.debugging_opts.parse_only ||
sess.opts.debugging_opts.show_span.is_some() ||
sess.opts.debugging_opts.ast_json_noexpand {
control.after_parse.stop = Compilation::Stop;
if sess.opts.debugging_opts.no_analysis ||
sess.opts.debugging_opts.ast_json {
control.after_hir_lowering.stop = Compilation::Stop;
if !sess.opts.output_types.keys().any(|&i| i == OutputType::Exe ||
i == OutputType::Metadata) {
control.after_llvm.stop = Compilation::Stop;
if save_analysis(sess) {
control.after_analysis.callback = box |state| {
time(state.session.time_passes(), "save analysis", || {
control.after_analysis.run_callback_on_error = true;
control.make_glob_map = resolve::MakeGlobMap::Yes;
fn save_analysis(sess: &Session) -> bool {
sess.opts.debugging_opts.save_analysis ||
sess.opts.debugging_opts.save_analysis_csv ||
fn save_analysis_format(sess: &Session) -> save::Format {
if sess.opts.debugging_opts.save_analysis {
} else if sess.opts.debugging_opts.save_analysis_csv {
} else if sess.opts.debugging_opts.save_analysis_api {
} else {
impl RustcDefaultCalls {
pub fn list_metadata(sess: &Session, matches: &getopts::Matches, input: &Input) -> Compilation {
let r = matches.opt_strs("Z");
if r.contains(&("ls".to_string())) {
match input {
&Input::File(ref ifile) => {
let path = &(*ifile);
let mut v = Vec::new();
locator::list_file_metadata(&sess.target.target, path, &mut v).unwrap();
println!("{}", String::from_utf8(v).unwrap());
&Input::Str { .. } => {
early_error(ErrorOutputType::default(), "cannot list metadata for stdin");
return Compilation::Stop;
return Compilation::Continue;
fn print_crate_info(sess: &Session,
input: Option<&Input>,
odir: &Option<PathBuf>,
ofile: &Option<PathBuf>)
-> Compilation {
if sess.opts.prints.is_empty() {
return Compilation::Continue;
let attrs = match input {
None => None,
Some(input) => {
let result = parse_crate_attrs(sess, input);
match result {
Ok(attrs) => Some(attrs),
Err(mut parse_error) => {
return Compilation::Stop;
for req in &sess.opts.prints {
match *req {
PrintRequest::TargetList => {
let mut targets = rustc_back::target::get_targets().collect::<Vec<String>>();
println!("{}", targets.join("\n"));
PrintRequest::Sysroot => println!("{}", sess.sysroot().display()),
PrintRequest::TargetSpec => println!("{}", sess.target.target.to_json().pretty()),
PrintRequest::FileNames |
PrintRequest::CrateName => {
let input = match input {
Some(input) => input,
None => early_error(ErrorOutputType::default(), "no input file provided"),
let attrs = attrs.as_ref().unwrap();
let t_outputs = driver::build_output_filenames(input, odir, ofile, attrs, sess);
let id = link::find_crate_name(Some(sess), attrs, input);
if *req == PrintRequest::CrateName {
println!("{}", id);
let crate_types = driver::collect_crate_types(sess, attrs);
for &style in &crate_types {
let fname = link::filename_for_input(sess, style, &id, &t_outputs);
PrintRequest::Cfg => {
let allow_unstable_cfg = UnstableFeatures::from_environment()
let mut cfgs = Vec::new();
for &(name, ref value) in sess.parse_sess.config.iter() {
let gated_cfg = GatedCfg::gate(&ast::MetaItem {
name: name,
node: ast::MetaItemKind::Word,
span: DUMMY_SP,
if !allow_unstable_cfg && gated_cfg.is_some() {
cfgs.push(if let &Some(ref value) = value {
format!("{}=\"{}\"", name, value)
} else {
format!("{}", name)
for cfg in cfgs {
println!("{}", cfg);
PrintRequest::TargetCPUs => {
let tm = create_target_machine(sess);
unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustPrintTargetCPUs(tm); }
PrintRequest::TargetFeatures => {
let tm = create_target_machine(sess);
unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustPrintTargetFeatures(tm); }
PrintRequest::RelocationModels => {
println!("Available relocation models:");
for &(name, _) in RELOC_MODEL_ARGS.iter() {
println!(" {}", name);
PrintRequest::CodeModels => {
println!("Available code models:");
for &(name, _) in CODE_GEN_MODEL_ARGS.iter(){
println!(" {}", name);
return Compilation::Stop;
/// Returns a version string such as "0.12.0-dev".
pub fn release_str() -> Option<&'static str> {
/// Returns the full SHA1 hash of HEAD of the Git repo from which rustc was built.
pub fn commit_hash_str() -> Option<&'static str> {
/// Returns the "commit date" of HEAD of the Git repo from which rustc was built as a static string.
pub fn commit_date_str() -> Option<&'static str> {
/// Prints version information
pub fn version(binary: &str, matches: &getopts::Matches) {
let verbose = matches.opt_present("verbose");
println!("{} {}",
option_env!("CFG_VERSION").unwrap_or("unknown version"));
if verbose {
fn unw(x: Option<&str>) -> &str {
println!("binary: {}", binary);
println!("commit-hash: {}", unw(commit_hash_str()));
println!("commit-date: {}", unw(commit_date_str()));
println!("host: {}", config::host_triple());
println!("release: {}", unw(release_str()));
unsafe {
println!("LLVM version: {}.{}",
llvm::LLVMRustVersionMajor(), llvm::LLVMRustVersionMinor());
fn usage(verbose: bool, include_unstable_options: bool) {
let groups = if verbose {
} else {
let groups: Vec<_> = groups.into_iter()
.filter(|x| include_unstable_options || x.is_stable())
.map(|x| x.opt_group)
let message = format!("Usage: rustc [OPTIONS] INPUT");
let extra_help = if verbose {
} else {
"\n --help -v Print the full set of options rustc accepts"
println!("{}\nAdditional help:
-C help Print codegen options
-W help \
Print 'lint' options and default settings
-Z help Print internal \
options for debugging rustc{}\n",
getopts::usage(&message, &groups),
fn describe_lints(lint_store: &lint::LintStore, loaded_plugins: bool) {
Available lint options:
-W <foo> Warn about <foo>
-A <foo> \
Allow <foo>
-D <foo> Deny <foo>
-F <foo> Forbid <foo> \
(deny <foo> and all attempts to override)
fn sort_lints(lints: Vec<(&'static Lint, bool)>) -> Vec<&'static Lint> {
let mut lints: Vec<_> = lints.into_iter().map(|(x, _)| x).collect();
lints.sort_by(|x: &&Lint, y: &&Lint| {
match x.default_level.cmp(&y.default_level) {
// The sort doesn't case-fold but it's doubtful we care.
Equal => x.name.cmp(y.name),
r => r,
fn sort_lint_groups(lints: Vec<(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>, bool)>)
-> Vec<(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>)> {
let mut lints: Vec<_> = lints.into_iter().map(|(x, y, _)| (x, y)).collect();
lints.sort_by(|&(x, _): &(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>),
&(y, _): &(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>)| {
let (plugin, builtin): (Vec<_>, _) = lint_store.get_lints()
.partition(|&(_, p)| p);
let plugin = sort_lints(plugin);
let builtin = sort_lints(builtin);
let (plugin_groups, builtin_groups): (Vec<_>, _) = lint_store.get_lint_groups()
.partition(|&(.., p)| p);
let plugin_groups = sort_lint_groups(plugin_groups);
let builtin_groups = sort_lint_groups(builtin_groups);
let max_name_len = plugin.iter()
.map(|&s| s.name.chars().count())
let padded = |x: &str| {
let mut s = repeat(" ")
.take(max_name_len - x.chars().count())
println!("Lint checks provided by rustc:\n");
println!(" {} {:7.7} {}", padded("name"), "default", "meaning");
println!(" {} {:7.7} {}", padded("----"), "-------", "-------");
let print_lints = |lints: Vec<&Lint>| {
for lint in lints {
let name = lint.name_lower().replace("_", "-");
println!(" {} {:7.7} {}",
let max_name_len = max("warnings".len(),
.map(|&(s, _)| s.chars().count())
let padded = |x: &str| {
let mut s = repeat(" ")
.take(max_name_len - x.chars().count())
println!("Lint groups provided by rustc:\n");
println!(" {} {}", padded("name"), "sub-lints");
println!(" {} {}", padded("----"), "---------");
println!(" {} {}", padded("warnings"), "all built-in lints");
let print_lint_groups = |lints: Vec<(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>)>| {
for (name, to) in lints {
let name = name.to_lowercase().replace("_", "-");
let desc = to.into_iter()
.map(|x| x.to_string().replace("_", "-"))
.join(", ");
println!(" {} {}", padded(&name[..]), desc);
match (loaded_plugins, plugin.len(), plugin_groups.len()) {
(false, 0, _) | (false, _, 0) => {
println!("Compiler plugins can provide additional lints and lint groups. To see a \
listing of these, re-run `rustc -W help` with a crate filename.");
(false, ..) => panic!("didn't load lint plugins but got them anyway!"),
(true, 0, 0) => println!("This crate does not load any lint plugins or lint groups."),
(true, l, g) => {
if l > 0 {
println!("Lint checks provided by plugins loaded by this crate:\n");
if g > 0 {
println!("Lint groups provided by plugins loaded by this crate:\n");
fn describe_debug_flags() {
println!("\nAvailable debug options:\n");
print_flag_list("-Z", config::DB_OPTIONS);
fn describe_codegen_flags() {
println!("\nAvailable codegen options:\n");
print_flag_list("-C", config::CG_OPTIONS);
fn print_flag_list<T>(cmdline_opt: &str,
flag_list: &[(&'static str, T, Option<&'static str>, &'static str)]) {
let max_len = flag_list.iter()
.map(|&(name, _, opt_type_desc, _)| {
let extra_len = match opt_type_desc {
Some(..) => 4,
None => 0,
name.chars().count() + extra_len
for &(name, _, opt_type_desc, desc) in flag_list {
let (width, extra) = match opt_type_desc {
Some(..) => (max_len - 4, "=val"),
None => (max_len, ""),
println!(" {} {:>width$}{} -- {}",
name.replace("_", "-"),
width = width);
/// Process command line options. Emits messages as appropriate. If compilation
/// should continue, returns a getopts::Matches object parsed from args,
/// otherwise returns None.
/// The compiler's handling of options is a little complicated as it ties into
/// our stability story, and it's even *more* complicated by historical
/// accidents. The current intention of each compiler option is to have one of
/// three modes:
/// 1. An option is stable and can be used everywhere.
/// 2. An option is unstable, but was historically allowed on the stable
/// channel.
/// 3. An option is unstable, and can only be used on nightly.
/// Like unstable library and language features, however, unstable options have
/// always required a form of "opt in" to indicate that you're using them. This
/// provides the easy ability to scan a code base to check to see if anything
/// unstable is being used. Currently, this "opt in" is the `-Z` "zed" flag.
/// All options behind `-Z` are considered unstable by default. Other top-level
/// options can also be considered unstable, and they were unlocked through the
/// `-Z unstable-options` flag. Note that `-Z` remains to be the root of
/// instability in both cases, though.
/// So with all that in mind, the comments below have some more detail about the
/// contortions done here to get things to work out correctly.
pub fn handle_options(args: &[String]) -> Option<getopts::Matches> {
// Throw away the first argument, the name of the binary
let args = &args[1..];
if args.is_empty() {
// user did not write `-v` nor `-Z unstable-options`, so do not
// include that extra information.
usage(false, false);
return None;
// Parse with *all* options defined in the compiler, we don't worry about
// option stability here we just want to parse as much as possible.
let all_groups: Vec<getopts::OptGroup> = config::rustc_optgroups()
.map(|x| x.opt_group)
let matches = match getopts::getopts(&args[..], &all_groups) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => early_error(ErrorOutputType::default(), &f.to_string()),
// For all options we just parsed, we check a few aspects:
// * If the option is stable, we're all good
// * If the option wasn't passed, we're all good
// * If `-Z unstable-options` wasn't passed (and we're not a -Z option
// ourselves), then we require the `-Z unstable-options` flag to unlock
// this option that was passed.
// * If we're a nightly compiler, then unstable options are now unlocked, so
// we're good to go.
// * Otherwise, if we're a truly unstable option then we generate an error
// (unstable option being used on stable)
// * If we're a historically stable-but-should-be-unstable option then we
// emit a warning that we're going to turn this into an error soon.
nightly_options::check_nightly_options(&matches, &config::rustc_optgroups());
if matches.opt_present("h") || matches.opt_present("help") {
// Only show unstable options in --help if we *really* accept unstable
// options, which catches the case where we got `-Z unstable-options` on
// the stable channel of Rust which was accidentally allowed
// historically.
return None;
// Don't handle -W help here, because we might first load plugins.
let r = matches.opt_strs("Z");
if r.iter().any(|x| *x == "help") {
return None;
let cg_flags = matches.opt_strs("C");
if cg_flags.iter().any(|x| *x == "help") {
return None;
if cg_flags.iter().any(|x| *x == "no-stack-check") {
"the --no-stack-check flag is deprecated and does nothing");
if cg_flags.contains(&"passes=list".to_string()) {
unsafe {
return None;
if matches.opt_present("version") {
version("rustc", &matches);
return None;
fn parse_crate_attrs<'a>(sess: &'a Session, input: &Input) -> PResult<'a, Vec<ast::Attribute>> {
match *input {
Input::File(ref ifile) => {
parse::parse_crate_attrs_from_file(ifile, &sess.parse_sess)
Input::Str { ref name, ref input } => {
parse::parse_crate_attrs_from_source_str(name.clone(), input.clone(), &sess.parse_sess)
/// Runs `f` in a suitable thread for running `rustc`; returns a
/// `Result` with either the return value of `f` or -- if a panic
/// occurs -- the panic value.
pub fn in_rustc_thread<F, R>(f: F) -> Result<R, Box<Any + Send>>
where F: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static,
R: Send + 'static,
// Temporarily have stack size set to 16MB to deal with nom-using crates failing
const STACK_SIZE: usize = 16 * 1024 * 1024; // 16MB
let mut cfg = thread::Builder::new().name("rustc".to_string());
// FIXME: Hacks on hacks. If the env is trying to override the stack size
// then *don't* set it explicitly.
if env::var_os("RUST_MIN_STACK").is_none() {
cfg = cfg.stack_size(STACK_SIZE);
let thread = cfg.spawn(f);
/// Run a procedure which will detect panics in the compiler and print nicer
/// error messages rather than just failing the test.
/// The diagnostic emitter yielded to the procedure should be used for reporting
/// errors of the compiler.
pub fn monitor<F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static>(f: F) {
struct Sink(Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>);
impl Write for Sink {
fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
Write::write(&mut *self.0.lock().unwrap(), data)
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
let data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
let err = Sink(data.clone());
let result = in_rustc_thread(move || {
io::set_panic(Some(box err));
if let Err(value) = result {
// Thread panicked without emitting a fatal diagnostic
if !value.is::<errors::FatalError>() {
let emitter =
Box::new(errors::emitter::EmitterWriter::stderr(errors::ColorConfig::Auto, None));
let handler = errors::Handler::with_emitter(true, false, emitter);
// a .span_bug or .bug call has already printed what
// it wants to print.
if !value.is::<errors::ExplicitBug>() {
"unexpected panic",
let xs = ["the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug.".to_string(),
format!("we would appreciate a bug report: {}", BUG_REPORT_URL)];
for note in &xs {
if match env::var_os("RUST_BACKTRACE") {
Some(val) => &val != "0",
None => false,
} {
"run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace",
writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}", str::from_utf8(&data.lock().unwrap()).unwrap()).unwrap();
fn exit_on_err() -> ! {
// Panic so the process returns a failure code, but don't pollute the
// output with some unnecessary panic messages, we've already
// printed everything that we needed to.
io::set_panic(Some(box io::sink()));
pub fn diagnostics_registry() -> errors::registry::Registry {
use errors::registry::Registry;
let mut all_errors = Vec::new();
pub fn main() {
let result = run(|| run_compiler(&env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
&mut RustcDefaultCalls,
process::exit(result as i32);