/* material.cpp - material description for both client and server Copyright (C) 2015 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #ifndef CLIENT_DLL #include"extdll.h" #include "util.h" #else #include "hud.h" #include "cl_util.h" #endif #include "material.h" #include "stringlib.h" #include "com_model.h" static matdef_t *com_matdef; // pointer to global materials array static int com_matcount; static matdef_t *com_defmat; char *_COM_CopyString( const char *s, const char *file, const int line ) { if( !s ) return NULL; char *b = (char *)_Mem_Alloc( Q_strlen( s ) + 1, file, line ); Q_strcpy( b, s ); return b; } matdef_t *COM_CreateDefaultMatdef( void ) { static matdef_t mat; if( mat.name[0] ) return &mat; // already created Q_strcpy( mat.name, "default" ); mat.detailName[0] = '\0'; mat.impact_decal = COM_CopyString( "shot" ); // default Paranoia decal mat.impact_sounds[0] = COM_CopyString( "debris/concrete1.wav" ); mat.impact_sounds[1] = COM_CopyString( "debris/concrete2.wav" ); mat.impact_sounds[0] = COM_CopyString( "debris/concrete3.wav" ); mat.impact_sounds[1] = COM_CopyString( "debris/concrete4.wav" ); mat.step_sounds[0] = COM_CopyString( "player/pl_beton1.wav" ); mat.step_sounds[1] = COM_CopyString( "player/pl_beton2.wav" ); mat.step_sounds[2] = COM_CopyString( "player/pl_beton3.wav" ); mat.step_sounds[3] = COM_CopyString( "player/pl_beton4.wav" ); return &mat; } /* ================== COM_FindMatdef This function never failed ================== */ matdef_t *COM_FindMatdef( const char *name ) { for( int i = 0; i < com_matcount; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( name, com_matdef[i].name )) return &com_matdef[i]; } ALERT( at_error, "material specific '%s' not found. forcing to defualt\n", name ); return com_defmat; } /* ================== GetLayerIndexForPoint this function came from q3map2 ================== */ static char COM_GetLayerIndexForPoint( mfaceinfo_t *land, const Vector &point ) { Vector size; if( !land || !land->heightmap ) return -1; for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) size[i] = ( land->maxs[i] - land->mins[i] ); float s = ( point[0] - land->mins[0] ) / size[0]; float t = ( land->maxs[1] - point[1] ) / size[1]; int x = s * land->heightmap_width; int y = t * land->heightmap_height; x = bound( 0, x, ( land->heightmap_width - 1 )); y = bound( 0, y, ( land->heightmap_height - 1 )); return land->heightmap[y * land->heightmap_width + x]; } /* ================= COM_MatDefFromSurface safe version to get matdef_t ================= */ matdef_t *COM_MatDefFromSurface( msurface_t *surf, const Vector &vecPoint ) { if( !surf || !surf->texinfo ) return NULL; mtexinfo_t *tx = surf->texinfo; int layerNum = COM_GetLayerIndexForPoint( tx->faceinfo, vecPoint ); if( layerNum != -1 && layerNum < MAX_LANDSCAPE_LAYERS ) { // landscape support return tx->faceinfo->effects[layerNum]; } if( !tx->texture ) return NULL; return surf->texinfo->texture->effects; // epic chain! } matdef_t *COM_DefaultMatdef( void ) { return com_defmat; } void COM_InitMatdef( void ) { ALERT( at_aiconsole, "loading materials.def\n" ); char *afile = (char *)LOAD_FILE( "scripts/materials.def", NULL ); if( !afile ) { ALERT( at_error, "Cannot open file \"scripts/materials.def\"\n" ); return; } char *pfile = afile; char token[256]; int depth = 0; com_matcount = 0; // count materials while( pfile != NULL ) { pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); if( !pfile ) break; if( Q_strlen( token ) > 1 ) continue; if( token[0] == '{' ) { depth++; } else if( token[0] == '}' ) { com_matcount++; depth--; } } if( depth > 0 ) ALERT( at_warning, "materials.def: EOF reached without closing brace\n" ); if( depth < 0 ) ALERT( at_warning, "materials.def: EOF reached without opening brace\n" ); com_matdef = (matdef_t *)Mem_Alloc( sizeof( matdef_t ) * com_matcount ); pfile = afile; // start real parsing int current = 0; while( pfile != NULL ) { pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); if( !pfile ) break; if( current >= com_matcount ) { ALERT ( at_error, "material parse is overrun %d > %d\n", current, com_matcount ); break; } matdef_t *mat = &com_matdef[current]; // read the material name Q_strncpy( mat->name, token, sizeof( mat->name )); // detail scale default values mat->detailScale[0] = 10.0f; mat->detailScale[1] = 10.0f; // read opening brace pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); if( !pfile ) break; if( token[0] != '{' ) { ALERT( at_error, "found %s when expecting {\n", token ); break; } while( pfile != NULL ) { pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); if( !pfile ) { ALERT( at_error, "EOF without closing brace\n" ); goto getout; } // description end goto next material if( token[0] == '}' ) { current++; break; } else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "impact_decal" )) { pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); if( !pfile ) { ALERT( at_error, "hit EOF while parsing 'impact_decal'\n" ); goto getout; } mat->impact_decal = COM_CopyString( token ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "impact_parts" )) { while(( pfile = COM_ParseLine( pfile, token )) != NULL ) { if( !Q_strlen( token )) break; // end of line // find the free sound slot for( int i = 0; mat->impact_parts[i] != NULL && i < MAX_MAT_SOUNDS; i++ ); if( i < MAX_MAT_SOUNDS ) { mat->impact_parts[i] = COM_CopyString( token ); } } } else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "impact_sound" )) { while(( pfile = COM_ParseLine( pfile, token )) != NULL ) { if( !Q_strlen( token )) break; // end of line // find the free sound slot for( int i = 0; mat->impact_sounds[i] != NULL && i < MAX_MAT_SOUNDS; i++ ); if( i < MAX_MAT_SOUNDS ) { mat->impact_sounds[i] = COM_CopyString( token ); } } } else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "step_sound" )) { while(( pfile = COM_ParseLine( pfile, token )) != NULL ) { if( !Q_strlen( token )) break; // end of line // find the free sound slot for( int i = 0; mat->step_sounds[i] != NULL && i < MAX_MAT_SOUNDS; i++ ); if( i < MAX_MAT_SOUNDS ) { mat->step_sounds[i] = COM_CopyString( token ); } } } else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "detailScale" )) { pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); if( !pfile ) { ALERT( at_error, "hit EOF while parsing 'detailScale'\n" ); goto getout; } Q_atov( mat->detailScale, token, 2 ); mat->detailScale[0] = bound( 0.01f, mat->detailScale[0], 100.0f ); mat->detailScale[1] = bound( 0.01f, mat->detailScale[0], 100.0f ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "detailmap" )) { pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); if( !pfile ) { ALERT( at_error, "hit EOF while parsing 'detailmap'\n" ); goto getout; } COM_FixSlashes( token ); Q_strncpy( mat->detailName, token, sizeof( mat->detailName )); } else ALERT( at_warning, "Unknown material token %s\n", token ); } } getout: FREE_FILE( afile ); ALERT( at_aiconsole, "%d matdefs parsed\n", current ); com_defmat = NULL; // search for default material for( int i = 0; i < com_matcount; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( "default", com_matdef[i].name )) { com_defmat = &com_matdef[i]; break; } } // if default material was not specified by mod-maker - create internal if( !com_defmat ) { ALERT( at_warning, "Default material was not specified. Create internal\n" ); com_defmat = COM_CreateDefaultMatdef(); } }