1372 lines
34 KiB
1372 lines
34 KiB
* Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "bspfile.h"
#include "scriplib.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "stringlib.h"
#include <io.h>
bool g_found_extradata = false;
int g_nummodels;
dmodel_t g_dmodels[MAX_MAP_MODELS];
int g_visdatasize;
byte g_dvisdata[MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY];
int g_vislightdatasize;
byte *g_dvislightdata;
int g_lightdatasize;
byte *g_dlightdata;
int g_deluxdatasize;
byte *g_ddeluxdata;
int g_shadowdatasize;
byte *g_dshadowdata;
int g_texdatasize;
byte *g_dtexdata; // (dmiptexlump_t)
int g_entdatasize;
char g_dentdata[MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING];
int g_numleafs;
int g_numvisleafs;
dleaf_t g_dleafs[MAX_MAP_LEAFS];
int g_numplanes;
dplane_t g_dplanes[MAX_INTERNAL_MAP_PLANES];
int g_numvertexes;
dvertex_t g_dvertexes[MAX_MAP_VERTS];
int g_numnodes;
dnode_t g_dnodes[MAX_MAP_NODES];
int g_numtexinfo;
dtexinfo_t g_texinfo[MAX_INTERNAL_MAP_TEXINFO];
int g_numfaces;
dface_t g_dfaces[MAX_MAP_FACES];
int g_numclipnodes;
dclipnode_t g_dclipnodes[MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES];
dclipnode32_t g_dclipnodes32[MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES32];
int g_numedges;
dedge_t g_dedges[MAX_MAP_EDGES];
int g_nummarksurfaces;
dmarkface_t g_dmarksurfaces[MAX_MAP_MARKSURFACES];
int g_numsurfedges;
dsurfedge_t g_dsurfedges[MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES];
int g_numfaceinfo;
dfaceinfo_t g_dfaceinfo[MAX_MAP_FACEINFO];
int g_numcubemaps;
dcubemap_t g_dcubemaps[MAX_MAP_CUBEMAPS];
int g_numleaflights;
dleafsample_t g_dleaflights[MAX_MAP_LEAFLIGHTS];
int g_numworldlights;
dworldlight_t g_dworldlights[MAX_MAP_WORLDLIGHTS];
int g_vlightdatasize;
byte *g_dvlightdata; // (dvlightlump_t)
int g_flightdatasize;
byte *g_dflightdata; // (dflightlump_t)
int g_normaldatasize;
byte *g_dnormaldata; // (dnormallump_t)
int g_numentities;
entity_t g_entities[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES];
dheader_t *header, outheader;
long wadfile;
char g_wadpath[1024]; // path to wads may be empty
// can be overrided from hlcsg
vec3_t g_hull_size[MAX_MAP_HULLS][2] =
{ // 0x0x0
{ 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }
{ // 32x32x72
{-16, -16, -36 }, { 16, 16, 36 }
{ // 64x64x64
{-32, -32, -32 }, { 32, 32, 32 }
{ // 32x32x36
{-16, -16, -18 }, { 16, 16, 18 }
void CheckHullFile( const char *filename )
vec3_t new_hulls[MAX_MAP_HULLS][2];
bool read_error = false;
char scan[128];
if( !filename[0] ) return;
// open up hull file
FILE *f = fopen( filename, "r" );
if( !f )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "couldn't open hullfile %s, using default hulls", filename );
MsgDev( D_INFO, "[Reading hulls from '%s']\n", filename );
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_HULLS; i++ )
float x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
int argCnt;
if( !fgets( scan, sizeof( scan ), f ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "parsing %s, couln't read hull line %i, using default hulls\n", filename, i );
read_error = true;
argCnt = sscanf( scan, "( %f %f %f ) ( %f %f %f ) ", &x1, &y1, &z1, &x2, &y2, &z2 );
if( argCnt != 6 )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "parsing %s, expeciting '( x y z ) ( x y z )' using default hulls\n", filename );
read_error = true;
VectorSet( mins, x1, y1, z1 );
VectorSet( maxs, x2, y2, z2 );
VectorCopy( mins, new_hulls[i][0] );
VectorCopy( maxs, new_hulls[i][1] );
if( read_error )
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "error parsing %s, using default hulls\n", filename );
memcpy( g_hull_size, new_hulls, 2 * MAX_MAP_HULLS * sizeof( vec3_t ) );
fclose( f );
int CompressVis( const byte *src, const uint src_length, byte *dest, uint dest_length )
uint j, current_length = 0;
byte *dest_p = dest;
int rep;
for( j = 0; j < src_length; j++ )
if( ++current_length > dest_length )
COM_FatalError( "CompressVis: compressed vismap overflow\n" );
*dest_p = src[j];
if( src[j] ) continue;
for( j++, rep = 1; j < src_length; j++ )
if( src[j] || rep == 255 )
else rep++;
if( ++current_length > dest_length )
COM_FatalError( "CompressVis: compressed vismap overflow\n" );
*dest_p++ = rep;
return dest_p - dest;
void DecompressVis( byte *in, byte *decompressed )
byte *out;
int c, row;
row = (g_numvisleafs + 7) >> 3;
out = decompressed;
if( *in )
*out++ = *in++;
c = in[1];
if( !c ) COM_FatalError( "DecompressVis: 0 repeat\n" );
in += 2;
while( c )
*out++ = 0;
} while( out - decompressed < row );
int CopyLump( int lump, void *dest, int size )
int length = header->lumps[lump].filelen;
int ofs = header->lumps[lump].fileofs;
if( length % size )
COM_FatalError( "LoadBSPFile: odd lump size\n" );
// alloc matched size
if( lump == LUMP_TEXTURES )
dest = g_dtexdata = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( length );
if( lump == LUMP_LIGHTING )
dest = g_dlightdata = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( length );
memcpy( dest, (byte *)header + ofs, length );
return length / size;
static int CopyExtraLump( int lump, void *dest, int size, const dheader_t *header )
dextrahdr_t *extrahdr = (dextrahdr_t *)((byte *)header + sizeof( dheader_t ));
int length = extrahdr->lumps[lump].filelen;
int ofs = extrahdr->lumps[lump].fileofs;
if( length % size )
COM_FatalError( "LoadBSPFile: odd lump size\n" );
if( lump == LUMP_LIGHTVECS )
dest = g_ddeluxdata = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( length );
if( lump == LUMP_SHADOWMAP )
dest = g_dshadowdata = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( length );
if( lump == LUMP_VERTEX_LIGHT )
dest = g_dvlightdata = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( length );
if( lump == LUMP_SURFACE_LIGHT )
dest = g_dflightdata = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( length );
if( lump == LUMP_VERTNORMALS )
dest = g_dnormaldata = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( length );
dest = g_dvislightdata = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( length );
memcpy( dest, (byte *)header + ofs, length );
return length / size;
static int CopyLumpClipnodes( int lump )
int length = header->lumps[lump].filelen;
int ofs = header->lumps[lump].fileofs;
bool clipnodes_compatible = true;
int size;
if(( length % sizeof( dclipnode_t )) || ( length / sizeof( dclipnode_t )) >= MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES )
clipnodes_compatible = false;
if( clipnodes_compatible )
// compatible 16-bit clipnodes
size = sizeof( dclipnode_t );
memcpy( g_dclipnodes, (byte *)header + ofs, length );
// share clipnodes with 32-bit array
for( int i = 0; i < (length / size); i++ )
g_dclipnodes32[i].children[0] = g_dclipnodes[i].children[0];
g_dclipnodes32[i].children[1] = g_dclipnodes[i].children[1];
g_dclipnodes32[i].planenum = g_dclipnodes[i].planenum;
// extended 32-bit clipnodes
size = sizeof( dclipnode32_t );
memcpy( g_dclipnodes32, (byte *)header + ofs, length );
return length / size;
void LoadBSPFile( const char *filename )
size_t filesize;
// load the file header
header = (dheader_t *)COM_LoadFile( filename, &filesize );
if( !header ) COM_FatalError( "couldn't load: %s\n", filename );
if( header->version != BSPVERSION )
COM_FatalError( "%s is version %i, not %i\n", filename, header->version, BSPVERSION );
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "loading %s\n", filename );
g_nummodels = CopyLump( LUMP_MODELS, g_dmodels, sizeof( dmodel_t ));
g_numvertexes = CopyLump( LUMP_VERTEXES, g_dvertexes, sizeof( dvertex_t ));
g_numplanes = CopyLump( LUMP_PLANES, g_dplanes, sizeof( dplane_t ));
g_numleafs = CopyLump( LUMP_LEAFS, g_dleafs, sizeof( dleaf_t ));
g_numnodes = CopyLump( LUMP_NODES, g_dnodes, sizeof( dnode_t ));
g_numtexinfo = CopyLump( LUMP_TEXINFO, g_texinfo, sizeof( dtexinfo_t ));
g_numfaces = CopyLump( LUMP_FACES, g_dfaces, sizeof( dface_t ));
g_nummarksurfaces = CopyLump( LUMP_MARKSURFACES, g_dmarksurfaces, sizeof( dmarkface_t ));
g_numsurfedges = CopyLump( LUMP_SURFEDGES, g_dsurfedges, sizeof( dsurfedge_t ));
g_numedges = CopyLump( LUMP_EDGES, g_dedges, sizeof( dedge_t ));
g_numclipnodes = CopyLumpClipnodes( LUMP_CLIPNODES );
g_numvisleafs = g_dmodels[0].visleafs;
g_texdatasize = CopyLump( LUMP_TEXTURES, g_dtexdata, 1 );
g_visdatasize = CopyLump( LUMP_VISIBILITY, g_dvisdata, 1 );
g_lightdatasize = CopyLump( LUMP_LIGHTING, g_dlightdata, 1 );
g_entdatasize = CopyLump( LUMP_ENTITIES, g_dentdata, 1 );
dextrahdr_t *extrahdr = (dextrahdr_t *)((byte *)header + sizeof( dheader_t ));
if( extrahdr->id == IDEXTRAHEADER )
if( extrahdr->version != EXTRA_VERSION )
COM_FatalError( "BSP is extra version %i, not %i", extrahdr->version, EXTRA_VERSION );
g_found_extradata = true;
// g-cont. copy the extra lumps
g_normaldatasize = CopyExtraLump( LUMP_VERTNORMALS, g_dnormaldata, 1, header );
g_deluxdatasize = CopyExtraLump( LUMP_LIGHTVECS, g_ddeluxdata, 1, header );
g_numcubemaps = CopyExtraLump( LUMP_CUBEMAPS, g_dcubemaps, sizeof( dcubemap_t ), header );
g_numfaceinfo = CopyExtraLump( LUMP_FACEINFO, g_dfaceinfo, sizeof( dfaceinfo_t ), header );
g_numworldlights = CopyExtraLump( LUMP_WORLDLIGHTS, g_dworldlights, sizeof( dworldlight_t ), header );
g_numleaflights = CopyExtraLump( LUMP_LEAF_LIGHTING, g_dleaflights, sizeof( dleafsample_t ), header );
g_shadowdatasize = CopyExtraLump( LUMP_SHADOWMAP, g_dshadowdata, 1, header );
g_vlightdatasize = CopyExtraLump( LUMP_VERTEX_LIGHT, g_dvlightdata, 1, header );
g_flightdatasize = CopyExtraLump( LUMP_SURFACE_LIGHT, g_dflightdata, 1, header );
g_vislightdatasize = CopyExtraLump( LUMP_VISLIGHTDATA, g_dvislightdata, 1, header );
Mem_Free( header, C_FILESYSTEM ); // everything has been copied out
void AddLump( int lumpnum, void *data, int len )
dlump_t *lump = &header->lumps[lumpnum];
lump->fileofs = tell( wadfile );
lump->filelen = len;
SafeWrite( wadfile, data, (len + 3) & ~3 );
static void AddExtraLump( int lumpnum, void *data, int len, dextrahdr_t *header )
dlump_t* lump = &header->lumps[lumpnum];
lump->fileofs = tell( wadfile );
lump->filelen = len;
SafeWrite( wadfile, data, (len + 3) & ~3 );
void AddLumpClipnodes( int lumpnum )
dlump_t *lump = &header->lumps[lumpnum];
lump->fileofs = tell( wadfile );
if( g_numclipnodes < MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES )
// copy clipnodes into 16-bit array
for( int i = 0; i < g_numclipnodes; i++ )
g_dclipnodes[i].children[0] = (short)g_dclipnodes32[i].children[0];
g_dclipnodes[i].children[1] = (short)g_dclipnodes32[i].children[1];
g_dclipnodes[i].planenum = g_dclipnodes32[i].planenum;
lump->filelen = g_numclipnodes * sizeof( dclipnode_t );
SafeWrite( wadfile, g_dclipnodes, (lump->filelen + 3) & ~3 );
// copy clipnodes into 32-bit array
lump->filelen = g_numclipnodes * sizeof( dclipnode32_t );
SafeWrite( wadfile, g_dclipnodes32, (lump->filelen + 3) & ~3 );
Swaps the bsp file in place, so it should not be referenced again
void WriteBSPFile( const char *filename )
dextrahdr_t outextrahdr;
dextrahdr_t *extrahdr;
header = &outheader;
memset( header, 0, sizeof( dheader_t ));
extrahdr = &outextrahdr;
memset( extrahdr, 0, sizeof( dextrahdr_t ));
header->version = BSPVERSION;
extrahdr->id = IDEXTRAHEADER;
extrahdr->version = EXTRA_VERSION;
wadfile = SafeOpenWrite( filename );
SafeWrite( wadfile, header, sizeof( dheader_t )); // overwritten later
SafeWrite( wadfile, extrahdr, sizeof( dextrahdr_t )); // overwritten later
AddLump( LUMP_PLANES, g_dplanes, g_numplanes * sizeof( dplane_t ));
AddLump( LUMP_LEAFS, g_dleafs, g_numleafs * sizeof( dleaf_t ));
AddLump( LUMP_VERTEXES, g_dvertexes, g_numvertexes * sizeof( dvertex_t ));
AddLump( LUMP_NODES, g_dnodes, g_numnodes * sizeof( dnode_t ));
AddLump( LUMP_TEXINFO, g_texinfo, g_numtexinfo * sizeof( dtexinfo_t ));
AddLump( LUMP_FACES, g_dfaces, g_numfaces * sizeof( dface_t ));
AddLump( LUMP_MARKSURFACES, g_dmarksurfaces, g_nummarksurfaces * sizeof( dmarkface_t ));
AddLump( LUMP_SURFEDGES, g_dsurfedges, g_numsurfedges * sizeof( dsurfedge_t ));
AddLump( LUMP_EDGES, g_dedges, g_numedges * sizeof( dedge_t ));
AddLump( LUMP_MODELS, g_dmodels, g_nummodels * sizeof( dmodel_t ));
AddLumpClipnodes( LUMP_CLIPNODES );
AddLump( LUMP_LIGHTING, g_dlightdata, g_lightdatasize );
AddLump( LUMP_VISIBILITY, g_dvisdata, g_visdatasize );
AddLump( LUMP_ENTITIES, g_dentdata, g_entdatasize );
AddLump( LUMP_TEXTURES, g_dtexdata, g_texdatasize );
AddExtraLump( LUMP_VERTNORMALS, g_dnormaldata, g_normaldatasize, extrahdr );
AddExtraLump( LUMP_LIGHTVECS, g_ddeluxdata, g_deluxdatasize, extrahdr );
AddExtraLump( LUMP_CUBEMAPS, g_dcubemaps, g_numcubemaps * sizeof( dcubemap_t ), extrahdr );
AddExtraLump( LUMP_FACEINFO, g_dfaceinfo, g_numfaceinfo * sizeof( dfaceinfo_t ), extrahdr );
AddExtraLump( LUMP_WORLDLIGHTS, g_dworldlights, g_numworldlights * sizeof( dworldlight_t ), extrahdr );
AddExtraLump( LUMP_SHADOWMAP, g_dshadowdata, g_shadowdatasize, extrahdr );
AddExtraLump( LUMP_LEAF_LIGHTING,g_dleaflights, g_numleaflights * sizeof( dleafsample_t ), extrahdr );
AddExtraLump( LUMP_VERTEX_LIGHT, g_dvlightdata, g_vlightdatasize, extrahdr );
AddExtraLump( LUMP_SURFACE_LIGHT,g_dflightdata, g_flightdatasize, extrahdr );
AddExtraLump( LUMP_VISLIGHTDATA, g_dvislightdata, g_vislightdatasize, extrahdr );
lseek( wadfile, 0, SEEK_SET );
SafeWrite( wadfile, header, sizeof( dheader_t ));
SafeWrite( wadfile, extrahdr, sizeof( dextrahdr_t ));
close( wadfile );
if( g_dvislightdata ) Mem_Free( g_dvislightdata );
if( g_dlightdata ) Mem_Free( g_dlightdata );
if( g_ddeluxdata ) Mem_Free( g_ddeluxdata );
if( g_dshadowdata ) Mem_Free( g_dshadowdata );
if( g_dvlightdata ) Mem_Free( g_dvlightdata );
if( g_dflightdata ) Mem_Free( g_dflightdata );
if( g_dnormaldata ) Mem_Free( g_dnormaldata );
if( g_dtexdata ) Mem_Free( g_dtexdata );
g_dvislightdata = NULL;
g_dlightdata = NULL;
g_ddeluxdata = NULL;
g_dshadowdata = NULL;
g_dvlightdata = NULL;
g_dflightdata = NULL;
g_dnormaldata = NULL;
g_dtexdata = NULL;
#define ENTRIES(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*(a)))
#define ENTRYSIZE(a) (sizeof(*(a)))
// =====================================================================================
// ArrayUsage
// blah
// =====================================================================================
static int ArrayUsage( const char *szItem, const int items, const int maxitems, const int itemsize )
float percentage = maxitems ? items * 100.0 / maxitems : 0.0;
Msg("%-13s %7i/%-7i %8i/%-8i (%4.1f%%)\n", szItem, items, maxitems, items * itemsize, maxitems * itemsize, percentage );
return items * itemsize;
// =====================================================================================
// GlobUsage
// pritn out global ussage line in chart
// =====================================================================================
static int GlobUsage( const char *szItem, const int itemstorage, const int maxstorage )
float percentage = maxstorage ? itemstorage * 100.0 / maxstorage : 0.0;
Msg("%-13s [variable] %8i/%-8i (%4.1f%%)\n", szItem, itemstorage, maxstorage, percentage );
return itemstorage;
Dumps info about current file
void PrintBSPFileSizes (void)
int numtextures = g_texdatasize ? ((dmiptexlump_t*)g_dtexdata)->nummiptex : 0;
int totalmemory = 0;
Msg( "\n");
Msg( "Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness\n" );
Msg( "------------ --------------- --------------- --------\n" );
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "models", g_nummodels, ENTRIES( g_dmodels ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dmodels ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "planes", g_numplanes, ENTRIES( g_dplanes ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dplanes ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "vertexes", g_numvertexes, ENTRIES( g_dvertexes ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dvertexes ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "nodes", g_numnodes, ENTRIES( g_dnodes ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dnodes ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "texinfos", g_numtexinfo, ENTRIES( g_texinfo ), ENTRYSIZE( g_texinfo ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "faces", g_numfaces, ENTRIES( g_dfaces ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dfaces ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "clipnodes", g_numclipnodes, ENTRIES( g_dclipnodes ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dclipnodes ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "leaves", g_numleafs, ENTRIES( g_dleafs ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dleafs ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "marksurfaces", g_nummarksurfaces, ENTRIES( g_dmarksurfaces ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dmarksurfaces ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "surfedges", g_numsurfedges, ENTRIES( g_dsurfedges ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dsurfedges ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "edges", g_numedges, ENTRIES( g_dedges ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dedges ));
totalmemory += GlobUsage( "texdata", g_texdatasize, MAX_MAP_MIPTEX );
totalmemory += GlobUsage( "lightdata", g_lightdatasize, MAX_MAP_LIGHTING );
totalmemory += GlobUsage( "visdata", g_visdatasize, sizeof( g_dvisdata ));
totalmemory += GlobUsage( "entdata", g_entdatasize, sizeof( g_dentdata ));
if( g_found_extradata )
totalmemory += GlobUsage( "normals", g_normaldatasize, MAX_MAP_LIGHTING );
totalmemory += GlobUsage( "deluxdata", g_deluxdatasize, MAX_MAP_LIGHTING );
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "cubemaps", g_numcubemaps, ENTRIES( g_dcubemaps ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dcubemaps ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "faceinfo", g_numfaceinfo, ENTRIES( g_dfaceinfo ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dfaceinfo ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "direct lights", g_numworldlights, ENTRIES( g_dworldlights ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dworldlights ));
totalmemory += ArrayUsage( "ambient cubes", g_numleaflights, ENTRIES( g_dleaflights ), ENTRYSIZE( g_dleaflights ));
totalmemory += GlobUsage( "occlusion", g_shadowdatasize, MAX_MAP_LIGHTING / 3 );
totalmemory += GlobUsage( "vertexlight", g_vlightdatasize, MAX_MAP_LIGHTING );
totalmemory += GlobUsage( "vislightdata", g_vislightdatasize, MAX_MAP_VISLIGHTDATA );
Msg( "=== Total BSP file data space used: %s ===\n", Q_memprint( totalmemory ));
int GetSurfaceExtent( const dtexinfo_t *tex )
ASSERT( tex != NULL );
if( FBitSet( tex->flags, TEX_EXTRA_LIGHTMAP ))
if( tex->faceinfo == -1 )
int max_extent = g_dfaceinfo[tex->faceinfo].max_extent;
// check bounds
if( max_extent >= MIN_CUSTOM_SURFACE_EXTENT && max_extent <= MAX_CUSTOM_SURFACE_EXTENT )
return max_extent;
int GetSurfaceExtent( const dface_t *f )
ASSERT( f != NULL );
return GetSurfaceExtent( &g_texinfo[f->texinfo] );
int GetTextureStep( const dtexinfo_t *tex, bool force )
ASSERT( tex != NULL );
if( !force && FBitSet( tex->flags, TEX_WORLD_LUXELS ))
return 1;
if( FBitSet( tex->flags, TEX_EXTRA_LIGHTMAP ))
if( tex->faceinfo == -1 )
int texture_step = g_dfaceinfo[tex->faceinfo].texture_step;
// check bounds
if( texture_step >= MIN_CUSTOM_TEXTURE_STEP && texture_step <= MAX_CUSTOM_TEXTURE_STEP )
return texture_step;
int GetTextureStep( const dface_t *f, bool force )
ASSERT( f != NULL );
return GetTextureStep( &g_texinfo[f->texinfo], force );
word GetSurfaceGroupId( const dtexinfo_t *tex )
ASSERT( tex != NULL );
if( tex->faceinfo == -1 )
return 0;
return (word)g_dfaceinfo[tex->faceinfo].groupid;
word GetSurfaceGroupId( const dface_t *f )
ASSERT( f != NULL );
return GetSurfaceGroupId( &g_texinfo[f->texinfo] );
const char *GetTextureByTexinfo( int texinfo )
if( texinfo != -1 )
dtexinfo_t *info = &g_texinfo[texinfo];
int ofs = ((dmiptexlump_t*)g_dtexdata)->dataofs[info->miptex];
miptex_t *miptex = (miptex_t*)(&g_dtexdata[ofs]);
return miptex->name;
return "";
const char *ContentsToString( int type )
switch( type )
return "EMPTY";
return "SOLID";
return "WATER";
return "SLIME";
return "LAVA";
return "SKY";
return "ORIGIN";
return "UNKNOWN";
int GetFaceContents( const char *name )
if( !Q_strnicmp( name, "SKY", 3 ))
if( name[0] == '!' || name[0] == '*' )
if( !Q_strnicmp( name + 1, "lava", 4 ))
else if( !Q_strnicmp( name + 1, "slime", 5 ))
return CONTENTS_WATER; // otherwise it's water
if( !Q_strnicmp( name, "water", 5 ))
void MakeAxial( float normal[3] )
int i, type;
for( type = 0; type < 3; type++ )
if( fabs( normal[type] ) > 0.9999f )
// make positive and pure axial
for( i = 0; i < 3 && type != 3; i++ )
if( i == type )
normal[i] = 1.0f;
else normal[i] = 0.0f;
void LightMatrixFromTexMatrix( const dtexinfo_t *tx, float lmvecs[2][4] )
vec_t lmscale = TEXTURE_STEP;
if( tx->faceinfo != -1 )
int texture_step = g_dfaceinfo[tx->faceinfo].texture_step;
// check bounds
if( texture_step >= MIN_CUSTOM_TEXTURE_STEP && texture_step <= MAX_CUSTOM_TEXTURE_STEP )
lmscale = texture_step;
// copy texmatrix into lightmap matrix fisrt
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
lmvecs[i][j] = tx->vecs[i][j];
if( !FBitSet( tx->flags, TEX_WORLD_LUXELS ))
return; // just use texmatrix
VectorNormalize2( lmvecs[0] );
VectorNormalize2( lmvecs[1] );
if( FBitSet( tx->flags, TEX_AXIAL_LUXELS ))
MakeAxial( lmvecs[0] );
MakeAxial( lmvecs[1] );
// put the lighting origin at center the poly
VectorScale( lmvecs[0], (1.0 / lmscale), lmvecs[0] );
VectorScale( lmvecs[1], -(1.0 / lmscale), lmvecs[1] );
lmvecs[0][3] = lmscale * 0.5;
lmvecs[1][3] = -lmscale * 0.5;
int MapPlaneTypeForNormal( const vec3_t normal )
vec_t ax, ay, az;
ax = fabs( normal[0] );
ay = fabs( normal[1] );
az = fabs( normal[2] );
if(( ax > 1.0 - DIR_EPSILON ) && ( ay < DIR_EPSILON ) && ( az < DIR_EPSILON ))
return PLANE_X;
if(( ay > 1.0 - DIR_EPSILON ) && ( az < DIR_EPSILON ) && ( ax < DIR_EPSILON ))
return PLANE_Y;
if(( az > 1.0 - DIR_EPSILON ) && ( ax < DIR_EPSILON ) && ( ay < DIR_EPSILON ))
return PLANE_Z;
int SnapNormal( vec3_t normal )
int type = MapPlaneTypeForNormal( normal );
bool renormalize = false;
// snap normal to nearest axial if possible
if( type <= PLANE_LAST_AXIAL )
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( i == type )
normal[i] = normal[i] > 0 ? 1 : -1;
else normal[i] = 0;
renormalize = true;
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( fabs( fabs( normal[i] ) - 0.707106 ) < DIR_EPSILON )
normal[i] = normal[i] > 0 ? 0.707106 : -0.707106;
renormalize = true;
if( renormalize )
VectorNormalize( normal );
return type;
void StripTrailing( char *e )
char *s;
s = e + Q_strlen( e ) - 1;
while( s >= e && *s <= 32 )
*s = 0;
void InsertLinkBefore( epair_t *e, entity_t *mapent )
e->next = NULL;
if( mapent->epairs != NULL )
e->prev = mapent->tail;
mapent->tail->next = e;
mapent->tail = e;
mapent->epairs = mapent->tail = e;
e->prev = NULL;
void UnlinkEpair( epair_t *e, entity_t *mapent )
if( e->prev ) e->prev->next = e->next;
else mapent->epairs = e->next;
if( e->next ) e->next->prev = e->prev;
else mapent->tail = e->prev;
e->prev = e->next = e;
epair_t *ParseEpair( void )
const char *ext;
epair_t *e;
e = (epair_t *)Mem_Alloc( sizeof( epair_t ), C_EPAIR );
if( Q_strlen( token ) >= ( MAX_KEY - 1 ))
COM_FatalError( "ParseEpair: 'key' token too long\n" );
e->key = copystring( token );
GetToken( false );
if( Q_strlen( token ) >= ( MAX_VALUE - 1 ))
COM_FatalError( "ParseEpair: 'value' token too long\n" );
ext = COM_FileExtension( token );
if( !Q_stricmp( ext, "wav" ) || !Q_stricmp( ext, "mdl" ) || !Q_stricmp( ext, "bsp" ))
COM_FixSlashes( token );
e->value = copystring( token );
// strip trailing spaces
StripTrailing( e->key );
StripTrailing( e->value );
return e;
void CopyEpairs( entity_t *dst, entity_t *src )
epair_t *ep, *ep2;
for( ep = src->epairs; ep; ep = ep->next )
ep2 = (epair_t *)Mem_Alloc( sizeof( epair_t ), C_EPAIR );
ep2->key = copystring( ep->key );
ep2->value = copystring( ep->value );
InsertLinkBefore( ep2, dst );
bool ParseEntity( void )
entity_t *mapent;
epair_t *e;
if( !GetToken( true ))
return false;
if( Q_strcmp( token, "{" ))
if( g_numentities == 0 )
COM_FatalError( "ParseEntity: '{' not found\n" );
else return false; // probably entity string is broken at the end
if( g_numentities == MAX_MAP_ENTITIES )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_MAP_ENTITIES limit exceeded\n" );
mapent = &g_entities[g_numentities];
if( !GetToken( true ))
COM_FatalError( "ParseEntity: EOF without closing brace\n" );
if( !Q_strcmp( token, "}" ))
e = ParseEpair();
InsertLinkBefore( e, mapent );
} while( 1 );
return true;
Parses the dentdata string into entities
void ParseEntities( void )
ParseFromMemory( g_dentdata, g_entdatasize );
g_numentities = 0;
while( ParseEntity( ));
release all the entity data
void FreeEntity( entity_t *mapent )
epair_t *ep, *next;
for( ep = mapent->epairs; ep != NULL; ep = next )
next = ep->next;
freestring( ep->key );
freestring( ep->value );
Mem_Free( ep, C_EPAIR );
if( mapent->cache ) Mem_Free( mapent->cache );
mapent->epairs = mapent->tail = NULL;
mapent->cache = NULL;
release all the dynamically allocated data
void FreeEntities( void )
for( int i = 0; i < g_numentities; i++ )
FreeEntity( &g_entities[i] );
Generates the dentdata string from all the entities
void UnparseEntities( void )
char *buf, *end;
char line[2048];
char key[1024], value[1024];
epair_t *ep;
buf = g_dentdata;
end = buf;
*end = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < g_numentities; i++ )
entity_t *ent = &g_entities[i];
if( !ent->epairs ) continue; // ent got removed
Q_strcat( end, "{\n" );
end += 2;
for( ep = ent->epairs; ep; ep = ep->next )
Q_strncpy( key, ep->key, sizeof( key ));
StripTrailing( key );
Q_strncpy( value, ep->value, sizeof( value ));
StripTrailing( value );
Q_snprintf( line, sizeof( line ), "\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", key, value );
Q_strcat( end, line );
end += Q_strlen( line );
Q_strcat( end, "}\n" );
end += 2;
if( end > ( buf + MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING ))
COM_FatalError( "Entity text too long\n" );
g_entdatasize = end - buf + 1; // write term
void RemoveKey( entity_t *ent, const char *key )
epair_t *ep;
for( ep = ent->epairs; ep; ep = ep->next )
if( !Q_strcmp( ep->key, key ))
freestring( ep->key );
freestring( ep->value );
UnlinkEpair( ep, ent );
Mem_Free( ep, C_EPAIR );
void RenameKey( entity_t *ent, const char *key, const char *name )
epair_t *ep;
for( ep = ent->epairs; ep; ep = ep->next )
if( !Q_strcmp( ep->key, key ))
freestring( ep->key );
ep->key = copystring( name );
// otherwise we using SetKeyValue as well
void SetKeyValue( entity_t *ent, const char *key, const char *value )
epair_t *ep;
for( ep = ent->epairs; ep; ep = ep->next )
if( !Q_strcmp( ep->key, key ))
freestring( ep->value );
ep->value = copystring( value );
ep = (epair_t *)Mem_Alloc( sizeof( epair_t ), C_EPAIR );
ep->key = copystring( key );
ep->value = copystring( value );
InsertLinkBefore( ep, ent );
char *ValueForKey( entity_t *ent, const char *key, bool check )
epair_t *ep;
for( ep = ent->epairs; ep; ep = ep->next )
if( !Q_strcmp( ep->key, key ))
return ep->value;
if( check )
return NULL;
return "";
vec_t FloatForKey( entity_t *ent, const char *key )
return atof( ValueForKey( ent, key ));
int IntForKey( entity_t *ent, const char *key )
return atoi( ValueForKey( ent, key ));
bool BoolForKey( entity_t *ent, const char *key )
if( atoi( ValueForKey( ent, key )))
return true;
return false;
int GetVectorForKey( entity_t *ent, const char *key, vec3_t vec )
double v1, v2, v3;
int count;
char *k;
k = ValueForKey( ent, key );
// scanf into doubles, then assign, so it is vec_t size independent
v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
count = sscanf( k, "%lf %lf %lf", &v1, &v2, &v3 );
vec[0] = v1;
vec[1] = v2;
vec[2] = v3;
return count;
void SetVectorForKey( entity_t *ent, const char *key, vec3_t vec, bool precise )
char string[64];
if( precise ) Q_snprintf( string, sizeof( string ), "%.2f %.2f %.2f", vec[0], vec[1], vec[2] );
else Q_snprintf( string, sizeof( string ), "%i %i %i", (int)vec[0], (int)vec[1], (int)vec[2] );
SetKeyValue( ent, key, string );
returns entity addy for given modelnum
entity_t *EntityForModel( const int modnum )
char name[16];
Q_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "*%i", modnum );
// search the entities for one using modnum
for( int i = 0; i < g_numentities; i++ )
const char *s = ValueForKey( &g_entities[i], "model" );
if( !Q_strcmp( s, name )) return &g_entities[i];
return &g_entities[0];
// =====================================================================================
// ModelForEntity
// returns model addy for given entity
// =====================================================================================
dmodel_t *ModelForEntity( entity_t *ent )
const char *s = ValueForKey( ent, "model" );
if( *s != '*' ) return NULL; // non-bmodel
int modnum = atoi( s + 1 );
if( modnum < 1 || modnum >= g_nummodels )
return NULL;
return &g_dmodels[modnum];
entity_t *FindTargetEntity( const char *target )
for( int i = 0; i < g_numentities; i++ )
char *n = ValueForKey( &g_entities[i], "targetname" );
if( !Q_strcmp( n, target ))
return &g_entities[i];
return NULL;
ClearLink is used for new headnodes
void ClearLink( link_t *l )
l->prev = l->next = l;
remove link from chain
void RemoveLink( link_t *l )
l->next->prev = l->prev;
l->prev->next = l->next;
kept trigger and solid entities seperate
void InsertLinkBefore( link_t *l, link_t *before )
l->next = before;
l->prev = before->prev;
l->prev->next = l;
l->next->prev = l;
builds a uniformly subdivided tree for the given world size
areanode_t *CreateAreaNode( aabb_tree_t *tree, int depth, int maxdepth, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs )
vec3_t mins1, maxs1;
vec3_t mins2, maxs2;
areanode_t *anode;
vec3_t size;
anode = &tree->areanodes[tree->numareanodes];
ClearLink( &anode->solid_edicts );
if( depth == Q_min( maxdepth, AREA_MAX_DEPTH ))
anode->axis = -1;
anode->children[0] = anode->children[1] = NULL;
return anode;
VectorSubtract( maxs, mins, size );
if( size[0] > size[1] )
anode->axis = 0;
else anode->axis = 1;
anode->dist = 0.5f * ( maxs[anode->axis] + mins[anode->axis] );
VectorCopy( mins, mins1 );
VectorCopy( mins, mins2 );
VectorCopy( maxs, maxs1 );
VectorCopy( maxs, maxs2 );
maxs1[anode->axis] = mins2[anode->axis] = anode->dist;
anode->children[0] = CreateAreaNode( tree, depth+1, maxdepth, mins2, maxs2 );
anode->children[1] = CreateAreaNode( tree, depth+1, maxdepth, mins1, maxs1 );
return anode;
} |