
374 lines
11 KiB

gl_frustum.cpp - frustum test implementation class
Copyright (C) 2014 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "hud.h"
#include "cl_util.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "ref_params.h"
#include "gl_local.h"
#include <mathlib.h>
#include <stringlib.h>
void CFrustum :: ClearFrustum( void )
memset( planes, 0, sizeof( planes ));
clipFlags = 0;
void CFrustum :: EnablePlane( int side )
ASSERT( side >= 0 && side < FRUSTUM_PLANES );
// make sure what plane is ready
if( planes[side].normal != g_vecZero )
SetBits( clipFlags, BIT( side ));
void CFrustum :: DisablePlane( int side )
ASSERT( side >= 0 && side < FRUSTUM_PLANES );
ClearBits( clipFlags, BIT( side ));
void CFrustum :: InitProjection( const matrix4x4 &view, float flZNear, float flZFar, float flFovX, float flFovY )
float xs, xc;
Vector normal;
// horizontal fov used for left and right planes
SinCos( DEG2RAD( flFovX ) * 0.5f, &xs, &xc );
// setup left plane
normal = view.GetForward() * xs + view.GetRight() * -xc;
SetPlane( FRUSTUM_LEFT, normal, DotProduct( view.GetOrigin(), normal ));
// setup right plane
normal = view.GetForward() * xs + view.GetRight() * xc;
SetPlane( FRUSTUM_RIGHT, normal, DotProduct( view.GetOrigin(), normal ));
// vertical fov used for top and bottom planes
SinCos( DEG2RAD( flFovY ) * 0.5f, &xs, &xc );
// setup bottom plane
normal = view.GetForward() * xs + view.GetUp() * -xc;
SetPlane( FRUSTUM_BOTTOM, normal, DotProduct( view.GetOrigin(), normal ));
// setup top plane
normal = view.GetForward() * xs + view.GetUp() * xc;
SetPlane( FRUSTUM_TOP, normal, DotProduct( view.GetOrigin(), normal ));
// setup far plane
SetPlane( FRUSTUM_FAR, -view.GetForward(), DotProduct( -view.GetForward(), ( view.GetOrigin() + view.GetForward() * flZFar )));
// no need to setup backplane for general view. It's only used for portals and mirrors
if( flZNear == 0.0f ) return;
// setup near plane
SetPlane( FRUSTUM_NEAR, view.GetForward(), DotProduct( view.GetForward(), ( view.GetOrigin() + view.GetForward() * flZNear )));
void CFrustum :: InitOrthogonal( const matrix4x4 &view, float xLeft, float xRight, float yBottom, float yTop, float flZNear, float flZFar )
// setup the near and far planes
float orgOffset = DotProduct( view.GetOrigin(), view.GetForward() );
SetPlane( FRUSTUM_FAR, -view.GetForward(), -flZNear - orgOffset );
SetPlane( FRUSTUM_NEAR, view.GetForward(), flZFar + orgOffset );
// setup left and right planes
orgOffset = DotProduct( view.GetOrigin(), view.GetRight() );
SetPlane( FRUSTUM_LEFT, view.GetRight(), xLeft + orgOffset );
SetPlane( FRUSTUM_RIGHT, -view.GetRight(), -xRight - orgOffset );
// setup top and buttom planes
orgOffset = DotProduct( view.GetOrigin(), view.GetUp() );
SetPlane( FRUSTUM_TOP, view.GetUp(), yTop + orgOffset );
SetPlane( FRUSTUM_BOTTOM, -view.GetUp(), -yBottom - orgOffset );
void CFrustum :: InitBoxFrustum( const Vector &org, float radius )
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
// setup normal for each direction
Vector normal = g_vecZero;
normal[((i >> 1) + 1) % 3] = (i & 1) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
SetPlane( i, normal, DotProduct( org, normal ) - radius );
void CFrustum :: InitProjectionFromMatrix( const matrix4x4 &projection )
// left
planes[FRUSTUM_LEFT].normal[0] = projection[0][3] + projection[0][0];
planes[FRUSTUM_LEFT].normal[1] = projection[1][3] + projection[1][0];
planes[FRUSTUM_LEFT].normal[2] = projection[2][3] + projection[2][0];
planes[FRUSTUM_LEFT].dist = -(projection[3][3] + projection[3][0]);
// right
planes[FRUSTUM_RIGHT].normal[0] = projection[0][3] - projection[0][0];
planes[FRUSTUM_RIGHT].normal[1] = projection[1][3] - projection[1][0];
planes[FRUSTUM_RIGHT].normal[2] = projection[2][3] - projection[2][0];
planes[FRUSTUM_RIGHT].dist = -(projection[3][3] - projection[3][0]);
// bottom
planes[FRUSTUM_BOTTOM].normal[0] = projection[0][3] + projection[0][1];
planes[FRUSTUM_BOTTOM].normal[1] = projection[1][3] + projection[1][1];
planes[FRUSTUM_BOTTOM].normal[2] = projection[2][3] + projection[2][1];
planes[FRUSTUM_BOTTOM].dist = -(projection[3][3] + projection[3][1]);
// top
planes[FRUSTUM_TOP].normal[0] = projection[0][3] - projection[0][1];
planes[FRUSTUM_TOP].normal[1] = projection[1][3] - projection[1][1];
planes[FRUSTUM_TOP].normal[2] = projection[2][3] - projection[2][1];
planes[FRUSTUM_TOP].dist = -(projection[3][3] - projection[3][1]);
// near
planes[FRUSTUM_NEAR].normal[0] = projection[0][3] + projection[0][2];
planes[FRUSTUM_NEAR].normal[1] = projection[1][3] + projection[1][2];
planes[FRUSTUM_NEAR].normal[2] = projection[2][3] + projection[2][2];
planes[FRUSTUM_NEAR].dist = -(projection[3][3] + projection[3][2]);
// far
planes[FRUSTUM_FAR].normal[0] = projection[0][3] - projection[0][2];
planes[FRUSTUM_FAR].normal[1] = projection[1][3] - projection[1][2];
planes[FRUSTUM_FAR].normal[2] = projection[2][3] - projection[2][2];
planes[FRUSTUM_FAR].dist = -(projection[3][3] - projection[3][2]);
for( int i = 0; i < FRUSTUM_PLANES; i++ )
NormalizePlane( i );
void CFrustum :: SetPlane( int side, const Vector &vecNormal, float flDist )
ASSERT( side >= 0 && side < FRUSTUM_PLANES );
planes[side].type = PlaneTypeForNormal( vecNormal );
planes[side].signbits = SignbitsForPlane( vecNormal );
planes[side].normal = vecNormal;
planes[side].dist = flDist;
clipFlags |= BIT( side );
void CFrustum :: NormalizePlane( int side )
ASSERT( side >= 0 && side < FRUSTUM_PLANES );
// normalize
float length = planes[side].normal.Length();
if( length )
float ilength = (1.0f / length);
planes[side].normal.x *= ilength;
planes[side].normal.y *= ilength;
planes[side].normal.z *= ilength;
planes[side].dist *= ilength;
planes[side].type = PlaneTypeForNormal( planes[side].normal );
planes[side].signbits = SignbitsForPlane( planes[side].normal );
clipFlags |= BIT( side );
void CFrustum :: ComputeFrustumCorners( Vector corners[8] )
memset( corners, 0, sizeof( Vector ) * 8 );
PlanesGetIntersectionPoint( &planes[FRUSTUM_LEFT], &planes[FRUSTUM_TOP], &planes[FRUSTUM_FAR], corners[0] );
PlanesGetIntersectionPoint( &planes[FRUSTUM_RIGHT], &planes[FRUSTUM_TOP], &planes[FRUSTUM_FAR], corners[1] );
PlanesGetIntersectionPoint( &planes[FRUSTUM_LEFT], &planes[FRUSTUM_BOTTOM], &planes[FRUSTUM_FAR], corners[2] );
PlanesGetIntersectionPoint( &planes[FRUSTUM_RIGHT], &planes[FRUSTUM_BOTTOM], &planes[FRUSTUM_FAR], corners[3] );
if( FBitSet( clipFlags, BIT( FRUSTUM_NEAR )))
PlanesGetIntersectionPoint( &planes[FRUSTUM_LEFT], &planes[FRUSTUM_TOP], &planes[FRUSTUM_NEAR], corners[4] );
PlanesGetIntersectionPoint( &planes[FRUSTUM_RIGHT], &planes[FRUSTUM_TOP], &planes[FRUSTUM_NEAR], corners[5] );
PlanesGetIntersectionPoint( &planes[FRUSTUM_LEFT], &planes[FRUSTUM_BOTTOM], &planes[FRUSTUM_NEAR], corners[6] );
PlanesGetIntersectionPoint( &planes[FRUSTUM_RIGHT], &planes[FRUSTUM_BOTTOM], &planes[FRUSTUM_NEAR], corners[7] );
PlanesGetIntersectionPoint( &planes[FRUSTUM_LEFT], &planes[FRUSTUM_RIGHT], &planes[FRUSTUM_TOP], corners[4] );
corners[7] = corners[6] = corners[5] = corners[4];
void CFrustum :: ComputeFrustumBounds( Vector &mins, Vector &maxs )
Vector corners[8];
ComputeFrustumCorners( corners );
ClearBounds( mins, maxs );
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
AddPointToBounds( corners[i], mins, maxs );
void CFrustum :: DrawFrustumDebug( void )
Vector bbox[8];
ComputeFrustumCorners( bbox );
// g-cont. frustum must be yellow :-)
pglColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
GL_BindTexture( GL_TEXTURE0, tr.whiteTexture );
pglBegin( GL_LINES );
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i += 1 )
pglVertex3fv( bbox[i+0] );
pglVertex3fv( bbox[i+2] );
pglVertex3fv( bbox[i+4] );
pglVertex3fv( bbox[i+6] );
pglVertex3fv( bbox[i+0] );
pglVertex3fv( bbox[i+4] );
pglVertex3fv( bbox[i+2] );
pglVertex3fv( bbox[i+6] );
pglVertex3fv( bbox[i*2+0] );
pglVertex3fv( bbox[i*2+1] );
pglVertex3fv( bbox[i*2+4] );
pglVertex3fv( bbox[i*2+5] );
bool CFrustum :: CullBox( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, int userClipFlags )
int iClipFlags;
if( CVAR_TO_BOOL( r_nocull ))
return false;
if( userClipFlags != 0 )
iClipFlags = userClipFlags;
else iClipFlags = clipFlags;
for( int i = 0; i < FRUSTUM_PLANES; i++ )
if( !FBitSet( iClipFlags, BIT( i )))
const mplane_t *p = &planes[i];
switch( p->signbits )
case 0:
if( p->normal.x * maxs.x + p->normal.y * maxs.y + p->normal.z * maxs.z < p->dist )
return true;
case 1:
if( p->normal.x * mins.x + p->normal.y * maxs.y + p->normal.z * maxs.z < p->dist )
return true;
case 2:
if( p->normal.x * maxs.x + p->normal.y * mins.y + p->normal.z * maxs.z < p->dist )
return true;
case 3:
if( p->normal.x * mins.x + p->normal.y * mins.y + p->normal.z * maxs.z < p->dist )
return true;
case 4:
if( p->normal.x * maxs.x + p->normal.y * maxs.y + p->normal.z * mins.z < p->dist )
return true;
case 5:
if( p->normal.x * mins.x + p->normal.y * maxs.y + p->normal.z * mins.z < p->dist )
return true;
case 6:
if( p->normal.x * maxs.x + p->normal.y * mins.y + p->normal.z * mins.z < p->dist )
return true;
case 7:
if( p->normal.x * mins.x + p->normal.y * mins.y + p->normal.z * mins.z < p->dist )
return true;
return false;
return false;
bool CFrustum :: CullSphere( const Vector &centre, float radius, int userClipFlags )
int iClipFlags;
if( CVAR_TO_BOOL( r_nocull ))
return false;
if( userClipFlags != 0 )
iClipFlags = userClipFlags;
else iClipFlags = clipFlags;
for( int i = 0; i < FRUSTUM_PLANES; i++ )
if( !FBitSet( iClipFlags, BIT( i )))
const mplane_t *p = &planes[i];
if( DotProduct( centre, p->normal ) - p->dist <= -radius )
return true;
return false;
// FIXME: could be optimize?
bool CFrustum :: CullFrustum( CFrustum *frustum, int userClipFlags )
int iClipFlags;
Vector bbox[8];
if( CVAR_TO_BOOL( r_nocull ))
return false;
if( userClipFlags != 0 )
iClipFlags = userClipFlags;
else iClipFlags = clipFlags;
frustum->ComputeFrustumCorners( bbox );
for( int i = 0; i < FRUSTUM_PLANES; i++ )
if( !FBitSet( iClipFlags, BIT( i )))
const mplane_t *p = &planes[i];
for( int j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
// at least one point of other frustum intersect with our frustum
if( DotProduct( bbox[j], p->normal ) - p->dist >= ON_EPSILON )
return false;
return true;