
2164 lines
76 KiB

gl_studio_init.cpp - loading studio models
Copyright (C) 2019 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "hud.h"
#include "cl_util.h"
#include "gl_local.h"
#include "com_model.h"
#include "r_studioint.h"
#include "pm_movevars.h"
#include "gl_studio.h"
#include "gl_sprite.h"
#include "event_api.h"
#include <mathlib.h>
#include "pm_defs.h"
#include "stringlib.h"
#include "triangleapi.h"
#include "entity_types.h"
#include "gl_shader.h"
#include "gl_world.h"
// Global engine <-> studio model rendering code interface
engine_studio_api_t IEngineStudio;
// the renderer object, created on the stack.
CStudioModelRenderer g_StudioRenderer;
// HUD_GetStudioModelInterface
// Export this function for the engine to use the studio renderer class to render objects.
extern "C" int DLLEXPORT HUD_GetStudioModelInterface( int version, struct r_studio_interface_s **ppinterface, struct engine_studio_api_s *pstudio )
return 0;
// Copy in engine helper functions
memcpy( &IEngineStudio, pstudio, sizeof( IEngineStudio ));
if( g_fRenderInitialized )
// Initialize local variables, etc.
// Success
return 1;
// Implementation of bone setup class
void CBaseBoneSetup :: debugMsg( char *szFmt, ... )
char buffer[2048]; // must support > 1k messages
va_list args;
if( developer_level <= DEV_NONE )
va_start( args, szFmt );
Q_vsnprintf( buffer, 2048, szFmt, args );
va_end( args );
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( buffer );
mstudioanim_t *CBaseBoneSetup :: GetAnimSourceData( mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc )
return g_StudioRenderer.StudioGetAnim( RI->currentmodel, pseqdesc );
void CBaseBoneSetup :: debugLine( const Vector& origin, const Vector& dest, int r, int g, int b, bool noDepthTest, float duration )
if( noDepthTest )
pglDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
pglColor3ub( r, g, b );
pglBegin( GL_LINES );
pglVertex3fv( origin );
pglVertex3fv( dest );
void CStudioModelRenderer :: Init( void )
// Set up some variables shared with engine
m_pCvarHiModels = IEngineStudio.GetCvar( "cl_himodels" );
m_pCvarDrawViewModel = IEngineStudio.GetCvar( "r_drawviewmodel" );
m_pCvarHand = CVAR_REGISTER( "cl_righthand", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
m_pCvarViewmodelFov = CVAR_REGISTER( "cl_viewmodel_fov", "60", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
m_pCvarHeadShieldFov = CVAR_REGISTER( "cl_headshield_fov", "63", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
m_pCvarLegsOffset = CVAR_REGISTER( "legs_offset", "20", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
m_pCvarDrawLegs = CVAR_REGISTER( "r_drawlegs", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
m_pCvarCompatible = CVAR_REGISTER( "r_studio_compatible", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
m_pCvarLodScale = CVAR_REGISTER( "cl_lod_scale", "5.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
m_pCvarLodBias = CVAR_REGISTER( "cl_lod_bias", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
void CStudioModelRenderer :: VidInit( void )
// tell the engine what models is used
m_pPlayerLegsModel = IEngineStudio.Mod_ForName( "models/player_legs.mdl", false );
CStudioModelRenderer :: CStudioModelRenderer( void )
m_pCurrentMaterial = NULL;
m_pCvarHiModels = NULL;
m_pCvarDrawViewModel= NULL;
m_pCvarHand = NULL;
m_pStudioHeader = NULL;
m_pVboModel = NULL;
m_pSubModel = NULL;
m_pModelInstance = NULL;
CStudioModelRenderer :: ~CStudioModelRenderer( void )
Prepare all the pointers for
working with current entity
bool CStudioModelRenderer :: StudioSetEntity( cl_entity_t *pEnt )
if( !pEnt || !pEnt->model || pEnt->model->type != mod_studio )
return false;
RI->currententity = pEnt;
SET_CURRENT_ENTITY( RI->currententity );
if( m_iDrawModelType == DRAWSTUDIO_NORMAL && ( RI->currententity->player || RI->currententity->curstate.renderfx == kRenderFxDeadPlayer ))
int iPlayerIndex;
if( RP_NORMALPASS() && RP_LOCALCLIENT( RI->currententity ) && !FBitSet( RI->params, RP_THIRDPERSON ))
if( !CVAR_TO_BOOL( m_pCvarDrawLegs ) || !m_pPlayerLegsModel )
return false;
// do simple cull for player legs
if( FBitSet( gHUD.m_iKeyBits, IN_DUCK ) && RI->view.angles[PITCH] <= 30.0f )
return false;
else if( !FBitSet( gHUD.m_iKeyBits, IN_DUCK ) && RI->view.angles[PITCH] <= 50.0f )
return false;
RI->currentmodel = m_pPlayerLegsModel;
if( RI->currententity->curstate.renderfx == kRenderFxDeadPlayer )
iPlayerIndex = RI->currententity->curstate.renderamt - 1;
else iPlayerIndex = RI->currententity->curstate.number - 1;
if( iPlayerIndex < 0 || iPlayerIndex >= GET_MAX_CLIENTS( ))
return false;
RI->currentmodel = IEngineStudio.SetupPlayerModel( iPlayerIndex );
// show highest resolution multiplayer model
if( CVAR_TO_BOOL( m_pCvarHiModels ) && RI->currentmodel != RI->currententity->model )
RI->currententity->curstate.body = 255;
if( !( !developer_level && GET_MAX_CLIENTS() == 1 ) && ( RI->currentmodel == RI->currententity->model ))
RI->currententity->curstate.body = 1; // force helmet
RI->currentmodel = RI->currententity->model;
if( RI->currentmodel == NULL )
return false;
m_pStudioHeader = (studiohdr_t *)IEngineStudio.Mod_Extradata( RI->currentmodel );
// downloading in-progress ?
if( m_pStudioHeader == NULL )
return false;
// tell the engine about model
IEngineStudio.StudioSetHeader( m_pStudioHeader );
IEngineStudio.SetRenderModel( RI->currentmodel );
if( !StudioSetupInstance( ))
ALERT( at_error, "Couldn't create instance for entity %d\n", pEnt->index );
return false; // out of memory ?
// all done
return true;
// Fast version without data reconstruction or changing
bool CStudioModelRenderer :: StudioSetEntity( CSolidEntry *entry )
studiohdr_t *phdr;
if( !entry || entry->m_bDrawType != DRAWTYPE_MESH )
return false;
if( !entry->m_pParentEntity || !entry->m_pRenderModel )
return false; // bad entry?
if( entry->m_pParentEntity->modelhandle == INVALID_HANDLE )
return false; // not initialized?
if(( phdr = (studiohdr_t *)IEngineStudio.Mod_Extradata( entry->m_pRenderModel )) == NULL )
return false; // no model?
RI->currentmodel = entry->m_pRenderModel;
RI->currententity = entry->m_pParentEntity;
m_pModelInstance = &m_ModelInstances[entry->m_pParentEntity->modelhandle];
m_pStudioHeader = phdr;
return true;
bool CStudioModelRenderer :: StudioSetupInstance( void )
// first call ?
if( RI->currententity->modelhandle == INVALID_HANDLE )
RI->currententity->modelhandle = m_ModelInstances.AddToTail();
if( RI->currententity->modelhandle == INVALID_HANDLE )
return false; // out of memory ?
m_pModelInstance = &m_ModelInstances[RI->currententity->modelhandle];
ClearInstanceData( true );
m_pModelInstance = &m_ModelInstances[RI->currententity->modelhandle];
// model has been changed or something like
if( !IsModelInstanceValid( m_pModelInstance ))
ClearInstanceData( false );
m_boneSetup.SetStudioPointers( m_pStudioHeader, m_pModelInstance->m_poseparameter );
return true;
// It's not valid if the model index changed + we have non-zero instance data
bool CStudioModelRenderer :: IsModelInstanceValid( ModelInstance_t *inst )
const model_t *pModel;
if( m_iDrawModelType == DRAWSTUDIO_NORMAL && ( inst->m_pEntity->player || RI->currententity->curstate.renderfx == kRenderFxDeadPlayer ))
if( RI->currententity->curstate.renderfx == kRenderFxDeadPlayer )
pModel = IEngineStudio.SetupPlayerModel( inst->m_pEntity->curstate.renderamt - 1 );
else pModel = IEngineStudio.SetupPlayerModel( inst->m_pEntity->curstate.number - 1 );
pModel = inst->m_pEntity->model;
return inst->m_pModel == pModel;
void CStudioModelRenderer :: DeleteVBOMesh( vbomesh_t *pMesh )
// purge all GPU data
if( pMesh->vao ) pglDeleteVertexArrays( 1, &pMesh->vao );
if( pMesh->vbo ) pglDeleteBuffersARB( 1, &pMesh->vbo );
if( pMesh->ibo ) pglDeleteBuffersARB( 1, &pMesh->ibo );
tr.total_vbo_memory -= pMesh->cacheSize;
pMesh->cacheSize = 0;
void CStudioModelRenderer :: DeleteStudioCache( mstudiocache_t **ppstudiocache )
ASSERT( ppstudiocache != NULL );
mstudiocache_t *pstudiocache = *ppstudiocache;
if( !pstudiocache ) return;
for( int i = 0; i < pstudiocache->numbodyparts; i++ )
mbodypart_t *pBodyPart = &pstudiocache->bodyparts[i];
for( int j = 0; j < pBodyPart->nummodels; j++ )
msubmodel_t *pSubModel = pBodyPart->models[j];
if( !pSubModel || pSubModel->nummesh <= 0 )
continue; // blank submodel
for( int k = 0; k < pSubModel->nummesh; k++ )
vbomesh_t *pMesh = &pSubModel->meshes[k];
DeleteVBOMesh( pMesh );
if( pstudiocache != NULL )
Mem_Free( pstudiocache );
*ppstudiocache = NULL;
void CStudioModelRenderer :: DestroyMeshCache( void )
FreeStudioMaterials ();
DeleteStudioCache( &RI->currentmodel->studiocache );
if( RI->currentmodel->poseToBone != NULL )
Mem_Free( RI->currentmodel->poseToBone );
RI->currentmodel->poseToBone = NULL;
void CStudioModelRenderer :: DestroyInstance( word handle )
if( !m_ModelInstances.IsValidIndex( handle ))
ModelInstance_t *inst = &m_ModelInstances[handle];
PurgeDecals( inst );
if( inst->materials != NULL )
Mem_Free( inst->materials );
inst->materials = NULL;
if( inst->m_pJiggleBones != NULL )
delete inst->m_pJiggleBones;
inst->m_pJiggleBones = NULL;
m_ModelInstances.Remove( handle );
void CStudioModelRenderer :: DestroyAllModelInstances( void )
// if caused by Host_Error during draw the viewmodel or gasmask
m_fShootDecal = false;
// NOTE: should destroy in reverse-order because it's linked list not array!
for( int i = m_ModelInstances.Count(); --i >= 0; )
DestroyInstance( i );
void CStudioModelRenderer :: UpdateInstanceMaterials( void )
ASSERT( m_pStudioHeader != NULL );
ASSERT( m_pModelInstance != NULL );
// model was changed, so we need to realloc materials
if( m_pModelInstance->materials != NULL )
Mem_Free( m_pModelInstance->materials );
// create a local copy of all the model material for cache uber-shaders
m_pModelInstance->materials = (mstudiomaterial_t *)Mem_Alloc( sizeof( mstudiomaterial_t ) * m_pStudioHeader->numtextures );
memcpy( m_pModelInstance->materials, RI->currentmodel->materials, sizeof( mstudiomaterial_t ) * m_pStudioHeader->numtextures );
// invalidate sequences when a new instance was created
for( int i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numtextures; i++ )
void CStudioModelRenderer :: ClearInstanceData( bool create )
if( create )
m_pModelInstance->m_pJiggleBones = NULL;
m_pModelInstance->materials = NULL;
if( m_pModelInstance->m_pJiggleBones != NULL )
delete m_pModelInstance->m_pJiggleBones;
m_pModelInstance->m_pJiggleBones = NULL;
PurgeDecals( m_pModelInstance );
m_pModelInstance->m_pEntity = RI->currententity;
m_pModelInstance->m_pModel = RI->currentmodel;
m_pModelInstance->m_VlCache = NULL;
m_pModelInstance->m_FlCache = NULL;
m_pModelInstance->m_DecalCount = 0;
m_pModelInstance->cached_frame = -1;
m_pModelInstance->visframe = -1;
m_pModelInstance->radius = 0.0f;
m_pModelInstance->info_flags = 0;
m_pModelInstance->lerpFactor = 0.0f;
m_pModelInstance->cubemap[0] = &world->defaultCubemap;
m_pModelInstance->cubemap[1] = &world->defaultCubemap;
ClearBounds( m_pModelInstance->absmin, m_pModelInstance->absmax );
memset( &m_pModelInstance->bonecache, 0, sizeof( BoneCache_t ));
memset( m_pModelInstance->m_protationmatrix, 0, sizeof( matrix3x4 ));
memset( m_pModelInstance->m_pbones, 0, sizeof( matrix3x4 ) * MAXSTUDIOBONES );
memset( m_pModelInstance->m_pwpnbones, 0, sizeof( matrix3x4 ) * MAXSTUDIOBONES );
memset( m_pModelInstance->attachment, 0, sizeof( StudioAttachment_t ) * MAXSTUDIOATTACHMENTS );
memset( m_pModelInstance->m_glstudiobones, 0, sizeof( Vector4D ) * MAXSTUDIOBONES * 3 );
memset( m_pModelInstance->m_glweaponbones, 0, sizeof( Vector4D ) * MAXSTUDIOBONES * 3 );
memset( m_pModelInstance->m_studioquat, 0, sizeof( Vector4D ) * MAXSTUDIOBONES );
memset( m_pModelInstance->m_studiopos, 0, sizeof( Vector ) * MAXSTUDIOBONES );
memset( m_pModelInstance->m_weaponquat, 0, sizeof( Vector4D ) * MAXSTUDIOBONES );
memset( m_pModelInstance->m_weaponpos, 0, sizeof( Vector ) * MAXSTUDIOBONES );
memset( &m_pModelInstance->lerp, 0, sizeof( mstudiolerp_t ));
memset( &m_pModelInstance->light, 0, sizeof( mstudiolight_t ));
memset( &m_pModelInstance->oldlight, 0, sizeof( mstudiolight_t ));
memset( &m_pModelInstance->newlight, 0, sizeof( mstudiolight_t ));
memset( &m_pModelInstance->lights, 255, sizeof( byte[MAXDYNLIGHTS] ));
memset( &m_pModelInstance->m_controller, 0, sizeof( m_pModelInstance->m_controller ));
memset( &m_pModelInstance->m_seqblend, 0, sizeof( m_pModelInstance->m_seqblend ));
m_pModelInstance->lerp.stairoldz = RI->currententity->origin[2];
m_pModelInstance->lerp.stairtime = tr.time;
m_pModelInstance->m_current_seqblend = 0;
m_pModelInstance->light_update = false;
m_pModelInstance->lighttimecheck = 0.0f;
m_boneSetup.SetStudioPointers( m_pStudioHeader, m_pModelInstance->m_poseparameter );
// set poseparam sliders to their default values
m_boneSetup.CalcDefaultPoseParameters( m_pModelInstance->m_poseparameter );
// refresh the materials list
// copy attachments names
mstudioattachment_t *pattachment = (mstudioattachment_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->attachmentindex);
StudioAttachment_t *att = m_pModelInstance->attachment;
// setup attachment names
for( int i = 0; i < Q_min( MAXSTUDIOATTACHMENTS, m_pStudioHeader->numattachments ); i++ )
Q_strncpy( att[i].name, pattachment[i].name, sizeof( att[0].name ));
att[i].local.SetOrigin( pattachment[i].org );
if( !Q_strnicmp( att[i].name, "LightProbe.", 11 ))
SetBits( m_pModelInstance->info_flags, MF_CUSTOM_LIGHTGRID );
m_pModelInstance->numattachments = m_pStudioHeader->numattachments;
for( int map = 0; map < MAXLIGHTMAPS; map++ )
m_pModelInstance->styles[map] = 255;
void CStudioModelRenderer :: PrecacheStudioShaders( void )
bool bone_weights = FBitSet( m_pStudioHeader->flags, STUDIO_HAS_BONEWEIGHTS ) ? true : false;
mstudiomaterial_t *pmaterial = (mstudiomaterial_t *)RI->currentmodel->materials;
// this function is called when loading vertexlight cache, so we guessed what vertex light is active
for( int i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numtextures; i++, pmaterial++ )
ShaderSceneForward( pmaterial, true, bone_weights, m_pStudioHeader->numbones );
#include "material.h"
void CStudioModelRenderer :: LoadStudioMaterials( void )
// first we need alloc copy of all the materials to prevent modify mstudiotexture_t
RI->currentmodel->materials = (mstudiomaterial_t *)Mem_Alloc( sizeof( mstudiomaterial_t ) * m_pStudioHeader->numtextures );
bool bone_weights = FBitSet( m_pStudioHeader->flags, STUDIO_HAS_BONEWEIGHTS ) ? true : false;
mstudiotexture_t *ptexture = (mstudiotexture_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->textureindex);
char diffuse[128], bumpmap[128], glossmap[128], glowmap[128], heightmap[128];
mstudiomaterial_t *pmaterial = (mstudiomaterial_t *)RI->currentmodel->materials;
char texname[128], matname[64], mdlname[64];
COM_FileBase( RI->currentmodel->name, mdlname );
// loading studio materials from studio textures
for( int i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numtextures; i++, ptexture++, pmaterial++ )
COM_FileBase( ptexture->name, texname );
// build material names
Q_snprintf( matname, sizeof( matname ), "%s/%s", mdlname, texname ); // material description
// setup material constants
matdesc_t *desc = CL_FindMaterial( matname );
#if 0
if( Q_strlen( desc->diffusemap ) && !IMAGE_EXISTS( desc->diffusemap ))
Msg( "need: %s\n", desc->diffusemap );
if( Q_strlen( desc->diffusemap ) && IMAGE_EXISTS( desc->diffusemap ))
Q_strncpy( diffuse, desc->diffusemap, sizeof( diffuse ));
else Q_snprintf( diffuse, sizeof( diffuse ), "textures/%s/%s", mdlname, texname );
if( Q_strlen( desc->normalmap ) && IMAGE_EXISTS( desc->normalmap ))
Q_strncpy( bumpmap, desc->normalmap, sizeof( bumpmap ));
else Q_snprintf( bumpmap, sizeof( bumpmap ), "textures/%s/%s_norm", mdlname, texname );
if( Q_strlen( desc->glossmap ) && IMAGE_EXISTS( desc->glossmap ))
Q_strncpy( glossmap, desc->glossmap, sizeof( glossmap ));
else Q_snprintf( glossmap, sizeof( glossmap ), "textures/%s/%s_gloss", mdlname, texname );
Q_snprintf( glowmap, sizeof( glowmap ), "textures/%s/%s_luma", mdlname, texname );
Q_snprintf( heightmap, sizeof( heightmap ), "textures/%s/%s_hmap", mdlname, texname );
#if 0
Msg( "\"%s\"\n", matname );
Msg( "{\n" );
Msg( "\t\"diffuseMap\"\t\"%s\"\n", diffuse );
Msg( "\t\"normalMap\"\t\"%s\"\n", bumpmap );
Msg( "\t\"glossMap\"\t\"%s\"\n", glossmap );
Msg( "\t\"material\"\t\"%s\"\n", desc->effects->name );
Msg( "}\n\n" );
pmaterial->pSource = ptexture;
pmaterial->flags = ptexture->flags;
if( IMAGE_EXISTS( diffuse ))
pmaterial->gl_diffuse_id = LOAD_TEXTURE( diffuse, NULL, 0, 0 );
// semi-transparent textures must have additive flag to invoke renderer insert supposed mesh into translist
if( FBitSet( pmaterial->flags, STUDIO_NF_ADDITIVE ))
if( RENDER_GET_PARM( PARM_TEX_FLAGS, pmaterial->gl_diffuse_id ) & TF_HAS_ALPHA )
SetBits( pmaterial->flags, STUDIO_NF_HAS_ALPHA );
if( FBitSet( pmaterial->flags, STUDIO_NF_MASKED ))
SetBits( pmaterial->flags, STUDIO_NF_HAS_ALPHA );
if( pmaterial->gl_diffuse_id != 0 )
// so engine can be draw HQ image for gl_renderer 0
if( ptexture->index != tr.defaultTexture )
FREE_TEXTURE( ptexture->index );
ptexture->index = pmaterial->gl_diffuse_id;
// reuse original texture
pmaterial->gl_diffuse_id = ptexture->index;
if( IMAGE_EXISTS( bumpmap ))
pmaterial->gl_normalmap_id = LOAD_TEXTURE( bumpmap, NULL, 0, TF_NORMALMAP );
if( pmaterial->gl_normalmap_id > 0 )
SetBits( pmaterial->flags, STUDIO_NF_NORMALMAP );
// try alternate suffix
Q_snprintf( bumpmap, sizeof( bumpmap ), "textures/%s/%s_local", mdlname, texname );
if( IMAGE_EXISTS( bumpmap ))
pmaterial->gl_normalmap_id = LOAD_TEXTURE( bumpmap, NULL, 0, TF_NORMALMAP );
else pmaterial->gl_normalmap_id = tr.normalmapTexture; // blank bumpy
if( IMAGE_EXISTS( glossmap ))
pmaterial->gl_specular_id = LOAD_TEXTURE( glossmap, NULL, 0, 0 );
// try alternate suffix
Q_snprintf( glossmap, sizeof( glossmap ), "textures/%s/%s_gloss", mdlname, texname );
if( IMAGE_EXISTS( glossmap ))
pmaterial->gl_specular_id = LOAD_TEXTURE( glossmap, NULL, 0, 0 );
else pmaterial->gl_specular_id = tr.blackTexture;
if( IMAGE_EXISTS( glowmap ))
pmaterial->gl_glowmap_id = LOAD_TEXTURE( glowmap, NULL, 0, 0 );
else pmaterial->gl_glowmap_id = tr.blackTexture;
if( IMAGE_EXISTS( heightmap ))
pmaterial->gl_heightmap_id = LOAD_TEXTURE( heightmap, NULL, 0, 0 );
// try alternate suffix
Q_snprintf( heightmap, sizeof( heightmap ), "textures/%s/%s_bump", mdlname, texname );
if( IMAGE_EXISTS( heightmap ))
pmaterial->gl_heightmap_id = LOAD_TEXTURE( heightmap, NULL, 0, 0 );
else pmaterial->gl_heightmap_id = tr.blackTexture;
// current model has bumpmapping effect
if( pmaterial->gl_normalmap_id > 0 && pmaterial->gl_normalmap_id != tr.normalmapTexture )
SetBits( m_pStudioHeader->flags, STUDIO_HAS_BUMP );
if( pmaterial->gl_specular_id != tr.blackTexture )
SetBits( pmaterial->flags, STUDIO_NF_GLOSSMAP );
if( pmaterial->gl_glowmap_id != tr.blackTexture )
SetBits( pmaterial->flags, STUDIO_NF_LUMA );
if( pmaterial->gl_heightmap_id != tr.blackTexture )
SetBits( pmaterial->flags, STUDIO_NF_HEIGHTMAP );
pmaterial->gl_detailmap_id = desc->dt_texturenum;
pmaterial->smoothness = desc->smoothness;
pmaterial->detailScale[0] = desc->detailScale[0];
pmaterial->detailScale[1] = desc->detailScale[1];
pmaterial->reflectScale = desc->reflectScale;
pmaterial->refractScale = desc->refractScale;
pmaterial->aberrationScale = desc->aberrationScale;
pmaterial->reliefScale = desc->reliefScale;
pmaterial->effects = desc->effects;
if( pmaterial->smoothness <= 0.0f ) // don't waste time
ClearBits( pmaterial->flags, STUDIO_NF_GLOSSMAP );
if( pmaterial->gl_detailmap_id > 0 && pmaterial->gl_detailmap_id != tr.grayTexture )
SetBits( pmaterial->flags, STUDIO_NF_HAS_DETAIL );
// time to precache shaders
ShaderSceneForward( pmaterial, false, bone_weights, m_pStudioHeader->numbones );
ShaderLightForward( &tr.defaultlightSpot, pmaterial, bone_weights, m_pStudioHeader->numbones );
ShaderLightForward( &tr.defaultlightOmni, pmaterial, bone_weights, m_pStudioHeader->numbones );
ShaderLightForward( &tr.defaultlightProj, pmaterial, bone_weights, m_pStudioHeader->numbones );
pmaterial->forwardScene.Invalidate(); // don't keep shadernum
void CStudioModelRenderer :: FreeStudioMaterials( void )
if( !RI->currentmodel->materials ) return;
mstudiomaterial_t *pmaterial = (mstudiomaterial_t *)RI->currentmodel->materials;
// release textures for current model
for( int i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numtextures; i++, pmaterial++ )
if( pmaterial->pSource->index != pmaterial->gl_diffuse_id )
FREE_TEXTURE( pmaterial->gl_diffuse_id );
if( pmaterial->gl_normalmap_id != tr.normalmapTexture )
FREE_TEXTURE( pmaterial->gl_normalmap_id );
if( pmaterial->gl_specular_id != tr.blackTexture )
FREE_TEXTURE( pmaterial->gl_specular_id );
if( pmaterial->gl_glowmap_id != tr.blackTexture )
FREE_TEXTURE( pmaterial->gl_glowmap_id );
Mem_Free( RI->currentmodel->materials );
RI->currentmodel->materials = NULL;
void CStudioModelRenderer :: LoadLocalMatrix( int bone, mstudioboneinfo_t *boneinfo )
mposetobone_t *m = RI->currentmodel->poseToBone;
// transform Valve matrix to Xash matrix
m->posetobone[bone][0][0] = boneinfo->poseToBone[0][0];
m->posetobone[bone][0][1] = boneinfo->poseToBone[1][0];
m->posetobone[bone][0][2] = boneinfo->poseToBone[2][0];
m->posetobone[bone][1][0] = boneinfo->poseToBone[0][1];
m->posetobone[bone][1][1] = boneinfo->poseToBone[1][1];
m->posetobone[bone][1][2] = boneinfo->poseToBone[2][1];
m->posetobone[bone][2][0] = boneinfo->poseToBone[0][2];
m->posetobone[bone][2][1] = boneinfo->poseToBone[1][2];
m->posetobone[bone][2][2] = boneinfo->poseToBone[2][2];
m->posetobone[bone][3][0] = boneinfo->poseToBone[0][3];
m->posetobone[bone][3][1] = boneinfo->poseToBone[1][3];
m->posetobone[bone][3][2] = boneinfo->poseToBone[2][3];
void CStudioModelRenderer :: ComputeSkinMatrix( mstudioboneweight_t *boneweights, const matrix3x4 worldtransform[], matrix3x4 &result )
float flWeight0, flWeight1, flWeight2, flWeight3;
int numbones = 0;
float flTotal;
for( int i = 0; i < MAXSTUDIOBONEWEIGHTS; i++ )
if( boneweights->bone[i] != -1 )
if( numbones == 4 )
const matrix3x4 &boneMat0 = worldtransform[boneweights->bone[0]];
const matrix3x4 &boneMat1 = worldtransform[boneweights->bone[1]];
const matrix3x4 &boneMat2 = worldtransform[boneweights->bone[2]];
const matrix3x4 &boneMat3 = worldtransform[boneweights->bone[3]];
flWeight0 = boneweights->weight[0] / 255.0f;
flWeight1 = boneweights->weight[1] / 255.0f;
flWeight2 = boneweights->weight[2] / 255.0f;
flWeight3 = boneweights->weight[3] / 255.0f;
flTotal = flWeight0 + flWeight1 + flWeight2 + flWeight3;
if( flTotal < 1.0f ) flWeight0 += 1.0f - flTotal; // compensate rounding error
result[0][0] = boneMat0[0][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][0] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[0][0] * flWeight3;
result[0][1] = boneMat0[0][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][1] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[0][1] * flWeight3;
result[0][2] = boneMat0[0][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][2] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[0][2] * flWeight3;
result[1][0] = boneMat0[1][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][0] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[1][0] * flWeight3;
result[1][1] = boneMat0[1][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][1] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[1][1] * flWeight3;
result[1][2] = boneMat0[1][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][2] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[1][2] * flWeight3;
result[2][0] = boneMat0[2][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][0] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[2][0] * flWeight3;
result[2][1] = boneMat0[2][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][1] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[2][1] * flWeight3;
result[2][2] = boneMat0[2][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][2] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[2][2] * flWeight3;
result[3][0] = boneMat0[3][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[3][0] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[3][0] * flWeight3;
result[3][1] = boneMat0[3][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[3][1] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[3][1] * flWeight3;
result[3][2] = boneMat0[3][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[3][2] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[3][2] * flWeight3;
else if( numbones == 3 )
const matrix3x4 &boneMat0 = worldtransform[boneweights->bone[0]];
const matrix3x4 &boneMat1 = worldtransform[boneweights->bone[1]];
const matrix3x4 &boneMat2 = worldtransform[boneweights->bone[2]];
flWeight0 = boneweights->weight[0] / 255.0f;
flWeight1 = boneweights->weight[1] / 255.0f;
flWeight2 = boneweights->weight[2] / 255.0f;
flTotal = flWeight0 + flWeight1 + flWeight2;
if( flTotal < 1.0f ) flWeight0 += 1.0f - flTotal; // compensate rounding error
result[0][0] = boneMat0[0][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][0] * flWeight2;
result[0][1] = boneMat0[0][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][1] * flWeight2;
result[0][2] = boneMat0[0][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][2] * flWeight2;
result[1][0] = boneMat0[1][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][0] * flWeight2;
result[1][1] = boneMat0[1][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][1] * flWeight2;
result[1][2] = boneMat0[1][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][2] * flWeight2;
result[2][0] = boneMat0[2][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][0] * flWeight2;
result[2][1] = boneMat0[2][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][1] * flWeight2;
result[2][2] = boneMat0[2][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][2] * flWeight2;
result[3][0] = boneMat0[3][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[3][0] * flWeight2;
result[3][1] = boneMat0[3][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[3][1] * flWeight2;
result[3][2] = boneMat0[3][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[3][2] * flWeight2;
else if( numbones == 2 )
const matrix3x4 &boneMat0 = worldtransform[boneweights->bone[0]];
const matrix3x4 &boneMat1 = worldtransform[boneweights->bone[1]];
flWeight0 = boneweights->weight[0] / 255.0f;
flWeight1 = boneweights->weight[1] / 255.0f;
flTotal = flWeight0 + flWeight1;
if( flTotal < 1.0f ) flWeight0 += 1.0f - flTotal; // compensate rounding error
// NOTE: Inlining here seems to make a fair amount of difference
result[0][0] = boneMat0[0][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][0] * flWeight1;
result[0][1] = boneMat0[0][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][1] * flWeight1;
result[0][2] = boneMat0[0][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][2] * flWeight1;
result[1][0] = boneMat0[1][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][0] * flWeight1;
result[1][1] = boneMat0[1][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][1] * flWeight1;
result[1][2] = boneMat0[1][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][2] * flWeight1;
result[2][0] = boneMat0[2][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][0] * flWeight1;
result[2][1] = boneMat0[2][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][1] * flWeight1;
result[2][2] = boneMat0[2][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][2] * flWeight1;
result[3][0] = boneMat0[3][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][0] * flWeight1;
result[3][1] = boneMat0[3][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][1] * flWeight1;
result[3][2] = boneMat0[3][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][2] * flWeight1;
result = worldtransform[boneweights->bone[0]];
void CStudioModelRenderer :: ComputeSkinMatrix( svert_t *vertex, const matrix3x4 worldtransform[], matrix3x4 &result )
float flWeight0, flWeight1, flWeight2, flWeight3;
int numbones = 0;
float flTotal;
for( int i = 0; i < MAXSTUDIOBONEWEIGHTS; i++ )
if( vertex->boneid[i] != -1 )
if( numbones == 4 )
const matrix3x4 &boneMat0 = worldtransform[vertex->boneid[0]];
const matrix3x4 &boneMat1 = worldtransform[vertex->boneid[1]];
const matrix3x4 &boneMat2 = worldtransform[vertex->boneid[2]];
const matrix3x4 &boneMat3 = worldtransform[vertex->boneid[3]];
flWeight0 = vertex->weight[0] / 255.0f;
flWeight1 = vertex->weight[1] / 255.0f;
flWeight2 = vertex->weight[2] / 255.0f;
flWeight3 = vertex->weight[3] / 255.0f;
flTotal = flWeight0 + flWeight1 + flWeight2 + flWeight3;
if( flTotal < 1.0f ) flWeight0 += 1.0f - flTotal; // compensate rounding error
result[0][0] = boneMat0[0][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][0] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[0][0] * flWeight3;
result[0][1] = boneMat0[0][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][1] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[0][1] * flWeight3;
result[0][2] = boneMat0[0][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][2] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[0][2] * flWeight3;
result[1][0] = boneMat0[1][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][0] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[1][0] * flWeight3;
result[1][1] = boneMat0[1][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][1] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[1][1] * flWeight3;
result[1][2] = boneMat0[1][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][2] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[1][2] * flWeight3;
result[2][0] = boneMat0[2][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][0] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[2][0] * flWeight3;
result[2][1] = boneMat0[2][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][1] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[2][1] * flWeight3;
result[2][2] = boneMat0[2][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][2] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[2][2] * flWeight3;
result[3][0] = boneMat0[3][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[3][0] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[3][0] * flWeight3;
result[3][1] = boneMat0[3][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[3][1] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[3][1] * flWeight3;
result[3][2] = boneMat0[3][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[3][2] * flWeight2 + boneMat3[3][2] * flWeight3;
else if( numbones == 3 )
const matrix3x4 &boneMat0 = worldtransform[vertex->boneid[0]];
const matrix3x4 &boneMat1 = worldtransform[vertex->boneid[1]];
const matrix3x4 &boneMat2 = worldtransform[vertex->boneid[2]];
flWeight0 = vertex->weight[0] / 255.0f;
flWeight1 = vertex->weight[1] / 255.0f;
flWeight2 = vertex->weight[2] / 255.0f;
flTotal = flWeight0 + flWeight1 + flWeight2;
if( flTotal < 1.0f ) flWeight0 += 1.0f - flTotal; // compensate rounding error
result[0][0] = boneMat0[0][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][0] * flWeight2;
result[0][1] = boneMat0[0][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][1] * flWeight2;
result[0][2] = boneMat0[0][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][2] * flWeight2;
result[1][0] = boneMat0[1][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][0] * flWeight2;
result[1][1] = boneMat0[1][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][1] * flWeight2;
result[1][2] = boneMat0[1][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][2] * flWeight2;
result[2][0] = boneMat0[2][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][0] * flWeight2;
result[2][1] = boneMat0[2][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][1] * flWeight2;
result[2][2] = boneMat0[2][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][2] * flWeight2;
result[3][0] = boneMat0[3][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[3][0] * flWeight2;
result[3][1] = boneMat0[3][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[3][1] * flWeight2;
result[3][2] = boneMat0[3][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[3][2] * flWeight2;
else if( numbones == 2 )
const matrix3x4 &boneMat0 = worldtransform[vertex->boneid[0]];
const matrix3x4 &boneMat1 = worldtransform[vertex->boneid[1]];
flWeight0 = vertex->weight[0] / 255.0f;
flWeight1 = vertex->weight[1] / 255.0f;
flTotal = flWeight0 + flWeight1;
if( flTotal < 1.0f ) flWeight0 += 1.0f - flTotal; // compensate rounding error
// NOTE: Inlining here seems to make a fair amount of difference
result[0][0] = boneMat0[0][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][0] * flWeight1;
result[0][1] = boneMat0[0][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][1] * flWeight1;
result[0][2] = boneMat0[0][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][2] * flWeight1;
result[1][0] = boneMat0[1][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][0] * flWeight1;
result[1][1] = boneMat0[1][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][1] * flWeight1;
result[1][2] = boneMat0[1][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][2] * flWeight1;
result[2][0] = boneMat0[2][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][0] * flWeight1;
result[2][1] = boneMat0[2][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][1] * flWeight1;
result[2][2] = boneMat0[2][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][2] * flWeight1;
result[3][0] = boneMat0[3][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][0] * flWeight1;
result[3][1] = boneMat0[3][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][1] * flWeight1;
result[3][2] = boneMat0[3][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[3][2] * flWeight1;
result = worldtransform[vertex->boneid[0]];
bool CStudioModelRenderer :: StudioSaveTBN( void )
char szFilename[MAX_PATH];
char szModelname[MAX_PATH];
Q_strncpy( szModelname, RI->currentmodel->name + Q_strlen( "models/" ), sizeof( szModelname ));
COM_StripExtension( szModelname );
Q_snprintf( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ), "cache/%s.tbn", szModelname );
size_t tbn_size = sizeof( dmodeltbn_t ) + (m_tbnverts->numverts - 1) * sizeof( dvertmatrix_t );
if( SAVE_FILE( szFilename, m_tbnverts, tbn_size ))
return true;
ALERT( at_error, "StudioSaveCache: couldn't store %s\n", szFilename );
return false;
bool CStudioModelRenderer :: StudioLoadTBN( void )
char szFilename[MAX_PATH];
char szModelname[MAX_PATH];
int length, iCompare;
Q_strncpy( szModelname, RI->currentmodel->name + Q_strlen( "models/" ), sizeof( szModelname ));
COM_StripExtension( szModelname );
Q_snprintf( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ), "cache/%s.tbn", szModelname );
if( COMPARE_FILE_TIME( RI->currentmodel->name, szFilename, &iCompare ))
// MDL file is newer.
if( iCompare > 0 )
return false;
return false;
byte *aMemFile = LOAD_FILE( szFilename, &length );
if( !aMemFile ) return false;
// TBN is a footprint
m_tbnverts = (dmodeltbn_t *)aMemFile;
if( m_tbnverts->ident != IDTBNHEADER )
ALERT( at_warning, "%s has wrong id (%x should be %x)\n", szFilename, m_tbnverts->ident, IDTBNHEADER );
FREE_FILE( aMemFile );
m_tbnverts = NULL;
return false;
if( m_tbnverts->version != TBN_VERSION )
ALERT( at_warning, "%s has wrong version (%i should be %i)\n", szFilename, m_tbnverts->version, TBN_VERSION );
FREE_FILE( aMemFile );
m_tbnverts = NULL;
return false;
if( m_tbnverts->modelCRC != RI->currentmodel->modelCRC )
ALERT( at_console, "%s was changed, TBN cache will be updated\n", szFilename );
FREE_FILE( aMemFile );
m_tbnverts = NULL;
return false;
// all done, we can load TBN from disk
return true;
bool CStudioModelRenderer :: CalcLightmapAxis( mstudiosurface_t *surf, const dfacelight_t *fl, const dmodelfacelight_t *dfl )
int ssize = dfl->texture_step;
Vector mins, maxs, size, t1, t2;
Vector planeNormal;
Vector lmvecs[2];
int i, axis;
ClearBounds( mins, maxs );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
AddPointToBounds( m_arrayverts[m_nNumTempVerts+i], mins, maxs );
// compute triangle normal
t1 = m_arrayverts[m_nNumTempVerts+0] - m_arrayverts[m_nNumTempVerts+1];
t2 = m_arrayverts[m_nNumTempVerts+2] - m_arrayverts[m_nNumTempVerts+1];
planeNormal = CrossProduct( t1, t2 );
planeNormal = planeNormal.Normalize();
// round to the lightmap resolution
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
mins[i] = ssize * floor( mins[i] / ssize );
maxs[i] = ssize * ceil( maxs[i] / ssize );
size[i] = (maxs[i] - mins[i]) / ssize;
// the two largest axis will be the lightmap size
planeNormal.x = fabs( planeNormal.x );
planeNormal.y = fabs( planeNormal.y );
planeNormal.z = fabs( planeNormal.z );
lmvecs[0] = lmvecs[1] = g_vecZero;
if( planeNormal.x >= planeNormal.y && planeNormal.x >= planeNormal.z )
surf->lightextents[0] = size[1];
surf->lightextents[1] = size[2];
lmvecs[0][1] = 1.0 / ssize;
lmvecs[1][2] = 1.0 / ssize;
axis = 0;
else if( planeNormal.y >= planeNormal.x && planeNormal.y >= planeNormal.z )
surf->lightextents[0] = size[0];
surf->lightextents[1] = size[2];
lmvecs[0][0] = 1.0 / ssize;
lmvecs[1][2] = 1.0 / ssize;
axis = 1;
surf->lightextents[0] = size[0];
surf->lightextents[1] = size[1];
lmvecs[0][0] = 1.0 / ssize;
lmvecs[1][1] = 1.0 / ssize;
axis = 2;
// bad normal?
if( !planeNormal[axis] )
// set lightmap number to avoid assertation
surf->lightmaptexturenum = tr.current_lightmap_texture;
return true;
if( surf->lightextents[0] > ( MAX_STUDIO_LIGHTMAP_SIZE - 1 ))
lmvecs[0] *= (float)(MAX_STUDIO_LIGHTMAP_SIZE - 1.0f) / surf->lightextents[0];
surf->lightextents[0] = MAX_STUDIO_LIGHTMAP_SIZE - 1;
if( surf->lightextents[1] > ( MAX_STUDIO_LIGHTMAP_SIZE - 1 ))
lmvecs[1] *= (float)(MAX_STUDIO_LIGHTMAP_SIZE - 1.0f) / surf->lightextents[1];
surf->lightextents[1] = MAX_STUDIO_LIGHTMAP_SIZE - 1;
memcpy( surf->styles, fl->styles, sizeof( surf->styles ));
surf->texture_step = ssize;
if( fl->lightofs != -1 )
if( worldmodel->lightdata != NULL )
surf->samples = worldmodel->lightdata + (fl->lightofs/3);
if( world->deluxedata != NULL )
surf->normals = world->deluxedata + (fl->lightofs/3);
if( world->shadowdata != NULL )
surf->shadows = world->shadowdata + (fl->lightofs/3);
// calculate the world coordinates of the lightmap samples
if( !GL_AllocLightmapForFace( surf ))
return false; // page is full
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
svert_t *v = &m_arrayxvert[m_nNumTempVerts+i];
Vector point = m_arrayverts[m_nNumTempVerts+i] - mins;
R_LightmapCoords( surf, point, lmvecs, v->lmcoord0, 0 ); // styles 0-1
R_LightmapCoords( surf, point, lmvecs, v->lmcoord1, 2 ); // styles 2-3
return true;
void CStudioModelRenderer :: AllocLightmapsForMesh( StudioMesh_t *pCurMesh, const dmodelfacelight_t *dfl )
int start_light_faces = m_nNumLightFaces;
int start_temp_verts = m_nNumTempVerts;
bool lightmap_restarted = false;
// should have the surface cache to store lightmap results
if( !m_pStudioCache || !m_pStudioCache->surfaces )
if( !dfl || dfl->numfaces <= 0 )
pCurMesh->lightmapnum = tr.current_lightmap_texture;
m_nNumLightFaces = start_light_faces;
m_nNumTempVerts = start_temp_verts;
// now vertexes are stored into intermediate array and we can using it to compute lightmatix
for( int i = 0; i < (pCurMesh->numindices / 3); i++ )
const dfacelight_t *fl = &dfl->faces[m_nNumLightFaces];
mstudiosurface_t *surf = &m_pStudioCache->surfaces[m_nNumLightFaces];
if( !CalcLightmapAxis( surf, fl, dfl ))
if( !lightmap_restarted )
lightmap_restarted = true;
goto lm_restart;
Msg( "%s: mesh %d failed to allocate lightmap\n", RI->currentmodel->name, pCurMesh - m_pTempMesh );
ASSERT( surf->lightmaptexturenum == pCurMesh->lightmapnum );
// Msg( "face %d, lightofs %d, extents %d %d\n", m_nNumLightFaces, fl->lightofs, surf->lightextents[0], surf->lightextents[1] );
m_nNumTempVerts += 3;
void CStudioModelRenderer :: SetupSubmodelVerts( const mstudiomodel_t *pSubModel, const matrix3x4 bones[], void *srclight, int lightmode )
short *pskinref = (short *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->skinindex); // setup skinref for skin == 0
mstudiotexture_t *ptexture = (mstudiotexture_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->textureindex);
mstudioboneweight_t *pvertweight = (mstudioboneweight_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + pSubModel->blendvertinfoindex);
mstudioboneweight_t *pnormweight = (mstudioboneweight_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + pSubModel->blendnorminfoindex);
mstudiobone_t *pbones = (mstudiobone_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->boneindex);
Vector *pstudioverts = (Vector *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + pSubModel->vertindex);
Vector *pstudionorms = (Vector *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + pSubModel->normindex);
bool has_vertlight = ( lightmode == LIGHTSTATIC_VERTEX ) ? true : false;
bool has_surflight = ( lightmode == LIGHTSTATIC_SURFACE ) ? true : false;
byte *pvertbone = ((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + pSubModel->vertinfoindex);
byte *pnormbone = ((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + pSubModel->norminfoindex);
mstudiomaterial_t *pmaterial = (mstudiomaterial_t *)RI->currentmodel->materials;
static Vector localverts[MAXARRAYVERTS];
bool use_fan_sequence = false;
bool smooth_tbn = false;
dmodelvertlight_t *dvl = NULL;
dmodelfacelight_t *dfl = NULL;
int i, count;
matrix3x4 skinMat;
switch( lightmode )
dvl = (dmodelvertlight_t *)srclight;
dfl = (dmodelfacelight_t *)srclight;
use_fan_sequence = true;
if( m_iTBNState == TBNSTATE_GENERATE || use_fan_sequence )
// we need to build TBN in refrence pose to avoid seams
if( RI->currentmodel->poseToBone )
// compute weighted vertexes
for( int i = 0; i < pSubModel->numverts; i++ )
ComputeSkinMatrix( &pvertweight[i], bones, skinMat );
localverts[i] = skinMat.VectorTransform( pstudioverts[i] );
// compute unweighted vertexes
for( int i = 0; i < pSubModel->numverts; i++ )
localverts[i] = bones[pvertbone[i]].VectorTransform( pstudioverts[i] );
memset( m_pTempMesh, 0 , sizeof( m_pTempMesh ));
m_nNumArrayVerts = m_nNumArrayElems = 0;
m_nNumTempVerts = 0;
// build all the data for current submodel
for( i = 0; i < pSubModel->nummesh; i++ )
mstudiomesh_t *pmesh = (mstudiomesh_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + pSubModel->meshindex) + i;
mstudiomaterial_t *pmaterial = &RI->currentmodel->materials[pskinref[pmesh->skinref]];
short *ptricmds = (short *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + pmesh->triindex);
StudioMesh_t *pCurMesh = &m_pTempMesh[i];
// fill temp mesh info
pCurMesh->firstvertex = m_nNumArrayVerts;
pCurMesh->firstindex = m_nNumArrayElems;
pCurMesh->lightmapnum = -1;
pCurMesh->numvertices = 0;
pCurMesh->numindices = 0;
mstudiotexture_t *ptexture = pmaterial->pSource;
float s = 1.0f / (float)ptexture->width;
float t = 1.0f / (float)ptexture->height;
// at least one of submodel mesh reqiuried smoothing
if( FBitSet( ptexture->flags, STUDIO_NF_SMOOTH ))
smooth_tbn = true;
// first create trifan array from studiomodel mesh
while( count = *( ptricmds++ ))
bool strip = ( count < 0 ) ? false : true;
int vertexState = 0;
if( count < 0 ) count = -count;
for( ; count > 0; count--, ptricmds += 4 )
ASSERT( m_nNumArrayElems < MAXARRAYVERTS * 3 );
if( vertexState++ < 3 )
m_arrayelems[m_nNumArrayElems++] = m_nNumArrayVerts;
else if( strip )
// flip triangles between clockwise and counter clockwise
if( vertexState & 1 )
// draw triangle [n-2 n-1 n]
m_arrayelems[m_nNumArrayElems++] = m_nNumArrayVerts - 2;
m_arrayelems[m_nNumArrayElems++] = m_nNumArrayVerts - 1;
m_arrayelems[m_nNumArrayElems++] = m_nNumArrayVerts;
// draw triangle [n-1 n-2 n]
m_arrayelems[m_nNumArrayElems++] = m_nNumArrayVerts - 1;
m_arrayelems[m_nNumArrayElems++] = m_nNumArrayVerts - 2;
m_arrayelems[m_nNumArrayElems++] = m_nNumArrayVerts;
// draw triangle fan [0 n-1 n]
m_arrayelems[m_nNumArrayElems++] = m_nNumArrayVerts - ( vertexState - 1 );
m_arrayelems[m_nNumArrayElems++] = m_nNumArrayVerts - 1;
m_arrayelems[m_nNumArrayElems++] = m_nNumArrayVerts;
// don't concat by matrix here - it's should be done on GPU
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].vertex = pstudioverts[ptricmds[0]];
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].normal = pstudionorms[ptricmds[1]];
if( m_iTBNState == TBNSTATE_GENERATE || use_fan_sequence )
// transformed vertices to build TBN
m_arrayverts[m_nNumArrayVerts] = localverts[ptricmds[0]];
if( m_iTBNState == TBNSTATE_LOADING && m_tbnverts != NULL )
// loading TBN from cache
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].tangent = m_tbnverts->verts[m_nNumTBNVerts].tangent;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].binormal = m_tbnverts->verts[m_nNumTBNVerts].binormal;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].normal = m_tbnverts->verts[m_nNumTBNVerts].normal;
if( dvl != NULL && dvl->numverts > 0 )
dvertlight_t *vl = &dvl->verts[m_nNumLightVerts++];
// now setup light and deluxe vector
for( int map = 0; map < MAXLIGHTMAPS; map++ )
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].light[map] = PackColor( vl->light[map] );
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].deluxe[map] = PackColor( vl->deluxe[map] );
if( FBitSet( ptexture->flags, STUDIO_NF_CHROME ))
// probably always equal 64 (see studiomdl.c for details)
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].stcoord[0] = s;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].stcoord[1] = t;
else if( FBitSet( ptexture->flags, STUDIO_NF_UV_COORDS ))
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].stcoord[0] = HalfToFloat( ptricmds[2] );
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].stcoord[1] = HalfToFloat( ptricmds[3] );
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].stcoord[0] = ptricmds[2] * s;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].stcoord[1] = ptricmds[3] * t;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].lmcoord0[0] = 0.0f;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].lmcoord0[1] = 0.0f;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].lmcoord0[2] = 0.0f;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].lmcoord0[3] = 0.0f;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].lmcoord1[0] = 0.0f;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].lmcoord1[1] = 0.0f;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].lmcoord1[2] = 0.0f;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].lmcoord1[3] = 0.0f;
if( RI->currentmodel->poseToBone != NULL )
mstudioboneweight_t *pCurWeight = &pvertweight[ptricmds[0]];
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].boneid[0] = pCurWeight->bone[0];
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].boneid[1] = pCurWeight->bone[1];
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].boneid[2] = pCurWeight->bone[2];
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].boneid[3] = pCurWeight->bone[3];
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].weight[0] = pCurWeight->weight[0];
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].weight[1] = pCurWeight->weight[1];
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].weight[2] = pCurWeight->weight[2];
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].weight[3] = pCurWeight->weight[3];
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].boneid[0] = pvertbone[ptricmds[0]];
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].boneid[1] = -1;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].boneid[2] = -1;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].boneid[3] = -1;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].weight[0] = 255;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].weight[1] = 0;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].weight[2] = 0;
m_arrayxvert[m_nNumArrayVerts].weight[3] = 0;
// store counts
pCurMesh->numvertices = m_nNumArrayVerts - pCurMesh->firstvertex;
pCurMesh->numindices = m_nNumArrayElems - pCurMesh->firstindex;
#if 0
if( lightmode == LIGHTSTATIC_SURFACE )
Vector *normals = (Vector *)Mem_Alloc( m_nNumArrayVerts * sizeof( Vector ));
for( int hashSize = 1; hashSize < m_nNumArrayVerts; hashSize <<= 1 );
hashSize = hashSize >> 2;
// build a map from vertex to a list of triangles that share the vert.
CUtlArray<CIntVector> vertHashMap;
vertHashMap.AddMultipleToTail( hashSize );
for( int vertID = 0; vertID < m_nNumArrayVerts; vertID++ )
svert_t *v = &m_arrayxvert[vertID];
uint hash = VertexHashKey( v->vertex, hashSize );
vertHashMap[hash].AddToTail( vertID );
for( int hashID = 0; hashID < hashSize; hashID++ )
for( int i = 0; i < vertHashMap[hashID].Size(); i++ )
int vertID = vertHashMap[hashID][i];
svert_t *v0 = &m_arrayxvert[vertID];
for( int j = 0; j < vertHashMap[hashID].Size(); j++ )
svert_t *v1 = &m_arrayxvert[vertHashMap[hashID][j]];
if( !VectorCompareEpsilon( v0->vertex, v1->vertex, ON_EPSILON ))
if( DotProduct( v0->normal, v1->normal ) >= tr.smoothing_threshold )
VectorAdd( normals[vertID], v1->normal, normals[vertID] );
// copy smoothed normals back
for( i = 0; i < m_nNumArrayVerts; i++ )
m_arrayxvert[i].normal = normals[i].Normalize();
Mem_Free( normals );
if( use_fan_sequence )
CUtlArray<svert_t> tempxvert;
CUtlArray<Vector> tempvert;
// convert strips to fan sequences (that never exceeds MAXARRAYVERTS)
for( i = 0; i < m_nNumArrayElems; i++ )
tempxvert.AddToTail( m_arrayxvert[m_arrayelems[i]] );
tempvert.AddToTail( m_arrayverts[m_arrayelems[i]] );
// also update mesh data
for( i = 0; i < pSubModel->nummesh; i++ )
StudioMesh_t *pCurMesh = &m_pTempMesh[i];
pCurMesh->firstvertex = pCurMesh->firstindex;
pCurMesh->numvertices = pCurMesh->numindices;
// convert indexes
for( i = 0; i < m_nNumArrayElems; i++ )
m_arrayelems[i] = i;
ASSERT( tempxvert.Count() < MAXARRAYVERTS );
ASSERT( tempvert.Count() < MAXARRAYVERTS );
// copy unstripified vertexes back
memcpy( m_arrayxvert, tempxvert.Base(), tempxvert.Count() * sizeof( svert_t ));
memcpy( m_arrayverts, tempvert.Base(), tempvert.Count() * sizeof( Vector ));
m_nNumArrayVerts = tempxvert.Count();
if( dfl != NULL )
// build all the data for current submodel
for( i = 0; i < pSubModel->nummesh; i++ )
StudioMesh_t *pCurMesh = &m_pTempMesh[i];
// allocate lightmaps for static meshes
AllocLightmapsForMesh( pCurMesh, dfl );
// compute tangent space for all submodel meshes to avoid seams
// build a map from vertex to a list of triangles that share the vert.
CUtlArray<CIntVector> vertToTriMap;
vertToTriMap.AddMultipleToTail( m_nNumArrayVerts );
int triID;
for( triID = 0; triID < (m_nNumArrayElems / 3); triID++ )
vertToTriMap[m_arrayelems[triID*3+0]].AddToTail( triID );
vertToTriMap[m_arrayelems[triID*3+1]].AddToTail( triID );
vertToTriMap[m_arrayelems[triID*3+2]].AddToTail( triID );
// calculate the tangent space for each triangle.
CUtlArray<Vector> triSVect, triTVect;
triSVect.AddMultipleToTail( (m_nNumArrayElems / 3) );
triTVect.AddMultipleToTail( (m_nNumArrayElems / 3) );
float *v[3], *tc[3];
for( triID = 0; triID < (m_nNumArrayElems / 3); triID++ )
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
v[i] = (float *)&m_arrayverts[m_arrayelems[triID*3+i]]; // transformed to global pose to avoid seams
tc[i] = (float *)&m_arrayxvert[m_arrayelems[triID*3+i]].stcoord;
CalcTBN( v[0], v[1], v[2], tc[0], tc[1], tc[2], triSVect[triID], triTVect[triID] );
// calculate an average tangent space for each vertex.
for( int vertID = 0; vertID < m_nNumArrayVerts; vertID++ )
svert_t *v = &m_arrayxvert[vertID];
const Vector &normal = v->normal;
Vector &finalSVect = v->tangent;
Vector &finalTVect = v->binormal;
Vector sVect, tVect;
sVect = tVect = g_vecZero;
for( triID = 0; triID < vertToTriMap[vertID].Size(); triID++ )
sVect += triSVect[vertToTriMap[vertID][triID]];
tVect += triTVect[vertToTriMap[vertID][triID]];
if( smooth_tbn )
// smooth TBN
Vector vertPos1 = m_arrayverts[vertID]; // transformed to global pose to avoid seams
for( int vertID2 = 0; vertID2 < m_nNumArrayVerts; vertID2++ )
if( vertID2 == vertID )
Vector vertPos2 = m_arrayverts[vertID2]; // transformed to global pose to avoid seams
if( vertPos1 == vertPos2 )
for( int triID2 = 0; triID2 < vertToTriMap[vertID2].Size(); triID2++ )
sVect += triSVect[vertToTriMap[vertID2][triID2]];
tVect += triTVect[vertToTriMap[vertID2][triID2]];
// rotate tangent and binormal back to bone space
ComputeSkinMatrix( &m_arrayxvert[vertID], bones, skinMat );
sVect = skinMat.VectorIRotate( sVect );
tVect = skinMat.VectorIRotate( tVect );
if( !smooth_tbn )
Vector tmpVect = CrossProduct( sVect, tVect );
bool leftHanded = DotProduct( tmpVect, normal ) < 0.0f;
if( !leftHanded )
tVect = CrossProduct( normal, sVect );
sVect = CrossProduct( tVect, normal );
tVect = CrossProduct( sVect, normal );
sVect = CrossProduct( normal, tVect );
finalSVect = sVect.Normalize();
finalTVect = tVect.Normalize();
// search for submodel offset
int offset = (byte *)pSubModel - (byte *)m_pStudioHeader;
for( int j = 0; j < MAXSTUDIOMODELS; j++ )
if( m_tbnverts->submodels[j].submodel_offset == offset )
// store vertex offset for bounds checking
m_tbnverts->submodels[j].vertex_offset = m_nNumTBNVerts;
// store precomputed TBN into our cache
for( int i = 0; i < m_nNumArrayVerts; i++ )
m_tbnverts->verts[m_nNumTBNVerts].tangent = m_arrayxvert[i].tangent;
m_tbnverts->verts[m_nNumTBNVerts].binormal = m_arrayxvert[i].binormal;
m_tbnverts->verts[m_nNumTBNVerts].normal = m_arrayxvert[i].normal;
void CStudioModelRenderer :: MeshCreateBuffer( vbomesh_t *pOut, const mstudiomesh_t *pMesh, const StudioMesh_t *pMeshInfo, int lightmode )
// FIXME: if various skinfamilies has different sizes then our texcoords probably will be invalid for pev->skin != 0
short *pskinref = (short *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->skinindex); // setup skinref for skin == 0
mstudiotexture_t *ptexture = (mstudiotexture_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->textureindex);
mstudiomaterial_t *pmaterial = (mstudiomaterial_t *)RI->currentmodel->materials + pskinref[pMesh->skinref];
mstudiobone_t *pbones = (mstudiobone_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->boneindex);
bool has_bumpmap = FBitSet( pmaterial->flags, STUDIO_NF_NORMALMAP ) ? true : false;
bool has_boneweights = ( RI->currentmodel->poseToBone != NULL ) ? true : false;
bool has_vertexlight = ( lightmode == LIGHTSTATIC_VERTEX ) ? true : false;
bool has_lightmap = ( lightmode == LIGHTSTATIC_SURFACE ) ? true : false;
static uint arrayelems[MAXARRAYVERTS*3];
Vector mins, maxs;
int i;
pOut->skinref = pMesh->skinref;
pOut->parentbone = 0xFF;
ClearBounds( mins, maxs );
// we need to compute some things individually per mesh
for( i = 0; i < pMeshInfo->numvertices; i++ )
svert_t *vert = &m_arrayxvert[pMeshInfo->firstvertex + i];
AddPointToBounds( vert->vertex, mins, maxs );
int boneid = vert->boneid[0];
if( pOut->parentbone == 0xFF )
pOut->parentbone = boneid;
// update bone if it was parent of current bone
if( pOut->parentbone != boneid )
for( int k = pOut->parentbone; k != -1; k = pbones[k].parent )
if( k == boneid )
pOut->parentbone = boneid;
// remap indices to local range
for( i = 0; i < pMeshInfo->numindices; i++ )
arrayelems[i] = m_arrayelems[pMeshInfo->firstindex + i] - pMeshInfo->firstvertex;
pOut->mins = mins;
pOut->maxs = maxs;
pOut->lightmapnum = pMeshInfo->lightmapnum;
pOut->numVerts = pMeshInfo->numvertices;
pOut->numElems = pMeshInfo->numindices;
// determine optimal mesh loader
uint attribs = ComputeAttribFlags( m_pStudioHeader->numbones, has_bumpmap, has_boneweights, has_vertexlight, has_lightmap );
uint type = SelectMeshLoader( m_pStudioHeader->numbones, has_bumpmap, has_boneweights, has_vertexlight, has_lightmap );
// move data to video memory
if( glConfig.version < ACTUAL_GL_VERSION )
m_pfnMeshLoaderGL21[type].CreateBuffer( pOut, &m_arrayxvert[pMeshInfo->firstvertex] );
else m_pfnMeshLoaderGL30[type].CreateBuffer( pOut, &m_arrayxvert[pMeshInfo->firstvertex] );
CreateIndexBuffer( pOut, arrayelems );
// Msg( "%s -> %s\n", m_pfnMeshLoaderGL21[type].BufferName, RI->currentmodel->name );
// link it with vertex array object
pglGenVertexArrays( 1, &pOut->vao );
pglBindVertexArray( pOut->vao );
if( glConfig.version < ACTUAL_GL_VERSION )
m_pfnMeshLoaderGL21[type].BindBuffer( pOut, attribs );
else m_pfnMeshLoaderGL30[type].BindBuffer( pOut, attribs );
BindIndexBuffer( pOut );
pglBindVertexArray( GL_FALSE );
// update stats
tr.total_vbo_memory += pOut->cacheSize;
mstudiocache_t *CStudioModelRenderer :: CreateStudioCache( void *srclight, int lightmode )
float start_time = Sys_DoubleTime();
bool unique_model = (srclight == NULL); // just for more readable code
TmpModel_t submodel[MAXSTUDIOMODELS]; // list of unique models
float poseparams[MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM];
static matrix3x4 bones[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
static Vector pos[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
static Vector4D q[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
int i, j, k, bufSize = 0;
int num_submodels = 0;
byte *buffer, *bufend; // simple bounds check
dmodelvertlight_t *dvl = NULL;
dmodelfacelight_t *dfl = NULL;
mstudiocache_t *studiocache;
mstudiobodyparts_t *pbodypart;
mstudiomodel_t *psubmodel;
msubmodel_t *pModel;
mstudiobone_t *pbones;
matrix3x4 root;
switch( lightmode )
dvl = (dmodelvertlight_t *)srclight;
dfl = (dmodelfacelight_t *)srclight;
// materials goes first to determine bump
if( unique_model ) LoadStudioMaterials ();
else PrecacheStudioShaders ();
// build default pose to build seamless TBN-space
pbones = (mstudiobone_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->boneindex);
m_boneSetup.SetStudioPointers( m_pStudioHeader, poseparams );
m_boneSetup.CalcDefaultPoseParameters( poseparams );
// setup local bone matrices
if( unique_model && FBitSet( m_pStudioHeader->flags, STUDIO_HAS_BONEINFO ))
// NOTE: extended boneinfo goes immediately after bones
mstudioboneinfo_t *boneinfo = (mstudioboneinfo_t *)((byte *)pbones + m_pStudioHeader->numbones * sizeof( mstudiobone_t ));
// alloc storage for bone array
RI->currentmodel->poseToBone = (mposetobone_t *)Mem_Alloc( sizeof( mposetobone_t ));
for( j = 0; j < m_pStudioHeader->numbones; j++ )
LoadLocalMatrix( j, &boneinfo[j] );
if( lightmode == LIGHTSTATIC_SURFACE )
root = matrix3x4( Vector( dfl->origin ), Vector( dfl->angles ), Vector( dfl->scale ));
m_boneSetup.InitPose( pos, q );
m_boneSetup.AccumulatePose( NULL, pos, q, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f );
// compute default pose with no anim
m_boneSetup.InitPose( pos, q );
for( i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numbones; i++ )
// initialize bonematrix
matrix3x4 bonematrix = matrix3x4( pos[i], q[i] );
if( pbones[i].parent == -1 ) bones[i] = root.ConcatTransforms( bonematrix );
else bones[i] = bones[pbones[i].parent].ConcatTransforms( matrix3x4( pos[i], q[i] ));
if( RI->currentmodel->poseToBone != NULL )
// convert bones into worldtransform
for( i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numbones; i++ )
bones[i] = bones[i].ConcatTransforms( RI->currentmodel->poseToBone->posetobone[i] );
memset( submodel, 0, sizeof( submodel ));
word meshUniqueID = 0;
m_nNumTBNVerts = 0; // counting through all the submodels
num_submodels = 0;
// build list of unique submodels (by name)
for( i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numbodyparts; i++ )
pbodypart = (mstudiobodyparts_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->bodypartindex) + i;
for( j = 0; j < pbodypart->nummodels; j++ )
psubmodel = (mstudiomodel_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + pbodypart->modelindex) + j;
if( !psubmodel->nummesh ) continue; // blank submodel, ignore it
for( k = 0; k < num_submodels; k++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( submodel[k].name, psubmodel->name ))
// add new one
if( k == num_submodels )
Q_strncpy( submodel[k].name, psubmodel->name, sizeof( submodel[k].name ));
submodel[k].pmodel = psubmodel;
// only models with bump-mapping is required to build TBN matrices
if( FBitSet( m_pStudioHeader->flags, STUDIO_HAS_BUMP ))
if( !StudioLoadTBN( ))
int max_model_verts = 0;
// multiplier 8 is a good enough to predict max vertices count
for( i = 0; i < num_submodels; i++ )
max_model_verts += submodel[i].pmodel->numverts * 8;
// reserve space for all the model verts
m_tbnverts = (dmodeltbn_t *)calloc( sizeof( dmodeltbn_t ), max_model_verts );
m_tbnverts->ident = IDTBNHEADER;
m_tbnverts->version = TBN_VERSION;
m_tbnverts->modelCRC = RI->currentmodel->modelCRC;
// store submodel offsets here
for( i = 0; i < num_submodels; i++ )
psubmodel = submodel[i].pmodel;
m_tbnverts->submodels[i].submodel_offset = (byte *)psubmodel - (byte *)m_pStudioHeader;
if( !unique_model && m_iTBNState == TBNSTATE_GENERATE )
ALERT( at_warning, "%s: generate TBN due loading light cache\n", RI->currentmodel->name );
// compute cache size (include individual meshes)
bufSize = sizeof( mstudiocache_t ) + sizeof( mbodypart_t ) * m_pStudioHeader->numbodyparts;
for( i = 0; i < num_submodels; i++ )
bufSize += sizeof( msubmodel_t ) + sizeof( vbomesh_t ) * submodel[i].pmodel->nummesh;
if( dfl != NULL && dfl->numfaces > 0 )
bufSize += sizeof( mstudiosurface_t ) * dfl->numfaces;
buffer = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( bufSize );
bufend = buffer + bufSize;
// setup pointers
studiocache = (mstudiocache_t *)buffer;
buffer += sizeof( mstudiocache_t );
m_pStudioCache = studiocache;
if( dfl != NULL && dfl->numfaces > 0 )
studiocache->surfaces = (mstudiosurface_t *)buffer;
studiocache->numsurfaces = dfl->numfaces;
buffer += sizeof( mstudiosurface_t ) * dfl->numfaces;
studiocache->bodyparts = (mbodypart_t *)buffer;
buffer += sizeof( mbodypart_t ) * m_pStudioHeader->numbodyparts;
studiocache->numbodyparts = m_pStudioHeader->numbodyparts;
// begin to building submodels
for( i = 0; i < num_submodels; i++ )
psubmodel = submodel[i].pmodel;
pModel = (msubmodel_t *)buffer;
buffer += sizeof( msubmodel_t );
pModel->nummesh = psubmodel->nummesh;
// setup meshes
pModel->meshes = (vbomesh_t *)buffer;
buffer += sizeof( vbomesh_t ) * psubmodel->nummesh;
// sanity check for vertexlighting
if( dvl != NULL && dvl->numverts > 0 )
// search for submodel offset
int offset = (byte *)psubmodel - (byte *)m_pStudioHeader;
for( j = 0; j < MAXSTUDIOMODELS; j++ )
if( dvl->submodels[j].submodel_offset == offset )
ASSERT( m_nNumLightVerts == dvl->submodels[j].vertex_offset );
// sanity check for surfacelighting
if( dfl != NULL && dfl->numfaces > 0 )
// search for submodel offset
int offset = (byte *)psubmodel - (byte *)m_pStudioHeader;
for( j = 0; j < MAXSTUDIOMODELS; j++ )
if( dfl->submodels[j].submodel_offset == offset )
ASSERT( m_nNumLightFaces == dfl->submodels[j].surface_offset );
// sanity check for TBN matrix
if( m_iTBNState == TBNSTATE_LOADING && m_tbnverts != NULL )
// search for submodel offset
int offset = (byte *)psubmodel - (byte *)m_pStudioHeader;
for( j = 0; j < MAXSTUDIOMODELS; j++ )
if( m_tbnverts->submodels[j].submodel_offset == offset )
ASSERT( m_nNumTBNVerts == m_tbnverts->submodels[j].vertex_offset );
// setup all the vertices for a given submodel
SetupSubmodelVerts( psubmodel, bones, srclight, lightmode );
for( j = 0; j < psubmodel->nummesh; j++ )
mstudiomesh_t *pSrc = (mstudiomesh_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + psubmodel->meshindex) + j;
vbomesh_t *pDst = &pModel->meshes[j];
MeshCreateBuffer( pDst, pSrc, &m_pTempMesh[j], lightmode );
pDst->uniqueID = meshUniqueID++;
submodel[i].pout = pModel; // store unique submodel
// and finally setup bodyparts
for( i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numbodyparts; i++ )
pbodypart = (mstudiobodyparts_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->bodypartindex) + i;
mbodypart_t *pBodyPart = &studiocache->bodyparts[i];
pBodyPart->base = pbodypart->base;
pBodyPart->nummodels = pbodypart->nummodels;
// setup pointers to unique models
for( j = 0; j < pBodyPart->nummodels; j++ )
psubmodel = (mstudiomodel_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + pbodypart->modelindex) + j;
if( !psubmodel->nummesh ) continue; // blank submodel, leave null pointer
// find supposed model
for( k = 0; k < num_submodels; k++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( submodel[k].name, psubmodel->name ))
pBodyPart->models[j] = submodel[k].pout;
if( k == num_submodels )
ALERT( at_error, "Couldn't find submodel %s for bodypart %i\n", psubmodel->name, i );
// TBN are created, time to store it
if( m_iTBNState == TBNSTATE_GENERATE && m_tbnverts != NULL )
// store total vertices count
m_tbnverts->numverts = m_nNumTBNVerts;
if( StudioSaveTBN( ))
ALERT( at_console, "%s: TBN build time %g secs\n", RI->currentmodel->name, Sys_DoubleTime() - start_time );
free( m_tbnverts );
m_tbnverts = NULL;
else if( m_iTBNState == TBNSTATE_LOADING && m_tbnverts != NULL )
FREE_FILE( m_tbnverts );
m_tbnverts = NULL;
// load lightmaps
m_pStudioCache->update_light = true;
// invalidate
m_pStudioCache = NULL;
// bounds checking
if( buffer != bufend )
if( buffer > bufend )
ALERT( at_error, "CreateStudioCache: memory buffer overrun\n" );
else ALERT( at_error, "CreateStudioCache: memory buffer underrun\n" );
return studiocache;
// all the caches should be build before starting the new map
void CStudioModelRenderer :: CreateStudioCacheVL( const char *modelname, int cacheID )
dvlightlump_t *vl = world->vertex_lighting;
// first we need throw previous mesh
DeleteStudioCache( &tr.vertex_light_cache[cacheID] );
if( world->vertex_lighting == NULL )
return; // for some reasons we missed this lump
RI->currentmodel = IEngineStudio.Mod_ForName( modelname, false );
m_pStudioHeader = (studiohdr_t *)IEngineStudio.Mod_Extradata( RI->currentmodel );
if( !RI->currentmodel || !m_pStudioHeader )
return; // download in progress?
// first initialization
if( cacheID < vl->nummodels && vl->dataofs[cacheID] != -1 )
dmodelvertlight_t *dml = (dmodelvertlight_t *)((byte *)vl + vl->dataofs[cacheID]);
m_nNumLightVerts = 0;
if( RI->currentmodel->modelCRC == dml->modelCRC )
// now create mesh per entity with instanced vertex lighting
tr.vertex_light_cache[cacheID] = CreateStudioCache( dml, LIGHTSTATIC_VERTEX );
if( dml->numverts == m_nNumLightVerts )
ALERT( at_aiconsole, "%s vertexlit instance created\n", modelname );
else if( RI->currentmodel->modelCRC != dml->modelCRC )
ALERT( at_error, "%s failed to create vertex lighting: model CRC %p != %p\n",
modelname, RI->currentmodel->modelCRC, dml->modelCRC );
ALERT( at_error, "%s failed to create vertex lighting: model verts %i != total verts %i\n",
modelname, dml->numverts, m_nNumLightVerts );
m_nNumLightVerts = 0;
void CStudioModelRenderer :: CreateStudioCacheFL( const char *modelname, int cacheID )
dvlightlump_t *vl = world->surface_lighting;
// first we need throw previous mesh
DeleteStudioCache( &tr.surface_light_cache[cacheID] );
if( world->surface_lighting == NULL )
return; // for some reasons we missed this lump
RI->currentmodel = IEngineStudio.Mod_ForName( modelname, false );
m_pStudioHeader = (studiohdr_t *)IEngineStudio.Mod_Extradata( RI->currentmodel );
if( !RI->currentmodel || !m_pStudioHeader )
return; // download in progress?
// first initialization
if( cacheID < vl->nummodels && vl->dataofs[cacheID] != -1 )
dmodelfacelight_t *dml = (dmodelfacelight_t *)((byte *)vl + vl->dataofs[cacheID]);
m_nNumLightFaces = 0;
if( RI->currentmodel->modelCRC == dml->modelCRC )
// now create mesh per entity with instanced surface lighting
tr.surface_light_cache[cacheID] = CreateStudioCache( dml, LIGHTSTATIC_SURFACE );
if( dml->numfaces == m_nNumLightFaces )
ALERT( at_aiconsole, "%s surfacelit instance created\n", modelname );
else if( RI->currentmodel->modelCRC != dml->modelCRC )
ALERT( at_error, "%s failed to create surface lighting: model CRC %p != %p\n",
modelname, RI->currentmodel->modelCRC, dml->modelCRC );
ALERT( at_error, "%s failed to create surface lighting: model faces %i != total faces %i\n",
modelname, dml->numfaces, m_nNumLightFaces );
m_nNumLightFaces = 0;
void CStudioModelRenderer :: CreateStudioCacheVL( dmodelvertlight_t *dml, int cacheID )
if( RI->currentmodel->modelCRC == dml->modelCRC )
// get lighting cache
m_pModelInstance->m_VlCache = tr.vertex_light_cache[cacheID];
if( m_pModelInstance->m_VlCache != NULL )
SetBits( m_pModelInstance->info_flags, MF_VERTEX_LIGHTING );
for( int map = 0; map < MAXLIGHTMAPS; map++ )
m_pModelInstance->styles[map] = dml->styles[map];
for( int i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numtextures; i++ )
mstudiomaterial_t *mat = &m_pModelInstance->materials[i];
mat->forwardScene.Invalidate(); // refresh shaders
ALERT( at_warning, "failed to create vertex lighting for %s\n", RI->currentmodel->name );
SetBits( m_pModelInstance->info_flags, MF_VL_BAD_CACHE );
void CStudioModelRenderer :: CreateStudioCacheFL( dmodelfacelight_t *dml, int cacheID )
if( RI->currentmodel->modelCRC == dml->modelCRC )
// get lighting cache
m_pModelInstance->m_FlCache = tr.surface_light_cache[cacheID];
if( m_pModelInstance->m_FlCache != NULL )
SetBits( m_pModelInstance->info_flags, MF_SURFACE_LIGHTING );
for( int map = 0; map < MAXLIGHTMAPS; map++ )
m_pModelInstance->styles[map] = dml->styles[map];
for( int i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numtextures; i++ )
mstudiomaterial_t *mat = &m_pModelInstance->materials[i];
mat->forwardScene.Invalidate(); // refresh shaders
ALERT( at_warning, "failed to create surface lighting for %s\n", RI->currentmodel->name );
SetBits( m_pModelInstance->info_flags, MF_VL_BAD_CACHE );
// all the caches should be build before starting the new map
void CStudioModelRenderer :: FreeStudioCacheVL( void )
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTCACHE; i++ )
DeleteStudioCache( &tr.vertex_light_cache[i] );
void CStudioModelRenderer :: FreeStudioCacheFL( void )
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTCACHE; i++ )
DeleteStudioCache( &tr.surface_light_cache[i] );
void CStudioModelRenderer :: ProcessUserData( model_t *mod, qboolean create, const byte *buffer )
// to get something valid here
RI->currententity = GET_ENTITY( 0 );
RI->currentmodel = mod;
if( !( m_pStudioHeader = (studiohdr_t *)IEngineStudio.Mod_Extradata( RI->currentmodel )))
IEngineStudio.StudioSetHeader( m_pStudioHeader );
IEngineStudio.SetRenderModel( RI->currentmodel );
if( create )
// compute model CRC to verify vertexlighting data
// NOTE: source buffer is not equal to Mod_Extradata!
studiohdr_t *src = (studiohdr_t *)buffer;
RI->currentmodel->modelCRC = FILE_CRC32( buffer, src->length );
double start = Sys_DoubleTime();
RI->currentmodel->studiocache = CreateStudioCache();
double end = Sys_DoubleTime();
r_buildstats.create_buffer_object += (end - start);
r_buildstats.total_buildtime += (end - start);
// release collision mesh
if( mod->bodymesh != NULL )
Mem_Free( mod->bodymesh );
mod->bodymesh = NULL;