About ----- Kore (https://kore.io) is an ultra fast web server / framework for web applications developed in C. It provides a set of API functions you can use to build a dynamic library which is loaded into Kore directly. Kore is an ideal candidate for developing robust, fast and safe web applications. Features -------- * Supports SNI * Supports SPDY/3 * Supports HTTP/1.1 * Lightweight background tasks * Built-in parameter validation * Only HTTPS connections allowed * Multiple modules can be loaded at once * Built-in asynchronous PostgreSQL support * Load your web application as a precompiled C library * Event driven architecture with per CPU core worker processes * Modules can be reloaded on-the-fly, even while serving content License ------- * Kore is licensed under the ISC license Platforms supported ------------------- * Linux * OpenBSD * FreeBSD * OSX See https://kore.io/doc/#section1.1 for more information. Releases -------- * [2014-08-25] Version 1.2 will be released * [2014-03-01] Version 1.1 - https://kore.io/release/kore-1.1-stable.tgz Building Kore ------------- Requirements * libz * openssl >= 1.0.1g Requirements for background tasks * pthreads Requirements for pgsql * libpq Normal compilation and installation: ``` # git clone https://github.com/jorisvink/kore.git # cd kore # make # make install ``` If you would like to build a specific flavor, you can enable those by setting a shell environment variable before running **_make_**. * TASKS=1 (compiles in task support) * PGSQL=1 (compiles in pgsql support) * DEBUG=1 (enables use of -d for debug) * BENCHMARK=1 (compiles Kore without OpenSSL) * KORE_PEDANTIC_MALLOC=1 (zero all allocated memory) Example libraries ----------------- You can find example libraries under **_contrib/examples/_**. The examples should be compiled using the supplied **build.sh** scripts and assume you have installed the header files using make install. I apologize for unclear examples or documentation, I am working on improving those. Bugs, contributions and more ---------------------------- If you run into any bugs, have suggestions or patches please contact me at joris@coders.se. More information can be found on https://kore.io/